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what's up jeff how we all doing all right let's see here corporal beans you've been demoted where is everybody's favorite arsenal what's that okay got it this is all downhill here all right i'm just not there ideally we have a second platoon to deal with this i don't know how many guys are going to be online though servers getting spun up so everyone's hopping in now but we're just planning for right now i know what kind of assets we've got moving into this one seven one six 160 or long range uh one seven one six on one six zero what i swear i just put this in my left ear oh do i have my headphones on backwards [Laughter] that's what's going on uh 1716. can you uh go ahead and start uh marking compounds um individually not buildings i don't think we need to do that but compounds individually in the ao north over yeah uh you're talking about uh carrift and associated village of garrison correct hey framework copy uh do you want to go to the village proper first or gary center village first um we'll go from i'm hoping we have a second platoon but ideally we're gonna just try to take uh we're gonna engage at range from the hill and chew them up as much as possible then once they're chewed up we'll push in a corrif if we have a second platoon then i'll have the second with two and isolate garrison over okay um back to the map one two nine one three zero one three zero one three zero this is pretty low here as well this is one three zero top of the hill there's a little valley right here a little valley right here this is high it goes down to the valley as well so we'll go like this dude dude uh-huh and then from kraft we go to correct village it's basically the deal this is the route we take i'm gonna move the dismount hey barry take a look at those uh the aor at uh korea let me know what you think about 30 meters above what's the range on that okay 200 meters 300 meters 400 meters this is a 400 meter shot into the city this is 300 meter shot into the city here we go here hold up here engage slice them up on the hill where is my boyfriend or engage anybody that's pushing from the perimeter doesn't matter but as long as folks know where they're headed that's the idea beige line phase line sword phase baseline field baseline spear i don't know how this is going to go this is going to be weird because garrison is quite close why can't i um how many russians you got virus oh it's because i don't have it set uh uh not sure if i have any rations second additional 30 separate back to one one six the company uh anyone read on three zero over uh this is butcher one okay we got butcher watch one one six i read you do i have a savage or demon on station over i believe you have a savage i'm not sure about demon over siren one six on three zero do you read 137 one four's probably gonna move adjacent with us on the hill maintain high ground first with two nsl's check in with strength count when ready ever rogers one for checking in on three one over there's one one checking in it's one three checking in i got a eight guys a total hey uh this is one for rocking five guys for now savage if you guys could prep mines yeah yeah uh because i just want to isolate strong uh one for what is your asset this is green you see this green just h.e garrison because it's a military target once we trigger it just to clarify it or ap uh mines uh ap mines i don't expect there to be armor coming down that [ __ ] uh yeah we're gonna try to isolate garrison as much as possible um let's see main roads here i'm looking that's pretty much all we need for right now yeah all right thanks yup we will get on that all right crew go ahead and continue to get your numbers up get your kits oriented uh we'll plan to do a brief i guess with karma in the leadership building once everybody's ready to rock yeah just uh let me know what we're over the strength cast that's not gonna savage one two copies uh one seven one six on uh 160 what was their strength counts uh ten eight five and five i think something like that so they're still crewing up roger this is one six once again check in on three zero for company wide assets over um savage go ahead and just give it a spread of atap in that minecraft copy of karma but i haven't heard anybody say anything beyond you roger why is somebody pinging zeus siren 1-6 on 3-0 do you read how do we have a demon without a siren i see siren here do you want me to chat with them can you get them on company wide hey uh siren siren crew hey do you guys have an lr and can you get on companynet at 3-0 please well we need whoever your leader is should be on 3-0 who's leading siren at the moment thank you one one minute check three nine all right well siren really wants to be on seven two but they will be on three zero uh at least monitoring it that would be ideal yeah i don't think he realizes that we don't have a company structure but it's okay i mean he needs to be on seven two and three zero that's well he's very keen to be on he's he's very keen to be on one and lest he need to be on the other but he's gonna do it he wasn't resisting or anything i just don't know if that's gonna be his easiest channel to communicate that's all um can you see how many open top ground vehicles we have we're gonna just drive into the ao um at4 crates pulled for first platoon novice you can get these disseminated same with the uh okay 170 my last i did not copy send traffic uh could you get a count on how many uh ground transpo vehicles we have we're gonna drive into the ao oger one six on three zero degrees two m113s one gmv that we usually give to one for uh two soft top trucks those fit 12 people each about you got two you got three gmds three okay even more i think you got 44 actually four gmvs and three m113s uh yeah we got a go ahead and monitor your company wide open okay i copy uh siren what kind of airframes do we have over we have one times longbow apache break and one blackhawk for stalker roger i'm going to take first platoon in via ground transport of first platoon dismount point uh we can run air uh reinserts once we clear up the initial line um we're just gonna need isolation on the garrison from savage as well as a long bow as we get closer over solid copy break interrogative did you want savage to go ahead and start that fire mission now before we have eyes on uh that's at your discretion um they're just getting ap and 18 mines laid down on that road uh that's up to you if you want to start them now or after ever celica thank you one six seven three one six one seven on one six zero extended after conferring with the crew here looks like we've got at least three possibly four m113s and at least three possibly four gmv's um gmv's hold uh 10 tops m113s hold 12 to 13. i recommend we take at least one m113 per infantry squad and one gmv for 1-4 yeah raj go ahead and get the squads on those vehicle assignments over understood first platoon one six heads up uh the crate for your at4s has been pulled at the building uh the supply building over oh my copies run two copies all right uh one six one seven seven vehicles simon's given out guys are getting the vix staged uh if you wanna do a briefing after that uh they should be available yeah raj first platoon one six we'll do a briefing in the uh fob building after you get your guys uh loaded up just meet me in the fog building when you're ready overnight too uh rate you have a position you wanted the bradley probably just suck in with one four honestly yeah i was obviously good signing on three though or stick closer with infantry i'll just have one for and butcher integrate together okay we'll we'll roll with that um uh let's see here so uh karma if you take a look at the map um in between your face lines there uh i've marked a couple objectives i just gave them dynamic names so that you could assign each uh squad or um you know the whole platoon to a given objective they were saying that it's likely spf position uh for an initial base of fire to set up an op siren in reference to two one one nine however as we make the push that you've outlined yes so what what the uh we'll go over the plan in detail here um somebody running in place oh did someone disconnect oh you just yeah i'll wait for uh let me wait for the uh i'm back let me wait for the uh the guys that sells over here uh first platoon sells if you guys can meet me in the building we'll go over uh leadership brief while you guys get sorted in the vehicles over well obviously he wants me to stick with one before but i can also provide support for closer for trees as well let's cover the movie through open ground and [ __ ] all right i'm going to go off comes when it goes hello hello all right this is one three one two three nine one one and one four one fours inside with their uh their uh vehicles this is six on thirty six one six n would you like me to give my special weapon straight to any other squad or hold it for 1-4 6-1-6 just hold it for 1-4 over copy one one and one four this is one six could use you in the uh fog building over it roger outside the entrance good morning good morning hey waiting on one more okay okay cool all right so here's the dealio with uh what we're doing today we're just gonna do a simple uh i say simple now but a uh a town push here it's gonna end up triggering village and garrison i would assume um we've got savage already working on fire missions right now to uh isolate the garrison on the northeast we don't have a second platoon so isolation is going to be run um by both savage with the atap minefield don't walk into the minefield as well as the long bull that's on station uh that's gonna be worked once again those two assets are gonna be worked by siren so siren is gonna be in charge of setting up the isolation and uh interdicting the garrison as much as possible uh as far as our platoon's job we are going to have butcher one integrated with us we have stalkers um as well for reinsert but our initial insert the first platoon dismount mark is going to be used uh is going to be done by ground transport you guys already have your vehicle assignments uh we're gonna proceed out on the road here there is a slight ied threat so please uh you know use your eyeballs go slow we are walking through blue for territory until we get to dismount mark so we shouldn't expect any infantry or armor contacts just mines from the local uh population so just take it slow and easy don't run into anything we'll dismount roughly near the first platoon dismount marker once we get the first platoon dismount marker and everyone's set we will be bringing our vehicles your 113s with you for fire support okay uh what we're gonna do at that point is have one four and butcher one split off to the northwest over to their first spf position um or roughly short of it basically ready to crest as soon as first splatoon the rest of first platoon against the phase line sword baseline sword is gonna be a crest we're gonna hold on the down slope on our side of the crest we will push over to the top of the crest and set up firing positions in a skirmish line we'll engage what we can from this position and then only when it's very clear will we proceed through objective dynamo and zulu once again taking up another position um either at those objectives or just pass it at phase line shield and engaging contacts there basically the strategy for today is going to be get the position bait the enemy out to us engage them in the open set wait for it to settle down push closer trigger the next or you know uh instigate a counter attack once again engage him in the open and then push the face on f shield well movement should mainly be done only once contact has been cleared it's going to be pretty static once we get out of there just to you know abuse the fact that we will be in prepared positions as much as possible because we are taking this with just a single platoon we want to go slow uh take things pretty pretty cautiously here okay once again demon and savage are on standby um because we do not have a second platoon if there is a counterattack remotely close to this ao we are most likely be losing those assets to uh kind of stem that attack uh are there any questions at this point in time got you real fast do you want one for to drop our vehicles off at dismount or just ride the humvee up to one four spf uh ride the humvee up to one four spf but don't park it on the hill right just park it somewhere safe to it because you're gonna be using it for resupply alternatively you can load uh additional equipment and ammunition in butcher they will be with you and integrated with you as you push as well roger okay any other questions uh from butcher yeah send it so uh i'm concerned that if we push up those m113s the uh ei are going to be shooting at us with gl's and that fragmentation is going to bounce off to our infantry so for one one and one three we should be pushing infantry before the m113s has to not hurt them as well that's fine push the infantry up to the crest establish a base of fire and you know fire superiority and only once you feel comfortable pushing the vehicles up push them up but you will you will be bringing the vehicles for resupply and uh medical so make sure that you don't just leave them 500 meters back we're bringing them into whether they're close behind or on the line any other questions all set okay cool go ahead and break out your squads get ready to step off we'll go in about five mikes max okay all right how do how do you want us to line up uh just standard numbers one one one two one three one four we'll have butcher up front this is one seven for uh all of first platoon one one through one four give me a strength count final strength out before we head out over but you're one one six on thirty you're gonna be leading the convoy out over one two has ten guys one four is ten guys one three is ten uh i was lamenting not uh not driving wait what lamenting what uh well when they reported back to me their strength count it was all we have ten guys yeah as opposed to ten people eight one six i'm attached to you as a siren okay who's that siren yes you driving okay uh uh i don't want to drive let me switch seats oh this is already full i can't switch from here i'll get in the back i'll get in the back oh who's this all right it's just you're driving dude oh no i trust you first platoon one six let's keep a 25 to 50 meter spacing between the vehicles in case we get armored over all right first platoon check in when you're good to go over what's your one six check in when you're gonna go over roger i'm good to go now but i'm just wondering where the exit is i want to ready to step off where is the exit 1-1 ready to step off you know i don't know you're going to take a left at these two light poles this little gap right here to the left one six this is a butcher one i'm gonna set up outside the fog because i've still gotta find the exit over roger the exit is on the north side over roger thank you who has not checked in yet one three one four uh well they they gave a strength count everybody had ten i have not heard her check in subsequently all right first platoon one six when you are ready to go meet one six on the north northwest side of the fob external lover with your vehicles over one two copies that's how all wall street copies hey my siren who's attached which siren is this seven three okay what columns are you on i'm on uh short range three zero and alternate three two zero for the other sirens okay i can switch over to three zero if you need no it's it's all good so how do you want me to reach you just in local yeah i'm gonna be on your ass okay if not i'll switch over to you're gonna be on uh 160. i'm on one six zero three zero and three one right now okay all right yeah i'll just i'll switch over to attack 160 if i need you sounds good i'm assuming you want his last name yeah we at a firm gotcha what's your one six hold wait for one for one for over vehicle one holding in fact one six i'm gonna go to 160 right now so if you need fire missions you can reach me faster sounds good is savage already got that minefield working yes okay you said you're already on three zero right polar no i i said i can switch over oh you can switch over to three zero okay yeah i i have my my lr's full right now every nine is filled with random freaks copy all right follow one four out i feel like we should give them another vehicle if they're like hugging on to the outside it could be a cool thing well they wanted it all right sorry what's your one one six you're gonna push pushover what what what where is where is he going uh one four one six you go in the wrong direction over here roger this is one four we got a straggler we're just grabbing them and we're on our way up roger roger 1-4 what's your one go ahead and hold one four's turn around for a straggler ever roger it's always the one guy i don't hear the savage is savage done with that fire mission that minefield said already uh a firm okay all right that's fast holy [ __ ] let's go okay uh just have them zeroed on garrison with hg i guess one four we're leaving five now over one four one six one butcher116 go ahead and push over don't you roll it up first platoon a reminder to please maintain distance as we get closer and trigger the objective the server will lock up for two seconds for spawn over yeah keep your distance zeus i have no problem being too far behind him but we do not want to be too close oh yeah one four one six be advised you uh just passed one three and the convoy over roger will pull off and wait watch this dude holy [ __ ] oh my god i stopped it happens all right it happens it happens he just went [ __ ] flying dude oh man he's very upset that local's gonna be very upset you just ruined this man's motorcycle we'll pay him in rations apparently well too and be advised there are insurgents marked in zapner about 200 meters to our northeast just be advised that they're there over is uh is demon in the air uh wait one demon one this is siren three on seven two demon one this is siren three on seven zero demon one demon one this is siren three on seven two radio check over solid copy break interrogative demon are you up in the air yet they're lifting now they're going to be at bp blood copy all right that's the spawning there we go oh and what was that um ied question mark we're supposed to check in please i believe one one got it there one one [Music] i heard an explosion no it was in arma because they're both uh they went flying oh okay physics thing secondaries zeus is fixing it now all right hold the convoy we need to figure out how to smoothen out the load-ins i don't know why it just [ __ ] chunks this whole server i don't know it does it every single time yeah anytime we proc something everybody just loses frames and it just dumps it's a new problem too it didn't used to always happen i wonder if it's because we're spawning in too much secure the area i've been odin on 3-0 i'm assuming i do have a node and barrett's got to be in here uh the brand new pc of beasts of a pc okay on your way out can you bring a spare truck we'll bring the repair habit and fully repair you so we didn't want to track needed do you have an extra tourniquet you could throw in the uh the truck because i forgot to put one in my kit one one one six one six one one is down roger was that an armor or was that an actual ied over here okay roger can you just zeus everything back together over uh yeah i'll release two confirms it's armor so so since we've been armed next time we hit an ied right ogre one six uh fixing everything ever one four is ready to go copy that one three one two green copy that's heading back one one six are you good one one is green now all right roger get back in formation it says you're good to go keep pushing over yeah we're so close to six starting one message over send it for six reference short c tap grit reference zero three seven one two eight we have one times enemy b and p and two times enemy technical once i get daemon on station can i perform a cast mission over first platoon please take it very slow maintain your distance over negative uh siren uh unable [Laughter] [Music] uh do not cast those uh targets trying like uh one for taking them roger sorry polar is it just the one demon up right now yes correct speaking of they just spotted a heavy armor in somewhere in the the city bmp in techies north of the city yes all right all right first platoon dismount one four push your 114 spf everyone else push northeast of it all right we're at this mountain all right roger one four's on a all move i thought let's just follow behind us as we move up hey lash lash go tag along i'll follow follow them what's your one one six first platoon's moving stick with one four over siren siren uh three one six on your ass uh siren you can see the garrison from this current position correct you see it across the valley at the break almost dead north over we won't er it's it's not north excuse me it's like 20 20 30. you see you see the fob this is one four map the one more spf over yes yeah yeah you see it yeah so just keep an eye on that the second you see hot targets you're good for savage and demon to just [ __ ] level it okay gotcha first platoon first platoon one six be advised the garrison is in line of sight of with us from approximately zero three zero opportunity uh just get eyes on that fob and maintain that for uh usa over it's uh 1300 meters that's one thing i hope they fix in the arma 4. what the anti-aliasing yeah when you look at things through optics anti-aliasing and arma in this engine it's just terrible that would have been me all right first splatoon i want one one on the left flank one two in the center one three on the right flank as we push to objective dynamo hold on face line sword over one two copy one one roger on three copies one four one six do you have eyes on the ao over we have minimal uh visual of the ao with line of sight and a lot of trees blocking that over roger 1-4 uh proceed to a better position at your discretion over roger siren three that's probably the garrison yeah i just proc one six one three one three one six sent roger guys on a zero truck at the garrison behind the hitch buyers uh it has my uh roger one three uh first platoon let's hold we're going to engage with butcher demon and savage assets go ahead and get perimeter security set up and spread out over what's your one one six year clear to fire on garrison as well as cariff check for civilian targets within sheriff over siren three one six your free fires on that garrison over an effect on target for the bradley all right first platoon you may cautiously advance to your initial fighting positions uh make sure that you are well spread out and prepared to take contact over one side one one two copies send your message one three um contacts to the right of the tesco walls near the multi-story savage getting those rounds out i'm assuming that's what that's what i'm hiding but you're one siren one from that same direction you will have two enemy tigers moving up out our first platoon hold we have enemy tigers pushing our position just uh prepare for that initial counter attack cover stain engage over all right one seven just check the line make sure everyone's facing where they need to face and in a good position drop me that siren three one six one six r three siren three you see the multi-story on the eastern side of the objective over go ahead and level that with savage your demon over i've got probably a full squad in that building over yep solid copy i've got five times hg coming in on that hey there's a tiger that just slipped on the right flank so just careful this is one for we're moving to our updated spf marker roger 7316 good effect first platoon first platoon uh one seven is coming along to check the line but uh push to your initial fighting positions and make sure it's a well entrenched position we're gonna hold until this garrison gets leveled and then continue to objective dynamo over one two savage siren three good effect on target infantry targets remaining repeat fire mission over roger one two and one one cross face line sword and push to objective dynamo 1-3 maintain eyes on the garrison over one more good copy one tiger down [Applause] one six is it one four one four one six seven seven we had a scout car roll up our half our squad is wiped right now but we're getting him up right now that will be door marked her over roger one for his butcher able to assist you ever roger he's providing cover roger what is engaging you over we have a vehicle northwest engaging us right now it's a vehicle northwest of them yeah raj i see one times tiger destroyed i think yeah looks like a tiger break sounds like another tiger over the ridge siren 1-6 you see that little mini village to 2-3 on the slope towards us in between us and the gears should mess him up there's a squad there plus an hmg entrenched in in the courtyard go ahead and hit it with something one eight one six until i handle an hmg position that is aiming at zulu stand by over one one eight to one four thirty one hey one eight go get over to one four better for one one it just came out that they had it yeah yeah get over to one four yeah uh take take this vehicle with you hey george george hold up george george yeah i'm gonna get one eight one eight platoon medics loading in he needs to get to one four take him the one four they have mass cash good copy one one and one two rap on dynamo over this is one one uh right now we're all green we have uh russians moving up to our position roger one one and one two whole dynamo do not push zulu yet at this time over uh medic do you choppy he's inbound now in uh 113. on the uh right on the bradley position six or seven friendly's down uh once things just want to we're taking correct contact from objectives roger one two are you able to hold dynamo at this time over uh that's the name all right roger one two continue holding over one three one six seven one three one three are you currently engaged fire mission negative we're disengaged roger one three collapse into objective dynamo and assist one two and one one on holding that over hey firm still two guys on the outer corner hfg's destroyed two times one two members are off on one fourth spot the rest is ching zulu as we speak roger uh one one or one two as soon as objective zulu is cleared can i get like a big blue x on it over good just big blue x uh cleared objectives over two cops shut up one three one six you're still uh in route two dynamo correct over 773 [Applause] 17160 okay one seven is good uh we have four friendly kia at this position uh one eight this is two works casualties here including the squad leader roger make sure that those launchers don't uh you know despawn so if you find a launcher and a dead dude just pick it up over it one seven one six as soon as you tidied up there i need you to push in with the rest of the platoon in objective dynamo and give me a [ __ ] wrap over standby all right silent siren let's move to dynamo [Applause] siren how are uh are we inserts being little bird is it working yeah they're fine through little bird coming into lz sausages okay copy [Applause] first platoon check in when possible over jesus [ __ ] this is 1-1 uh i got two guys down we're working on them right now [Applause] this is one two one [Applause] it's one three we're full green uh [Applause] first platoon be advised we just triggered village over butcher one butcher one one six do you still have good eyes on the ao over i have good eyes on garrison that's about it not car car rift over roger is one four able to move with you and provide you cover as you advance over roger do you feel comfortable pushing into a better uh position to engage tariff proper overall moving off at this time we are treating two types of survivors so roger uh if you could get on one fourth cons and get them to regroup within objective dynamo we'll have them integrate with the squad on reinsert over understood i'll try and find the sl 1-6 send it two one one six send it on 30 over this is one seven on three one four one four sl one four do you copy [Music] sausages we're making our way back to the position how's it looking up here boys understood uh one for a break uh what's your pack count with you over yeah there's a russian here all right over 50. i'm on the right flank now over here [Applause] did you switch over to 31 or 30 overall [Applause] [Music] [Applause] butcher one one six one force combat ineffective and pulling off recommend you integrate with the platoon proper and suck it in on our right flank on a dynamo proper over please say again butcher one one for combat ineffective and he's regrouping with the platoon advise you do the same collapse objective dynamo hot copy [Applause] there's dudes that have uh okay [ __ ] he's in the field rock wall first platoon we are holding this position until it clears up over what the [ __ ] is that now there's so many in the field guff first platoon maintain this position engage and destroy the contacts when it opens up we'll move to zulu over hey watch our right flank make sure we don't get flanked siren does a demon have eyes on our eastern flank demon 17372 demon one interrogative do you have eyes on objection i need a squad that is combat effective sound off one i'm sorry this is six on thirty butcher one butcher one one six advise you slot between objective zulu and objective one for bravo one six roger command one two one zero send it hold uh uh break uh one poor remnant is moving through dynamo their vehicle is still operable but damaged roger do you want them moving to that second platoon isolation mark hey butcher you see you stand by butcher uh two one two one on three one do you read one for hold part of your element is at objective dynamo on the south wall break uh five times packs also inbound to objective dynamo uh south side of two one this is six on three zero roger six uh one six i've linked up with two one on three one over six two one four in the field two inserted sl said he can meet you on three zero if you need him uh just have have him switch over to three one it's gonna get too confusing just uh have two one integrate with uh one three over two one copies one one and one two sit wrap over uh one two two one six one two is currently four men down out of ten starting one message over send it for six yeah this is one one right now we got three guys down working on clearance on costco more guys for more ideas for roger i want you to organize and create a ccp with an objective dynamo so that one one and one two can leave their casualties here while you work on them and then i can move these squads over over one six one four uh one four i need you to just integrate with butcher i pulled butcher into the rest of the platoon as well just uh stay integrated over where is this agm dynamo on the southwest side interior building looks like a good ccp break i just need to know where i need to go to get those one one one two guys one seven one six i'll have a meet you there one one and one two i need you to move your casualties to the ccp that one a and one seven established on the southwest of dynamo how copy one one and one two one more good copy one two good copy you know what direction one six one three mission three send it we got a gmg in place went off to our uh north east side uh can we butcher looking for that yeah roger i'll have butcher maneuver to engage that is it in place or is it a vehicle over i believe it's in place just have audio at the time can't see it put it to shoot roger that hey uh butcher two on the one three so you see where uh one who's that is that one two i've arrived to your position with three times above the blue sheet metal wally we just got smoked out oh [ __ ] oh it's angry yeah it's angry what's your 160 destroy that agm over no worries one three one six we believe we identified and destroyed the agm go ahead and uh test the wall on your north side over copy i'll pick my huge forehead up hey one eight two one seven agl is down on that reason why go ahead and get a lot more ios in here please [Applause] [Music] all right roger one three are you still combat effective all right roger first platoon we're holding until one one and one two get some guys back up over thank you thank you george's seven on one six zero uh receiving cpr no heart rate break as soon as they get a heart rate up i'll move it back to cp over garage is it just these two casualties so far that's it yeah so far holy [ __ ] we had like two or three from one four they were ki one one and one two i need strength count roger this is one one uh we got two guys down working on them otherwise we are effective roger this is one two four guys up uh four guys down still working on them roger one two you'll hold objective dynamo and protect the ccp one one integrate with one three at zulu over one one good copy one two eight four one four one six strength count position [Music] is fully combat effective we are just north west outside of objective dynamo roger one four do you have a good base of fire into care of proper from that position over negative we have to move further northwest if we're gonna get visual over [ __ ] yeah roger one four just hold what you got for now i'll have you here with butcher uh stand by i do you see that uh ruined building to your front over next time i'll roger i see it all right uh go ahead and you'll bound to that by buddy team as uh as we push up on the right i'll let you know when it crosses coming back domino [Applause] excuse me two one one six go for two one two one are you effective at uh zulu over hey firm i got two on zulu more moving in now all right roger that one three do you feel prepared to continue break to foxtrot aor over [Music] copy yeah one three's gonna rally up and we're gonna move uh we have our m1 support us all right roger take it very slow over um probably all medics are going to need resupply here in uh roger can you organize or can you organize that with ogre copy that is ogre available on 3-0 they should be if they're paying attention over it i understand i'll try and get a hold of him uh break please here at the ccp one one one six we advise you have 1k at the ccp over good copy one eight two one six short range one six and a one eight update on tcp all three casualties are up still 1k nice job uh zeus nice job thank you sir uh let me see if i can get some free supply for you i'm gonna hop on the uh company first platoon does anyone's vehicle have medical resupply over one six one tree vic we have bandages and i believe a little bit of blood a little bit of plasma roger one one two one three and one uh one two vic go back to the uh ccp the medics there need resupply one three vic continue using it to push [Applause] that's definitely [ __ ] interact one four one six did you just eat that indirect over all right hq and siren just fysc i'm pushing the zulu we took out one btr that rolled into the west of our position over this is assassin on 3-0 for any ogre send it [Applause] one seven i have one two victor moving back to the ccp with blood and bandages what else do you need over uh medic needs i o i o or iv over really close echo are you uh you good moving it this is one three can you guys hold on uh gl's or anything one seven ogre on three zero send it ogre this is it standby one six this is butcher one the wig in their maneuvers requesting medical resupply rogers who is this who am i integrated with right now okay is are all you guys here most of them my medics are at the ccp helping with them and i got five all right pull your medic over here one eight should be fine all right uh ben if you guys are good to move off so that's some good objective zulu as soon as you get the rest of your guys go ahead and regroup with one three uh they're to your front at that building you see them yeah we're covering them covering their north uh west flank yeah copy as soon as your guys are all grouped up here again just push got it one one and one two sit rep over and uh i think the entire squad is good to go copy one two i need you to push to one three and then reinforce them as they continue to objectively uh we are all up in green roger 1-1 move to assist 1-4 they just took a beating over one more good copy [Music] yeah roger i've won four supported by 1-1 in butcher at this time three and one two and two one are making a push in from foxtrot aor over understood damn it's a good one what's the status on demon and savage damage is up demon one is up demon two might come up shortly all right raj [Applause] what's up man well i mean we're doing pretty good he's okay i'm not gonna complain uh requesting a prep a prep for resupply on ammo massive ammo resupply at resupply and medical resupply after keraf has been controlled over solid not sure [Music] yeah two on each squad [ __ ] all the time all right [ __ ] it uh let's go what we got all right siren oh what was that hmg on the right start moving into foxtrot copy one three one six you're taking hmg farm from the east northeast do you see it over copy uh yeah depend on one of our guys we're working on it yeah i love it i [ __ ] love roman history if you die this is once you have our squad pushing to one three so we're uh one two one six roger that's about like nice glutes one six one three hmg's dead roger one three i've i've two one moving to your current position hold until they get there then start clearing uh from foxtrot west to lima how copy over what is your current position i'm with two one pushing the one three into fox aor over catch up with you himself nice civilian uh resupply has arrived from uh ogre for medical 20 is considering moving to ccp for recovery yeah roger uh stand by let me see if i can grab you a 113. first platoon who's 113 is operational has space for supplies [Music] vic has room for supplies all right roger 1-1 move your victor back to the ccp one eight will be there waiting he's going to have the crates and everything moved up and pushed the ccp forward over one solid copy did you copy that yeah i was actually just about to move the ccp up to zulu yeah roger you can probably push it even into foxtrot at the first buildings by the time that 1-1 victor gets to you over you said foxtrot aor yeah one eight one six reference ccp to mark or near it over copy that i see it thank you to one i recommend you start uh spreading the [ __ ] out before we hit another mortar over [Applause] first platoon i know uh it's a little late but if you could mark cleared buildings with green dots on the map i'd love you forever and every log my squad is moving alongside 1-1 right now over that's the thing roger that one for it oh no this this alley is a death trap i killed like 24 russians yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of action in the city holy [ __ ] yeah you know we came in from the west last time it worked pretty well [Applause] first platoon fantastic job taking care of it all right one one and one three i need you to or scratch one one and one four clear lima aor towards the center towards golf [Music] roger two one two one three do you need help one eight two one six short wrench is this guy okay yeah he's all right cool send it one six you send it one eight i've moved up to ccp2 along with uh siren disregard along with uh ogre medical movement this is what you want six one six six one six okay this is does she get my last transmission six one six i don't know maybe six this is one seven on three zero do you copy six is afk okay all right who who just answered that call uh this is over six is afk currently roger ogre one six requesting that massive a t plus ammunition resupply to the ccp two at tariff time now over [Applause] first platoon massive resupply inbound to the ccp2 i'm at the wall next thing you know i'm on the ground holy [ __ ] lag dude frame rate the tfl stuff is private and it's just hard to disseminate tfl stuff i actually don't know how like private it is i'd love to use tfl stuff but it's just too much work do you want to push the village next okay firm copy i'll start marking it up and then you can allocate accordingly lovely yeah so after i did my regular timeline all right yeah considering that cell's checking they're going very smoothly morocco and then the other one three i need strength count and we end like just oh yeah thank you general ace counts over ace reports heading back to the ccp we should be good in the supplies we brought her on and so we're going to replay off that there's one two one times i sell down uh we're good on all people like we are now this is a 1-4 my squad is all reinserted and we are green over yeah this is 2-1 i'm eight-man strong in the field i love when people are down so it gives me some things to do yeah which direction we pushing are we still pushing west this is one one on the map here uh we got nine guys one guy down i believe one of my men is still moving to one eighth pause we're like ahead of these guys my little [ __ ] why is everyone running in place [ __ ] it's called looks like they're to our west what are they doing over there one six this is butcher one we're gonna actually beat for ammunition um some repairs over uh oh uh break break a lot of us are having uh desync and lag issues right now uh-oh way better now my squad's reporting a lot of d-sync as well hmm everyone hold still hmm very quiet [Music] stalker five steve wise you're coming in broken uh but readable this is butcher one uh stock five you are coming in broken unreadable over send your message server is chugging like that one movie with sandra bullock where everybody just starts dropping one where you can't look around i think that's the movie how's the server doing yeah rogers can you see me move smoothly i'm sorry um move to your right no you're just you're kind of like sidestepping in place there you go it's happening a little bit of a delay i can hear you now you're just walking on thin air am i walking smoothly or am i teleporting around for you you're working relay to my position with the repair helmet hey uh requesting company hold for this uh this desync is getting a little weird over it the thing is the server isn't chugging i don't know what's happening is it lag it could be in a battle group is that what that is yeah yeah battle groups just fun that could do it no i'm getting the hostile incoming forces popping up but hmm the server isn't the server is running at 40 fps though i don't know what's happening i don't really see anything oh i didn't receive i didn't receive no message for 10 seconds yeah rolling through now isn't it uh maybe people are really slow internet maybe they're just they're just now getting kicked off because of the battle group spawning maybe what's the server it's it's uh it's network it's not it's not server it's network some something with the networks going on maybe the same people who hack discord hacked [ __ ] bohemia that's a prime target no it's not it's like uh it's network lag it's not even like processing lag well i checked those i mean i'll take away we could try restarting i mean this is a good restart point a whole bunch of dudes just spawned to the northwest about two minutes ago so that's that's got to be the either the defense of that position well we triggered village a long time ago yeah no i know and then i got a message just now about what two minutes ago saying it had proc again interesting interesting we might we might just restart all right company we might just fast reset the server this is a good stopping point anyways and uh we'll regrouping careful um [Music] is water guard on comms i haven't heard anybody uh i think we're good now we got people moving around like normal oh really yeah this is one when i feel good me tony just put out a message saying standby for server fix oh wait who put out a message meet pony oh okay so we know what was the problem i guess so he didn't say though hey uh move around people get kicked off from battle eye oh yeah no it works now yeah we're good okay all right first let's see we're we're good now all right company one six we're good now that was really awkward one six roger we got eight guys still okay we're good i wonder what what caused that okay all right one once uh first platoon one six who's combat effective one two is still combat effective uh around eight strong okay this is uh it's a one four we're combat effective my squad's clearing out lima aor right now over one one and one three check in over it one one common defective eight strong one three three i see checking in one three seven yeah our squad lead and two ic both scott dc'd i'm stepping up roger one three uh you'll hold this pause um i'm gonna have one two and one one and one four push phase line uh spear into phase line acts over six can you send over two one two one six currently six strong in the field roger two one you'll follow uh those forward troops into phase line axe over okay well server didn't die so i'm happy stalker this is six on thirty i've known which one uh but whoever had to just crash um it's apparently ogre is telling me that that is a uh an odyssey back online i'm back at fob though the building should be cleared uh i believe uh [Music] uh there should be like four i would say just ping one one one two and one four you guys all got that call to push to axe correct roger one two copies the server lagging again spotted a gmg emplacement just northwest of lima aor over hold up we got another dc going on what's happening let me let me get in comments with these guys [Music] so what exactly is happening isn't dying like it's not a processing dying it's it's it feels like a network issue uh i mean pull up the rpt hold on uh i can you check the uh can you check the usage on the network on the box yeah i'm just getting in right now let's see if that's exploding right now uh it could be an isp thing too i'm having issues just even remoting to the box right now yeah if that's what i'm saying it feels like a network problem it doesn't feel like uh the server can't handle it yeah it's like it's like you're going through and the uh the compat like a throughput is just way reduced i wonder if ddos is or like um if the data is getting throttle or something some [ __ ] yeah so it feels like i can't even can't even connect to the box of rdp right now how do you guys want this handled if we get it back with everybody with the diesel gmg to our north west kicked i i would be okay with tps in this specifically yeah yeah i i would even um hmm were you able to get in the box nope still trying yeah it's definitely a network problem i don't know where where abouts the now we move the uh teamspeak to the same box there's a different box nope that's the dev box so that's why the team speaks working completely fine um i can't even get in to restart it i don't know it's it's got to be some problem down the line yeah either an issue with the isp for yeah with the isp or some other like weird than that it's like pretty much gonna be out of our control yeah let me check something hmm oh there we go i got kicked i'm stuck receiving big oops oh yeah it's a it's a network error someone with the data center the isp the this i don't know what it is but uh it's the data center and probably the houses haven't been fed it's because it's not it's not processing lag it's uh it's network lag but i don't know what it feels a lot different right and uh oh yeah this network like good luck figuring out where oh [ __ ] the server that i can see anyways hold up let me see uh if other things are getting ddos or network problems yeah well finally through the box it could have just been maybe a really bad network hiccup because now it's acting snappy checking right now there was a lull and then it kicked back in again so i'm wondering yeah um i would imagine aw and has ddos protection right yeah i know i think uh i i doubt it's ddos to be blunt um it it it's a data center problem because uh yeah no it's it's let me a lot of people in now right now you've got people rejoining the server so that's good i mean the server still i watch karma pass out um performance seems a little bit better yeah i think like half servers trying to come back right now yeah i think just uh give another shot karma i think it was probably just uh like they could have been falling back to a secondary like a secondary isp all right we're looking at right now hang on i've got the man in charge looking into it right now send traffic are you still in who is it running now yeah i'm still hanging one second and i will respond yeah maybe let's move around some guys are able to move around but no we're good we're moving uh karma it seems okay at the moment yeah i put you know i i don't know how long it'll last okay all right um martin's looking into it but uh it is definitely a a larger problem all right i'm gonna definitely get back in all right look have fun okay um hello barrett hey what's up nova you have an idea what's going on what's his name okay hello can you hear me or something all right well server seems to be running fine now all right sir is giving those juicies no apaches no guys in the big open area we'll get you out there butchers no nothing yeah we'll insert you at a light speed oh i didn't know i'm going to put this via teleportation wait are we going to restart from the very beginning no no no no no no no you're getting teleported to carrift and we just took the capitol over there took the city which is great some more lack yes i mean at least we took the city before everyone died yeah it's perfect that's that was like best case scenario for uh mass dc i guess you guys won't be needing to be supply crates soon no i think you still take it out there that's gonna be necessary soon enough i'm assuming this is one seven on three one because you would send it out there with you guys once you're allowed point seven one six step in there uh one six we advise we got the remnants of one four one two one three one one that are in the area holding uh here at uh lima aor golf aor uh just chillin for uh waiting for folks to come back over roger we're getting these uh tps set up right now pony could i uh can we start getting these rolling jester uh i think he's doing it yeah coming from the scene all right stock wall now taking off what just did someone just [ __ ] collapse what the hell was that uh the one actually you know i can just move myself sorry beat me up oh that's that's not fair okay all right uh one six who is combat effective in the uh ao over give me a quick report i just need to run down the line here why do i hear an engine out there you hear an engine out there on six yeah gentlemen still operating in the ao all right roger we'll just hold and wait for the the teleports over this is going to where we're doing this dc are you guys just pulling us at random i mean the tp my bad it's like everybody just got teleported all right sl is checking when you're good all right let's move over uh marco can i get you green dude yeah oh it's let me uh this is 2-1 strong push into phase line x roger uh two one take center this is one tree roger one three take right this is one two still waiting for my guys to be tp sega that was one four over all right guys one two i said this is one two okay roger tv this one for ten strong and one four plus roger one four hold at a tariff until further yeah one four do you want to move the ccp again since we're advancing uh no need no casualties yet we'll hold it here because we're we're going to bounce over to garrison anyways i do know that ogre they loaded up a supply crate back at fob that's got a bunch of goodies in it so if that rolls out later on it's going to be very helpful one three go ahead and make that movement over it cop it out just rock enough before we settle all right let's go wait why why is oh god behind us why is this uh i don't know why this is butcher one just leaving the photo we'll be back on station shortly there we go oh [ __ ] one six one four receiving fire west northwest of one four five one floor get over there and help the left flank one four one six get over on the left length one for left flank why did i get teleported what's this is the one you do not mean to get teleported 300 meters behind where it was [Music] [Applause] you wanna just go ahead and throw it down here now since we now we have go for it sounds like it's on the left southwest south sounds like it's on the west side over yep hey firm looks like we got a detonation looks like it got a hit i'm looking for friendly casualties hey one seven this is one eight seven traffic i'm about to set up a third tcp over here on my planet understood good market break i've got one casualty over here i'm going to move and check out anyone after that gmg over i'm pretty sure one more took the front of it yeah this is one more we're doing okay one two all up two one two one one ready for one one be advised we have some kind of harvard vic to our west possibly a btr to your northwest yeah roger one tree copies that's to our west side west hey it's good job with the ccp's by the way thank you very much trying to stay current sit rap first what's in a 1-1 we're still green uh we did take some gmg fire once you were all green got some baseline axe starting our push one six over and d0 1-3 green uh we're an objective uh hex right now it's the only angle we could push two one one six what's your pause what's your pause we are just east of the bmp marker roger two one this one 4 here we're 200 meters away from the 1-4 pass to the west we're taking over shot from suspected btr west of kirkfield we're experiencing mass producing take it real slow guys still getting hit with network problems zero two one one six two one one go six two one two one one six loop around to the right and regroup with one three on the northeast side over two copies was that one four one four one six seven four one four one four regroup inside uh the village with one one and work with one one on the inside of the village left side but inside the village over this is one side this is one three we're taking a mass cast we have both two ic and sl one two rog one eight you have anything set up here yeah i have the ccp marked up that's about it all right copy just remove the mark we'll push the ccp into the actual village looks like they got enough secured one six one four multiple engine sounds are front one two one uh six we're inbound right now with one eight to set up the ccp near your paws over this is butcher one being be destroyed over one six over one t zero one six ogre well where do you want the first one is over top of you oh you can drop it and careful proper over copy one two one six do you uh have an eye on one threesome pause over uh [Applause] roger first platoon be advised ccp is gonna be established a couple buildings east of one two's kara paws over all right zeus let's get this ccp set up uh probably in this building here one six point four we have a little bit of a hill here we're providing overwatch to the entire west side [Applause] first platoon ccp established in care village check check your map who's effective who's not over this is one two we only have one down we're affected what's up this one 4 we're fully effective uh south of obj gold 50 meters one two one six you're tasked with finding one three and offering them eight and getting them back to the ccp over what's your copies [Music] all right ccp's established 1 8 and there's a couple buildings in the southeast we're covering the north side of our position at the moment we took uh quite heavy contact though it seemed to build down at the moment sl was down at the time okay this is one seven back on net uh what's going on uh we're just mopping them up here one three has a slight masquez but uh one [Applause] siren 3 still with me send it all right you're good one six one four messages we're approaching west side of obj bismuth uh compounded zero three one one three two uh still fire team size threat inside that building roger all right whoever is effective i need you to move back to uh carrift proper if you're ineffective go to the ccp over what's happening can you start clearing up like almost all these markers all right first material once again that's all effective moving back to care of proper ineffective hold up the ccp we're going to reorganize and get medicaled up and then push to garrison over uh one copies low [Music] six one six [Music] siren one six sent over siren one six any active fire missions over affirmative uh [Music] negative brownies you here buddy brownies in here first platoon belay my last if you are effective move to first platoon regroup northeast if you're ineffective hold up the ccp over uh one two copies one of our medics just went down so we're working to get them back up launch your coffees uh where's the radio point come on oh there it is blue one all right uh this is one seven reference uh northeast of ccp three on the northwest side of tariff garrison first between regroup over copy guys on one six this is butcher one what's your one one six ten my plans are to move up to that first team regroup i can probably rally our relay infirtary as well over uh one one six one four request what's your one one six i copy what's your uh 147 one six one four can you send ogre to retrieve our vehicle in our crate uh we left the behind the carafe south of the original ccp check objective dynamo roger ogre one six i need two vehicles for pickup at objective dynamo there is a one one three and a one one six one of the vehicles is injured and will require repair or tow of it copy that russian 85 degrees outside the building right side 2-1 to butcher range a thousand a thousand i see him it's pretty obvious otherwise that there's no way i would have seen him two one to butcher siren one six two one this is butcher hover siren 1-6 7-1-6 reference that multi-story building on the south-southeast side of the garrison can you hammer that till it's down over first platoon first platoon be advised as you proceed to first platoon regroup marker there is a minefield marked on map approximate savage rounds may have gone wide so please give the minefield good birth on the west northwest over one two copies one for receive one three copies uh one eight this is one seventh i hate once that was bad uh one eight were able to resupply yeah since i dc'd i'm still pretty fresh i understood and i believe ogre should have left the medical resupply and stuff here next to ccp3 where i'm at i understand uh first platoon be advised savage is currently nailing the multi-star building on garrison over one six is one two we're pushing up the first platoon regroup line now uh uh one eight how's the ccp look uh it's pretty good we only got one casualty down right now we do have one with broken arm that needs to go back to fob uh one six one four uh we've recovered our vehicle and uh we're regrouping it with us 1416. uh that is danger close i haven't heard any traffic on 3-0 in quite a while yeah i think the six disconnected we lost a couple people when this were chugged hey ogre this is one eight at ccp3 send it are you coming back to take one more broken oh wait was that wait what that was for ogre oh you you that that calls on 160 ogre's not on this net oh my bad hits wrong one second all right who's effective at the regroup two one is one four and a regroup balance of one one is one one and two one begin your push butcher will cover with one floor over roger one two once you get up here you can begin your push one four and put your uh we'll provide overwatch what's your one six i've got first platoon moving to garrison move as needed to get overwatch on their assault over let's just take it straight south shouldn't be hardly any resistance but can't be too careful one eight two one three lr second repeat last one go ahead uh we don't have space in our vehicle roger that that's fine thank you though did everyone else get more spread out damn i thought they were all close together all right let's start pushing off now then all right well one stop pushing one six seven siren did you level that multi story over i think i did yes if you hear a vic it's friendly 1-4 do you still have good eyes over the platoon i'm assuming you're losing us if you are just continue with us yeah we're northeast the 1-1 rp right now by about 150 meters in we got our pick with us right now uh this time no i've got first platoon pushing in hold on all five missions over that's an ak by the way 1416 send that last part your transmission over uh yeah we got our vehicle with us we're about 200 meters behind butcher right now we've got eyes on infantry in the garrison we're engaging four one six roger you just took an rpg from the garrison over [ __ ] one foreign [Applause] the boys clear up the first couple buildings a little [Applause] [Applause] yeah somewhere 1a we'll probably need a ccp after these guys get the first couple of compounds yeah roger that one takes everybody to move up trying to get these crates loaded with political supplies what's the hold up here copy that watch out that is friendly butcher one for we got friendlies one four one six please check fire we're pushing the village what's your one what's your one cease fire well for we have a thermal camera on the rear one for acknowledged thanks one six microliters over what's your one you're good oh man all right let's go door kickers i don't see an entrance to the around the left send that last uh one tree's full green we're moving into garrison now all right there one three all right first platoon we're gonna try to get the shrunken valley but i thought we'll get there in four mics over after we capture garrison right right okay let's clear along this wall [ __ ] stamina on one push into the compound start clearing buildings one six one four we can move out on our own vehicle and move to that cap roger one four uh push and see if you can engage targets at distance i'll send butcher coming in sagan didn't understand that last ever northeast [Music] there might be some stuff down here in the south southeast instead of tcp there hopefully we have the first section of garrison cleared if you want to shuffle it that far up and this building at uh 165 sorry there's also someone in this building reloading reloading hold on both of you take that door what do you take that door you have to clear out that far though i'm good i'm good take that door take that to you now [Applause] if you want to move to the north side to meet me there i can set up the ccp and patch you copy standby and mendix you medic i'm pushing up medic pushed up yeah i'm still album with the uh i think this is one two on the far side here copy that uh one eight where did you want me there's a green dot to the north of korea moving to the quad dot northwest drag out yeah right about there i'm moving northeast now yeah just hold your paws there i'm coming to you friendly sort of pile of rocks dude yeah he's probably one six one three we're on body now we should stop the cat i'm not behind you one eight one three one six watch clear those are down on the other side second floor clear only clear we just steamrolled this place yep a couple of gl oh [ __ ] he's down there he's down there he's still down there behind that rubble on the north side north west side what the [ __ ] oh do you think [Music] all right he's dead triple a shooting up the valley southeast at us in the low ground on him one three one six are you all right yeah one three was in a circle but we got yeah we're they're pushing us hard right now roger one three hold one four and butcher will try to assist butcher one six i've got one three on the north side of shoren um wait which are you alive what do you mean butcher's down do you have eyes on butcher properly first platoon uh is everyone effective is effective right now one two's effective only one down what's up all right first platoon as you can hear one three's in a [ __ ] [ __ ] show on the east everyone needs to double time at the shore in village and assist one four if you're combat ineffective leave your casualties at the ccp we need to go there's an mbt at the mosque in shorn valley roger 1-4 can you engage in destroy uh might be too far for us but we'll give it a shot siren 1-6 step off eastward valley back up 1-3 [Music] siren 1-3 demon in the air over there one four one six can you engage those armored assets at all over i should have a [ __ ] job on sex aren't one two enemy lines out yeah we're uh we're gonna get uh we're gonna get the stinger out now a couple multiple helicopters oh my [ __ ] god dude siren one six any possible demon uh on station ready to lift there are 2k 58. that's not a [ __ ] infantry vehicle that's so [ __ ] spread out spread out southeastern it's an mi8 with rockets put your one one six sit rap over uh this is butcher one i lost my uh driver syrup on the vehicle itself over uh currently our engine is red but everything else is green roger butcher i need you to prioritize enemy uh armored assets secondary priority is gonna be the air over all right copy that uh one six one seven one seven senate uh we've set up ccp4 on the north side of garrison one eight uh has had supplies offloaded break uh i'm on my way back to the front over yeah this is this is amazing uh what is your current pots one second uh one seven uh one six we're pushing hard for butcher and one four's position to assist them one three is currently trapped in chiron valley over copy that [Music] as soon as you get casualties fixed up push it all the way east we're we're hauling no one's here yet but i heard some were coming here copy then i'll leave you here you have a vehicle correct this is two one calling for one three one four one six six rep two times helicopters down i think i'm here in a third roger how does uh do you have eyes on one three in the village negative i gotta get back to the vantage point siren one three or siren one six uh commence a loom fires over shoren valley over roger 140 you have italian remaining armored assets in the village over suspected arnold cannon is east northeast my position for mirrored uh nothing else at the rest of time a suspected uh suspected light arms shooting at us yeah that's a lot of [ __ ] shooting vtr rolling up on us i think right now all other uh one uh first platoon units how many uh ats sets we got okay probably one four's got about two lats uh too long that's about it one two's got about three sticks [Music] one seven has one saw you gotta three times eighty roger two one all right hold up one one you will push and support one four's position proper two 2-1 i need you on the north side of 1-4 we'll have your position marked uh standby two uh one two will also have your position marked south of one four how copy over two one moving i see send again for one seven one three did you guys all respond yet over who are we again if you find a good spot for a ccp let me know please 616 one six roger uh as soon as i get first platoon online i need that crate move to one fourth position asap over where's that bastard i see him on my lace on my lace i'm a lace right here he's on my lace you see his ass [ __ ] give me a saw or a [ __ ] lmg to mow this dude down no name light them up i honestly can't see this guy right now you have nods we got him laced assassin's creed one this is one seven on three one all right he's down he's down he's down he's down he's easy he's is it is it that's it that's it keep going yeah he's down is there another one not not that i can see one one are you still able to make it to one fourth position proper over yeah roger one one's up there with one four [ __ ] help what's your one we're getting nailed by an ags device uh negative not at this time i'll uh scratch that ajs down i believe that uh ajs is destroyed over yeah copy [Applause] be advised we have a gmg cutting off position before we advance uh 2-1 butcher just destroyed that agm over thank you [Applause] 10. hey you see one four anyone in one four up hey there's a casualty over here is this guy dead covered thank you sir hey i need someone from 1-4 did they all die where's b-car butcher interactive is that btr that's the one three's vehicle disarm destroyed uh it is on smoking but i can see the driver turning the wheels right now so but i don't see it shooting anything you have rounds to [ __ ] pop that [ __ ] uh i may damage the 113. this is one two that is the least of my concerns at this point in time [Applause] who's effective and ready to push in ready to push in one two begin your movement all other elements holding cover one two [Applause] i've got a butcher out here that's in desperate need of re uh repair after we control shore and over 100 degrees one two one six you have enemy infantry coming down off the hill towards your position how copy over here uh this is one two three direction please okay one two they should be directly east north east almost to the bottom of the valley over [Applause] no need picking him up please stand up please run away from me because if you go down we have no leadership holy crap we got something coming down the main msr sounds like a bfb yeah do we have any jabs or [ __ ] carl gustavs southeast police hey there's uh this body on the rock has a ton of [ __ ] rounds like he rounds like heat rounds you need to pull off him one seven one six seven off the rock actually this is butcher one i'm rtv at this time i'm managing your left leg left leg bleeding stops roger one four do you see that mbt or whatever the [ __ ] it is coming out of the msr that got called out over uh what's the direction from our i don't [ __ ] know it got called out on a platoon cops north northeast you copied that one fourth one eight where did you set up the ccp currently directly [Music] and if we got stalker running we could possibly even use lz juliet as a castback barack this is yours i'm stitching here it's yours you put it in the wrong vic it's going to be a bit 45 seconds all right siren one six sun over i advise you move the uh new juliet lz south to the new lz marker over four i'm sorry thank god we're good to go move juliet to the new lz marker 2 1 1 4 reference mark on that [Applause] north of shore valley all right i need [ __ ] reps here i got them hold on [Applause] ten seconds uh one four's engaged in the mbt they've taken a handful of casualties uh that infantry unit to our south got hit uh but most most folks are combat effective they are quite grouped up around that rock formation great just hold on you got pretty messed up and you opened it 2-1-1-4 uh be advised it's a javelin out shot away one four one seven was that a hit over that was a hit he is standing there i don't oh and he's not yeah [Applause] establish west side on the reverse slope this is once you be advised we are starting to push down from our position into shoring valley movement one two one six stretch don't move yet either because i still gotta stitch you up again yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] roger we just hit it with a jab unless you're talking about a separate mbt over 140 you have enough at to handle this i got a couple more jf rounds we have uh carl just off on standby one for scanning for that mbt siren one six in relation to the wreck where's the new mbt over i'm looking for it peter what's up oh he's hella up that hill he's hella up the hill he's gotta be way up the hill like can we even see him on this angle watch my lace looking for lace stand by cinderlace cinderella's inlays he's behind the smoke stack moving right to left side i lost him behind the smoke i lost him behind the smoke he's moving right to the left at bearing zero three six range 1300 meters on my he's like directly behind the smoke at this point in time hold up let me clear your [ __ ] black but hey clear it clear it clear it clear clear you're clear clear clear firing firing firing oh i lost it takes a moment to come on down two one to one six good hit bingo gonna be good in four second b car catastrophic good kill you're good one two one six syrup how goes your push over thanks for the heads up mbt destroyed the [ __ ] up down [Music] they're getting [ __ ] shredded down there in the gully over alright we got one more good copy roger hey let's scrounge for more uh jackpots check all the vehicles and stuff loaded everything to that crate one eight one seven i got one more jab around but i got a bunch of more ones how you doing on medical supplies [Music] yes let me take them all around or you could uh no you don't care anymore can you mark that one one second are you where are you right next to me yeah carry a moss around or try to find around come back to where i almost died oh yeah i'm here tires below you all right you see him right there in the gully there's malta is uh sorry i'm turning the mg on go ahead and the gully right here one second you said one two correct yeah yep okay raj i see him he's picking him up right now there's two more dead like bleeding out like right in front of him i'm on the way uh one eight this is one seven uh [Music] we're gonna move down and assess triage uh some dead folks wounded folks to the southeast over there at the base of the valley looks like they took several uh wounded in action one eight gonna need you down there one hundred percent tim foreign oscar mike uh one-eight might be safer to bring the vic over last one six seven here drive down there over yeah i'm oscar mike siren one six you have eyes on that battle room pushing the radio tower over this mountain i'll try and find it this is one three video check out one three one six welcome back what's your pause uh current i think s cell four one three i got two of us equating me one one this is one seven do you have an estimated casualties at that position over hey karma i got seven guys here okay uh this is one one uh it looks like one two's in masquez i'm relaying uh t one seven there's still one casualty up on that hill that i think the guy down there missed choppy uh i'm approaching the cash site now where is the other casualty can you direct me yeah start pushing towards break one two zero yeah we got our eyes on it we moved to one two zero i see him yep at the top of the hill hey firm we are taking indirect out here and there may be contact directly south who's driving in uh whoever's sending the mech down there do not do that i've got platoon mike down there already over here i was like no two all copies on you for some reason oh geez i thought you were talking to yourself there for a second 2-1 uh continue pushing into the valley proper and clear out those buildings in the objective over 1-4 i want something good [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that was that was [ __ ] bright geez it's still orange um nova tried to carry it but it wasn't i'm gonna assume because it wasn't red and it only like brings it up one level acknowledged ben how you fixed brammo see green tracers come out that building though uh possible contact right over the flare is that from your enemy down there on the building that's very best friendly family friendly that's friendly so who's hitting then from the left then all right one four i know it's cool there's two ones on the left i think that's remnants of one one and one two pushing that villa yeah it looks uh come in we've like two wounded in action here and one unresponsive we're still treating since that change we'll drive the vic up to the top of the hill over which top of the hill over here uh we're gonna drive it to the west of ccp but if you want us to move east we can yeah you can move east and set up a ccp there we've got friendly forces to secure the first two compounds oversaid hey shepherd i'll take the uh left side of the rock if you want to take the right side yeah i mean i don't think gonna have anything bad happening right now wait a jinx [ __ ] watch three amputees come on i'm moving into charon valley time now i got one jab around my guy hey no playing [ __ ] music all right let's collapse it [Music] i'll call back okay the next [Music] all right first platoon regroup inside shore and valley prop forever this is one seven do we know what that explosion was on the north side of shoran 3-1 over [Applause] is it time [Applause] solid copy command one seven on one one six zero uh update uh one eight has got three times casualties in the updated ccp mark going down time now on tron valley over roger siren one six siren one six on three zero players yeah i think so pretty command six one six on three zero get it because everyone [ __ ] did send it for six six one six what kind of airframes we got we're just moving under our own uh let me go check and i will get back to you yukari you gotta drive around good right how many other travelers one hopefully uh some other guys grab the small also 1605 we also have a cast little bird that i believe is being built at alpha okay roger what kind of stalker assets we got over cappy sorry i didn't know if you heard uh siren said over radio i didn't know if you heard uh we have we have one times apache one times blackhawk and one times littlebird roger do we have any uh stalker heavies available at all uh let me check on the road again you just can't wait to get out of the way come on what do you think do you want to pull out yeah i'm thinking reset copy uh uh six hills all right battle is moving towards us medics pull whoever's down inside of the compound gunshots east don't know friendly this is one seven on three one can i get an ace count from each of the first platoon squads casualties and ammo this is one one one one's gonna need resupply five five six two four nine how are we on ammo consciousness give me a second six one six i'm asking because i'm preparing to take the uh element off target over one three this is uh other larger airframes he gets savage to [ __ ] nuke that radio tower i've got one times yes squad plus one tiger ever do i have an element that still has a vehicle one for his vehicle 160 advice enemy infantry close southeast corner yeah roger i'm trying to figure this out there's no way we make that [Applause] one four one six uh i'm gonna have you push the radio tower that's under attack i need you to hold short probably about 400 meters off of it um so we're going to hold till i need you to move to the marker i'll put down savage is going to [ __ ] annihilate that target you're going to move and secure it over one for example holding short the one that j ball's in uh this is one two we're currently only three strong uh both of our medics just got reinstated lz juliet roger first platoon set up security around shore and valley uh defend against the counter attack i spot one times enemy infantry squad south on the radio tower plus tiger and enemy infantry dispersed to our east moving towards us how copy all over uh [Music] ah break break break a [ __ ] butcher butcher close on your uh nine o'clock nine to ten o'clock coming down the hill one time's btr over all right uh [ __ ] snatch up first platoon first platoon we have a btr at our previous support by fire position west over there's a btr to the west uh [ __ ] echo pullback all right first pretend she's [ __ ] everyone hunger down to set up security please one one six one four we're going to go back we got to get our correct crate and then we're going to move out to the 140 roger 1 4 be advised there's a btr uh 82 a on the previous position over here oh my god oh yeah i see it let's see what's the range siren one six malay that last on the [ __ ] uh hg on radio tower over here is that our vehicle there's another one one for mass guys one for mass guys engaging west [Applause] hey so uh we only have one times blackhawks that can do are you planning on uh doing a full extract can you give me how many people are in first place like 40 people [Applause] expect contact from all directions over [Applause] this is one seven need an ace report [Applause] one four do copy to be pulled down at this time one you moving up to the position uh this one four i'm still evaluating that mask at least two dead right now put your butcher butcher same road that that btr came from we're taking a shulker fire over hey guys get up here where did these [ __ ] guys come from all the first platoon please hunker down and entrench yourself what's up crossfit in front of you it's a zu truck who's texting me i can't make out at all here you're getting this short anybody got a lot it's a uh it's a zu truck it's an open cu truck butcher's got him [Applause] i want to know where the [ __ ] these guys came from [Applause] what [ __ ] hit us [Applause] first platoon i've got tiger and enemy infantry on the northeast now over [Music] [Applause] two all copies were engaging hey over to the northeast you see that white smoke start looting put your one below the villa uh to your east over oh jesus [ __ ] bro as soon as you caught that btr we got a little buy the btr oh [ __ ] that's close that's close that's hella close yes you do i gotcha i'm going to be back buddy i'm over here guess what i'll get him going there you go i got you some blood 12 seconds i'll start working on karma where's one of six one six down he's uh is there's meta okay armor that we need to be aware of right now can you stitch him please yeah yeah i got it and he's got it stitch [Music] he's got a heart we're getting like flanked from every direction we lose [ __ ] big guns is that fast mover did i just [ __ ] see a fast mover uh i just saw a fast mover in the ao company over 1-4 fast mover just saw him on the fast mover we're out of uh we're out of stingers over here i'm out of anti-air over so we're trying to take it off from bob this is what just happened to that element dude these jets are like winging the [ __ ] out 1 sixth this is six uh one times fast we were down um getting reports for a second one yeah roger i i have eyes on the second one yo what the [ __ ] these kamikaze jets i'm so confused i'm i i don't even know it's [ __ ] happening anyway butcher116 be advised these jets are like flying dangerously close over we have no response we have no aaa to that jack i just heard another autocannon to the [ __ ] east too roger i just heard another autocannon to the east as well over one this one foreign roger how did you shoot those down over uh we have the uh the stinger uh emplacement here roger i can't believe i can [ __ ] see the fog from here roger that first platoon both fast movers down power of view distance yo did you guys realize we need to see home from here oh really yeah the fog is like right like all the way out there in the distance i think i see the lights let you know whenever he needs that pickup yeah we're still dealing it's still hot as [ __ ] to bring anything in here ever [Applause] as soon as we catch a lull i'ma call you out as soon as we can catch a lull i'ma call you out but we've got a battle group pushing in first splatoon uh prepare for another battle grouping coming from the northeast one four we might have a reprieve go ahead and start entrenching over all right six one six send that resupply out of it uh do you need the resupply or you need the send a resupply out i'm going to destroy this battle group and then we'll pull off target over sod copy ogre you copy all your copies this one for we got any eyes on that armor native it was an auto cannon dp stover need help yep there's that [ __ ] auto cannon oh [ __ ] hey that's an ak in the north heads up boys listen listen listen listen that's ak in the north listen listen listen listen listen yes uh one six is one seven one six zero dude copy i'm right here what's up should wrap this what are you doing we're holding in gonna repel this battleground oh [ __ ] okay he's still up there three four one three four one i see him left right to left right to left cyrus three check it in on long range yeah are there any ios in there or yeah i need medical that's too short gl learning supply you guys get done with this trench just take a look see if you like it or not yes brown's on target he's dead holy crap dude my brain is fried there's like 30 minutes or straight fighting yeah uh we got uh the civilian vic coming down the hill yeah is that tiger knocked out that there's a civvy coming down the road to our east is current pause here that i'm at somewhat clear as clear as anywhere in the immediate area why that way we can move the ccp here since we unloaded the crates and the assets are here yeah you can do that oh what's your one six on thermals do you see anything deep in the valley east over the tree northeast uh just bright infantry house right give it a shot roger i wonder if we destroyed the majority of that battle group over i believe so hold up clear back blast all right six one six uh i'm sorry to do this to you ogre we're good on that resupply we're ready to get lifted out solid copy one six good effect on target oh yeah i see the impact it went right over it yeah one more good copy one two copies let's just hold this up i hear it i don't see it though over it's down at the base of the gully i believe you see the gully wretch this is sick send could you give me a certain time frame when you're gonna be ready for that uh we are ready extract copy the [ __ ] first between contact coming up the southeast scratch southwest attempting to locate i i just [ __ ] he's he's dead this is one two uh one of my squads saying that there's a tiger out to the west okay where down in the valley uh next to us where in the valley over he's not being specific i'm sorry butcher116 can you clear this valley west of us there's reports of a tiger in the valley over no ice on the tiger yeah roger you see this tiger you see it i do not see it i do not see it so butcher one reports of tiger moving northbound in the gully over rogers the one on the east although one of the west what was that this is what you want to believe that truck was a finding best chance first of two mass cast east of the ccp i knew it was an ied truck six just above the point of canara hill moving right to left one four one six [Music] second oh the bradley he just flopped he just blocked it's chaos [Music] [Applause] [Music] to your east northeast are they up a different hill are they like uh my death is until 3 15. it's hard to see from here look at these guys they're walking up the mountain out this guy's down i think are you looking for a target yeah there's apparently two mbts out there yeah this guy the guy that's got the we got moss backpack one the ones awkward angle here one four um stabilizing this guy here yeah yeah they just got killed i think [ __ ] man get him out of there savage one six i don't see him [ __ ] are they mobile towards us hey firm it does look like it i'll try and get a ten digit for you guys does he have anyone alive with a boss i use my my lat on that btr that presses the hill near bradley earlier that was like 45 minutes ago now he's [ __ ] anybody in the air oh he is mega [ __ ] i'll last this is uh one seven on three one do any of the first platoon elements have a moz remaining three one first platoon elements at charon valley does anyone have a boss remaining over here i want to just get the [ __ ] out of here dude i got this ogre one six do you guys have uh an eta on that x film uh negative one one oh no that's one month nevermind cynic if you're not busy solid choppy thank you hey so uh a friendly nade just went off back there so we got a few k is that a friendly name wow yeah someone just kept yelling bad nade and then next you know all my guys are dead we're trying to [ __ ] get [Music] oh i just saw him i just saw him bearing bearing bearing on my lace he's somewhere in the trees here all right i see your lace i see you right 450 meters vehicle is still active uh you see that thing ready to target 450 85 degrees he's still up he's still up off that [ __ ] splash you hit this thing with a stick i'm gonna check these other guys 85 degrees range yeah for him i got it with me he's moving he might want to wait and hold it he's not i got i saw the second one the next hill up like another 500 meters away [Music] well i mean i hope we tracked it at least it was it was a direct hit don't know about damage i haven't seen the crew dismount yet uh does anybody need any more help just uh just moving yeah he just fired uh something don are you guys good down there uh he's gone he's moving toward us raising oh god oh god oh god oh god run run run pick him up pick him up pick him up and take him further southwest pick him up pick him up and take him southwest scrounge if you got sticks if you got sticks i needed your guys to aim for the tracks yeah still someone has an at4 uh directives says i'm trying to we got infantry for the use as well [Music] uh first one this is one seven enemy infantry 100 degrees from the objective wait get the wounded ready to roll i've got two vicks inbound from ogre to take him out gotcha they're they're coming up right now all right all right come on let's go let's get them outside outside if i stay out here yeah copy first platoon continue pulling back west and continue pulling back west all right disengage pull back west i can't siren requesting screening fires to my east we're pulling back west i see i see it somebody just fired at the tiger i think missing slash endangered person all right is this an amber alert hold on one first platoon this is one seven save your ammunition do not engage the tiger go with them keep an eye right now did your phone give you like the ems tones yeah yeah and we're alert do we have a medic i don't think we have a medicare i'm working on him now i don't know about the rest of them double checking real quick okay does anybody need them all right hey you're good for now uh chad go six of them i got three more cut cars caramel you're good you're you're pretty much filled you're you're good to go right give me the rest of the vehicles get the next one get them they're pulling up right now hey just get in any open seat 1-1 you are the last to leave immediately so get a seat negative [Music] to come closer copy vehicles around the corner to the left don't mount up i'm just taking my time you know your leg [ __ ] yeah all right hey uh you see that last vehicle right there to your uh north turn around that's the other one copy hey two one other vehicle over here where's this guy going where's he going where's he going hey hey you're driving towards the tank come here come here come here this way this way this way this way no other yeah other way other way happening come come west come west you're driving the wrong direction you're driving toward an enemy tank move west let's go there's two btr's on route from the east as well he just left the vehicle and they're trying to get out of it right now he's drivers having difficulty no but you're good never go i never go step it step it step it one one collapse to the pickup zone all friendly elements collapse to the pickup zone what is my guy two in there get in get in get into one get into one once you were all on the first rtb either we need to [ __ ] go we need to [ __ ] go we need to go come on come on hold forward 20 meters pull forward 20 meters and we'll get in you're asking hanging out in the wind yeah that's good that's good thank you thank you hey shane we're going to do the [ __ ] mogadishu mile out we don't have any more vix over it away and go i don't want to die all right 1-1 and all remaining assets on target we're pulling back uh away from target on foot oh wait we got another vehicle here hey get in this one a11 your vehicles here one one your vehicles they hurry up this [ __ ] takes pushing us thank you coming okay we're going we're going we're going we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving all elements slashing right now let's go let's go let's go get the [ __ ] in i have another truck quickly i hear him coming to go get up get in the vehicle hurry up hurry up hurry up go go go get in the vehicle get in the vehicle all right who's gonna call last man who on you go go go we're good we're good let's man i hit one of them oh man we can hide over here probably hit it from here but six one six we've pulled off target uh two enemy mbts are on top of the target uh we're uh it's free fire up to you over oh don't tell me we're gonna die right just take the low ground take a low ground go faster the top of the turret so keep moving please first vehicle yeah that was someone called out this is butcher to be a buyer now there's another one roger that we'll probably do a server restart after this to like just reset everything if we cannot be exposed to this town to the east that would be good okay he's got it he's got it he's got it oh we're good that was exciting we got out of there at the last possible [ __ ] section jesus if we had waited another 15 seconds that mbt would have had visual in the back of the vehicle i saw the top of the turret behind the abandoned friendly vehicle well [Laughter] wall well i have extreme cracks that's also a wall okay you got headlights in this [ __ ] i was told to go without headlights one eight to one six short range i'm alive again you should be able to see it's actually pretty bright oh no headlights are broken oh nice yeah you don't need diapers i was away for about 10 seconds [Music] people i don't know how but we're about to lap ogre 2-1 how is that possible i don't know but we we're about to pass them what's going on nothing you're good you're good you're good you're good oh no it was ogre okay we had to do some fancy maneuvering i'm stepping off of this one guys it's like one o'clock in sweden so time to go to bed get some sleep man move to the ccp thanks enough you too oh it's all right tell that to my arm same arm that every time i fired for the last hour it's maybe black out for half a second although i suppose it could be worse i could have broken my leg like barrett yeah i had to go back in the night and then i just got killed instantly oh it was bad home sweet home holy [ __ ] what a day i survived no uh yeah i had to get teleported once wall that [ __ ] go-kart behind us here keep your distance please all right all right fantastic job principle 2 and admins are going to reset the server hey you guys did fantastic good [ __ ] everyone uh the replay button i wanted to send it to [ __ ] 30 all right chat that's gonna be it for me today i had a lot of fun on arma today not gonna lie um next stream probably tuesday uh we might do something on the weekend who knows who knows but uh love you all it was a ton of fun uh
Channel: Karmakut
Views: 115,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karmakut, milsimp, milsim, arma3, arma, arma 3, arma 3 gameplay, arma gameplay
Id: Ov1OMo-NEks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 25sec (12205 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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