... Why, yall? Seriously. | CORPSE PARTY - CHAPTER 1

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mmm and what was that exactly sorry it's just that when I see that ass [Music] it's just that when I see that ass of yours I started [Music] [Music] do the chapter 100 this how the games start what the hell I hope I'm not in hell in this Saachi is my pride and joy whoa she'd do anything for me to esashi that's something like I don't know that type of hot sauce I don't think she even recognizes me anymore this is ominous but I still love her with all my heart try that it was rainy was good job welcome back a running down the stairs the kindly teacher lost her footing she stumbled and she fell and she and she died off one fall my gosh this took place in a school called heavenly hosts Elementary and it wasn't long after that the whole place got shut down she died in a school called heavenly hosts that sucks he then bulldoze it brown and forgotten but that elementary school once stood right here on the side of our own kissa kissa rocky academy some say that teachers still has no idea she dead she's dead even to this very day what and on rainy evenings like this after classes have come to an end some claim she roams these darkened hallways still believing them to be wrong in fact it's almost time for her to make her rounds just after 7 o'clock that's her right there she don't look that bad that's when she appears always accompanied by a sudden blackout that leaves the entire building dark as night I got to speed that text up not you hear from the blackness followed by the sound of the classroom door slowly sliding open as their pale white face cuts through the stillness her soft voice always echoes the same question is anyone still here [Music] Satoshi bro okay okay welcome to Kors party everybody this is possible you're replacing our dangan ronpa danganronpa series as we know we spent 30 plus videos completing that game an hour long each I imagine this game is gonna take some time to complete but I wanted to break from that for a brand new story sure enough we're in us we're in a school and there's murders it looks like they're doing the seance or something oh wait a minute so that lady was telling a story to the bunch of the kids okay and I'm assuming I'm Satoshi I don't know it's just thunder Makita today today I gotta say that was a pretty impressive reaction my dashiki let's do it oh nevermind stop laughing most amusing Maya it was just bad timing that's all Satoshi hey you me you always have the best reactions you syntheses the youngest that you mean I just love telling stories to you mochi mochi de it's so rewarding okay so that's her in the very front right here a you me Satoshi I think that's the guy who would girl guide girl girl okay so there's three girls for guys joke I got money on I'm dead you don't got no more whoever heard of a class okay so use no say it in Japanese whoever heard of a class representative with such a sadistic streak whoever heard of a boy who can hit a note like that when he streams hey save me just it go at all don't be an ass you're cheeky Yoshi okay okay let's not have any fighting naomi seems like she's a little bit older okay if you don't hurry and get back to cleaning this place up it'll be seven o'clock til we do how do I get to the main menu this okay I'm gonna just faxing with the text like that and you wouldn't want to be stuck here during the appointed time now would you appointed time little kids even hanging out here for okay my it really is seven already and the rain doesn't show any signs of stopping more shiki more she look like Ida found my hero didn't you bring an umbrella she if not you're welcome to use my oka that's good enough really thank you that would be lovely what should say I don't call a blackout one there go the knock-knock they're gonna knock knock isn't it a little late for anybody else to be here who's that who's there hello everybody stone cold quiet are they gone hey hey Satoshi aren't you gonna go see I think Yoshi is more like hey aren't you gonna shame what me why well I can't do it I'm paralyzed here can't move my legs one is I'm scared too you know oh my gosh okay okay victims what so I'm supposed to keeping people alive playtime 10 minutes I think I'm more scared of you so I leave this duty in your capable hands man you really are an ass sometimes you know that yo see Blondie's you don't be a you me story might be true do you know more if she quiet more siggy seemed like the older mature one mo kita Satoshi you want me to come with you you know I'll be okay you sure is anyone still here today mr. Shido gotcha yeah I just wanted to join in on all the fun you guys seem to be having how's the cleanup coming along so trash miss Yui oh my gosh can you imagine that same freak-ass little well we never even saw her we was looking at the girl - that girl was telling her story in the beginning okay okay okay okay this is just oh [ __ ] did I scare you you were telling that old ghost story right your timing was way too good machine that doesn't really seem like his voice I think everybody voice is kind of cold honestly your timing is way too good machine machine oh you've heard the story too yeah actually that's that you new boys okay if it's the hotel about heavenly hosts elementary school of course I have after all it wasn't too long ago that I was a student here myself oh yeah I hadn't thought about that when it comes to the seven wonders of dysentery hi I'm pretty well versed though I can't take credit for the blackout that was just good fortune in your way mo kita yes Satoshi no kita guys I ran into a rather adorable individual in the halls come to see you come on in is that much my little sister Yuka doing here Big Brother you mean uh Casilla Saturday to connect then let's I was like looking at it every day yeah seems machina forgot his umbrella this morning so you don't you could hear us come all this way to deliver it oh yeah I guess I did sorry about that you could thanks oh oh she came in a rain we're your parents at Tojo mom just allowed a walk I in this 7a p.m. thunderstorm to bring you an umbrella ride your bike home this evening jr. is she from the jr. hi nice to meet you my brother is always like this like be proud of it sorry you could seems like we're still going to be a little while yet you will okay alright looks like we got two extra pair of hands now let's show this mess who's boss yeah alright guess you're roping me into this - uh-huh okay everybody nice board thank you hope you all enjoy your vacation but try to actually do something with it okay don't just sleep in today's red green cafe was the talk of the culture festival so do give yourselves a hand you guys worked hard and it really paid off thank you mr. Shido sexy ass and you even resisted the urge to bail on cleaning this old ta couldn't be more proud of you so you got these from the lunchroom didn't you you got this from a lunchroom did you they're kind of lukewarm my stomach's so girly I don't think the milk would sit well with me right now these are from your fight with the vending machine Abed you must have pulled that change lever a good ten times before you finally gave up crap you saw that huh miss Yui thank you thank you thanks you're very welcome thanks teach I don't know all these voices yet Susan moto I really liked your speech best of luck to you at your new school I know you'll do just fine going to a new school sucks won't be the same around you won't be the same around here without uses any more she'd turn the turn our back turn is back to it I know you Susan moto you make new friends in no time flat I'm sure of it and it's not like you're moving that car away come when a break we'll all make sure to come visit absolutely wait you mean I can go to Yoshii relax thank you all of you yeah today's culture festival was for guys day yeah it is nothing we can do about it though unfortunately hey I don't know whose voice that is about the picture hey mr. Shido before we go since we're losing one of our own do you mind if we try something it's called Sachiko and her actor Oh Lord who's the Chicot and what's with the paper doll is this another one of your occult things what how old are you it's just elementary you got a clothes she going on kind of this is well it's a charm that I found on the Internet if we do it right then all of us will be together there ever or we'll always be friends anyway that's the gist of it oh it's the charm yep that's all shinozaki had to say Susy moto is totally bonkers with that kind of stuff guess akin oh this is okay it's when in parentheses she's whispering got it DISA can't hers is everybody okay with this yeah I'm fine with it sure whatever more chic cheap suit oh yes yes looks like the A's have it the floor is yours shinozaki great okay everybody gather in a circle around this paper is shashi go dog and in your head repeat the words saw Chico we beg of you seven eight not nine yeah nine times if one of your friends ever comes at you and says hey let's be friends forever I got this paper dog we finna chant around it go home I don't care what weather it is I don't care what time of the day it is just say I bid you adieu and then get your ass home it's not worth it even to see why I'm like don't worry if you flub it a little just make sure you don't stop part way though you have to say it one time for every person present no more no less or the charnel fail alright it started everybody remember the charm nine times ready begin don't tell me it wait a minute is this me but they musta did it everybody said at nighttime so lives in your mind it was in your mind okay look okay yep exactly nine yeah yeah let's get on with it if we don't I'm afraid I'll wind up saying it again okay you know everybody reach toward the paper doll and grab hold of it anywhere you can like this exactly now hold on really tightly dig your nails into it if you have to just don't let go oh gosh we're going to pull on it until it rips apart into nine pieces okay on the count of three one two Oh nicely done everyone now just make sure you keep that scrap of paper safe slide it in your student ID holder or your wallet basically anywhere won't get lost hmm as long as we all have little pieces of such eco with us we'll always be connected with one another as friends that's the purpose of this charm well that's actually pretty cool pretty cool sure it's super cool I have to be extra careful not to lose my piece psycho and you me Naomi and my oh my you my use leave me Thank You shinozaki I'll treasure this no problem consider it our promise that we'll all definitely hang out together again definitely oh definitely well I hate to say it but I think it's about time we all get packed up I start heading home yes ma'am what does an earthquake then ain't no earthquake bro [Music] what the hell this is like all the crap big Yuuka take my hand everyone stay calm get under the desk until it passes but you had a sprint for them desperate Ripon Bernie everybody hang on to something if you can a yummy [Music] what the hell is happening it Tim our kids see a beam Naomi where are you smooth oh my gosh a son of like they owe me yep I knew it coach oh my leg I can move it so I guess it's just a sprain oh we're um not at home am I can't be oh we gonna switch characters like that it's so dark I can barely see a thing is this the school what what's going on what the hell is this place is that Seiko Seiko this isn't good no I know [ __ ] how are you gonna get to her though she not hear me okay so that's not it listen I guess we got to go out let's do it okay oh that really hurt my ankles a pretty bad shape how did you not see that big-ass plank on the floor this is paper right here heavenly post third student reported missing one by one the young students of heavenly health school seems to be disappearing as now a third student has joined the ranks of the missing past mates testified that 5th grader and there's no name was on our way home from school but got separated from her friends in a hall and hasn't been seen since police are investigating the possibility of a serial kidnapping and have assigned countless investigators to the case in hopes of a speedy resolution however ten days have already passed since the first disappearance giving parents and classmates ample cause for concern wow I guess we flashed back in time Connor are you gonna eat with some [ __ ] okay okay let's just get to her let's just get to her shake shake see goodness still breathing sake oh come on shake up say go get up oh thank you good lord what's up don't you what's up me I thought you were dead where are we what's what's going on that's what I'd like to know hate the budget yes say gonna have to have a I don't know so an accent she's got that next I don't know where the accent originates from I don't even know what I'm doing at the time but I'm gonna just make her voice sound like that to differentiate for y'all for y'all see these windows are sealed up tight it's black out there I can't make heads or tails of what I'm seeing no psychos what the hell is going on well this is clearly a school building don't the death seem unusually small to you though like in elementary school [Music] elementary school it can't be Kenneth what what is it the printouts on the wall it says most elementary notice to all faculty and students heavenly host isn't that the elementary school that preceded kiss of Rocky Academy the one that was shut down and demolished Oh God what's a-happening where the hell are we we literally just figured out where we were psycho stop that and where are our friends and miss Yui calm down psycho I mean Seiko don't get so worked up the sorry [Music] Saeko and i just stood there in silence hand in hand it's the first time in my life that I've been shaking so hard you can hear my teeth chatter I've become completely lightheaded and couldn't even think straight much less wrap my brain around what was happening to us kept telling myself it's all a dream I reached agreed word are magazines saw beverage I some horrible nightmare no matter how hard I wish for it I just couldn't wake up and the silence was the worst part of all I couldn't take it anymore I had to say something anything [Music] we just chilled in the room the whole time right on top of her like that okay hey I don't have the slightest idea what's going on but how about we try finding a way out of here a way out we can't just stand here quaking in terror we need to do something you know besides I don't want to be in this creepy place any longer than I have to be the windows are all sealed shut I just mean they're stuck or or not it's like decorations on the wall I don't even think they can open even possible Oh psycho [ __ ] psycho [ __ ] I'm not sure but there might be an entranceway or an emergency exit or something some means of getting outside right it's a lot better than just standing around I feel like I'm going to go all loony in here keep this up okay then first step is to leave this room we've got to keep our spirits up after all it's probably not just the two of us in here the others have to be around somewhere right I like that be yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but the Spitfire in the poop trapped in elementary in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've just done freestyling for the rest of my life yeah and if we can reunite with them we'll find a way out of here together that's the spirit I had no reason to believe any of what I just said I was probably delirious to be honest but I knew that if I didn't act I'd start to go mad I start to scream I'd be inconsolable so in desperation I put on the strongest friend I can imagine her managed character introductions direct the eye toward any character impressed I actually learned more about him or her when you're done exit through the door on the south side of the room to resume play I was honest about the city and be like you know they kind of fill us in to this story way too quick for me to really immerse I don't know too much about the characters hopefully this will help but see Satoshi Machida age 17 okay a student in kiss Araji Academy senior high class tuna fairly average but popular known for being both kind and cowardly an equal measure despite his eminence he's very personable and open which come complements his general sensitivity toward others and makes him a natural leader the one person ever to challenge that leadership is male who is consequently the only person to home Satoshi regularly the first judgment Naomi Nakashima is age 16 student and kisser oggi and the classmate up Satoshi since junior high frequently Satoshi with oh not you again having lost a father for years back Naomi and her mother now depend on one another for moral support still she remains optimistic and cheerful her home life has given her an interest in nursing which she's intent on pursuing she spends her time studying aiming for acceptance to mental super medical school sankocha najara age 16 a free spirit she often says or does things that take others by surprise though she's also easily forgiven due to her genuinely good nation her mother disappeared three years ago leaving her with three younger siblings and a working product my mom just disappeared as such she basically serves as head of the household Seiko seems to regard Naomi as a kindred spirit and the two of them frequently have long conversations about their many dreams of the future okay so Seiko at night and they only are best friends Satoshi has a little sister here right here right you keep Yuka age 14 okay Satoshi's little sister though she's an eighth grader at Kissin rocky at the academy junior high school she lifts him actually much younger in the makita household Yuka's always been the princess generally getting her way and thus never really shedding her childlike behavior despite this she yearns to grow up often attempting to act older or braver than she is this also gets her into trouble okay miss Yui [Music] 23 MC young an 11th grade English teacher at Kissel ragi just started this semester after passing her teaching exam and is eager to make an impression okay I just finished college coat though not a perfect instructor by any means her unjaded zeal and enthusiasm are infectious and if students seem genuinely responsive to her methods also serves as a teacher assistant during homeroom for class 219 and really seems that connecting with the students there she's in charge all eyes around her in all ways we got Yoshi here 17 a student yeah so everybody's in the same class except for Satoshi little sister often regarded as sarcastic and cynical but as far as he's concerned he's just being honest although generally not wanting to participate in events this fondness for Satoshi and the ume means he'll make an exception now and again if he ever if either is involved with the tense drama at home Yoshi currently works part-time after school to afford rent on the small apartment where he lives alone at 17 him [Music] hey you mean age 17 the appointed representative of Kisaragi Academy hi okay often subjects are classmates to ghost stories and rebels and hearing them scream okay generally we believe that she carries candles and other poor goods with her at all times just in case an opportunity presents itself to use them she's the one who got us into this mess in the first place she's whack in truth however hey you me where's his reputation as a mask to hide her own fear of the unknown which rivals even Satoshi's and its intensity when faced with the truly scary situation her knees give out in panic sets in oh wow are you captain Lee did I use that word right only her personal pride can break her out of this fear and do state [Music] Zedan I can look at the desk living at the desk this eyeball I'm using the [ __ ] and caregiver yep fascinating [Music] come on Naomi let's go okay okay so now I keep her with me does that mean this isn't a victim you know okay she just shows up right there okay so I'm gonna how you say okay I was saved okay wait a sec another earthquake is it I've had enough let's let's just get out of this room [Applause] [Music] what what's wrong this hallway looks totally different than it did before maybe the earthquake made more of the floor collapse yeah maybe it is that there's a yellow fluid congealing inside the rusted bucket this P you know don't say that it's bad cause nothing is dirt [Music] all right this music does not like strike fear in my heart at all it's kind of cool actually I kind of know it kind of crane and then that beat jock Pro I don't know what's been happening lately with these OS T's but I'll go to the gap is relatively narrow here it seems possible but it's a little too wide to risk jumping so we need like a Clank or something this one inside here there's something wrong with your leg oh yeah I was so freaked out I forgot all about it I think I might have sprained my ankle there's no way you'd be moving that fast if you sprained your ankle that's not good okay I can walk at least I'm sure it'll heal on its own yeah but you shouldn't push yourself here lean on my shoulder okay okay thanks draw real friends the shelves are filled to overflowing with long black hairs what what did I just say the shelves are filled to overflowing with long black hairs and that's just cool with y'all I guess cuz the darkest cadet the music is cool it don't matter [Music] right now like why they're not giving me any hints here no helps it's got to be in here or whatever I'm looking for maybe not not maybe not not [Music] [Applause] maybe I can jump this one push it me when I talk about it okay it's got to be whatever is this little area no okay maybe the bucket thing so so so what's next [Music] [Applause] I'm imagine you're out to find like a plank or something bouncy nothing in here and she's just looking at this like it's cold like no it's [Music] alright there's a loose board laying on the ground here take it with you yes take it with me acquired new school I know exactly what to do with that you're gonna put it on the path and clear the gap and it was always talking like my rhymes a swag I'm gonna put that strap right see off your neck put that sugar then your neck gonna turn the bread whoa whoa hey and now you owe me what about that loser board we found you that you will support our weight like a bridge I don't know it seems kind of beat-up but I guess it is pretty solid try it the loose board has been set in place I probably can't do that too many times I said too risky or try it that's pretty cool let's just go straight to the store we don't know where we're going yet or [ __ ] I me mom you say something psycho Seiko hmm it wasn't you I definitely felt the presence of some kind he has somebody trying to stay healthy but you totally ignored it so now they're gonna be like when it when they find help from somebody else they're gonna remember you body you collection to way this is our classroom what's wrong and Iommi look over there aren't those boots like people bones why why is there a dead person here wait wait let me look at them more closely maybe they're not real maybe they really are somebody's bones damn Seiko you to you to our new victims are you not whoa vicious evil a ghost but what who are you I was brought here against my will and confined just like you what happened to do with the glasses on we did not see his character information at all whoa confined do you mean there's no way out I'm afraid not the school exists in a reality all its own cut off from the world you know so so why have we been brought here they brought you they're constantly bringing new victims into the school sinless innocence one after another all trapped here doomed to live out the rest of their days in this hell who are they whatever eco I see this is a cursed multi-dimensional nexus multiple planes of existence all piled on top of one another created by powerful vengeful spirits closed space or perhaps closed spaces you and we as well are the unlucky victims of their twisted whims we have all been abducted closed spaces indeed and it seems you two are not the only ones who have been brought here I'm sensing numerous others but does that mean everybody else is here too are they okay I wonder so our friends are in this school too I don't know the exact number but I do know that others were pulled into these spaces at the same time as you they are definitely in this school oh my god that's such a good news Naomi they're here we're not alone that means mochi mochi is here too but that makes you feel a lot better right however you cannot meet them they are definitely in this school but the space they occupy differs from the space we occupy if you wish to see your friends you must find some means of entering their space or bringing them into this space even then escape is nigh impossible but at least you'll be able to die together damn Oh God is there no way out of here then you said we were brought here by vengeful spirits right who are they and why have they taken us I don't know these are the motives of our captors nor means of escaping this hell all I know is that with some effort we can at least live out your days together in the same space and not alone is a fate worth fighting for two heads are better than one your chances and your opportunities are so much greater when working together do whatever you can to find a way out of here don't end up like us oh my gosh y'all I did not just scream at this fake-ass 8-bit Pokemon ripoff I mean mercy a little no no the soundtrack in this game is heat Naomi Oh Rhonda we have to get out of here now okay [ __ ] is it really is it me is it me versus her own okay I'm like no way I'm not gonna outrun that spirit what the [ __ ] was that okay my immersed meter is probably at like a 65 percent right now I need more character I need more character development we kind of rushed this but we're here we're trying to get out now are you are you alright Seiko yeah but what the hell was that a child a spirit it did kind of glow I never believed in ghosts before is this really happening there were definitely ghosts in there first time I've ever seen something like that so you saw it too right yeah and we were talking to it I just don't understand any of this except that there's no easy way out for us like it or not we're stuck in here it'll be okay let's just you know March on with our heads held high or something Seiko trying Seiko trying okay so that's all one classroom bottom and then the top then you got a window break [Music] we really can't you buy that I'm not going back in there I'm gonna go right back down this way can you take that board and put on the bottom okay so we got that for good you want us to go back in here and talk to him okay what does it say on the board you can't read that oh my gosh okay what about the bums help me judging my size these appear to be the remains of a junior or senior high school student closer inspection reveals the school ID name tag Misato municipal brotherhood senior high school class three four Yoshiyuki shin ahora oh I think that's what shows up as victims I could be wrong yup caught in trap blood out 18 years old was this always a candle here I don't think so but doesn't it look awfully familiar save spot I hate that this blood spattered on my face like that let's keep going okay that got us past the brokenwood how y'all feel about this game so far let me know in the comments not running in the halls I'm gonna play a little bit more than I'm in it for this episode classroom 3a the door's locked [Music] [Applause] [Music] see anything up here so we would need another wood plan to get into there and to get into the bottom in the beginning area what the [ __ ] is that oh god what the hell is this it's horrifying it's like if somebody was thrown from the other end of the hall at superhuman speed and just splattered everywhere it smells so meaty she bought the barf get the fly out of my head so sorry are you okay Naomi I'm I'm fine let's just get away from here okay [Music] [Applause] that was morbid that was Marvin that was Marvin like Marvin there's a loose board link yes take that hi why every time I get aboard you gotta act like that when you can go a little bit lower I look you want to go back to the very beginning all my gosh where bones who is this the mostly bleached skeletal remains of a female student lies sprawled across the floor loose bones and scraps of clothing are dangling from a hole and sitting above the body suggest if she fell to her death in the second floor upon closer inspection there's a student ID name name tag attached to what's left of her uniform say say Academy for Girls class one to use ooh my Mikami how did you die I got a no ribcage smashed in with blunt instrument 216 this game is called course party play a game like this and not expect corpses you know [Music] I'll another spirit if you wish to leave this place you must take heed of the messages left behind by the many other victims who died here many victims have left their thoughts or even their dying messages on the scraps of paper that littered these walls it hurts it hurts so much [Music] [Applause] when did this game come out I do not remember to lay out at all I'm just going here brah bathroom five oh my gosh remains of a girl with the big hole in her skull are still sitting in the chair closer inspection reveals a student ID nametag Asuka caught of skull cracked open with the blunt instrument okay let's go into the other floor the other door I mean oh my gosh this OST is insane no it's crazy how much sound can sound design can can play into your games if like you do it right whoa if you don't keep a close eye on it that light's going to run away from you pay attention to its location find the exact spot where once stood and examine it thoroughly what are you saying when we come in the back it jumps to the front so how about one of us waits for it over there oh is that what it's doing oh ok ok ok I get it I get it is this the spot where we saw that weird lesion it's way colder in here than it has any right to be I feel like I'm going to pee myself I think I'll even know if that was the right spot but I'm pretty sure yeah he left it has to be it worked it disappeared it disappeared and it doesn't seem to have made the jump over to here either oh really if you don't keep a close okay okay okay okay pretty sure it was right there actually it disappeared ah there we go almost got it aha gotcha Naomi I got it you did nice job turned out to be this what is it acquired infer infirmary key goes to show Oh goes to show what a little teamwork can do a we make a great team infirmary key to keep going it's that red door up there to partially bleed skeletons brought across the floor it doesn't seem to be any sort of name tag this time based on the gore soaked remains of the uniform the length of the hair scattered around the head safe to say this was a female student the door is affixed it is affixed to the wall like a decoration it won't open there's an erratic noise like that of TV static coming from within this is my custodian this custodian is closing all right this song make me feel a whole lot better when this tune come on I'm not even gonna lie to you I feel empowered when this should play but I'll know about that other track oh gosh the door seems attached to the wall like a sculpture won't budge in the slightest doors nailed shut it definitely will be opening anytime soon do not enter in there any circumstances principal talking mean young Nagori or some [ __ ] like that my head is splitting it's unbearable I can't take it I can't take it I can't take it we found Yazoo his body I saw a black shadow but I didn't tell anyone about it did now it's killed them all I'm sorry everybody I'm so sorry lower half of the Texas of scare by a thick layer of dried blood okay okay so I think I'm gonna take that whip playing back down to the first floor or the first room that we were in and take this [ __ ] all the way down [Music] [Applause] the stowed Ian's closet is upstairs and okay so that was the first floor actually oh my gosh I don't know what the little gold doors mean but I just trying to get back to where we were should I use it for that area no no no no let's just go all the way back I don't wanna play no games I'm here to brick I don't want to play no games I'll take respect yeah these zombies is and even though zombies always lie even but the Freestyle about nice nice nice nice nice nice [Music] all right let's do this an hour oh no I'm kind of feeling it I'm kind of feeling it off ID this is a good place to stop yet main building first floor West Hall without mr. Pennell der Hall I was in downstairs what is this such tiny shoes this really wasn't elementary school yeah yeah right now bring them in Sayuri oh yeah I forgot your father's working late tonight oh you okay use it user father isn't here yep all those mouths to feed don't come cheap after all and while dad's working to put some food in them I get to be the house Frog yeah I guess you and them are still just little kids so somebody would need to be around who is you y'all you're pretty amazing the sake of high schooler and mom all rolled into one I'm not sure how I feel about that statement [Music] I just have to get back to them though I guess it's time guess it's the same for you too your mom's waiting for you Naomi but we'll make it back I know we will one way or another we get out of this place you bet oh my gosh that false sense of confidence that they shared that should trash okay so that led me nowhere I knew I shouldn't win sit that other room I'll hold on Otto I might have a board in here let me check but I'm just gonna change when we go back because I don't see a board these little tiny kid shoes man [Applause] [Music] man no all right let's put this board here and fry it's never too risky floor 3 but if is that what's not here already or no pile of haphazardly strewn human bones is heaped them from the floor upon closer examination student ID name tag can be seen jutting out from inside Sasha's chin Azam me Sheena know me real king [Applause] [Music] main building voids laboratory even turning the handle all the way not a drop of water emerges from the closet completely stopped up with long strands of black hair and the base in his filled with dirty water shut the goddamn door I'm not gonna lie that scare made me Putin and I hope he Jie doesn't meet the gameplay to try and hear it just know I put it excuse me what the hell was that that was either an actual voice or an auditory hallucination and I really don't know which is more likely tell you that again of course not you know he had a little weak Eloise he didn't want the girls to see you know it is what it is the faucet makes an unpleasant sound of cleaning price when the handle this turn but no water comes out let's just try it this is not cold it won't open is there a key on the de'longhi [ __ ] bathroom door is that another pee bucket there's a clump of unidentifiable meat inside the rusted bucket completely crawling with maggots I'm cold eight uh Naomi hmm do you have any of that as medicine what are you talking about and do you have any of that uh mass medicine on you by any chance you know the the smeary stuff what again younggu out the dialogue for this seriously who are the dialogue for this this is not like well I've got some antibacterial cream if that'll work Thanks I'm gonna go butter up my pooper oh my god dude I don't know about this game y'all why would you let her walk in there yay do you have any shame at all if she dies from going to the bathroom to wipe her ass cream on her [ __ ] I'll be hot [Music] okay how will we leave why would we leave why would we leave okay yes he put in the ice cream on all right the same dude who was in here time I closed that goddamn door finding a ghost his way right into here pull out his ghost and go to town on him he already rolled be Brooke always does is that is that's a Toshi little sister bro was that Yuka yo can we go can we get yo girl out the ass room how long does it take you even got asked like that Seiko [Music] sorry for the wait you are not Jake thanks for the cream when they owe me a put her there uh no problem hey wait was that stall open hmm I thought that stall was locking we were in here before I was thinking the same thing it was it I I didn't have any trouble getting in fine I guess I will let you off the hook we have bigger things to worry about after all I actually just heard Yuka's voice out in the hallway I think it was coming from downstairs really let's go check it out right what was that a whole dialogue we just had bro do you have that a scream I should spend drier than ever since we've been in here now you owe me are are you okay that was a close one my leg thanks thanks for lending me a hand no problem I'm just glad you didn't fall seems like you sprained your ankle pretty badly though we should find you someplace to sit down and rest yeah you're probably right piers lean on me lean on my shoulder for the time being Thanks I owe you once I go think nothing of it Shira one [Music] she said it came to me Oh God I stepped in it yo you did here I've got some tissues maybe you can wipe it off of these these are definitely somebody's guts and when I stick on whatever put it the body has stepped on it Italy too squishy sound like I just plucked my shoe into a juicy pile of dog poo yo Seiko got [ __ ] issues bro versus a screen I was dog food she just she's a freak oh god that's way too much information you're gonna make me puke sorry man can we just find Yuka please and who is that little demon that just followed me around the corner last last elevator scene I mean less staircase scene okay first floor II saw you cook oh I just saw that's where it connects over there um no it's not here where's this girl at I think this [ __ ] is locked both them doors is locked yeah yeah yeah you know the man while we stand you know me and psycho got a plan trying to get out and save like every man and woman that came into this [ __ ] with us but you know that they don't really [ __ ] fear us because they are the demons and we just here trying to get our innocence hmm if you should die here you'll experience the pain you felt at the moment of death for all eternity Evans completely cut off no paradise no nirvana just eternal pain God why did I have to die like that Oh [Music] oh oh oh hold up hold up unknown key so we'll feel the pain of death forever that's not to think about that an unknown key [Music] I think and cut off from the bottom which would mean the key could either be to principal's office on the first floor or the custodian to custodian office always gotta hit the same when you walk by I'll hold up though yes yes the unknown key seems to fit the lock perfectly the door cannot be open and I only what's wrong I don't know it's like my heart skipped a beat as soon as the key was turned I have a really bad feeling about this room Oh trust me it'll be just fine I mean it's a locked door you know what that means right Budi behind every lock door lies a hidden treasure just waiting to be claimed because you hear it calling to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello another dead body message has been painstakingly scratched onto the floor with fingernails whatever you do don't look at the newspaper I really think we should just leave this room something's not right in here okay but I don't know I'm really curious about that newspaper now can't we just take one to P hit this there's a candle here but it's only a message has been written on the desk with magic marker in big letters let's hate one another with all we have [ __ ] sheep I'm I just want a board or like a key I'm nothing to read that newspaper bro got me twisted now let me say something to her we have to read it let me go say first [ __ ] look if Seco want to get clapped by a newspaper article that's her prerogative Naomi do not look at that paper I actually like you you got you got a level head you and you're trapped dead potentially could be dead you and your trap with this idiot who got ass hemorrhoids I needed your cream why do you have the cream now I'm senior think about it you got it too let's see breaking news serial kidnapping ends in murder a good name of heavenly host elementary school has been stained in blood today as horrific details in the recent wave of disappearances are revealed over the past month numerous children have gone missing within the town and authorities quickly turned to kidnapping as the most likely explanation now investigators have located the whereabouts of these children and their findings are far worse than anyone could have anticipated bodies of the abscond youth are were discovered within the heavenly host Elementary School building I September 18 1973 at around 7 p.m. authorities further revealed that a male instructor from the school was found with them alive but nearly catatonic holding a pair of bloodied scissors each of the corpses had its tongues severed and removed grotesque mutilations far too grotesque and disgusting something probably to describe pages torn at this point in the bottom half of the article is nowhere to be found how awful I think I heard about this though once before not me but I guess it did happen long before we were born so I shouldn't be too surprised did that door just lock y'all know the door seems fixed to the wall like a decoration it won't open God me that's exactly what I say before this [ __ ] how are you no no try yeah I need y'all to talk to each other I need you to talk to each other say something to each other get me to light this candle complain with me I'm out of here do do what you will never leave this room bro bro throw sob sob bro bro no way they just came over my [ __ ] just like that the paper really swish that you will never leave this room and y'all don't want to talk about it thank you thank you thank you there's no way out oh wait you this is your fault you know what oh just never mind oh man that scared the crap out of me hold up oh no no it's gone what what is the paper don't scrape I got from a you mean oh the charm mind still in my student ID folder I put mine in my pocket mr. Foley not somewhere that's why I kept telling you you need to put things away before they get lost no I'm sad you're sad you need to be praising praising God we got about this room what does this prove every second you You Heavenly will never will never leave this room you can joke move newspaper article dirty ass Time magazine doesn't even news that some magazine dumbass table but what do we what do we gain from that weight is the candle lit now [Music] [Applause] boom boom boom boom [Music] okay what about you chin chin achi Janaki I hate what [ __ ] happens and I didn't get anything from it [Music] by pointing in the right direction and nice [Music] still have a key to the infirmary no [Applause] [Music] okay this is where the bathrooms are that third floor [Music] [Applause] now there was no lock let me just go check though it won't open it's exactly what I'm talking about [Music] that's some [ __ ] use the infirmary key the doors now a lot hilarious all right at least we got some some gameplay going yeah say thank you to ours in for some [ __ ] [ __ ] is but [Music] somehow I expected the best to be a lot dustier they are surprisingly clean that's good though now you can finally rest your weary bones Naomi yeah I think I'm gonna light now for a bit I'll talk the way in the corner like that I've always preferred nooks and corners they just make me feel safe I guess I know just what you mean I am the exact same way I wonder if there's anything in here we could use to soothe that ankle of yours the sick side Naomi I'm going to take a look okay thanks a bunch don't thank me yet I haven't done anything Saeko oh did you find something don't look at me this will do nicely I got me a mr. splint and some bandages that sprains a gunner know Oh still oh man you're a lifesaver alright you wrapped up tight how's it feel mmm it feels great Saeko thank you you're very welcome I've sprained my ankle pretty badly before too so I know just how you feel yeah I have to it sucks ass I wish I had some ice or something to put on it though no worries you've done more than enough already you're asleep now that's fair enough I guess glad you agree it's Slumberland for me you really are an oddball you know that so hey a Naomi hmm if we find Machida have you thought about what you want to do with him what well you know what they say when two people are faced with difficult situations so we say shall we say it's off it often leads to love sweet the love say no you just can't keep her mind out of the gutter that's why your ass is dried now cuz you were thought you should run up all your courage and confess your feelings to him you get all girly with him in this creepy place and your cuteness factor will grow three sizes in his eyes I bet the third snark what is that I swear with you around I almost feel like we're just shooting the breeze back in school like nothing ever happened thanks for your advice I'll think about it I hopefully find them soon uh-huh you kind of know do you you're thinking about how you wish he didn't have to be put through all of this you want to see him but you wish you could rest easy knowing that he's safe and sound back home rather than wandering around here am i right must be those maternal instincts of yours kicking in huh you're a deep one to be sure she may sound like an idiot but she's right on all accounts guess there's no fooling Seiko Seiko I would hope you feel the same way about a machito like we're all trapped in here it's not about Dingling and vagina activity it's about getting the [ __ ] out of here your cuteness factor will go up three times in his eyes yet also alright relax I've been pretty Curt with her since we got here I'll have to make sure I apologize later and what was that exactly sorry it's just that when I see that ass [Music] it's just that when I see that ass of yours I started through you are so weird [Music] oh the baby that was Yuka again I heard it too I'll go take a look you stay here and rest okay I'll be back in a jiffy you're not coming back I don't think that's such a good idea I should go too I insist don't worry I'll be fine just keep it that ass parked on that bed you got it well but look your ankles all dressed and feeling better right don't make it all for nothing all right I guess I'll stay here Oh Seiko you're done for my ankle really does feel a lot better Seiko has a definite knack for care taken I miss you II in the other Satoshi I wonder what they're all doing right now I gotta say that was a pretty impressive reaction whoever heard of a class representative was such a sadistic streak oh we heard this already but no he didn't who ever heard the boy you can either note like that when he screams don't be an ass Yoshi okay okay let's not have any fighting I have to admit though his reaction was awfully cute I just want to see him oh why did this have to happen vast quantities of medicine and tonics are lined up on each of the shelves along with the single bottle of rubbing alcohol I could take one or two bottles with me but I'd probably just end up breaking them and cutting myself besides I don't trust anything in here the handles turns with another drop of water comes out the hell is this thing look like I don't know Rob from super smash bros they don't even look like him you could just tell I want to play smash bros I'm addicted make a video about it why is the door locked on closer inspection there's no visible boat keeping the door locked nor any other evidence that has been locked at all what but if it's not locked then why won't it open huh are those children mean our sunday.and soku need a copy my Sean [Music] what huh save now huh who's there hello my head hurts so bad I can't stop just ringing in my ears pound the alcohol pound the alcohol you can't do it oh that's rubbing you write the doors let the doors latticed with countless gems of black hair rooting in it in place wait hello is is someone there what is it on the desk right there it's a lamp okay it sounds like a ballpoint pen scribbling away on a sheet of paper damn you got some good ears it's an old fashioned space either a box of matches is on the ground next to would take them yes require box of matches iiiiii is that what is that but what the e you better run I need to get away Wow Jin joke move you idiot whoa whoa bro Wow I'm done for I'm done for the blackness begins to wrap itself around Naomi's body there's no question that this is a malevolent m11 a malevolent force if this continues death is inevitable get off of me ugly but you need to get out it's no use where did this hair come from god help me try using a match to burn the hair yes excellent move the flame wasn't strong enough to do any significant okay okay throw some alcohol on it throw some alcohol on it you got to take some damage though that's quite yes hit her with a smile dude nice though some rubbing alcohol on there yes then does some fire on there yes with this that would the size of Ellucian to whack the foul-smelling compete the hair lit up didn't harden and fell away freeing the door and allowing its open I'm out how much HP did that take [Music] [Music] I'm going to kill you is it for the chasing me out here don't put your ass up for it oh she threw up Wow is that is that you you hear okay is a cup and Iommi what happened are you okay Seiko sorry for the mess what are you talking about I don't know what the [ __ ] she said do up again everything's okay you'll feel better now that it's out of your system do you need me to rub your back you just want to fill up my ass I think I'll be fine thanks though did you find you good looks like we really are the only two people here the only two living people anyway this place is just way too quiet how about you Naomi is your leg any better are you able are you okay to be up and about but I was resting I was suddenly attacked by this creepy black apparation thing what oh my god that you are right I think so we should consider that room off-limits from here on out though that's fine I'm just glad you're okay I guess we'd better keep moving then can you stand yeah but what are we supposed to go hmm well we've already been pretty much everywhere we can go in this godforsaken school and the only other people we've come across they're all dead in it there I go again it's hopeless we're finished and I'm so tired I'm acting like a child again then stop you already just caught it don't just keep acting like it Naomi come on it's not that bad we'll figure something out class two Niners never-say-die right we're invincible I've got to hear justice appointment first thing in the morning tomorrow and I intend to keep it uh Seiko that's what I'm talking about and then in the afternoon what's that you and I go get our bikes fixed sounds like a plan right if we make it back alive sure damn Naomi come on now this is sake Oh what am i doing what are you doing I just can't seem to hold back she [ __ ] broken but that's expected though she's just got attacked by a finger bro who was that in there I'm going to kill you now you finna get his 15 Juke move Naomi are you like the super duper tired or something this is so not like you come on it's the chin the only thing we have to fear is fear itself what the hell's got you so chipper you just keep smiling and laughing do I tell me how long is that going to last if it turns out we can never go home again Oh Naomi have you given that any thought at all we'll figure something out that's a crock and you know it uh uh you remember the signs on the walls be evil to each other you're gonna turn on your friends whoa I must have finally cracked under the pressure this whole situation was just more than my soul could bear I thought I'd be keeping psycho spirits up to the better to the bitter end but just like that I was berating her abusing her all I had running through my head was pain and sadness I was like a baby throwing a hissy fit I was crying out irrationally and I couldn't stop venomous words were flowing through my from my mouth as if someone had turned on a spigot all I could do was moan complain and belittle I really was behaving just like a spoiled little brat and you threw up all over yourself you know what what I look like listening to a complaint and belittle me and she got barf on her shirt like two stain go to the bathroom I'm sure our families are gonna be really worried about us they're going to search in search but they'll never find us it'll be a terrible burden for them you're wrong household about it being a burden when you lose a loved one you you cherish that person's memory it's never a burden you just want to do whatever you can whatever you can to make her proud you just you just want to so you do what is wrong with me Sycho mom disappeared several years ago I know that so why am I putting her through all this grief [ __ ] I spared this on the Tenaya me brother that's how I think the people we leave behind they're going to feel I don't know how it is for you in your family but normal people don't work that way she just can't stop this is trash domi sorry how about we split up we can cover more ground that way maybe find a clue to help us get out of here seems the most efficient plan of attack don't you think things like that I have to apologize it's like she can't control her [ __ ] no more I want to get home just as much as you do back to my dad in you and everybody else and I sure as hell don't want to make them worry about me this is all my fault I have to apologize but most of all I don't want you of all people to speak to me like that yeah Seiko I I I'm I'm so I I'm sorry too but it's okay that's what you think we should do then let's split up I'll go this way Oh No Oh No what the hell is wrong with me I couldn't even manage to say the words sorry don't give me back intro okay he was just looking at your friend and so in this nexus of closed spaces where humans are scattered and imprisoned and killed two friends who should have been thankful just for the small favor of being trapped together in this unforgiving place work quickly and easily divided my petty obstinacy towards Seiko would come to be the biggest regret of my life as the consequences of that heated exchange far more dire than I ever could have imagined poor baby that jerk [Music] all right so I guess we're controlling psycho is Seiko now hi I think I just heard somebody calling out follow the voice no no no but get your friend not about to let this be the biggest regret of your life little girl your little kiss is stupid that's the problem which on now y'all so another earthquake I've had enough god damn it that might have been them switching the universe or whatever is that older she might be over there with everybody else now are you okay night [Music] to F East halls that's the infirmary whoa where the hell am i okay no the floors collapsed did this happen because of the earthquake I can't take this all right is this the infirmary still some unknown ether Oh force has completely sealed the room all the time things are being blocked that's fine by me because if that's been blocked off the teens we're still in the same area [Music] we really might not ever make it back to home again this isn't a nightmare it's actually happening I guess before anything happens to either one of us I should tell her how I feel we can't even get to her yeah dude or not there's really no way whatever work out try as I might I spent my chance against me Seiko has a crush on her hold up love try day will be dealing with now Wow Seiko love her love her love her she really do not want that ice whoa living best friends as there was kids say sake a psycho you know she she like ladies okay we have no choice y'all we have no choice how'd you miss that was the first time the first time I ever thought wouldn't Naomi like that from the moment Seiko and I parted ways the fear had been harbouring since I got here just kept growing stronger and stronger I felt like something else was in my head like I was under some alien influence in my mentally distraught state I ran all through the building frantically searching for Seiko I just kept calling her name over and over again and I finally came back to my senses I found myself standing in the third floor hallway Seiko is that you oh no oh no what the [ __ ] is oh wow oh wow the stall door is locked from the inside someone's definitely in there oh she's still alive and she's trying to say her name no I can't do it I can't I can't read this one psycho of psycho you're alive hold on I'll get you down no II don't mean sorry what do i do what do I do the north the noose around psychos neck is attached directly to the ceiling and there's nothing at her feet all attempts to help are just strangling or further you've got to get the bucket you gotta get the bucket right here come on come on come on come on yes yes yes did you just throw up in it oh you just picked it up a significant number of maggots have found their way onto Naomi's hands and skirt acquired filthy bucket who gives a [ __ ] about your clothes dude no Seiko I'm right here the filthy bucket fell from Naomi's hands with blink eyes Seiko swung back and forth slowly in her nose all life had been completely drained from her face [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] Naomi I'm trying to hear none of this [ __ ] from you right now dude I mean I get it like you is not under control your mind and body but don't believe me all by myself [Music] [Music] I want to apologize to you outside I want to apologize to you for what I said up until just a few hours before I was laughing ain't playing in school with my best friend now if she was right in front of my eyes lifeless hanging from a noose how could I possibly accept that as reality [Music] [Music] Wow so this must have been like the episodic adventures of 20 2007 maybe I don't know when this game came out Wow [Music] all right well there you have it I guess I gotta let the music play 2011 I think is when they remastered this for Steam and PSP I think it came out portable too a very interesting storyline the only complaint that I had or have I guess but it doesn't matter now is it threw you into it way too fast like it was almost like how the [ __ ] did we even get here like that but as the story went on I started to grow to really appreciate Naomi and and say COEs character but to see that happen no I was like wow this five chapters to this there each probably about what two hours if I did it right I spent a lot of time just walking around trying to figure out how to beat the thing I'm into it again five chapters we can knock this out within a week or two I'm dead serious I know you're already in the comments like about every game but you just take months to a year to finish any title I hate you why why do you hate me for relax relax chapter two you can do that next but I do want to know what your thoughts are on this series are y'all into it do you want to see it continued does it get better for does Yahoo I've seen it already I really want to know like you don't understand where I'm coming from where it was like you were thrown into it just trying to figure out your way along the way it is what it is I really do feel like there's a lot of potential here I do want to know what what the [ __ ] happened to Naomi in the last 10 minutes where she just snapped it started talking crazy and why was psycho the bathroom I like that dude like suicide is just I don't know it's just never the answer y'all I know I said that every time so it's like it's brought up on his channel where we play a game like this but it's not and I know she didn't kill herself I know like this there's more to it maybe the maybe that demon thing that showed up it just affects people's minds in the way that they think Saeko heard a voice and just walk towards and then we see her hung up in the bathroom like that [ __ ] is not cool it is what it is though y'all if you enjoyed this series and want to see it continue make sure you hit that thumbs up thumbs up button and subscribe if you are new for more videos as long as the live each and every one of y'all and I'll see on the next video peace excellent soundtrack - I can't even lie alright
Channel: iBerleezy
Views: 348,493
Rating: 4.9704905 out of 5
Keywords: Berleezy, iBerleezy, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Lets Play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 15sec (6915 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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