😮 US Army Boeing CH 47 Chinook and AH64 Apache , test, start up and take off at Nancy airport
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Channel: Jerome Mervelet
Views: 2,199,295
Rating: 4.5331731 out of 5
Keywords: hélicoptères, hélicoptère, helicopter, hélicopters, helico, taking off, take off, landing, décollage, attérissage, DZ, héliport, hélipad, aéroport, airport, aéronautique, aviation, heliport, helipad, drop zone, Agusta, Eurocopter, Bell, Robinson, Mervelet, blog, blogs, blug, people, star, leonardo, Leonardo, Airbus Helicopters, airbus helicopters, Airbus, airbus, Boeing, boeing, auto, moto, automobile, plane, planes, Aviation, fuel stop, luxurious, luxe, impressive, rare, apache, ah64, AH64, CH47, ch47, chinook, usarmy, us army
Id: AdTKvyyMAJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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