1 Champion VS a Team of EVERY RANK in Overwatch 2

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we're doing one Champion versus nine of every rank in OverWatch 2 so it's bronze all way the champion without top 500 so it's Aspen 1 v9 basically and Aspen has three times the stats wait I might cook hold on do you want me to like talk in here or completely up you of course they're on Diva of course they're on Diva okay Chick-fil-A I want to get Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A's ass okay what no no no no no no no is that we ban Diva I think Sombra is the only thing that's banned wait actually oh nice yeah the only who who's the who's the champion on the other team uh junkrat Champion oh that's funny Sasuke okay let me c I believe no we have a drunk rat wait is it a junkrat one Tri is it a junkrat one trick no no no they they are no Jun junk oh I was about to say that would have been really funny he's said yes I got the champ I got the champ wi wi okay okay wait let me cook let me cook I got to kill the tank I got to kill the tank real bad okay oh my gosh okay I like how after every kill as's like okay heck no hey bro okay cth is hard who say C I said cth is supposed to be the easiest what do you are you seeing what I'm doing here listen I just think you're getting outplayed touch on the plus side if you do end up losing you get buffed exactly oo honey roasted barbecue sounds good right now sauce oh just in general yeah just are you ordering Chick-fil-A or something I'm thinking about it I hate Chick-fil-A though why do you p is it like the food about it or chickf play's ass disagree but I could also be biased I work there for years Champion I'm 2019 was a kit manager and everything damn should give me more ammo bro he's trying to hook me off the map don't worry your bullets will be more effective next game okay no no no don't think about next game think about this game you're you're going to cut am think about this [Music] game listen all all I'm saying is that I said let's go three and then Zen recommended 2.5 okay well you need to take in account that there's a diva in my face nonstop you know that just makes it a lot harder oh what if I went Mercy just with like the MS why not I mean that's a bad influence yeah I'm just going to try to ignore this Diva oh yeah I'm just going to oh okay oh yeah yeah let me just ignore the feel like we should just go directly to five five eggs you really think ashen's doing that bad I don't think asen's doing that bad oh my God the roll out holy [ __ ] okay Lucio Ser okay what oh she killed herself 10 x let's go 10 x 10 x no maybe maybe four or five so you're Champion for oh heck yeah feel like you're going to enjoy this a little too much now yeah that's exactly how it should be oh I should probably got to get your clickbait somehow you know all I I CH you know what I haven't done yet I haven't joined the other team's Lobby I'm going to she went from 3x to 5X I forgot to come down here and I was surprise that's why the Boop hurts so much running I got her oh that's terrifying going to be almost impossible we need one kill have no I don't know Chad I feel like aspirin can do this but not we got play a little bit this is five times the stats bro hurts oh that scared me my Fe so hot no that would have been a poop in the hole I don't think push I don't think push she's still sitting on half you what the hell in the keep her in the air wait wait wait wait wait we just played wait we just played pretty low we just played leing Tower and now we're playing another she wait as P this sto again back bro the bo hurts so much I'm going to wait a little bit touch point just touch Point infinitely touch oh [ __ ] you're right keep touching keep touching be all keep touching that's a good point a it's fine it's fine like real always win this C with her all oh my the ultimate C9 well like because I'm getting knocked all over the place my focus is like shifting a bunch so I kind of just need to like tunnel vision people more and faster okay Aspen can switch characters yes I don't know okay the hell was that Anna [Music] doing wait I'm cooking you really want that Lucio the now yes there we go I didn't troll this is my if I can kill one of their tanks like early that'd be super nice I I I felt like b or something would do a lot better or Ki no way whats DPS do not need a Nerf what are you guys saying DPS need a Nerf no they do not of course DPS that DPS what DP what what Nerf would you want DPS to have I don't think it's like individual DPS as a whole it's just like DPS was useless for so long until we actually got a DPS passive so now which is why I'm completely fine with it a little bit lower it was 15% and they just brought it back to 20 I think it should be 10 what you are you on drugs sometimes no I'm not also there's no way you live that oh my gosh that I think it should be 10 and they shoulding reload this is crazy okay so we're whipping out the hog out one okay you have no idea the hand workout I'm getting from this you wanted a warm up right he are these are so fun Diva's going to want to boot me I think oh my gosh oh why thought you hit it oh my gosh you're kidding so do we want to go up more stats or do you want to try to push this at five let's try to keep this at five five okay yeah I'm just not gonna play Lucio I guess sorry Lucio Mafia I'm a squishy tank with this HP okay so this is a rematch of five times the stats satisfying though unless I have a matrix in my face nonstop you're not going to be happy with what they have on the other team then is that even a question at this point oh wait wait wait wait I was trying to I was trying to give you a hint to not play Lucy y wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay just not okay yeah Lucio I'm sorry she's found the Strat yeah I'm glad that we didn't go higher bro that makes me so sad Lucio is so much fun just to like kill people within a second we need a Nerf Lucio no no this shows that we need to buff him unless maybe I just suck all this conversation Lees me to one Nerf Genji yeah to we have to get him back I think I think Asin wins this okay yeah this is really satisfying this is just casually dump on like lower rank players ranked player they have a champion and a GM and a masters that's like close enough to me I want to get a one shot with the window a one bullet one kill oh sorry buddy I want to see I want to hear what the other team is saying chat I want to see how they're going to counter this right here let's go three two one what is I'm dead you kill him though you can kill him I believe in you and you took it just H I tried jeez so much damage [ __ ] what the hell are some people doing in this chat I think if we just win the car we can win this we just have to play around like getting that card away from she is being super smart though she's trying to play angles where she can we can do just try not to play as much yo Demetrius appreciate 11 months my friendos for 49 months I figured out the solution to make May no this FPS for 16 months appreciate it yeah tropical Mony monkey uh money for two and Dey juice for 44 appreciate it as well sorry I think I just got to hide until he's half HP yeah chat we were literally just doing ELO hell right before this smart taking smart angles monkey I can go monkey people don't realize probably not no monkey all position and what so important perfect I think big let's go let's go no she's spawning left side spawning left side right there oh you're right you're right it's fine just push it early no nice to keep as away from the oh doesn't even [Music] matter no don't peek don't peek don't peek that's fine if we just keep doing that we're just going to get free card space every time there need crack another Brew one sec what did he just say during my contact on it on it that guy's not sober playing mying content try to push her towards you I'll sleep her he's not sober she's the inside BR I'm sipping it's called priorities you should never drink when playing OverWatch OverWatch is a very game you need if you drink you're not she's anti on wait wait wait waited boost that you bettered boost that amazing you can do this I believe you wait you actually might be able to take the lead speed boost the car oh wait no it's going to get stalled it's going to get inter forward him here we can regroup regroup enough so everyone get regroup here regroup regroup regroup regroup regroup regroup see what Happ when you I slept him I slept him that's huge he slept I she can die she can die she can die nice wait CH come with me go punch Aspen say I'm I got on who who who no this is good stall this is good stall just keep dying anything to keep her away from cart wait I'm going to punch as I just need I need to sneak up here like now that we have the lead we can just infinitely s this try not to die try keep forward try and keep forward deleted I just want to hit the punch I want to hit the punch oh crap all we lost four L why are they trying to punch Aspen I'm getting I'm punching punching her you guys got push car push car push C anti ah I couldn't throw SU push the car push the carit wait hit that the wait she's low she's low she's low oh my get the get the B let's go I'm going to go punch a again on on holy cow that was pretty funny actually she is half she is half oh my God this is big space for us though look we're already at 114 um I could team be or I could solo be in okay Chad there's two minutes left let's go see that's so unfortunate that your bomb pushed him in yo they are coming up with some insane strats I yeah they're scaring me come on X you were winning this what happened because I I can't kill them all at once if I can't kill them all at once I can't push the bot the fact that they're like living they've the robot oh my gosh no I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead in here per them time now I'm able to kill them really fast or just uh or just give her wall hack wall hack that' be funny it's all in here no I don't think you need to give wall hack you got to keep it consistent oh for sure for sure oh my gosh wait no way right no way asman I think they're on the cart though yeah I think they' been on the cart for a second no way they like cap though surely not nice try though oh no way I don't know Jay I think you should get in there and help her I Asen doesn't need help as do you need help no I I don't need help no Chad what is Emily doing bro okay chat I was with Emily visiting her parents and I came back today Emily was at her parents house for one day because she was leaving later than me May junkrat okay she told her parents that I'm a male online Entertainer and her her parents are going around to her friends saying that's what her she that's what I do again what is Emily doing yeah they do have a May no you're you're trolling bro what is that yo is there any other like support player that we could get for this that's Champion zip it you zip it I'm sorry I'm sorry now what rank are you huh oh I'm Master Three I lost off my rank cuz I haven't played in a week I went one and seven today one and seven yeah it was pretty fun wait are you going the hack uh Dallas no why not I'm going cuz like why listen if you go like you can buy me dinner and then like that's awesome right don't you own a house yeah that means I can't pay for my f everything goes a mortgage I'm okay junkrat you're being annoying oh yeah I should also tell you that uh on Moira your orb doesn't have like uh what is it five or six times the stats your orb literally your your orb literally does the what 200 damage it does like just five times faster I should have probably told you I was testing that the other night too well now I know that Moira is uh don't think it was always like that yeah it was always like that pain means you're alive until it okay how about me at the you might chat remember listen I need my friends to pay for dinner because I have I'm in chat I'm in debt I need my friends to help me out because if my friends were in the same situation as me oh yeah oh yeah I'll kill them all at some point no way no way way is she coming to her team about that no way oh yeah oh wait she actually just prove that support the No No support's the support's broken listen just because you're not healing your teammates it's your fault how can I heal my teammates when there's a freaking 20% reduction L plus ratio team site okay I just want to cap I just want to cap I love how the going from yeah I just want to I can kill all them but if one lives it's over I don't care 10 second they are kind of using crab strats with a lot of like hers yeah like where's the where's the normal characters where's like oh into my God think you can actually kill oh yeah I can definitely break that he trying to kick me no way L you can still win because you're 48% oh fantastic I can yes yes okay chat give me one second okay hopefully when I come back Aspen didn't doesn't lose wait I can't even spectate Aspen my Zen's not that good though I'm not not a Zen player okay give me one oh enemies oh um no okay um yes I told you I'm not a Zen player oh my gosh I want to play brid so bad but if they're doing that garbage I can't just tell Alex to make it look like I should have won every game but just got unlucky thanks Alex no way know Jay I think you should get in there and help her Victory okay friends YouTube thinks you might like this next video so let me know if they're right
Channel: Jay3
Views: 44,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spectating, spectate, spectates, overwatch, overwatch analysis, overwatch pro player, overwatch pro, overwatch funny moments, funny overwatch moments, OW, overwatch trolling, overwatch2, overwatch rage, overwatch jay3, jay3 overwatch, Jay3, jay3 highlights, best of jay3, grandmaster, overwatch grandmaster gameplay, overwatch spectate, overwatch moments, best of overwatch, widowmaker, grandmaster overwatch, gm overwatch, overwatch gm, overwatch 2 sojourn, overwatch 2 beta, ow2
Id: 4EZRl1fjo2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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