1 Amazing Player for Every Shirt Number

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I'm going to be building a team using one amazing player for every shirt number which I then have to use in a competitive game of fc24 and if I lose I'll discard one random player for every goal I lose by and I think this team's going to be really expensive give me 10 for Messi or seven for Ronaldo or nine for Le go ski 21 now I could use Frankie D young or deala or even Ben chill well but I going to use Andrea Perlo who wore the 21 throughout his entire career because he has got the highest rated card which is really important because if I can't build at least a 90 rated Squad I will start the game 2 N down so let's buy Perlo for 145,000 coins and Chuck him in the team 21 has been removed and I hope we get like I want like an eight give me a number under 11 oh is that number n number 14 the first player that comes to my mind is tier onri I could also add Johan C or we could add lorente who could play at the center middle right back position or could even have Christian Ericson but tiar onry is my goat so I'm going to buy him in for 2.25 million coins which is around $900 worth I don't want to discard him I'm slightly worried we might not get any Defenders or goalie we need to SP number one I've just realized I need a goalie otherwise I'm going to get absolute 4 three who wears 43 Yan Valerie Matas click srra who are these people I'm going to have to add clich cuz he's the highest rated why have I put at Center back he's a senate midfielder Oh my days remember we are doing the first 11 and the subs we've got time to recover he's absolutely trash as well number one number one number one or 99 for donaruma but what have we got we've got number 73 it's slim pickings the guy was going to going to add a 75 rated goalkeeper grabara but I've just found this lovely 83 rated team of the week he's going to cost me 40,000 coins I have no idea why anyone would want to wear the number 73 shirt why do I can't pronounce your name maybe I should have taken the goalie whilst I could you know what I'm a risk taker I love a RI I've done some research I can't find any good players that currently wear it so we are going to add Julian Draxler who wore the number 93 shirt at his spell at Benfica last season I can buy his Gold Card 77 rated for some reason it's only one on the market and it's 17,000 coins that's unbelievable give me a low number please number one please number 10 no 68 great there's literally only one point player lokka who has number 68 for Napoli he's only got an 84 rated base C in fc24 but it's better than click so he goes into the first team I'm not going to let it troll me by thinking it's giving me a good number don't score until we score chy yeah he wears the number one for Juventus right now but in his first few years at Arsenal he wore the number 53 sh so allow it cuz it's safe to say I need all the help I can get to try and get to that 90 r squads which is looking mighty impossible right now and there's already about $1,000 on the line please give me a low number what I would give for a 2 three four or five I need left backs and center backs and right backs 25 might be doable now we've got a few options here Thomas Müller wears a 25 for Bayern Munich but his base FIFA card is terrible I could also go for rabar rabio RAB have you pronounced his name cuz he wears a 25 I feel like we need a new Striker so I'm going to add another icon Mr Jan francoa who wore the 25 for Chelsea he's only 880,000 coins that's a bargain and he's going to replace kurin we are crying out for low numbers anything under an 11 would be amazing yes oh my God and we're going to do this a little bit differently the highest rated goalkeeper in the game is kazas and I'm pretty sure he wore the number one for Real Madrid yes he did he wore it for much his entire career what makes this even better is I've got this card in my club already and he is going to replace chzn and that's the first card in a while that's helping me with the 90 rating let's try and rig the wheels which just spins me number two go on just go up one two give me four 47 now this is a tough decision because Phil foden wears a number 47 and he's got an 87 rated card I need Defenders I'm not using Nathaniel Phillips so so I'm going to buy myself the Phil foden 157,000 coins and he's going to replace Drax right we're halfway through the average team rating is 86 we've got about $1,100 worth of cards on the line you need to up things for the final nine players let turn this around we need a small number but a big player 7 8 9 10 11 any of them and then smash this rating please six I can't think of any off the top of my head as you'd expect there's lots of players to choose from Marco veratti Thiago Alcantara Javi Hernandez that is a beautiful card but we need center backs we need Franco bazy for 131,000 coins he's over 90 rated which is all that matters ncy Milan actually retired the number six shirt number after bra retired from football that's how much of a legend he was I want the wheel to flip that six and turn it into a nine and for good luck if you all like And subscribe right now it will spin a nine it will I believe and you believe cuz you have just liked and subscribed it is definitely 100% that is it's because you didn't like And subscribe isn't it be honest I'm not going to lie I don't know any 28 so I'm going to have to be a little bit created here when I say a little bit I mean a lot because you may not know this but when Cristiano Ronaldo played for sporting at the start of his career he wore the number 28 shirt so that counts H and I know that Cristiano Ronaldo has got a very very high rated card and it's also a very good card it's also a very expensive card oh my God he's more expensive than I thought 2 million coins hey he's 91 rated he's a suie Monster who is now my new Striker you were not expecting me to get CR7 in this team of any other number apart from Seven were you but I I'm Mr Big Brain now I'm sure after that you've all learned your lesson you've all liked and subscribed which means we're going to get a low number right now you know what I'll take I thought it 19 36 I'm just hoping that like Virgil Van DJ cuz once in his career maybe in a training match worn the number 36 cuz if he has I'll find it I'll tell you somebody that does wear the number 36 shirt mattio darmian and he's got a wonderful 87 rated card who can play center back a he was an SBC or an objective which means I can't buy him so I'm going to have to use his 80 r base [Music] card time for reverse psychology I don't want low numbers I want High numbers come on slap me a 91 20 could have Diego jot but I'm not after that horrific dive the other day it was disgusting and therefore you're not getting in my team and your fif car is not high enough now I could use venicius junor cuz he used to wear the number 20 shirt for Real Madrid but his 92 rated thunderstuck card is out of my budget yeah I'm poor after this video so we're going to change formations and I am going to add a card that I've got in my club pretty sure he's in my club oh he's actually not in my club I was going to be really smooth then by royally messed it up as a card I want to buy is 91 rated Bernardo Silva where's the number 20 for man city that is a really really good addition to our team we have got five players left our team rating is up to an 84 however if you take the pure average of all the ratings we're an 87 we are getting closer to that 90 but we are going to need a miracle and we've got over $2,000 on the line now we need fullbacks two or three I'll be nice to everyone I promise I will be a good human being forever if you to fall but all is not lost because the best player I can think of that wears the number 77 shirt is Henrik makarian and I think I actually pronounced his name right now he has got a Trailblazers card which is going to cost me about 20,000 coins he's only 86 rated it's not great but at least it's not a bronze or a silver Harry spin this one for me mate it better be good Harry come on you're play of the month B you can get me a two or three really Harry I got you a two doesn't Reese James wear 24 he does oh that is absolutely legendary cuz not only does he have an 84 rated base card in fc24 he has got this love L 88 rated dynasties card not only have we got right back we've got a decent rating right back how much is he 400 what 430,000 coins for an 88 right back are you I mean the stats are good though that is a crazy amount of money that's nearly $200 on a right back all I want to see is a number three cuz then I can have Roberto Carlos the fact that that just R number seven stop seven that's a banger obviously I would normally have Ronaldo but we've already got the sui monster so we get to add another high oh my God no no no no no I know who we're adding he is probably the most expensive card in my club and he is going to juice up the value of this team player of the month get on no he can't be on the bench that's not allowed he's going to replace Phil foden at Cam that card is like $1,600 worth so that brings us close to the $4,000 team Mark we might be over it I don't know I've lost count is so expensive two players to go we're still at 86 rated overall team I need two miracles to get anywhere close to that 90 or otherwise I'm starting the game 2-0 down where if I lose every goal I lose by will be a random discard on the entire Squad but I still do not have a left back please give me numbers number 11 11 in a left back but there's bound to be some high rated players that wear number 11 I'm actually struggling with this one Gareth Bale was number 11 I think wasn't he number 11 he was wasn't he but he's not in the game anymore cuz he's retired Marco Roy yeah he wears number 11 189 rated card but look who I have just seen Mo Salah definitely wears the number 11 God he's got 292 rated cards now at this point in the video I would normally add his player of the month version which I did but I can't do that if you know you know I can't afford either of these 92 rated cards so I going have to buy the 91 team of the week that takes me up to an 87 team rating and it puts a team value at nearly $5,000 and my coin balance is destroyed we're going to change formation to a 42 four and set up like this now we're still in 87 rating we need a left back and a very high rated left back as this is spinning I want to let you know that I am back streaming over on Twitch right links in the description Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 400 p.m. UK time get over there it's not a left back I mean is there any left backs that play number 10 there might be but if not I know exactly what I'm adding into this team but I've double checked and no Defenders wear the number 10 that are going to have any rating difference on our team now you all expecting me to add line on messy right he's probably the most popular number 10 but the problem is he's only got a 92 rated card in the game and I can't afford it so I'm going to look at all the cards in my club and just see who might wear number wait a minute what number did Pelle wear Pelle wore the number 10 for Santos and New York Cosmos all right it's alone but I tell you what guys I'm going to put him into the team if Pelle is the card that gets discarded I will discard everyone else in the squad to make up for the fact I can't afford him I think that's fair Pelle welcome into the team I'm an 89 rated I can't believe I'm actually wait a minute how about if I do something here wait a minute don't don't don't don't give up on me yet if I move this 87 for Darian in the first team does that get me up to the 90 no it does not and I didn't think this through as I've got to play Pelle at left back we have a little bit of a problem I went into two games they both Rage Quit so now my lone Pelle doesn't have any contract so I'm going to take the next highest rated Brazilian in my club to take his place Ronaldinho now this is a team that shouldn't quit 2-0 down game time don't lose don't discard it's that simple guys wait suie the sui monster back to omry oh we finish that we finish it we finish come on we're back in the game no don't don't oh what to save TBO I a TBO caught was it that's kazas oops tiari tiar re we're back in the go I'm not discarding anybody I love this tiar on recard they've had enough they clearly knew I was going to batter them I didn't lose and therefore I don't have to discard anybody if you enjoyed that please like And subscribe and if you want to see me take one crazy penalty with the best penalty takers then click this right here it's a really fun video
Channel: Chuffsters
Views: 2,377,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1 Amazing Player for Every Shirt Number, ea fc 24, fifa 24, chuffsters, chuff, fc 24, fc 24 pack opening, fc 24 squad builder, fc 24 packing opening, fc 24 packs, fifa 24 squad builder, fifa 24 packs, fifa 24 pack opening, fifa 24 team builder, fc24, ultimate team ea fc 24, ultimate team, fc 24 ultimate team, fc 24 ultimate team guide, fifa ultimate team, fut, fut 24, ea sports fc 24, premier league, world cup, fifa 23, football, soccer
Id: MaG3kKudkM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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