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so I know it's so weird because we were never the band that stood behind the slogan or the banner of being anti major-label or anything like that either and I think it's about time that people involved in our musical scenes start fighting back some of the Dumber rock that's out there and the sooner that we do that the more choices people are going to have on television kids in Middle America they don't know anything other than what's on TV right now because they're taught that to be you know that is their record mine is a remote control you know and when I grew up my home town dictated what I had to do to find my Maya my entertainment and that means you have to dig whereas like you know it's like punk rock people they know what it's like to actually get their hands dirty in order to find really good music and every other day mainstream people that just listen to the radio it's just kind of force-fed to them and they go okay yes that's good the getting the oil to genres yeah and that's really boring and I think you have bands like blonde redhead who tour with Red Hot Chili Peppers dismemberment plan who opened up for Pearl Jam murder City Devils who were going to tour with have urban opened up for Pearl Jam as well and I think it's time that bands like us get together and start doing that and that we don't let all the political rules involved and punk rock hold us back because then pretty soon all this all the Dumber rock that's all around right now it's just going to reign supreme and we will not have never had a say and we're just going to kind of go unnoticed which is I guess the point to being underground but it's that's it's pointless to me you know I take addition to the converter yeah if you preach to the converted all your life what change are you doing and punk rock's always been a revolutionary format and I think if you just kind of like if you take an account maybe the way you used to look in high school if you were ever that person that had hair or you know you had a piercing before that all that stuff was cool and you got made fun of or you got chased down the hallways or you were accused of being gay because of a certain way you looked at a certain kind of music and I think now in the year 2000 it's about time that you prove to everybody that you know you were if not their equal even better than than they were by choosing to you know let your freak flag fly you know what I mean just standing up and saying this is who we are you know and we're not going to put up with what's going on right now anymore because it's a lot of stuff that's on the radio and on TV it's very homophobic it's very gender biased you know legally sexy yeah and it's pretty it's disgusting and it's disgusting that people eat it up and it's like it's just okay you know I mean I don't want to sit here and list and names but you guys know who you are and I think your time has come you know we're not trying to take over we just want to let everyone know that there is a different way of doing what we do and you know there's a lot of bands that have ethics and certain aesthetic as to what we do and if people can just open their mind and give it give it a listen they'll um they'll throw away the other stuff that really has no meaning has no it just has no substance no essence you know and that's we're not trying to say that we are the best thing since sliced bread or anything we're just trying to provide a new choice for everybody because there isn't a choice right now
Channel: Christy McFaddin
Views: 186,720
Rating: 4.9161906 out of 5
Keywords: jim, cedric, at, the, drive, in, interview
Id: ljNEDHqpX-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2006
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