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[Music] society is the environment that you are caught in if the society is constantly frustrating you then increase the methods that you will most familiar with and when that fails you go into a state of anxiety and once you're scared of course that further disables you because your thinking process is not as clear once you are frightened then primitive urges come i want to run away i just want to hit out and fight i don't know what i want to do people in their attempt to control anxiety do all kinds of things and much of that becomes the clinical pictures that we see there are those who feel that everybody could if pressured enough become and have a psycho a psychotic episode like this and there are others who feel that only those who have a tendency to easy disorganization of the brain by their metabolism that only they can get the psychotic trips because certainly when we analyze the underlying strife or conflicts that go on in a schizophrenic when they have recovered enough that we find not too different a set of circumstances than what we find in the neurotic and it's my function to see that all the activities go on i'm responsible for every phase of hospital operations we're particularly glad that you're filming at this hospital because we would like to show people what a modern psychiatric hospital looks like what it feels like and what it does would you tell us what this room is this is an observational laboratory we're now in the room the subject will be interviewed will be photographed this room is ordinarily set up just like an office on either side are what we call one-way windows the person in this room cannot see through into the next room but the people in the next room can see into this room we do not take people into this room without advising them that they are being observed that they are being photographed that they are their voices are being taped and we get their permission to do so chris yes sir please tell me again what led up to your coming here well it was mostly about preparation i guess or something like this that uh i wasn't looking ahead very well i didn't i wasn't tough enough you know i just didn't do it didn't do what um what i was supposed to do you know with the girls and everything like that you know i just uh it was rude and i i hurt myself the fact that they tell me that you kind of blew your cool last night and got into the hassle with john yeah i guess i did just tell me uh you know what led up to it what how did you feel um well i guess the main thing was that i um i didn't i don't know why i got to fight with him beside the truth i don't know what led up to it who's president united states for uh president richard milhous nixon and before mr nixon uh johnson and before mr johnson uh joseph kennedy before mr kennedy um eisenhower hoover okay any questions you want to ask me laura okay i'll take them back to the closed unit and see you on monday okay doctors are getting a chance to make it up like basketball that's the standard memory test that i use and you're supposed to get five presidents in order uh my purpose in doing it was to demonstrate that you can be very psychotic without it necessarily interfering with your intellectual functions he shows a fairly typical picture in a moderately confused schizophrenic under medications it's hard to tell whether his distance whether his slowness whether his blocking is due to the illness because it can be seen then or due to the medications he's taking these medicines are anti-psychotic agents but they do have a considerable tranquilizing property i would guess this was mostly illness because last night he uh picked a fight with one of the attendants on the three days or four days that he's been here he's had these outbursts at least five or six times and usually fairly unprovoked i think this boy's only chance of staying well is to be on medications indefinitely well if you treat a patient with consideration and kindness generally they respond that way when you try being repressive on a patient put them in rooms that are restrictive uh put the restraints on him he will then react in a like manner to break out of those restraints you want to make this experience not to be a snake pit type of thing nothing that carries fear with it and there's no need for this kind of thing tell me when did you come here oh exactly what day yes it was right before easter and all that on the 5th that's correct what month april what year that's right what day is today why are you questioning me like that's making me nervous oh i want you to relax just answer the questions [Music] had you ever read that book which book oh it goes so fun it's such a long story you remember i asked you the question did you have any other strange experiences excuse me um like what like when you described about your husband it turned purple if you said you did a good question have you had any other strange experiences like that yes that seems strange yeah have you had any other strange experiences yeah well you start with a hundred and subtract seven yeah subtract 7 from 100. is that 1992. all right now you subtract seven from that oh right [Music] subtracting seven and see what i come up with that's right oh in my head no i found it oh i can't do that sometimes i can't feel it i see i just break that [Music] oh [Music] we can go back now you can come with me now come on actually the symptoms that we see in an acute psychotic break in schizophrenia are really compensatory that is they are trying to save the patient from what would otherwise be a severe neurotic dilemma if you're in an institution 24 hours a day seven days a week has to be accounted for you can only schedule so much activity there has to be an appropriate amount of free time as against schedule time there has to be an age factor in this hospital we take all age groups so that at any given time you don't have great depth in one age group and it's hard to schedule activities on that basis if i have a person playing basketball maybe they're two three more like him maybe there are 10 more like him if there are 10 or more like him then you can have a basketball game but if there's only one or two more like him then he has to do something of a modified nature this patient that you saw me walking with demonstrates on the eighth day after admission the continuing presence of a catatonic panic it is a major type of disorganization of the brain's thinking where it is so excited so fearful and so simultaneously depressed and hopeless that the patient goes into a state of total indecisiveness so that she stays in this very peculiar rigid posture often standing for a while then moving and then moving very hesitantly now actually she can move much better than she actually demonstrates she's in no way limited in movement catatonics have two forms one is the catatonic excitement in which they are very violent and then there is a catatonic violent more to themselves maybe than terrorists but sometimes quite violent obvious whereas the typical catatonic is this kind where you see this almost totally inability to act which is more characteristic of the catatonic stem her prognosis is fairly good for two reasons one is the age of which of onset she's 27. secondly the fact that it came on so suddenly and this particular type can go away quite suddenly too pretty much like a bad trip uh on psychedelics mr g how are you feeling this morning are you good man it is i feel confident you feel better since you've been in the hospital doctor i feel like a simple reason that i feel that no one i have no fear here i feel safe who do you think was was watching you well i noticed across the street from my building different men looking out the windows and they were blowing the curtains all the time looking out and they were watching blowing the curtains yeah they had some kind of electric fan and this was very suspicious i was suspicious of most everyone ever what did you think the blowing of the curtains meant to you and they also had cameras and i noticed that they've been looking out when did did you see the cameras i seen one uh at least one there was another one there i noticed that the man was on the phone talk and they were tapping that phone because every time they were how did you know that every time i made a phone call i heard about a certain you know battle like you've never heard it before and you've been in that building for you almost five and a half years what will happen when you leave the hospital do you think that you might be uh played by them persecuted by them possibly but at the present time you're feeling much better yes i do as a matter of fact i told my wife i'm not scared of anything even you think i was imagining i still am not afraid i still have no fear so are you willing to go out to the hospital now and face the situation yeah doctor and not fear it that's correct because i'm in now my bed is different and my morale is high and i'm not depressed and i'm not moaning and groaning but my wife refuses to accept the facts she still says to me you're imagining you're you're still a sick man stay in the hospital get better well i'm glad you're feeling better thank you i also had i also one time uh saw bragging huh the prognosis here is good uh he's out of his depression now he has been on anti-psychotic medication uh but in addition to that we're going to give him a few electroshock treatments and the reason for that is not not to make him forget his paranoid ideas but rather to get him in a in a mental attitude so that he'll be more amenable to therapy so that these paranoid ideas can be explained to him and help him to [Music] resolve it the original terminology for this treatment was electroshock therapy the word shock an electric shock is you know in the public mind if you got an electric shock you could get killed and there was a great deal of association between electric shock and execution especially when the electric chair was part was very popular and i think it was a very unfortunate naming of a treatment because the actual treatment is merely a a self-stimulated or an outwardly stimulated convulsion so the real correct name for this treatment is electro convulsive treatment uh i would say honestly to this day we have no exact knowledge as to how it works the treatment itself only lasts about a half a minute on the average and a patient is totally unaware of it from beginning town they used to fear it a lot because the sleep medicine was not given patients were treated eyes open as it were and very often they felt the initial impact of the treatment when they first contract or just as they go into the contraction there is some consciousness and you can feel yourself passing out this way of course you merely go to sleep i'll say good night good night hmm the aids in helping me prepare the patient on the bed in a position of greatest comfort the the patient is arched back on pillows and at the same time at the very beginning of the treatment before this sudden arching forward the aides will put their hands on the shoulders and hold the patient down this method plus the giving of a muscle relaxant which i gave when i changed syringes both these methods have greatly reduced the incidence of too rapid and intense a jackknifing that's all right that arching back is the beginning of the uh second stage called the clonic the first was the tonic stage the contraction the second this is the clonic rhythmic movements which actually get longer and slower and then peter out at that time the compulsion is over [Applause] the patient holds his breath throughout the convulsion and therefore piles up a little uh lack of oxygen and therefore turns a little blue it goes from blue to pink very rapidly as you can see it isn't a deep degree of ammunition it's a relatively simple painless method of changing a very depressed patient into an active lively person and within a short period like two to three weeks well i'd like to talk to you [Music] tell me what happened that made you feel so bad that made you feel that i heard that something happened that frightened you very much i don't want to go over it again please ask what was it can you just tell me yeah and her present state is one of profound uh despondency very time she'd beg us to do durian what there was something that happened that upset you very much too late well just telling me since you're dead it doesn't make any difference what was it what happened was it the earthquake that frightened a lot of people here in los angeles what did you think when the earthquake took place are you asleep can you tell me then something else happened too that frightened you do you remember what it was it was a fire wasn't it [Music] will you tell me please i'd like to know now i wish you tell me not to sit there i think the prognosis is good because it's a first episode it set on acutely it was triggered off by a traumatism and i think there is a good chance that she'll come out of it well will you answer me please why don't you want to answer because it upsets you to think about it i'd like you to answer me will you do that please try and give me an answer what happened to make you so upset tell me i don't think you're dead you don't think so either you're just afraid instead of looking at any given individual as he's a carrier of anxiety and he is a patient everybody else is healthy that we see everybody as carriers of anxiety ready to break out whenever they hit the most frustrating portion of their life you
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 127,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, 4K, HD, 2K, 16mm film, 8mm film, 35mm film, film transfer
Id: FpMTJcJpA1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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