06 - Changing the app icon in Flutter (both Android and iOS)

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in this tutorial we're gonna learn how to change the app icon of a flattened app that works for both iOS and Android this can be done in two ways the first approach lets you change them yourself while the alternative approach uses a package do it for you automatically let's go with a manual approach first go to the app I cannot go website and upload your app I can there this website lets you generate icons according to the platform you choose only select iPhone and Android as we don't need the other variations for this project and click on generate extract the downloaded zip file inside it you will see two folders one is for Android and the other is for iOS let's start with Android inside the Android folder you can see the map map folders for different screen sizes you need to replace the ones in your project with the ones present here to do this in Android studio navigate to flutter app Android app SRC main slash res folder you can see the map map folders with the default icons here now right-click on the res folder and click on show in Explorer to open the folder on your system now drag and replace the map map folders inside your project with the ones that we just downloaded let's move on to the iOS part of it first navigate to flood rap / iOS slash Renault then delete the assets dot X gasps its folder and paste the folder that you just downloaded in its place if you run the application now you can see the icon displayed on your launcher we just did it using the manual way now do the same thing faster we're gonna use a package called flutter Launcher icons I'm going to provide the link to this in the description below add the flutter launch of icons with the latest version dev dependency to the pub spec dot Yaman that is located in the root of your flutter project then in the same file add configuration for flutter icons and spy by the image path attribute to the location icon you set the attributes Android and iOS to true to generate icons for those platforms after that you have to run the following commands from the terminal Flattr pub get and then flutter pub run flutter underscore launcher underscore icons : mean these will generate icons for both Android and iOS using the icons specified in the image underscore path attribute so next time if you were to change I can do something else you simply run these commands again let's run the application once to verify if it works that's about it for this video thanks for watching do like and subscribe for more on point videos just like this one
Channel: Pro Grammer
Views: 49,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter, flutter tutorials, app icon flutter, changing app icon flutter, flutter app icons, flutter app icon tutorial, how to flutter, how to change app icon in flutter
Id: 1VGlLjBxYQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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