[ Lost Ark ] - Destroyer All Build Guide

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hello guys it's me ttm in today's video i'm going to briefly show you all the build information for destroyer also to understand this video smoothly please watch the basic guide video for destroyer first and then watch this video then let's go together one after balance changes there has been a big change in the focus skills since this balance patch previously when using the focus skills you can charge up to two cores through lucky core which was an rng based tripod however after the balance patch the core system has been changed so that the focus skill guarantees a certain number of cores so you can charge cores more stably than before then let's talk about focus skill the focus skill consists of various utility skills so it has various functions such as movement synergy cc provocation tenacity etc there are various combinations of focus skills but today i would like to introduce only the combinations that i use heavy crush charges only one core but has a very low cooldown of 5 seconds and since most focused skills charge 2 cores heavy crush must be used to reliably complete 3 cores and for the roon i recommend you to use bleed quick recharge or rage because they are suitable for low down skills for the tripod use a quick hit to increase the casting speed of skill if you have enough skill points it is also good to use the third tripod wide hit to expand skill range next is the power strike power strike is a perfect skill it can charge two cores and has low cooldown and it has synergy and it can also counter attack for the rune use galin if you don't have enough gel wind you can use quick recharge or rage and use agile movement for the first tripod and armor destruction for the second next is the dreadnought the dread knot is a skill that can effectively respond to enemy attacks using tenacity and sturdy body tripod and protection rune also this is a skill that charged two cores and can counter attack and has low cooldown and the indoor pane is the most unique skill that represents destroyer and it can charge three cores at a time and when you use it you can get tenacity and a 40 incoming damage reduction buff for 5 seconds depending on the tripod you can even increase the buff duration by 10 seconds or reduce the damage you receive up to 90 percent also this skill have the second tripod which can provoke enemies so destroyer can play like a gun lancer in raid in addition the first tripod guaranteed core allows you to charge the core without hitting the skill against the enemy and i recommend to use focused runes that reduce mode consumption this is the end of focus skill guide then let's figure out the furious hammer build three furious hammer build this is the build that maximizes the damage to the release skill using the class engraving furious hammer furious hammer increases a release skills critical chance and critical damage by up to 15 and 45 based on the number of course consumed and furious hammer build rarely use the gravity mode it because this build only uses engraving and stab related of the release skill then let's look at the release skills the furious hammer build uses three charge type skills as the main dps skill and uses one sub-dps skill earth eater uses 1 1-1 tripod and use overwhelm rune the third tripod the wrath of earth changes the skilled type of earth either from normal to charge it increases the damage to the skill but also increases the cooldown by 6 seconds full swing uses three three one tripod and uses guillen runes it has the characteristic that it has a very low cooldown using quick rev tripod perfect swing uses one to two tripod and uses gil and runes it's the most powerful skill of the furious hammer build it can inflict nuclear bomb level damage to the enemy with a single swing uh destroyer uses either seismic hammer or neutralizer as sub dps skill and each has advantages and disadvantages so you can use them according to your taste seismic hammer has made high damage but has a low cooldown using the quick wrap tripod and it has a weak point level neutralizer has high damage but cooldown is very long and does not have a weak point level try both and use what you like hmm as mentioned before furious hammer build uses the charge skill as the main dps skill so this build can maximize the efficiency of the supercharged engraving please configure the engraving as follows usually the destroyer uses crit and specialization crit increases critical hit chance and spec increases damage of release skills the important point is that the crit is far more necessary than the spec because the furious hammer only increases critical damage on the release skill if you fail a critical hit because don't have enough crit the furious hammer literally become a useless engraving therefore for a furious hammer to function very well you must maintain a crit chance of at least 80 take my gear as an example i have 35 crit chance through relic gear set and furious hammer to reach 80 crit chance i need an additional 45 percent grit chance so i invested 1300 points in crit like this example you can configure the accessories according to your situation this concludes the furious hammer build then let's learn about the gravity training build 4 gravity training build gravity training build is a build that maximizes the damage of gravity mode gravity training is an engraving that allows the gravity gauge to recover 2 percent per second without core consumption and it increases the destroyers damage by 20 percent and crit chance by 30 when using gravity mode since this builds uses gravity mode as the main dps skill the key point is to quickly charge the gravity gauge and use the gravity mode as often as possible as i said gravity training builds require fast charging of the gravity gauge to do that we need to charge the core quickly and consume it frequently so to speed up the circulation of the core we have to use release skill that has a low cooldown and a fast casting speed therefore charge type skills with slow casting speed is difficult to use anyway you can use release skills like this the perfect swing uses one-two-one tripods and use gale wind or overwhelm the third tripod hour of slaughter changes the skill type of perfect swing from charge to normal full swing uses 3-3-1 tripod and uses gale wind it has the lowest cooldown by using quick prep tripod neutralizer uses 332 tripod and uses gel wind this is the most powerful release skill in the gravity training build seismic hammer uses one three one tripod and uses overwhelm orgail wind it is one of the released skills with a low cooldown using a quick prep tripod like full swing gravity training build uses engraving like this unlike furious hammer build where critical was important specialization is much more important in gravity training build this is because specialization increases the damage of gravity mode and it allows the destroyer to feel the gravity gauge faster so make up your stat like this i'm so hyped that my main class destroyer will be released on a global server soon destroyer is my first character and he is a valuable class that i'm playing until now since the lost ark released i can finally enjoy this class with you anyway i will continue to share detailed and surprising information about destroyer on this channel so if you are interested please keep visiting my channel then see you next video bye [Music]
Channel: TTM
Views: 27,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x7YXqTK7t6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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