😴Best Sleeping Products For Snoring & Sleep Apnea

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g'day mates I know many of you struggle breathing during sleep and although CPAP is the gold standard treatment for many of you it's just not an option you tried it you hate it and that's just the way it is so today I'll share a few tips that will make breathing and sleeping easier if you have sleep apnea but you can't wear a mask number one you need to sleep in an upright inclined position now the most expensive but most convenient way is with an adjustable bed frame yeah hit a button up she comes a more affordable option is something like this a wedge pillow 70 dollars an even more affordable option for the handyman a couple of pieces of wood under your bed frame number two you need to stay off your back sleeping supine is the worst sleeping position for snoring and sleep apnea and there's a few little products that can help I'll put some links in the description down below little backpacks noodles one called night shift there's a few options for you number three we need to improve breathing and airflow hostage type yeah check it out they make some great mouth tape also all right peel them off nasal breathing so important also helps remove blackheads wow it really does just springboard your nostrils open how good is that clean house today You're gonna laugh at this one you have no idea how many people use this it's a soft cervical collar when we sleep a lot of the time what we do is this yeah we squash our chin in and compress everything have a look at this you don't want to wear it too tight but look at this see what it does there I can't do that I can't press it down anymore and it just stretches everything out someone's calling me sorry mate not today it's Friday don't answer calls on Fridays or it just stretches everything out and it's surprisingly comfortable to sleep with as well I won't lie down right now 10 bucks now these here are called mandibular advancement devices mads and they stop your jaw from falling back and compressing your Airway similar to this in some ways a little bit more expensive this one here is manufactured by somnamed you visit a dentist they do a scan send it away Precision milled Perfect Fit very expensive cost about the same as a CPAP machine if you're not sure if a mad will be suitable for you if you'll enjoy wearing it if it will work you might opt for a more affordable option by Airway management called my tap and you make this yourself boil up some water boil and bite like show and it has this little part here on the end which you can screw to bring your jaw more forward and last of all there's a few things you can do before you hop into bed that will make a huge difference to your breathing and your sleeping number one it's difficult but if you can do it it's a game changer don't eat or drink three hours prior to bed if you're someone who gets up and goes to the toilet a lot nocturia try that if you're getting heartburn digestion requires a lot of energy and when you're lying down ready to go to bed you don't want your body working on digesting food takes a long time you want to just lie down and focus on going to sleep so try that one number two nice warm shower before bed and a sinus rinse just clears everything out makes it much easier to breathe through your nose it will dilate everything it will help and last of all don't let your bedroom temperature get too cold cold air causes congestion shrinking in the nasal passages that's why CPAP is so damn good because it's got the heated humidifier and the heated tube nice warm humid air just opens everything up makes it much easier to breathe anyway thanks for watching a couple of tips for you there if you enjoyed the video hit the thumbs up subscribe to the channel now until next time guys sleep well look after you mates and I'll see you soon cheers bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: CPAP Reviews
Views: 73,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cpHhYvXLElE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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