[1-12] Reincarnated with no Magic Power but Becomes The Strongest Magician of All Time -Manhwa Recap

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The Story begins as this kid was killing this shikami as told by his Elders as he has an unpleasant feeling that he realized that his own family has betrayed him and they lure him out here to kill him they all uses their spiritual power on him as he thinks they have prepared to such extent to kill him he asks them their reason for killing him he tells him it's because he is too strong for them as his ability is a hindrance for the suim kado family he tells them so you are afraid of him they all attack him together his strongest Shamy was sealed away and his spirit spiritual power is restraints as he is now he can't beat them but he will keep fighting until the very end as he was on the verge of dying then he uses his last paper doll and does the Forbidden art circle of transmigration which is an art for reincarnation and thinks he will do better in his next life then he wakes up on a bed as he sees his blonde hair and gets excited as The Reincarnation was a success the memories of this person in which his body he was reincarnated flows into his head as in this world there are no spiritual techniques instead there is Magic and his situation in this world doesn't seem to be good for him his name is Wayne granato he is the third son of Gran's family the admission exams for a magic Academy named arcella Academy are coming up but his reputation in the family is not great as nobody expects him to pass the exam because Wayne Granado doesn't have any talent in Magic as he understands the situation he is currently in as Wayne doesn't have any Mana but now he possessed tremendous amount of spiritual power but in this world world no one knows about the spiritual Powers he thinks maybe that's why he got reincarnated as Wayne as he does at Mana but now he has so much power which seems to be too extreme he was happy being reincarnated with his powers but also remembers he was betrayed by his family because he was too strong after that he goes to library to read some books to understand the world he got reincarnated in after reading few books he realized this is not the world he knew before the culture ecosystem are different there are demons and be which are dangerous just aakashi from his world also a lot of people gets attacked by these demons every year there is not any description for Spiritual power and instead there is only magic which is used to fight against the demons as he expected no one know about his powers in this world as in his previous life he always protected people by working in dark cause he didn't want any attention and because of that he was eliminated but in this life he will show his power to everyone as he doesn't have any regrets from his previous life but but he will never let that happen again then these two guy comes in and started bat mouthing him as he will never be able to pass the entry exam for the magic Academy their names are Harold and Dean these two are Wayne's older brothers who always bully him as their late father left his family estate to Wayne his third son as his father last words to Wayne was that he wants him to inherit the family as their territory is weak what they need isn't power but wisdom as Wayne is very smart but he tells his father even if he succeed in the family nobody will agree to to accept him his father tells him that he need to build his position to convince everyone as his brothera are both selfish and doesn't fit to be the Lord of this territory Wayne says he will do everything he can to become the Lord that day his father passed away in other words to convince his brothers and his family that he is fit to be the head he has to enter the magic Academy of arcella Wayne tells him if he able to enter the academy he will have control over the territory his brothers are surprised to hear this as he tells them again and they start lotting and think this must be a joke Wayne tells him he is not joking and says let's bet on whether I will pass or fail the admission exam his brother asked him what he will do if he doesn't pass the exam Wayne says he will give everything that father left him to them but if he does pass the exam his brothers will be expelled from the granad of family his brothers love this idea as Wayne don't have any mana and he will never get accepted by the academy Wayne tells an athing will be revealed on the day of exam they tell him they are looking forward to it as they leave the room Wayne thinks they must be planning something to place that kind of bet but if anything does happens he will take care of everything using his omo Jutsu then he says he should revive his shinigamis using onu Jutsu this Jutsu is activated by reciting Mantra which consume its own spiritual power using paper doll as a catalyst which is similiar to the magic that today's world Wayne doesn't have any Mana but his body is filled with spiritual power as he was about to use his Ono Jutsu on a paper a doll a a voice comes in saying why are you hesitating Master Wayne as he gets surprised and thinks it must kin the voice tells him he is indeed kin as has have for Wayne to wake up Wayne gets excited thinking all of his shamies are also here which are none other than the shikami of the 12 Heavenly generals and they are all in great condition Wayne gets happy as he got reincarnate but still they will serve him Wayne stand up and uses his Jutsu to summon all the of 12 Heavenly generals and all 12 of them get summoned safely to his room but most of them vanish as Wayne doesn't have much spiritual power to maintain all 12 of their bodies only three of them were remain as they bowed to Wayne first is a girl named kijin second is named suzaku and lastly third girl named Dian as Diane tells Wayne that he has become a pretty boy kein tells her that it is rude to say that to master Wayne Wayne is happy to see them as none of them has changed then they realize why there is only three of them they gets excited thinking three must be the choosen ones from the 12 Heavenly generals then Wayne tells them that he didn't have spiritual power that's why he could only summons them they ask Wayne about the upcoming admission exams and also Wayne brothers they want to get back at them quickly Wayne says to them he will soon get them back as he is enrolling in our C Academy to get top score everyone gets excited as kijun ask Wayne will those two brothers of your will quietly be expelled when you pass the exam as they don't believe he will pass and sure they will retaliate but it won't be a problem for Wayne as soon Wayne enters the academy he wants to get rid of his image being a Dropout who can't use magic kjin ask Wayne does the opinion of those people matter to him Wayne tells them that's where things went in his previous life back then he did the spotlight and did everything from the dark due to which the respect from his family fell to the ground as he moved freely without belonging to anyone despite being the strongest as a result they betrayed him and killed him but in this life Wayne wants to be recognized as the strongest by everyone and will have comrades that will not betray a reibel against him they all thinks it's a great idea Wayne ask kein to take the admission exam too Wayne thinks having her beside him will help him to get the top spot in school Dyan gets upset as she wants to go to Wayne tells her as kijin is wisest on the 12 generals as he give her a pat on her head kin get really happy hearing Wayne praise her suzaku tells kin that the magic subjects are different than spiritual Arts will she will be able to learn them as she thinks about it Wayne tells them no problem as shagan doesn't sleep he has prepared books for her to read they tell keij Jin to hang in there as Wayne tells them to go back as he need to keep kijin summon here they said o and kijin says she will do her best too the next day Wayne and kijin starts travel to arella as kein is studying her books in The Carriage Wayne senses a large Mana about 3 kilm from their carriage and thinks that it must be demon kijun says should she go and take care of the demon Wayne says no it's fine just keep studying he will take care of it Wayne uses his spatial transfer to go where the Beast is he finds him it's a Class A demon Beast named chamira Wayne says that he will be his warm-up before his entrance exams Beast attacks Wayne he Dodges the attack and uses spiral raging flames and burns the monster in an instant after defeating the Beast he thinks he is still good as he was in his previous life Wayne comes back to the carriage and keun tells him he is still impressive as ever then the guard sees the burned body of the Beast and thinks what kind of great Mage would have defeated the Beast as Wayne says who know who could it be after that they arrive at the arsela Royal Capital as the exams for the Academy are Merit based so no one's status matter here people from all over the continents comes and only strong people can pass the entrance exam as they both comes forward and was walking towards the academy a noble sees Wayne what is this dunce doing here who can't even use magic kin gets mad but Wayne stops her Wayne says isn't you Simon who was famous for writing his parents coattails as Simon won't need help from his parents on this entrance exam Simon gets mad and tells Wayne not to get ahead of himself Simon was going to attack Wayne using his magic then suddenly a girl stops him and tells him she won't tolerate this if he continue any longer Simon backs down as she is the sworded princess and tells Wayne he will deal with him later and leaves Wayne says thank you to her for saving him as Wayne remembers her name is Sophie and she is the Count's eldest daughter of Norbert family one of the seven Nobles she tells Wayne that he shouldn't have gotten provoked by him as he doesn't know how bad he can be Wayne starts lotting and tells her thanks for her concern but he will be fine Sophie tells Wayne that his character has changed Wayne is surprised to hear this but she tells him to forget about it and leaves Wayne thinks she is very observant as she notices the change in his personality kijin gets upset as she thinks there are a lot of rude people here so she should get rid of them as Wayne calms her down and tells her they will more these T of people so she doesn't need to react every time time then they enter the hall and comes into their classroom for the written exam Kon finds her seat as she sit Wayne speaks to her using his telepathy and tells her that he will tell her the answer just before the exam ends Kajun tells him she sh and had to study then Wayne says he will tell her but she must first solve it by herself as she understand now the exam begins as Wayne finds some questions difficult but was able to do them in the end and also fix kidon wrong answers as well she says she will do her best to live up to Wayne expectations for the remaining exams Wayne tells her of course she will as they move to the chanting exams A student uses a flame arrow and fired to the Target Wayne sees it and thinks they are not as good as he thought they will be which means he has to limit his spiritual power even more than before now it's Wayne's turns he limits his onu Jutsu but still destroyed the target into pieces everyone is surprised to see this Simon says he must be cheating as he doesn't have any man how can he use such magic all the other students also think he must be cheating then their instructor tells them if he is cheating or it will be decided after the exams then he call kein as she was next Wayne is relieved as he got through the first half of the exam Simon tells Wayne that he will not be able to cheat in Practical exams as they both were talking kidon also uses the same attack Wayne uses and destroyed the target everyone is shocked as Wayne shakes his head cause he forgot to tell her to keep her powers in check after that they move to the stadium where the Practical exams are held students fight with each to demonstrate their skills Simon tells Wayne does he know who is his opponent Wayne tells him he doesn't care instructor called the students for their Duel who is Simon and Wayne Simon requested the academy to have his duel with Wayne Wayne says isn't that cheating Simon says he will expose him in front of everyone Wayne tells him do you think you can take me down Simon gets mad and tells him he will beat him they face each other and the match begins Simon uses a red Crystal and makes a big Fireball and fires it towards Wayne Wayne says using a fire Crystal isn't it cheating then he won't hold back either Wayne uses his Jutsu named Mega freeze in which takes off the fireball in an instant Simon is shocked to see this as he falls to the ground Wayne comes towards him and puts him to sleep match is over and the winner is of course Wayne as the instructor finds out that Simon was cheating and he will be disqualified from the exams Sophie is shocked to see Wayne and thinks what happened to him as Wayne comes back to kidin and she congratulate him for taking care of that rude guy Wayne is also relieved then he tells her to hold her power back a little more than before she says she will but Wayne thinks she might go overboard as during the match of course she does Wayne knew this would happen and the exams comes to an end after that we go to the principal office where he is looking at the Wayne profile then he wants to interview him 3 days after the entrance exams Wayne is called to the academy as they didn't call kidon Wayne is a little disappointed principal asked him are you Wayne he says yes then principal introduced himself his name is Rolo Wayne knows him as his full name is Rolo Visto and also he is the strongest magician in the entire Kingdom of allera he has invented more than 100 of new spells and known as the father of modern magic studies Holo apologized Wayne for making him come all the way here as he would like to ask him few questions Wayne thinks is what he should say to answer his questions then Paula tells him that his in theory is that what Wayne is using is not magic Wayne is surprised to hear this as this is to be expected from the strongest magician as Wayne thinks he was not planning to keep his powers hidden this will be a good chance for him Wayne tells him yes it is correct he didn't use magic as he doesn't have any mana and what he used was on youu Jutsu Paulo is surprised to hear this as he has never heard of this before Wayne tells him that's because he invented this by himself Paulo is impressed to hear this and tells to let's go and cast a spell which teleported them outside Wayne is surprised as he used magic without enchanting Paulo tells him to show his magic that he used used during the exams Wayne says okay Paulo tells him whether he will fail or pass the exams will depend on what he will show him Wayne fells like he is giving the fourth exam which only he had to take as he was about to use his Jutsu paala throw a few fural at him as Wayne is protected by a barrier Wayne ask him why he is attacking him all of a sudden Paulo tells him to do not think of him some old man as he want to see Wayne's full power Wayne gets mad and asks him are you the greatest magician Paula says he is Wayne tells him let me show you all he has got his strongest onu Jutsu named ultimate Spirit flame and he fires a huge blue flames Fireball at Paulo and he barely was able to dodge his attack Paula thinks he is way much stronger than other exorcists as Wayne thinks this life will be much fun than his previous one Paulo tells Wayne he thinks he knows his power now so Wayne ask him did he pass the exam Paulo tells him his passing was never in the question Wayne is confused and Paulo tells him he has already passed the exam 3 days ago he wanted to know Wayne's power in person and he is looking forward to see what exactly he would achieve in this Academy Wayne starts smiling and thinks he is a cunning old man after a few days in the palace kjun is excited as they have passed the exams and kein tells Wayne that his brothers are foolish to have bet wh him Wayne hoped they follow their words they arrive at the Gate of their room Wayne releases the summoning Jutsu of kijin as she leaves Wayne enters the room and his brothers were sitting there eating his brother tells him as he know they don't want to eat with him so he should leave Wayne says I have something to show you both and show them the letter of acceptance from the academy and tells them he did it they are shocked to see this as they think the letter mut be a fake one as Wayne has no mana and there is no way he can get accepted in the academy Wayne tells them he will prove that the letter is real deal and thinks smiling they will know their power difference net them when they see him one brother takes out a dagger and tries to cut Wayne but he stops it with his fingers and tells the other brother to come at him with all they have got he gets mad uses a fireball to burn Wayne as they thinks they killed him Wayne vanishes the fire with no scratches at all they both are shocked to see this he throws the dagger towards his brother he almost got cut and falls to the ground and Wayne tells him this will be the as Wayne has passed the exam now he will claim his inheritance and tells them they are officially banished from the Gran family and they have till tomorrow to packed their things he asked his brother what are they going to do as they were finally able to kill their father by swapping his medicine every day his brother tells him now he will have to use his trump card then they go to a restaurant and gives 10 Platinum coins to a assassin named zodia to kill Wayne at night when Wayne was sleeping they used a dark magic barrier to shut him in his room and also assassination magic to kill him in his rooms Wayne says they thinks they would kill him with such weak magic they are mistaken Wayne starts smiling and says let me show them how a real assassination is done his brothers are laughing thinking they have almost killed him as the Assassin had used solvent magic to make him go crazy from pain they says let's go take a look at him as they need payback from the morning when he humiliated them as they go upstairs towards his room comes into the room and are shocked to see that Wayne is not in his room they can't believe that he escaped as the Assassin used double magic circle for him he asks zodia where is he then Wayne comes from behind and tells them he is here and tells then he escaped the barrier long before they could complete it they don't understand what he is implying Wayne tells them they shouldn't have comes into the room before confirming that their target is dead or no and he also was hearing when they were talking about him and tells them that father was right you to are not suited to become Lords they tells the Assassin to kill him as he charges but Wayne takes him down and tells his brother that he will show them health so you to will learn your lesson they get scared and tells him that they are sorry and they will never bother him again Wayne says no thank you and summons his shag gaming name tenu who is one odd the 12 Heavenly General specialized in Illusions and if his brothers ever comes back to graneto territory they will suffer from illusion monsters attacking them and they will never be able to come back to the Granado territory ever again now Wayne has become the lord of the Granado territory and picks the picture of his father and says he will protect the land he loves so much so he can rest in peace the next day at the Academy Wayne is called on the stage for speech as he has scored the highest in the exams he comes to the podium and thanks everyone and tells them as everyone know he doesn't have have any mana and he can't use magic but he has something else named onu Jutsu using this he tells everyone that he is better than each and every one of The Magicians here students gets upset hearing this Wayne tells them he will show everyone why he is a blow everyone during the upcoming activities as he thanks them at the end for listening to him speak kin thinks Wayne looks really cool Paulo says now he has done it as a student comes to him and ask him how can he allow such greeting Paulo tells him it's fine as all matters in this Academy is ability and Wayne has not ability to back his statement student tells him they will see after that we go in class as all the students are avoiding Wayne like he is a criminal that doesn't matter for Wayne Sophie comes and tells him that was a pretty provocative speech Wayne tells her it was pretty good right she tells him as he sure as now the whole Academy is hating you because of the speech Wayne tells her she is right but this is what he wants he tells her that he will become the top student in the academy using his onu Jutsu she asked him when did he develop a new form of magic he tells her it's on you Jutsu don't mix them together and he learned it by betting his life on it she is shocked to her this Kon comes back and tells Wayne about the campus and how each one has its own cafeteria and Northern one is famous for its baked apple pie Wayne tells her let's go there then he shakes Sophie hand and tells her he hoped to get along with her she says likewise St thinks is that really Wayne as he is acting different than before after that we see an teacher who looks definitely the Vilan for this chapter and has his eyes on Sophie as she has the awakened Jean he thinks if he has her awakened Jean he will be unstoppable even Rolo can't beat him and he will rule all Sarah a week later after the ceremony students goes outside for mock battles in the sword's class they have to pair up with another student a student asks sopie to pair up with her she says of course Wayne pair up with Ken but before that Wayne wants to see the Battle of Sophie as the battle starts suffer quickly charges and defeats the girl Wayne is impressed by her skills as she is know as the sword princess kijin tells Wayne let get their mock battle started Sophia is surprised to see Wayne and kijun fighting and thinks they are really amazing Fighters they kept fighting and kidon charges forward and misses Wayne and he defeats her easily Wayne tells her as her acting skills have improved he tells her that she doesn't have to hold back to make look good and tells her to come in seriously next time then Sophie ask Wayne to have a mock battle with her he says of course and they aware about to start students are excited as the first place and second place from the exams are going for a battle who is going to win Sophie charges forward and Wayne block her attack and she thinks he is definitely different from the Wayne she knew as Wayne is using sword style that doesn't match the sword style from allara and also that technique he calls onu Jutsu is also a mystery but by Crossing sword she wants to know more about him Wayne notices that Sophie man is unstable and if she stays like this she won't be able to imrove her skills then Wayne decides to use his just and creates a pillar under her which distracts her and he swiftly comes behind her and was about her hit her she quickly raises her sword and deflect his attack Wayne loses his sword then he admits his loss Sophie is surprised to hear this she tells him can't you just pick your sword up he tells her he used Anu Jutsu which is against the rule sooki lost then Sophie realizes that Mana in her body is stabilizing figures that Wayne tring to stabilize her she thanks him Wayne tells her no problem Sophie understood after having a match with him even though he is stronger than before but his kind and awkward side is still the same as ever after the class everyone is talking about Wayne how he talked big during his speech but lost against Sophie kein get irritated but Wayne tells her to calm down Sophie comes to the rescue and tells everyone that it's a misunderstanding as Wayne helped her get her Mana stabilized as his swordsmanship is better than her so he could have win easily without using the onu Jutsu and she asked him isn't that right Wayne says who knows and he wants to have a rematch and will not lose this time Sophie says she will be looking forward for it all the students surround Wayne and tells him they change their opinion about him after hearing Sophie Wayne is surprised to see them he comes to Sophie and tells her his classmates are not avoiding him cause of you she is glad she could help him Wayne tells her he has something to ask her why not she come to his Mansion after school today she says of course she will come after that they go to his Mansion for some tea as keun served them tea Sophie didn't know that kin was Wayne's servant Wayne tells her it's not rare to have servant to attend Academy at Alara then Wayne ask her what did she meant when she tells him about being easy to misunderstand she tells him to put it simply you are a little too confident as Wayne has never thought about it he thinks it might be realted to why his family betrayed him in his previous life he thinks being confident was normal but now he needs to act a little hly to avoid repeating the same mistakes Sophie tells her she could help him to get closer with the class Wayne ask her Will you she tells him of course as she would like to get know him better too Wayne thanks her and after the tea she leads as they say goodbye to each other Wayne makes her first friend in school as Sophie was leading thinking about their meeting suddenly a woman comes in front of her and sprained her ankle she asks sopie to give her a shoulder as her house isn't too far from here Sophie says in that case let me carry you on her back she sits down in front of her then she uses dark magic and puts Sophie to sleep and carry her to the house Sophie's servant comes to Wayne mansion and ask him if she is here he tells her that she left quite a while ago she tells Wayne that the princess hasn't returned home yet Wayne thinks this is not good and she tells him if he sees her he should let them know and goes back in the courage then Wayne uses his Jutsu and summons T and tells him to find Sophie he disappears to find him but Wayne has a bad feeling about this and we see Sophie tied up to a chair she wakes up and sees these two one gloomy looking guy and one really beautiful girl in front of her she asks them who are they girl tells her that she forget who brought her here suddenly Sophie gets a shock and she starts screaming girl tells her that they are trying to extract her magic genan gloomy guy tells her he already said too much and tells her to keep her mouth shut if she wants to live Sophie recognizes then and tells him that they are the lunua they both are shocked to hear and thinks how does she know that name Sophie tells them that here organization name us Loria and they see Nobles as their enemies gloi guy says that they have grown that now the seven Great Nobles know about them he tells her that their goal is to shake this world where birth determines your status which is created by you Nobles and to Grant everyone the same power regardless of their bloodline based on her magic gene they will create a drug that will drallyn then a new world shall be born Sophie tells him nobody would like that he gets irritated and pulls the lever down which gives shocks to Sophie he tells her in a few moments the extraction process will be done then she will be free to go but she will be a though then T finally founds Sophie but he alone can't fight them as the women is strong so quickly goes back to Wayne to inform him about what he saw back at the Mansion T tells Wayne spout Sophie location as she is held hostage in an abandoned castle in the west Wayne ask him why is she in a place like that t tells Wayne there is a group named Luna Toria who has her and she is being used for some kind of experiment Wayne ask him is Sophie okay he says she is but she is on the edge Wayne tells him to take him to her immediately he also tells kijin to come with them as they come to the palace and see that the palace is surrounded by around 100 guards tamos shows them where the lab is located and show them a shortcut but Wayne tells them he will not take it as he is really mad and they will pay for messing up in his domain he summons four more shikami names suzaku cin Juma and dying and orders them to crush them and beat them beyond their recognition they all gets excited and goes forward to the mancio headon as Wayne is really mad a guard comes in front of him he plunges his head into the ground and tells him to get out of his way all the guards gets alerted as they are under attack Wayne tells coochin to go forward and take care of them as cooin uses his strength and take on all of them others moved forward Wayne asked them where are the stairs leading down as they were about to go down the stairs more guys comes back Wayne tells Dan and suzaku to take care of these guys they both comes forward happily as it's finally their turn and takes care of these guys lady comes upstairs and then tells them are they here to save Sophie kjun senses that this one is quite powerful and tells Wayne leave her Wayne pass the women she uses her spell on him but kjun blocks her she is surprised and doesn't understand what happened to her then women uses the drug and injects herself and turns into a monster but keun tells her she is she will exercise her Wayne reaches underground and T tells him the room which Sophie is held he tells T to take care of the guards here and tells jimu to bring the confused people outside and heal their wounds as they both get ready as the guards attack them taml easily takes most of them in one hit as jenu starts healing all the people held hostage a girl tells jimu that she is a goddess but she doesn't know what is it then Wayne comes to the room where Sophie is gloomy guy says that he is here to rescue Sophie Wayne tells her that she will be AA she did a good job Holding Out for this long gloomy guy tells Wayne he won't be able to rescue her Wayne get more mad and tells him don't think that he stand a chance against him as this will be in one-sided extermination Di suzaku has already taken down all the guys and this was a piece of cake for them and they see kijun her opponent is really strong but kin is stronger as her unique skill is really a special one women tells kin didn't she tell her that she will exterminate her kejun thinks her opponent physical abilities are far better than hers women takes out her claws and charges onto kidon her blows are getting heavier for kidon but she blocks it eventually but as Kon was standing when charges and hit her with her claws and kijin got hit and was on the edge women tells Dan suzaku why are they playing around in Ted of helping her suzuku tells her because they have finished their job winen thinks of them as idiots and tells them she will kill kijin and will come for them they both starts laughing and tells her that she will never beat kin her power is in different level than hers winen tells them let me show you what can do and charges towards kin then kijin uses her unique skill and cuts through her attacks instantly and women can't believe she lost even after using the injection Dan suzaku both are surprised to see kidon powers in action kein tells danne her powers are amazing too she tells her to trade Powers with her she tells her they can't as she will be more weaker without her powers kin unique skill name is moments return which allows her to send her opponent 0.1 seconds back in time these unique skills are the reason they are called the 12 heavy generals the strongest shikami however kin never thought she would had to use her unique skill to defeat her DNE thinks it must be because of the injections she took which make her really strong on the other hand Wayne cuts her ropes and picks up Sophie in her arms as she tells him to be careful and got passes out Wayne called T and hands Sophie to her to care of her and moves towards the culprit the gloomy guy has added Sophie's manag genene in their grug and can produce the artificial awakened ones he tells Wayne now finally they can create a world where whether you are strong or weak everyone will be equal Wayne tells him its useless ad doesn't care about his ideals he takes the injection and really becomes a monster which he called the wakened one Wayne tells him monstrous is a good way to put him as he really have become a monster he tells Wayne that he is looking the king of the new world Wayne tells him he doesn't care as in his previous life he has defeated a lot of evil monsters and he will be no different from them it's time for Wayne to perform an exorcism he starts laughing as Wayne still thinks he can beat him monster quickly comes behind Wayne to attack him but Wayne uses his Spirit blade to block his attack but he has hardened his skin so Wayne Won't cut through it Wayne tells him let's do it serious then Wayne uses flash step which hurts the monster monster says it doesn't matter is Wayne can't stop me he uses cursed chains on Wayne and chains restrained Wayne from moving Wayne needs to do something quickly as he doesn't any Mana he will get killed he uses his spiritual power and hits the spell in its weak point and breaks the chains easily monster is surprised to see this Wayne quickly Cuts him as his sword hurt him before and he starts to bleed monster doesn't understand what's going on he tells Wayne he is impressed by him as no one has ever compete with him in the awakened one form and ask Wayne to join his organization Wayne tells him no as he would never work under someone and also he wouldn't like to be his boss either after all his anger won't subside until he takes down he says then he will have to kill him right now and show him the true power of Awakened one he blasts the whole building and the whole building goes down to ashes Wayne thinks it's some serious power but it's useless if he can't hit him Wayne uses his Spirit shock waves and plunges him down but then he sees the people comes up uses his full power and create a huge purple ball of power and thinks as Wayne won't be able to fight in protecting his friends Wayne says he really is a monster as he doesn't care killing his own people Wayne a bad person and ask him if he wants to join him gloomy guy is surprised to hear this Wayne tells him he will make his dream come true as he has amazing knowledge of magic why not use that knowledge for his sake gloomy Guy starts crying as they both shake hands and he tells him he swears his everything to him Wayne tells him he will be looking forward to work with him Kon gets happy seeing them no everyone was rescued they destroyed the castle all their members were arrested and was sent to the allsta prison they also burned all the amplifying drugs that they made and also heal Sophie by jeu who is an exceptional healer Sophie will be all right soon all the rescue people were sent back to their repective homes everyone thanks Wayne for helping them Wayne feels shy and thinks this was a new experience for him as he used to only save people in secret the new was published on the national newspaper and kein tells Wayne that his reputation finally seems to be rising now Wayne is happy to hear this kin ask him about the letter he tells her it's a letter send by Sophie's father he is inviting him to his Mansion kjun gets happy hearing this as says if it wasn't for Wayne suy would have died Wayne tells her he didn't do much he just helped out a single friend kein tellson he is really a great man Wayne thinks things turns out to be great having one of the seven Nobles indebted to him and it can also help his weak territory as well the next day he goes to their mention and was escorted to his room but their maid Wayne thanks him for the invitation he is very grateful Sophie father tells him he is the who should be grateful as he saved his daughter they sits down and nid gives Wayne tea Sophie father says let's get to the point and ask Wayne to marry his daughter Sophie Wayne gets shocked hearing this and spits his tea on him he wipes it off Wayne is so embarrassed and apologized to him as it was just such a huge shock for him he tells him no problem as you saved my daughter from the kippers otherwise it wouldn't have ended well his daughter would have died and the kingdom would had to suffer then he asked Wayne again with a smiling face do you want to marry my daughter Wayne asked him this Sophie know about this he tells him of course not Wayne tell him it would be great not make such a decision without asking her opinion first therefore he politely declined his offer after all Sophie is very important to Wayne Sophie father says important and friend Han now he said he is more reluctant to marry her off with Wayne Wayne didn't like that Sophie father tells him she would be a great wife she is very pretty and young she is very brave and also has an adorable side to her as well she is very kind respect all kinds of people regardless of their status he ask Wayne has he changed his mind Wayne tells him his answer is still no he says let's put this topic on hold for the next time Wayne thinks there will be a next time too Sophie's father tells him if he can't join their families is there anything else he can do to pay for his kindness sopie fathers say that he will hand over a part of their territory over to the Granado family Wayne definitely likes that idea Wayne thinks this would be a great help and he will take full advantage of this Wayne tells him then there is a specific part of a territory he would like he says I'm allers tell me Wayne says that he would like to have the land of Kat Village which is close the Granado's territory Sophie father tells him but that area is barely developed so Wayne is after the mineral deposits of that land Wayne says no while it's true that it's a region rich in minerals but what draw actually his attention was the land itself that land has everything in resources that his land lacks Sophie father tells him that the land is very hard to develop you know that don't you Wayne says of course he says okay he will tranger the Kut Village and also his surrounding to the graneto family Wayne thanks him Sophie father says he should be the one thanking him for saving his daughter Wayne asked him can he self you right now her father says he don't mind he tells his maid to show him the way to Sophie's room Sophie father says he is just like his father he might be someone who is going to lead our nation someday Sophie is lying on her bed can't stop to think about the time Wayne when he saved her has Wayne made his way through such dangers to save her after all suff he thinks he thought of her as a friend or he thinks of her as something more she just can't stop thinking about him and jumping to conclusions she gets out of her bed to do some exercise and focus on swinging her sword then she might be able to forget about it she opens her room door Wayne is outside her room she is shocked to see him he says hi and tells her sorry for coming unannounced to see her she gets happy thinking Wayne came to see her Wayne says she wasn't looking good when he saved her so he was worried about her she starts blushing hearing this suddenly remembers she is in her nighty and quickly closed her door on Wayne she says sorry but she is not feeling well Wayne tells her it's okay take your time and hope she recovers quickly saie in her room thinking she messed up how could she treat him like that after all he saved her life Wayne thinks she avoided her as he thinks it was right choice to refuse the marriage proposal it would have hurt Sophie if he had accepted the offer now Wayne thinks about the land he got from Lord norber and will put into great use he goes back to the capital in his Villa where kage and welcomes him Wayne tells her he would like to return to the Granado territory immediately they into a room Wayne uses his teleport jetsu and returns back to their territory instantly Wayne maid ask him when did he return from the capital he tells her he just arrived a short while ago he ask her if rugo is in the office she tells him he as Wayne goes in the office ruga is in there and ask Wayne what he can do for him Wayne tells him that he have obtained a new territory so he thought he should come back to tell them Ru thinks it's great now Wayne's spiritual power is back to how it was before and now he can use all the 12 Heavenly generals at once to do some rapid developments in their territory ricko thinks it's a great idea now Wayne summons all 12 of The Heavenly generals and give them instructions now Wayne has enough spiritual power to maintain all of them and tells them they will expect to be summoned all the time now one of them attacks Wayne from behind another generals comes and stops his attack and tells him to not disrespect Wayne Sama his name is TOA and and he is a problem child among the 12 generals Wayne tells him he would fight him next time and for now just go along with the work he gives him if he doesn't listen to him Wayne can always cancel this summon they gets happy as it feels like old times to them Wayne gave them orders and tells them they are going to make some big improvements in the territory everyone gets excited and says they will follow Wayne orders Wayne tells them the reason why Granite of territory is called the weak and small territory in all of alera because their population military and economics are all below the norm Wayne wants to improve in these area first kijin will be supporting Wayne at the Academy rugo will manage the territory T will be in charge of housework and management of the Villa tanu will gather information on these subjects Wayne listed couchin will become an instructor and improve their Soldier skills siru and tenu will establish and manage a new Merchant company jumu will open a temporary hospital and treat the injured people at the church which left these four suzaku Dane Tuda Baka will be in charge of developing the new territory danne asked Wayne what should they do to develop the new territory they have no idea how to do it Wayne tells her they just need to get along with the locals at simple as that the people killbot Village doesn't like the fact that Wayne is their lord so these four should get along with these locals to gain their trust this is Wayne's idea danne loves the idea and gets excited seru says if the plan goes well her company will come in handy Wayne says that's right this is the reason he asked her to to start one TOA tells Wayne then he can wild then naturally Wayne will have to fight with him Wayne tells him that's why Bako and suzaku with him to prevent this from happening danne ask Wayne why did he team her together with them Wayne Pats head and tells her she is cute and innocent and people easily take a liking to her she gets happy and tells Wayne he knows her very well all the shikami starts laughing which means that she is like a child Wayne says to everyone he will be counting on them as they all bow to him and tell him as he wish the next day at the school everyone seems to know about Wayne as he is the one who saves Sophie but Wayne finds it uncomfortable students staring at him kin says should she go and knock everyone out Wayne tells her is there's no need to do that he comes in the classroom and sees Sophie and ask her she is feeling all right she tells him she is feeling better now Sophie apologized to Wayne for closing her door on him when he came to check up on her Wayne tells her it's okay as she was not feeling well Sophie thinks he is a really kind person as they are friends so it's natural and she starts blushing then teachers comes in the class and ask everyone to settle down his name is Corin and he will be magic teacher for their class before starting the class he says those students who can't use magic and they use whatever Jutsu should not get in his way of educating other talented students Wayne says he is practically calling them out kin gets mad Sophie tells the teacher that it is rude to ask a student question like this he tell her he just speak the truth as this Academy is made for those who have a lot of Mana if they don't have it they don't belong Sophie comes forward teacher says that's why a chunk with no Mana was able to take the first place Sophie gets mad and tell Corin Sensei that Wayne is way more powerful than both him and her he gets irritated hearing this then Sophie touches the crystals and they started glowing brightly everyone is surprised to see this as she is the best one so far Wayne says as he expected from Sophie teacher is shocked to see Sophie mana and tells her she has incredible talent in Magic Sophie says thanks and tell him she was able to Output this much Mana is thanks to Wayne because he identified what was wrong with it and fixed it instantly teacher didn't like that at all and says how can he fixed it he doesn't have any Mana at all and calls the next student which is kin she comes forward she telepathically asks Wayne how much Mana should she pour into the crystal Wayne ask her does she have Mana she tells him yes a fair amount of it he tells her to pour as much she can without surpassing sopy teacher tells her what's wrong you can't do it then kein pour her Mana into the crystal and it starts glowing as the same color as Sophie everyone thinks she is on the same level as Sophie maybe even better Sophie is happy to see it as this is to be expected from kgen teacher is surprised to see this and calls the next student which is Wayne teacher thinks it's final his turn the whole reason he is doing this to expose Wayne right here just how useless he is on the other hand Wayne is thinking what he should do as he doesn't have any mana and he is also curious about what would happen if he poured spiritual power into this magic Crystal he poured spiritual power and nothing happens to the crystal then suddenly the students notices that the color of the crystal is changing to black teacher is surprised to see this seeing in effect Wayne pours more spiritual power in the Crystal and it turns pure black and get broken into pieces Wayne teacher and all the students are surprised to see this teacher ask Wayne what is he doing Wayne apologize and thinks magic crystals are quite Fragile the teacher gets more irritated the crystals have been used in the academy for decade no one ever has been able to break it using their Mana teacher tells him to quite down as he is going to get another Crystal all the students surround him and tells Wayne that Anu Jutsu is quite amazing they are happy seeing their rude teacher get surpriz seeing this Sophie gets happy as he has started to blend in with them this student is next and thinks Wayne has put Corin sensei in mad mood which will be Troublesome for her Corin brings the new Crystal and ask Henry to test her Mana as she puts his hand on the Crystal and it doesn't glow teacher ask her is this all she can do in his all years of teaching here this is the first time he has seen such hopeless life he tell her not to bring down other students and goes back to her seat Wayne seeing all this thinks then she must have other talents which helped her pass the entrance exams which means she is really great in other areas except magic teacher tells the students their next lesson will be practical training and tells them to split up into groups of two and they will have to find the goal in the middle of the forest next week and they can start looking for their Partners now everyone huddles around sopie to ask her be their partner she thinks now she can't ask Wayne to be her partner with everyone surrounding her kin ask Wayne what are they going to about pairing up Wayne tells her someone has caught his eye and tells kijin it's Henry she quietly leaves the classroom and Wayne thinks now will be a good chance for him to talk to her she goes to the cafeteria and was thinking about how nobody wants to pair up with her Wayne comes from behind and ask her if he can sit with her she tells him she doesn't mind and sits next to her she ask him what does he want Wayne tells her he just need to talk with her as they both are under the same circumstances she tells him they are nothing alike as he have on you Jutsu he tells her this is he wanted to talk about with her she doesn't have much Mana yet were able to pass the entrance exam which she was admitted here bees she of her Talent she tells Wayne she knows a lot about magic which helped her get in the academy Wayne ask her as she know a lot is there anything in which you are especially good at she tells him she like making magic tools she is crazy about them she applied to this Academy to polish her skills into making the magic tools but it's a lot tougher than she thought she tells Wayne if she was a little stronger she wouldn't have such a hard time in that case Wayne asked her if she is free after school to come to his mansion and they can have a special training for the next week Wayne tell her if she doesn't have much Mana then she should just invent her own personal magic she asked is that Egan possible Wayne tell her of course as she have a lot of knowledge about magic she thanks Wayne and tell him she will try her best after school she comes to the mansion and shows Wayne what she can do Wayne ask her that she can use magic without chanting she tells him yes since she did it all the while making magic tools Wayne thinks chant emission is really difficult as it requires a certain amount of magic and Mana contration even in alera there are not many magicians who can use magic without chanting Wayne asked her to fire a spell in the way he asked her to she asked him what way would that be he tell her to fire the spell using less Mana into it than usual she asked him wouldn't it will make the spell weaker Wayne tells her they are testing let's give it a try SE tries putting less Mana into the spell and creates a huge ball of water which destroyed the target Henry is shocked to see this and ask Wayne what just happened he tells him using less Mana made you use the spell effectively Henry asked Wayne to tell her in more detail Wayne tells her everyone in this world only thinks about casting the same spell in the same way while they sometimes shorten or omit their chance but they always use the same process that goes for Henry as well but once she switched the method she was able to fire powerful spells despite having small Mana pool Henry is surprised to hear about this as Henry has developed excellent Nana control from making magic tools so that's why Wayne thought she would be able to do it Henry tells Wayne this is really amazing as she would have never guessed it on her own also this idea will shake the whole world's concept of magic Wayne tells her it's maybe because he doesn't have mana and he is an exorcist Wayne asked her now she think people will treat her her more kindly Sophie gets really happy and now will be able to manage in the academy thanks to Wayne and also what her first time someone praised her at the Academy she is Overjoyed Wayne ask her would she like to pair up with him she wolson mind but she will slow him down Wayne tells her not to worry let's Ace the exams and leave Sensei Corin speechless Henry starts laughing and says Wayne is ralt amazing and tellson she would love to pair up with him if he doesn't mind Wayne says of course and they shake hands on it after one week later training week arrives and everyone is gathered outside with their Partners teacher tells them their exam will start from here and they have to collect these crystals from the forest and bring them back with them and those who are not back until sunset will fail the exam they can expect both monsters and traps on the way there so student should Advance with utmost caution then teacher sees an interesting pair which is Henry's and Wayne he tells them they will go first and should climb the mountains without getting in their way Wayne says they will try their best and moves for forward Wayne tells Henry to go at her own pace as he will match it as soon the teacher says start Henry channels her mana and uses acceleration magic and goes forward quickly with blue flames covering her everyone is shocked to see this especially Sensei Corin kin thinks this is to be expected from Wayne Sophie is also surprised to see this as Henry couldn't even use magic last time and thinks Wayne really is amazing at helping other people grow Sensei Corin get irritated and doesn't understand what did they do teacher tells the students to not go into the barrier that's on the path of the mountain there is a monster there that you can't defeat as they are now and they might even lose your life Sophie couldn't believe what she just heard gets mad at the teacher and ask him why he didn't say that earlier when Wayne and Henry was still here teacher tells her that he forgot Sophie tells him you can't forget something important like that he tells her that is true and will let them know next time in advance well if there even is a next time he says not to worry since they are two failures and he is sure they will drop out before reaching the barrier Sophie couldn't believe that such a rotten person can be teacher in Alara she hopes Wayne and Henry will be safe Kon didn't say anything at all the scene shifts to both of them running in the forest Wayne tell Henry he is doing great Henry gets happy as it was worth inscribing Magic into their shoes Henry inscribed magic circles into their school shoes and turned them into magic tools and also by using physical enhancement on themselves they can reach their high speeds easily and also made sure to get permission to alter their shoes from the principal so they couldn't accuse him for cheating Wayne tells Henry to be careful as the real test has just begun suddenly Henry tells Wayne to stop Wayne asked him what happened he picks up a rock and throws it on the ground and there was a magic trap there for them they are happy as they didn't fall into this Pitfall Wayne thanks Henry for saving him Wayne gets to thinking as these are the traps mentioned by their teacher it was hard for Wayne to notice them Henry is happy that he could help Wayne Henry tells Wayne that he hasn't told him you would have probably found found a way to deal with it Wayne tells him that's not true they say is all the traps are hidden so they should move a little slower and moves forward and thus they overcame the traps and also fought the monsters after all that were able to come to the top of the mountain and seized the magic barrier according the Wayne as kein told him there is barrier with powerful monster inside it the pretended to forgot and mourn the other students about it after they left Henry says they should take a detour Wayne tells him know as this is the shortest route Henry is stunned and tell tells him that it might prove Troublesome even for him as this is supposed to be one of another of those traps that they need to avoid Wayne tells him it will be fine so trust him Wayne goes inside the magic barrier Henry comes running behind him they both come inside the barrier Henry tells Wayne that the entrance is gone they can't go back Wayne tells him the entrance and exit are different here tree opened his eyes Henry couldn't believe what he is seeing the tree turned into a really big aggressive monster Wayne says this seems to be a Trent which is weaker than the Chimera he fought before the entrance exam Henry is really scared thinking that they have to defeat this monster to reach the exit Wayne tells Henry he has already helped a lot so lead it to him as he takes out his sword the tree attacks Wayne he uses Shadow fire to burn his roots and jumps into the air says there is no way a mere tree can stand a chance in front of him and slashes the tree into two after that he goes to Henry and tells him let's get out of here Henry Coulson beli what he just saw and finally they comes across the crystal they both gets happy as they are the first who came Wayne picks the Crystal and they both couldn't stop smiling Wayne and Henry comes out of the forest teacher is surprised to see that it's these two they tell Corin Sensei they have brought back the crystal which means they have passed the Practical training teachers tells them they must have cheated as they may have been the first one to start but still it's too fast Corin gets irritated as they manage to avoid the barrier after he kept it hidden from them Wayne tells him they did take the shortest route and defeated the train teacher couldn't believe what he just heard teacher says there is no way that they can defeat the train Henry says it will be impossible for him but not for Wayne as he took down the Trent in a single blow teacher finds this ridiculous as a failure like him can't do that Wayne tells him when they come back with the crystal so quickly enough proof for him teacher says he is sure that they have cheated somehow Wayne doesn't like that at all as he has always get accused of cheating by magicians Wayne tells Corin if he doubt them so much why not confirm it by himself Corin didn't like that at all and Wayne tells him he can come at him at any time he wants if he wins then corin will have to correct his arrogant attitude as a teacher Henry tells Wayne he can't do that Corin gets mad and tells Wayne he will correct that rebellious attitude of teacher he will show Wayne what real magic looks like and casts a spell and fires it towards them Henry doesn't get how is Wayne going to dodge the attack Henry tells Corin this is going to far Corin tells him it's Wayne fault of opposing him and he held back just enough to not kill him as he can brush off his injuries sustained during the Practical training Wayne says no need to worry as he is not injured after all and uses his spell named bind of severance and now Corin can't move at all Wayne tells him he just used onu Jutsu that he looked down upon Corin didn't like that Wayne tells him to relax as he will also hold back as well Paulo comes here and tells Wayne to stop as this is enough Wayne backs off Paulo says he has been watching this year practical training from the start Corin gets scared and asks Headmaster what is he doing here Paula says some of the students from sword class has reported your bad behavior so he decided to watch the Practical training and tells curan that he is fired he tells Paulo that it's a misunderstanding Paula tells him what would that be didn't you just omit information trying to get these two students in trouble and tells him to drop the excuses he will question him about everything once the training is over Corin tells Wayne it's all his fault Wayne tells him he just reaped what you SED Corin tells him to shut up as he is already fired and he will be taking way with him and fires a spell at him seems that he still doesn't understand the difference between their powers and uses a flaming spell which cancels out corn magic he is shocked to see this Wayne tells him does you understand now this is what onu Jutsu is after that scene shifts to Kin and Sophie coming back after getting the crystal Sophie thanks kijun for teaming up with her kijun says she should be thanking her too as she had fun thanks to Sophie she getss happy hearing this Kon asks Sophie why did she choose her to pair up as everyone in the class looks up to her so much Sophie starts laughing and tells kein she wanted to get to know her better and also she thinks after getting close to her she could consult her about Wayne as well Kon gets happy as she thanks her Sophie say they didn't see the barrier corn sense they talked about terrifying kidon smiling says who knows they comes out of the forest and Wayne greets both of them Sophie says you guys really did make it back before them and ask Wayne where is Corin Sensei Wayne tells her he is over there she goes to him to report him that they have returned she calls him but he is not in his senses Sophie asked what happened to Corin Sensei Wayne tells her Headmaster showed up and fired him Sophie gets shocked hearing this and by the end of the day Corin have left alera magic Academy Wayne is in his Carriage with kidin she tells him practical training turned out to be a great opportunity as he became friends with Henry and also got rid of that eyesore of a teacher Wayne tells her that he is happy as the students in the class seems to recognize Henry now and also she and so have gotten closer to one another and also they are planning to have dinner together T tells Wayne that they are about to arrive at Kut Village the new addition to their territory Wayne hopes that those guys have gotten along with the Villagers Wayne arrives at the Village the chief of the village named Yan come to welcome him Wayne says thanks you very much and ask him is his servants are doing a good job he tells him yes of course they are Wayne judges from Chief reaction they are doing better than he expected Chief tells him that he will show him the way to to his servants and they starts walking Wayne is surprised to see that he have such a luxurious mansion here sheath tells Wayne because TOA and others are their great benefactors and letting them have this in return is only natural Wayne now gets more Curious and they go up the stairs and sees toas sitting on the sofa like a royal Wayne ask him why is he looking so mighty today he says because of his popularity of course shaza tells Wayne it's because since they arrive here he has been constantly hunting the monsters around the village since the people people here have been suffering from monster attacks for a long time they see TOA as their savior as they have gotten along with the people as Wayne requested but it has completely gotten into toa's head and he listens to them even less than before danne gets mad and asks Wayne to do something about him Wayne says he will do something Wayne envisions something a little different than this but this is pretty good result and if they worship you which means they will gladly obey our orders when we give them and if they want Tuda to listen to them there is a quick and easy way to have him do so tells Toto why not they fight Tuda jumps and attack Wayne saying he will do that as Wayne block his attack says then it's decided T both go outside for their fight everyone is standing on the side watching Wayne tells TOA it's been a while since they fought Tuda has been waiting for this moment the day he will kill Wayne and comes behind him and kicks Wayne he goes flying in the air blocking the attack but Tuda comes around him started punching him but couldn't get a clean hit that is what exactly make Wayne worth killing for Tuda he Backs from Wayne and uses his kick of flames thinks Wayne can easily defend against this technique but also uses his eye of the snake king which stops Wayne from moving in Wayne was about to take a direct hit from the attack Tuda thinks it's his win now then Wayne comes behind him and tells Tuda he might have lost to that if he was just reincarnated and punches him to the ground Tuda falls into the river Wayne uses his spiritual light arrow and hits Toto with a direct hit DNE starts cheering saying she knew Wayne would win Bako says Wayne is regaining more of his former strength by the day insane goes for them too Wayne comes down and tells Tuda it's clear to say that he won Tuda gets mad and says he lost this time but next time he will definitely kill him in their fight and walks of Wayne thinks this is how he is at least this should make him listen to him for a while danne hugs Wayne saying good job they all came down and tells Wayne as expected from him to honor of the Holy spring in the middle of their fight with TOA suzuku asked Wayne that's why he chose to fight here Wayne says yes danne finds this really awesome and gets excited T and kijin wanted to dig up a hot spring in this Village sauka says so that's why you were investigating the surrounding soil with onu Jutsu if they could find a hot spring then they could create several tourist destinations here and people from all of the country will visit kbut and after that they started the development of the kup village with Hot Spring Resorts and they can expand it little by little corresponding to the amount of people that arrive all the villagers are working hard because of trust toa's group has built keun tells Wayne that the bats will be finished today but Wayne is in deep thought thinking about something Wayne tells her it's nice that they are coming along nicely and tells Kajun he has some tribal business he will be back by tonight and leaves and scene shifts to the cbut mine where a strange man in a cloak is making a dark magic circle but Wayne comes to save the cbut village and asks the man what is he doing here but he doesn't say anything uses a flame explosion spell and fires towards Wayne he e easily evades the fire and comes behind him and knocks out the guy in no time Wayne thinks he doesn't know the guy and what exactly he was trying to set free here Wayne says he will ask tenu to investigate this mine later in hand over this guy to the knights at the capital Wayne comes back everyone welcomes him back they waited for him to come back after finishing the bath since they wanted him to be the first one to go in it Wayne tells them they didn't need to do that she tells him of course they will not use it until he does it first hijen tells danne this is rude Wayne tells them why not you all should come in with him they all get happy and says of course the guys goes into the men's bath and the girls go to their bath but DNE slips on the floor kijin tells her she is reckless as ever kijin goes into the bath gracefully and danne jumps into the splashing all water on kid as the girls enjoying their bath on the other hand Tuda is on the roof lying BYO tells him to come and take a bath with them he tells them leave him alone they say he is still rooting over losing to Wayne keun contacts Wayne through telepathy and ask Wayne is the temperature up to his liking he tells her yes and also he has changed quite a lot Wayne ask he in what way she tells him he has become more gentler person than he used to be in his previous life Wayne tells her that's not true as he was always a gentle person she starts Ling and says I guess she says you may not be aware of it yourself but she thinks that through his interaction with Henry and Sophie as they are now she is sure they will never betray him rather they will walk alongside him that what amazing friends she think they are the next day kidon comes in the office with the bad news Wayne ask her what happened she tells him that the magician he caught yesterday has passed away Wayne says that's unfortunate let's go check his body he goes inside the cell to check his body and sends a pretty dense Mana which means he was killed by a spell he sees the magic Crest on his chest as the crest has a design which amplifies a magic contract it's looked like it was to activate after a set period of time specified by the contract but it's fully activated which means they shut him up as he was just upon in their organization it bothers Wayne as he was never able to find out who he was he tells kein let's investigate colat mine next BYO ask Wayne can you come with them Wayne says of course they goes inside the mine and Wayne takes them to where the magician tried dispelling the seal which means there must be something sealed inside the mine but the question is what they were planning on doing with it Wayne says let's break the seal by AO stay wouldn't that be dangerous Wayne says they can't do just thinking about it as R his powers or now he can deal with pretty much anything they started trying to dispelling the seal Wayne thinks no magic is perfect it's bound to have a flaw somewhere so he can probably neutralize it by bombarding it with his spiritual power he casts his spell and breaks the seal and wonders what kind of monster he will see lava shickles around in salamander comes out of there bako tells Wayne let him handle this and charges forward Wayne tells him he wants to investigate it so make sure not to kill it solomander blows fire at him Wayne thinks it's intense heat but it's useless against biao biao uses his spell and easily takes down the salamander Wayne gets happy seeing how fast backo is which is to be expected from the 12 Heavenly generals BYO ask Wayne is this enough Wayne tells him it's perfect Wayne comes forward to check out the salamander suddenly smoke surrounds the salamander and Wayne can't see anything and salamander shrinks into a baby kidin and others finds him really cute as Wayne tries to touch it he starts talking and ask Wayne to spare his life Wayne is surprised to see a talking salamander and doesn't understand the meaning of this salamander tells Wayne that he is not a muster but he is a spirit Wayne picks him up and asks him why did he attack that when they released him he says he was simply confused by the whole ordeal Wayne says he believes him Spirit thanks him kidan asked Wayne is this really Oki Wayne says he don't mind somewhat he is responsible since he is the one who set it free Wayne tells the spirit he would like to ask him a lot of questions spirit says of course he will answer summarizing all the questions Wayne ask the spirit as he is a fire Spirit named salamander and doesn't remember who sealed him and nor does know the reason why as he is one of the four Spirits each represents the elements of water fire Earth and wind Wayne gets irritated as the spirit doesn't remember all the importent bits kijun tells of the spirit aren't you lying Wayne thinks that's not the case Wayne says could it be that the other Spirits were also sealed somewhere just like him spirit says he has no idea about it Bako says what a useless lizard but he does where the other Spirits are we ask him how come does he know that since they all represent their own elements so they roughly grasp about each other existence Wayne says to kidin then if they go and meet these Spirits they might be able to understand why they were sealed and what The Magicians are planning kin love the idea and also they have a guide too who will help them Wayne says to the spirit if he helps them he will take responsibility and will look after him Wayne tells him that he has been sealed for so long SOI wanted to get along with him Wayne says you are free to refuse if he doesn't like the idea Solomon gets excited and says he will be at his care then Spirit tells Wayne that five meals a day and a quiet place to sleep is a must for him as he thanks him after that Wayne goes to the academy and tells everything that happens to the principal Polo which is why Wayne will be taking leave from school for a while Paulo get excited says it's an interesting story so interesting that if he wasn't the principal he would join him Wayne says you don't have to follow him Paulo says he was just kidding Paulo asked Wayne as he has been getting in a lot of trouble lately when Wayne says he was probably born under a star Paula starts laughing and says that expression fits him perfectly and would like to hear about his Adventure when he comes back Wayne says he will tell him and excuse himself from there as he comes out of the principal's office Sophie greets him and asks him did he has business with the Headmaster Wayne tells her yes as he has taken a leave from school Sophie asked him what happened is he's sick Wayne says no he just had some business and he need to go on a trip to take care of it Sophie asked him how long will he be G on for Wayne says it's not exactly clear then Sophie ask Wayne can she comes along with him Wayne is surprised hearing this and Sophie tells him she wanted to repay him as he has done a lot for her Wayne tells her I know but he doesn't know how long will he be gone for if takes a long time then she might have to neglect her studies for quite some time Sophie says she don't mind if she thinks she would learn more from just being around him than in a classroom then he will be counting on her and they shake hands on it they both comes into Paulo's office and Wayne tells him that Sophie would also like to join him on his trip Paulo starts smiling and tells Wayne that quite a catch Wayne tells him it's not like that they comes out of his room and Sophie starts blushing she asked Wayne he hasn't told her yet where are they going he tells her first they are going to the port town of nelida Wayne thinks that's where the great water spirit would be and wonders how it will go kjun is waiting for Wayne outside the academy she sees Sophie Wayne tells her that he ended up bringing Sophie along as well kin says as Wayne wishes and Sophie tell her she will be in her care kin says says likewise then the salamander comes out and says he will be in charge of guiding them Sophie is shocked to see a talking monster Wayne starts laughing and tells Sophie hasn't told her yet then the scene shifts to Wayne office where he shows Dan and shaza the solander Wayne tells them the reason he gathered them here so to get them in contact with other Spirits apart from the fire one shizuka says isn't this little the only one who can find them Wayne tells him there's a way they can find them salitter fires a few fireballs and Wayne tells them these furballs that contain some of his power so they should be able to guide them where the other Spirits are danne finds these four balls really fascinating Wayne tells them they will split up and head towards a different Spirit each kijun and him will head to the port town and they hide to meet the water spirit suzaku and de will use the Fire Spirit to find the Earth Spirit in sazona mountains likewise Tanda and Baco will head to kual F to find the wind spirit Tuda gets irritated Wayne tells him he will be counting on him Bako ask Wayne what will they do if the spirits are also sealed like Salander Wayne says then he would like them to undo the seal protect the spirit and bring it back here safely after assigning everyone their work they all head out the scene shifts back to the carriage where Sophie finally gets that this little guy is not a monster but is a spirit Sophie says it's so well behaved and still got sealed and she is curious why he got sealed Wayne says it seemed well behaved but it must have done something bad to deserve such treatment salamander that is not true at all Wayne tells the spirit did lose his memory and then attacked him right away after getting released Sophie tells Wayne she can't imagine it wouldn't be scary getting attack by something so small Wayne starts laughing as Spirit tells him it would never again him again so forgive him Wayne tells him he won't abandon him even if he did something bad as he is the one who released his seal after all Spirit finds this really touching and stared crying Sophie starts laughing seeing the spirit happy and also Wayne is quite good dealing with problem children sopie contemp about what Wayne said about problem children the scene moves to bco and to riding the horse in the middle of the desert as bco sneezes to to ask him did he get a cold he says know someone must be thinking about him hearing this T gets irritated as it was getting late for Wayne's team so stopped by a city to sleep at an inn it takes 4 days to get to Nel Huda by carriage and lucky for them there are quite a lot of ends comes on their way so they can travel leisurely Sophie is really happy as it's her first time eating on a trip with her friends finds it really refreshing she gets defensive and tells Wayne it's like she wanted to go on a trip with them as she will try her best to help him out Wayne tells her she doesn't have to be so straight laced as he is enjoying the trip as well keun says it's more lively with Sophie with them and also she wanted to eat a meal with her for a long time Sophie starts smiling as she thanks them both suddenly a guy loudly opens the door and sits on the table next to Wayne's and asked the waiter to bring his usual either people started talking as he is the guy from the mayor's and he thinks himself some big shot he sees Sophie and kijun and calls them and tells them why not ditch that dull guy and come eat with him Wayne doesn't care about him at all and kept eating his food but kein gives him the dead look and the guy gets scared in thought to himself he can't lose he have to confident here he comes in front of kijin and tells her what's up with her attitude does she know who he is he is the son of the mayor here Sophie tells him well in that case he should be the one fixing his attitude he asked he why should he Sophie shows him the crest and ask him does he recognize this the guy runs out of the in in a second Sophie says what was that Wayne tells her this kind of things often happens here after 3 days later they arrive the Nida and Wayne ask the spirit where does he feel the spirit's presence he tells them from over there Wayne tells them let's go check it out they comes here and sees a statue salamander tells them that of the Statue of saloon the goddess of the sea Wayne checks it out and says it's pretty weathered though well it was quite a long trip just to end up here and think not many would come here all the way just to pray here Wayne asks the salamander is this is the place where the water spirit is sealed he tells Wayne he can faintly feel her presence but he thinks it's that way that way is the sea well it wouldn't be strange for water spirit to be sealed under the sea but Wayne thinks why Spirit presence is still only faint as Wayne can sense that the statue is covered with a thin layer of Mana some sort of spell must have been cast on it Wayne uses his jeu place his hand on the Statue and breaks the layer of mana and the statue starts shining and a girl which seems to be the spirit of water appears and tells Wayne nice to meet him Wayne ask her who is she and also where are they she tells him that she is the goddess of the sea Saloon and this is a special Dimension where they can hold their true forms Wayne gets surprised to see this Wayne says she does resemble the statue she ask Wayne does he not believe him Wayne he does Wayne tells her then he must speak formally with a goddess she says speaking naturally is fine for her Wayne asked her why did she appear in front of him as he is not a religious person she tells him she finds him amusing as it's her first time seeing a youth like him mixed with a soul from another world and using the power that's opposite of magic Wayne thinks she can see a lot he tells her what she is hoping to achieve by showing herself to him she tells him nothing much as she just wanted to say hi to him she tells Wayne he is burdened with a tremendous Duty and she is dured they will get a chance to meet again what tells her what is she talking about she says that's not something she will tell him as it's only for Gods to know Wayne says guess it can't be help then as has no idea what's waiting for him he will just have to try his best she tells him she has activate the spell cast on the Statue which will help him finding what he seeks Wayne thanks her he says if didn't have done that then he would have completely erased that spell she tells him they have runs out of time and says her goodbye to him Wayne comes in front of the statue Sophie says what's wrong he says nothing and says let's try it out he uses the spell and creates a passage Under the Sea which has Mansion Under the Sea they all are surprised to see this Sophie says if the spell will be activated by touch then it would have been Famous by now Wayne tells her he used his onu Jutsu to activate the Spell Sophie finds Anu jetsu really convenient Wayne tells them that it looks like Temple under the bottom of the sea solomander says he can feel the water spirit ahead of them they move forward and Wayne thinks finally he is going to meet the water spirit and he might be able to shed light on some Mysteries outside back at the Statue a guy is there and sees that there really is a spell casted on the Statue and says he should hurry up and do his job back inside the Ted Wayne finds something a mermaid chained up inside a crystal salamander says she is the water spirit now they have found the spirit Wayne says let's start releasing the seal salamander say this seal cannot be broken half- heartly Sophi tells Wayne She also agree as they need first order Magic to break the seal Wayne says it's the same as with the salamander then it should be easy for him kjun tells Wayne to be careful as they don't know if it will attack them as soon it is released Wayne puts his hand on the chains and breaks them easily instantly and she falls into Wayne arms Sophie didn't like that at all and gets jealous salamander couldn't believe war he just saw and ask Wayne who is he Wayne tells him he is just an average Exorcist kein says he is the strongest Exorcist Wayne says okay Spirit wakes up and ask Wayne who is he salamander greets her and tells her she is released from her seal and this guy helped him out she tells salamander then he is the one who brought these people here that guy comes from behind and tells them good job as he would would a never thought you guys would be so kind to release the seal for him they all get ready to attack Wayne tells them to stand back and leave it to him Spirit asks salamander did he also bring him here he says no he tells undy too let him deal with him she says okay as she just got released and her memories are still a little hazy Wayne thinks he didn't notice him at all as this guy is much stealthier than the other magician that showed up in cbat Wayne askk him who is he he tells him he can call him a villain and if Wayne hand over the spirit he will at least spare his life and he sees the lizard Spirit too and tells Wayne that he hands them both of these Spirits he will pretend he never met them Wayne says allow me to offer you a counter proposal Wayne says tell me about your organization and piss off he tells Wayne you might not be able to tell the difference between their powers so tells Wayne he might end up dying if he is too cocky and tells Wayne there is no going back and takes out his sword and charges towards Wayne Spirit thinks Wayne might get hurt as he doesn't seem strong salamander tells her Wayne is stronger than him so don't worry Wayne easily blocks his attacks with his sword he gets surprised and ask him who is he as he doesn't have any mana and yet can use magic Wayne tells him this isn't Magic it's called Anu Jutsu he doesn't understand Wayne Wayne says okay let him show you the power of Anu Jutsu the guy thinks he needs to get a little serious too and create five clones of himself Sophie is shocked to see this as he did this without a chant and looks really strong magician too Wayne tells him does he really think such Child's Play would work on him he tells Wayne Then show him that it doesn't inch charges towards Wayne and attacks him but blocks his attack easily and comes behind the real one and cuts him but it wasn't the real one kjun is shocked to see that Wayne was wrong Wayne tells him he is quite devious as he wasn't wrong when he was about to cut and he changed places with the Clone which means he can use his copies as scapegoats guy tells him that is correct and says just because you understand his technique it doesn't means he can deal with him he comes behind Wayne and was about to cut him him Wayne quickly blocks him attack then the villain again attacks Wayne but he still easily Dodges them villain thinks he is really strong then uses all his clone and fire spell at Wayne he easily Dodges his attacks and says it's about time to finish this villain says his bluff won't work on him suddenly he feels chills Wayne comes down and tells him let me show you whether it's a bluff or not villain CS himself down his armu Jutsu must be defensive teique as he has not attacked him yet as he must be planning to escape by bluffing Tobi some time Wayne tells him to keep using his clones or otherwise it won't be any fun Wayne gets ready to attack him and instantly cuts through him villain couldn't believe what just happened Wayne tells him if he is going to change places with his clones then he will just attack all of his clones at the same time and ask him what does he think about onu Jutsu Sophie thinks Wayne easily overwhelmed that magician just how strong does Wayne really is kidon thinks Wayne has gotten really strong as he is regaining his powers at a terrifying Pace what spirit is shocked to see this and says how can a human be this powerful salamander tells her he doesn't know so they shouldn't get on his bad side ever villain tells Wayne he wasn't serious till the very end Wayne tells him this would have easier to him to understand this way the difference in their powers Wayne ask him to tell him about his organization and what are they after he tells him he is not going to tell him anything and takes out a blue ball and vanishes in front of them they get surprised as Wayne let him get away in the aftermath of Wayne's Swift resolution of The Intruders threat his attention shifted gracefully toward the enigmatic water spirit with genuine curiosity Wayne probed into the reasons behind her prolonged confinement her response echoed a disconcerting refrain akin to the salamander Amnesia leaving Wayne with more questions than answers meanwhile Sophie the ever contemplative presence in their group began to ponder the abundance of mysteries that shrouded their Quest she couldn't help but speculate that the reunion of the four great spirits might hold the elusive key to unlocking the labyrinthine depths of their forgotten memories kijin their trusted and mystical companion arrived bearing significant news she revealed that their fellow shikis had triumphantly secured the spirits a feat that encompassed the successful dismantling of their restraining seals eager for any glimmer of hope regarding their lost memories Wayne inquired if any clues had surfaced regrettably the spirits remained trapped in the Enigma of their pasts to further perplex matters similar peculiar magicians had targeted other shiky gamus unine accepted sealing their Newfound alliance with a firm handshake Sophie witnessing this harmonious resolution couldn't contain her excitement she voiced the question that loomed in everyone's mind did this turn of events mean that they had already achieved their ultimate goal Wayne in his reassuring manner affirmed that indeed they had Sophie couldn't help but be overjoyed as the prospect of an earlier return home than anticipated filled her heart with Elation kin her enthusiasm still Ablaze shared a tantalizing proposition with Wayne eagerly she broached the subject of The Delectable seafood dishes rumored to be found in nehy her suggestion was clear they should indulge in a culinary Adventure while in the vicinity Wayne with a fond smile readily accepted the proposal their group now invigorated with a renewed sense of purpose in a contrasting scene a mysterious figure found refuge in the hushed sanctuary of a library thoughts race as they contemplated their miraculous Escape unbeknownst to them a fellow individual approached curiosity burning in their eyes this interlocutor wasted no time in questioning the return of the cloaked figure and the outcome of their encounter with the spirit with a heavy heart the cloaked figure admitted to successfully breaking the seal but failing to apprehend their elusive Target when queried about their confrontation with the spirit the figure clarified that their defeat did not come at the hands of the spirit itself but rather the intervention of the formidable feudal Lord Granado this Revelation raised more questions than answers as Nel was a considerable distance from their territory furthermore the cloaked figure had played an instrumental role in unsealing the spirits it became evident that the fire Spirit had guided them to their present location adding another layer of complexity to their mission the figure acknowledged the a inspiring strength of feudal Lord Granado deeming him a true monolith among Mortals intrigued and perhaps wary of Wayne's growing reputation the figure began to see him as a potential threat to their machinations a revision of their plans was inevitable with an unwavering resolve to protect their dreams from any interference the narrative's focus shifted to Wayne's stately Mansion where all four Spirits had convened despite their physical presence the Spectre of Forgotten memories still loomed Wayne the embodiment of patience and empathy reassured them that there was no need for haste in recovering their lost histories nonetheless Wayne couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease he harbored a legitimate concern that those who sought the spirits might Mount another assault on his Haven with unwavering determination he promised biao that he would remain their stal protector a Vigilant Guardian against any potential Return of the enigmatic magicians kijun arrived bearing an intriguing invitation Wayne's inquisitiveness naturally led him to inquire about the nature of this summons kin revealed that it was an invitation to a grand ball at the illustrious Royal Court the following day saw Wayne diligently fulfilling his obligations as a feudal Lord his commitment extended beyond the confines of his estate as he embarked on on a journey throughout his domain this firsthand experience allowed him to intimately connect with the lives of his subjects gaining profound insights into their daily struggles and aspirations during his rounds Wayne stumbled upon an unusual sight a crew of people patiently awaiting something outside a recently renowned establishment his curiosity naturally got the better of him prompting him to engage one of the eager patrons The Establishment in question turned out to be ten cows a revelation that didn't Escape wing Discerning gaze he couldn't help but Marvel at sir's unwavering efficiency and dedication to her craft Wayne was eager to explore the specialty that had drawn such a crowd tricker Dango upon tasting it Wayne was captivated by its delectable sweetness convinced of its potential to find favor in this new world Wayne subjects who had witnessed his dedication and transformative impact on the Granado Frontier approached him with heartfelt gratitude they marveled at the flourishing Prosperity brought about by his capable leadership and the invaluable assistance he had enlisted in a gesture of appreciation they extended an invitation to a forthcoming Harvest Festival Wayne with characteristic humility graciously declined the offer due to prior commitments nevertheless he promised to attend the next celebration a testament to his genuine regard for his people the scene transitioned to the resplendant confines of the Imperial Palace where Wayne's name had become a topic of widespread conversation Wayne surmised that his heroic Rescue of Sophie had catapulted him into the Limelight soon after Sophie made a grand entrance adorned in in breathtakingly beautiful dress Wayne deeply moved by her gesture expressed his gratitude for the invitation as he gazed upon her an unspoken sentiment stirred within him Sophie taken aback by Wayne's unwavering kindness inquired about the well-being of the spirits Wayne's reassurance that one of his trusted subordinates was safeguarding them filled her with relief Sophie was quick to acknowledge the spirit's elevated status attributing it to Wayne's Valiant rescue as their connection deepened Sophie felt an inexplicable warmth in her heart Sophie eager to share this moment with Wayne proposed that they pay a visit to hus CL together Wayne profoundly grateful for her company readily accepted the offer as they approached hus CL who was seated regally with her bodyguard they exchanged warm greetings and introduced themselves Sophie ever inquisitive directed her attention to dup Bray hilga highness Clo's Vigilant protector for the evening Duke Bray Hilda elucidated that only individuals of unwavering trustworthiness were entrusted with the solemn duty of safeguarding the royal personage as Wayne contemplated the unexpected presence of Mato brila the current head of the illustrious seven Nobles he marveled at the in congruity of such a powerful Mage serving as a bodyguard the introduction of Wayne Grano the current head of the Granado family left an indelible impression on those present in the midst of this exchange the Vigilant bodyguard couldn't help but Ponder Wayne's unassuming appearance contrasting it with the legendary Feats attributed to him a fleeting surge of apprehension coursed through Wayne but it dissipated as swiftly as it had Arisen it was evident that the bodyguards heightened vigilance stemmed from the inherent risks of his role highness CL seizing the opportunity extended a gracious invitation to Wayne an invitation to dance Wayne though momentarily taken back graciously accepted setting the stage for a momentous turn in their evening as they swayed Grace on the Dance Floor Wayne couldn't help but inquire about the reason behind the princess's invitation to dance her response filled him with both surprise and honor she confessed that he had caught her eye from the moment they met Wayne's heart warmed at her words drawing closer as she whispered in his ear inviting him to the allstar's Royal Library the following evening she hinted at having something important to share and Wayne readily accepted the invitation promising to be there their conversation concluded with her suggestion that they return to enjoying their dance matio a keen Observer found the princess's uncommon display of interest in Wayne quite intriguing it was a rarity for the princess to invite someone to dance curiosity peaked matio turned to Sophie for insights into Wayne's character Sophie revealed that Wayne possessed a unique power distinct from traditional magic known as Anu Jutsu matio unfamiliar with this concept expressed a strong desire to witness it Sophie assured him that Wayne would be willing to demonstrate with the smirk matio proposed that they have Wayne showcas his abilities right then and there however before their plan could unfold the hall plunged Into Darkness shattering the rry a monstrous wolf burst through a window launching a sudden attack Wayne's protected instincts kicked in as he positioned himself as a shield for the princess the Ferocious creature leaped at Wayne Jaws menacingly a gap in a Swift and skillful display Wayne cast a spell that incapacitated the beast in an instant matio utilizing his mag iCal abilities restored light to the room revealing Wayne's astonishing prowess the astonished guests watched in disbelief as Wayne dispatched the creature with a single blow Matia rushed over to express his gratitude for Wayne's Swift actions in protecting the princess the princess deeply appreciative acknowledged Wayne's strength confirming that he had indeed lived up to her expectations Wayne couldn't help but wonder whether she had learned about his abilities through rumors meanwhile matio found himself taken aback by Wayne's extraordinary skill in dispatching the Shadow Wolf it was clear that Wayne possessed far more power than matio had initially assumed as Wayne questioned the sudden appearance of the monster within the palace suspecting Foul Play due to the perfectly timed extinguishing of the lights matio took charge ensuring the princess's safety and pledging to investigate the matter with the appearance of the monster the grand ball came to an abrupt end the following day Wayne made his way to the Royal Palace to meet the princess she emerged from her room and beckon Wayne to follow her leading him to a hidden place within the palace known to only a select few she assured him that there was no cause for concern given her status as the princess Wayne couldn't help but question the purpose behind her invitation prompting her to reveal her unique ability to glimpse into the futures of other people Wayne was genuinely surprised by this Revelation and sought further clarification she explained that her eyes possessed the rare ability to perceive fragments of the near future and she had indeed glimpsed Wayne in one of these visions eager to learn more Wayne pressed for details and she described a vision of ala's Destruction by a Colossal dragon with Wayne standing alone in a heroic battle against it Wayne inquired about the unfolding of this ominous scene but she admitted her limited understanding as her Visions offered only fragmented glimpses turning to a historical tone she recounted the tale of a dragon that had nearly decimated the kingdom long ago the kingdom had been saved by an enigmatic figure known as the awakened one who had engaged the Dragon in a battle of epic proportions and sealed it deep beneath the capital this historical account had been carefully guarded and passed down within the royal family for Generations Wayne was intrigued by the secrecy surrounding this knowledge prompting her to explain that it was intended to deter anyone from attempting to undo the dragon seal however her vision hinted at the possibility that the seal had been broken as Wayne pieced the puzzle together he pointed to a depiction in the book that bore a striking resemblance to the four great spirits she confirmed confirmed his observation and inquired about how he knew of them Wayne recounted recent events involving the spirits and their safeguarding within his home this Revelation relieved her as she explained that all four great spirits were needed to undo the dragon's seal Wayne's suspicions deepened as he considered the involvement of an organization plotting to overthrow the royal family he questioned whether the seven nobles were aware of the dragon's existence to which she replied that only the royal family was privy to this knowledge this Revelation hinted at the possibility of a traitor within the royal family leaking information she acknowledged that Wayne was the first Outsider to be entrusted with her precognition ability Wayne expressed concern about the gravity of her disclosure but she reassured him emphasizing that anyone who faced the dragon could not be considered their enemy she had prepared herself for this moment she then made a heartfelt request for Wayne to save alsta and promised him any reward he desired Wayne however humbly declined any reward expressing his satisfaction in celebrating her recent birthday and considering the salvation of alera a heartfelt gift to her her smile radiated gratitude for his romantic sentiment playfully Wayne adopted a charismatic demeanor highlighting the appeal of having a ruler like her she found Wayne's intriguing Persona captivating Wayne posed a final question about the malleability of her visions of the future she revealed that the future could indeed change but only if she actively attempted to alter it Wayne assured her that he understood and pledged to do his utmost to change the foreseen tragic future using his onu Jutsu with their conversation concluded Wayne departed for his Carriage reflecting on the weighty responsibility bestowed upon him he recognized this as the duty the goddess of the sea had alluded to determined to protect his homeland he vowed never to allow anyone to wreak havoc within its borders although he remained uncertain about the identity of the enemy he now understood their intentions and could begin devising countermeasures the narrative then shifted to a palace where a group of individuals gathered around a table they declared that it was time to act revealing their secret plan to consist of only the most formidable magicians Fortune had smiled upon them for the four great spirits were currently housed within the Granado Mansion a fact unbeknownst to Rolo vistv and Wayne granato doubts arose about Wayne's strength leading to speculations that cidi might be weak however matio cautioned against underestimating Wayne drawing from his own firsthand experience of Wayne's overwhelming power the group contemplated their mission to overthrow alera believing that if everything went according to plan the nation could crumble without the need to confront any powerful adversaries All Eyes turned to a girl named elano as they prepared for the attack on Wayne's mansion and the birth of their ideal nation in the Serene kup Village nestled amidst rolling fields and Lush Greenery a humble Farmer embarked on his usual routine the Golden Sun cast Long Shadows as he wandered through his Fields tending to his crops however this idyllic scene was soon DED disrupted by a puzzling and disconcerting sight a Grove of trees that had inexplicably withered and wilted their once vibrant leaves now hung limply a stark contrast to the Lively foliage that surrounded them he scratched his head utterly befuddled by this Enigma that defied the laws of nature something was undeniably aess and the farmer couldn't fathom what had caused this unsettling phenomenon wor GD at his heart as he recognized the potential gravity of the situation with a deep sense of responsibility and concern for his fellow villagers he abruptly abandoned his work breaking into a worried Sprint towards the heart of kot Village his mission was clear he needed to relay this strange and troubling occurrence to his fellow villagers as he made his way back he couldn't shake the Eerie feeling that dark magic might be a play here meanwhile within the hallowed Halls of an academy a young man named Wayne found himself in deep contemplation his footsteps echoed through the quiet Corridor as he mowed over grave matter princess CL a figure of great importance and foresight had shared her vision with him it painted a grim picture the imminent Revival of a colossal Dragon a dire threat that Wayne was determined to thwart his resolve to prevent this cataclysmic event was unwavering yet he also grappled with the weighty responsibility of minimizing the potential Devastation should the Dragon Rise seeking guidance and Clarity Wayne made his way to the office of the Academy's principal he sensed that the matter at hand was of utmost importance and required their undivided attention attention with a polite but firm knock he entered the office and took a seat ready to share the weighty burden he carried Wayne began by recounting the entirety of what he had learned the tale of the Dragon the enigmatic spirits and the existence of the awakened ones his inquiries were Earnest his eyes searching the principal's face for any flicker of recognition or understanding he wanted to know if the principal possessed any knowledge or insight into these perplexing matters the principal a figure of wisdom and Authority listened attentively to Way's account he was well aware of Wayne's exceptional abilities surpassing even most of the Academy's esteemed instructors yet the principal cautioned Wayne acknowledging The Prodigy's youth he gently suggested that Wayne might lean on the wisdom of his Elders a subtle nod to the idea that the burden he carried was too great for one so young Wayne grateful for the advice and acknowledgement of his strength responded with a gracious nod however he was unwavering his determination to confront this ominous threat head-on his eyes met the principles conveying his unwavering resolve the corner of the principal's mouth curled into a knowing smile an acknowledgement of Wayne's indomable Spirit assuring him that if this was the path he had chosen then he trusted in Wayne's ability to carry the weight of responsibility as Wayne made his exit he could feel the support and confidence of his mentor outside the principal's office Wayne couldn't help but reflect on the mysterious events unfolding around him the Revival of a giant dragon and the existence of the awakened ones weighed heavily on his his mind as he continued his solitary Journey Through the Academy's corridors in the midst of his contemplation he was pleasantly interrupted by the sight of a familiar face Sophie a friendly and cheerful presence in Wayne's life greeted him warmly their exchange was marked by genuine smiles and a sense of cameraderie Sophie had news to share news that would soon intersect with Wayne's path with a sparkle excitement in her eyes Sophie divulged that dup brila a notable figure in their world had taken a keen interest in Wayne this interest had manifested in rather unconventional invitation a request for a sparing match the Duke had specifically expressed his desire to test his medal against Wayne Sophie's question hung in the air inquiring if Wayne had the time to accept such a rare and prestigious opportunity Wayne's response was immediate and filled with eagerness he could hardly contain his enthusiasm at the prospect of facing a formidable opponent like Duke BR hilga it was an opportunity that promised not only to test his skills but but also to provide valuable insights yet beneath the surface of Wayne's excitement lurked a sense of Suspicion the circumstances surrounding the Duke's invitation seemed unusual prompting Wayne to wonder if there was more to this match than met the eye nevertheless he accepted the invitation confident that he would glean valuable information during their encounter meanwhile back in cbut Village a different kind of drama was unfolding deep within the village hidden from the eyes of its residents a group of extraordinary beings lay in Slumber these were the spirits guardians of an ancient and mystical tradition gaco one of the spiritual Sentinels kept a watchful eye over his resting comrades however the peace within the village was shattered when suzako another Spirit sought an audience with biao the urgency in suzaku's voice was evident as he expressed concern over a distressing development the sudden withering of trees in the nearby Forest the villagers too had begun to feel the disqui their unease palpable Shaka made it clear that intended to investigate this anomaly driven by a sense of duty to protect the land and its people additionally he offered to keep Tuda a powerful but unpredictable entity in check should the creature run a mock during his absence vako granted his permission with a nod a silent affirmation of trust in his comrades capabilities as the two Spirits conversed a sudden Outburst from salamander another member of their Celestial kin seized their attention salamander's Revelation sent shock waves through their Collective Consciousness as it unveiled a long-forgotten truth salamander's memory had been rekindled and he urgently shared the reason behind their ancient ceiling in a bygone era a Colossal dragon had descended upon their land bringing forth Untold Devastation the very existence of their world had hung in the balance as the dragon threatened to annihilate everything in its path in that darkest of hours a lone Spirit user had emerged wielding powers that transcended the ordinary they had awakened their true potential rallying the spirits together for a Fier and protracted battle against the draconic Menace after a grueling struggle they had succeeded in sealing the mighty Beast deep beneath the earth's surface however Victory had come in a price the dragon's malevolent miasma a noxious force of corruption had continued to seep from its prison tainting the land and draining the Vitality of all living things in response the spirits had chosen to make a profound sacrifice they had volunteered to contain this Insidious miasma standing as The Bull workk between the dragon's malevolence and the people they protect Ed Vio and shako oblivious to the existence of the giant dragon until now pressed salamander for further details salamander elaborated on the ancient cataclysm painting a vivid picture of the heroism displayed by their predecessor the spirit user who had faced the Colossal dragon their sacrifice and that of the spirits had safe hearted the land for Generations Theo's conclusion was Swift and Resolute the seal that had imprisoned the dragon must have been breached leading to the wilting trees near village suzako ever thoughtful expressed his Sympathy for the spirits acknowledging the tremendous and enduring sacrifice they had made for the people however the spirits recognized the need for a collective decision and resolved to seek Wayne's counsel before taking any further action after all Wayne's unique perspective and abilities might provide a different perspective on the matter yet as they grappled with the weighty revelation of the dragon's existence and the Peril it posed the Tranquility of kbut Village was shattered by a dire threat an ominous horde of hostile creatures descended upon the village their malevolent presence unmistakable within moments chaos erupted as the village gatekeeper sounded the alarm ringing the ominous Bell that had long stood Sentinel Panic coursed through the villagers as they beheld the approaching onslaught of monsters their homes and lives were under siege and fear gripped their hearts amidst the turmoil an enigmatic figure stood poised for Action TAA a formidable guardian of the village had observed the unfolded chaos from his Vantage Point High at top a tree with a sense of purpose and A Warrior's resolve he descended to confront the encroaching asants ta's arrival was met with hostile disdain by the silver-haired leader of The Intruders this enigmatic figure with an air of malevolence dismissed Tuda as the mere guardian of kbut Village TOA undaunted and seemingly relishing the prospect of battle taunted The Intruders goting them into confronting him head-on the silver-haired leader displeased by to's Defiance issued a chilling command to his subordinates he ordered them to eliminate the guardian who dared to challenge their Invasion the stage was set for a clash of Titanic proportions meanwhile a watchful presence observed the unfolding events from the Shadows cidi a perceptive and astute onlooker noted Wayne's conspicuous absence from The Village's defense his thoughts churned as he contemplated the strength of Wayne's subordinates who appeared to be rising to the occasion in the face of adversity in the Grandeur of the Duke's Mansion Wayne stood prepared for a most unexpected challenge the Duke matio had extended an invitation for a sparing match a request that carried a weight of intry and potential danger Wayne's Aral had been met with enthusiasm and he found himself poised on the precipice of a showdown as they Reed themselves for the impending match Wayne and matio exchanged pleasantries their camaraderie tinged with a Competitive Edge The Rules of Engagement were established with Clarity they would wield wooden swords and both magic and onu J were permitted however the cardinal rule was that their strikes should not be fatal it was not a battle to the death but a test of skill and resolve the match commenced marked by the resounding Clash of wooden blades Wayne and matio faced each other with unwavering determination locked in a fierce stance of combat Wayne's Swift and precise movements allowed him to Parry Duke Mao's strikes with Grace showcasing his formidable skills as the battle unfolded Wayne couldn't help but observe the potency of Duke Mao's Magic the Duke Unleashed a formidable spell Conjuring Flames imbued with the power of the wind the scorching Inferno hurdled toward Wayne its intensity enough to incinerate anything in its path with deaf Precision Wayne raised a shield to intercept the Searing assault the wooden barrier quivered under the ferocity of the flames and Wayne recognized the potency of Mao's magic while he was confident in his own abilities he acknowledged the Duke's formidable prowess yet beneath the surface of their duel wne sense and unsettling under current the palpable blood lust emanating from matio sent shivers down his spine it was a troubling and unexpected development and Wayne couldn't help but Harbor suspicions about the Duke's true intentions Duke contemplated the significance of this particular match recognizing that it held minimal importance for Wayne nevertheless it carried great weight for him due to its role in enabling his subordinates to complete their tasks in cbut Village meanwhile within the confines of kbut Village a young woman Unleashed her Undead upon the unsuspecting villagers Panic swept through the village as several zombies approached the doorsteps of terrified residents amidst the chaos Diane made a Swift and decisive entrance effortlessly dispatching the zombies in the blink and eye the villainous girl took offense at dian's intervention branding her a brat Wayne's subordinates continued to arrive one by one and as tension escalated danne's anger flared she sternly confronted the girl asserting her status as a mature woman much to the villain's Chagrin clearly irritated the villain regarded D with disdain subsequently cie and his Partners stepped forward only to be obstructed by suzako suzako informed them that they could not proceed any further however cidi deafly employed his magic swiftly alluding suzaku's grasp suzako allowed him to pass aware of biao's presence within the Mansion both suzako and Dyan brimmed with anticipation as they prepared to handle the impending situation amidst the 10 standoff the villains began to laugh underestimating their adversary strength compared to dine and suzako meanwhile within the Mansion Bako confronted cidi cidi remarked that he seemed to be the final obstacle sensing no one stronger unfazed bako asserted that even though cidi had come this far defeating him would prove an insurmountable challenge cidi expressed his confidence and determination believing that they would have the last laugh once their objectives were achieved with resolve V invited C to engage him with all his might cidi drew his sword and charged forward the scene shifting back to the Duke's mansion in the midst of their confrontation a sudden Interruption shattered the tension kin Wayne's loyal companion and guardian delivered an Urgent Message the Tranquility of cut Village had been ruptured and a dire situation was unfolding The Village was under attack and the spirits who resided there had risen to defend their sacred domain Wayne's heart clenched with concern and a surge of protective instinct Sophie who had been observing the match with Keen interest sensed that something was a miss her intuition hinted at an unsettling aspect of the situation although she couldn't quite put her finger on it as Wayne urgently explained the crisis unfolding in cuk Village Sophie's concerns deepened yet Duke Mao's response was far from accommodating he seemed Resolute in continuing their match brushing off Wayne's concerns with an air of indifference he knew that these attackers were drawn to the great spirits entities of immense power and insignificance Wayne's immediate Instinct was to rush to their aid he couldn't allow these malevolent forces to lay claim to the spirits at the heart of this tumultuous Battleground a figure with silver hair steps forth his intentions obscured in Enigma he approaches TOA a formidable warrior with solemn resolve there will be no quarter given no restraint held back he implores TOA to unleash his full might from the very beginning aware that hesitation could spell Swift defeat TOA ever the Valiant Warrior steps this challenge with palpable excitement he responds that his adversary must prepare to do the same for any lapse in this duel could lead to a Swift and dramatic conclusion an electric tension permeates the air as anticipation builds with a flourish that could beit a magician the silver-haired warrior conjures an aura of golden lightning a shimmering prologue to the impending clash and he utters a chilling Proclamation this day shall witness the culmination of toa's existence his words heavy with Eerie gravitas bolts of yellow lightning crackle and dance around the silver-haired figure as he charges toward Toto with the deadly Precision of a poised dagger caught off guard by this sudden and audacious assault Toto finds himself momentarily stunned the shock of the moment rendering him temporarily paralyzed in a twist of fate it seems the silver-haired warrior passes right through TOA a malevolent grin gracing his lips as he ominously declares it's over toa's survival instincts surged to the Forefront compelling him to react with lightning quick reflexes narrowly evading what could have been a fatal strike his senses snap into focus with adrenaline fueled Precision confounded by the CTIC Declaration of his as salent TOA regains his footing and swiftly Dodges subsequent attacks with remarkable agility and finesse the battle takes on an increasingly surreal quality as toa's uncanny ability to match the blinding speed of his enigmatic adversary becomes evident the silver-haired figure as well as those who bear witness to the spectacle are left in awe as toa's prowess defies the bounds of the conceivable in a moment of audacity TOA reveals a startling truth he is but marginally faster than the Ferocious monsters that populate their world irony drips from his words as he emphasizes that his adversary Gravely underestimates his true potential in the wake of this Revelation the silver-haired warrior channels a surge of raw Fury unlocking untapped reservoirs of power nevertheless Toto remains unimpressed his steadfast conviction unshaken he reminds his opponent of his earlier counsel to go all out from the very beginning with Resolute determination the silver-haired warrior launches a headlong charge dedicating the full might of his being to a slashing attack yet toa's movements transcend the boundaries of ordinary Mortals his liess allows him to sidestep the onslaught with the grace of a seasoned dancer with a flourish that defies imagination TOA counters with a Swift and calculated kick to the assant back sending him sprawling to the ground the conflict it seems has left today earning for a challenge worthy of his skills for this one-sided Affair pales in comparison to the exhilarating duel he had envisioned meanwhile in another corner of this Strife ridden World a malevolent villainess weaves her own tale of chaos and Discord her malevolence knows no bounds as she empowers her Legion of zombies infusing them with Newfound strength suzaku in particular grapples with the Grim realization that her Undead minions have become more formidable than ever the villainous taunts her adversaries casting doubt upon the longevity of their tough faades in a sudden and electrifying twist a yellow-haired villain enters the fry launching a blistering assault on both suzaku and danne he berates them claiming that it is impossible for them to contend with him while simultaneously confronting the Relentless onslaught of zombies his words drip with contempt as he vows to make them Ru the day they look down upon him and his malevolent forces faced with this dual threat suzaku and danne wise in the ways of combat swiftly devise a strategic division of roles suzaku takes to the skies unfurling Majestic wings that astonish both allies and adversaries alike with a graceful Ascent suzaku surveys the horde of zombies below their sheer numbers posing a formidable challenge suzaku invokes a spell known as the wings sling a mesmerizing spectacle that culminates in a devastating Whirlwind in a breathtaking display of aerial Mastery he obliterates the zombes IES in a single cataclysmic sweep the villainous can only watch in shock and disbelief as her once formidable minions crumble into dust before her very eyes meanwhile on the Battleground DNE embarks on her own journey of transformation and empowerment her adversary the yellow-haired villain wields twin blades with an ominous reputation the yellow-haired asent nearly lands a deadly strike with his blades however danne's agility and unwavering resolve Empower her to deafly evade the attacks f up with being underestimated danne issues a challenge demanding that her opponent cease treating her like a child in a dazzling and radiant metamorphosis Dane emerges as a more alluring mature and empowered version of herself both villains find themselves taken aback by the sheer Majesty of her transformation the yellow-haired asent seemingly undeterred by her Newfound appearance charges forward convinced that danne's altered Visage is inconsequential to their battle however danne's movements defy the expectations of all who behold her with Grace and precision she effortlessly sidesteps the yellow-haired as salant lethal strikes her retaliation is Swift and unforgiving as she delivers a resounding punch that resonates like thunder dragging home the message that her new found strength is every bit as formidable as her beauty the villainous having witnessed the tide of battle turning against her surrenders to suzaku andaine she implores them for forgiveness her demeanor veering from menace to vulnerability suzaku andaine their hearts momentarily softened by the unexpected turn of events Del liberate her fate however the villainess's persistent mockery and disdainful remarks ultimately sway their decision with a conviction that borders on the unconventional they opt for a most unusual form of punishment a tickling torment the once menacing villainess descends into tearful pleas for Mercy her stoicism Shattered by this unorthodox and unexpected ordeal meanwhile in yet another corner of this convoluted narrative tapestry CD fa es a dire predicament in a Fateful Encounter he crosses paths with byaku a foe whose strength far surpasses his own byaku exuding an aura of indomable power delivers a chilling ultimatum to cidi warning him that surrender is his only path to Salvation yet cidi driven by an unyielding resolve and a belief in a higher purpose remains steadfast ignoring baku's ominous Council he launches an audacious assault propelled by a fervent determination to buy time for a mysterious Ally whose rival hangs in the balance bak's Supremacy in combat is unassailable his Mastery of his craft absolute with dispassionate Precision he discerns the nature of CD's shadowy clone technique a secret divulged by none other than Wayne vaku easily intercepts Cid's attacks foring his every maneuver with casual ease he dismisses Cid's efforts as feudal a mere distraction in the grand scheme of their unfolding conflict Panic takes root in Cid's heart as he grapples with the Stark reality that Victory May elude him as the spirits ethereal witnesses to the unfolding events look on with baited breath The Narrative takes a dramatic turn elanar the mysterious Ally upon whom cidi had pinned his hopes materializes within the howed halls of the Mansion her arrival shatters the Arcane barrier guarding the spirit's chamber and with a radiant display of magic she ensnares the spirits within a luminous sphere of Mana byaku ever Vigilant senses the intrusion within the mansion and swiftly materializes within its confines cd2 acts with haste teleported by the conviction that elanar has fulfilled her crucial role in their audacious plan within the chamber cidi Witnesses the spirit's capture his heart quickening with a fervor of Hope before Baku can reach elener she vanishes her ethereal form eluding his grasp the spirits now shielded from harm watch in ethereal silence as the confrontation between these enigmatic forces unfolds simultaneously within the shadowy recess of the Duke's mansion and she Harbors a growing sense of unease matio regards Sophie with a cryptic smile echoing her curiosity regarding Wayne's motives unbeknownst to Sophie she stands on the precipice of a revelation that will cast an even darker Shadow over her understanding of the world in a stunning turn of events cidi materializes within the mansion's dimly lit corridors bearing with him the Ethereal presence of the spirits Sophie's astonishment knows no bounds as she beholds Cid's unexpected presence and the accompanying Spirits in that moment connecting the dots that lead her to mattio recognizing him as the Puppeteer orchestrating the grand tapestry of deception and treachery she advances toward him with a determination fueled by the promise of Revelation before Sophie can act upon her Newfound Revelations or expose the intricate web of Deceit she is confronted by a chilling and ruthless betrayal matio with a cold and remorseless demeanor moves to confront Sophie a gleaming blade poised with deadly intent Sophie's World crumbles around her as the Stark reality of her situation takes root ensnaring her in a web of disbelief and despair Matia offered Sophie a heartfelt thanks for her invaluable assistance in distracting Wayne however he couldn't deny the somber reality that now Sophie lay wounded on the ground unable to be of further use to their cause in a solemn tone matio says now they will be able to make their ideal Nation soon in parallel within the very heart of the narrative Wayne the enigmatic and resourceful figure employed the Arcane pages of his tone to invoke a teleportation spell in the blink of an eye he finds himself transported to the village where those who had assaulted them earlier are now captured in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty Wayne's inquiry pierced the air his voice Laden with concern as he sought information about the spirit's safety byaku his voice tinged with regret revealed the unsettling truth the spirits had fallen victim to abduction in a heart-wrenching revelation he disclosed that two Mal vent asants had managed to escape with the spirits in their possession nevertheless a glimmer of hope emerged as the rest of the spirits had been apprehended providing a crucial lead in their ongoing Quest amidst a whirlwind of emotions Wayne pressed for the identity of the orchestrator Behind These Sinister events with solity byaku uttered a name that sent shock waves through the Gathering matio BR hilga it seemed The elusive Puppeteer the enigmatic figure who had lurked in the shadows was none other than the Duke himself Wayne's sharp intellect connected the dots tracing the intricate web of Deceit and treachery that had ins sneered him culminating in the supposed Spar match that had cleverly diverted his attention away from the village yet this Revelation was but the tip of a colossal Iceberg byaku with a grave sense of purpose imparted Newfound knowledge regarding a looming and catastrophic threat the legendary giant dragon the spirits it appeared had been sealed away to suppress the malevolent miasma emanating from this monstrous entity however the Maleficent tendrils of the dragon's miasma had now begun to seep into kba leaving desolation in its wake Wayne's Mind Race as he absorbed the gravity of this Revelation the spirits in their selfless sacrifice had willingly endured their captivity to Shield the world from the cataclysmic Resurgence of the giant dragon they had chosen to endure their captivity yearning for a return to Slumber in order to avert the dragon's resurrection and the ensuing Devastation it would bring the complexity of their predicament weighed heavily on Wayne heart inspiring his resolve to act with unwavering determination Wayne proposed a daring and unconventional course of action to allow the giant dragon's Revival to proceed his audacious plan aims not only to confront the Colossal Menace but also to minimize the collateral damage to the capital and its inhabitants this strategy would ensure that the four great spirits would remain Unbound preserving the delicate balance of their world the prospect of this audacious Mission ignited a spark of hope and excitement among those who had gathered the notion of confronting the very root of evil embodied by the giant dragon resonated deeply with them however there was one dissenting voice in the assembly the villainous figure who had precipitated chaos and strife she vehemently protested Wayne's plan deeming it Preposterous and impossible according to her even a long forgotten hero praised and revered as the awakened one had only managed to seal the dragon at the cost of immense sacrifice and exertion her skepticism reverberated through the Gathering casting a Shadow of Doubt undeterred by her vehement objections Wayne offered a bold retort they simply needed to surpass the awakened one's achievements the air seemed to crackle with tension as he declared that nothing was beyond his reach bolstered by the presence of the 12 Heavenly General shikigami the villainous figure unable to contain her Fury rued in an indignant Outburst challenging Wayne's confidence she declared it impossible to overcome the Colossal might of the giant dragon doubting their ability to Prevail against such an ancient and formidable adversary danne her patience tested bristled with frustration at the villain's obstinacy she declared that further punishment was in order a stark reprisal for her stubborn resistance the villain now gripped by genuine fear offered a desperate plea for Mercy her Defiance crumbling before the prospect of further torment Wayne couldn't help but Wonder as the girl was gripped by an overwhelming fear he couldn't fathom what had transpired between her and DNE leaving her in such a state within the shadowed confin of the Duke's Mansion Sophie lay wounded and vulnerable her Consciousness fading the treacherous dagger that had found its Mark threatened to claim her life in her Darkest Hour a radiant savior emerged princess Khloe cloaked in an aura of Grace and benevolence wielded the Mystic Arts of healing her magic enveloped Sophie knitting wounds and restoring Vitality Sophie her strength gradually returning she questioned princess Khloe's presence in this perilous moment princess Khloe replied with a promise to explain all in due course she underscored the urgency of their shared mission to thwart the malevolent dup Bray hil's nefarious plans and prevent the capital from descending into chaos Sophie her unwavering commitment as a KN unwavering affirmed her dedication to this noble cause her Pledge of Allegiance was imbued with the unwavering determination to stand against the Duke's treachery regardless of the odds stacked against them simultaneously in a chamber shrouded in Shadows and secrecy CI bore witness to to a scene of unfolding Intrigue matio veiled in Enigma and emboldened by a newfound sense of power revealed the clandestine workings of his machinations elanar emerged as a crucial instrument in Mao's intricate plans her contribution it seemed had been instrumental in their quest to locate the source of the looming threat their Journey Through The shadowy Labyrinth LED them to a cryptic Discovery a sword embedded within a stone a symbol of sealing and restraint the presence of this ancient artifact served as a chilling reminder of the formidable entity imprisoned within matio extended his hand toward the sword his anticipation palpable yet his attempt to make contact with it proved Feud the impenetrable barrier surrounding the weapon remained steadfast a stark reminder that the formidable seal of the Dragon was still firmly in place matio stood poised to commence the ceremony that would ultimately unlock this ancient restraint yet despite their proximity to the precipice of releasing the dragon Sophie and Princess Khloe materialized as unexpected opt stacles matio his composure undisturbed by their sudden arrival directed CI and elener to intercept and neutralize The Intruders cidi burdened by his loyalty and a sense of Duty extended apologies to the ladies who had inadvertently crossed their path with a heavy heart and Grim resolve he declared that their presence would culminate in a dire consequence their demise Sophie despite acknowledging the immense strength of her adversaries clung tenaciously to her identity as a knight the prospect of retreat or Surrender remained anathema to her steadfast character as she braced herself for the confrontation that lay ahead elanar with her silver hair flowing like a banner of determination launched herself towards Sophie in the blink of an eye she vanished from Sophie's view leaving her disoriented and bewildered Sophie could only watch as her adversary reappeared behind her a blur of motion and intent with breathtaking swiftness elanar struck at Sophie yet Sophie's instincts and training kicked in just in time with a desperate last ditch effort she managed to block Eleanor's attack but the impact sent shock waves through her body cidi the ever watchful Observer couldn't help but be impressed by Sophie's tenacity and skill as he prepared to make his move against her a fireball ignited the air it soared toward cidi with intent conjured by none other than princess Khloe but cidi was not one to be deterred with a casual yet deadly Grace he cleaved through the fireball with a blade of water and continued his Relentless charge toward the princess Sophie who had been holding her ground against elanar now faced an impossible dilemma she deflected elan's knife and in an instant rushed to intercept Cid's merciless assault on princess Khloe Sophie's movements were Swift and her defense Valiant however she was barely able to block Cid's attack amid the chaos of this fierce battle Sophie's voice Rose above the den with unwavering determination she urged princess Khloe to leave Eleanor and CI to her her gaze locked on to the princess she implored her to hurry to the sealed Dr Dragon the Lynch pin of their impending crisis princess Khloe her heart filled with gratitude nodded in agreement she pledged to give her all to stop the resurrection of the dragon and thank Sophie for her Valor the princess's slender form darted away racing towards the chamber where the ancient BEAST's power lay dormant cidi now standing opposite Sophie allowed a SCE smile to play on his lips he believed it to be an insurmountable challenge for Sophie to battle both him and Elanor simultaneously but Sophie fueled by her unyielding loyalty to her cause was undeterred she stated her unwavering resolve promising to do everything in her power to thwart their intentions elanar and cidi despite being on opposing sides of this conflict found themselves admiring Sophie's Fierce determination in a synchronized motion they charged forward closing in on her Sophie sensing the imminent threat closed her eyes for a brief moment she focused her inner energy allowing her Mana to Surge with Newfound strength foring through her veins she moved with a swiftness and Grace that surprised her adversaries elanar and cidi their attacks H to Perfection lunged at Sophie simultaneously but to their astonishment she deafly evaded their strikes her movements fluid and precise the two of them exchanged incredulous glances silently acknowledging Sophie's Newfound strength as Sophie continued to battle both Elanor and cidi she couldn't help but reflect on the pivotal role Wayne had played in her growth his sparing sessions had pushed her Beyond her limits enhancing her combat abilities to unforeseen Heights with his guidance she was now capable of standing her ground against formidable opponents with her Newfound confidence Sophie charged headlong at Elanor and cidi her resolve unshakable meanwhile princess Khloe reached the chamber where matio was in the midst of the dragon's Resurrection ceremony her voice filled with urgency demanded that he'd halt the ritual immediately matio an enigmatic smile on his face regarded the princess's Demand with Amusement he questioned whether she truly believed that he would heed her plea after coming this far in his inferious plan she asserted that if matio wouldn't stop the ceremony she would have to force him to do so matio his eyes filled with a Sinister gleam urged Sophie to hasten her efforts the dragon's Resurrection hung in the balance and time was running out princess Khloe her determination unwavering prepared herself to confront matio directly she was ready to do whatever it took to put an end to his malevolence plan back on the battlefield Sophie was holding her own against both Elanor and cidi she knew she had to find a way to break Cid's Advantage he had a tricky tactic in his Arsenal he swapped with a clone every time his real body was hit hitting all of them at once would be the most effective way to gain the upper hand Sophie focused her energy and summoned a fireball aiming it at cidi however cidi effortlessly dispelled the fiery projectile with his water magic leaving Sophie bewildered her Elemental disadvantage was glaring as as fire was a poor match against water as Sophie concentrated on cidi elanar vanished from her sight Sophie's senses tingled with unease as she scanned her surroundings in a Flash Elanor reappeared launching a ferocious attack at princess Khloe who had returned to The Fray the blow was aimed with lethal Precision but before it could land Wayne swooped into the rescue Wayne his voice filled with concern inquired about the princess's wellbeing she assured him she was unharmed and her eyes reflected gratitude for his timely intervention matio observing this unexpected turn of events was taken aback by Wayne's sudden appearance his plan had taken an unexpected twist and Wayne's presence spelled trouble Wayne his temper ignited directed his attention toward matio in a voice filled with determination he declared that he had come to settle their score his eyes blazed with Fury as he vowed to make matio pay for endangering his friends and orchestrating the dire events that had unfolded in the unfolding Narrative of this Fantastical realm we find characters at a critical juncture cidi a Vigilant and intuitive Warrior detected the unmistakable presence of Wayne a formidable figure whose motives remained shrouded in uncertainty cidi ever the astute tactician recognized that the time for confrontation was not opportune instead he sought to employ a strategy to divert Wayne's attention allowing him to approach the enigmatic figure cautiously with a Swift and calculated move cidi created a perfect replica of himself a clone imbued with his combat prowess and dispatched it to engage the enigmatic Sophie leaving him free to proceed towards Wayne this tactical maneuver was driven by Cid's instinctual understanding that the Clock Was ticking and he needed every fleeting moment to ensure the Revival of the dormant Dragon a crucial Endeavor that held the key to the nation's fate meanwhile matio a steadfast Alli whose unwavering dedication to their mission mured Cid's determination shared the conviction that time was of the essence he believed the slight delay could mean the difference between Victory and Calamity in A hushed hurried exchange with Eleanor and cidi matio conveyed his belief that just a little more time was needed for the dragon's Reawakening urged matio to entreat elanar and cidi to join the battle against Wayne and Sophie their shared mission was clear to protect and preserve the ceremony that would revive the dormant Dragon thereby safeguarding the realm from impending doom elanar and cidi fueled by the urgency of their task heated materal call without hesitation with unwavering determination and a shared understanding of the cataclysmic consequences of failure they rallied together and set their sights on Wayne the enigmatic adversary whose Powers seemed boundless as elanar and cidi surged forward their intent was clear to thwart Wayne's intentions to protect the sacred ceremony and to ensure the dragon's Revival but Wayne a master of the Arcane Arts had no intention of yielding to their resolve with a flourish of his potent magic he wo spell of incapacitation that sent both elanar and CI sprawling to the ground their Consciousness slipping into the Embrace of a deep Slumber Mato from his Vantage Point watched with growing trepidation as Wayne's Powers unfolded it became increasingly apparent that Wayne's abilities were far beyond what they had anticipated in the midst of their desperate struggle Wayne seemed almost disinterested a testament to the extent of his might princess Khloe a figure of Regal Grace and profound concern for her realm was a cast at the unfolding chaos she realized that the fate of her kingdom hung in the balance and the ceremony once set in motion was a force too formidable to be halted desperation nodded her heart as she implored matio to Cease the ceremony to salvage what remained of their world Mao's laughter tinged with a hint of Madness echoed through the tumultuous scene he dismissed princess Khloe's plea with a smirk claiming that the ceremony had reached a point of no return long before their confrontation with Wayne as the ceremony's conductor he Reed in the irreversible course it had taken a course that seemingly spelled Doom for the kingdom princess Khloe now standing at the precipice of Despair could only wonder about the uncertain future that lay ahead a creature of legendary dread be resurrected from its Slumber in this moment of uncertainty a pivotal Revelation emerged from the lips of Wayne a figure known for his unyielding resolve with a composed demeanor that concealed his true intentions his Proclamation was as astonishing as it was unexpected he divulged that he had had no intention of thwarting the impending Resurrection ceremony the words hung in the air leaving princess Sophie and her trusted Confidant matio utterly aast matio his disbelief palpable confronted Wayne with a pointed question questioning the very sanity of his decision he spoke of the suffering endured by the innocent denisons of this land the anguish born by Spirits entangled in an ancient curse he argued that the dragon the very heart of their Misfortune should be eradicated a bold and audacious plan that would tie the threads of Destiny in an unexpected manner princess Khloe her heart heavy with the weight of responsibility dared to point out the dire consequences of such an audacious Endeavor she knew that despite Wayne's formidable Powers the dragon was an entity Beyond Reckoning its Resurrection left unchecked would bring Devastation upon their beloved land Wayne however offered reassurance in the face of impending catastrophe with unwavering confidence he declared that he would not permit the dragon to wreak havoc upon their realm under any circumstances he hinted at a carefully crafted plan one that would not only subdue the dragon but also ensure the kingdom safety princess Khloe torn between trust and skepticism decided to place her faith in Wayne's enigmatic plan her resolve to safeguard her kingdom compelled her to accept Wayne's unconventional proposition with Newfound determination matio issued an enthusiastic Proclamation he urged Wayne and his allies to prove their medal by confronting the looming threat the giant dragon that was on the cusp of Resurrection as the dispelling ceremony reached its culmination matio beckoned the Colossal entity to emerge a burst of radiant purple light pierced the sky casting an eerie glow upon the town's bewildered inhabitants the sudden spectacle left them in a State of Shock and incomprehension their Collective confusion mirrored the tumultuous events unfolding before them in the midst of this surreal display the Colossal form of the Dragon ascended encased in an ominous shroud of purple Ora fear gripped the hearts of onlookers as they bore witness to this awe inspiring and terrifying manifestation the king in his desperation commanded his Knights and magicians to assemble knowing that the hour of Reckoning had arrived as the immense power of the Dragon surged matio poised on the precipice of Destiny held a crimson orb in his hand a key to his dominion over the ancient Beast his triumphant laughter echoed through the chamber as he gloated over his Newfound Mastery confident in his ability to command the mightiest being in existence Wayne undaunted by mattio bravado resolved to face the Colossal dragon head-on with a determination born of unwavering conviction he assured Sophie princess Khloe and all those who placed their faith in him that he would not falter in this decisive moment he extended his gratitude to Sophie for her unwavering trust even as he offered a heartfelt apology to the princess for manipulating the events that had led to this precipice the princess her resolve unwavering questioned Wayne about the true nature of his plan she sought assurance that he could save their country from impending catastrophe Wayne's response was unequivocal he affirmed his commitment to safeguarding the realm and its people offering his word as a solemn promise the princess her heart a flutter with hope extended her hand in a gesture of trust sealing their paact with a final plea for Wayne's survival the princess beseeched him to overcome the insurmountable odds they faced Wayne with unwavering determination accepted her request and pledged to emerge Victorious with a flash of his teleportation spell he vanished from their midst re-emerging at the city Gates where the ominous presence of the Colossal dragon awaited Mato emboldened by his dominion over the dragon sneered at Wayne from his Vantage Point convinced that victory was within his grasp as the Colossal dragon Unleashed a torrent of smaller draconic entities Wayne's Mastery over ancient onu Jutsu came to the four with a commanding presence he summoned the shikami 12 Heavenly generals of unparalleled power to these Celestial Guardians Wayne issued a single Resolute command to strike back against the draconic onslaught with unwavering resolve with suen Expressions the 12 Heavenly generals prepared to meet the challenge their determination mirroring the gravity of the task at hand in the climactic showdown between Wayne and a Colossal dragon the fate of the Kingdom hung in the balance with allies divided and Powers unleashed the stage was set for a battle of Epic Proportions one that would determine not only the destiny of these Valiant Heroes but also the future of their cherished land in the midst of the cataclysmic confrontation R sees the dragon from his office whose unconventional perspective painted the unfolding drama in a different light has Rola laid eyes upon the a inspiring Visage of the Dragon its indomable strength evident as Wayne had warned he couldn't help but be drawn to the impending spectacle while the fate of the Kingdom teetered on the precipice of Destruction R found an irreverent glint of amusement in the dire circumstances he couldn't suppress a careless remark that escaped his lips a testament to his character's penchant for audacity even in the gravest of situations he mused albeit somewhat thoughtlessly that perhaps it was time for him to get serious a rare occurrence given his propensity for a Carefree demeanor as the Colossal dragon took to the skies matio the orchestrator of the looming chaos exhibited an uncharacteristic restraint he didn't linger to savor his apparent Victory recognizing the looming threat that Heek himself had Unleashed the dragon an embodiment of unparalleled power prepared to unleash its destructive Fury in the form of a malevolent purple beam of Mana this single devastating attack held the potential to obliterate the entire Capital City leaving it in Ruins Wayne aute and ever Vigilant grasped the dire implications of the impending Onslaught he couldn't help but acknowledge the catastrophic scale of the dragon's impending assault a force that could lay waste to the heart of their Kingdom with chilling efficiency in the face of such overwhelming power Wayne knew that there was no room for hesitation with a swift invocation of his teleportation spell Wayne ascended into the heavens his eyes locking on to a surprising companion in this pivotal moment Rolo with his distinctive laughter ringing out appeared by Wayne's side in a show of unexpected solidarity their convergence was marked by an unspoken understanding an acknowledgement that they were both driven by a common purpose in a moment of shared determination Wayne and Rolo steal themselves for the for able challenge that lay before them the sight of the Colossal dragon an embodiment of Terror and might spurred them into action with unwavering resolve they vowed to confront this seemingly insurmountable adversary together Wayne who had borne the weight of responsibility for safeg guarding the kingdom found solace in rola's presence their unity and purpose promised a reservoir of strength that would prove invaluable in the battle ahead yet as they braced themselves for the impending Clash matio still defiant and deluded by his proceed superiority taunted them from the Shadows matio with a malevolent gleam in his eye dismissed Wayne and R's resolve with scorn he reveled in the belief that even in unity they were powerless before the might of the Colossal dragon he mocked them promising to send them on a one-way Journey to the underworld as the Colossal dragon prepared to unleash its devastating attack a fearsome purple beam of Mana surged from its gaping ma the intensity of the assault was beyond comprehension a force capable of erasing the city and all within it from existence yet Wayne the master of Arcane arts and Rolo his Newfound Ally refused to yield with a synchronized display of their formidable abilities Wayne conjured a protective shield of potent magic while r with his own unique powers erected a barrier of equal resilience together they defied the dragon's wrath their Shields absorbing the brunt of the cataclysmic assault in that moment Wayne couldn't help but Marvel at the sheer potency of rola's barrier magic and impress a display of Mana that surpassed any he had encountered before matio witnessing his carefully orchestrated plan foiled by the indomable duo seeed with frustration his expectations of an effortless Victory had crumbled before his eyes he raged against Wayne and Rolo declaring that their triumph over this single attack did not equate to victory over the dragon itself he pointed to a looming threat a brood of lesser dragons spawned by the Colossal Beast the knights and magicians Resolute in their duty to protect their Kingdom Unleashed their formidable spells and weaponry upon these lesser dragons yet their efforts proved feudal for the creatures possessed an inherent magic resistance that rendered conventional attacks impotent it was a grim realization that threatened to tip the scales in favor of chaos amidst the despair a ray of Hope emerged keun a mysterious figure endowed with remarkable abilities Unleashed her cherry blossom flash technique dispatching one of the Lesser dragons with astonishing ease The Magicians and knights their astonish evident watched as this formidable Warrior dismantled the creatures in a single graceful strike the enigmatic tenu with his Spirit Eyes Of Truth possessed an ability that defi conventional explanation he employed this otherworldly power to devastating effect rendering several of the Lesser dragons powerless in an instant their demise was Swift and unforgiving leaving a trail of defeated adversaries in their wake seru a master of aquatic magic harnessed the very essence of water with her miseru compression a world pool of Elemental force her spell surged forth engulfing and extinguishing a multitude of lesser dragons in a torn of watery might the efficiency of her technique left an indelible impression on those who witnessed it tenu acknowledging sir's formidable prowess praised her for her unwavering dedication to their mission her modest response was marked by a smile a testament to her belief in Wayne's directive to administer a resounding defeat to their draconic foes suzako danne TOA byaku couchin and T each possessed their unique abilities and strengths United in purpose they methodically dismantled the Lesser dragons one by one with unwavering determination their coordinated efforts left Matia reeling as the once formidable creatures fell before their Relentless Onslaught amidst the chaos Rolo couldn't help but comment on the unexpected prowess of these unheralded Fighters his observation hinted at a greater tapestry of talent that lay hidden beneath the surface individuals whose formidable abilities had yet to be fully revealed Wayne ever the perceptive strategist couldn't shake a lingering sense of unease the ease with which they had dispatched the Lesser dragons seemed at odds with the grand scheme of their adversary he pondered the implications of this apparent disparity realizing that the Colossal dragon held secrets yet unrevealed even if they had momentarily gained the upper hand in the midst of chaos with the Colossal dragon looming ominously overhead R stepped into the Forefront of the unfold holding battle his voice filled with determination and a touch of audacity cut through the tension that hung heavy in the air let's see what a giant dragon can do Rolo declared directing his words toward Wayne he had made a strategic decision he would be the one to launch the attack leaving Wayne to assume the pivotal role of Defense Wayne ever the tactician responded with a simple okay accepting the division of responsibilities the partnership between Rolo and Wayne was marked by a profound sense of trust and camaraderie Wayne's presence steadfast and reliable offered r a source of reassurance amid the turmoil that surrounded them as they prepared to face the Colossal dragon their roles clear Rolo as the aggressor and Wayne as the guardian their synchronized movements and unspoken understanding painted a portrait of unity in the face of adversity Rolo emboldened by the weight of his chosen role positioned himself squarely before the awe inspiring beast in a moment of reflection amidst the impending Clash he addressed matio The Mastermind behind this Grand upheaval rola's thoughts meandered through the labyrinthine passages of time tracing the Contours of Mao's Ambitions matio Rolo reflected had always been driven by ambition a trait that had marked him even in his formative years but Rolo had never imagine that Mao's aspirations would take such a dark and perilous turn leading him down the treacherous path of rebellion against the kingdom he had once vowed to protect with a sense of responsibility that weighed heavily on his shoulders Rolo acknowledged his own complicity in the unfolding tragedy he admitted that he had failed to discern the growing darkness that festered within Mao's heart and now as the kingdom teetered on the brink of Ruin Rolo took upon himself the mantle of responsibility vowing to Vanquish the Colossal dragon and in doing so shoulder the burden of his own shortcomings in response to rola's Earnest declaration matio his voice tinged with arrogance and Defiance dismissed R's sense of responsibility with a scoff he belittled R's lofty intentions reminding him that he was not the prophecied awakened one destined to confront the encroaching darkness in Mao's eyes R's efforts were fule a feeble struggle against the inexorable tide of Destiny as the confrontation continued to unfold the Colossal dragon ascended higher into the sky its movements growing ever more pronounced Wayne ever the Vigilant Observer discerned the sble nuances in the dragon's actions he recognized that the Beast had not yet Unleashed its full power and this realization only heightened his sense of caution amidst the turmoil matio revealed a glimpse of his malevolent intent he hinted at a Sinister plan explaining the significance of their chosen location for the confrontation it was a site carefully chosen to serve as a focal point a magnet for the corrupting and malevolent energy known as miasma that had played the kingdom Mao's diabolical scheme was to harness this dark force using it to amplify his own power and further his nefarious designs he spoke of a gathering of miasma a malevolent tide that threatened to engulf all in its path the implications of Mao's plan were dire and it was clear that he intended to unleash unimaginable destruction upon alera however before the Colossal dragon could complete its Sinister plan Rolo unveiled the spell of unprecedented potency a spell known as annihilate with unwavering resolve he directed this formidable incantation toward both the Colossal dragon in matio as the Mana wave surged forth from Rolo's spell the consequences staggering the Colossal dragon the embodiment of Terror and matio the orchestrator of chaos began to disintegrate before their very eyes Rolo explained the true nature of his unique spell an unforgiving force that erased anything it touched leaving no trace of existence in its wake Mato caught off guard by the sheer magnitude of rola's power could hardly believe the severity of his predicament he muttered in disbelief unable to escape the impending fate that had befallen him in a matter of moments he vanished from their midst leaving behind Only The Echoes of his malevolence with Mao's disappearance Rolo might have been tempted to believe that the battle had reached its conclusion yet Wayne the ever Discerning strategist remained Vigilant he couldn't help but question the in congruity of the situation if R could single-handedly deal with the Colossal dragon and its malevolent Master what did it mean for the dire Vision that princess Khloe had foreseen Wayne sensed that there was more to this enigmatic Dragon than met the eye to their astonishment the Colossal dragon reappeared before them defying the notion of its demise Rolo momentarily taken aback questioned whether his age had finally caught up with him it was apparent that the Colossal dragon's Mana had surged signifying the emergence of its true form a revelation that left them with an even more formidable adversary to contend with Rolo undeterred by the dragon's Resurgence resolved to continue his Relentless assault his strategy was clear he would erase the dragon as many times as necessary preventing it from turning to the fry Rolo launched his annihilate spell once more but this time the Colossal dragon had a countermeasure a powerful barrier the barrier infused with the dragon's potent magic repelled R's Mana waves sending them hurling back toward him it was a startling turn of events that left R momentarily vulnerable yet Wayne the resourceful Defender intervened he summoned his own formidable spell erase Magic effortlessly dispelling The Returning attack and shielding Rolo from its devastating effects Rolo taken aback by Wayne's prowess could hardly fathom the depths of his capabilities Wayne's timely intervention saved R from the full brunt of his own spell a testament to their synchronized teamwork as the realization of Wayne's strength settled in R acknowledged The crucial role Wayne had played in their defense with a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect R and Wayne exchanged rolls Rolo declared that he would assume the mantle of Defense entrusting Wayne with the responsibility of leading the attack Wayne accepting the challenge affirmed his commitment to the task at hand Rolo drawing upon his formidable magical abilities erected a protective barrier known as the absolute area within this impenetrable field both the Colossal dragon and themselves were enclosed creating a Battleground isolated from the outside world the barrier served as a containment field preventing attacks from escaping and endangering the kingdom a testament to rola's formidable abilities and his unwavering dedication to their Miss Wayne now positioned for the attack unsheathed his sword with purpose and determination he knew that the fate of alera and its people hung in the balance resting on the outcome of this climactic battle with r's assurance that he would Safeguard the kingdom Wayne was free to unleash his full power without reservation as he stealed himself for the battle ahead The Echoes of their shared resolve reverberated through the battlefield a battlefield where Destiny and determination would Collide in a final cataclysmic showdown of unimaginable proportions in the midst of turmoil and Chaos a wounded soldier battered and bruised from the Relentless battle finds salvation in the form of jenu as the solders pained eyes meet hers he can't help but wonder if she is a saintess a divine presence sent to Aid those in need jenu her memory stirred by the solders question reflects on the times when she was hailed as a saintess with a quiet conviction she affirms her role as a saintess the soldier overwhelmed with gratitude utters heartfelt thanks a simple yet profound acknowledgement of the Solace she has brought him but amidst this fleeting moment of respite a shadow emerges from behind casting a grim reminder of the ongoing battle Tam with urgency etched across his face implores jenu to hasten her healing efforts the foes they face are unlike any other Undead dragons that defy death itself these creatures with their Relentless Resurrection threatened to plunge the capital into despair Wayne their leader has entrusted them with a solemn Duty to keep casualties at a minimum jenu understanding the weight of her responsibility ascents with a solemn nod she acknowledges the urgency of the situation and pledges to do her utmost to mend the broken bodies that continued to pour in Elsewhere on the battlefield kin finds herself entangled in a Relentless Dance of Death with the immortal dragons frustration courses through her veins as her attacks fail to bring an end to these resilient foes the soldiers observing this seemingly feudal struggle are struck with disbelief Hon's presence along with the other brave warriors is all that stands between the capital and its inevitable descent into ruin their leader a stalwart figure amidst the chaos rallies his troops he exhorts them to stand firm to embrace the impending danger with unwavering resolve the knights are given a crucial task to fortify their defenses and keep the dragons in check meanwhile Wayne's loyal subordinates and skilled magicians prepared to weave Fusion spells unleashing potent magic that could turn the tide of this dire battle danne and shuo their hearts of flame with determination relish the prospect of Newfound allies joining their ranks in this new world Wayne and his companions find themselves thrust into the Limelight their identities no longer veiled in secrecy the people here aware of Wayne's significance rally behind him and his cause the support they receive is both heartening and humbling a testament to the impact Wayne has had on this world kijin Shar is a vital piece of information these Immortal dragons owe their unnerving resilience to a malevolent miasma that binds them to the Colossal dragon their mission therefore is not to slay the unsayable but to endure until Wayne confronts and defeats the Colossal dragon with unwavering determination they steal themselves for the challenges that lie ahead promising to give their all they prepared to face the Relentless onslaught of the immortal dragons in another corner of this sprawling Battlefield TOA finds himself strangely exhilarated by the chaos to him these dragons are nothing more than glorified sandbags providing him with a twisted sense of satisfaction tenu however observes toa's Reckless abandon with concern he fears that toa's wild fervor will eventually lead to his exhaustion amidst this battle of wills Baku steps forward with a plan his confidence unwavering he declares that defeating the immortal dragons is well within their grasp his solution freezing them with the incantation of his purple Frost spell he attempts to immobilize the dragons in ice yet in a cruel twist of fate TOA finds himself ens snared in the icy prison alongside the creatures DNE witnessing this unexpected turn of events can't help but burst into laughter In the Heat of the Moment Ringo observed with satisfaction how the strategy of freezing the formidable dragons was proving to be highly effective TAA a fiery spirit in his own right shattered through the Frozen barrier and approached byaku confronting him about his actions the burning question on Toto's mind was why did you do that tensions ran high Toto with his eyes locked onto byaku contemplated whether he should administer a well-deserved reprimand before the dragons in response byaku his anger evident goed Tuda further he challenged him with a smirk daring Tuda to take action if he believed he could the others regard Toto with a mixture of amusement and exasperation he is undoubtedly a problem child in their midst as the battlefield unfolds kidon reaches out to Wayne her voice carrying a sense of urgency she implores him to expedite his battle against the Colossal dragon for she fears that their current struggle may prove unsustainable Wayne ever composed acknowledges her concern however he recognizes that the Colossal dragon is no ordinary foe in a daring display of its might the Colossal dragon unleashes a devastating purple beam toward Wayne prompting Rolo to issue a cautionary warning Wayne quick on his feet employed his Spirit mirror to reflect the dragon's attack back at it Wayne found the dragon's abilities intriguing it could not only reflect magic attacks but also absorb physical ones curiosity peaked Wayne decided to test his onu Jutsu against the formidable foe with determination in his eyes he cast his Spirit flame spell Conjuring Azure Flames that surged toward the dragon to Wayne's surprise the dragon defended itself against the Azure Flames it was becoming apparent that only the Anu Jutsu seemed to have any effect on the colossal Dragon Wayne undaunted continued his assault using a combination of spells he cast void World followed by Powder deer and then fused the power of black flame with the blue flames unleashing the devastating combination against the giant dragon polo one of Wayne's companions watched in astonishment as Wayne seamlessly combined multiple techniques yet to their Collective shock the Colossal dragon remained unscathed its resilience was all inspiring and Paulo couldn't help but Marvel at the creatur's incredible toughness Wayne however had expected this outcome his earlier shots were not intended to harm the dragon but rather to locate its weak spot using his Spirit sight Wayne honed in on the dragon's vulnerability pinpointing its stomach as the area with the most damage the Colossal dragon undeterred prepared to unleash three beams of energy at Wayne each one charged with deadly intent Wayne swiftly raised his shield locking the oncoming barriage and then maneuvered to evade the dragon's lunging bite however the Colossal dragon created multiple clones of itself launching a Relentless series of attacks against Wayne Paulo watched with a Sinking Feeling believing that Wayne could only defend against the dragon's overwhelming strength the situation seemed dire and the fate of the capital hung in the balance meanwhile in a different part of the battlefield byaku and TOA were locked in combat TOA Unleashed a fiery spell against byaku who defly dodged the attack causing it to strike one of the immortal dragons byaku seized the opportunity using the conflict with TOA to his Advantage he continued to bait TOA into launching attacks all while strategically directing those spells toward the immortal dragons Susu and DNE observing this masterful maneuver were astonished by baku's tactical prowess it appeared that thanks to baku's Ingenuity they might just gain the upper hand against the immortal dragons kijin and her fellow Warriors who had been battling tirelessly alongside her found renewed hope in the midst of the chaos they began to believe that they could W it the storm and protect the capital from impending doom ringoku however couldn't shake his concern for Wayne he knew that Wayne despite his considerable abilities was still not as powerful as he had been in his previous life he worried about the possibility of Wayne losing to the Colossal dragon in an unfortunate twist of fate kjun ever The Optimist reassured ringoku don't worry she said with confidence we know just how strong Wayne is all we need to do is follow his orders after all Wayne is history most potent Exorcist having mastered all five elements of Yin and Yang back at the heart of the conflict Wayne had grown accustomed to the Colossal dragon's Relentless attacks he knew that it was time to transition from defense to offense as the dragon launched yet another assault Wayne braced himself for what lay ahead prepared to unleash his mightiest spell kagutsuchi of fire with a resounding incantation Wayne released the Blazing Inferno toward the giant dragon Flames danced in the air forming a searing vortex of Destruction as Sophie and Princess gazed Skyward their eyes locked onto an immense swirling purple Cloud that dominated The Horizon they couldn't help but wonder if the Colossal clash between Wayne and The Colossal dragon was unfolding amidst that Celestial Battleground Sophie's heart swelled with the mixture of worry and Faith she couldn't fathom the notion of Wayne succumbing to defeat princess always astute probed deeper she sought to understand Sophie's faith in Wayne extended even when pitted against a formidable adversary like the Dragon Sophie's reply was Resolute her trust in Wayne remained unshaken amidst their conversation princess continued to fix her gaze upon the heavens with a voice infused with conviction she declared that Wayne was destined to be the savior of their nation in the skies above R's protective barrier had shattered under the tremendous force of the explosion Wayne however was quick to acknowledge the role R's barrier had played in avoiding casualties during their intense confrontation as the dragon poised for a new attack on Wayne Rolo cautioned that their barrier might not hold against this impending assault Wayne his voice calm yet Resolute spoke into the magical communication link kidon can you hear me kidon his loyal Ally responded promptly yes Wayne what can I do for you Wayne's thoughts drifted back to the battle and the unique challenge that the Colossal dragon presented I find this world truly fascinating he began I never would have imagined encountering a being of such formidable strength here kin who knew Wayne's exceptional abilities understood the sign ific an of his praise it must be a formidable opponent indeed if you speak of it in such terms she remarked Wayne nodded his voice filled with resolve I believe it's time for me to go all out he declared kin accepted the weight of Wayne's decision very well we've already dealt with all the dragons on the ground you can cancel their summoning at any time Wayne expressed his gratitude before admitting to himself that he had never expected to push himself to such limits again he braced himself for the task ahead in a spectacular Display of Power Wayne Unleashed a spell of immense magnitude invoking the spirit summoning a brilliant blue aura of Mana enveloped him signaling the release of an extraordinary surge of energy Rolo who observed from the skies above was left utterly stun by the magnitude of Wayne's power the increase in Wayne's strength was on a scale they had never seen before it was as if Wayne had become a dozen times more formidable than he had been mere moments ago in a climactic moment Wayne un his sword enveloping it in a brilliant blue Mana the dragon retaliated with a fierce purple Mana beam but Wayne countered with a swift precise slash of his empowered sword the blue Mana cut through the dragon's beam cading the Colossal creature in Twain princess ustruck witnessed Wayne's triumphant Victory standing amidst the aftermath Wayne turned to her a smile gracing his face and calmly reassured her that he had kept his promise meanwhile Cain watching from the confines of his Palace could scarcely believe the astonishing turn of events the people below were equally astounded witnessing the once darkened Skies transform into a clear Azure expanse they rejoiced in their Newfound safety and speculated about who had vanquished the Monstrous Dragon many assumed that R's magic barrier had thwarted the Beast and thus Rolo must have been the hero responsible in the sky Rola remained off struck by Wayne's incomprehensible power Wayne ever humble explained that he had not sought to conceal his abilities but had exercised restraint to avoid becoming a pariah for such abnormal strength could lead to fear and ostracism however this time he had no choice but to unleash his full potential to safer the land Rolo deeply moved by Wayne's sacrifice and heroism halted Wayne as he was about to take his leave he expressed his profound gratitude as a patriot who cherished his homeland recognizing that Wayne's actions had saved their country Wayne his usual aable demeanor intact accepted R's appreciation before teleporting away as Wayne descended to the ground Sophie concerned for his wellbeing approached him with genuine care Wayne assured her that he was unharmed the princess too extended her gratitude to Wayne for protecting her beloved Nation Wayne in his typically modest manner replied with a warm your welcome salamander the fiery Spirit materialized and voiced his admiration for Wayne's triumph over the dragon Sophie questioned how salamander could be so energetic after previously appearing on conscious the other Spirits gathered around Wayne expressing their gratitude for his role in defeating the dragon and releasing their seals Wayne downplayed his actions claiming that he had merely taken responsibility for releasing the seals salamander overcome with excitement pledged his unwavering loyalty to Wayne for the remainder of his existence prompting hearty laughter from Wayne cidi entered the conversation finding it hard to believe that Wayne had indeed defeated the Colossal dragon Wayne with an air of nonchalance affirmed his victory and shared that he had to exert his utmost effort to emerge triumphant CI chuckled in response in the aftermath of the battle reconstruction efforts in the capital commenced promptly while some buildings had suffered damage the intervention of the 12 Heavenly generals had minimized the destruction the capitals populace erupted in Jubilation celebrating their Newfound safety and the heroism that had preserved their land back at Wayne's Abode kidon arrived with news of a visitor Wayne intrigued in IR ired about the identity of the guest upon inspection he discovered that it was Princess KY herself baffled by her presence Wayne asked her why she had come the princess revealed that it had been decided that Wayne would receive a medal in recognition of his heroic feat and she had personally come to extend the invitation Wayne ever modest considered the prospect of a medal to be excessive recognition he inquired if it was truly necessary to which the princess responded that Wayne was the hero who had saved their nation and thus declining the honor would be problematic gratefully Wayne accepted the invitation realizing the importance of such recognition the princess however had one more gift in mind a personal one from her to Wayne Wayne hesitated asserting that he had not sought any rewards when he had aided her the princess undeterred playfully insisted her voice tinged with a hint of Mischief with a sudden Rush of boldness she leaned forward and kissed Wayne as quickly as it had happened she pulled back leaving Wayne bewildered she bid him good night and departed leaving Wayne to contemplate the unusual gift she had bestowed upon him the following day Wayne found himself at the Royal Palace where he was formally awarded the medal for his heroic defeat of the Dragon despite the honor he appeared visibly fatigued Upon returning to his office kin concerned for his well-being gently broached the subject of declining the medal Wayne however understood that this Duty came with being a noble and that the medal would bring Solace and Assurance to the people kijun admired Wayne's considerate nature and deep commitment to his country and its citizens Wayne stood in awe as he gazed upon the Magnificent medal it was the medal of the Dragon Lord the highest honor in the country reserved only for those who had performed extraordinary Feats for the greater good of the people in fact Wayne was the first recipient of this prestigious medal in nearly a century and he held the distinction of being the youngest recipient ever kin his trusted companion couldn't help but smile with pride telling Wayne that it was only fitting for someone as great as him to receive such an honor she added that the Grano family would no longer be labeled as second rate Nobles their status forever elevated by Wayne's heroic actions a knock at the door interrupted their conversation the door swung open to reveal none other than the princess herself Wayne and kidin wondering what had brought her to their doorstep on this particular day with a warm smile the princess explained that she had forgotten to mention an additional prize that accompanied the medal of the Dragon Lord unsure if the reward would be considered sufficient before revealing that Wayne would receive a th000 platinum coins as an extra prize Wayne was taken a back by the generosity of the reward while he considered the amount to be rather exorbitant he couldn't deny that such a windfall would work wonders for the development of the Granado territory however the princess had more surprises in store the brila family of matio one of the seven Great noble families would no longer retain their esteemed status instead that seat was now offered to the Gren family Wayne's family had ascended to become one of the seven Great noble families a feat previously thought unattainable with a Furrow brow Wayne voiced his concerns questioning whether the other noble families would vehemently oppose such a change the princess chuckled heartily at his skepticism and reassured him saying who could be more suited to fill that seat than the hero who saved our country Wayne still found it difficult to grow accustomed to being hailed as a Great Hero a grand parade was organized to en formed the people about Wayne's extraordinary achievements the response from the populace was overwhelmingly passionate as they cheered and waved in gratitude for their hero amidst the Jubilation the four spirits that had aided Wayne in his battle against the dragon returned to their original abodes salamander in particular remained as a guardian spirit for the kbot their bonds strengthened through their shared Triumph as Wayne made his way to school for the first time since the dragon incident he could feel the weight of the stairs directed at him it was only natural considering he was now recognized as the hero of the country Henry his close friend congratulated him on his new found Fain remarking that people couldn't help but be captivated by Wayne's presence Wayne responded with a knowing nod acknowledging the unavoidable attention that came with his new found status suddenly a crowd of students particularly girls swarmed around Wayne eager to hear the tale of how he had defeated the dragon and to learn about onu Jutsu Sophie Wayne's friend couldn't hide her jealousy as she struggled to get close to him amidst the throng of admirers kin ever protective contemplated dispersing the crowd but Wayne gestured for her to hold back the school's principal Rolo entered the classroom his eyes twinkling with Amusement he remarked on Wayne's Newfound popularity and confessed that he was almost envious of the number of admirers Wayne had garnered Wayne eager to get to the point asked R what he wished to discuss Rolo leaned in and presented Wayne with a proposal that left him intrigued he asked if Wayne would consider becoming a scholarship student Wayne's eyes widened at the unexpected offer the proposition of becoming a scholarship student had taken him by surprise Wayne saw clarification from Principal Rolo regarding the role of the scholarship student Rolo explained that it entailed becoming a temporary lecturer who had traveled to other nations and magies Wayne initially perplexed by this unfamiliar system pressed for further details Rolo elucidated emphasizing that the academy had exhausted its capacity to instruct Wayne as a student and this opportunity would enable him to propagate the knowledge of Anu Jutsu worldwide Wayne recognizing the wisdom in R's words began to see the potential in this proposition the principal expressed confidence in Wayne's ability to command respect and awe among students due to his exceptional achievements Wayne had excelled as a top student defeated the formidable giant dragon received the prestigious medal of the Dragon Lord and held the esteemed title of one of the seven Great Nobles this glowing track record made Wayne more than qualified for the role of a scholarship student understanding the underlying message Wayne assured r that he would contemplate the offer Rolo expressed his satisfaction with Wayne's response emphasizing the importance of considering what was best for Wayne's own future with a knot of gratitude Wayne took his leave from the principal's office his thoughts consumed by the possibilities that lay ahead as he walked through the corridors of alera magic Academy he couldn't help but reflect on rola's words about doing what was best for himself Wayne entered the library a place he often sought Solace and knowledge he perused through the documents and books his mind racing with ideas and possibilities his gaze landed on a particular passage that piqu his interest prompting him to summon kidon his trusted Spirit companion kin Wayne said his tone filled with a sense of purpose I need to speak with siru can you summon him for me kijun nodded and closed her eyes in concentration a moment later a majestic Azure Dragon materialized before Wayne its presence imposing yet Serene seru inclined his head respectfully how may I assist you Wayne Wayne wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter I've been looking at the sales reports for potions in our territory and it appears that their sales are quite high can you tell me more about it sir's eyes gleaned with enthusiasm of course Wayne potions have seen a surge in Sals primarily driven by adventurers who use them to heal wounds sustained in battles with monsters however the quality of these potions leaves much to be desired it seems the demand has risen due to the increased frequency of monster attacks Wayne nodded thoughtfully absorbing the information can you prepare one for me I'd like to see for myself siru informed him that there were potions stored in the Mansion Storehouse and they promptly made their way there Wayne retrieved one of the potions examining it closely it had no discernable odor and when he took a cautious sip he found it to be sour but not undrinkable however it was nowhere near as effective as the Spirit medicines he was accustomed to using Wayne contemplated the potion shortcomings do you think there's something we can do to improve the quality of these potions with the skills we have I believe we can make a significant difference Siri relayed that rugu had been diligently working to enhance the quality of potions but his expertise in the matter was limited Wayne couldn't help but Smile as an idea formed in his mind I think I have the perfect candidate in mind for this endeavor Wayne declared his determination growing seru shared in his excitement understanding the potential impact of their efforts together they discussed their vision for improving potion quality and expanding their production Wayne expressed his desire to share the recipe with others rather than monopolizing it in order to benefit his people and lessen the burden of monster attacks seru admired Wayne's Noble sentiment and pledged to give his utmost to their collaborative Endeavor with their plan and motion Wayne left the storehouse with a renewed sense of purpose he was determined to make a positive impact not just as a mage but as a lord prioritizing the well-being of his people over immediate profit the day took another turn as Wayne headed to alera prison where a familiar name awaited him Nelson Hayward the scientist who had once kidnapped Sophie Wayne had a specific question in mind and he was eager to hear Nelson's perspective Wayne wasted no time in presenting the common potion he had acquired earlier take a look at this Nelson it's a potion sold widely in this country I'd like to hear your opinion on it Nelson's lips curled into a sardonic smile why should I answer your questions Wayne met Nelson's challenging gaze with unwavering resolve because you're the one who created Makia the Mana enhancing drug if anyone knows how to improve the efficiency of magic medicine it's you Nelson's initial Defiance gave way to irritation he scoffed do you think you can just summon me and expect me to cooperate Wayne leaned in his voice laced with a hint of authority Nelson it's in your best interest to help me if you can provide valuable insights into improving this potion it could lead to a reduction in the suffering caused by monster attacks Nelson's expression shifted torn between his pride and a begrudging acknowledgement of the potential impact of his knowledge finally he relented fine I'll entertain your question there are essentially two ways to enhance the efficiency of magic medicine the first involves using higher quality raw ingredients for the potion the second centers on reducing the waste products extracted from the Raw materials thus maximizing the active ingredients Wayne leaned forward his eyes locked on Den Nelson Hayward you're the perfect candidate to help us improve the quality of these potions Nelson's eyebrows arched in skepticism improving potion quality isn't a task that can be accomplished overnight has spent a decade researching to create Mia Wayne nodded acknowledging the gravity of Nelson's achievement but these potions are currently being monopolized by one of the seven Great noble families the mullers if a small weak no family like the granos were to step into this Arena we might just be crushed by force Wayne couldn't help but smile at Nelson's uncertainty you don't know it yet but the granados have joined the ranks of the seven Great noble families Nelson's eyes widened in disbelief what when did this happen it happened when I accepted the medal of the Dragon Lord Nelson's World seemed to tilt on its axis as he absorbed this shocking Revelation he struggled to come to terms with the implications of Wayne's words Wayne extended extended a hand toward Nelson his voice steady and unwiring so Nelson would you like to come work for me Nelson hesitated for a moment before he spoke before I agree I have one question what are your future plans what is the grand ambition you're aing for Wayne's expression softened as he considered his response my goal is to create a country where its people can live in peace and prosperity when I was first reincarnated my aim was to rule in broad daylight to avoid betrayal I aspired to be a supreme ruler But as time passed I formed connections with people and came to know their kindness and warmth before I realized it I had grown to care deeply for these people I no longer seek mere rulership I want to make them happy that's become my true goal the two men extended their hands sealing their Newfound partnership with a firm handshake with the promise of a new collaboration in the air Nelson journeyed to the Granado territory there he was greeted by rugu and Wayne both eager to begin their research as they exchanged greetings Wayne sensed the potential in this Alliance and looked forward to what they could accomplish together shall we go to the laboratory Wayne suggested with an enthusiastic smile Nelson couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia as they walked through the quaint Village surrounding the laboratory the idyllic surroundings and warm greetings from the villagers left a favorable impression on him your village is quite Charming Nelson commented as they strolled along Wayne nodded in agreement yes it's spacious surrounded by Nature and perfect for conducting research plus we have a hot spring that's perfect for unwinding when we're feeling exhausted finally they arrived at the laboratory and its pristine organized interior stirred memories of Nelson's own days of intense research as Nelson settled in he couldn't help but ask Wayne why do I not sense any monsters nearby Wayne chuckled and explained that's because my subordinates have a habit of Exterminating monsters with great enthusiasm as a result monsters have become wary of approaching this area inside the laboratory Nelson couldn't contain his curiosity any longer I'm here to help you with your research but I'd like to know the specifics what are your concrete goals and to what extent do you want to improve these potions Wayne's response was clear and decisive I want you to make them as effective as the current ones we have here Nelson raised an eyebrow intrigued by The Challenge and what do you intend to do with these potions Wayne's eyes gleaned with a sense of purpose I plan to circulate high quality potions at a low cost by doing so we can ensure that more people have access to these potions it's all part of our research on how to make them Nelson's doubts and hesitations vanish as he realized the significance of their work this is what makes this job worth doing Rick ago who had been observing the conversation chined in Wayne has already created a potion called the spirit medicine using onu Jutsu it fulfills those requirements but it can't be produced on a large scale that's why we want to focus on he would undoubtedly be treated with a level of deference and privilege that he wished to avoid as he stealthily stepped into the bustling Guild he couldn't help but noticed that it was more vibrant than he had initially expected the air buzzed with anticipation and adventurers of All Sorts congregated their excitement palpable approaching the reception desk Wayne dawned the guise of a commoner and confidently declared his intention to register as an adventure the receptionist an astute woman who had seen her fair share of adventurers handed him a registration form Wayne now adopting the pseudonym when and classifying his occupation as a swordsman bereft of magical aptitude believed this Alias would suffice to maintain his anonymity for the sake of clarity however we will continue to refer to him as Wayne submitting the form Wayne watched intently as the attendant meticulously reviewed every detail after a thorough examination she assured him that everything was in order with a warm smile she inquired if Wayne planned to undertake the rank certification examination an essential step on an adventurer's Journey she explained that by participating in this examination Wayne could secure a rank that best suited his abilities intrigued by the prospect Wayne probed further asking what rank he would be assigned if he chose to forego the examination with an unwavering demeanor the attendant informed him that he would be assigned the lowest rank in F rank Wayne's mind weired with contemplation he envisioned most adventurers boasting D or C ranks and he aspired to align himself with peers of that caliber the examination he concluded would be a more efficient route to that end resolutely Wayne announced his decision to partake in the examination the attendant however leved a substantial fee a hefty three gold coins for this privilege Wayne couldn't help but wince at the exorbitant cost but he reluctantly handed over the required sum the attendant offered no concessions reiterating that the examination was scheduled to take place in 3 days at the alera arena she emphasized the importance of bringing all necessary certifications along Wayne exited the guild pondering the periodicity of these examinations and the significant expense involved 3 days later the alera arena stood as the Hallowed Ground for the examination Wayne now among the select group of only five examinees would face an a-rank adventurer named Leona who had been assigned the role of examiner as the candidates gathered Leona assumed control of the proceedings she began by meticulously elucidating the examination rules the examination would comprise one-on-one duel and the outcome she emphasized would bear no significance instead she would evaluate the examinees individual combat abilities Wayne seized the opportunity to pose a question to Leona seeking Clarity on the fairness of a system that segregated Mages from vanguards he ained that such an arrangement might hinder individuals from showcasing their complete skill set Leona her response measured and decisive explained that the examination was exclusive to to vanguards and Swordsmen although some examinees possessed magical aptitude they would be assessed primarily on their combat prowess this meant that the examination nature would adapt to suit each examinee's strengths Wayne satisfied with the response mentally acknowledged the fairness of this approach eager to delve deeper another Adventurer ventured another query she inquired whether emerging Victorious against Leona would secure them a rank Leona her confidence unshaken affirmed that such an outcome was indeed possible she however cast out upon the likelihood of anyone defeating her in combat she fueled by a surge of excitement took her challenge head-ons Leona with a firm yet encouraging tone implored all the examinees to give their best with that the examination commenced Wayne found himself pitted against Leona in the opening round Wayne resolved not to repeat the errors of the past when he had lost control of his powers during the entrance exam Leona sensing his determination urged Wayne to unleash the full extent of his abilities in Wayne's mind however a different strategy took shape he believed that discretion was the better part of valor opting to withhold his true strength with caution he Advanced toward Leona she skillfully parried his initial attack but Wayne revealed a series of techniques demonstrating his undeniable Talent Leona recognizing Wayne's potential couldn't help but admire his prowess she entertained the thought that under the tutelage of a skilled Mentor Wayne could evolve into a formidable combatant in Wayne's estimation however Leona despite her a rank HR status fell short of the strength exhibited by Sophie who he believed to be several times more powerful with that in mind Wayne realized that it was time to accept defeat gracefully Leona as if choreographing the outcome gracefully disarmed Wayne bringing their duel to an orchestrated conclusion she acknowledged his potential and encouraged him to continue honing his skills affirming that he had the makings of a great Adventurer the next candidate to face Leona was a determined young woman named Tina with unwavering confidence Tina boldly declared her intent to defeat Lona without delay Leona however found herself irked by Tina's audacious assertion as the duel unfolded Leona observed that Tina possessed an extraordinary reservoir of Mana unlike anything she had witnessed before it became evident that Tina's words were Not Mere bravado she was a formidable Contender Leona intrigued and somewhat challenged urged Tina to reveal the extent of her abilities in a swift synchronized flurry of motion both combatants charged toward each other their swords clashing in a dazzling display of skill Leona astounded by Tina's remarkable prowess struggled to believe her own eyes Tina unrelenting and confident mock Leona asserting her superiority based on her understanding of Leona's Sword Play Leona her frustration mounting vehemently disputed Tina's claims insisting that a rookie like her could never defeat an experienc A- rank Adventure yet before Leona could react Tina's blade found its way to her throat securing Tina's victory in an unexpected twist of fate Leona her Pride momentarily subdued acquiesced to Tina's Triumph in that pivotal moment Tina ascended to the esteemed rank of a rank Adventurer an accomplishment that resonated deeply within the Guild's hallowed Halls Wayne now observing Tina's abilities couldn't help but be impressed her Mastery of magic was nothing short of exceptional and her swordsmanship held its own against the formidable Sophie with the examination finally concluding Leona gathered the examinees to convey that the results would be delivered to the guild the following day for review as Wayne awaited the verdict he held aspirations of securing a C or D rank eager to begin his Adventure in Earnest Tina meanwhile approached Wayne her demeanor brimming with enthusiasm she offered him genuine praise for his swordsmanship recognizing his skills as exceptional Wayne however remained humble and acknowledged Tina compliments he reminded her of his failure to defeat Leona to which Tina astutely pointed out that Wayne had deliberately held back she highlighted his remarkable attributes commending his Keen eyes Swift reactions and the graceful Precision with which he wielded his sword in her eyes Wayne resembled a promising cocoon poised to unfurl into a magnificent butterfly Wayne feeling somewhat exposed by Tina's King insights attempted to deflect her observations yet Tina perceptive beyond measure refused to be deceived she extended an invitation proposing that they form a party together Wayne however hesitated recognizing that Tina's A- rank status would cast a shadow over his pursuit of gathering information about adventurers with regret he declined Tina's offer promting a hint of disappointment in her eyes Tina though momentarily disheartened accepted Wayne's decision gracefully bidding him farewell before departing in the Solitude of her room Tina lay on her bed reflecting on the day events Wayne She mused possessed qualities that were undeniably appealing handsome and gifted in equal measure Tina marveled at the notion of becoming so formidable without the aid of Mana further fueling her admiration for Wayne however her ultimate goal remained to locate Wayne granato a task she deemed challenging at best to accomplish this seemingly impossible feat Tina realized that she would need to ascend to the exalted ranks of an s-rank adventurer with unwavering determination she held on to the hope that her Quest would lead her to her prince charming the following day marked a significant milestone in Wayne's adventurous Journey he had achieved his goal of becoming a certified D- rank Adventurer precisely as he had intended meanwhile Tina had ascended to the coveted rank of A- rank Adventurer fulfilling the promise she had made her excitement was palpable a testament to the thrill of embarking on a new adventure Wayne stood at a Crossroads ready to immerse himself in the life of an adventurer while discreetly conducting his investigation his first t task was to form a party a crucial step in navigating the world of adventurers however before delving into that endeavor he perused the notice boards in the guild each displaying two distinct types of notices one for party Recruitment and the other for quests as Wayne contemplated his next move Tina made her entrance Wayne couldn't help but perceive her as a potential complication in his plans she inquired about his intentions and he responded by stating his intent to seek a party interested in undertaking quests of D or C rank Tina ever resourceful pointed out a quest that she believed would suit Wayne's current status a drank Quest involving the extermination of wild boes the notice indicated that they were seeking a party of four but they currently lack two members Tina suggested that Wayne and herself joined forces to complete the party Wayne was taken aback by Tina's persistence questioning her eagerness to form a party with him she candidly expressed her desire to study Wayne's swordsmanship more closely assuring him that their difference in rank wouldn't be an impediment despite his reservations Wayne couldn't bring himself to reject Tina recognizing her straightforward and sincere nature reluctantly Wayne agreed to partner with Tina for the quest he cautioned her to exercise restraint aware that her A- rank status might overshadow the other members later they ventured into the alera forest to meet the remaining two members of their party ilio and Leica both drank adventurers upon Tina's introduction ilio and Leica expressed concern about forming a party with an A- rank adventurer like her fearing that Equitable sharing of rewards wouldn't be in their favor Tina however reassured them emphasizing her desire to learn from fellow adventurers and integrate into the community ilio and Lea quickly recognized the value Tina brought to their party they acknowledged her as a valuable asset and expressed gratitude for her willingness to share her knowledge Wayne concealed behind his one Persona silently observed the interactions relieved that he had managed to blend in seamlessly the party set forth with ilio cautioning everyone to remain Vigilant the alcera forest was known for its unpredictable monster activity and they couldn't afford to let their guard down Leica took charge of the rear assuring the others that she had it under control Tina exhilarated by the prospect of her first adventure with a party shared her excitement Ilia provided valuable guidance directing the party toward the habitat of wild bores located near the forest center as they ventured deeper Wayne marveled at ilo's extensive knowledge and Swift decision-making a testament to his experience as an adventurer Wayne conveyed his determination to give his best during their expedition ILO recognizing the gravity of their profession encouraged Wayne do just that the conversation however took a light-hearted turn when ilio and Leica engaged in a spirited exchange their camaraderie evident Tina sensing a strong bond between the two playfully suggested that they seemed like a couple ilio and Leica blushed vehemently denying any romantic involvement Wayne perceiving the emergence of danger urged them to silence as he detected approaching footsteps a group of monsters was heading their way ILO initially couldn't hear anything but Tina corroborated Wayne's warning confirming the presence of approaching creatures Leica looking visibly alarmed pointed toward a nearby tree the party's eyes widened as they witnessed a herd of wild bores advancing toward them ilo's shock was palpable and Tina's anticipation surged Tina thinks Wayne can sense these things from further away than she can and wonders just who is exactly Wayne as the skills and strength he has he can't be a durank Adventurer Wayne took notice of a heightened presence of Mana among the bores sensing danger he deduced that they might be fleeing from a more formidable entity lurking in the forest ilio grasping the perilous situation implored the party to withdraw and Report their findings to the guild however Tina her excitement undiminished defy ilo's plea and rushed ahead propelled by a desire to confront whatever lay deeper within the forest ilo's apprehensions swelled as he explained that a more formidable adversary awaited cautioning Tina against advancing alone Wayne recognizing the urgency of the situation offered to accompany Tina however ILO pointed out that if Wayne left with Tina he would be acting alone leaving ILO and Leica to contend with the wild bores Wayne's hands were tied and he reluctantly disclosed his true identity Wayne granato the hero of alera ILO and Leo were rendered speechless their timidity evident as they stood in the presence of the renowned hero Wayne clarified that his disguise as when had served a specific purpose related to his investigation making it imperative for him to act independently now the truth left ilio and Leica with no choice but to acquest to Wayne's decision Wayne reassured them that they had made the right choice under the circumstances praising ILO for his knowledge and Swift judgment in a show of gratitude ILO thanked Wayne for his understanding and Guidance with Wayne's assistance the party embarked on their journey to exit the Forest Wayne employing his teleportation abilities whisked the entire party out of the forest in an instant their astonishment was palpable and Wayne proceeded to instruct them on how to return safely to the guild advising them to warn fellow adventurers against entering the alera forest due to its current perilous State meanwhile Kon reached out to Wayne bearing a message from from salamander Wayne eagerly inquired about the message's contents and Kent revealed that the rampant monster activity was likely linked to the immense myasthma emitted by a Colossal dragon Wayne readily volunteered to confront and subdue this formidable threat sparking kajun's admiration and excitement as Wayne prepared to confront the dragon a sense of unease nodded him regarding Tina's fate in the depths of the forest Tina confronted a formidable adversary an imposing Griffin its presence had caught caught her off guard as she had not anticipated encountering such a formidable creature within the forest unfazed she regarded the Griffin as a potential stepping stone toward her cherished goal of reaching S rank their battle commenced with Tina and the Griffin engaging in high-speed duel to her surprise the Griffin matched her every move foring her attempts to restrict its movements by hurting it into an area enclosed by Massive rocks the Griffin's overwhelming power shattered her makeshift barrier leaving Tina vulnerable to its deadly claw strike as Tana lay incapacitated on the forest floor the Griffin's menacing claw loomed over her poised for a potentially fatal attack in her moment of Despair Wayne appeared on the scene arriving just in the nick of time to intervene and rescue her Wayne's timely arrival saved Tina from the Griffin's lethal strike with concern etched across his face he inquired about her well-being to which tatina responded that she was unharmed grateful for his intervention Tina extended her hand to Wayne using to regain her footing however before Tina could catch her breath she seized the moment to express her feelings to Wayne with unreserved honesty she confessed her love for him her voice trembling with emotion she implored Wayne to become her boyfriend leaving him taken aback by the sudden confession Wayne still grappling with the Whirlwind of emotions attempted to navigate the situation delicately he conveyed his reluctance to immediately Embrace Tina's proposal prompting her to thank him for saving her life Tina then proceeded to make yet another request asking Wayne to date her followed by a proposal for marriage Wayne clearly uncomfortable with the rapid progression of events sought to clarify his intentions he pointed out the need for a deeper understanding between them emphasizing that they were relative strangers to each other he questioned the sincerity of Tina's feelings given their limited interactions undeterred Tina insisted that she knew everything about Wayne citing his status as the hero of Alara Wayne Grano Wayne recognized that his identi was not as concealed as he had thought given that both ilio and Leica had recognized him despite the awkwardness of the situation Wayne acques to Tina's request to meet again he suggested that she visit the Grano territory where they could engage in more meaningful conversation Tina's face lit up with joy and she expressed her gratitude before departing later Guild members arrived to handle the Griffins aftermath and they were astounded to witness Wayne's single strike takedown of the formidable creature TAA took a moment to apologize to ilio and Leica for her impulsive actions earlier in the day she recognized that her actions had placed her comrades in a precarious situation and she expressed remorse for her thoughtlessness ILO and Leica in turn expressed their gratitude to Wayne for his guidance and assistance Wayne commended their abilities and acknowledged the positive impact of their collaboration Tina observed Wayne's demeanor with curiosity finding him to be an enigmatic figure who interacted with ordinary individuals with remarkable ease having resolved to meet Wayne at the Granado territory Tina embarked on her journey she marveled at the city's size and the vibrancy of its inhabitants the city's rapid expansion was a testament to its status as one of the territories governed by the seven Great Nobles Tina's eagerness to reunite with Wayne filled her with anticipation as she ventured toward his mansion in the midst of her journey Tina encountered siru who had been informed about her by Wayne siru fueled by jealousy upon another woman promptly reported Tina's presence to kidon upon her arrival at Wayne's mansion Tina conveyed her desire to meet him to kidon however kidon ever Vigilant sought to verify Tina's status as an A- rank Adventurer Tina presented her a-rank Guild card as proof but kajon remained unsatisfied she proposed a more rigorous test an arena battle to determine Tina's worthiness to meet Wayne the prospect of a showdown in the arena now lay before Tina with kidon harboring a serious intent to assess Tina's abilities and ascertain what if she was deserving of an audience with Wayne granato the scene transitioned to an arena where couchin was diligently training soldiers amidst the intense training kidin approached him with a request she expressed her desire to spar with a woman named Tina whom Wayne had informed them about a promising rookie Adventurer couchin recognizing Tina's name from Wayne's briefing granted permission for them to use the arena for their duel he ordered a brief 5nit break for his students clearing the way for kin and Tina to engage in their sparing match as they stood on the Arena's grounds Kon assured Tina that she would exercise restraint during their bout tatina grateful for the consideration acknowledged kin's strength but maintained her own confidence she was determined to prove her worth after feeling inadequate during her recent battle with a griffin kijun urged Tina to attack with all her might assuring her that she would hold back TAA briming with motivation asserted that she would demonstrate her strength Tina readied herself determined to prove her capabilities she Unleashed a magical attack without incantation astonishing everyone including couchin however kijin swiftly responded cutting the Magic projectiles in half Tina was taken aback by K's ability to slice through her spells with composure in her eyes Kon explained that cutting magic was a matter of matching Mana with an equal amount of spiritual power Tina found this concept intriguing as it reminded her of the spiritual power used in onu Jutsu the same power Wayne utiliz kijun inquired if Tina had more to reveal to which Tina responded with a small test Kon wearing a displeased expression indicated that she was ready to take the offense of this time in a fraction of a second kin closed the gap between them leading Tina surprised and barely able to defend against her attacks kajun's incredible speed impressed Tina but she was determined not to be outdone so easily kijun continued her assault with a barage of strikes yet Tina managed to defend against them displaying her resilience while Tina acknowledged kin's strength she refused to back down and retaliated with her Mana projectiles kjun effortlessly evaded Tina's magical attacks and commented on the uniqueness of her spells Tina explained that she had developed these spells herself earning kin's admiration meanwhile Wayne found himself in the library deep in conversation with tenku she had gathered information about Tina revealing her as the daughter of the Duke of hledan a prominent family in the magical country of Kel Wayne recognized Tina's High status considering her Noble lineage tenu further informed Wayne that Tina had even discovered a new magic formula a testament to her genius Wayne smiled intrigued by Tina's reputation as a tomboy who had ventured to Al Sara to escape her family's arranged marriage back in the arena The Duel between Tina and kidin raged on leaving bystanders in awe of their prowess Wayne concerned about Tina reached out to kin inquiring if Tana had arrived kin confirmed Tana's presence and shared her progress in the ongoing duel Wayne however urged kin to Cease the sparing invite Tina inside he pondered tena's reasons for running away from home hopeful that he might be able to assist her Tina expressed their gratitude for Wayne's Hospitality Wayne broached the subject he had in mind an inquiry into Tina's background Tina blushed assuming that Wayne's intentions revolved around marriage however Wayne's line of question questioning pertained to her sudden departure from kunel Wayne now fully understanding Tina's situation questioned her motives for visiting Alara she admitted to fleeing her home due to her parents arranging a marriage for their own gain Tina admitted that she initially sought Wayne's help to anull her engagement but her feelings had since taken a different turn she had fallen in love with him at First Sight deepening her desires kin who did not share Wayne's enthusiasm struggled to contain her frustration Wayne clarified that he could not accept Tina as his fiance but offered assistance in resolving her engagement Tina was taken aback by Wayne's offer grateful for his willingness to help Wayne revealed his plan to serve as a temporary lecturer at the Kel magic Academy where he would work behind the scenes to nullify Tina's engagement he emphasized the importance of discretion recognizing the potential diplomatic implications of his actions Tina flustered by The Proposal inquired if Wayne could genuinely achieve such a feat Wayne explained that the aler magic Academy scholarship system provided a means for him to influence events though success was not guaranteed Tana overcome with emotion questioned why Wayne would go to such lengths to assist her when she had nothing to offer in return she wondered if he saw her as selfish for rebelling against her family Wayne and kidon assured Tina that her self-awareness was commendable Wayne explained that her desperation had inspired him to help her Tina touched by their kindness teared up and Wayne and K Jin were ated to see her emotions Tina expressed her gratitude and accepted Wayne's offer she confessed her inexperience but placed her trust in him Wayne reiterated that he had no intention of marrying her but Tina seemed content with the path forward suddenly a red magic circle appeared behind them signaling the arrival of a yellow-haired magician he identified himself as Gerard the magician in service of the Vander family Tina's fiance's family Gerard possessed unique skills and was renowned for being the only magician in Kel to wield ancient magic he was considered the strongest among them Tina was shocked by Gerard's unexpected appearance and questioned how he had found her Gerard critically replied that locating her had been an easy task when he set his mind to it he declared his intention to take Tina back with him leading Wayne and Tina surprised by this unexpected turn of events Wayne intrigued by the concept of ancient magic sought to learn more but the situation was rapidly escalating he delivered a chilling ultimatum either she accompanied him willingly or he would exterminate everyone here for her kidnapping Wayne observed Gerard's unwavering confidence especially in his Mastery of ancient magic it was clear that Gerard held a high opinion of his own abilities Tina overwhelmed by fear implored Gerard to stop he coldly responded that the decision was hers to make leaving her torn and uncertain about the right course of action at that moment tenu entered the scene his expression reflecting his dis approval of Gerard's Behavior he had overheard their conversation and couldn't contain his anger kin turned to Wayne for guidance seeking his input on how to handle this tense situation Wayne however decided to entrust the situation to tenu recognizing that his trusted subordinate was better equipped to handle the matter Gerard realizing the gravity of his actions offered an apology for his abrupt and forceful approach he cited his reasons for taking such drastic measures explaining that he had heard rumors that one of the seven Great Nobles of alera had kidnapped Tina to leverage political demands his actions were driven by these unverified claims tenu frustration mounted as he addressed Tina asking if she wished to return home Tina shaking her head firmly declined determined to protect Tina's right to choose tenu insisted that Gerard leave however Gerard remained steadfast in his determination asserting that his orders were absolute and that he would not hesitate to use Force to achieve his goals Tina caught in the middle of the conflict was torn and unsure of how to proceed tenu initiated an attack against Gerard but the magician effortlessly blocked the assault he expressed his astonishment at Ten's considerable power even comparing him to the likes of Rola vistv the strongest wizard in Al Sara and Wayne granato the hero who had defeated the ancient dragon Gerard's confidence stemmed from his belief in the superiority of his ancient magic tenu growing increasingly annoyed by Gerard's arrogance Unleashed his Heavenly chains Divine restraints imbued with the power of the ruler of Heaven Amad jasu These Chains composed of divine and spiritual energy were typically inescapable Wayne recognized the significance of tenu resorting to such a powerful technique signifying Gerard's formidable strength however Gerard using his undue spell easily shattered the Divine chains leaving tenu and disbelief the magician then deployed his nebulous spell with lightning speed striking tenu and sending him crashing into a wall kjun and Tina watched in shock as the powerful attack unfolded before their eyes Gerard having subdued tenu shifted his attention to Wayne prepared to engage him as his next opponent before the confrontation escalated further Tina stepped forward and made a difficult decision she agreed to go home with Gerard prompting a sigh of relief from Wayne who was concerned for her safety as Tana prepared to depart she turned to Wayne with a heartful apology for the trouble she had caused Gerard also extended an apology to Wayne accompanied by a request for Wayne to keep Tina's visit to his territory as secret Wayne agreed to the request and in an instant Gerard and Tina vanished from sight leaving behind a somber atmosphere once Gerard and Tina were gone tenu managed to rise albeit with significant injuries Wayne inquired about tenko's well-being and though he admitted to taking a severe hit he assured Wayne that he would recover kjun aware of Ten's limited combatti abilities expressed disappointment that Tina had been taken away Wayne however was not only concerned about Tina's welfare but also intrigued by Gerard's ancient magic he pondered the possibilities and recognized the need for further investigation into this mysterious and Powerful magic Wayne proposed a plan to Kin they would utilize his scholarship to journey to Kel the land where ancient Magic thrived In Search of answers in this enchanting episode we find ourselves transported to the mystical realm of Kel the land where the illustrious Vander family resides Gerard a loyal servant stands before his master the esteemed Fernando and delivers the news that Tena who had fled her home has returned safely with him turning his gaze towards Tina Fernando inquires about the pain her departure has caused and probes the depths of her disdain for him he implores her to reveal the source of her intense aversion in response taina doesn't hold back accusing him of being devoid of even the slightest ounce of affection Fernando with a B used grin can't help but laugh in response he dismisses Tina's claims as absurd asserting with sincerity that he loves her however Tina remains Resolute convinced that Fernando's affections are driven solely by his ambition to unite the hassle Fang family under his Banner thus ascending the social ladder among the aristocracy of magical Nobles in a moment of cander Fernando acknowledges the partial truth in Tina's assertion but steadfastly maintains that love is at the core of his feelings for her he recollects the overwhelming Joy he felt when he learned of her voluntary support and dedication to making this dream a reality grateful for Rolo's unwavering backing Wayne expresses his heartfelt thanks 2 weeks later Wayne finds himself on route to Kel though he can hardly believe that he's accompanied by not one but two loyal companions Sophie and Henry Sophie reveals her fascination with the cultural exchange aspect and confesses her lifelong curiosity about the enigmatic magic of Kel on the other hand Henry's Intrigue is piqued by the mysterious workings and appearance of magic tools from this extraordinary land kin the ever supportive figure subbly points out the audacity of their shared enthusiasm Sophi inquires of Kon may I ask why you accompany Wayne as well to which Kon promptly responds Sophie it's a distinct role as I serve Wayne Wayne intervenes gracefully diffusing any tension that may have Arisen assuring them there's no need for concern your presence all of you accompanying me provides a great deal of reassurance this statement elicits a bashful response from both Sophie and Henry arriving at the border of Kel they must navigate a thorough inspection before they're granted a coveted stamp of entry with their passports stamped and the borders open before them they finally step foot onto the hallowed grounds of Kel Wayne contemplates the significant Journey that still lies ahead pondering the long road to the capital it is then that Sophie with an air of excitement introduces an intriguing notion a unique mode of transportation found only in crel wyverns her proposal catches Wayne by surprise and he leans in eager to understand more Sophie elaborates on the uniqueness of wyverns as a mode of transportation in crel and is convinced that they will find a place in a nearby Village where these magnificent creatures are available for Riders the mere idea of riding wyverns fills Wayne and Henry with exhilaration and they promptly prepare for the adventure the group heads to a wyvern Farm eager to embark on this thrilling leg of their Journey upon arrival at the wyvern Farm Wayne approaches the owner owner expressing their desire to rent wyverns for their Journey to the capital the owner provides the details including the cost of 30,000 nil per wyvern Wayne inquires about the number of passengers each wyvern can accommodate and learns that it can carry a maximum of two Riders without hesitation Wayne agrees to the terms and pays the required fee with the formalities settled the owner proceeds to provide a tutorial on writing these majestic creatures Wayne and Henry listen intently absorbing the intricacies of mounting the rider's saddle and manipulating the wyvern's wings through a lever of fix to their backs eager to begin their wyvern Journey Wayne and Henry Mount their respective wyverns with excitement coursing through their veins as they prepare for takeoff Henry struggles to calm his wyvern while Sophie though visibly nervous bravely mounts another wyvern in stark contrast Wayne and kidon display remarkable ease in mastering their wyvern's controls their seamless adaptation to this magical mode of transportation astounds Sophie and Henry as well as the impressed owner with his Newfound Mastery of wyvern writing Wayne stands ready to lead the way to the capital he decides to accompany Henry providing reassurance to his anxious Friend Sophie on the other hand joins kidon on another wyvern her heart heavy with the unspoken wish that she could be riding alongside Wayne with their positions solidified and their wyvern poised for flight they bid farewell to the farm and take to the skies soaring toward the fabled capital of Kel high above the landscape of Kel kidin and Sophie Revel in the exhil ation of soaring through the boundless sky on their wyverns the wind whistles past them and the sprawling Vistas unfold in all their Majesty however their friend Henry perched on his own wyvern is gripped by an overwhelming sense of fear unable to even cast a glance downward Wayne with a reassuring tone urges him to endure this harrowing Journey just a bit longer promising that their Landing in the capital Alder Lane is only minutes away as the wyverns gently descend and the trio safely alights On Solid Ground relief washes over Henry they Park their Majestic steeds at a local wyvern Farm bidding farewell to their aerial companions eager to explore the enchanting Capital they begin to meander through the bustling streets of Alder Lane Wayne takes the opportunity to inform them about their upcoming orientation scheduled for the next day intrigued Henry inquires about the purpose of this orientation prompting Wayne to explain that it will serve as their introduction to the academy during the orientation they will receive information about about the academy itself and partake in tests to determine their respective skill levels Sophie quickly realizes that this means they will be sorted into classes based on their abilities a notion that Sparks a hint of worry in Henry he envisions himself relegated to the lowest tier and his apprehension is palpable sopi and Wayne however rallied to uplift Henry's Spirits encouraging him to embrace a more optimistic Outlook and reminding him of his considerable talents they assure him that he needn't fear and should instead focus on giving his best effort emboldened Henry expresses his determination to rise to the occasion suddenly a distant clamor punctuates the air alerting the group to an unfolding crisis Wayne equipped with Clairvoyance peers into the source of commotion his extra sensory Vision reveals a building Ablaze with flames and within it numerous people trapped in dire Peril Sophie gasss at the dire situation prompting Wayne to take charge without hesitation he announces his intention to rescue the endangered citizens urging Sophie and Henry to continue onward to the academy unwilling to let Wayne shoulder this burden alone Kon offers to accompany him while Sophie fervently insists on contributing to the rescue effort Wayne however firmly but gently rebuffs Sophie's offer citing the danger and the need to ensure her safety their expressions filled with anxiety they watch as Wayne swiftly departs to save those in Peril reluctantly Sophie acques her anger simmering beneath the surface she and Henry decide to follow Wayne and kidon from a safe distance Wayne and kidon arrive at the scene the fires raging Inferno leaving them with no choice but to create a protective barrier to safeguard themselves from the scorching heat and choking smoke once inside Wayne quickly formulates a plan instructing kin to split up and rescue the trapped individuals as swiftly as possible racing Against Time Wayne plunges into the configration locating his first victim amidst the Flames utilizing his teleportation spell he extracts the person from the fiery Peril and then courageously re-enters The Inferno to save more lives cinjun mirrors Wayne's dedication tirelessly calming through the fiery maze to locate and evacuate those in need working in tandem they eventually managed to rescue all the trapped individuals who are left a struck and profoundly grateful for their timely rescue Wayne despite the praise remains modest humbly stating that he merely fulfilled what was expected of him yet the Raging Fire remains unque its Flames stubbornly resisting all attempts to extinguish them a trio of Mages has fought valiantly to no avail Wayne steps forward his eyes locked on The Inferno with a rush of determination he ascends into the air harnessing his magic to cast a spell known as Grand extinguishment in a brilliant flash of light the incendiary Fury is immediately quelled leaving bystanders gaping in awe at Wayne's astonishing Display of Power the Flames that had once menaced the building are extinguished with a single stroke and and the capitals inhabitants are left marveling at the a inspiring feet of magic they just witnessed Wayne's Swift response to extinguishing the fire Drew heartfelt gratitude from those he had just saved in his usual modest demeanor Wayne downplayed the significance of his actions assuring them that it was a task of little difficulty for him however he couldn't help but be taken aback by the realization that fire posed no real challenge to his abilities this left Wayne pondering the astonishment he sensed in those around him amid the Gratitude and amazement someone in the group couldn't resist the urge to inquire further speculation ran rampant and they dared to ask if Wayne had employed some form of powerful perhaps ancient magic to accomplish the feat Wayne ever the humble and forthcoming Soul took a moment to correct this assumption it wasn't ancient magic that he wielded but something equally unfamiliar to his companions a mystical practice known as Anu Jutsu this Revelation left those gathered quite bewildered Anu Jutsu was a term they had never encountered before by the time they had reached the scene Wayne's onu Jutsu had already quelled the Flames leaving little for them to do the group couldn't help but notice the uniform of a young woman among them clearly indicating her affiliation with the prestigious cral magic academy one of the individuals in the group seemingly familiar with Wayne was quick to give credit where it was due he declared that Wayne was the one who had been instrumental in resolving the crisis the young woman from the criminal magic Academy recognized Wayne's attire from the alera magic Academy sparking her interest further Wayne stepped in to provide context explaining that he had taken on a temporary role as an instructor to propagate the practice of Anu Jutsu the young woman who had heard of Wayne as a national hero was taken AB to find herself standing before him she had envisioned the hero as a towering figure but here was Wayne the same age as her Wayne in his own thoughts couldn't help but Ponder the idea of being considered a giant with introductions underway the young woman introduced herself as Leah a third-year student at the Kunal magic Academy also holding the esteemed position of student council president the gentleman in the group went on to reveal Leah status as the most skilled Mage among all criminal students the go-to expert during fire emergencies when the Mage Corps were summoned just as their conversation was gaining momentum kidon interrupted heralding the arrival of Sophie and Henry Sophie's countenance appeared far from Pleasant and her discontent was palpable Wayne quickly extended an apology expain that he had been compelled to act alone Sophie while understanding the situation couldn't mask her frustration Wayne inquired about the source of her vexation to which Sophie confessed that she realized she could never have resolved the crisis as swiftly as Wayne had she couldn't help but feel powerless in comparison to his abilities Wayne with a reassuring tone sought to console her reminding her that everyone possessed their unique strengths and weaknesses the attempt to comfort Sophie however seemed to heighten her irritation Leah then in rejected with an air of excitement drawing their attention to the fact that Wayne and his two companions were exchang students from all Sara she looked forward to getting to know them despite Sophie's less than ideal first impression Sophie despite her earlier frustration greeted Leah feeling a tinge of embarrassment about her initial reception Lee eagerly extended an offered to be their guide through Kel an invitation that they graciously accepted their tour included a visit to the Academy's magic research lab where Lee mentioned the recent surge in the popularity of ancient magic research in Kel this Revelation caught Henry's attention and he expressed his desire to explore ancient magic someday however Lee swiftly advised against it explaining that ancient magic consumed the body as fuel she later apologized to Henry for her initial comment alluding to some deeper thoughts Sophie curious about the enigmatic flame Leah had mentioned inquired further Leah with a CTIC tone suggested they pretend not to have heard her mention it hinting that they might to experience themselves as exchange students Wayne couldn't help but sense an underlying implication in Leah's words as they proceeded to the dormitories everyone was taken aback by the spacious accommodations designated for a few exchange students Lee explained that the academy used to host a multitude of cultural exchanges in the past but had shifted its focus over the years they were now a unique exception to this practice a privilege granted solely because Wayne the nation's rever hero had applied Henry couldn't resist teasing Wayne Wayne at this point but Wayne in his unflappable demeanor refused to take the bait Leah anticipating the events of the next day suggested they take it easy for the evening the impending schedule included an orientation and a class placement test Kunal students were to undergo practical examination all exchange students like them were expected to complete a written test Henry found solace in this Arrangement confident in his ability to excel in a written examination after escorting them to their respective rooms leave once more extended her gratitude to Wayne for his role in dealing with the artifact fire with that she took her leave the narrative now shifted to the Vander household where Gerard was in conversation with Fernando Gerard shared the news of Wayne's acceptance as an exchange student at the Kel magic Academy Fernando speculated that Wayne's Choice might be tied to his engagement with Tina he believed that Wayne breaking off the engagement could make Tina more amable to their plans Fernando secure in Gerard's loyalty expressed confidence in their Alliance Fernando went a step further asserting that they would continue to consolidate their power he believed that his Grand Design was nearing realization with only the issue of Wayne's engagement to Tina standing in the way to him it was a relatively insignificant concern in the grander scheme of their Ambitions unbeknownst to them someone had overheard their conversation from outside the palace tenu upon hearing your plans felt a shiver of apprehension as tenu departed from the vicinity Gerard seemingly attuned to his presence sensed his departure tenu promptly relayed the details of the conversation to Wayne who was now Proby to the Duke's intentions Wayne couldn't help but feel that the Duke was underestimating him he urged tenq to continue investigating the Duke's activities emphasizing the importance of uncovering his true agenda when he was now convinced that his engagement to Tina was merely a small component of the Duke's grand scheme he couldn't help but suspect that this Revelation might be the very reason Tana had fled her home upon learning of the impending engagement a deep sense of determination etched itself onto Wayne's face he had made up his mind to take matters into his own hands and ensure the dissolution of Fernando's engagement with Tina the following day arrived with an air of anticipation and curiosity as the group now comprising Wayne Sophie Henry kidon and their gracious host Leah gathered to receive the results of the written test Leah beaned with positivity as she congratulated all of them on their performance in the examination she return their answer sheets her words carrying an undercurrent of Pride and encouragement Leah began by acknowledging the achievements of each student Henry's face lit up with a mix of relief and ulation as Lee announced that he had achieved a perfect score on the test Sophie on the other hand struggled to process the fact that she had only made two mistakes a sense of disbelief enveloped her as she contemplated the near Flawless result kjun however had a different experience her paper bore more mistakes than she had hoped for a reality that Leah didn't shy away from addressing still Le's supportive tone reassured kjun that her efforts had not gone to waste Wayne ever the mentor seized the moment to encourage kidin suggesting that she should invest more time in deepening her understanding of magic kin's response was Resolute echoing her determination to strive for improvement Leah satisfied with the interactions delivered her verdict assigning Wayne Sophie Henry and kidin to class A for their practical training she deemed it appropriate to recognize kon's contributions to resolving the explosion accident despite her lower score the Dynamics of their education began to take shape with Wayne stepping into his role as a temporary lecturer he would oversee Class E a group known for their underwhelming magical capabilities and questionable conduct the idea of having a peer as their instructor did not sit well with them Wayne sensed the undercurrent of disapproval among his students who were all of the same age as him in stark contrast their Parts in class A A cater of accomplished and academically exceptional students welcomed their mentors with open arms among their ranks a familiar face appeared none other than Tina her presence took Sophie by surprise and a sense of intrigue and concern welled up within her as Wayne contemplated his new role as a temporary lecturer he couldn't help but feel that the situation was far more intricate than it appeared he sensed that the students in his class had a reservoir of spiritual power surpassing conventional Mana a promp promising sign that they could excel in the art of onu Jutsu though their power did not intimidate Wayne he was convinced that under his guidance they could evolve into formidable practitioners the initial interaction in class E was marked by a student named Darius approaching Wayne with an air of casual familiarity he inquired if they could engage in informal conversation due to their shared age Wayne maintaining his cool and collected demeanor delivered a subtle but pointed response he acknowledged their shared age but emphasized the distinction in their stat es Darrius however responded with a touch of mockery he claimed to have heard of Wayne's heroic feat in Saving a nation from a Colossal dragon challenging Wayne to demonstrate his true strength the idea appealed to Wayne who saw it as an opportunity to showcase what he would be teaching the students the two groups ventured to the krunal magic Academy training ground where Wayne and Darius squared off Darius eager to witness the potency of Wayne's onu Jutsu inquired about his plans to demonstrate it Wayne radiating confidence assured durius that he would not engage in anything that could harm him instead he welcomed durius to launch attacks at full strength while Wayne focused on defense Darius enthusiastically accepted this challenge wasting no time the match began with Darius charging headlong at Wayne the young instructor effortlessly created a protective shield before him a manifestation of onu Jutsu to the amazement of those watching Wayne clarified that this was not a display of traditional magic but a manifestation of the mysterious art of Anu Jutsu Darius while impressed couldn't help but Express his view that all magic users were the same Wayne remained unfazed and decided to add an element of swordsmanship to the bout he drew his Spirit sword much to darius's astonishment as he had earlier promised not to engage in any action that could harm him intrigued by the shift in tactics Darius watched Wayne closely as their duel continued Wayne was aware of darius's proficiency with a sword which allowed him to utilize a small amount of Mana to enhance his physical prowess darius's unique blend of limited mana and abundant spiritual power set him apart from other students Wayne believed that Darius had the potential to excel in onu Jutsu which would be a more suitable path for him than conventional magic as the duel unfolded Darius despite his skill found himself unable to move Wayne's sword even an inch he began to acknowledge Wayne's unparalleled combat prowess as the young instructor handled him with ease however Darius was not one to back down he a green aura around him signaling a change in his approach Wayne now in defensive stance carefully blocked darius's attacks what impressed him most was darius's ability to convert his spiritual power into Mana a feat Wayne hadn't anticipated darius's Newfound strength manifested as he launched a ferocious attack but Wayne with finesse intercepted It In the Heat of the Moment Darius lost his grip on his sword but he refused to concede defeat and attempted to strike Wayne with his fist Wayne however effortlessly caught Darius a punch in his composed manner Wayne declared the match over prompting darius's confusion Wayne explained that he admired darius's fighting spirit and identified a familiar quality in him his final piece of advice was a warning against using the potentially dangerous closing technique Darius had employed Wayne Then extended an offer suggesting that he could teach Darius the art of onu Jutsu an opportunity that could enable Darius to unlock his full potential and become even stronger in the unfolding narrative the story picks up with Wayne effortlessly overcoming a student named Darius in a surprising display of his exceptional skills the other students in the class are left stunned their disbelief evident as Wayne swiftly dispatches his opponent durius clearly defeated confronts Wayne with a sense of frustration expressing his lack of interest in adopting Wayne's peculiar techniques unfazed by darius's resistance Wayne calmly informs him that he foresaw such reluctance Wayne asserts that he won't permit Darius to disrupt the flow of his lessons firmly establishing his authority in the classroom despite Darius reluctantly agreeing not to interfere again he can't help but view Wayne as a Troublesome figure shifting scenes we find ourselves in kean's classroom where Tina is Overjoyed to discover that Wayne has joined Kunal alongside kidon kidon the bearer of this news discloses that Wayne has taken on the role of a temporary lecture Tina excited at the prospect of attending Wayne's lectures shares her enthusiasm with kidon however Kon ever the realist warns Tina that seeking Wayne's help to break off her engagement might pose a challenge undeterred Tina reassures kidin emphasizing her sheer Joy at being reunited with him the scene takes an unexpected turn as Sophie enters the room her curiosity peaked by the evident camaraderie between kijin and Tina she inquires about their relationship prompting kijin to explain that Tina had visited the Granado territory before and he had taken good care of her during her stay te corroborates the account expressing gratitude toward kin and inquires about the well-being of tinu after a recent attack kin with a confident demeanor assures Tina that tinq is far from easily harmed by trivial matters adding an air of mystery to the character as the conversation unfolds Tina shares a light-hearted incident involving tenu recounting how he was sent flying during the attack the Revelation elicits a mix of curiosity and amusement from those present in the room including Henry who can't help but be intrigued by the Intriguing tale tatina embracing the levity of the moment laughs off the incident acknowledging that it was a bit intimidating but ultimately amusing Leah the president of the student council interjects at this point announcing that it's time for lunch and suggesting that they all head to the cafeteria together it becomes apparent that Lee is in charge of guiding the exchange students a role she seems to enjoy despite its responsibilities Tina ever perceptive notes Leah's dual role as both both a guide and a friend to Wayne this realization prompts Tina to just about their connection to Wayne underscoring their friendship with him Sophie still intrigued by the unfolding Dynamics seizes the opportunity to inquire about Tina and Wayne's relationship Tina in a candid manner recounts how Wayne had come to her rescue during a challenging situation an act that led her to propose marriage to him however the Twist and the tale lies in Wayne's refusal of Tina's proposal Sophie's surprise is palpable as Tina casually we leaves her story Into the conversation Henry in a reflective moment admires Tina's assertiveness recognizing a strength that seems to Define her character Tina with a touch of light-heartedness attributes her boldness to the nature of Maidens in love injecting a sense of humor into the exchange Leah the pragmatic student council president interjects at this point suggesting they wrap up the conversation and head to the cafeteria together as the group makes their way to the cafeteria Tina serendipitously encounters Wayne Wayne ever perceptive notes that Tina is in the same class as kin and the others Tina undeterred and exuding confidence proudly affirms that of course she's in the same class considering herself nothing short of a genius Wayne amused by Tina self assured nature can't help but appreciate the boldness she brings to the table upon Leah's Guidance the group settles around a table where they are introduced to Kel's culinary Masterpiece the fork roast excitement permeates the air as the group eagerly anticipates savoring this renowned Dish as the first bites are taken a unanimous consensus emerges Fork roast is an Exquisite Delight Wayne and Henry known for their Discerning pallets expressed genuine appreciation further solidifying the Dish's reputation Sophie seizing the moment takes a brief pause to extol the uniqueness of Kel's magical cooking she explains that the exceptional taste is a result of special techniques mastered only by professionals Leah adding weight to Sophie's words encourages everyone to relish The Culinary experience while in cral emphasizing that these dishes are a rare treat not easily replicated elsewhere transitioning from gastronomic Delights to magical studies Wayne turns his attention to Sophie inquiring about her day of learning Sophie shares that the morning was dedicated to delving into Modern Magic emphasizing a notable difference from all Sara where spells are regimented by ranks Tana ever the engaging conversationalist adds her own perspective recalling her surprise when she first attended alera in this shared experience Tina and Sophie find Common Ground Bridging the Gap between their magical education Henry ever curious about the magical curriculum expresses anticipation for the afternoon's class on Ancient magic this seemingly innocent curiosity pequs Wayne's interest evoking memories of Gerard's use of the same magic the mention of ancient magic sets a subtle tone of intrigue and foreshadows potential developments in the narrative Leah sensing an opportune moment moment to provide crucial information begins to unveil the complexities of ancient magic she reveals that unfortunately the Allure of ancient magic comes with a hefty price it is inherently dangerous this Revelation draws surprise from Henry prompting Le have to share a personal connection to the risks involved her father in pursuit of unraveling the secrets of ancient magic tragically lost his life despite the personal sacrifice konel proudly carries the moniker of the great magic country due to its m Mastery of ancient magic Lee's disclosure adds a sobering layer to the conversation underscoring the profound risks and uncertainties embedded in the World of Magic at kruno as the group absorbs the weight of Leah's Revelation the atmosphere momentarily shifts from the Lively banter to a more contemplative mood Henry pieces together the puzzle turning to Leah with a revelation he suspects that the accident from the previous day was a result of ancient magic Tina confirms his suspicion sharing that such incidents have become a troubling trend both Lee and Tina have redirected their research efforts toward Modern Magic in response to the unpredictable nature of ancient magic Leia sensing a shift in the mood of the group apologizes for potentially dampening the atmosphere she explains that observing Henry's apparent interest in ancient magic she believed it essential for him to understand the inherent risks involved Wayne absorbing this information begins to recognize that the challenges facing the country may run deeper than he initially thought hinting at a potential struggle against the enigmatic Force of ancient Magic The Narrative then takes a dramatic turn transporting us to Kel's National magic Research Center Gerard and Fernando two Central figures in the unfolding mystery open a secured door proceeding through yet another layer of security Gerard places his hand on the door granting access to a room bathed in an eerie red light inside a plethora of large tubes reveals prototypes of unknown Creations Fernando fueled by curiosity and excitement touches one of the tubes revealing that they can now see a glimpse of the faces within Fernando shares his ambitious Vision with Gerard he imagines a future where over 100 clones each as potent as Gerard himself stand ready to execute Fernando's commands his excitement is palpable and he envisions the dominance that this unprecedented power could afford him Gerard acknowledging Fernando's aspirations concedes that once these clones are complete the country will fall under Fernando's control however Fernando with a conviction that borders on Authority rejects the IDE a of being a mere conqueror instead he envisions himself as a ruler emphasizing the importance of maintaining order while exercising power Gerard recognizing the wisdom in Fernando's perspective humbly apologizes and aligns himself with Fernando's Vision yet Fernando adds a Twist to the agreement while Gerard's initial statement holds partial truth the ultimate ruler of krunal according to Fernando will be none other than Fernando himself the scene shifts outside offering a glimpse into U's reaction he he is visibly surprised by the unfolding events grappling with the gravity of Fernando's plans to him the situation seems unbelievable raising concerns about the potential consequences for Kel tenu recognizing the urgency of the situation resolves to inform Wayne about this unsettling development as soon as possible as the scene transitions to the outdoors Wayne engages Henry in a conversation about the recent ancient magic lesson Henry despite a twinge of guilt lingering from Leah's cautionary words shares his genuine excitement about the subject to him ancient magic holds a unique Allure with its liberating mindset and seemingly vast potential for development especially when compared to the more rigid structures of Modern Magic Henry emphasizes that despite only being a recent addition to the curriculum with a mere 20 years of research the promise he sees in ancient magic justifies its inclusion Sophie ever the cautious friend expresses her concerns to Henry she urges him not to venture into any Reckless experimentation that might lead to accidents or unforeseen consequences Henry with a reassuring smile assures her that he Harbors no intention of delving into ancient magic experiments his interest lies purely in the fascination of understanding the intricacies of this mysterious field Sophie trusting Henry's judgment nods an acceptance amused by The Exchange Wayne Chuckles and playfully comments that Henry's unwavering enthusiasm is a traar characteristic shifting gears Sophie redirects the conversation to Wayne's role as a temporary Le lecture Wayne still adjusting to the peculiarity of the situation shares his happiness at having the opportunity to showcase the wonders of onu Jutsu however he notes with mild surprise that only a handful of his students seem interested in this Ancient Art reflecting on the reality that the majority of students at a magic Academy naturally gravitate towards magic itself Wayne decides to bridge the gap Wayne plans demonstrate how magic incorporates practical elements of Anu jetsu aiming to Enlighten his students about the shared aspects of these magical disciplines the intention is not only to showcase the richness of onu jetso but also to foster a deeper appreciation for its practical applications within the broader realm of magic Henry resonating with Wayne's idea expresses his approval drawing from personal experience he attests to the significant Improvement in his own magic skills after benefiting from Wayne's teachings Sophie equally intrigued joins the conversation expressing her eagerness to attend such a lesson herself her enthusiasm adds a touch of warmth to the discussion Wayne touched by the support from Henry and Sophie expresses his gratitude the encouragement fuels his sense of purpose as he prepares to merge the worlds of Anu Jutsu and magic in his teaching approach Sophie however brings up a poignant observation it seems Wayne's students haven't fully embraced him yet Wayne with a hint of defensiveness asserts that he showcased his abilities by surpassing the top student in their class he believes that his students should have acknowledged his prowess based on this demonstration of skill Sophie displaying evident skepticism directs her inquiry at Wayne seeking an explanation for the peculiar situation Henry jumping into the conversation remarks on Wayne's seemly Perpetual involvement in unusual circumstances Wayne in his characteristic nonchalant manner defends the individuals at the center of the Intrigue insisting that they aren't necessarily bad he admits to a strange inability to Harbor any resentment toward them the scene then shifts to Kon who discreetly observes the girl surveilling Tina from her hidden Vantage Point Kon discerns that the girl is engaged in a clandestine meeting the narrative smoothly transitions to this covert rendevu where a girl questions the man about the purpose of their meeting the man revealing his intent expresses a desire to gather information about the recent addition to their class the temporary lecturer sensing that Wayne might be the focus of this secretive discussion konk instincts prove insightful Darius a participant in the meeting shares his perspective on Wayne's unconventional teaching methods he recounts Wayne's introduction of Anu Jutsu A peculiar technique that has failed to capture the interest of most students Darius conveys that few are willing to entertain Wayne's unconventional ideas the girl displaying a depth of knowledge casually mentions darius's recent defeat at the hands of Wayne Darius taken a back questions the source of her information the girl exuding confidence reveals the extent of her information Network portraying herself as a well-connected figure within the academy acknowledging his frustration over the defeat Darius with determination asserts his unwillingness to delve into onu Jutsu he remains steadfast in his pursuit of becoming the strongest Mage through Mastery of Modern Magic The Girl undeterred by his resolve suggests an alternative path exploring ancient magic Darius dismissive of the idea emphasizes his inability to use Ancient magic citing the prerequisite of mastering Modern Magic first the girl with a knowing smile challenges this conventional notion hinting at the possibility of an unconventional route she suggests that with the right connection Darius could potentially unlock magical abilities he previously deemed inaccessible her enigmatic statement extends beyond the realm of Modern Magic encompassing the mysteries of ancient magic as well intrigued Darius though initially skeptical expresses interest in exploring this suspicious yet alluring proposition Darius intrigued by the Prospect of making the mysterious guy use Ancient magic asks the girl to introduce him the girl unfazed agrees and instructs Darius to follow her observing this interaction kin senses a connection to the same ancient magic and decides to tail them discreetly as they leave the academy grounds kijin deduces that their destination is beyond School premises following them closely Kajun notices that they arrive the Vander Mansion the girl's mention of a person confirms kajun's suspicion that they are referring to Gerard as kin contemplates this Revelation a massive red sphere materializes behind her to her surprise Gerard seemingly perceptive to her invisibility appears and identifies her as someone affiliated with Wayne granato he questions her Presence at the Mansion demanding an explanation kin quick on her feet informs Gerard that she overheard a suspicious conversation between two individuals and followed them to the mansion Gerard probes further asking what was particularly supicious about the students Kon reveals that these students despite their inability to use Modern Magic possess the ability to wield ancient magic a revelation that catches Gerard's attention in response Gerard not one to entertain Loose Ends decides to silence kidon he launches an attack but kin skillfully evades it undeterred she confronts Gerard with a Steely resolve acknowledging that the situation has escalated to a point where retaliation is inevitable with a serious expression she vows to make Gerard pay for his actions against tenu kin determined to retaliate draws her sword and attacks Gerard however Gerard effortlessly blocks her strike with his hand taunting her about the capabilities of Wayne Granado's subordinate unfazed kidon remains confident urging Gerard not to underestimate her based on a single block strike to Gerard's surprise kidin astutely severs Gerard's Mana disrupting the magical energy surrounding him confident in her recovered spiritual power which matches that of her previous life as Wayne's Ally Kon believes victory in this duel is assured as she strikes at Gerard he unexpectedly appears behind her Gerard attempts to restrain kidon but she skillfully employs her moment return spell swiftly evading his grasp Gerard bewildered by her evasion questions how kijin managed to dodge his attack kijun attributes her success to sheer speed in response Gerard decides to test her speed by unleashing a beam of Mana unphased k misses the feeble attack confidently asserting that such weak Maneuvers won't affect her as Gerard intensifies his assault with a Mana beam kidin adeptly Dodges each strike however Gerard surprises her by appearing in front of her while she's momentarily unguarded to Gerard's amazement kidon managed to counter his attack he starts to wonder if she can somehow anticipate his moves perhaps she can see the future or manipulate time regardless he realizes he needs what a halt to this Gerard resorts to using his time lock spell attempting to freeze the moment however in a surprising turn kidon simultaneously strikes back as she attempts to block Gerard's attack to her astonishment Gerard strike lands forcing her to take a knee Gerard triumphant approaches kijin expressing certainty in his victory employing his shadowbind spell he ens snares kijin with Mana ropes restricting her movements kijin thinks that she needs to tell this to Wayne but before she could do anything Gerard comes to her and uses a spell named track break and puts kin to sleep afterward she regains Consciousness in a dimly lit room grappling with the disbelief of having lost to a human and being captured attempting to establish a telepathic connection with Wayne proves feudal leaving her with no option but to wait for Wayne to summon her again in her Solitude she hears someone on the other side of a nearby curtain and investigates discovering it's Gerard The Narrative then shifts to Gerard's conversation with Darius Gerard Reveals His presence as someone driven by a desire for power Darius intrigued listens as Gerard describes his ability to Grant him access to ancient magic Gerard commends Darius for his intense training expressing willingness to assist someone who has dedicated themselves as much as Darius has eager to acquir new magical abilities Darius urges Gerard to proceed Gerard considers Darius and believes that in comparison to Kate this individual might be capable of hosting an even more powerful demon following this realization Gerard employs his demon control spell on Darius as Gerard enacted his demon control spell on Darius a crimson Aura enveloped darius's form leaving him bewildered by the sudden surge of power coursing through him with furrowed brows Darius glanced around struggling to comprehend the unfolding transformation stepping forward Gerard explained to Darius the Newfound strength pulsating within him emphasizing how much more potent he now appeared meanwhile the young woman woman who had escorted Darius to Gerard's Abode watched in astonishment her own encounter with ancient magic paling in comparison to darius's dramatic reaction unbeknownst to them kidin observed from behind a concealed curtain her thoughts spiraling into concern as she realized the potential consequences of Darius absorbing such otherworldly energies yet amidst the apprehension Darius reveled in the overwhelming Sensations coursing through him likening it to a torrent of power power surging unchecked as darius's eyes shimmered with a newfound Hue the young woman gasped in Surprise prompting Gerard to reassure her that Darius merely needed time to master his burgeoning abilities determinately Darius pledged to Gerard his commitment to mastering this newfound power envisioning himself as an Unstoppable Force once he gained full control incouraged by darius's resolve Gerard nodded approvingly expressing his high expectations for Darius as a wielder of ancient magic just then Fernando's arrival interrupted their conversation as the girl surprise registered at Lord Fernando's unexpected presence Fernando's Keen gaze locked onto Darius swiftly Discerning Gerard's current Endeavor to harness yet another ancient magic user with a decisive tone Fernando instructed the students to vacate the room signaling an urgent need for a private discussion with Gerard responding to Fernando's directive the girl swiftly ushered Gerard out of the room leaving Fernando and Gerard alone with the students now absent Fernando wasted no time in probing Gerard about whether he had apprehended one of Wayne Granado's underlings Gerard with a flick of his hand Drew back the curtain revealing the girl as indeed belonging to Wayne's faction seizing the moment kidon interjected pressing Gerard for an explanation regarding his actions towards the student unperturbed Gerard calmly asserted that he had merely granted the students deepest desire the ability to wield ancient magic however kin countered warning Gerard of the perilous fate awaiting the student for telling the destructive consequences of the power bestowed upon them undeterred Gerard affirmed that everything was a calculated component of his Grand Design intrigued by konk resilience Fernando acknowledged the strength of her will proposing that Gerard cooperate with their plan to ensure kon's Allegiance yet kidin remained Resolute affirming her unwavering loyalty to Wayne alone Gerard's words hung in the air emphasizing kon's suitability for the task at hand with a calculated gesture Gerard Unleashed his mental domination spell and snaring kidon within their control under Fernando's command kidin was ordered to resume her guise as one of Wayne's devoted followers all the while clandestinely feeding information to Fernando about Wayne's activities reluctantly kidon acquiesced to Fernando's directive the scene shifted to Wayne's inner sanctum where kin announced her belated arrival Wayne nonchalant yet subtly reproachful remarked on konk tardiness promptly Kon tendered her apologies absorbing Wayne's lenient response as she explained the delay Wayne preoccupied with tink's report assured kidon that her lateness was inconsequential however tenu recounted witnessing an unsettling display multiple clones of Gerard hinting at Fernando's clandestine minations aimed at seizing power kon's astonishment mirrored Wayne's own concern prompting tenkku to elaborate on the ominous developments unfolding within their midst Wayne's measured response resonated through the room as he expressed his desire to observe the unfolding events before taking decisive action yet the existence of Gerard's clones couldn't be dismissed lightly meanwhile The Narrative transitioned to Fernando's office where kidon transmitted his report telepathically to Fernando detailing Wayne's cautious stance upon receiving this Intel Fernando's mind churned with anticipation sensing that Wayne was on the brink of making his move however Fernando harbored no intentions of allowing Wayne to impede his own Ambitions the scene shifts to the Grandeur of cril Castle's ceremonial chamber where a resplendant purple-haired girl graciously extends her gratitude to the esteemed guests gathered for the magic Ceremony this magical conference serves as a pivotal convergence of the most influential figures from across Crill convened to deliberate upon matters concerning the realm of magic with eloquence the purple-haired girl declares that the primary focus of today's discourse is centered on the imperative need for Education reform within magical Academia as anticipation mounts the minister of magic Lord Raymond steps forth to address the assembly meanwhile outside the Regal con finds of the castle Tina and Leah find themselves Seated on a tranquil bench contemplating the imminent commencement of the conference Tina burdened by the weight of her father's pivotal role in shaping the future expresses her apprehensions to Leah despite Leah's concerns about the potential consequences of Tina's father's decisions on Humanity's fate Tina resigns herself to the inevitable acknowledging her own powerlessness in altering the course of events suddenly an oppressive Aura envelopes them both signaling imminent danger as tension mounts a monstrous serpent known as SP emerges mincingly from beneath the earth's surface Tina taken aback by the enormity of the threat finds reassurance in Leah's steadfast resolve as they braced themselves to confront the formidable ASP together Leah channeled her Fire magic The Burning wind directing a fierce Blaze towards the ASP however their astonishment mounted as the monstrous serpent displayed an unexpected resilience against Leah's fiery assault with a menacing lunge the ASP aimed its attack towards Leah who narrowly evaded the strike perplexed by the creature's resistance to fire Leah voiced her confusion Tina observing the unfolding confrontation discerned the uniqueness of the situation she noted the asps unusually high magical resistance explaining the unexpected challenge they faced just then then Darius arrived on the scene his presence heralding a swift resolution to the conflict with a single decisive strike Darius dispatched the formidable ASP leaving Tina and Leah in awe of his Newfound strength Leah eager for answers queried Darius about the source of his Newfound power however Darius remained cryptic hinting at a transformation that had imbued him with strength surpassing both Tina and Leah as the group processed the encounter Wayne made his entrance drawn by the presence of the monster Darius with a hint of playful banter teased Wayne for his tardiness proudly declaring his Swift resolution of the threat Wayne's curiosity peaked he turned to Darius probing for an explanation regarding the source of his Newfound power Darius however remained tight lipped steadfast in his resolve not to divulge the origins of his strength he asserted that his new found abilities had blossomed independently of Wayne's esteemed onu Jutsu Wayne's realization dawned as he connected the dots it was darus whose presence he had sensed a revelation that seemed to elude darius's understanding perplexed Darius questioned Wayne's cryptic remarks Wayne undeterred pressed Darius for clarity regarding the source of his enhanced abilities in response Darius issued a challenge declaring that if Wayne desired answers he would have to earn them through combat echoing the rules of their previous sparring matches in Wayne's class Darius set the terms for their exchange meanwhile the scene shifted back to the Grandeur of the magic conference where Lord Raymond proposed a controversial measure the discontinuation of Modern Magic education his suggestion elicited a ripple of reactions among the gathered members one a tendy voiced concern acknowledging the significance of modern magic and its pivotal role in the practices of many cral ages undeterred Lord Raymond elaborated on his proposal attributing the recent decline in Mana to the excessive Reliance on Modern magical practices however Lord Raymond addressed the assembly proposing a strategic shift back to ancient magic as a solution to the dwindling Mana reserves he argued that by re-embracing ancient magic the longevity of mana's utility could be insured for future Generations acknowledging Raymond's perspective other members of the conference expressed their understanding but raised concerns about potential Panic among Mages Raymond reassured them suggesting a gradual implementation of the proposal to mitigate immediate chaos he emphasized the importance of Education and Research into ancient magic to support Mages in adapting to this Paradigm Shift among the attendees Fernando voiced his agreement with Raymond's proposal asserting the necessity of returning to ancient magic for Kel's future Prosperity he pledged full support to Raymond's Vision encouraged by Fernando's endorsement the remaining members concurred agreeing to Champion the promotion of ancient magic grateful for the collective support Raymond extended his thanks to the assembly with unanimous agreement reached the magic conference concluded on a note of determination and unity marking the beginning of a new era for Magical practices in Crill Fernando contemplated the implications of Lord Raymond's proposal for seeing a gradual phase out of modern m magic in favor of ancient practices Gerard expressed gratitude to Fernando for the comprehensive report acknowledging the significance of the impending changes with a calculated maneuver Gerard cast his spell on Fernando laying the groundwork for their next steps as the magical energy enveloped Fernando Gerard's mind raced with determination the time had come to address the looming presence of Wayne Granado signaling the beginning of a decisive confrontation the seen transitions to the exterior where Darius brimming with confidence confronts Wayne sensing Wayne's reluctance to engage in combat Wayne affirms his disinterest in confrontation but Darius undeterred begins to channel his spell with determined resolve Leah interjects urging Darius to cease his unauthorized use of Magic on Academy grounds but Darius disregards her warning unleashing his spell towards Wayne however Wayne effortlessly sidesteps darius's attack leaving Darius bewildered by his failure Wayne admonishes Darius emphasizing the futility of borrowed power ignoring Wayne's counsel Darius attempts to amplify his abilities only to undergo a startling transformation Leah and Tina watch in shock as darius's Visage morphs into that of a demon in a swift motion Darius lunges at Wayne intent on striking him from behind yet with effortless Precision Wayne Swift ly incapacitates Darius with a single blow leaving Leah marveling at Wayne's prowess Wayne Then employs his purification spell restoring Darius to his original form bringing an end to the tense confrontation Wayne's sharp intuition led him to uncover Gerard's nefarious involvement in the unfolding events as a demonic entity emerged from Darius Wayne swiftly drew his Spirit sword dispatching the creature with ease Tina and Leah rushed to Wayne's side expressing concern for his well-being assuring them of his safety Wayne explained his knowledge of Gerard's minations Leah still reeling from the encounter questioned Wayne about the nature of the creature they had just faced Wayne admitted uncertainty regarding its identity but affirmed his conviction that Gerard was The Mastermind behind the chaos Tina unsurprised by the Revelation Tina advised Wayne to watch out for Gerard even though Gerard is said to be loyal to Fernando Tina said she doesn't feel any loyalty from Gerard Wayne reassured Tina dismissing her concerns with a determined resolve suddenly through a series of intricate magical circles Colonel's Elite Mage unit arrived on the scene Leah speculated that their presence might be related to the earlier encounter with the ASP but the sheer number of Mages present raised doubts about their true intentions an officer from the elite unit approached Wayne informing him of his arrest on suspicous of spying upon hearing the officer's accusation Tina swiftly interjected protesting that there must be some misunderstanding the officer remained adamant citing Wayne's alleged mistreatment of an Academy student while posing as a temporary lecturer Tina argued that Wayne had only acted in self-defense after Darius initiated the confrontation despite Tina's plea the officer insisted that Wayne's arrest was unavoidable Leah observed the situation unfolding realizing the formidable challenge Wayne faced against the elite Mage unit all of whom were skilled in ancient magic undeterred Wayne posed a question to the officer regarding the safety of the transfer students learning that they had been apprehended Wayne swiftly enacted his teleportation spell disappearing before the officer's eyes in response the officer issued a directive to locate Wayne as Wayne contemplated the dire situation he resolved to prioritize the rescue of Sophie and Henry recognizing the urgency of their predicament amidst the escalating crisis
Channel: Manhwa Fest
Views: 63,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa-fest, manhwa fest, manhwafest, the exorcist and the shikigami of the twelve heavenly generals in another world manhwa recap, the exorcist and the shikigami of the twelve heavenly generals in another world chapter 1, the exorcist and the shikigami of the twelve heavenly generals in another world chapter 70, novels, manhwa, manhwa recap, manhwa recapped, manhwa summary, manhwa adventure, manhwa action, manhwa recaps, 1 hour manhwa recap, overpowered manhwa, mc overpowered manhwa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 264min 58sec (15898 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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