1 HOUR OF BIGGER AND BIGGER MEN - Jade Druid - Kobolds And Catacombs - Druid Constructed

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Thanks well breaker might be the best play right now sure the card the silence oops I rather have a three three or one one sounds silly when I put it that way but this has the potential of creating a tutu later and this gets me one armor it's match up is all about armor right this is a very close call hopefully I win because of that one armor so I'll ramp on tourney's entity you lie [Music] the nice car to pick up this is part of the experience of playing with this matchup you somehow know that when you're at 31 you're supposed to gain 12 arm right here lesson learned yes it is very reminiscent of control mage versus or freeze mage versus control warrior maybe with enough practice the wind rate will all somewhere along those lines - it's probably never gonna be that bad so do I want to play a free arcane tyrant if it's actually worth considering because right now we already have a board that might want to get a area'd the next time we'll play arcane tired is it the ultimate infestation number two yes I'll play it I might be one downside of arcane tyrant yeah it's a swipe oo sounds good this feels nice usually against Razak is for used against for pretty much every decade like oh no I'm on a timer I have to kill him but its back it's like you just chill and these don't mind getting shuffled back in the dark so what's the thing let's put on the pressure eleven seventeen nineteen damage on the board you're a power threatens lethal J that all really threatens lethal ax and still head against Raza priests as per usual there's so many different types of babies to play around that if you play around every single one you're just gonna lose these are a lot of the others I didn't expect why did we do oh I see it grab the bigger one Norrish arcane tyrant is that good enough huh eating blind nourish not blind keeping nourish against in the aggro deck that's probably too much even with the tyrant yeah that is actually a decision when waltz grows Jade blossom or Jada Idol I don't really have anything I'm ramping to at the moment if I had something I was wrapped into a coin wealth growth having a way to kill that to one that's very nice maybe I'll clean up that spell stone on this could reduce a lot of damage plus I know one of the cards in the hand is a Murloc maybe a world leader so this could tell for damage potentially yeah the coin isn't that big a deal considering of ramp twists salsa or I will have ramp twice yeah it seems good so he thought about playing his boss merlok for decide not to play his bash merlok that's interesting the thing I want to kill is this uh yeah this one is less bad to get back will he trade now looks less good to trade into and Wow turn this will be nourish it doesn't ramp into nothing I'm definitely playing a spell breaker at this turn and yeah I guess I have to do this the only way I can play the tyrant in this boat breaker instead that extremely critical they'll just have to trust in the heart of the cards here five plus one equals six be masked by someone a bigger and bigger man let's see I probably want to hit that with my face since I have this spare and then see this and go there this is an interesting game there are a lot of branching paths there feel like it's a game that different people would have played differently and I guess that's how you'd be nagger deck without spreading plague wrists wipe that is worth mention and have thrown at least four times it's kind of closer to seventeen eight which would be a really good one right I am pretty inexperienced to it so we're picking up stuff here and there there's also like the throws that you don't know about which are the ones that are worse because sometimes you're so bad at the game you don't even know you through at least I know I've thrown five times now if there's a secret played what I have to do is like really an awkward here perfect well he played the secret if he had a secret he surely would have played at last turn so his hand must hold no secrets they just played his top deck secret I want the slope to go through but I also want to gain 12 and also just go the mouth here in round like the easy mill the ground rough yeah sure no need to do the other one yeah when the question is good I kill the archaeologists or just armor up I think I can afford to kill this thing with both branching paths given me Arbor and then tank op each turn they should be able to outlast a leonis I probably want to get the swipe counter spelled given that this will hopefully hold the board yeah I can always UI that thing Hank up ok absolute candor spell what a pain guess we use a branching past activate counter spell because the other thing is disastrous it's not counterspell huh must be ice block Topol is obviously rooms oh my god oh you got me oh you got me oh okay I can't be another it's like there's not three counter spells in that day you wait a second he just discovered something from oh my goodness that ever now it's actually too slow a good thing it's like oh that's really good for me well you need something on the board you can test Stephanie let's see earn count I stole a fireball frostbolt and I'm a DS valet six nine twelve damage perhaps a pyroblast since ten and I think we can outlast this but it's gonna be close the only burn less than attack it is our ball frost ball perhaps the Firelands portal perhaps a power blast but that's that's a board you know the board is the more pressing thing two four eight thirteen fifteen that counterspell okay so while the growth and the Jade spirit and spreading plague it's not really powerful enough if Wells gross than the Jade blossom is spreading like that that is better thousand more like it still get these up anyways I put up a fight I get a better spreading flag okay wait one more turn on this spreading plague or 20 is pretty good that I want more I'm only taking nine damage let's ramp to nothing and that kill then after I don't know that's also called a knife drag way 6:34 doorkeeper why it's still 420 but hey let's wait I think I see now basically a group albums are like the darkness so you hold your candle as long as you can hmm still 420 it's a card though or else wait even longer now I have to [Music] freaking teram that ok think I need to +2 attack here yeah three fives are pretty good Ian's three 3s I suppose how's dingo beetle toss beetle as house beetle yes I don't think what thought to deal for and worry for that zeal for after branching paths Armour twice maybe Jade spirit it was good you have my grind on another ramp all day erry day is nice I wonder if I'm more scared of aggro druid probably a little bit more since they build a little taller than Alden yeah paladin is all about one health minions so it's very vulnerable to spreading kleeger wrapping to nothing kind of sucks that hey we ramp to something easy game the deck is like I'm sorry about yesterday let me hold your hand and lead you to legend net that's so yesterday though so far crimped four times I'm going to ramp five times adults an infestation that's pretty sick earn one ramp turn to ramp turn three double ramp wait does this upcoming turn turn four it's like wait a second wait a second does this only turn four wait a sec queue token summons duck their 3d sprite in the probably the formula three six ton I should have killed this because ramping him up to six doesn't do anything fandral staghelm was also say yesterday here you go buddy oh look I drew arcane tyrant double bluff double arcane tyrant nice earn five five five four four four four all - one minute cars a deal for damage well I think I got the perfect draw will never get a better job than that I should probably save this swipe for the spreading plague spreading plague is usually bad in this matchup but over so far ahead that we're actually gonna get plagued I think I've branching paths for attack then wealth growth let's go first then just one attack probably one trunk I remember my review I'm like who would ever choose draw a card and plus my attack but just turns out that it happens like sometimes I assist the lake is all right so you don't want to kill that it would ramp them up to ten also spell break that current they want to spoil break aya but it's pretty far ahead of schedule I can use this to deal six an ideal three seven nine if I'm able to just outside lethal spell breaker it also works pretty zero lethal oh how was disgusting I'm due to not get in same hands eventually it's definitely not in the same hand alright wild growth off the top spreading flag off the tops nests so I can do Jade blossom de Coyne plague hydrologist is not a typical agar pallidum card interesting if it looks like a grove paladin was a fast start I probably was going to pass this turn but now I'll go the this cinta Jade spirit into nourish past it's not just hydrologist it's a little bit weird though there's also no turn one which means it's slightly less likely for it to be aggressive relog felled and yeah I can still the umbrella like that is the most likely situation and I guess he kept cold arms in that case this isn't a bad way to go against merlok paladin either then it's pretty decent something about the way things went made me think this wasn't real I found maybe it's because he's ranked 3300 and they have a bias it's like how could an aggro Kelvin Dyke possibly be that far down Oh TK paladin that's not a deck archetype I'm familiar you're talking about with you sir see do I need to ramp right now well when do you not need to ramp right so the ideal is to draw ultimate infestation then I can nourish from mana but more realistically I'll be playing Jade spirit and then probably nourish 4 cards on Ternate on mana 8 but now if I draw cards I get to play a free four four and the mana spent more efficiently and I get to use the hero power I got to use the hero power the other way to work man efficient against interesting do I play both of them next chance I have to play one of them is like pretty far out there the subsection trade in Ohio play the behemoth it's fine for that to get it collated there's only two equalities in that deck and eventually there will be very large men but we're just trying to draw into the card draw here it was a good thing nourish has used for card drum at a time like this it's nice to have a flexibility of branching paths I mean cue branching paths [Music] we're gonna branching paths for cards it's interesting you have to like back back calculate all this stuff my initial instinct was the hero of powered the divine shield then I realized I needed to spend the mana on a six in the four so I can't use the hero power and then I had to calculate a five lethal for branching paths but I didn't I decided to draw a cards the six plus the four wasn't gonna be enough and then the silence seems ahead Tyrion or perhaps by Christine that's probably good enough to hit hitting him for three nine I'll probably trade this you're a part of that 6 11 16 points down to 11 and they would need to AOA to clear therefore I should spend this turn drawing cards primarily there's some benefit to not using this yes and now I can't actually he's the mana for anything else it is possible that it's easier to go rank one the legend than rank two to one because the people at legend might switch to weird deck I'm thinking about playing J title for two - right now this game will never get into the shuffle until honey yeah it should be right thank goodness I did that see right the reason I want to attack with that first was because of freezing trap but no one runs freezing trap anywhere that's got to be wandering monster they don't need to sacrifice the one one for nothing I should just do this then hero power that damn if it's freezing trap Oh slow breaker then we're gonna not trigger the wandering monster probably could be Catterick be wandering that last wave could it possibly be explosive yeah it's probably good to hit before the boat comes down by the way there's a bad card trigger wandering monster nothing very good for me hmm all right so next turn is when the the waffles can come in waffles are pretty scary waffle equals wolf that'd be for waffles get a memo waffle waffles versus scarabs when the waffles are better as standard is there anything I need the silence in that duck Wow freezing explosive very interesting now that he's out about him I can't possibly get that much worse I think can get worse but I like one of these probably end up by you eyeing it wow what a hand this is a bad hand I mean it's not terrible though starting to think that I mean I didn't keep Jade Idol but I'm starting to think that if you don't have ramp you shouldn't keep Jade Idol that's probably right with this deck what happens with this step if you don't get a ramp probably lose at least my spell stone was like don't worry but I got you just here of Parowan where it's at combo that oh my are keeper mmm it's gotta be right I was gonna do the hero power into the Jasper spill stone on that and The Killing touches that I've been pretty good this is definitely better research team like turn tends not to go as wide so it's fun and remember if I just push my hair at power this does turn into for damage I was a great time to have arcane tyrant unfortunately it was malfurion's games 5 Armour will turn the only game 1 armor for the purposes of this spell stone mmm mother plague you it's tonight I thought about killing with flame elemental and it's like way it's to my benefit for that to be there it's a good spreading plank target well very interesting I think this is still a good card at 8 mana now I can actually make it six man if I wanted to little at first and then spreading plague would mean I get one fewer I think the one extra is better right now extra one five versus spells cost two more on the next turn and I don't really have the use for that much men anyways that's right he does just tilt one anyways with that that's kind of silly nobody thinking about it sounded good at the moments like move another one five I guess now I just waste two min on this turn can't really hit anything better than this for a long time hit this instead unnecessary that your magic shall not see you gotta stuff it needs my here attire to kill this for three I'll be at 13 to to Jade it's not worth do you need to draw something yeah I'm ranking only put off the problem mmm for putting off the problem is exactly what I need right now eventually kill everything with this hero Tara so I am catching it up I already have a card room wealth growth also the plan was basically to use that as gain a buffer which is enough to potentially draw a card off of anyways basically the the armored game lets me fill my hero power which is kind of like what's the word it's kind of similar to gaming the drawing cards if you just use the euro pair easy easy he got there somehow I was quite the path we have that she's been there was holding shadow step the whole time wonder if he could have done something better at that all right so I got to decide whether or not to keep she died oh yeah her chat give your input I have no Rampton my hamd should I keep Jada or not when I first began I thought that I would and there's a one one can test his one one player Leon but maybe it's better to try to fish for imp it's a really divided opinion I kept it because by playing this earlier Jade blossoms and your jade spirits to become a lot better it's hard to quantify how much that Jade Idol is helping but patches would probably have dealt something along the lines of this case not including in this case no not in this case anyways in this case since I actually drew Jade spirit like that Jade Idol early seems really good I'm still gonna keep thinking about whether or not it's right to keep pledge a title in this deck against the different matchups lets me play JB in this order I should have hit this first right my eyes not hitting it I see this wipe clear of course but if we can kill even more stuff with that later let's ramp to nothing it'll find some use [Music] there yeah now that's a swipe jog where does not like Jade spirits [Music] I can see I need to remember that if I can somehow get on a board I don't think I would have been ahead on the board right that I have anything like no I played Jade behemoth instead of swiping right yeah all right can I keep Jade idol in my hand against priests and then I don't think this is about I think this without the wrap I will mulligan Jade Idol but against a girl I think having against specifically power than the one one can testings I don't claim to be an expert yet I've only played 36 games of jade what did Jade first comment yeah I mean it's from yeah it's actually from gadgets an but the last games of Jade I played were like had been very very first times of this Dex I'm a little bit behind on the curve I must admit I don't think we ramp here I also don't think we draw here I only played Jade when it's hipster to play Jade this is our first moment at hipster this I think I'm actually doing the +1 attack draw one card it gets these into for attack which is just about the right place to be well a card first I've given them +2 attack well that one would survive yeah it's gonna be a port control site probably have the silence for city and statue over there it's probably we're silencing you Sarah so if I take gain Armour it can deal six with lesser Jasper spellstone it just silences Sarah must almost have lethal on here five nine eleven thirteen I'm at 18 damage think it's right to do 5 9 13 here and also played this so bad against and doing I was also tempted to just send these two at their face not the old theists era but that's the disaster sometimes I'll say like imagine if he clears of something such as Anduin he's gotta get Sarah on the board that would be really spooky I guess I would still have a a date on the board and then I could swipe so maybe I could have punched the 11 damaged into the face instead or not the 11 but nine damaged that's something opponent down to ten and they have they'd obvious Sarah on the board mmm maybe that is better 8:15 Eton mana edict and my best play yes sir all right well a good day of Lateran what have been legend apparently hurry no Chad if I hadn't burned with a swipe play against Agra but we learn a lesson [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Trump
Views: 431,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arena, draft, reward, score, legend, legendary, trump, trumpsc, jeffrey, shih, professional, player, hearth, hearthstone, card, game, tcg, ccg, collectable, trading, deck, blizzard, warcraft, inn, innkeeper, casual, hunter, rexxar, priest, anduin, warrior, garrosh, warlock, guldan, gul'dan, mage, jaina, druid, malfurion, paladin, uther, shaman, thrall, rogue, valeera, random, rng, online, multiplayer, kobold, catacomb, recruit, weapon, dungeon, candle
Id: 6sNn6uOUALs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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