[6] S-Rank Hunter Get Reincarnated As Fallen Noble & He Vows To Rebuild His Noble Family-Mahwa Recap

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Aaron dashes toward the Centaur with astonishing speed isa's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of him the Centaur react by unleashing a volley of arrows but Aaron effortlessly deflects them Isa and the mercenaries watch in disbelief as Aaron's skill becomes apparent closing the distance Aaron strikes at one of the Centaur only to find that his blow is met with unexpected resistance the centur retaliates catching Aaron offguard despite Aaron's attempt to defend himself the centur remains unfaced to Aaron's bewilderment the centur accuses him of invading their forest with the intention of attacking and destroying them the Centaur reveals that Aaron has been amassing military forces for this purpose leaving Aaron confused and surprised by the allegations as the Centaur launch a coordinated strike the Orcs fighting alongside them struggle to comprehend the centaur's Newfound strength crudel speculates that dark magic may be a play the Centaur ens snared by a sorcerer's dark magic are being controlled against their will the sorcerer manipulates their anger and fear brainwashing them into Relentless fighters who push past their physical limits in the midst of battle Killian moves to strike a centur but before he can the Centaur retaliates with a powerful kick to his stomach sending him sprawling to the ground the Pendragon forces find themselves overwhelmed by the ferocity of the centur strikes with Aaron still locked in combat against them desperate for Aid Aaron implores soul to join the fry but Soul refuses likening both Orcs And centur to children and choosing not to intervene frustrated by Soul stance Aaron's thoughts drift to Baltoy suddenly Aaron spots a centur poised to attack an orc child without hesitation he rushes to the child's defense saving them from harm surveying the chaos around him Aaron realizes that half of the Pendragon troops have been incapacitated and the orc Village is under Relentless Siege Aaron mounts his horse and addresses the centaurs questioning their reputation as proud Warriors he disparages them claiming they are no better than brw animals Aaron boldly declares that he alone can handle the centur provoking their anger in response the centaurs launch a collective strike on Aaron seizing the opportunity Aaron gallops toward the opposite side of the orc Village drawing the Centaur away from their target crudel observes Aaron's strategy and explains to kuruto that Aaron's intention is to lead the centur away from the vulnerable Village Kudo is incredulous at the idea of Aaron facing so many centur alone while Isa watches in astonishment meanwhile Soul summons her Griffin which appears before Isa startled by The Majestic creature Isa looks looks to soul for explanation as the Griffin approaches is's demeanor shifts as he comprehends Soul's decision at the Mountain's Edge Aaron finds himself confronted by a mass of centur blocking his path their leader acknowledges Aaron's tactic of acting as a decoy to safeguard his forces but warns that both Aaron and his allies including the orc Village will ultimately fall to the Centaur Aaron's actions are deemed foolish in response Aaron defiantly assed asss that it is the Centaur who are foolish claiming he alone can handle them all however doubt gnaws at him as he Ponders whether he can truly overcome the magically strengthened Centaur as the Centaur charge towards him arrows suddenly rain down from behind felling several of them surprised Aaron turns to see Isa at top the Griffin wielding his bow questioning his presence Aaron learns that Isa remains true to his pledge to stand as Aaron sword and Vanquish his foes meanwhile the Centaur are taken aback by the appearance of the Divine Griffin Isa charges towards them at top his Majestic Mount prompting the Centaur leader to launch an arrow in his Direction swiftly evading the attack Isa retaliates with a flurry of arrows swiftly dispatching several Centaur observing isa's prowess Aaron recognizes him as a griffin Rider one who commands these revered creatures associated with the white dragon riding a griffin requires immense skill and knowledge obtained through ancient wisdom and extensive practice those who Master this art through countless battles earn the esteemed title of Griffin Rider reflecting on isa's abilities Aaron can't help but smile recalling that in his previous life Isa was known as stormbringer seeing Isa live up to his reputation fills Aaron with pride as the Centaur are driven back their leader orders a retreat the Mentor leader assesses the situation believing that the dense forest will hinder any Pursuit by the Griffin determining that regrouping is their best course of action he prepares to retreat however Aaron intervenes by swiftly shooting an arrow that brings down the centur leader approaching the Fallen leader Aaron utilizes his shield to heal the centaur's wounds and break the hold of sorcery upon him as the centur leader regains his senses he is astonished by erands unexp Ed act of kindness confused he questions Aaron's motives for aiding him in response Aaron queries the centur leader about the whereabouts of The Man Who provided the centur with their weapons BTY of the roasa unit the Centaur leader is taken a back by Aaron's knowledge of bti and inquiries about him Aaron asserts his authority insisting that he will be the one asking the questions reluctantly the centur leader reveals that bti appeared in the forest and proposed an alliance with the centur he claimed that the pendragons had regained the power of the white dragon and were bolstering their forces and weaponry bti reveals to the Centaur his belief that the pendragons will inevitably set their sights on both the Centaur and their Forest to preempt this threat bti urges the Centaur to seize control by defeating the orc Village and reclaiming the anona forest themselves upon hearing this Aaron disputes the validity of B's claims questioning the Centaur could be so easily swayed by such obvious manipulation the Centaur leaders suggest that they may have fallen under a spell mentioning that bti used a mirror to communicate with them after which they were overcome with anger and lost their rationality the leader admits to having fuzzy memories since that moment moved by the plight of the injured Centaur Aaron uses his shield to heal them Isa witnessing this act expresses surprise after tending to everyone Aaron reflects on the considerable drain on his Mana caused by healing so many Isa queries Aaron about his decision to heal the centur seeking understanding Aaron explains to ISA that the true enemies of the pendragons are those who manipulated the centors he acknowledges that even the predecessors of the pendragons bear responsibility for the complex situation the centur leader interjects noting that Aaron as a pin dragon stands apart from his predecessors AAR Aaron modestly acknowledges that he's been told this before the centur leader expresses belief in Aaron's potential to be an exceptional ruler he declares that from that moment forward the centur tribe will consider themselves Friends of the pendragons both Isa and Aaron are taken aback by this unexpected declaration the Centaur leader assures Aaron that they will Aid the pendragons in confronting the group that deceive the centur he pledges the Centaur full cooperation with Aaron as Pendragon turning to the other centur the leader seeks their agreement which they readily provide witnessing this Unity Aaron assures the centur leader that the pendragons will also support the centur the two groups Forge an unexpected Alliance United in their determination to confront their common adversaries Aaron expresses his desire for the Centaur to safeguard the harmony of the forest as its strongest Cavalry with a handshake between Aaron and the centur leader the conflict comes to an end and peace returns to the anona forest Aaron using the healing powers of the water spirit Shield tends to the solders wounds and they celebrate the new found peace with a banquet later Aaron the centur leader crudel and the orc leaders sit together Aaron explains to the orc Elder about the mirror and how it was used to ens snare the centur with a spell the orc Elder admits it's the first time he's heard of sorcery working through a mirror crudel warns the centur leader of the dangers of such magic expressing disbelief that someone could manipulate the emotions of so many centur he labels the sorcerer a fearsome user of dark arts in the following scene Aaron stands on a tree branch deep in thought Soul approaches him noting his somber demeanor Aaron inquires if Soul was the one who provided Isa with the Griffin Soul confirms mentioning that he sensed the Griffins Aura emanating from Isa Aaron reveals that Ela used to be a griffin Rider but avoids discussing it now for unknown reasons Soul remarks on the complexity of human nature expressing surprise that Aaron didn't succumb to the Dragon's Aura when enraged reflecting on a past moment when he was enveloped by the dragon's aurura Aaron contemplates the control over such power Soul explains that those who form a pact with the white dragon can harness its power within their bodies but mastering that power is a personal challenge Aaron emphasizes the importance of not giving in to anger to progress inwardly Aaron P the discrepancies in his memories despite initially forgetting due to anger he remembers being part of the roxcy unit in his previous life which is currently engaged in battle against the troll King in the distant Southern regions great Forest as half of the rockusa unit Falls in battle B's presence in the same continent as the centur seems ludicrous to Aaron reflecting on the events in the great forest and the confrontation with the troll King Aaron's thoughts Linger on Raven Vault B had once hinted at a connection between various events including the decline of the pin dragon duy and the downfall of the Vault house Aaron wonders about Raven vault's whereabouts recalling bal's suggestion that everything was interconnected feeling a sense of urgency Aaron confides in Soul about his need to return to his hometown where his family was branded as traitors the scene transition I to the sod territory where count sod and Luna are taken AB by the sudden arrival of The Emperor's Children Prince Ian and princess ingred prince Ian explains to Luna and count sod that they've come for one reason Aaron Pendragon the head of the neighboring duche of Pendragon Ian describes the Aaron he knows as weak frail and innocent making it hard for him to believe that Aron after Awakening from a coma could make a PCT with the white dragon the focus then shifts to to the Pendragon territory where Aaron receives the news of the impending visit of the Imperial prince and princess the butler informs Aaron that the second Prince and his younger sister from the Imperial household are on their way perplexed Aaron questions the butler about their purpose for coming the butler hesitates before revealing that princess ingred is Aaron pendragon's former fiance Aaron learns that Prince Ian was the one who ended his engagement with Princess ingred this Revelation surprises Aaron who who hadn't realized he had previous fian before cot he finds the situation Troublesome especially since a month has passed since the incident with the centur during which the Pendragon forces have significantly bolstered their ranks with the addition of the free Knights isah is busy forming a griffin Squad and Aaron's own dragon Aura has strengthened with him gaining better control over it normally the Pendragon household takes a summer break each year and Aaron had planned to use this opportunity to investigate the connection between the destruction of the Vault house and the current schemes unfolding however just as he was about to do so news of the Imperial children's visit disrupts his plans Aaron queries his Butler about the reason for their visit suspecting it may be related to marriage though uncertain the butler advises Aaron to tread carefully warning him that the second Prince Ian is considered a potential future Emperor Ian is renowned as a martial arts master feared throughout the Imperial Capal earning him the moniker the Tyrant Aaron expresses concern to his Butler about inadvertently offending Ian curious about why the second Prince is in line to become emperor Aaron queries his Butler the butler explains that the crown Prince's health is failing making Ian the likely successor this news triggers a moment of reflection for Aaron suddenly he recalls that in his previous life's future there was no Ian slated to become emperor instead the the future Emperor's name was Jeffrey Aaron questions his Butler about the crown prince's name suspecting it might be Jeffrey however the butler clarifies that the current Emperor's name is cheyen Aragon and there's no record of a Jeffrey in the Imperial lineage this Revelation surprises Aaron Jeffrey isn't even among the top princes of the Empire he's essentially a nobody Aaron Pond the significance of this discrepancy considering that it might be linked to the altered course of history from his previous life Aaron channels his Dragon Aura through his hand signaling to his Butler that he now has a reason to meet Prince Ian Aragon the scene shifts outside where the two children of the Imperial household have arrived in pin dragon territory Ian begins to emanate his own Aura causing everyone around him to feel intimidated unfazed by Ian's Aura Aaron strides confidently towards him Ian noticing Aaron's approach remarks on Aaron's seemingly lofty demeanor Aaron retorts that Ian isn't yet the emperor prompting frustration from Ian who asserts his future as the emperor in response Aaron calmly assures Ian that his Ascension to the throne won't come to fruition Ian is taken aback by this statement without hesitation Aaron begins to emanate his own dragon Aura signaling his resolve surprised Aaron realizes that only those with the bloodline of the first emperor can withstand Ian's aura of supreme authority Ian equally astonished can't comprehend how Aaron is able to resist his overwhelming Aura he deduces that Aaron must possess the aura of the white dragon as tension mounts princess ingred intervenes accompanied by Luna urging her brother to cease his Display of Power she doesn't want Ian to cause unnecessary trouble Aaron notes ing's presence and wonders why Luna sod is with them princess ingred introduces herself to Aaron explaining that they were betrothed since birth and had never met in person before however she breaks into laughter suddenly remarking on Luna's description of Aaron as incredibly strong and handsome Aaron is taken aback by her words Ian warns ingred against getting too familiar with Aaron but she ignores his caution inviting Aaron to accompany her on a tour of the castle as Aaron walks alongside ingred he contemplates the unusual turn of events Aaron's mother Selena and his sister Irene along with Mia welcome Prince Ian and Princess ingred to the Pendragon Palace Ian engages in conversation with Irene while princess ingred Converses with Selena however when Irene catches sight of her brother Aaron she rushes over to him praising his radiant appearance Ian is shocked to be ignored and his frustration manifests in the form of his Aura Mia frightened by Ian's Aura see seeks Refuge with Isa Ian perturbed by isa's lack of recognition questions him about his identity Isa unperturbed refuses to provide a name this refusal frustrates Ian who perceives is's stubbornness as characteristic of knights from the southern region of valvas Ian challenges Isa to a duel but princess ingred intervenes chastising Ian for causing trouble once again she warns him that if he causes trouble a second time she won't speak to him for a year Ian couldn't ignore his sister's admonition soldiers from sod observed the situation astonished that the Tyrant Ian who is feared in the imperial capital seems to have lost control since coming to Pendragon territory they Marvel at the prowess of pin dragon Ian requests a private conversation with Aaron indicating he has something important to discuss he probes Aaron questioning if Aaron is afraid Aaron reassures Ian asserting that he also has matters to discuss in a private room Ian and Aaron face each other Ian remarks on Aaron's transformation recalling him as a frail figure in the past he admits breaking off the engagement with Aaron due to his perceived weakness Aaron challenges Ian's authority to make such a decision for his sister curious Aaron asks Ian why he came he questions whether Ian intends to rekindle the engagement Ian flatly denies the possibility stating there's no way his sister would be engaged to Aaron Pendragon Ian confronts Aaron expressing his disillusionment with the Loyalty of Aaron Pendragon and the valve is KN to the Imperial family he questions Aaron's intentions in response Aaron asserts that Pendragon does not stand in anyone's shadow and has responsibilities to fulfill suddenly Ian attempts to strike Aaron but Aaron reacts quickly throwing water at Ian and elbowing him despite the blow Ian remains resilient seizing Aaron's arm and slamming him onto a table Aaron counters by locking Ian's arm before the impact as they both assess the situation Aaron notices a knife near Ian's hand and decides to step back surprised by Aaron's Retreat Ian questions his motives Aaron suggests that Ian wasn't fighting seriously as he could have easily countered Aaron's technique with the knife Arin then emanates his Aura and poses his question to Ian once more Aaron questions Ian's motive for coming to Pendragon territory Ian responds with laughter acknowledging Aaron's prowess and ability to push Ian to this point Aaron is perplexed by Ian's reaction Ian suggests that Aaron joined forces with him recognizing Aaron's potential to become the Cornerstone of the Empire as Aaron pin dragon Ian explains to Aaron that he's extending the invitation because of Aaron's military skills and sharp intellect however Aaron observes that the tense atmosphere and Ian's imposing or a have dissipated curious Aaron asks Ian what he means by joining forces Ian reveals that the imperial family is currently grappling with the issue of succession with several princes and influential Aristocrats vying for power behind the scenes he wants Aaron on his side in case of future difficulties Ian offers Aaron a significant position within the Empire along with wealth Treasures territories or even the opportunity to establish an independent state hearing this Aaron reflects on Ian's reputation as a tyrant in the imperial capital but considers that Ian's true nature might be different he concludes that Ian may not actually aspire to become emperor Ian is taken aback by Aaron's response Aaron expresses his belief that Ian's tyrannical Persona might be a facade despite the tempting rewards Aaron cannot accept an offer from someone whose true intentions are unknown Ian is surprised that Aaron has discerned his true nature to such an extent he admits that Aaron is the first person aside from his sister to understand his intentions Ian Reveals His desire for his brother shyen Aragon to become emperor Aaron questions if shyen is the Crown Prince who is currently bedridden frustrated Ian explains that his brother was nearly assassinated 3 years ago during the treason incident in cisk this Revelation shocks Aaron Ian describes his brother as kind and capable believing he would have been an outstanding standing ruler cheyen aspired to bring change to the Empire Aaron recalls that 3 years ago the Vault family was branded as traitors in cisk then Aaron agrees to Ian's offer but requests in return that Ian divulge all the information he knows about the treason incident the scene shifts to Selena and Irene informing Luna and ingred about Aaron's wife Lindsay shocking both of them returning to Aaron and Ian Ian discloses everything he knows about the treason incident in cisk Aaron recalls that during that time he was aspiring to become a knight and was entrusted with a letter to deliver to the Lords of cisk but there was a hidden agenda behind it Ian poses the question of who could be the Mastermind behind the treason Aaron speculates if there's another Prince vying for the emperor's Throne Ian acknowledges the possibility but explains that there are numerous princes and Associated Aristocrats making it difficult for him to keep track of them all Aaron then inquires if Ian knows of any Prince named am Jeffrey Ian informs Aaron that am Jeffrey is the child of a concubine holding only the title of Viscount without any real power Aaron realizes that Jeffrey does exist but is merely a Viscount without influence he Ponders how someone like Jeffrey could Ascend to the throne in just a few years curious Aaron asks Ian about the lineage of jeffy's mother Ian is surprised to reveal that she hailes from cisic and struggles to believe that Jeffrey could be involved in such matters Aaron reflects on Bal words about everything being interconnected he then emits his dragon's Aura surprising Ian who hadn't seen Aaron use this power before Ian wonders about Aaron's true identity outside Soul appears startling Ian with his white dragon form Soul transforms into human form and approaches Aaron Aaron queries Soul about the situation and soul mentions sensing a powerful Dragon Aura Ian stunned by the sight of the white dragon in human form smiles and decides to trust his instincts Ian realizes that Aaron is someone he can trust Soul inquires if something is wrong and Aaron acknowledges that there have been some realizations Aaron proposes that Ian joins him and the others on their summer vacation this surprises Ian Aaron explains that they will be traveling to The Silo Coast near the outskirts of cisk where Aaron plans to draw out their enemies a [Music]
Channel: Manhwa Fest
Views: 2,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa-fest, manhwa fest, manhwafest, White Dragon Duke Pendragon, white dragon duke pendragon manhwa recap, white dragon duke pendragon chapter 1, white dragon duke pendragon chapter 99, white dragon duke pendragon manhwa latest chapter, novels, manhwa, manhwa recap, manhwa recapped, recap manhwa, manhwa summary, manhwa adventure, manhwa action, manhwa recaps, manhwa recap overpowered mc, overpowered mc manhwa, dragon manhwa
Id: AHd4DybWSCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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