02 Whys and Hows - Geometry Nodes For Beginners / Blender 3.0

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now come to think of it all the  animated movies vfx we have seen   some things never change for instance there  will always be dirt there will always be ground   trees things in surroundings like walls shelves  books bridges flowers mouth street lamps   i can count maybe 100 more things right now  but basically what i mean is doesn't matter   how unique these fictional animated words are  there are still so many common elements that's   simply because there's a limit to what human can  think living in the physical rules of our universe   and not just that even within our single  animation project there is so much to create   so much to think which would be waste of time  if made from ground up every time so no one   has the time to create things from scratch when  dealing with bigger projects so what do we do   when a project kicks off we follow the art and  then start collecting the resources so these will   be tools that will help you create trees mountains  procedural assets some tools just to populate the   books on the shelves or the traffic on the  street people in the town or some to just add   smaller details like moss etc and if there are no  tools available for you need then you will might   have to invest in one if your project heavily  depends on it so instead of tweaking models   for every project we can make procedural assets  which would be useful in not just the current   project but the future ones as well now procedural  workflow also allows you to work with confidence   in non-destructive workflow so in case something  doesn't work out well you can always go back and   tweak few things in the note 3 and rest of  the system will automatically adapt to it   instead of literally adjusting everything manually  unlike the simple modeling or working with the   modifiers procedural workflows have the ability to  communicate within itself and output result based   on the rules that are set in the note tree so for  instance let's say let's say a sentence describes   there will be more grass where it rains more or  you can say there are more trees around the river   thinking from the beginner's point of view how  will you approach this kind of seat so i think   uh you probably will start making a ground  plane maybe sculpt an area for for the river and then maybe with the help of particles or  something there will be a weight paint which will   help you distribute the trees so  basically you will make one ground plane   and then uh one tree and then manually you will  have to skulk this river area so there are three   different things so let's say if something changes  or maybe a it's a different location where the   flow of the river changes then  what will you do in that case then in that case you will probably have to sculpt  this area again and redistribute the trees and do   the entire work again basically manually placing  the trees on the wheel paint and do all the all   those adjustments so this is not a system this is  like you literally spoon feeding the software with   one with individual information like this  is the ground and this is the ground these   are the trees and then we paint so there's  nothing exciting about that so these are   like old methods if you're working on bigger  projects then you probably will end up wasting   time with this kind of system so instead of that  what if we could make a very simple system so this   is uh the most simple example actually so we will  talk about the geometry node how to make this in   geometry node later so what if we could make a  ground plane and on top of that in the node tree   if we could assign an object which will make  a river so let's say if i make a spline here   and if i tell this node tree to pick up this  shape of spline and wherever this spline falls   the influence area of this spline will  mark the area as river so this area   so let me just bring one color so this  area will be now called river so you will   basically set an attribute for river so in  future whenever the shape of this spline changes   let's say if you change the shape of  this spline and make it like this then   the river will change accordingly and so  this one attribute will be called river and then in the node 3 you tell this node 3  that wherever the influence of this river stops   from that point onwards rest everything  will be marked as forest so then you'll   assign a different attribute and these areas  on the ground will be automatically called   whenever there is any change in the shape of the  river other than that area rest everything will   fall under that attribute called forest so now you  have to attribute river and forest so instead of   manually weight painting you are basically making  a very small system which can with a single input   it can drive the whole output so now when we bring  the trees so instead of manually doing a paint job   on the weight paint so what we can do is we can  assign the trees and link that with the attribute   so if next time when i bring the trees we can tell  the trees to align wherever the false attribute is   so next time when you bring the tree in the node  node system it will look for this attribute and   will avoid this attribute and will automatically  place make a dense area out of trees so now if i   uh in the next scene if i change the layout  of the scene let's say if i make it a diagonal   diagonal spline or something or within the scene  if i make any changes so what will happen is the   influence of that spline will automatically  mark the area for these attributes like   the forest and the river and the placement  of the trees will be automatically assigned   the distribution will happen automatically  basically so this way so let's say if you   have like 15 more locations or or in future if  you have a a different scene in the different   project if you're dealing with a similar kind of  situation then all you will have to do is load up   this note tree on any other ground object and it  will work exactly the same it will mark the area   based on the shape of this line and distribute  the foliage or the trees accordingly investing   a little more time on this procedural system is  worth more than doing all that work manually from   ground up every time and this is the most basic  example we will talk more details as we move   forward in later chapters so this was a slightly  intermediate example now thinking from beginners   point of view what is the most basic thing you can  create with the geometry nodes so how about making   a three-point lighting for the characters now some  might would say this is a ridiculous example now   why would we do that in the geometry nodes now for  example how many steps are involved in creating   a simple terminal out you will have to create a  three point lighting and then make a 360 animation   for the character now however simple it is it's  five minutes job so what if you could record that   entire procedure note group and save it for the  future purpose so whenever you have a character   you can simply load this note group and it will  bring a three point lighting a ground object and   also make a 360 nice animation for you now if you  think harder you might be able to figure out 10   more things which can be made with the nodes can  be reused to save time another example how about   an exploded view of an object which turns into  holographic wireframe and then assembles back   i think that should be possible with the geometry  nodes so in simple words now that you have upped   your game in the animated content creation and  you really want to take the animation seriously   and take on the bigger projects the two  things you would need to add to your kit   adding non-destructive workflow you should be  able to make things with confidence without   having to worry about limitations of the undo or  the uncertainties of design changes in the future   anything you make in the bigger projects should  be procedural so that let's say if your client   says i don't want a bird in the logo and instead  i want a marshmallow so you should be able to make   those changes in the logo and without having  to worry about the rest of the animations and   effects that you have applied on that logo and  number two making reusable procedural systems   like i mentioned before instead of doing manual  work start thinking a system which can save you   time in the future a digital asset can be made and  purposed beyond the scope of the current project   and getting used to making procedural systems  instead of starting models will help you save time   and stress less on mundane works and  leave more room for the creativity   so imagine having a library of your own digital  assets like trees buildings books etc whereby just   tweaking few numbers you can change the look of it  houdini is known for its procedural workflow and   powerful digital assets and nowadays more and more  programs are adapting to the node-based procedural   workflow similarly blenders geometry node is  beginning in the similar direction as well and   in this short introduction series we are going  to cover absolute basics for the beginners and   end this series by creating this short animation  and the animation is very simple any model that i   bring in will be split in two parts one golden one  silver and some small round shapes would emit at   the partition line and also add simple wireframe  which would construct one side of the mesh   so i made this in simplest way one could make  without overloading first timers with information   also at some point if something is really  not working in geometry nodes and if you are   really stuck do not get frustrated reason could  also be that the feature is not fully developed   so don't blame yourself it could also be a bug or  incomplete feature so just check the forums if you   get stuck at some point so let's begin  with the basics and start understanding   the interface of the geometry nodes so we can  have some common ground to discuss the future   tutorials i'll see you guys in this video click  right here and let's jump to the next chapter you
Channel: CrossMind Studio
Views: 29,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Nodes, Blender, tutorial, introduction, for beginners, geonodes, procedural, geometry, Nodes, particlenodes, everything nodes, Blender Free Course, Blender Basics, Blender Procedural Nodes, Nodes for Noobs, Crossmind, Instacrossmind, basics, Houdini, fields, attributes, B3d, digital assets, 3d modeling, motion graphics, procedural motion, dynamic motion, blender procedural modeling, concepts, why procedural
Id: QhIIZbhlaqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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