[🔴LIVE] Check out all the BEST EPISODES of JESSI at once🔥!! #JESSI

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- Where is this? - Is this Jessi's place? Is that your place? What the heck is "living room flex" LOL It's so clean Wow, it's cool! - Did you install a projector in your room? - Beam projector You have so many shoes You have a life-size cutout of yourself at home? My phone... She's mad at her phone - Jessi is scary - She's a baddie - Hello, I'm Jessi's manager Park Chanhong - Chanhong! How long have you worked as a manager? I think it's been a year and a half This is my first job What do you want to share through this show? A lot of people think working with Jessi is difficult She could seem too picky and scolding on TV - Right - She seems too tough She's so cool though Can you ask something else? That's pathetic - She's so cool! - I was really mad How's [NUNU NANA] doing? Why aren't you advertising it? What else can I do to advertise it? - Some are recommending Sehyung as the manager - What's that? - His mother must have seen it - She did... She told me to bring Jessi to her How's Jessi? - She seems tough! - She's scary - Everyone is scared for Jessi... - You do have a strong vibe But after working with her, she's very easy to work with Not difficult at all - Easy? - I wanted to show that they are mistaken ♬ You're so cute and lovely Who's that? What's that? That's not Jessi - That is Jessi - That is me! - A long time ago - Hey! That was the worst thing you could've said - Is that Jessi? - I was 17 in Korean age Wait, Chewie needs to eat - Chewie! - Aww, adorable - Pomeranian - So cute What do you want to eat today? - So cute - Wait, Chewie Wait - Adorable - Good boy So cute He's the love of my life... Slowly That's all coffee! That's my typical breakfast She lives with coffee She always has coffee in stock - She gets a coffee after work - You have your favorite one I think she drinks 7-8 cups coffees a day Looks like he ate jjajangmyeon! Cute - Cutie pie - Are you done? He's adorable - Chewie, did you finish it? - So cute! Come here - Is he getting more food? - Do you want some treat? - She's taking care of him - Also getting treats! Chewie! He's trained in English Chewie understands English better than Sehyung - What the... - What? Wait So cute Go to the back! Wait! Wait! Wait!! - Spin! Spin!! - He looks like a teddy bear - You're saying "spin" in Korean - Adorable! Spin once more! Spin He's so cute I want to meet him Shake Other hand Trying so hard for food... This is so cruel Good boy I'll give you omega-3 You only had coffee... Chewie! I hope the hair loss gets better He has hair loss - The puppy has hair loss LOL - I have to give him medicine for it - Really? He has hair loss? - Yes - You take such a good care of him - That looks so peaceful I know you don't like it, but your hair loss has to get better You have so much hair! She's much more affectionate than most people think - She says "I love you" a lot - I'm Chewie's whole world She loves Chewie a lot, I think it comes unconsciously She hates speaking in baby voice, - yet she doesn't know that she does it - This is so surprising Oh my god! So dirty! I have to vacuum it, wait Chewie, I can't have you breathe in this dust when I'm gone Mopping... Mop... Mopping Vacuum Dusting and mopping vacuum - That would make your life so much easier - This is so good Chewie Promise me you won't eat the dust on the floor when I'm gone, okay? Huh? What is this? Chewie is surprised - Right, puppies are... - It doesn't bite Oh my god, so cool Look It's coming! It's coming! Stop it! It's going to clean all of your hair He's adorable Your cuteness - He's adorable - She just did it again Hey, hello? When do I have to go downstairs? 10:50 - 10:50? - You're not ready at all! - You spent all morning feeding the dog - Okay! - Come down until 11 a.m. - Okay - In 13 minutes? - Oh my god, I'm late I have to get ready! Feels like she'll get ready quickly - I can't find my clothes... I'm late... - Who are you talking to? Can you see that I'm wearing different socks? My socks are different... I can't find the right pair What's that? Oh my god ,I'm late! - Do you shower with your perfume? - That's a lot of perfume You keep saying "I'm late" but you're still doing everything Because she showers with her perfume Ah! We have to go now! I'm leaving... - Weren't you late? - I was I'm so late... Oh my god!! I'm really late!!! - Yet you don't seem to be in a hurry - Oh my god Let's go She always texts me when she leaves but it takes her 5-10 minutes to get down I really don't know what she does during that time Those 5-10 minutes could delay the whole schedule Are you late a lot? She's not... - That late! - How? Because we always make sure to have some breathing room That's so wise - That's a great idea - The best manager I always say 15-20 earlier than the real go-time Her 10-15-minute delay doesn't really affect her schedule Did you know that he was telling you the earlier time? I found out at one point I knew something was up But now I know! - Since I know it, - Do you use it for your own good? I tell myself that "I can have another hour of sleep" - Then he will tell you even earlier time - 2 hours before the actual go-time He'll tell you that you have to leave a day early A day early LOL Chewie, shush! Oh my god, I'm late! Wait Chewie, guard this place with your life Are you ready? - I have to do this whenever I leave home - Distracting him - He knows that you're leaving - This is so sad... I want to go home!!! - She carries syrup in a plastic bottle - Is it syrup? She has syrup in her car? Why didn't I think of that? Sometimes there are places that only sell iced Americano - The manager is faithful to his work - That’s called wit Chan You here? Seriously... Are we late? Yes we are - We have to film [Open Concert] at KBS - [Open Concert]? - So we got prepared - That's very unexpected You know, just earlier... They said I couldn’t wear this and that cuz it was short Are you making excuses for being a little late? You should say it It’s a bit embarrassing to say it myself... What the...? Oh my, what is it? It’s a bit embarrassing to say it myself... Hey! Did it get on you? Did it splash on you? It's all over the place Yes, often Very often But I don't feel uncomfortable when she swears I mean, she stays faithful to her words She won’t talk behind one’s back if she can’t say it in front of them So she tend to swear comfortably She feels like an older sister next door The views on YouTube blew up - Who? - Your [NUNU NANA] If you get married in the future can you dance [NUNU NANA] in front of your mother-in-law? Of course! In America, people are close to their mother-in-laws It a bit more free, you know what I mean? So I think I can do it When I'm with my mom we dance to it together Your mother? When she hears Cardi B's song she knows all the lyrics and dance My mom is more passionate than me I danced something sexy But sometimes when I go to my house in America my mom goes somewhere and buys underwear - She’ll buy me the sexiest one - Your mom? - It's transparent! - Flex, Mom! But if I wear it she’ll say, “Hey b****, why are you so provocative?” "Don't wear something like this" But she bought it for you... My mom bought it for me because she thought it’ll look so good on me There’s another example When my music video was released, she said, “Jessi, it’s not as sexy as I thought!” “Use your butt like Cardi B or Beyoncé!” Cardi B is a bit... - She doesn’t look like that kind of person though... - She’s so cool! My mom is more passionate than me But she can't come because of COVID-19 Your mom is also a beauty Of course! She also has a lot of talent The rehearsal is at 2:20 Oh no, let’s go quickly No, in this kind of situation my makeup crew will do it in 20 minutes... - You don’t need to wear makeup - Why? You can go out barefaced Gosh... Everyone feels good when someone compliments them I'm the type of person who consistently compliments her Even if she’s in a bad mood, if I compliment her, she feels better NUNU NANA while riding dolphins! Let’s listen to my song Let’s listen to [NUNU NANA] - It’s an exciting song - I like the song - That’s why! - I’m that nuna! A lot of people listen to this while exercising I hear [NUNU NANA] a lot at my gym - Really? - Yes - It plays every day - Did you tell them to play it? No, I'm not that close to them, but they play it all the time Today I have to sing [STAR] At [Open Concert]? A track from this album? Yes, called [STAR] [STAR] is a really good song It’s a shame it didn’t make it into the top 100 - As long as my fans like it, it’s fine - My friends actually liked this song more This will blow up later, Jessi He only says nothing but nice things This guy is good at “this”! - Talking! - Sugarcoating! He can make me feel better at once... you know? Do you know what she said earlier? I asked, “Is there any brand we should censor out?” “I think we need to cover your face” - Why? - Why’s that? Since my face is a brand! He’s great at saying this stuff Because your face is a brand! He’s good at this Jessi, eat this Where did you get it? People think it’s a product placement It's not If you do that, people will mistaken it This ain’t sponsored, I just chug down bunch of coffee - Right? - Yeah What time do I have to go by? You have to be there by 2:00 My hair feels a little itchy After applying the gel... I should get a nice, deep hair massage today Won’t you be late if you get a massage? What? Did you call me old? No, I said late - This is totally possible - Getting a massage makes her old I can finish my makeup quickly We're here See you inside Yes, Jessi So hot! It's really hot I need to get a tan here I still have the gel from two days ago - Is it the same as before? - It tickles - I don’t wash my hair often - Why’s that? Since I bleached my hair The dye will get lighter That feels nice It feels so nice just looking at it That feels nice I told them not to get this close You have good skin, why not? It’s like when you had instant noodles earlier? It's just too much...! How do you know exactly where it is? My skin got so messed up I popped it I told you not to pop it... Didn’t I tell you not to come this close? Why did you pop it so much? - This one was from last time - Did you do it by yourself at home? Can I have a bit more of this? They’re afraid of the wrinkles and go gently, but she’s going straight for it Who is Jessi? How can you compare her with Yook Joongwan? Then usually apply it in small amounts I have to do it like that - That adheres strongly - Yeah There are times when you have to apply it boldly Jessi, did you get the treatment? Of course I did it quickly How are you feeling today? Not that great I couldn't poop I tried - Jessi! - Hello Did you just see? Sis, can I see the clothes... You wanna see them? - White tees - White t-shirt? There must be a lot - You're wearing this wrong again - I know What? - What’s this?! - What did you wear wrong? Why? It has to be like this! But it’s not obvious, it’s hard to tell It looks cool! It's okay, if she wears it, it’s fashion He does that all day... Chanhong! Even if the coffee splashes, if she wears it, it’s fashion Are we late? A little late, we need to hurry Don’t say that! Shouldn’t we be out at 1:30? - No way - No? Do we go out at 1:00? At 1:10 - No way! - We have 40 minutes left At 12:25 If you don't wash your hair after applying the product... Seriously Min Why are you so cute today? I was always cute! Didn’t he dress up too much today? People will think I’m usually in my pajamas Hold up! Did you wear this because of the camera? Even in my opinion... I feel like I'm going to throw up now Did you see that hand gesture? This ain’t some home shopping This is how everyone does it I'm going crazy It's one after... What is it? - Please dry her hair quickly - One after another? Yes, one after the other - It’s “one after another” - “One after another” Everyone changed Are you drawing both eyebrows at the same time? Do you draw your eyebrows yourself? I do almost everything myself, including contour Maybe she’s really good at it Shading! Shading first, shading first! - The front of the eyes... - I got it As usual... Contour the nose, but not too much Perfect You’re really pathetic So pretentious...! This is the first time I heard [NUNU NANA] here They said they can’t play it at first We were shy to play it when you were here They never play anything here unless it's a pop song But they’re playing my album now Because your songs are great Wow... It's pretentious, I mean you have be pretentious No one knows You have an appointment for a dental laminate tomorrow Is this your own teeth? - I got it laminated - Oh, I see Why are you asking this? Honestly, this one is a bit shaky Laminate, finally! I don’t know why Jina is talking about that here Only Yoo Jaesuk can say that I think Yoo Jaesuk got a little older after meeting you He said it was so fun to work with me Can you crush the [STAR] stage today? Oh my gosh, please... Don’t say something you never said before, I really hate it! - She really hates it! - This is what I hate so much, because she’s such a funny and exciting person, but she was so aware of the cameras there so she had to speak softly, but it was so awkward Whenever we go to a schedule she said, “I’m tired”, “When do we finish?” and now she’s like “Let’s do this!” So Jessi thinks she went crazy I think that’s why she was so angry The stylist will be seeing this now Can you say that here? I'm close with her, so I think she’ll understand - Bye - Let’s go, Min It's Tuesday and the traffic jam is so bad - Maybe because the weather is nice today? - That’s probably why Have you watched the Refund Sisters? I watched it I missed it I saw it on *** Everyone is talking to me about it They all laughed out loud - What’s “Hyunwoo”? - LOL*! *Sounds like “Hyunwoo” in Korean [A Visit to Our Language] We’re learning new words here - What’s “Hyunwoo”? - LOL! Laughing-out-loud Laughing-out-loud! It’s not a fake laugh... Jaesuk and I always keep it real Then how do you study Korean? How about studying Korean? Do you know how quickly Jessi picks up language? No, just curse words... When I heard you say “one after another”... Then I’m like, “Stop being pathetic” Do you know what that means? Is it poop or soybean paste... Who do I learn these from? Of course from Jina So I have to speak well in front of you But I only pick up on the curse words Like “Whaaat” But I need to stop using that It comes out naturally, right? We’re here We're almost there I was a little worried For being late? Did you almost s*** your pants? I have to drive without hurting the superstar - I guess you like that, Jessi? - The jokes are also pleasant to hear Wait a minute, am I taking pictures of today? - We’re not late - There are reporters People take pictures on your way to work, right? Paparazzi! I see them Wait, why? I guess they’re taking pictures of you on your way to work Wait! Why? I'm nervous! What's there to be nervous about, Jessi? Just be yourself He always say things like this I’m so scared of reporters taking photos Jessi’s fan? I'm scared of them taking photos I’m always wearing these pants when they take photos me They're your favorite pants Can I go? Let's go Hello Just to the shade Jessi! Please shake your hand Jessi! Her waist is so small Doesn’t that make your stomach cold? Let’s go inside Thank you It's incredibly hot today - Who's it from? - I think it's from [Open Concert], look Don't lie! Seriously? You did it secretly, right? - You did it secretly, right? - No - Look, it says here - Hold on, let me put this up - It's already the 1,300th episode? - There's something there I did [Gag Concert] on KBS for 16 years but I've never seen anything like this - KBS... - This is the first time for me - Yeah - I was so touched Open Con... - Cert! - Con Open Con... - Cert - Cert - That's right - Cert - Read this - This? - 100... 300... - 1,300! Star Jessi, who will illuminate the 1,300th episode That's why Obtain Concert - [Open Concert] - [Open Concert] ♬ Nunu nana ♬ That's why I'm My CD is out, guys It's not on sale though It's just for viewing Just look If you look, it has my photos I should've worn this during the show! It got sent back because they said it looked like panties - They're not panties - I guess it looks too racy when you wear it, you know? Do I look racy? - There's ITZY today - ITZY is before you - There's ITZY before you - There's ITZY who likes Jessi We just have to remember that ITZY is before us, 4th - I want ITZY to come on [Omniscient Interfering View] - Oh, I want to see them What's this? Green...? That's what you do when opening soju - Plum drink - But if you do that with any drink, it's easier to open Oh really? That's why your teeth get ruined That's right! - You can't do that with veneers - You have to be careful - What are you doing? - Secretly taking photos Secretly taking photos Problematic - You call that problematic, right? - Yeah, problematic So problematic... You learned a word today, problematic? I hear that a lot - You hear that a lot? - Of course Someone called you problematic? - Someone wrote, "Jessi is problematic" - Who? It was when I was tour, so I asked what that meant but no one told me Problematic She's searching it up haha What if you search problematic and Jessi pops up? You're the most problematic She's using it well I'm so good at talking back Why does it come up as truth? - The truth of the matter - Truth - Ah, it also has that meaning - This would be difficult You know how you say "fact finding"? So what's the conclusion? You're a cute problematic person - Korean is really hard - Right! - The expression is different in English - It's hard - Do I have to do it now? - Do it since it's the last time I can't write letters Just do autographs I have a lot to say for Jin-ah Please style me properly! I don't feel it right now It's funny writing it in front of us What do I write...? The choreo... How do I write it? Always... - What do you want to say? - They made such a great choreo but they also believed in me They were like, "You can do it!" Thank you for always believing in me - Ah, okay! - Something like, "Thank you for supporting me" For always Oh I didn't write "Thank you" - Just write it there - No! - Write, "Thank you" - No Thank you for always Right For always - What did I say? - What did she say? Supporting me Say it after you organize it in your head! Encouraging me? Not that I don't know what that means Thanks for uplifting me She doesn't know those words For giving you courage Oh, who said that? - I heard it from here - Yeah, they said it How frustrating do you think we were for them to answer us? They don't usually talk - Thank you for always believing in me - Believing So when I talk, I can't say it in a concise way - So I ask for help - Korean is hard - and giving me - and giving me courage Courage - The choreo! - The cho - Cho, with ch? - Ch Cho Is it "k"? The spelling is hard, right? - They're rubbing off on each other - It's confusing There are times when it's confusing - It's "ch"! - Right?! What about "reo"? - "Reo"! - Just "reo" - Just "reo" - The choreo is great - is - is great - Korean is so hard - great - So thank you - Thank you Wow, I'm better at Korean - You're good haha - Let's stay together for a long time You wrote it so well The choreo was really great - So I'm so thankful for the choreo team - Thank you to the choreographer I wrote letters for the choreo team But I couldn't write the same thing so everyone so I wrote it all differently The song is great but the choreo had a big impact too - You really have to be thankful for the choreo - Right, I'm so thankful for my whole team It's the first time that I've done well in music It's different because I'm more thankful for my staff There are more tough times And we could fight since we're together all the time But if they weren't there, I wouldn't be here You're so cool - Co - ol Cool - Why? - Is it "ol" or "ool"? It's okay for you to write it like this After writing "Jessi", write [Omniscient Interfering View] - What's [Omniscient Interfering View]? - [Omniscient Interfering View] haha - It's the show you're on right now - I know The show you're filming right now is [Omniscient Interfering View] (Jeonjijeok Chamgyeon Sijeom) - Write it here? - Yeah - To... What's the full name? - This is gonna be hard Jeonjijeok - Jeon - Ji - Jeok - Jeok - Cham - Cham Like chamsae (sparrow) Chamgyeon - Gyeon - Yeah, "g" Gyeon - She's doing good - Jeonjijeok Chamgyeon Si Jeom - Jeom? - Yeah, jeom Write "jeom" - Like a dot (jeom)? - Jeom - This dot? - Right! That! She wrote a dot on the sofa - She must've wiped it - She dotted it - I wiped it off - It wipes off well It wipes off well Put a period? Why a period? That's the name of the show - Write "jeom"? - Write "jeom" - So, "j" - "J" and "eo" - "J", "m" - Jeom? Right Thank you for your support - "Hope the ratings go through the roof!" is the best thing to say - Thank you You have to change, there's not a lot of time The red pepper paste is here - Nunu nana - Red pepper paste - I'll apply some mayo - She looks good in any color Everyone, eat up You guys, stop filming and eat - Take a break - Aw, she's being cute Aw, she's being cute I'll show you my lips - Why? - What? Are you okay, Jessi? It's fine if you're not hurt The lipstick fell down, what do you mean hurt? It feels good when your manager compliments you, right? Of course, and from what I see, he doesn't do that to anyone else He does but he does more with me So he's smart For example, if I'm sad one day, he always says, "You're perfect" He'd already have coffee for me Jessi, it's too much if you make yourself even prettier - He talks... - You're pretty enough Really... See There's 5 minutes left, let's go No, hang on - Aegyo! - Okay Not aegyo! No aegyo! - That was cute - It's not aegyo - Then what is it? - It's just me - That was cute - Natural aegyo - You're full of aegyo - I don't have aegyo Do it to Se-hyung Edit this out! Yes, let's go Let's go - This is the song of my life - So cool She's so different on stage - They're her family - It's been 16 years for Jessi - This song is about the hardships living in Korea and - It's touching - that responsibility of saying it's okay - She doesn't know - even though she misses her mom - I didn't know Since it's the last show for this song, I prepared this secretly - I thought of putting up her family photos - It was a surprise - Then, you didn't know during the rehearsal? - I had no clue The emotion was good but you made mistakes Two times Let's go over the lyrics I make a mistake when I try not to look Good work I got the lyrics wrong, huh? No, you did so well - Jessi, do you want to see it? - Yeah I don't need to watch [NUNU NANA] - [STAR] - Did I do well for [NUNU NANA]? You did good No need to say it What's with the hair? - Ah, oh my - Look at the screen Why are my photos coming up? Keep watching Ah, she misses them Don't Don't cry - She didn't see it during rehearsal? - No, she didn't She misses her family so much - Because the situation right now, - Of course - they can't visit each other - Jessi grew up like this If we talk about her mom, she misses her so much - She gets sad - Her mother is beautiful When I see that, she's just a girl, a daughter - She's so pure and pretty - I know They would like this so much She succeeded with music The lyrics came true I don't talk about my parents often because I lied to my mom since I was young - saying that I'm fine - Right, Mom, I'm fine ♬ Those white lies were for you ♬ Don’t worry ma, told you I was cool Telling her not to worry Since I was young, my mom and brothers raised me very strongly That's why I feel like I've been enduring up to this point like this So... A video message? Ah, why? They can see that - So this is... - Then, you have to date Yang Se-hyung Mom! - The tears will go right back in - What are you gonna do? You want to date him or say something to your mom? Don't watch - I can't do things like this - You're good! How did I become a penalty? You should feel it too! You always did it to us! Yes... - Look somewhere else - We won't look Mom, Dad I miss you so much Thank you for raising me so strongly Just thank you so much, I love you I'm fine now so you don't have to worry at all See you soon, Mom, stay healthy always Say you love her I love you, Mom, Dad, - Who did this? - Did you cry? I can't do it - You're so full of aegyo! - No, I'm not - She didn't see it during rehearsal? - No, she didn't Eat We have to eat - Yeah, let's eat - Let's eat first Can you even eat? Oh my food! My stomach is growling Jessi, come on You don't want to eat? - You're gonna eat so well - Right This is a feast Spicy stir-fried pork! I'll eat it myself How can rice and seaweed be so delicious? I love japchae I love japchae How can you eat raw garlic? That's possible But let me explain If there's no time, Then, hamburger, pizza, fried chicken... I eat hamburgers the most - You eat raw garlic well - Yes, garlic! I like Korean food I like mackerel Cheonggukjang! I love gochujang... - What is it? Gochu... - Gochujang! - No, no, gochu... - Kimchi-jjigae! - Gochu-jjigae? What is it? - Pickled vegetables? Gochujang-jjigae! You guys are clicking I make gochujang-jjigae really well You're trying hard to get married, huh? You have to work! You're proposing to her! Cha-nok! Hurry up and eat I'll eat later Just eat! - I will - Eat! Jessi will get mad if you don't eat Yes, eat up Eat this too - Mackerel - I love mackerel I swallowed the bone Cha-nok(?) is a man Jessi, it's Chan-hong! - Chan-hong? - Chan-hong! What? Why do I hear it as "Cha-nok"? But you wrote it well Yeah, so... Hey, hang on! Please! It's cute It's okay It's "Chan-hong" but I write it as I hear it Everyone's name! Cha-nok, right Names are confusing, right? Yeah, they're hard So that's why I call Jee Seok-jin, Seok-jin No... I mean, Jee-seok! What do I put for organizer? Jimmy Yoo! You can put "Jimmy Yoo" Jimoo Yoo haha Don't misunderstand - I understand the 'ong" part - Because when I hear it, they say, "Cha-nok" Think about my Korean-American mind My mom thought long and hard for this name but you're calling me "Cha-nok"... My mom also thought long and hard for Hyun-ju... Providing touching moments and laughing My mom was like "Your name is Hyun-ju, why did you change it to Jessi?" Your mom doesn't call you Jessi at home, right? - She calls me "Princess" - Right So my brothers want to throw up You are a princess Stop joking around Hey, give it a rest Just say how it is What time do we go in? Jessi, you're 4th We still have time Who is it? Paul Kim! - Are you from overseas? - No, I'm not What?! But his name... Why is your name Paul Kim? Paul Kim! I heard you were shooting [Omniscient Interfering View]... I heard you were shooting [Omniscient Interfering View]... Omnis... Oh! You don't know what the show is called? Sorry! - I heard you were on the show - I was on it once - Where? - Me? Were you on it too? - He's the same manager - It's him? Right, I remember How was it? You acted a bit, right? - No, I just showed it as it is - He froze We're acting a bit I'm enjoying your song Thank you - How old are you? - Me? We're the same age - 88? - 88! He looks like a baby - 88? - 88! He's like a baby - 88? - 88! He's like a baby Jessi seems older He's 88 too... - I've been enjoying your music - Yes, me too Why is this so awkward? It's so awkward when juniors come in and greet me Right, greeting each other at music shows... Goodbye - Goodbye - Goodbye Why is this so awkward? You guys make it awkward! They make it awkward! They didn't do anything... - Hello! - Hi! It's ITZY! They're so nice and so... Isn't Jessi a big senior to ITZY? - If you count the H.O days... - I think one member was born in 2000 We'll say hello, 2, 3 All in Us! Hello, we are ITZY! - Thank you - We see each other so often But it's my last performance - Really? - Isn't it the last one for you too? We just did our first week... First week? It felt like we saw each other often since I saw them for a week She likes Chewie, my dog I know your dance Really? Take a photo of us You guys are so pretty - Thank you - I don't usually say this - Really? - I say it in my head So pretty You're so tall Jessi is so good with her juniors She's so popular among women - They're like one group! - I looks so old You're so bad at taking photos You're good Okay Anyway, fighting! Fighting! - Thank you - Yes, have a good day Would Jessi know how she talks with so much aegyo? She talks like that when she likes them She adores her juniors She debuted early and because she's been in the entertainment industry since she was young Jessi looked so fresh and pretty here I'm sorry that I got some plastic surgery... I can't go back Kim Yo-han! Hello What are you doing here? - Me? - Yeah I'm shooting [You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook] - [You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook]? - Yes, [You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook] - My song came out - Come on [Omniscient Interfering View] too, Yo-han - Challenge... - Do it with you? That's popular these days, doing challenges... Doing challenges with each other This is way easier than yours This vibe is hard You know! I don't do cute stuff... You don't do it... Isn't it cute? Wait... I can't watch! Why? I can do it I can do it There's swag Aw cute Do you wanna do this together? Why?! Let's practice I'll play it even though it's practice You have to do it right away - I'm nervous... - Why? Cuie! It came out again Sorry! I'm sorry I knew you would swear She got it fast She learned it fast Jessi's has her own style She has swag Was it okay? Let's see! I just fell in love - He's good at that - He doesn't give it a rest But you don't know if he means it or not - But you feel good anyway - Compliments are always good... We did it! We did it! - Are you sure? - We did it for sure - I didn't do this part well - It has your own vibe Okay, good work - See you again - You too Bye He's nice Can't believe I saw Kim Yo-han here ITZY is starting, you're next Let's go Is this the last one? She's different - She's sitting here but she's so different from this - Give me your autograph! Jessi has such a strong presence No audience that day But still, she fills the whole stage Jessi is different She's good at rapping but also singing And dancing too She has her own style too I have to learn that tongue part You worked hard - You crushed it - How cool It was so good Jessi, it was perfect - Good work you guys! - Good work I'm sensitive these days My heart... You worked so hard If it weren't for you guys, I would be nothing The best - "If it weren't for you guys, I would be nothing" - How cool Don't film me We're gonna cry - It's like a music video - I did cry Thank you for giving me courage I'm sorry I pushed... I'm sorry I pushed you hard Jessi, it's Chan-hong There were a lot of times when I had a hard time in Seoul, and there was nothing to rely on and times when I was sad but you gave me advice and made me laugh when I was depressed I think I rely on you for a lot of things I hope you stay with us for a long time Star, fighting! - It was sincere - It's different That was sincere We always called her "tough unnie" but seeing her for 2 weeks, I don't think that means much anymore I think it was our first time seeing her tear up We have that question at the end - A word for Chan-hong - Should we do that now? Don't look at me We won't look! Chan-hong is there But what do I say? - Whatever you want to say - If you don't do it, you have to date Se-hyung She's doing it! Chan-hong! You always make me happy and take care of me well And I'll take care of you more and make you laugh even more so always cheer up and I'll never change I love you Regarding the resolution of disputes, the singer settles the dispute under the following conditions First of all, the rights and responsibilities of the singer If unsatisfied with the schedule... If you look at the annex agreement... What? Which one? Invest wholeheartedly and actively support the artist's future - without pursuing personal gain - Yeah, it should be like that So hazel... Like "zel"? The effect promotions have is huge - Like [Hometown Report]? - Yes - Majority vote... - Decide by a majority vote The things you wrote is all there Jessi, it seems like you're staying quiet Yes... - Why? - I'm just not gonna talk - Hurry up and talk! - Why aren't you talking? I have nothing to say - Honestly, I have no idea what any of this means - Really? - You know, oppa - I know Aren't there any shows for learning Korean? - I actually do better on Korean shows, right oppa? - Really? Don't you think so? Okay for now We'll sign and seal this You don't have any disagreements, do you? - Are we putting our thumbprints? - Yes, we'll sign Let's make this the final version... When did you...? - You made a stamp too? - Yes When did you make that CEO plate? - What? - When did you make that CEO plate? It only takes a week when you request it You put yourself here? I thought it was really you You're really close with famous people In the past... How old are you? Isn't that some kind of western era? Anyway, this isn't important... Hang on! What do I put for organizer? Jimmy Yoo! - Jimmy.. - You can put "Jimmy Yoo" - For singer... - Your own name - Write your name - Eun-bi! - Wait! I'm still thinking about this - What? - Name! - Yeah, make sure first It's gonna be your stage name - Then, Jessi... - Something else! Just be Eun-bi! - Wait! - Wait a minute! The name is important This is very important This is so important! - I have to say, "Hello, I'm Eun-bi" - Eun-bi is good What about this? You're "Chun-ok" Then, Man-su, Mu-kang - What does it mean? - Mansu, Mukang What does that mean? It means "long may you live" Man-su and Mu-kang That's good! - Wait... - Chun-ok, Man-ok Chun-ok, Man-ok Be Man-su, Mu-kang Chun-ok, Man-ok... I like Man-ok Then, do Chun-nyeon, Man-nyeon, Man-su, Mu-kang That's good! Chun-nyeon, Man-nyeon... - Since you're older, you should be Man-nyeon - Don't talk about age! - These days, health is the best - Yeah, it's the best But Chun-nyeon, Man-nyeon is a bit... Chun-nyeon Chun-nyeon? That's not it, no! - Chun-nyeon? - That's not it Chun-nyeon, no! Then, be Man-su, Mu-kang Chun-nyeon sounds good Then, be Chun-ok and Man-ok Okay, you be Man-ok - I'll be Man-ok - You're above me! Then, Chun-nyeon? - You're Man-su - Chun-ok, Man-ok, Man-su... Fine, then we'll think about the names a bit more - Are you done writing? - Yes Then, we'll sign this - when we decide on the names later - Yes, the names... - Look at that - What's that? Look at that! What's she standing on? Yeah, what is it? That's one of those long moving ladder things They put a skirt on it and told me to go in there There were a lot of events like that in old shows Underneath that skirt, - there are 4 people - They're holding on? So they're moving back and forth underneath You're not gonna wear something like that, are you? A skirt like that! I kinda wanna do that... Jimmy! When he says that, I have nothing to say - When he says, "Come on"? - Because it makes me flustered - A lot of artists copy this - Dancers come out from there, right? In my opinion, people don't do that these days, it'll become viral Let's say we had an argument How would you like to resolve it? It hasn't started yet, so we're moving on smoothly but if there are parts that we don't like after we start, we'll go to a boxing ring! - Sparring okay? - Okay! So let's resolve the conflict like that Why? Why? I'm just practicing Are you scared? You were scared, weren't you? Ah, how frustrating You know I box, right? - Who boxes? - Me - You know I bow too, right? - I spar too - Really? - Yes You do yoga I can put my leg all the way up here I yawn! You're gonna yawn? She's gonna blow you away with her yawn Do I have to show you this? The Praying Mantis? Do I have to show you this? The Praying Mantis? I hate it! Do I have to show you this? I hate it! You doing the Praying Mantis while wearing this green shirt really makes you look like a mantis - Really - Really! That was actually inspired by mantises Do I have to show you this? The Praying Mantis? Anyway, when there's a conflict, - Let's spar - let's just resolve it Let's spar Since we talked about the contract and everything, let's wrap it up for today Then, all five of us should take a picture to mark this moment - Should we? - Yes Can you pose like [Charlie's Angels]? Then I should stick my butt out like this... I'm just saying This is what [Charlie's Angels] really look like For goodness' sake..! We'll pose like this first... - We don't all fit - Do it from the side I'll go up here Come in 1, 2 Here we go, 1, 2, 3 Again, 1, 2, 3 Another pose, last one 1, 2, 3 Good work - Should we go now? - Yes When we leave... You really cut the undershirt like that? The CEO is embarrassing... How refreshing How refreshing Nice! Jimmy Yoo! Eun-bi! Sil-bi! Sil-bi! This is my home Solomon's Seal tea, okay come on You seems like a rich person - Why are you losing so much weight these days? - Right Since we started REFUND SISTERS You look like my mom from the back Thank you - So... - Is this a backscratcher? It's not a backscratcher It's to relieve pain... You don't know? See You didn't know? It's nice, is this product placement? - This is nice - Eun-bi, it's for the pain - If you do this - That's right So, SINBAK ENTERTAINMENT definitely has it - It becomes bitter if you steep it for too long - Yeah, it becomes bitter She's so thoughtful - This warm... - Jimmy! - Hi! - Man-ok! Hi guys, you're all so pretty today too! - Unnie! - But today... Wait! This is it! - Would you like some tea? - Pu'er tea! Solomon's Seal tea is good! - It's so good, right? - Is it your first time trying it? I've tried it before but I've never had it directly like this Directly? And Jessi and I studied - We studied - Really? - Let's be candid - That's right - and get along well - Candid - Let's be candid... - Yeah, let's be candid and get along well - Just be straightforward! - Just say whatever candidly - I'm the type who can't be super straightforward - Yeah, you said that So I go home and even talk to the jar We'll be your jar Wait, I wasn't gonna say this but I'm so surprised - Why? - We met and watched Man-ok's old performances and laughed But I didn't know Eun-bi would have one too - What are you talking about? - Did she do something? Wait! I need to watch this No, wait! - You laughed at me - No way! - Start! - What is it? I don't know either What's that? What is that? Is that Jessi? Unnie? Look at that! Amazing - You're so cute! - Really! - Cute - It is cute Really! - I was 14 years old - That doesn't matter I'm sorry They forced me to wear that Look at that expression! - I kinda want to see that side of her - Yeah Very modest... - Hwasa, can you do that now? - What? - "1-2 step 3-4 step"? - Wearing that? Wearing that? Wait! - But... - But I become a bit emotional seeing that I feel a bit emotional too You're so pretty and it makes me think, "Eun-bi worked so hard" It makes me teary Yeah, right Seeing Eun-bi like this moved Man-ok's heart I didn't suggest to watch this for anything else I just wanted everyone to get to know each other Your hair... What? - Your hair... - Nice to see you, I don't know if you know me Jimmy Yoo! You copied Jimmy Choo, right? - No, Jimmy Choo... - It's Jimmy Choo! Wow, you copied that! - Do you like pizza? - I love pizza Talk with me! Who are you talking to? - Are you here to promote this pizza? - I mean, you weren't talking You weren't talking I'm sorry First of all, Refund Sisters - I actually have a lot of concerns - Why? Would I be able to handle being the producer? - You can - How? - I met all the girls - Yeah, and? They're too delicate Everybody is so delicate They might look fierce They might look fierce haha They might look fierce but they're so delicate here I'm a baby without makeup You have to be honest The most difficult person among the three - Is there anyone who you're uncomfortable with? - No! Because I love Uhm Jung-hwa I love Hyo-ri - But I didn't know they were this delicate - I mean, but... What? - Say it - I'm curious, say what? Is there anyone who you're uncomfortable with? If I had to choose, I guess it would be Uhm Jung-hwa because she's a legend and she's been in the industry for so long That's what you have to say So that's why you have to ask like that - I asked you like that if there's anyone you feel uncomfortable with - Did he or not? - Why are you scared? - Why are you scared? Why? - I mean... - Seok-ho, why are you scared? - Anyway, because she's a big star and your idol - That's right Right, that's why it could be a bit uncomfortable I debuted at 15 years old - You were 15 then? - Yes That's why you thought you debuted too early I'm 33 years old now Oh, only that? You know there's no such thing like that in the entertainment industry these days, right? Lying about age... I don't like lying about age Why are you talking towards that? - What's "I don't like lying about age"? - Because... How old are you? Why? - Because you don't lie - Of course not How old are you? I'm 49, born in 1972 You look so young You look so young? Answer truthfully Are you hot-tempered or not? I do a lot of variety shows with you There's a lot of patience - I think it's very cool - I'm saying this because you said you've been on variety shows with me but you're impatient You? - No, Jessi! - No, I'm talking about you... Oh, did you ask me that about me? - I was talking about you - Oh, me? I'm so patient! - Of course - I mean, oppa... Weren't you asking me? My job is the service industry You're asking if I have patience? But this is good, "I'm not patient" That's not it... - You said you don't have patience - I do - It depends on the situation - So are you more on the patient side or the impatient side? - Impatient - Yeah, so you're impatient You don't have patience Is there something you think I should know about you? Is that okay? - Something you want us to follow - I need coffee Coffee? - You have to drink coffee? - Yes I drink 7 cups of coffee a day 7 cups a day? Americano? Jessi, I'm not... I'm not taking your order right now! - I mean, - I'm not... It's Americano but I need a bit of syrup Not just syrup but hazelnut syrup? Hey, this is killing me... - It's over, it's over - No, I... - This is over - I... It's that or vanilla iced latte That's it You can put me in anything You're lying Come here, stylist! I can wear anything - Really? - Yes Can wear anything - I'm gonna believe this - No, it's not "anything" It's not "anything" You just said you can wear anything Still, I'm not gonna wear a poofy dress with puffed shoulders - You change your mind a lot, huh? - Yes, I do Changes mind a lot Who do you want as your manager? - Someone who is witty - Someone who is witty What about me? Am I witty? Oh, you're amazing, really Wow, this guy is... He's not your average MC, he's the nation's MC, the best That's why he's up here, he's the best Then, someone's who's witty Someone recommended Kwang-hee Why? He's nice And he's so witty - Really? - He's really witty Or someone mentioned Se-hyung Someone mentioned Se-ho Why are they all se-woo*? *shrimp in korean Not se-woo Se-hyung... Se-woo? - Se-ho - Se-ho and - Se-hyung? - Se-hyung - You saw them not long ago - Where? On [Telegna]... - I was on [Telegna]? - Yeah - Ah, Se-chan's younger brother? - Se-chan's older brother! It's his older brother? Just Kwang - Let's go for Kwang - What about Se-ho? - Who's that? I'm sorry - Se-ho A photo... I'm sorry Hold on, wait Oh my god, on screen... Haha I mean, he's good too... No Se, Se-chan, no? Se-ho, Se-hyung, Se-chan He's a bit older What about Seok-jin? Jee Seok-jin? Why are you doing this? Seok-jin is... - Seok-jin... - What's wrong? Jee Seok-jin No, he won't listen to us He won't even pay attention to us He's been doing TikTok a lot these days He's just gonna be filming that in the back - His nickname is TikTok ghost these days! - Yes, he's on it 24/7 Right, Jee Seok-jin, no! It's hard Is your... teeth your own teeth? - No! - Then? - Veneers - Veneers haha - All right - But why do you need to know that? I mean, we need to know what they are in case they fall out while you're on stage Why are you asking me that? I... Jessi! - It's actually a bit wobbly here - That's why I'm asking you because it could suddenly fall out while working, even when chewing gum Right side is wobbly Is there anything you want from your members? I don't want their style to change - Everything - What about Hwasa? Same thing! Hwasa is so good! ♬ Maria Maria - What are you doing? - I was just singing - because the song is so good - Oh, really? [Maria] so good Anything you want from the CEO? - My CEO is Psy right now - CEO Psy, right He lets me do what I want so that's why I like him Is there anything you want from me? I think all 4 of us would be like this Just don't touch us! - You mean, "Don't touch us"? - Yes And I don't want to go too aggressive for the choreography Ah, choreo, needs some flexibility for the choreo - You don't want an intense choreo - No intense choreo, please! - Because - No intense choreo While dancing to [NUNU NANA]... As I got older, my knees started to hurt Orthopedic... Orthopedic treatment I mentioned it earlier Like I have another name as a CEO, - Yes, Jimmy Yoo - Jimmy Yoo I'm telling you to think of a stage name other than Jessi - You're real name is Hyun-ju, right? - Yes - What about being Hyun-ju? - No, no I'm Hyun-ju when I don't have makeup on When I'm on stage, I'm Jessi Jessi is a solo act so not that Or can I give you a name? - No - A stage name What's that? What about this? Min-sun! Eun-bi! No, I was joking - That's it! Eun-bi! - No - That's great! There was Silver earlier! - Wait - I was joking - Silver, Eun-bi, there's a lot Eun-bi is good! I'm not Eun-bi, I'm Hyun-ju In your daily live, you're Hyun-ju When you're active as a solo, you're Jessi And in this group, Eun-bi! Wait! Eun-bi is so good - No, I don't wanna be Eun-bi - Eun-bi is so good! Because I have a reason! Someone said they want to be Silver Who? - I can't tell you - Then, I'll be Gold No - No - Why not? What about Geum-bi? It's better than Eun-bi, Geum-bi! Everyone, don't get me wrong Eun-bi is a beautiful name But it doesn't suit me at all What about something with Ssi? - What? - Ssi - What Ssi? - It's Jessi - Something with Ssi - What Ssi? Like Ssi... No way!! No! - It's not a swear word - I know, but no Ssi... Shi... Don't! Let's think about that Stop it, Jessi! Then, it's all... - Let's go with Geum-bi! - Geum-bi, yeah It's either Eun-bi or Geum-bi Anyway, if you look here, How long do you want the contract to be? We're just gonna show them once and that's it! Okay, write it down - 1 month - Write 1 month Okay, and your rights So write down Eun-bi's rights and responsibilities - Even trivial things? - Write down everything For example... - About coffee? - Write it down - Coffee - Yeah, coffee Vanilla latte How do you shorten this? Latte - La - Tte is - Tte? - Tte! T, t, tte! - Tte! T, t, e - So Is it H or this? T, t, e - Is it this? - Yeah - Hazelnut, ha? Ha? - Yeah Hazelnut Hazel, zel, zel Hazel, zel There's a "t" after "nu" You get it, right? Let's say we get into an argument Then, how do you want to resolve it? I want everyone to say their opinions honestly - Write it down - How do I write it? I want everyone to say their opinions I want... I want everyone to speak candidly Candid? - Can.. - Can.. - Did - Did? Did! D, i, d I want everyone to speak candidly - I want everyone - To speak... Okay, next is keeping it confidential If someone reveals the content we designated as a secret among ourselves or exploits someone else's secret, what are we going to do about it? - We have to fix their bad manners! - Write it down Fix their bad manners - Fix... - X! Fix their... - Bad - Bad... - Manners - Manners - You're writing it properly - Of course - Done, you wrote well - Thank you In this situation, I have to terminate, what is it? Wouldn't I just endure it since it's only a month? If it's 1 month... I can do 2 months too Yeah, okay haha Lastly "I want to do this additionally" For music! Your opinion... - Can I write that? - Write it - But you can get a bit involved - Write it down Just your ears Just your ears haha - Ah, you just want me to listen - Yeah - I want us to be hip - Write it down - I want the music... - To be hip Tobe..? - To be! - To be, what letter? - T, o! - T, o?? To be hip Oh, I didn't mention this How big do you want the music video to be? These days, music videos don't need to be expensive because these days, even if it's not expensive, if you're smart and witty about it... Being smart is very important You read my mind That's about 100 million won! 100 million won?! We can use around 100 million won! There's a big difference Did they talk to each other? I'm thinking about 2 hours at 2.5 million won for the music video - Wait, 2.5 million? - Yes - You can't do anything with that - No, you can I have connections! They can film it in 2 hours with 2.5 million Drone is complimentary If it's about 5 million, they bring 4 With 5, it's enough for close ups and full shots Anyway, we can talk about that later Okay, then... - Is it over? - Yes, we're done I have more to say I'm busy Anyway, thank you for coming - I'll make a fresh contract - Fresh! It would be nice to name our agency Shinbak Entertainment - Shinbak Entertainment - Shinbak Entertainment I'll be off, Jessi Yes, goodbye Jessi, doesn't have patience, changes mind often, right lower tooth is wobbly, urgent need of Korean language education Please turn up the volume I'm Silbi! I'm Eunbi! Shinbak Entertainment! You know what I'm saying? Yeah! Shinbak Entertainment ♬ I waited for this day ♬ For this night to come ♬ Just the two of us spending the night ♬ I waited for it ♬ No need to turn on the lights ♬ Don’t need to say anything ♬ Just lean on me ♬ And close your eyes ♬ Sensational and seductive ♬ I'll make you come into my arms ♬ With this heart, with this smile ♬ With these eyes, with this touch ♬ Let your love rain fall Shinbak Entertainment, you ready? ♬ Say it, show me ♬ Show me everything you’ve got ♬ Before the night ends ♬ Act like there’s no tomorrow ♬ Gonna love you domn English! ♬ Wit me'uh' you wear the crown ♬ Lovin & rovin once agail it's heaven ♬ Together girl ♬ Sensational and seductive ♬ I'll make you come into my arms ♬ With this heart, with this smile ♬ With these eyes, with this touch ♬ I’ll seduce you tonight Um Junghwa, we love you Thank you, love you Shinbak Entertainment, let's go baby Um, Eunbi.. I missed you - Did you make rap lyrics? - I did it But it's in English Oh? What about Korean? - Let's do it first - Are the lyrics just coming out here? Are the lyrics just coming out here? What are you talking about? Where should I go? Looking at here, why are you so small, bro? I guess it's because your wig is big Bro, if you want to make a masterpiece, don't give pressure to me Here, "They all do" ♬ They say I’m trouble ♬ They all do ♬ They say I look strong ♬ So what - Let's do it - You just sing it Hey, you sing it You're the best I'll try it a few times ♬ They say I’m trouble ♬ They say I’m trouble ♬ They all do ♬ They say I look strong ♬ So what Okay, let's just do it without stopping Okay, we don't stop We don't stop, haha But you can mix the good versions of the songs I sang ♬ They say I’m trouble ♬ They all do ♬ They say I look strong ♬ So what But don't compliment me too much I'll get it wrong right away ♬ Blah blah blah so what I don't care - Like this - ♬ Blah blah blah so what I don't care I don't know when to start You can start when you want Okay, let's do it ♬ Blah blah blah It's like a pop song Wait, no - Why? - Wait a minute This "Blah blah blah" part is a little bit funny - It's like.. - No Okay, let's do it like this Bro I'm dizzy right now Why? - Do whatever you want - Why, what's the problem? Do whatever you want Can't I do like this? ♬ Blah blah blah I was off beat, right? No I don't know how she feels - She feels good and bad - If I were not here, you would have been in big trouble Yeah, right What's the problem? What's the problem here? - There's no problem - You clearly have a problem! You're confusing me, I don't know what I'm talking about Stay still. I'll take care of everything later Okay, next please Stress - You said this is stressful? - I'm sorry Why did you press this button! I'm sorry Hey, why did you press it? Why are you making hearts? I'm sorry, it was a mistake - Be careful - I didn't know it - Be careful - I'm sorry I'm going to show you what stress is Which part should I sing? What is next? "They keep bothering me, don’t touch me" How am I supposed to sing this? Don't irritate me It's like this Okay, I got it ♬ They keep bothering me, don’t touch me Right ♬ They keep Rap part please Just record the guide for today Please make the lyrics in Korean from the fifth verse and send it to me by Sunday ♬ Tell me who's hotter? Nada! ♬ You dealing with a four headed monster ♬ Take a look at these, prima donnas ♬ Take over command and conquer ♬ Since day one never been a weak one ♬ Stick my hand out I get that refund ♬ Whatever I want hey ♬ My way or the highway bye babe Good I think it's done It'll be better if I change the lyrics Is the microphone okay now? I can't hear you Hey Jihoon, what's wrong with you? I can hear when you curse How... Let's go like this I'll add a lot of ad-libs Do you want me to put a distortion on it? No! That's so tacky Bro Are you living in the 1980s? What's wrong with you? Who uses distortion in these days ♬ Ya'll already know who this is ♬ Ya'll already know who this is ♬ Ya'll already know who this is- wait ♬ Ya'll already know who this is ♬ Refund Sisters Ask her to record "Hey come on" No, bro "Hey come on," please This is a buzzword, too Just do it without the song - What - Just do it Please play the song Okay, it's done! - Right - Okay - This is not a joke - Okay Shall I do it a few more times? No, it's enough Come out - Me? - Come out Put it in the intro Very good Do you want to go home? Okay, you can go home - I have to go know - It's my personality You can go, I'll work with Rado No We have to wrap up now Eunbi, it's done I don't want to go Bye! Why do you keep telling me to go home It's all done - Let's listen to it for the last time - Yes Please Oh my Oh jeez, I thought she was back What are we doing? Hey, Jessi! I'm going to fix my tooth I said it was loose They said they'll fix it for me! - Who's they? - They watched our show! - The place I got my teeth done! - Oh, there? They said they'll fix it for me! That's great Did you get dental laminates? - Huh? - You Who would get their laminates like these? Jessi! Who would want crooked laminates like these? Wait, but you shouldn't get them - I'm not getting them - Your teeth are so cute What do you mean cute? They're crooked They're cute and characteristic Wow really... Remember last time? We had a REFUND SISTERS reunion I realized then that none of you were aware of our contract details As for conflict resolution, the singer will abide by the following conditions - Majority vote - Oh, we'll be voting? Through majority vote - I didn't understand a single word - Like nothing? We will not accept such thing at SHINBAK ENTERTAINMENT That's why I called you in separately - Just me? - Yes I hope to fulfill what each member needs as a responsible producer So touched Thank you for being so considerate Okay, I'll read to you one by one I'll point out on some vocabulary that you may not understand, okay? Do you know 'active'? - Active - Lactic? - Active - Lactic what? Not 'lactic'... 'Lac' is 'L-A-C' 'Ac' is just 'A-C' Active! And... Next is 'pull no punches' I've heard that before I don't get it I hope you don't pull your punches with me Pull the what? - Pu... - Punches! Pun-ches - Pushes - Pun... Why don't we make our time valuable today? Let's pull no punches and speak... Speak carefully! Seriously! Then not seriously! Right in between? Look at my gesture Let's pull no punches and speak... Speak like everything in your mind! Yes! That's it! - Like everything! Vent out everything! - Exactly It means to let everything out and to speak frankly to one another - Say it then - I love punches I love punches Punches... I mean, punching is very important It's not just 'punching' but 'pulling no punches' Punchy punchy is very important because... This is not a name! What's punchy punchy? It's not punchy... - I feel stuck - Pulling no punches! - Got it? - Pully punchy! It's not 'pully punchy,' but 'pulling no punches' Pully punchy! Pulling no punches! Three words! Oh! No punches! Pulling no punches! That's it - Let's study! Let's go! - Are you okay with that? I got something for you Dictation test... You good with that? Okay, let's get down to Jessi's dictation test He has a very big frame Frame... Very big Very... Big... Big! - With a T? - Big! - With a K? - Big! - With a D? - Big! - With C-K? - Big! Big...? Very big! Bik! With a K! Big! Big! - Very big... - Big! Very big! - Big! - I can't tell you since this is a test... Big! - Then... - Big! Very big! What is it then? Two e's? Big! Beeg! This is a heavy toll on me only You're extremely lazy This is getting much trickier You're extremely lazy Extremely... Lacy? - Zy! - Oh, it's 'lazy' Okay, next one Are you moistened? That's not right, it's 'Are you moistened?' - With a T, right? - Are you moistened? Moi...sister Oh, sister... What? This is not a 'sister' This is incorrect Are you moistened? Oh! Moistened as in moisture! - You should have been more clear, oh my god... - You got me there! You got me with that word Are you moistened? They're all wincing at you, wincing! - Are you sure this is for grade 1? - Grade 2! - I've never heard this expression before! - You've never? Wincing... Ugh! It's your first time hearing it? It's your first time hearing it? Is this a hint? No, no, this isn't That... Oh, you thought it was a hint? - What's the matter? - No, no - My legs fell asleep - Give him a hand No, I'm good, I'm good I can handle it! Ouch, my hips They're all wincing at you Wincing at you You don't know what 'wincing' means? - I don't - Jessi, it's like this. Look What the heck? - This is a hint - So the eyes... - Wincing - When the eyes narrow? Yes, that's what wincing means - Wincing... - They're all! Wincing at you Like 'wink'? - Wincing! - Winking? They're all wincing at you I'm feeling good about this! Let's score now He has a very big... I said it repeatedly Why is that wrong? Big... You got this one right See, don't mock Korean-Americans! 'Are you moistened?' is correct You also got a misspelling here Wincing! With a C! C! Okay now then... You got a lot of correct answers Jessi, you might find these expressions quite confusing - Have you heard of 'idiomatic expressions'? - No Otherwise, 'implications' or connotations! The words are not meant literally but figuratively Tell me more I can't get my tongue around it Around what? Get my tongue around something Tongue... Is this supposed to be sexual? No, not at all... No! It's not That sounds weird It sounds sexual, no? Moving your tongue like this... No? It means you pronounce things without difficulty - Yeah! But the tongue? - To get my tongue around it - Get my tongue around it - I was born for the first time and heard this idiom - We were also born for the first time Jessi, you're not the only one Get my tongue around it Try applying it, 'Get my tongue around it' Jessi's concert makes my tongue go round and around Ugh, I've got sour grapes! Do you have to go poop? No, what I'm saying is... Listen, this is an idiom If my cousin becomes a landlord, I'd get sour grapes The cousin becomes mean! No, incorrect - Wait, why does this sound familiar...? - Look, think it through - Sour grapes... - Your cousin becomes a landlord - But why do I get sour grapes? - Oh, you become sour! Jealous! Exactly! I knew that, bam! That's impressive Oh, sitting here for a long time makes me itching to go out My butt is itchy too No, what I'm saying is... It's another idiom I've been itchy all over - I'm sweating too - Me too! - I can't take it off here... - Stop... Please... Hold up and listen to me Sitting here for a long time - makes me itching to go out - Oh, that one? Let's say I haven't performed for a while because of COVID So I'm itching to go out and perform That's correct! What about 'spicy hands'? Spicy hands! I've heard this often I hit people when I laugh! Spicy hands! Give me another one! Eat like a bird Eat like a bird! When eating... Give me a hint Oh you scared me - A hint - Eat like a bird! Yeah, a picky eater - who doesn't eat a lot - Yeah, that's it! Next one Thin ears* *easily swayed by others I know... I can explain this I have thin ears 'Jessi, that's pretty', 'Jessi, that fits you' That's right! - Oww that hurt - Spicy hands! I'm doing great today Big hands* *Generous in making food - Big hands? - Big hands! - Big hands! - Big hands! My mom's got big hands, when she makes food...! I'm so good at Korean! You know everything - You know... Hold on! - Right? My mom's got humongous hands! Okay, Jessi... Jessi Before we even get started on REFUND SISTERS, don't count your chickens before they're hatched Don't become arrogant? It's similar It's a little different than that Chickens Chickens are grown up But eggs need to hatch before they grow up, right? Right Is that right? Why is no one responsive here? Can you... at least nod for me? Don't mind them I'm not done talking So we didn't even get started on REFUND SISTERS, but why do you always have so much expectations? Your hopes are too high! Don't get your hopes up! - Don't get your hopes up! - Right, right - Who are you talking to? - Over there! - I'm good at this! One more - What do you say then? What do you say then? Don't count your chickens before you become a CEO! Right? I'm loving it Anyway Jessi, you understand Korean far better than I first thought To be honest, you've improved a lot I did improve a lot - I was able to all thanks to you - How come? Because I've been doing a lot of TV shows with you It definitely helped You have to speak more - So to get better in English, you need to speak more in English - See, that's why you got so much better - What do you mean? - You improved a lot So much improvement Thank you for your time today, Jessi I'll see you later, all right? Jaesuk, by the way, after our thing ended, I got messages from three Eun-bi's - Really? - I did They were like, "Thank you for using my name" See? All the Eun-bi's love it But imagine if I just used 'Hyun-ju,' all the Hyun-ju's would have loved it too Then the argument would go on forever A long and long road - Isn't this right? - What was that? You know, mocking me? I didn't mock you... Jaesuk, you should know this! A long... - What? - A long... and long road - A long road? - Yeah Road... Long... There's another long road after a long road The long and winding road! The long and windy road... I like that one This one's really... I said this one myself! The long and windy road! This TV show can be described as this It's definitely a long and winding road Nice one! Great application! - Me! - Me! Nice one! Great application! Wow, good job I'll give you the question Like Refund Sisters in Korean, name 5 groups that have 5 syllables in 5 sec... Wait, wait! Wait - Me! - The whole question... Me! It's hard I don't even know what it means Like Refund Sisters in Korean, name 5 groups that have 5 syllables - 5 groups? - Got it? Uh... Hold on - Me! - Me! Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys - Hey, "Boys" is 3 syllables in Korean - 5 groups 5 groups like that, okay? It was 5 No, that was 5 syllables - 5 groups! - 5 groups like that, okay? 5 groups with 5 syllables 5 groups with 5 syllables 5 groups with 5 syllables Me! - Me! - You? Maroon 5 Maroon 5, that's right Maroon 5 No.. That's not why 5 groups! 5 groups with 5 syllables!! - You have to say 5 groups - This is hard 5 groups! 5 groups with 5 syllables!! Why doesn't Backstreet Boys work? Me! H.O.T Jimmy Yoo, me! Me! Me! Spice Girls Spice Girls Yeah, so you need to name 5 groups like that That's too hard - Even 1 is hard enough - But you still need to get it Look at us It's easy for me! - I'll give you a different question - Ah.. I almost got it though! Hey, what do you mean almost? Haha Okay, I'll give you a different question This is easy - Don't tell them from the back - Oh, I'm sweating What did you even do to sweat? Haha It's hot I'll give you the question 5 song with "Love" in the title Jessi! No, I didn't hear the question yet Same here haha Hey, there's no progress with you two haha What's the question? Something love? - 5 song with love...? - Ah, oppa! What love? What do I say? - 5 song with love...? - Ah, oppa! There needs to be "Love" in the title - 5 song? - [May I Love You?] - Me! - Me! Me, ugh! Me! - Sit on your sitting cushion - Say the answer Calmly - This is hard - You're almost there 5 songs - that have "Love" in the title - Me! - That was close, again - Me! - Again - Me! Again haha - Me! - Me! - Me! - Me! Hey, you guys look good together Are you siblings? Haha [May I Love You?] Love you - Love you...? - That's a song! Don't fight - Say your answer - Don't fight - Me! - Me! Give me some time, [May I Love You?] Okay, I'll give you 7 seconds I hear that She just told him she loves him Oppa, love you - Me! - Me! Wow, me! - Teacher - Calm down Why am I teacher all of a sudden? Haha [May I Love You?] - [I love you] - [I love you] - [Forever Love] - [Forever Love] - How can you just repeat her? - Me! - [I Love You], [May I Love You?] - 5, 4, 3... [Forever Love] - Jessi! - Me! Stop haha Give us some music - You have to say "Me!" - Me! - Me! - I'm not done! Okay! Everyone, I'll give you a different question In the film, [Friend]... - You go to Hawaii - [Friend] - You got it? - Me!!! Me! You did your job Listen to the question first - In the film, [Friend], - I watched it what is Dong-su's line after Joon-seok's line - After? - who suggests Dong-su to go to Hawaii? - Jong-min, me! - Me! You go to Hawaii - Why? - What? Say Dong-su's line after this "I'll be brief" Say Dong-su's line after that Say Dong-su's line after that - Me! - Me! What is it? - I'll be brief - I'll be brief You go to Hawaii I'll give you a chance, go ahead - He's gonna give her a chance haha - No? Go ahead - I know it - It's not "You go to Hawaii" - It's not "You go to Hawaii" - Then, you go! I'll give you a chance - Should I? - Okay, go Okay, me! - I'll say the line - Okay I'll be brief Take your time if you want - Really? - Amazing Let's go with American movies - Do [Batman]! - Eun-bi It's cool to give in to defeat too Oh, really? Give in to defeat haha It's "Admit defeat" haha - Give in to defeat haha - Give in? Same thing I love you all Massage Winning team Sil-bi, come on And Chun-ok, come on - Ji-seob, come on - Thank you Really? Okay There are gifts for this team too You're giving it to everyone? - What? - One each - Can we open it? - Just take one for now What is it? It's bigger - Ah, please - What is it? I'll do it for you - I'm sad - Why? - I'm sad - Why? This feels good too I know, but this is a machine You need this This is so funny - Okay, anyway - Yes Are you an MC? Go over there And we'll give a special gift for the MVP - There's an MVP? - A special gift for the MVP - Let's have everyone vote - Shall we? Say it in my ear - What are we voting for? - Today's MVP 1 person for MVP - It's neck-and-neck - It's neck-and-neck? - Who and who? - With 3:2:1, - today's MVP - MVP! The MVP of Shinbak Entertainment's first company retreat is... is... Eun-bi! Come on! Oh my god, meat! Let's eat it together Let's eat together - Are we having a party today? - Yeah - But why? - They voted for you Really? Thank you so much No, no Two people voted for someone else Oh, what? I whispered, "Me" - You didn't pick me either? - I voted for you - Do you want to eat this? - No He voted for Sil-bi Take that and say "Have a great Chuseok" - in front of the camera - Yeah - Have a what? - Great Chuseok Let's say goodbye now Eun-bi will say, "Have a great Chuseok" Have a great Chuseok Dear viewers Deary view... - Deary - Oppa! - Dear viewers - Okay Dear viewers - Had - Have! I can't pronounce that You lip-sync, I'll say it for you Dear viewers Have a great Chuseok
Channel: MBC WORLD
Views: 795,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MBC WORLD, KPOP, KCONTENTS, k-idol, idol, jessi, gum, gum challenge, gucci, zoom, nunu nana, cold blooded, street woman fighter, what type of X, hwasa, psy, i love my body, chilli, chilli challange, yoojaesuk, jaesuk, runningman, chungha, jay park, more vision, that that
Id: YEuOgyu_5h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 37sec (6877 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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