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hi everyone welcome back to youtube the world is frozen literally everything is covered in ice including the arena which is very boring so there's no exercising today so well other than the magic roundabout so i thought i will do an updated why feed my horses video because you guys always find it really interesting and a few things have changed so yeah that's what i'm gonna talk about today i've just been doing some mucking out i had just gone to get zora off the horse walker but she was bucking on it so i thought maybe she could do another 10 minutes they're all rather bored but at least they can move their feet and at least they get out of their stables twice a day but it is rubbish this weather is boring i'm doing a bit with the massage gun that's mad you can see it moving in the thing she really likes it nice you like almost can see it in slow-mo our eyes are not good enough quality what do you think mo i thought you wouldn't like this mo is falling asleep it's a nice personal massage servant i seem to have got a good bite so mo as well as having a massage is also wearing her weatherbeater therapy tech rug so this has a section in it you can see it's quite well worn now but this section i'll turn this off for a second actually so you can it has a different section that goes all the way through the top of the rug and down over the shoulder it's also got this lovely padded padded part under there so this bit's like extra spongy and it works with ceramic technology she says why have you stopped um which is it works with their own body heat so when they get warm it gets warmer so then it um basically promotes healing circulation all that kind of thing i got it from pet pony um and i highly rate it ever since she's been wearing it she's been feeling more supple and like takes her less time to warm up and being 16 that's really important so yeah so i highly recommend them if you're looking for something that is sort of complementary to all the other things that we do then uh yeah you like it don't you would you like me to continue to massage you with this thing she's like yeah why did you stop human so you guys have asked what i feed my horses so i'm just been eating a piece of bitter mango are you ready to see something hilarious oh my goodness yes goodbye i didn't know that they like mango and yes i'm being very careful with the fork last bit just come down to check these guys are you okay my old girl old nanny so i just do that and it's really cold and i do a little bit of armpit checking oh yes toasty snuggly warms under there nanette nanette is 25 this year i think kenko warmer's toast under there aren't you we had to cut kenko's tail quite short the other day because she had like jangly like frozen bits and then here we have indy who's actually wearing diddy's rug hmm that's interesting seem to have some sort of injury has gone on on the front of that rug oh she moves nicely i've not ever actually seen her drop properly good breeding good job kenko i'd like to check under indy's rug really they all seem to think that uh bentley who's up the top with holding the bucket is gonna feed them which he is not going to do bless them it was very cold i um noticed that indy had some blood on her rug right on the one of the front straps and um she's quite more sensitive because she's a foal and so i really wanted to check that it was like okay so i came and got her halter and i went and had a look and i could see i she let me look all in her mouth i think she must have got something caught maybe on the rug and um yeah pretty scary but i always try and check come on bentley those field horses at least twice a day if not three times because if something like that was to happen and it was to go unnoticed well that's really bad so yeah right i'm gonna go and see if there's anybody in the feed room because if there isn't i'm gonna go and let you guys give you a little feed update i just think it's really important and it's probably the first thing that i talk about with clients when they come to me asking about problem horses that kind of thing we regularly talk about nutrition and the rest of it oh i tell you what i'm going to show you first i'm going to show you the hay that i feed first and why that is so important coming live from hay barn sheltering a little bit so hay is incredibly important um i feed probably 95 hay and then 5 hard feed i don't even know if that would be the right proportion but they are all on ad-lib hey so ad-lib means any amount that they need they get um there is never a limit there's never like they get hayed four times a day three or four times a day first thing in the morning then after they're mucked out once again at lunch time and then again in the evening it is purposefully cut at the right time of year and uh managed in the right way so that it is suitable for laminitis working with the supplier old manor farm for a very very long time nine years i think and um so we have a very good relationship and he understands how important it is to me do you like the hay bentley how important it is to me for the hay to be of really really high quality it's not dusty it is really tasty stuff and they all absolutely love it and eat a lot of it and i go through a huge amount of it at this time of year but that is fine and that is what they need to keep their systems working because they are grazers they are not designed to eat big bulky one feed a day kind of thing right time to go and head into the feed i hope so i've made it into the feed room but there's nobody else in here so i can show you really simply the things that i feed this is what i feed the horses so the young horses in the field they get this which is the dodson and horrell sure grow so it's um like really good quality protein when they're growing i don't like to feed them a lot of bulk i like them to feed i like to feed them a small amount of feed this is what i choose to feed them it's got amino acids it's low starch so it's like a good thing for controlled growth you've got to be really careful when they're growing that you don't actually feed them too much too soon and then they get problems in their joints and all sorts so for example deedee she's two now she'll get two cups per day that is all and then she gets some chaff and i'll talk about the chaff in a moment the next thing and this is probably the thing i feed the most is the dengue healthy hooves so it's molasses free and it is essentially a complete feed says it on the front um so it's very low starch it's got absolutely zero sugar so talk about sugar a lot sugar isn't necessarily a bad thing horses have to digest sugar all the time hay grass that kind of thing but it's when we add processed sugar to the diet that that isn't so positive like the lenses on my camera are really grubby sorry so things like uh when you add like a molasses to a mix that kind of thing i just try and avoid it the best i can the pony nuts i feed actually do contain a small amount of molasses but not so much that i would be worried about it affecting the gut health because gut health is so up on the high up on the list so this is the next thing and i have actually more recently started feeding this so this is pink pink mash and it's a key flow feed um it's very low energy rating as you can see and it's low starch low sugar high fiber so this is essentially a mash so it's actually just made of beetroot uh beetroots for humans are so good for them and someone has caught onto this and test it out with horses and has proven that it is very good horses too the beetroot and it's got linseed in it as well which is something that i do add as well but it's the prebiotics and probiotics and it's basically designed to facilitate the horse's insides working the best they possibly can while adding some condition so i feed that to the older horses my own horses that are in more work i don't so much feed that to all of them as such i don't feel it like a blanket approach again i feed what they need so for example some of the cobs that come in for training that are you know relatively well fueled just on hay i will just feed them a small handful of the chaff with some water and if they are getting a supplement then they would have that supplement i'll come onto supplements at the end so that is the pink mash and that is something that i have more recently been feeding um i have also got some speedy beet so it's unmolassed sugar beet flakes and that is something that i have also been feeding it's a good palatable feed it's good for condition i am kind of steering away from that more and onto the pink mash because i believe that the pink mash is more beneficial it's not that the speedy bee is not beneficial but it's kind of it's not going to be adding as much value to the horse's diet so it looks like this it comes in a like a pink pellet and you just soak it for five minutes before you feed it and they really like it so this is the shore grow so again it's like a balancer so that's what i the feed and then again it's that same cup that you just saw in the pink mash uh and then that's the uh speedy beet that we are going through this is the uh the chaff that i feed so you can see it's really loose it's not sort of stuck together because it's not got any sugar in it and it's also got little uh like fibery nuts in it so this is what makes it a complete food it smells like garlic and joy and i think actually i found it really palatable and not many of them aren't keen on it what else have we got here aha this is important excuse the bag it lasts a long time so has to be a bit manky himalayan rock salt all the way from pakistan i actually just bought it on amazon so i feed every single horse 30 grams of salt every day every single one even though the maizen falls in the field they get that split between them i wouldn't so much feed the foals that amount but they also they do have salt in the feed that they are eating um salt is so important it's important for metabolizing everything in their bodies it's important for their digestion again it is important for their you know salt production all of that kind of things but all year regardless of the weather i feed every horse 30 grams of salt per day and that isn't very much so this is the salt and this is the little scoop that we use slightly more like a heaped scoop like this half in each food so the last feed i feed and this well actually no two more uh so this is just very basic pony nuts i um use them as like a palatability feed so what i mean by that is i use them basically to increase a horse's want to eat the feed quite a few of them get a few different supplements like uh mo for example and she can be a bit fussy so i like to give her some pony nuts to in basically entice her to eat the feed a bit more now that she's on the pink mash though i'm really interested to see whether i need those um they've not got loads of kind of nutritional goodness nutritional benefits but they also don't do any harm so they're kind of like a good feed to add a bit of bulk and a bit of tastiness to the feed to encourage them if they are maybe eating more supplements and you just want to add a little bit more bulk to the feed now the last one that i'm going to talk about this natural feed is the micronized linseed so that lives in this bin here in here here there here it is and this is micronized linseed so you'll see it's got like little seeds in it and it's very fine and what it is is it's a little bit like us eating avocados it's good fat so they we all need fat in our diet that is a thing for their coat and their skin and their feet and their guts they didn't know that so actually we we feed the linseed for many many reasons you can feed it in a high quantity for condition so for example if you've got a horse that you want to put weight on then feeding quite a lot of linseed can be very beneficial but i actually only really feed 100 grams a day now again i'm feeding the pink mash now so i can cut that back a little bit but i will still keep feeding the ones that need it for condition a little bit more so for example mo is on it zora she uh doesn't have it because she is well looking but yeah so i feed the older horse in the field so nanette she gets quite a high quantity of it because it's good for condition um megan's horse who was here before he was on it uh he was a thoroughbred so it's those kind of horses the ones that maybe are in need of a little bit more help in terms of kind of good fat in their diet that is something that i feed it is relatively inexpensive because you don't have to feed very much of it like i said that cup i was showing you that's 100 grams so i would feed one 16 hand you know full grown horse one cup per day split between the feeds if you're looking for much more in you know you need a lot more condition then yes you can feed more of it talk about feed i feed what each horse needs so i don't feed complete feeds because i believe that i can do that more cheaply and more effectively without the kind of added stuff that we don't know what it is so like i would feed basic pony nuts but if i needed to add condition to horse's feet i'd feed the pony nuts and the linseed rather than feeding a conditioning pony nut because i believe that sometimes well i have had instances where a conditioning nut although despite not designed for the purpose has sent a horse completely off the rails because it's got something else in it that i'm not aware of that makes their head blow off so it's this knowing what you're putting in means that then you know what you're going to be getting out so often the horses that come here are difficult or they've got uncertainty in their lives you know they're not sure of their way of training they're not sure of themselves so i make sure that i'm starting at zero when i feed them so that i can discount that as an issue as something that is potentially creating the behavior so that is why i feed in that way because you know if ob started misbehaving or being really fresh or being really anxious i could look at what i'm feeding him no it's not that and then i can add things that may be helpful and that's what i'm going to talk about in a moment the supplements that i use but it's always this starting from zero start with hay not hailage hailage can cause problems on its own it's long stranded and that can build up as gut as gas again in the hindgut and cause all sorts of ulcerative issues um so if you've got a horse that is maybe problematic look at their diet i don't mean that like it's going to be the be all and end all but it's a bloody good place to start and it is nine times out of ten where i start when people call me up and they say i'm having this problem with this horse it's doing this this and this which people do a lot these days and i talk to them about nutrition first i say what are you feeding okay could you cut that out could you cut that out do we know that that's a problem no we don't know that it is 100 but it could be and if it could be then it's worth taking away if it then wasn't the issue then maybe you can add it back in or you've got to ask yourself do they really need that it's like the balancer i only feed it to the horses that really need it because otherwise i'm just feeding them nutrient that they're not going to absorb you know they're going to just pee it back out again it's like humans and protein shakes yes they have their place and when you're doing lots of muscle building activity then protein is necessary but there is a definite argument for eating too much protein and actually then it then rinses out of your system through your urine we won't get into that because i have the bodybuilders after me anyway right let's chat supplements so supplements you can see a theme here right so we have got some this is something i feed to uh the older horses so mo gets this uh nanette gets this it is a pain reliever it is an unnatural anti-inflammatory i actually buy this from amazon helps with inflammation it helps with pain relief and it generally helps with like arthritic type cases so that is why i feed that other thing i still feed yes i know i bang on about it all the time is spirulina so here it is this is the one that i feed this is the organic spirulina powder again i buy it from amazon and i don't know if you'll be able i mean look how green it is wow it's so green it's anti-hystemic so it's very good as it like works as an antihistamine it helps stop itchy horses being so itchy uh it's also very good for their breathing we used to feed ob a breathing supplement all the time no not anymore we just feed in the spirulina so yeah highly recommend it it's like a superfood it's also very good for helping muscle growth because it is good protein again but in not too much of a quantity so i feed again 30 grams a day one of those scoops per day for a big horse smaller horses i'd feed less anyway so then we get on to the premier performance supplements so as you can see we have basically the whole range so the gastropremia this is something that we feed a lot of so it is all about helping the horse help itself um when i spoke with camilla who owns the company she was basically talking through how it works and the way that it works is it has complex amino acids in it that help the horse's brain know what to do with the natural ingredients that are inside it so that is the very basic science behind the premier performance supplements so i feed the gastro premiere the moody mare that's the one for mo it helps regulate her cycle amazingly um she really struggles and can have problems with having these kind of wild cycles where she seems very very uncomfortable so um we keep her on the moody mare all year round and it just helps her feel comfortable you can tell when she's not happy um you know i imagine it would be like getting really bad period pains but quite regularly so by giving her that it helps to limit the symptoms of that um it works with something called right it's got raspberry leaf in it and if you look at raspberry for humans it's very very powerful stuff moe also gets the hoof growth humming powder is my absolute savior in this weather it is ob is on it all the time because it just helps him feel confident it's not like a sedative it is a confidence powder we also use the um the calming cookies that we really like we then use these to basically top this up and this is a very interesting supplement so this is the nutri plus now this is to enable healing so the nutri plus is all about the build-up of collagen so collagen is uh what our body like is stuck together with basically so and by feeding something that helps the production of collagen it helps promote healing and growth and general bodily condition so for example it's going to be i'm hoping helping her feet to strengthen up and not be your typical thoroughbred foot so that is the nutri plus now there is one supplement that i want to talk about is that this stuff yes milk thistle i feed this to everything when uh if they ever go on butte or antibiotics it is about liver function and it helps them process things better and flush things back out again so yes those are my supplements that is what i add to the feed and i don't need to be in the food anymore and it's cold bring your carrot then come on bring your carrot apples and carrots also very important lexi you're not going to bring it come on so those are the feeds that i feed um i try to keep it really simple so for example if your horse was to come in for training and we were unsure of where the behavior was coming from i would start just with half a scoop of trough that would be it and water um and if they showed signs of anxiety or uncertainty you know if they were really unsettled then i would feed them some of the calming powder as well on top of that but that would be my where i would start uh if they needed condition i'd add linseed if they needed um uh yeah condition on top of that then i'd maybe think about adding the pink mash so i just really feed what each horse needs at a time and that would be the way that i would feed them so i would start at that base level and then if i need to add things i can so if i need to add energy for example i add split peas i haven't got any at the moment because i don't need to add the energy but just like obie who sometimes when we're doing a lot of competition in the middle of the summer he's a bit sluggish in the summer sometimes come on in the car because well he's a big guy and it's a lot of you know he doesn't cope well in the heat as such i just got getting i'm so cold um that's a lot standing around oh goodness but yes so that that is what i do i feed the split peas in the summer to add the energy but i don't feed them when i don't need them and i don't feed him a complete feed because i wouldn't know if by feeding him a complete feed that i was adding things that he didn't need so i just add what they need i don't know if you guys are getting the message yet but hopefully you are anyway that is my updated feeding vlog i don't know if that was interesting or if i just rambled but um yeah and i implore you to look at your horse's diet like really look at it and work out do you know everything that you're feeding them the point i'm trying to make is just have a look at your horse's diet and have a think about it are there things in your horse's diet that you don't know what they're doing there you know is there a really sugary mix that you're feeding that although looks like lovely granola to you actually is of no benefit to your horse whatsoever because definitely feed companies are quite smart and they will tell you to you know they they know that the packaging is for us to see horse never reads the bag horses don't really eat with their eyes they eat with their noses and they eat with their you know their senses of what they need but really look at that because you might be able to a save yourself some money by not be feeding a load of complete feeds that are full of crap and b start to work out what your baseline is with your horse where is that baseline what do they need on the basic and then what do you need to add to supplement their diet for them i don't believe in blanket feeding approaches you know you see people walking around with a big scoop and they kind of feed every horse the same thing how can that possibly be because i need to eat something different to my partner my partner needs to eat something different from his friend who's the same age in the same height and you know whatever so it is so important that we look at each horse individually and i make sure that all the time i'm talking with the girls they make the feeds but i'm talking with them about what their feet what we're feeding and why and they have good understanding of that and they wouldn't change the food without my say-so we it is very important to me because i can control the training on the outside but i also have to be able to control what's going on on the inside and to do that i have to be in understanding of what is in the things i'm feeding so i have to know about the nutritional analysis of the hay i have to understand about the low starch and low sugar content so that i know i'm doing the best i can for the inside of the horse and the outside of the horse it is a thorough approach it's not just training livery but oh yeah feed them whatever you like or it's training but they're still on haylage and actually that's the thing that's causing the negative behavior so have a look see what you can do ask me a question i don't mind speak to a nutritionist if you like avoid speaking nutrition nutritionists that are directly associated with feed companies uh i know previously i did do a video with a feed company they actually didn't suggest that i changed a lot they really liked the way that i fed they liked the fact that i fed basic things they encouraged me to use their versions of the feeds i've just shown you but other than that there was not much difference i've stuck with the sure grow i really like that i think it's really good for the young horses they look fantastic on it they don't grow too fast which is something i'm really terrified of so yeah i mean in terms of why don't i work with them that company anymore it's because i don't really need to as such and it wasn't uh you know a sponsored opportunity as such they had willing to kind of gift me some stuff but it wasn't really enough for me to warrant solely using their feed there we are that is my updated feed vlog i hope you found it interesting i hope i can ride some horses in the next video because i'm getting bored of not being able to uh i've just remembered that i need something to bond so that's great and yeah i hope you enjoyed the video guys and i will see you for next time thank you so much for watching bye for now
Channel: Hackett Equine
Views: 11,525
Rating: 4.9740934 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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