001 (NSPRS) - Dream Series - Philosophical Midwifery and Dreams: The Doorway into Metaphysics

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okay we play alright let me begin with a reflection the Greeks were the first to develop a metaphysics that's a strange word metaphysics let me talk about it for a few minutes let us say there is a range of human experience from the most common experiences sight hearing let's call that the realm of the senses then there's common sense everyday understanding oh then unusual experiences aesthetic experiences above that there's another kind of experience more profound we can call that the more profound experience and above that let us make another another category and call it that open to the mystical or the philosophical now metaphysics is nothing other than a way of understanding this realm that's all it is it's creating a language and creating images to render intelligible the profound experiences of man sometimes they're called peak experiences and so over the years there's been a thousand years of development of platonic thought that development of platonic thought had as its goal to make intelligible man's most profound experiences that's the goal of metaphysics nothing else now the difficulty in getting into metaphysics in the modern world is that it's somewhat difficult to go around the corner and get a mystical experience difficult even if you try drugs it's not certain so therefore there's a whole way of talking and understanding about things that are most profound and for most of us we can't get into it we can study it we can memorize it we can talk about it but its primary purpose is to render intelligible this so that can be used as a springboard to something yet higher and that's the real goal if there something higher than that it's difficult to get to this then that is going to be even more remote and rare now that's the higher part of metaphysics but there's a way around it there's a way around it and that's what I would like to point to this language to understand these experiences and it's a specialized language and it's called metaphysics this special language Israeli and really can be used to understand your own experiences and to render intelligible your a dream world now that's rather curious you see this is a different way of looking the dreamworld how are we going to show that that's where we're going it's going to take four weeks and maybe a retreat I just came back from a retreat up in Esalen we did this for a week now what do I mean by saying that to render intelligible the dreamworld we will use the language of metaphysics well that means first that we'll have to see what is meant by the dreamworld we want to talk about its structure we want to see what figures images and uses we want to take a look at the structure of dreams and the figure and images and the meaning of dreams we want to look at that and ask ourselves what created it if we can study the structure and the figures and the images of the dream and reach a level of meaning personal personal meaning then dreams are intelligible now if dreams are only personally intelligible if they only have a personal message then the the creator of dreams is just some extension of ourselves and it's only limited to ourselves but if there is a more profound aspect to what created it let's even build to it if we can see that what created it is itself transcendent and eminence and in the highest sense wise or reveals something called wisdom then we can use that as a bridge and bring in stuff called metaphysics and you know what you'll see you'll see that you'll be able to use a metaphysics to understand what creates streams from your own dreams and what will that do that will allow you to find a language and metaphysics that you can then easily use and verify for your soul since it's your own dream and see that you are in fact or have within you or share or participate in something that is indeed intelligible profound and can anticipate the mystical that's where we're going okay that's where we're going so I thought I'd introduce give you the whole thing all at once now a couple of words to play this talk is about philosophical midwifery and dreams now what a strange and unusual where that is philosophical midwife and people are going to come here thinking that we're talking about local midwives who are philosophical but that's not what we made Socrates called themselves a philosophical midwife because his mother was a great mid-life and he said just as my mother assist those in labour and travail and helps them bring to birth he says so do I help men who are pregnant with ideas and so I help them come to birth with their ideas and they go through what appears to be a parallel process psychologically well he goes on to say that not only is he a philosophical midwife that can assist those who are laboring with ideas is I have something else I do he said that's the hallmark of my art and my mother's art where every midwife must judge the birth what's come to birth to determine whether it should be aborted or not whether it's a true and noble birth or not and therefore that's a very important part of being a midwife well he's got another aspect which he picked up he said as a consequence of being a midwife the Midwife over the years then can easily judge what kinds of couples should come together in order to bring about the note the most noble births and he mentions this in a dialogue called the theaetetus he says I'm somewhat ashamed to mention this in public he said because that's a pen arranging there's so I don't want to mention that public use this but he said that's actually the very high art a philosophical midwife midwifery to be able to see what kinds of relationships are meaningful and that will help bring to birth something significant he said I can tell what kind of relationships would be successful for in those kinds of relationships something may emerge that is significant and worth the nurturing and developing the child of such relationships he claims is the very goal of the relationship is every relationship something must give something must come to birth and that must be developed and nurtured if not it's sterile and the whole question then is what kinds of things most ideally come to birth in relationships and that is a curious thing a communion with ideas right because by inter relating you then see yourself and the other and they and you and therefore there's a new thing that develops and that new thing is a growth and development of ideas personal ideas private ideas so that's philosophical Midwife or son the philosophical midwife I've been playing this game for many many years Tom what are we going to say with it we're gonna say you know what fundamental idea I'm going to bring to you is very simple man is a knower man wants to know now liquor this is a model for learning it's simple we're all aware of it and that's why it's going to be important because we're going to vary it and later we have to relate it to the dream don't worry so first when there is a teacher or plays the role of teacher something must be transmitted must be explicit the student must be receptive and open to it questions are tolerated and encouraged and whatever then has learned must be tested the information is general enough to be applied to many circumstances and situations therefore as the learner then has mastered the material they can then apply it to the universe and in that application seek goals that's learning now notice it's explicit its put into words it's all in words it may require some kind of performance as well whether you're studying music art science literature that's all this is it done ah next one now there's another kind of learning it's a curious one to do poor man is also not only a knower but a believer and it's the clash between the two that's the very nature of the conflict that's going to be represented in dreams now notice the difference between the two first in order to play with this theme consider your own lives right consider your own loans raised by your parents authorities guardians at some point at some point they must reveal to you what they personally think about you and the universe now it's those times that are most significant because they might do it only when they're angry when they're upset when they face defeat death sorrow levels of intensity but what they do though right at these moments is they want to pass something on something some teaching about two things about you yourself and they want to pass something about what they perceive as to the nature of reality the world that's what they want to do and so they're going to wait for a time when you're open and passive and receptive and there's no conflicts and they're going to appear strong sincere knowing revealing sharing and you're going to look at them and you're going to say by heavens that's rare they're coming out for me they're communicating themselves they're sharing they're communicating they think enough of me to reveal to me what they secretly think about me and the universe Wow the whole the tension is focused on you at that time you're open and receptive and now the teaching comes in it's personal it's a function of their own existence and there are lives now what's interesting about that is whatever comes to you at that moment you have you have a whole history up to this point many things that have happened to you and the family and all the world around you now invariably there's going to be a conflict between what they're going to be transmitting to you and your own experience now it must be a conflict it has to be a conflict you know what because no one's so smart just to be able to tell you about yourself and the nature of reality that's all whatever they say is gonna be wrong whatever they say at this moment is going to be wrong doesn't make any difference it's just a matter of to what degree they're wrong so when you're open and receptive and they get upset and they yell at you and they tell you you're read this or that doesn't matter whatever it is they communicate with a smile or a frown anger or antara it's not going to be true but it's going to be the birth of something from themselves and what they in turn have had passed on to them and that's essential so here you see the authority now during an open passive receptive state and they're now going to reveal something about you and your RIA and reality now it need not be it can be verbal but it doesn't need to be verbal they can do it in a number of ways dramatically but then this is the transmission of a family lineage of family teaching no question no testing it's always to you it's always particular it's always private it's always rare so it masker you can even come up right now with an image consider when your own parents in your youth appeared strong sincere knowing revealing sharing with you thank you any any past scene at all what did they say what did they do how did they communicate you that's the transmission of a belief that's a transmission of a voice to have one good one come up good one come what's yours what wouldn't come up for you louder okay let's do it okay thank you first of all for sharing it okay look here I happen to be very good at people sitting drawing pictures are sitting go all right where it's standing he's standing you're both sitting okay we're okay I'm also good at drawing kitchens go and looking at the great thing okay at while this is going on you're both looking at TV good huh okay okay thank you he was letting you know what his in each of my mother was good I'll tell you a secret yeah okay I'm going to tell you something about your reality all right I'll tell you something about your mother company's about the world what did you reveal can share is always out to get you and you are part of certain you talk about how those the okay those that succeed accomplished partner what they're at each other's throat their brother savage right there's something trying huh how did he appear at that time how often did he appear this one this real why didn't ever forget about the same as experience because of his work at least with there were mostly on the weekend hopefully in fact be unfair about the only time okay outside of other times okay I mean I'm ready to doing other weekends but not this way no so it's rare now look you see when that happens that's not the transmitter that's not see that's the transmission of certain beliefs but that's not the one that's not the one we're after the one we're going to be after is this one she's going to walk away you're gonna walk away from this scene and you're going to say to yourself why mother doesn't know what she's doing the world is out to get you anyone who accomplishes anything dog-eat-dog its savage out there now you make a conclusion that's the one so you make a conclusion and you don't know the conclusion you made you form an impression as you walk away now the reason you're not going to make a conclusion in words is that it's pretty dangerous to do so because liquor you have to make a decision have to make a conclusion either about what he is doing at that moment well you're going to believe you're either going to have to make a judgement about why he's doing what he's doing and put a name on it or you're going to believe them and you're going to come to some some kind of impression some kind of conclusion but it won't be in words and that's the problem so you either have to say he's this or he's of that for doing this or you believe or you believe him and now you have to make some statement about your participation in the world now we're going back to those you see you're open you're receptive you're passive at rent an idea is being transmitted beliefs are being transmitted do you think you can question it at that moment go back to death say dad I'd like to review that point about mom she doesn't know what she's doing you know she happens to be this and that she does this rather well and she's done this lived in the world many of the years you know I mean you really want to say she doesn't know what she's doing dad you're sure everyone's out to everyone out there is savage and everyone who's successful are just are at one another's throats dad is is this your experience is it true I'm dead can you ask questions could you test it Oh to test it assumes that you think it may be false but if you're going to do either one of those things then you're saying something about him now look here you're going to end up with a puzzle puzzle is is that true now what follows what follows this whole scene has been created convincing as he can be would you agree that these ideas are important in the family let me put it in another way does this explain something about his life does this explain perhaps his own success in failures if the world is like this what follows he's rican fighting and you he's telling you something hasn't does that make sense I have a lot of experience in the household to see it make sense of a lot of things that have been going on over many years that you couldn't put together now you know hey Dad if dad's right if dad's right and he certainly looks right does that make sense then of the universe your family yo see these fundamental beliefs make sense of the whole background of the family it makes sense it makes intelligible that's what we call the milieu the background it makes sense of a lot of things that were disturbing and puzzling now look here how many out here we go now here he is is passing this on with all of these great beautiful states of mind he's right there they are look at that it's not a great state of mind he's in to doubt that and to challenge that would be challenging the way he appears at his greatest moment okay now is it possible then that this belief now you find yourself at a situation where all right you now want to achieve something that's important to you and these are the steps leading up to your goal now if you've accepted this belief you don't even know you've accepted it but if you do accept it do you think that might create a problem because now that you're trying to get your goal is it likely that you'll be wondering about whether or not it's worth it would it doesn't now does that rob you does a prop the person of some vitality some energy and this pursue does it set them up for a failure and a defeat because look here what would follow if you were to go ahead and gain your goal and then go back and have a nice talk with dead his philosophy is now on the line if you're right then he's wrong and he's wrong about his whole life and all the implications of that wherever they go in the family that's a loaded discussion isn't haha no liquor from these situations then and we do something very good we combine the two man the knower man the believer we combine them both so as you pursue your goal you bump into an obstacle whatever obstacle and block you've had in your life it's very very likely that it's cyclical that means it's happened in the past again and again and again and again and some features therefore of this cyclical problem you've had is very likely to be traced back to that very teaching so what does that mean it means this you said here is the explicit here's the teacher he passes on to you the teaching then you in turn become a teacher or apply it in the universe as you seek your goals but not understanding this not being prepared for this these two this is the knower in you and this is the believer in you and so now as you now apply this to your goal something curious comes in you forget entirely about the fact that the obstacles and the difficulties you've encountered arrive once more you forget entirely that you've been here before cyclically again and again and again and amnesia sets in and therefore you forget entirely the richness of your past and you apply blindly the teaching so the knowing is goal related the belief is failure related and the way they combine produces the cycles of our disasters now the way to understand problems and to work through them is called philosophical midwifery right now if we were to take this young lady here all right and say all right let's take a particular situation and see how this is played itself out let's find out when it did it specifically particularly let's see what state of mind you were in let's see what kinds of thoughts and feelings occurred at that time let's trace it out in great detail and see whether or not this teaching isn't playing a major role if it's playing a major role towards compromising now there are three ways you can compromise on your goal or lose your goal the best one is you can get it and depreciate it consider it secondary don't nurture don't develop it and therefore you lose it the other way of failing is you can approach it get angry get angry over the fact that you're getting close to your goal and give it up and anger that's failure I like the third one you can say it's not me it's the world will is screwed it's not man flying the world and angry at the world because the world didn't do this or that because that's part of the great teaching so there are three ways you can fail all right you can get it depreciate it not nurture it and develop it you can have a legitimate failure right a failure that matches this very model well you can blame the world for all your disasters and say it's not doing therefore you can remain innocent to the world which must play some role in some past teacher so that's the background to where we're going to does sir is the ladies is the blameworthiness you its blade worthiness always part of false yes that's quite right to see because this way of understanding things will show that you have to have the problem you have you have to have the problem you have and you have to act the way you're acting because it's perfectly appropriate given your background now the only interesting question is do you want to change it it's like looking at this truck you know saying hey look how dented it is an ill shape that's becoming pieces have fallen off it's no longer perfect you'd say the same thing and say it's remarkable how this chalk is exactly what it is precisely because of all the pressures applied to it and all the circumstances that accumulated making it what it is it's a perfect this is absolutely perfect being what it is exactly what it is in the way in which it is so was such a problem no don't say yes yes I know see it's not enough to see you have to test what you see and experience you have to take the solutions and you have to go out and now struggle and try to achieve that dream you see what's interesting about this too this pursuit is the more the goal is personally significant and meaningful to the higher the goal the higher the goal not practical goals those aren't enough those are trivial in a way the higher the goal more meaningful the goal the more the basic ideas that we're talking about over here will emerge and manifest themselves and that's why in this game the highest ideal is excellence highest ideal was actually in the highest sense the more the goals are spiritual the more you're going to see your problem the more they're meaningful significant the more you're going to see your problem but once you see the difficulty in your problem what do you have to do you have to go back and seek that excellence and see whether or not you can now achieve it that's the knowing in experience understanding isn't enough because one of these problems is really so multifaceted like a diamond there's so many sides to it you can be amazed at how much clarity you get in understanding your problem you're still starving because there can be another side to it another side to it and parts of it you haven't seen and so you're still stuck so therefore you always have to go in to experience and experiences where we grow where we nurture but I don't want to minimize obviously the role of understanding and insight but you kind of do something beyond okay all right now let's play we're going to just I'm going to ask if anyone has a dream of any kind and we'll take it through if you'd like to take it you have one oh wow that was fast thank you first of all now now I'm gonna take two please I wasn't aware that I was fucking important how could apartment your memory is better than the recording okay how exactly if she felt a all right that's true that's that's always true it's very important if you're going to do dream work you must tape you must tape and you can test it out easily enough tape your dream as soon as you wake up matter of fact you will soon discover that you can wake up after you've had the dream in the middle of the night tape it then in the morning you probably say to yourself you didn't dream at all turn the machine on you'll be staggered - it's under sector to come Africa by heavens there's one to talk a test it this way alright record don't listen to us then write it out don't read it then later give a verbal expression of the dream now dad take a look at what you wrote and look at the differences you'll see amazing and most interesting differences but they'll even be more and more interesting differences from the recording therefore since the dream must be looked at in as many images as possible to the degree - the images are reliable and reflect your actual dream the more it is and the greater the insight you get from it so an upset alright thank you let's play Peter taught good I like theatres yes Rena home parking hot good and then over karting did you say I didn't hear that so I continue to say okay alright okay okay I'm gonna be good at drawing hands my head was something like we use human beings for elbow grease what's the threat and the depth point I think in this is a feeling like now maybe maybe I better leave and as I exiting the theater Asian uh sure damn rebels wasn't a threatening person guy suggested I go upstairs so I go right so I'm going up the stairs and as we go down the hall to the left I see what appears to me to be some they're dressed like gangsters I keep going step into the shoes warehouse and the warehouse has all these clothes times doctors posing also a vast right-wing establishment well I assume it's a clothing her house not the clothing such like computers or plus-sized clothing warehouse I realize that maybe I could have something in common with this vacation ever of East Asian guy because he seems to be an immigrant and I started telling my great-great grandfather came over was a Jews from Eastern Europe and he came over to Canada and started a huge cloth janitors cloth clothing have a fish market all the clothing business family have moved that up and then my grandfather's old enough war my father lost everything when you get a dream you write it down then you go back over it and you're looking for states of wine that's all what do you do look for states of mind so the easiest way to do it is to go back over it you see remember the first statement you don't belong here yeah how was that said what state that that voice were to come on now how would you describe it what kind of state of mind said that was a statement of fact so I'm telling me you don't belong this is the wrong people every from something like that you're you belong well let's say that's very important right you're in the wrong Pew it has that aspect to some nice because II don't belong here if you remain they're gonna be so it says it's a kind of threat behind it yeah yeah thank you thank you thank you and then you throw your hands up remember that now then they're projector oh yeah there's no sitting here so you know if they've got this theater that rig every particular because they're not even take to see they're not remembers now that I remember thinking in the dream they've got this place they make up this place in control we got a speech expert and so that will pull that flies not better be that's feels like I realized that I was getting fired it was okay if it's rigged and if it's controlled with what kind of atmosphere it's different than this though is it the same there there was time it was still under threat again it was still huh okay there is we care people live a little right we children for breakfast or something like that we said he used to be okay okay then you better leave remember that right global grease and you went along and you met a agen pusher stairs go visually seemed like wow oh my god looking down the street mm-hmm and down the street I see this big house a big house not good walking up and down the stairs in a house where bunch of Buddhist monks and I think through the dream oh they're the enforcers thank you that's that's very helpful with what state of cool you are going to describe the vet demands only enter in our twenties it wasn't unpleasant pleasure I didn't feel like I was being threatened we decide to give something I was supposed to do decided to do it good good then you went up went down the hallway and you meet the man any difference between these two any difference between the male and the female okay now you meet the people that look like gangsters wait a minute wait Atlanta sitting on tables no personal throw what they were first attracted to me okay thank you door the clothing business you're the clothing business I can tell you the story maybe I can have something in common and this allowed you to do what now to share mm-hmm and then you reveal that story my great-grandfather came from Canada where I slowed down the street and saw this these books come you know this house I don't know I can't remember what sequence I saw that hold the story but I remember okay good thank you notice putting it into where it's again gives the person a chance to fill in recall things very important right thank you for your help on that now your job consider those aren't you hurt it we have it sketched here you notice any themes that repeat themselves let's label them babe say you'll call this whole thing did Hey okay as you consider ABCDE G any themes you see reappearing repeating themselves partner mm-hmm mm-hmm that appears good good good good he's trying to find a commonality mmm-hmm good mor more things any idea what's worth enforcers five and four sirs and poor sirs yeah there was that a patient of fresh good good good so we have that good what else Theatre projected you're also using the idea projection and that other sense right the voice is projected do you mean and also on the hand no good good the talk louder than the plan yeah any service he's trying to project what is to be an immigrant okay any other comments okay especially look at this as a story would you agree here's where it starts you don't belong here it gets worse all right is he able to deal with that does he deal with it successfully does he get out of there he leaves so to that degree all right a and B Wow he reaches a success here doesn't it avoid it well yes he doesn't he either had to fight it or leave he chose to leave all right okay now a and B there are great threats as was pointed out a short while ago do you notice what happens with d e and f you're no longer the subject of the threats over right the enforcers are not enforcers that's right over my head so we can project out here there was another projector in the movie house telling you the projection room I can understand if something were to projector your lap or would it have to be because you're so hard overhead to go under state oh just up there it's in the ceiling okay huh something that's so that's peculiar but it well I'm seeing these the base means just use up don't that's fair look look saying you've got it I'll look a looker now we're going to do those consider ABCD after all right consider it now as levels of intensity hey b c d e f g and we're interested in two kinds negative states most fearful where would it be and be ok here good see what happens it's see you leave but it's not negative all right d ok he closed all warehouse police want to see the whole people closer warehouse in the world okay F especially now I have something in common yeah yeah what about warmer huh g-good not when you're speaking and therefore State of Mind puzzle drop yeah somewhere something and then I had very clear idea Verity forces okay as you look at this wherever you say if there's a pivot it turns it switches it switches one here here right how about this one when I have something in common sure fun and oh I remember now I was expecting him to be cynical but a historian is telling what he wasn't quite certain he wasn't cynical he was listening then I saw these Buddhist monks going in and out of my house and and I did feel understood Buddhist monk is but I could understand what he did some they're the enforcers voice in my head said it wasn't like that was going to be inside okay now I'm going to go for one idea there several key points I'm going to go for this maybe I can have something in common notice the way on reflection the way he described it yeah I can share you can understand something now I can share a story that's interesting isn't like you can share a story right there's a theater to sharing stories now maybe I have something in common now I can share I can tell a story what's the what comes to your mind I thought that sharing stories at home but the shared story means that when we share a story doesn't like a shared story or there's such a shared heritage talk more about it shared inheritance then both just talk about shared inheritance well in interpret story to my father's side sounds like but did to come to Oh disservice to contrasting my father's story with my mother's my charity because my dad nominees family story although my mother's family does paid by post what like I have to kind of piece back together who my mother's family was there they go back to the 70s 16 7 17th century United States in my father's story was that Jewish Democratic outsider you're a Jew you're an outsider you don't belong here not talking about one of us the teacher said no matter how I party what you trying to integrate don't together there always will be a joke and you're always an outsider tell me anymore what does that mean he goes you'll see how did they look at that time how did he look Solomon you are an outsider you'll always be an outsider Kyle more come on good good so now you're fired this is uh like you're sharing a story and remember when you told the story said that grandfather made a great deal of money and your father lost it all did you tell that to the yes John you told your father story in the dream no no what does that mean say it again don't say to you as you a bad dream you say well what's the advice to break up one of the stories well the family story this is the family here my father's view of my mother's family you'd think they were playing you out of all caps up deliverance you know I don't know not say they already wore us idiots in pools of notice my mother's side of the family it wasn't what they were tell I think we need not only independence for addition here on this edition about how modest your clutter is your all these stupid down house so the adapters to letter is about our son how sudden your accent might be okay look say in the Train say say maybe I can have something in common to share with this immigrant yeah yeah and that puts you in a very interesting state yeah remember I was a high state all I would say that doing what the second or third generation of my father do I have known a big warehouse hell no and now that we have the that image and that's a very rich one in terms of the dream then you're in a high state you're sharing it you're sharing your understanding to the semi grand and you're telling them the start behind it when we explored it we get these great statements which I think you see some relationship between that it's an interesting word you used you picked it up nicely before let's talk about that word with you and force her good word just talk about it and for search just talk about it they're like the integrator policeman there they function like the police mysterious work I think I understand on the outline I could give it what you see right now the government no no but they don't constitute a personal threat in the drain recipe right this is where the they are the enforcers you're so right so what's what is going on here to stay with it now because do you agree we have a very nice statement about what it is you use the word respective foods bugs we don't thank goodness we don't even have to worry about that we can just stay with your dream friends in terms of the dream they are the enforcers yes and in apartment house a big house down the road okay put a state of mind on them please put a state of mind on the monks please oh they are the enforcers go ahead more serious more watch their business being being what's important Kakashi 2013 horses they're the enforcers drink about red flags and they are and they are the sage now we have to raise to the level of the meaning okay meaning difficult stuff we just pulled together what we've developed and give it back to the dreamer sir kind of interesting that if they are the enforcers then and we see how the enforcers are what they're doing in a and B then the Buddhist monks are Damian foresters and what are they saying to but a little bear huh a few either struggled with Buddhism would he make of it if that's what's going on well it seems us see it's like one of the things like that we do students we're gonna breeze into elbow grease it was either the statement was made it had something like you know were like what like those lesions of Purgatorio we were forming something no I know but they say I can't change it it's your dream I have to stay with the words of yours I agree with you entirely it would be a lot easier to understand if we could change it you know now look here the whole thing is going to rest on one word and that's why it has to be in the drain what does it mean with four sir or not into the Buddhist monks get into as it were elbow grease Oh but what do you say about that well that's that that porn elbow grease of course has a history yeah I'm open for that's where she comes yeah no yeah there's more please Wow yeah all right she got get to do all kinds of chores is that right no what did she do I don't understand this you have to talk I knew I didn't understand it so I'm glad you're gonna say more about it say it again now what kind of scene emerged did he give us one to play okay go ahead and what if she says no no the tedious chore al-bakr that would require elbow Gers I say fine god that's interesting has done yeah yeah so see if they're using human beings for elbow grease you could either stay or live according to your mother's teachings why why from what you just said bran just used the pretext of work to get you out of the house no it looks like she didn't what would you say it looks like she looks like that oh because if she did she's certainly teaching him yes she's certainly teaching him how to work no she's teaching me to keep the most oh man and to work and learn how to work at the family or no no no they are so now that was helpful let's see whether we can push it one more step now all right okay have you been in Buddhist places of houses of Buddhist as it were no do they do this do they use monks for elbow rouge do they put them to work and did you start then you didn't lay it that's rather interesting what was your attitude towards elbow grease or whatever that means in the Buddhist well what's it did you then you achieve what you wanted or did you leave what are you laughing for it mean let's tell us mark come on let's what's the lap during there well we'll know that my teacher gave me a surtax huh and what he wanted me to do was cut up well no work he'll do that kind of stuff what you do with that show them yet Gillette is your mattress you get rid of no no it's coming up now in your dream what a nigga well hmm does it look like on one side you have your mother's teaching the other you have your father's yeah now is the part we need to focus on a simple question we've outlined different states of mind they're very cooperative you did a lot of nice work with us as you consider the states of mine especially this one better leave right and this also this for an outsider whenever you're doing a dream the final question you must always deal with is why is it coming up now why is it coming up now do you find these states of mine coming up when did you have the dream sir okay on that preceding day Saturday night party philosophy Society nice Oh follow his food and the question is come product what would be the impact of this kind of pulse opportunity like this kind of green work a whole political global left in question by somehow to we feel this this green cane is a response to that question because you suggested you know goddess questions the past absolute game masters going to address and were there states of mind where their states of mind that you can identify Deborah present about gathering the whole day consider the whole day that's wrong we're now on the comparison right we've gone right down through those looked at themes and struggle looking at images and ideas we're reflecting on it amplification getting the person to say more about it in order to recover as much as we can right we went through a search for states of mind and now we're making comparison with everyday experience that mmm-hmm outsider inferior tulip so go ahead what happened and okay that's that side now take this side this side now okay it was very good so to say the theme you have here developing is you found something in common the family teaching aren't your father was a failure right father is a failure and he lost all the money no no no and the way in which you expressed that was like a shared inheritance remember huh so that when he were telling that story to the immigrant you were telling him that in this sense and when we asked you about the state of mind it opened up into this reader teachings of father I don't forget you're an outsider you are different don't you always be a drew things like that so when you left the party sir what state of mind were you in I mean I don't repeat never being a culture state of life for a better state law mm-hmm a good state applause because you found that you found something in common that's the high point right now there are so many interesting parallels but there's one part that doesn't fit and that's what we're staying on for a moment all right what we what we don't see its relevance is this this story that was told within the dream and that's the last piece of all okay there's an important state of mind that's associated with my depression social something I'm working very conscious the when I was telling a story a city by the Greek Greek grandfather not done great but I was thinking about my grandfather and that felt even greater than dude is this really nice thing I was thinking about my father just Oh papers cut pick the stomach but it wasn't tell that for the story like so that's the moment of depression oh shit the DEP once a and then and then I said and I impaired and I'm building off of that but it was what else when I go to my father's role father's station let me answer okay see that depression you're on the drain alright now that you found something common and now you may have to do something about it your inheritance is as you perceive it the cause of your depression and loss of energy there's a connection I don't mean to make it causal right but there's a connection or something yeah right and the say you're successful through here you're successful here so as you go through this right you're dealing with it effectively but here's where you get now we can say that's that that's the fall and Wow at that point I remember in the dream darling less than feeling inferior to feeling like a victim feeling like I should receive something you know maybe these guys never get sympathy or something well maybe I should receive something yeah right because you lost so much okay not okay it was kind of my sad sad story at that point I didn't that wasn't planned I had a sad sad story to tell I have a better story guilty so just see you're climbing and doing good work recovering and that story and the way you understand the story puts you in a depression the loss of energy guilty and how does that then make you no longer effective what price are you paying for identifying in this story your mind is showing you those in you're holding it up for you know in terms of this story then do you agree what you're upset about is identifying with the loss not what your great grandfather and grandfather do you're not identifying with them you're identifying with the loss of your love but that's the in terms of this dream and what you're relating to it is that this is the connection that's what you're paying for making that connection with your father well with that teaching you believed it you believed it the grandfather and your great-grandfather didn't believe it that they're outsiders and they couldn't succeed solar there's a model we become the copy look what this dream is done look now certainly we might want to do more work on this but would you agree we can say several things the dream skilfully has chosen themes that he can relate to and on reflection he can link up to his own personal past that the sayings and the statements have a whole history to them let's present it this way now this is his past let's work on an assumption the assumption is then whatever craft did the dream wants to send him a message here's the message the message is you're paying a price for this identification to tell him that message he from his own past comes all of these images so the dream master has to pull out these images knowing full well that there's a connection between each one of these images which is what we got when we got him to reflect further and further did we not we were able to draw that from him we were able to look at the themes that were developed the themes were developed there was a nice interesting division between the mother's side and the father's side and the crisis that occurred and so the dream master then is weaving these things together like a tapestry of different threads and presenting a message right which you can only get by reflecting on it considering it over and again in terms of your own personal experience now that was quite interesting it even brought in your past it with the Buddhism and the fact that your spiritual teacher the Buddhist gave you a task and you thought it was as you described it observe and so you left on that forgetting that it may in fact have been a spiritual exercise yeah and so that cost you and your dream is giving that back to you to reflect upon and to look and it's doing that with great efficiency great skill now No elbow grease the day before decided to start exercising condition bicycling my strength she wouldn't have had to have worked if your father hadn't lost all on mine yeah that's what it's like it's kind of like I that's what it's like a lower class person I don't want she'd like me off the hoc donation she never taught you to work wonder why well okay let's see that's going to entail a search and a reflection but would let's see whether we can pull some things together would you agree the dream master selects these data from your personal past can link them up together can put them in terms of a story can express states of mind can use them to draw the implications into the into his present like you just volunteered that very nice story about the fact that you now may have to do a little elbow grease and go out and do it if that's the case then your dream is telling you what you're hooked on what you're holding to clean to know this is a hypothesis you know what you do with the you note it and you watch the next series of dreams you have if you're right your dream master will give you dreams pushing the implications of that idea we just discussed and give you dreams that will demonstrate it dramatically so you can get greater insight into if we're wrong the dream master give you a dream that we've being that we'll focus in on another subject and you have to then follow that so dreams occur see this is one when you get a series of them when you get a series of them then you can then after looking at each one find the connection between each one that gives you a sense that the mind is intelligible now how much interpreting did I do through those you don't need to interpret at all never interfere let the richness of a person's personal experience give it the color and the depth get the person to reflect get them to reflect on their own dream encourage them you're a midwife don't add it's their baby it's going to help them come to birth ID assist them back away often don't conclude too much right caution right and chilled at the very end if you want it then deal with the issue of dream serious that's the way you do it so now look what does this mean would you agree there's something in us that has influenced us deeply it's when our parents or authorities appear most knowing most virtuous high sincere knowing trust where they look at all those great virtues when caring love he was giving you the dharma succession right those very roots of your being yeah to get this what do you call it now did you say curse it could be occurs passed down from generation to generation to generation that's right that's right that's what it could do and there's only one person who can stop it and that's you in your own lifetime but the only reason we have problems if this is the case is because we love seeing those we love appear knowing virtuous and caring for us I mean we're not we're not evil we're not driven by blind forces in steps that's it that's showing we look here you know what that does that converts us to something that's primary look what it does it brings each of us into a unity with the family right hey it unites us to its cause that's right and you know what you get for it a roll you get a roll you get a name you get a heritage you get a tradition and you adapt to it well let's throw it open for some questions please thank you first of all thanks a lot for pollen cheering hi what brings that dream to us to see if you'd let me add a couple of more things then I can answer your friend if it turns out that this dream or an analysis like it could help the gentleman then would you agree the dream is then for his benefit therefore whatever is fashioning the dream considers us personally crafts a message out of our own past for our benefit it opens up the past it prepares us for the further for our present it can anticipate the future it's pretty wise isn't and the more you go into these the more you're going to then add different keywords to what it is that fashions the dream and that's where we're going because let me give it to you very simply this is a list of a lovely part of the whole evening if we can show again and again that these dreams relate to something that you're going through right now day before a couple of days to come then there's something in us that's aware is a time of all of this there's something that's aware of our whole past better than we are right it awakened all kinds of memories did it not like what we are consciously let's call it consciously for the moment right or the image we have of ourselves but there's something in us that's quite awake and it means it's you know it it's tested like right now there's something awake in orders and if you get in a bind or a difficulty being here tonight or there's something you overlooked that's important and you should have heard it or picked it up you might have a good dream tonight because that's what dreams do they pick up things you've overlooked things that are significant that you were ignoring if that's the case that means right now there's something that is more aware than we are when we identify with our subjective feelings we forget that there's something that's awake which is quite wise and quite knowing and always works for our benefit right now so of course the problem is which one do you want to identify with and the question is apart from which one you want to identify with by repeatedly playing this game you'll see which one you do identify with and that makes a big difference huh you no longer that narrow thing that stumbles along but you can enjoy your stumbling and learn from it and learn from it so what does it we're gonna have to put a name on it and you're gonna have to help yeah do you have one now it's a certain kind of knowing like it doesn't do arithmetic it doesn't do science department it's certainly a very intuitive isn't it oh yes I'd give it intuitive oh yeah high rank hiked scores for an intuition Sensibility depth creative artistic a master and that's why I call it the drain master take a break what do you think question more one to thank you for coming I enjoyed doing thank you need a cup of tea or a glass I didn't see a pattern are there questions that can help drive I'm sure if it works but I don't have I don't know whether I could say I could I could list them I think it I think at first it's we have to stumble but then there's like it there really is you see one of the most intriguing aspects of it was absolutely intriguing is try this now three master seems to be creative profound caring works to our benefit artistic dramatic great flair for the dramatic knows our states of mine it appears to be if this is related to our past it's based on some analogical structure given as a impact on our president and future again it's taking the analogies or treating the mana logically into the future therefore to the degree to which you begin to understand this then you're beginning to understand the way in which the dream master functions that is to say you're getting an insight into the mind of the dream master what to that degree becoming like the dream master but curious and the reason I'm using that as an answer the more you play with it the more you and you ensure that that it's just a great deal of integrity and credible integrity to the dream and you have to approach and ask questions back away ask them again and yes there is a yeah I do have a developed a certain way of approaching dreams by certain sets of questions but I don't know whether I can identify them before the next meeting so that we could all share them and use them but if I can think of them I will well maybe let maybe we'll watch for them make a notice pardon yeah thank you Master oh yeah oh yeah oh can you get the dream master a task oh yeah yeah politely be polite light bites click the dream master comes right to be a nightmare yeah I mean we should make sure you Dexter go we'll go back and listen to the recording to see the difference that's all that would be splendid wouldn't oh yeah now to see whether we're there especially before no just keywords you'll see yeah yeah boom time for a cup of tea thank you you
Channel: Pierre Grimes and the Noetic Society
Views: 5,705
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Keywords: philosophy, NSPRS, dreams, pierre grimes, pythagoreanism, metaphysics, platonism, plato, heraclitus, parmenides, midwifery, socrates, pg1, neoplatonism, hermeticism, gnosticism
Id: frwziQItkGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 58sec (6598 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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