🔴How to Create a Passive Income Business Through Knowledge Products

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[Music] what is up everybody we are back with another livestream today and today's show we're gonna talk about how to build a passive income business for what I would consider a reluctant person who wants to do it who's joining me today Robert run it ski is joining us I'm going to be talking about building a passive income business model here's a couple things I want to tell you right up front about Robert here's what I know he's a freelance motion designers been doing this for a really long time he's based out of Munich Germany so he Coleman everybody and he works on trailers opening titles for a couple of notable clients and I was looking through his client list and these were just the a lettered clients cuz there's a whole be CD and whatever Adobe Apple howdy I don't know have you heard of them maybe and I also know that he speaks and lectures a lot he's spoken at con Adobe Creative days and Mac's on and the reason why we're talking today is because we bumped into Robert at Adobe MAX this year it was one of those really nice serendipitous moments when when I see someone and we talked and we connected he describes himself as an old-school influencer well we're the new-school influencers and this is where our worlds overlap and I want to share some things and show some of his work but here's a little funny thing I think he might be a fan of Star Wars Star Wars but we'll get into that a little bit first up I want to show you a little demo reel so you know who Robert is he's totally legitimate he's a he's the person who does a lot of demos and speaks for Macs on cinema 4d guys so those of you guys that are into motion graphics enjoy this real mark let's play the [Applause] [Music] awesome work let's welcome Robert to the show Robert how are you doing hello thank you for for having me absolutely it's I'm glad we're able to do is I'm seeing all kinds of people saying WOW dope they're reacting to it love the music and I just want to say something we've not brought on a lot of motion designers because generally speaking there's music attached to their work and then the content gets flagged for him from YouTube so Robert naturally cleared all this music so hopefully this episode will continue to live on there's like wow wow wow and welcome everybody that was amazing okay so Robert I'm not gonna distract you with all the comments cuz you're getting a lot of positive comments are killed at work hello from Spain welcome Robert there's a lot of people looking forward to having this conversation with us now you're in your office right now right I am yes yes was perfectly combed gelled hair and this is what his office looks like okay go ahead let just interrupt yes that go ahead before I forget to say first of all big thanks for for having me and also thank you for everything that you do and for the community you know the thing is I just really enjoy what you guys are doing no matter if it's the design work or the teaching work everything so a big thanks for that thank you Robert you know what I love to I gotta say those guys let's just take a moment be present to what's going on I don't know Robert until I run into Robert at Max and we feel like we know each other because there's this relations that it's built because of the content we produce and we start hanging out and seeing a lot of each other just talking about life and business and family and the things he's trying to do and I think you guys are definitely going to stick around for the entirety of this episode because I think by having this conversation with him we're gonna try to recreate some of this so that you guys can come on board with the conversation as if you're just hanging out with us okay I do want to show you what kind of geek Robert is because let's take a look at this office look at this first I thought is this was his home so I was thinking well it's a big house and your partner lets you get away with all this stuff and we found out no she doesn't you know and look at his office look at there's even more Star Wars and Marvel stuff in toys and books this is the dream he's got a cool Eames Lounge share in there guys he's got good taste it's very clean I expect nothing less from a German it's very clean and just more perfect perfect and it's not almost perfect they just they're the engineers or the one that feels perfect like that goes all you mas prints you see those they're perfectly lined up precision air you come into our office they're all crooked somebody knocked it and there's a dent in the corner here's some more stuff here right and it's a star was helmet so I'm gonna show one more clip one more clip before we actually dive into the meat of this because if you weren't blown away I mean prepared to be because here he is he's gonna take us through [Music] hi folks I'm Robert Annette scheme and I'm the director of the toca my opening title sequence I would like to walk you through some of the things that we did to create this film it was really awesome to work with some talented friends and artists like Daniel Hanna's Michael Menge and automa and Michael focus we spend a lot of time thinking about the concept and how to match this year's topic dream big we had ideas of showing a sleeping girl that is dreaming of creativity and ideas for inspiration we looked at a lot of images containing lights and projections and then created a mood board with some of our favorites our vision was to only illuminate the sleeping girl's face by projecting artwork from each of the artists that is speaking at a to connect conference we carefully had to curate all the artwork from the artists to find something that would work as a projection setup each of the artwork was turned into a black-and-white image with a raster effect to make it more like a projection we also added some chromatic aberration and some imperfections daniel has created this amazing 3d scan of this girl's face that we use to be able to go into a macro level of detail Phil I'm alone cleaned up the 3d scan using ZBrush all the 3d animation was done in cinema 4d and we wanted to base everything on the real world so for example we used only folks lengths that would really exist Daniel made a set up for cinema 4d that allowed us to use the art work and projected on to the face of the girl and let it illuminate by using global animation before we even rendered a single frame we quickly created an animatic that we could send off for editing and also music creation my comments worked with the animatic on the edits that we could then use to define the final length but also send it over to Andy and Michael for music creation for the musical part we gave Andy a Michael a few cool tracks that we liked and thought will work really well for this piece all they had to work with at the beginning was a rough animatic but with each frame we gave them the music as well as the visuals grew together to become the final piece it is right now when it came to renderer we found out that the average frame took between one and one and a half hours surrender but some frames were even going up to four hours to render so it was really tricky but thankfully Google cloud platform supported us offering us zinc render as a rendering solution so we could use up to 500 machines with a total of 16,000 cores to render all the frames and to really pull this off in time after we finished rendering all the frames it was time for compositing reuse after fact to composite all the shots by using scene where we could extract the cinema 4d camera as well as a null object that was used as a particle emitter source particula was used to create floating dust specks the separate rule metrics pass was used as a mask for all the particles so they are only visible in the volumetric light then we adjusted the particle size so everything was matching the original camera movement that we created in cinema 4d multipath layers especially the depth channel allowed us to create a depth of field effect in After Effects even after rendering so we could really focus on certain areas so you switch left lens cap to create the macro level depth of field that we wanted to have then we added a lot of camera imperfections like chromatic aberrations and several blurs to give it the final look the final shot we want oh my goodness all right sir if people went silent on the chat they're like oh my god people talking about the render time this is deep work so next is who is responsible for most of the 3d part yeah he's a crazy geek about you know doing photo real 3d scans that are there so just I'm certainly real and detailed say actually all the cravings and lips you can actually fly through them because it's not bump but yeah Rico's saying this guy is from the future yes all right why did I want to show you guys all that work you know we're not here just to huddle around somebody's amazingness which he is pretty amazing but I just want to let you know he's a super legitimate artist and I think this is a way for us to jump into the conversation with Robert which is this is Roberts of freelancer has been working as a freelancer and without disclosing how much money he makes he told me he makes a lot of money and you would think somebody of his caliber with the kind of clients he's worked for he would make a lot of money so my thing is I think making that money and having a partner and two kids he's got a family support he's got golden handcuffs on I don't know if you guys have heard that term before it's like you make money and you have to support your lifestyle and your family and so it seems like you're kind of stuck doing that it's a good kind of stuck because it makes a lot of money doing it but then it kind of sometimes closes you off to other opportunities things that are risky because you just count you can't go back right so Robert one of the things that we started talking about is I asked you this like because you speak and you create educational products and we were just talking about before we went on air you created a really cool tutorial on how to build a torn paper thing and look so photo-real and you said that thing went bananas on Vimeo and people were checking it out and it was like six or seven years ago and people still are asking you like wow thank you man you really help me help so you already have all the components that I think to take yourself to the next level which is to try to create some kind of product a course a kit a template a shader something so that you can start to earn money while you sleep and when I said that to you I can't remember your exact reaction so maybe we can pick up a conversation from there so that's the context of our conversation right now you guys don't be super legit so this is not some kind of poser trying to take a shortcut I was just thinking maybe it's time for another part to your career that you can add to what you're already doing so why don't why don't you just share with me your thoughts on that well like you already said it's it's it's been there in my mind a little bit like it's not totally new to hear about passive income or do something that is out there it was just like I've kind of pushed it away or it was like she said reluctant about it for several reasons probably the biggest one was fear of you maybe the other one maybe but not maybe actually it's a fact I mean just having to having to do work that actually pays the bills more or less immediately having having big major projects that I work on alone as well as with the great partners and friends that I have gives you very little time to do side projects you know because essentially it's it's for me it's like the work that I'm commissioned to do and then it's off home to the family and then you know spend family time so like years ago when when not having kids and stuff you know you would spend an extra hour or two or three working on your personal project or you know doing watching tutorials or just educating yourself a little bit know and now that time more or less is very limited or almost gone because there was so much pressure on having to finish commissioned projects obviously so I've been chatting to Hugh for example stock stock people and they're like yeah can you do templates for us can you do models or I don't know After Effects files or whatever that's like yeah yeah I would love to do that they were begging me more or less in them I was like over a year ago and I still didn't do anything because it was simply no time and also I was a bit hesitant maybe a little I'm I submit so that was that was a thing and and I do know that it's it's not something where you just I mean passive income sounds like like this like this you know how do you say the Han German what is it the dream the rainbow with the the unicorn and the pot of gold and the leprechaun it's like it's elusive and it's like this magical nirvana place that we all want to get to right you guys it's the dream of all artists to be able to make something and to live off that thing that we we create forever or for at least some time musicians get it they write an album they go on to work but when they stop going in tour they still make money theoretically because their albums keep going on right filmmakers get it they get points on the film actors get it to get points on the film and so when there's a hit or a sitcom gets syndicated they keep making money so some of the people that aren't friends still pull in a ridiculous amount of money every single year so they don't have to do anything that they don't want to and I think we all desire freedom we want that right we want more of it we want more time so I think what's interesting about you and and what I think we're gonna talk about is the mindset which is he's busy working and if he has any little time left outside of work he wants to give it to his girlfriend because his partner and his kids so now where he's gonna find time and it seems like for the immediate future there's a lot of work with little reward where right now he can go and work on a project and bring home real money that he knows it's dependable and it's there so it's in our site so this is where I think we had to start talking about the long game and what happens to you in five years in ten years and Beyond right because you still look like a pretty young guy but I know you have a lot of experience so you're not you're not in your 20s right you're nineteen twenties and so eventually I think at some point your body your mind is not there anymore in this industry really is notorious for chewing people up and spitting them out that the young people coming out of school who are very talented too can trade on their time in lack of experience and it starts to edge some of us out a little bit and you're you're probably one of the exceptional people who are still in demand and your career is on track and everything is good but people on the margins start to get pushed out we know that this is going to happen at some point unless you ascend into the place where you wind up being a technical director or a VFX supervisor or something like that where are you staying on right well you're not hands on work anymore but one of the other things that we talked about is in terms of the benefit of creating a passive income product business model something is what happens to you if you get sick heaven forbid you're crossing the street somebody slams into you now you can't work and you're right here you have your hands ER and Cass or whatever it is I don't know and now you can't exchange your time anymore for money and so the family's like dad what are we gonna do so there's that responsibility so I think for all those reasons I think maybe not for now but for the future it's worth it it's like buying a mutual fund it's not sexy you put money into it you don't see a lot of return but based on compounded interest in 15-20 years it's worth a million dollars right right so let's get into this because some of our dialogue during summer or conversations or get-together was I said hey man you create content you put free stuff out on Vimeo you put stuff up on YouTube and you go out and you teach in your lecture and for the most part the event organizer flies you out put you up in hotel but you know after that like that's kind of that's kind of it for you yeah right so right now we we are ultimately exchanging time our time for money so if we can make that time and knowledge into something anything we're gonna do better for ourselves and it won't be much at the beginning this is not a get-rich-quick scheme this isn't about changing your entire life overnight because it's not gonna happen overnight like that but I remember telling you it's like we create all this content out there on YouTube and then that's how people find out about us and then you said to me Chris I get it it's bait and I said well you try to describe me like it's kind of like a very negative light like bait I'm gonna hook people and just throw them in the boat and it's all a scam so the first thing I want to say is this is that how you describe and think of a situation the words you choose it changes your perception so if Robert says you're putting out content because it's bait because you really want to sell him this other thing then he has a negative feeling about it and he's not one to bait people into anything you can see like it's really on look at him he's so honest looking he's like Robert there's Lincoln and then there's Robert right he just want to do that the artists in him chides against that that idea that I'm gonna make stuff too like fool people or celebrate it's it feels like too salesy feels dirty but what I wanted to say to you Robert is that if you create stuff for people I think there's a lot of gratitude that's out there that doesn't know how to repay you and I think our society works or our culture works whether you're in America or in Germany is that we want to reciprocate we don't want to be takers we don't want to be leeches and loafers and all that kind of stuff we don't want to overstay our welcome so when you give value to the world somebody wants to give you something back to say thank you Robert so all we want to do is to create something convenient for them to say thank you this could be a patreon page but when you build a patreon page it almost feels like sometimes you have to work for them because you have to do exclusives or behind-the-scene and then now you have two jobs on top of being a parent that's a lot of work so patreon is one way and we can get really creative but I was just thinking is there something that you've done over and over again I'm sure because you've worked a long time well you feel like you know what that took me a lot of time to develop those resources but a debt if I packaged that up let's say it's a package of shaders or presets or lighting setups that you use all the time if you package it up and you sold it for 10 15 20 30 bucks whatever you want to sell it for that people will buy it because they need it and they could use it but because they want to say thank you does that make it a little bit more palatable for you yeah definitely definitely I mean it's interesting because one of the mindsets for example many years ago and correct me if my feeling of that is wrong but like maybe I don't know 6 7 maybe 10 years ago a lot of studios and an artist seem to be very reluctant of showing off like the real secrets if you want to say yes the secret's out the secret sauce yeah and and and I remember I did I actually did a video tutorial serious back with video to brain they were called and they were bought by Linda I think and so I had like back when DVDs existed you know those old school this is put in and you know something to place the young people are like what are they talking about yeah so I had like to to after fix courses and you know I didn't didn't make a lot of money on those and I don't know if they sold well or not but I just wanted to get those out but I remember very clearly when doing those I was like yeah how much do I do I show how much do I tell like do I go until here or here or here and and this is this has changed like in the last couple of years I imagine as well as as with me you know what I do a lot of talks as you said and right now I'm like I'm not really keeping anything to myself really because I found that whenever you you share something it's like the Karma principle I was in an interview with with Adobe back at IBC chatting with Nick territory and Sergei from Lucca media and we developed the the hashtag mograph karma so that's kind of like that's kind of how it is you know mograph karma and or general karma is like when you I have the feeling it would really like you said when you when you put something out people say thank you and experienced that very dramatically with the the paper tutorial people ask like hey how can i how can I help you back and I didn't monetize that I didn't I just put it out there because people were asking about it and then I was like damn I could have I could have done like like a patreon thing or something on that and even if just everybody or I'd like just have two people donate it just one dollar it would be a significant amount and yeah but this is this is how far how far I got with that it totally makes sense to do something I'm actually something up maybe I'm like I have to fix setup or because there's stuff that I do over and over again just to create the look that I developed over the years and yeah mmm okay so it's been a couple of months and I since I saw you last at Adobe MAX and I was thinking have you thought about it more like are you ready to move forward or is there still a couple of things that are nagging at you where you think I'm not ready right now cuz I want you to take action soon well I mean like one of the things we discussed was also like this old-school new-school influence for things yeah I've been that's been an influencer for for companies like Adobe a welcome for I don't know over 15 years now back then that was there was no YouTube and no Instagram and nothing you know I was you know an influencer by chatting to people saying like oh god man you have to check out after if it's really cool or check out this this thing just by word of mouth and you know believe it or not I mean on Instagram I have like 300 something followers and then YouTube it's maybe 500 I mean it's like ridiculous little amounts and I remember it talked to you about that you know and it just makes me think like okay so if I if I put out I don't know I set up whatever it's at or a serious then okay Wow 500 people gonna know about it I mean I'm happy for those hundred people but you know I'm thinking like cave if you guys put something out or I don't know Andrew or something that it's like instant like hundreds and thousands people seeing it you know like instantly with me it's like okay it's a couple of hundred and maybe not even all of those that are following are actually gonna see that because it's just so little so like the number of people that are following or fans or whatever the little numbers also maybe one of the things we're just like maybe it's just not worth it because no one's gonna bother you know yeah I see okay so you you're seeing the work ahead and it's it's gonna be slow going at the beginning for sure okay so that's one thing I'm gonna write that down it's gonna be slow and hard okay got it all right and I want to clarify something because it was funny when Robert told me this I'm like your old school influence right but yeah but don't don't check me on Instagram or Twitter because the numbers would be so dismal like abysmal a small right what he's talking about was when he gives a thumbs up to a comment he's doing it real live like hey that was a good thing you did there and you're out so that means you must be out at conferences at events and meetups quite a bit right and yeah you're also I don't know I don't you don't strike me as a shy guy because you just started talking and we just hung out for a while right so you have something that's unique first you go out a lot and you you already have a reputation so people invite you to these things so at least you're not paying for it and you have a partner to take care of the kids while you're away so there's some things working for you and you're not you're not super shy so that kind of eliminates 80% of our audience right now or 90% and he's got amazing work yeah I forgot about that part oh yeah you need as amazing work to and thank you so now if you don't have all those things how do you become an old-school influencer well let's try and broaden this thing out let's let's try and tackle the first thing that you talked about which was okay I get a couple hundred views it's not thousands or hundreds of thousands of views but let's make let's make this a practice let's see what happens if you actually put effort into it and what I would love for you to do and everybody that's watching this right now is generate as many ideas as possible about things that you can create to help somebody else save time because what you're doing is you're selling their time back to them this is what people need to understand when we make a product of course I'm not selling you anything more than your own time back to you so if I show you how to do something and you would have spent ten hours looking for that let's say you're worth $50 an hour so I've saved you $500 worth your time and that's how you need to know that so then sometimes people are like well my time is not worth much well for those people where you have more time than money go ahead and go and do all that research and find out things and try things out on your own but when you get a little bit smarter about this you're gonna realize that your time is actually better spent thinking and making things and not trying to figure stuff out so these are little shortcuts you're buying somebody else experienced to save you time so let's generate a bunch of different ideas and if you guys have some ideas go ahead and type it in the chat drop it in below right now and type it in maybe I'll start off to thinking a little bit here maybe it's a PDF on on step by step instructions on how to create like a cool look how to create realistic looking paper that could be a PDS one idea maybe it's a five-minute tutorial on how to do something or it could be a keyboard shortcut guide or five hacks to achieve something in less time andrew kramer's great at this by the way if you guys don't know check out Video Copilot he does a great job of finding the most simple way to do something that you didn't think could be done without using special plugins he's a master at that so he's gonna teach you that and then people end up buying his products just to support him and he's got a really great business by doing that so what other things can you do Robert let's just kick out kick around some ideas go ahead me yeah you're Robert I can talk to anyone else but you so yes yeah I mean I mean the paper thing is probably a good idea but you know doing after fix templates could be another one mm-hmm templates yep right right doing stock models was an idea okay 3d models the map on five it'll be stark et cetera yeah as well as that's another thing actually that I think of it a lot of other great artists that are selling some of their stuff online on stock markets like not stock markets but footage stock right stock a stock assets it I mean some of them like there's a bunch of tutorials on YouTube saying like yeah I have hands it's and thousands of clips and photos lying around that are just there that I shot in nature that I basically not copyright or anything you know it's just like stuff that you are the owner and that you you created but you could technically just put out there you know if it could be a clip of of the waiver because I mean there's probably millions of that but who knows because someone might be looking for that so actually that's that's maybe something that they could be done without really having to create something but actually just looking for something that there would be definitely something I don't know if it's worth it really um you know much you will generate but that could be something I was thinking of motion graphics templates for for Adobe doing that um since that's pretty in you I don't know how much there is I know Andrew did a couple of those mm-hmm each but yeah these are these are like some of the initial ideas yeah but also but also like the teaching part it's very it's actually it's funny now hearing it from someone externally especially someone that has a reputation like you it's kind of like yeah you actually arrived because people like my talks I mean I'm don't want to sound off ever been or something but I get feedback and comments like okay that was really nice and I appreciate that so it must be there must be something that people enjoy about that and hopefully yeah maybe I can build on that and probably expand and yes so without ever having gone to on your talks without even watching your tutorial I already know about their I already know that you're good I already know that you're good you know why it's because people keep paying you to come out and speak again and then there's an audience and if you sucked if you weren't a good presenter if you didn't know your material if you didn't make learning fun they would not invite you back that's how you know so even if you don't like I don't know if it's any good so you already have a bunch of talks you prepared you can easily convert that and I want to share a couple of stories so see so hearing you talk and just open it up there's so many ideas that are coming now I just want to say hello I don't know it's the the man himself Nick but grayscale guerrilla it's in the house he's like what's up Robert so okay we got the whole community coming in and look at that you guys we're 424 watching live right now I like this maybe we need to do more motion content or something like that follow Robert's channels so YouTube Instagram and there you go let's just say it out loud what is Robert's channel you can find them at Robert Ren it's key and there's a silent H in there it's h ra n itz KY right mm-hmm okay so you can check them out he doesn't have a ton of subscribers right now but let's change that today let's do it okay guys and we'll include the link in the description below all right so let's keep going here so you came up with some ideas and and Matthew was saying hey why don't you just teach how you built old projects that's really low hanging fruit you can take say a clip from one of your your title sequences for the conference or maybe for Audi mm-hmm something that you can use and start to build these things and here's one thing I want to say to you guys though right cuz we love Adobe we do Adobe here in this response the rest we love Adobe but when you say like maybe I'll build stock and put on Adobe stock and that's cool but I don't like that idea I want you to build your platform for your audience for your community because when you use somebody else's platform unless it's for the future that's a whole different story because it will take it right is you can use your own platform so they can feel a one-to-one connection with you not through some middleware not through some platform because then those companies take the lion's share of the money and they're supposed to because they spend all the time building it so I would love for you to create a little community or a product or something and you just sell direct you can say hey if you guys like with tutorials just if you want to say thank you the you can buy my models but you don't you don't need to it's there right so that's where you the artist capture the most value now I've saw this in the comments and because people don't always read the comments I do need to say something because I didn't do a very good job what is passive income to begin with what does that mean let's talk about it massive income doesn't mean that it requires no work actually it requires a lot of work otherwise everybody would do it it means that you spent a lot of time writing crafting creating documenting editing refining and packaging up your knowledge you put it together into something and then it becomes a product the product isn't like a real tangible thing in most cases it's a digital thing it could be a Lightroom preset or a color correction preset to get that cool Bluegreen look or that cyan orange look whatever it is that you want to do you package that up and then you put it out for sale so when you're sleeping eating on vacation playing with the kids and cooking dinner somebody buys it and that's how we sustain ourselves right now is we have knowledge products that people buy and so no matter what like right now while I'm talking to you we're still making money orders are still coming in to the tune of about no no north of now five seven ten thousand dollars a day money just keeps coming in that's what happens for us so it does take time though cuz you're gonna have to build it and it will require work and effort so that's what a passive income business is some people mistakenly say I have a passive income business because my clients pay me a retainer that is not a passive income business because you actually still have to work to earn that money okay so put them work upfront and reap the rewards down the line it's like that mutual fund that we talked about okay let's keep going are there some questions to see Matthews watching you so one of our creative directors is watching this I think Ben is on here too or I don't know there's a couple of our people on this stream right now yeah well they love the motion work and they'd like to see a lot of that from you so there you go you've already struck some interest with the audience cool I appreciate that a lot yeah and then on a personal note I think it would be great to see a lot of your products being sold out there like you already are but I think since you have a good stage presence you know getting to know you as a teacher I think would even solidify the deal if I was to buy your product so you know doing these mini tutorials would be great for you know you to engage with the audience that's just how I personally feel mm-hmm okay yeah all right what else what else can we talk about like how do we get Robert across the finish line so there's gonna be work so there's a lot of questions about what platforms to use now depending on how ambitious you are how good you are with technology how much free time you have let's first talk about how we create more time for ourselves I get it you're a parent and you're I are you the sole breadwinner does your does your partner work yes she started working half a year ago again she's in marketing so that takes off a little bit of the pressure okay what we decided for there for both of our kids for two years almost three years they both get like the full attention of at least one parent full-time that's fantastic that put a lot of pressure on the other part to hustle and get work right so yeah but it was worth it I mean the kids are great and so yeah but now it's you know it's been incubating for for for a while but now it's becoming more and more you know more and more important and and current and also when she asked me like so why are we gonna be in five to ten years right I don't know tomorrow he I safe I mean I love I love my work I love what I do but at the same time you look at stuff out there that the other artists are putting out and you just go like man and then it just makes you wonder like how long can you do this and I'm not working to crazy hours anymore because I'm fast but also to try to manage my time better at the same time I kind of like okay so here's the thing like what's gonna happen in five to ten years do I still want to do that not if I can do it but do I want to do that and right that's that's been nagging on me for for some time but it's nagging more and more now that you you grow older and you see you see things differently yeah so that's kind of what happens we go through these arcs these phases in our life at the beginning we're just happy to get work and we're happy to work on cool projects and then we kind of hit some momentum and we want to ride that first long as we can but then you start to enter into another phase where you become more reflective and think can I be doing this right under 10 years do people want me to do this for another 10 years what's gonna happen to me in my life in my career and how can I do more of what I love and do less of what I so let's talk about this we all do it but also sorry to interrupt but also what's what's been you know going on in my mind as well was also like for me and I've been telling this in presentations and in classes as well actually just got off teaching a few nice young students here at design school and unique and I said the exact same thing yesterday like whatever whatever I do it's it's not it's mostly most probably not saving a life or something so it's not it's not that I'm a doctor I'm not putting myself out there j-just a lot of a lot of designers and artists take themselves way too seriously and it's like always like the middle of the world and and it's actually it's not not nothing making any work or art small it's just like it's just work and it's just like alright and especially if it's commercial work it's like doing like another pack shot of another product yeah it is fun to do it but in the year from now or maybe even sooner no one's gonna care about because there's a new product there's a new a new car there's a new thing and so I was just wondering and questioning the value of the work that you're doing you know and then I thought wow it's it's I don't know if you work in the future film business obviously that has culturally and creatively maybe maybe a higher value because people are gonna watch that in a couple of years ago say like oh wow ok that's cooler that's amazing um but for as like ads and commercials it's kind of like yeah it's it's been nice you had it all those nice little glows and highlights and everything is like super slick but then when was gonna bother about that in a year or two so that's that's one of the things I was wondering like how much how much value are you creating in in an emotional way and and this was coming off from from a talk I gave in I think in what was that a thing in Hungary in Budapest and there was this young kid asking me like hey what what should I do with my life my parents want me to do what was that I think physics or mathematics to study that but he is really an artist and he wants to do art and wants to do graphics and everything so what what can I do and I was I was shocked about that question because I felt that responsibility telling someone something and I just - like a two-page letter or email saying like okay so here's here's what I would do we have to decide your own thing but he was so super grateful and actually I should follow up I don't know what you chose to do but um you know that that gave me something that's maybe more important than the joy of just creating another a nice rendering you know what I mean mm-hmm okay I wrote down some notes here so I think you've given me a lot of material to kind of think about work on here okay so first of all there's the issue of time Robert is getting a little breather because his partner's going back to work so the pressure for him to produce isn't as a great as it used to be but here's the thing we're all given the exact same amount of time each and every single one OS which is 24 hours in a day until they change that so what we have to do is we have to figure out a way to find more time how do you do that without radically changing your life I want to give more prescriptive advice on how to do this that isn't a total radical departure because if I do people are gonna not do they're gonna recoil and say I can't do that that's too extreme have too much going on my life so here's what we're gonna do we have to exchange something we want for something that we don't need right now so we got to get rid of a couple things that we don't need so it might be that you're really into soccer slash football or doing something that isn't really contributing to one of your two or three goals you need to make money so that's what you do as a freelance designer right you need to be it a parent and a partner you need to start to build up your brand and your passive income business so anything that doesn't fit directly into those three categories what I'm gonna ask you to do is find three hours a week where you can work on your passive income business so that might mean cutting out a little bit of Netflix binging or The Walking Dead or something or maybe you don't read or watch the news as much as you used to so you're gonna give up something and this will be the least painful this is like a very gentle pulling back the band-aid not just tearing it off which is normally what I would tell people to do is let's do that okay so let's find a little bit of time so you don't have to radically change anything it might mean waking up an hour earlier and going to bed an hour later on certain days and then you can find the time and that's really all that's about there's so many videos out there they talk about successful people and how they wake up at the crack of dawn because they can get more stuff done I don't know them that's necessarily true because you just go to bed earlier what you have to do that you have to expand your day that's it that's one way and the other way is to get rid of a couple of things that you can do without and we all have that if you audit your life your week and you look at and you record everything you do in a week you'll find that you're spending a lot of time doing something that's totally unnecessary for example maybe you're on Facebook too much or you're on Instagram or maybe you're watching some dumb guy on YouTube too much I don't know and you're not getting value I don't know I'm not saying our channel butter you know maybe you're watching too much of something that's not really helping you move forward right excluding the channel guys come on let's be real here all right so here's I got some ideas for you man so you're a solo guy right you're freelancer I am freelancing yeah but I do have I mean actually it's the shared office so behind me is is Daniels Daniels room over there is max and Chan and we all free answers I mean a great artist but we do collaborate on projects if time budget and the necessity of the project self allows then I say who do collaborate but sometimes that full of stuff yeah it's a co-working space there's three of you guys you guys share the rent and you you know your own business okay so here's here's a very simple thing what if we created a new series a very finite amount of time when you call it something like learn with Robert so here's the thing there's a dual benefit for you what I like for you to do is bring some young designer who's very teachable coachable to come in and give that person one simple skill to learn each week and you guys document that so first of all like this is the grunt work I have to do I have to do it I'm very fast at it so it's gonna be very slow for you to do it but let's say you have to do some roto work like I have to cut up things and Photoshop all the time or I have to label my files whatever it is because I want to be super organized so I can get to work so all the stuff that somebody else can do if you break it down to an line of 15 things 12 things to teach somebody if you want to be like me these are the 12 things you're gonna master and I'm gonna teach one skill to one person and everybody that jumps on this program with you can watch in real time as you document and videotape and screen share the whole bit so they can be your virtual apprentice that way you're gonna get two pieces of value from this one is you can get back some more of your time because you're buying his time in exchange for your time back or her time okay so that person could be your Prentice you have space for it they can help you with some stuff or maybe you come in a little later and they just use your computer and said you know you come in from 6 to 10 a.m. and you do these tasks and we have a two-hour crossover where I train you and then every week you need to learn a new skill until you need to master this and you need to go and if you can't learn it that'll be the end of it I'm gonna bring somebody else in and we're gonna keep doing this and everybody gets to watch and learn with you mmm that's low-hanging fruit right sounds like good idea cuz you're a natural teacher already and then that'll force you every week to write some content to teach what it is that you're gonna share with this person in a very simple way so my son said to me dad you know you were your home school to me what's gonna happen like how many I get to Arts Centre cuz that's where I'm gonna go someday I'm like over my dead body we're talking about I'm not going into debt for that cuz I would teach you everything you want to know so we're beginning the Arts Center program with him at home right now I can break down every skill and everything that I do with him in little bite-size pieces so our commute to work together when we're driving to and from the office we have these decompression and setting up the day I'm training the boy's mind and then I'm gonna teach him he's 12 okay he's still like I won't play video games and read comics and draw and you know so I don't want to destroy his childhood but I'm going to slowly introduce concepts over and over again so by the time he's ready to go to college he won't need to he'll be a self learner and he'll acquire what I think are the fundamental skills so if anything he'll study philosophy or history or something that's not art because I think I can handle the art teaching part so you can have a helper you can create content and you can start to build the community you can start to build some kind of income and it won't be a lot of work for you I'm looking for like low-hanging fruit let's just go and grab that piece okay look Victor's already saying I want to be that person take me into consideration you already have people so you guys let's uh let's get in touch with Robert let's bomb his Twitter and it's Instagram or whatever it is what is I know it is but Robert how did he get in touch with you on Twitter or Instagram on Twitter it's HR animation it's like my initials HR animation yeah and on Instagram it's HR any major okay I actually have the slide right here I was prepared but Jonah didn't see it there we go there is you guys there you go hopefully I spelt everything right so animator and animation so when Robert makes an announcement when he's ready for you hit him up but you know what what's really cool is you can build a relationship with him right now you can just first follow him and engage with his content comment on his channel on YouTube show them that hey maybe we do need this thing enrico I already have too many children I cannot adopt you I'm sorry it'll be a virtual adoption and so I'm gonna in just like you beat me to it yes yes you guys okay it's something I want to bring up yeah so I've been hearing a lot of about you know how to optimize your time through some of the videos that we added here but I think this concept of double-dipping has been pretty effective for some of our people and I don't know you're thinking of that Chris no no I we're the masters of the double-dip I mean like quadruple dipping so by double dipping we mean as you're working through something you know recording that process and then using that as a piece of content so you know if you're working on a commissioned project you know maybe it does take a little bit of time to set up and record that but if that can also be turned into a piece of content to help people learn that way you're kind of double dipping that time it must be obviously there must be a clearing of you know some of the projects are super confidential so you're not allowed to yes exactly show that but there's there's definitely some projects where it's possible but so you mean like similar to what you guys are doing for example with your recordings of classes and and talks that Chris is giving where you know people ask like why is logo so expensive stuff like that right yeah something like that well I'll tell you right now I'm gonna give you guys a couple life hacks right now you guys ready so this is really for Robert because I'm speaking right now but for everybody then grab this and you can catch it and bring it in okay here goes this is the beauty like I can coach one person but hopefully thousands of you guys at the same time simultaneously the next time you do a talk Robert just record yourself and record the presentation you can use lots of software to do that and package it up and sell it for ten bucks so you've already done the work for the presentation you have the energy and you have the audience reaction and feedback so doesn't feel so weird if you've ever tried to record yourself in your room by yourself it's weird it feels like you're losing your mind there's no feedback and we need feedback right so when I say something I see your eyes look away or you kind of go like this and I oh I stepped too far I stepped on your toes a little bit here and if I say something you laugh it encourages me to give you more so you laugh even more so that's what we've done when we go to conferences we record what we do as soon as it's over because it's my intellectual property I just go package and resell it now I give some separation between when I do the event and when I sell it so that people don't feel like oh I paid for the in-person experience and now the video recording is only ten bucks what but you know what the truth is the people who want to see you speak and present in person will come and see you in person the people who want to read you in in like book form will buy that so give the people many ways to consume the content it's why we have a podcast it's why we write blog post it's why we create videos and it's why we have a coaching community and why I do workshops because everybody wants to consume it a little bit differently so this we are the masters of the slice-and-dice and repackage because we've learned just because I want to teach this way it doesn't mean somebody wants to learn this way and that's the key give them what they want alright now Anna is keeping me honest here Anna hi oh hi how are you from I think she's from B in Austria she's like what are the platforms you you were hinting at the platforms and then you didn't answer it well I'm gonna tell you guys right now all right there's many platforms that you guys can use to launch your knowledge product okay there's a couple will tell we use and other ones that we looked into right now we're currently using a combination of WooCommerce and teachable teachable is a great platform to sell your knowledge products you can upload videos they'll store the videos it's very secure and people who pay for it can have access you can control what is downloadable and what's only viewable you can upload PDFs you can make quizzes it's pretty cool it's built for teachers one of their competitors that we did look into a more established players kajabi ka jaiye ABI kajabi okay if you just want to make something that you can download a product and not a video thing you can use WooCommerce you can also use web Flo web flow is in beta right now I think they're ecommerce thing and you could build that you can also use Wistia we see us a little bit pricey but it's very simple and it's bulletproof you can basically lock videos you can say let them play six minutes of the video and at this point the rest of it it triggers the paywall and you can do that so if your content is really good people are diving in are wow so good I'm learning so much and it stops then they might pay for it so Wistia allows you to monitor and give access to individuals has a lot of control and you can see how much of the course they've completed which is really good and lastly and we've experimented with this this is the lowest easiest hanging fruit that you can grab which is to use YouTube premium you can mark your content as premium and allow also people to watch a certain portion of it a trailer if you will and then they have to pay for and you can determine the price the only problem with YouTube's premium and it's a big problem is that YouTube takes 30% of the revenue which is like that's like the mob yeah that's a 30% problem that's too much exactly I mean I wish they did a 4 or 5% something a little bit more reasonable and that's probably why not that many creators are creating content for YouTube in that way that's a lot I mean plus giving that not too many people are actually using premium I suppose I don't know numbers but I see it once in a while pop-up hey do you want to try premium you can download videos fall flying I'm like no no thank you maybe later so I don't know how many people are actually using it really yeah or I mean do you have to be subscribed to premium or no do you buy individual videos or or i premium so if we did this before as a test right so we did the topography course and we originally sold it through YouTube and we priced it really low like 10 or 20 bucks a video it's super cheap relative to the whole cost of the package because if the number support like say usually some of our videos get like 10 20 30 thousand views if everybody like you said paid $5 for a dollar then you can support you to do this right but that's the problem people on YouTube are used to getting content for free so they're a little reluctant to let go of some money I get that because I would love nothing more than to create courses that you can buy for $2 but we need the volume to be there so you can play around with different models and see what works for you but I was just kind of outlining some of the key platforms that you guys can try if you want to use what we use we just use teachable it works it makes sense once been set it up I'm able to add content and update things all the time and here's the really cool part unlike traditional publishing where you have to get it right you can't unpublish a book you don't get a second chance right in the video space if I don't like a piece of content I just rerecord it and swap out the video if I want to add something because my my learning or my point of view has changed or evolved over time I can just add more content it's what we do and those of you guys did a typography course or logo design course we just add stuff will switch stuff out because I'm I'm never satisfied so I can I can do that and that's that frees me up as the artist who wants to make something perfect like you said you're a bit of a perfectionist that you don't get locked into that you can actually question is do they do they also host the videos so basically yes I mean do they only do the the selling part also the hosting part or actually they do the whole thing all right okay yes and you can bundle courses together you can cross promote you can run an email marketing campaign where you can watch a free video and then it's gonna send you an email in a sequence of things to have a lot of tools set up it's not perfect it's far from perfect but it's pretty good okay okay yeah and you can also do an email but Matthew is astutely pointed out there on a black list they have shut down our entire video content because of it just a robot saying our car our content violates intellectual property rights even though we legitimately worked on those projects it's kind of messed up it is yeah yes bizarre yeah yeah I'm gonna move to YouTube anyway um so we've had this discussion with yes with you and and Nick back in LA yeah you know it's funny I just jumped on the YouTube train just two years ago believe it or not really I mean all I was seeing was like just crap on YouTube and the main thing the main reason was because I was not logged in you know I if you remember the the chat we had in LA saying like like maybe maybe it's like a cultural thing that maybe it's a german thing of being a like scared of being locked in and being tracked of what you watched and what you don't wash etcetera and i was logged in so i saw all those crappy cat videos and people on bikes and like stuff that I'm not interested in but once once i logged in and it kind of it learns about you man it learned and learned like okay so i watched a couple of apps for tutorials oh there's another one on this which is cool then i watched a couple of tutorials about camera ticket techniques and all of a sudden i see all those little recommendations and I stumbled upon Peter McEwen as well I'm like holy crap this guy is great and all of a sudden like this whole world opened up of good content that I didn't expect you to find because for me it was just crappy cat videos I don't know I was I was stuck in that in that thought you know what that what YouTube is and just two years ago I just kind of caught up and you know subscribe to a bunch of gay great creators like you guys as well you know I was like actually the fun thing is you want to know how I found out about you how's that tell us your true story yeah so I was on Facebook and I was scrubbing through and it was like this recommended content or whatever its called right I can add like a sponsored ad or whatever and it had it featured you like it was like a thumbnail of you in class talking and the video didn't look like it didn't look like it like a like a setup video it was all like okay hand held I mean the like a natural recording you know it's no offense but I thought like okay yeah I don't know I don't know what what that is and it keep coming up and I didn't know you guys above before that and once that was like - alright I'm gonna check it out how good is that I was like a year ago or something one and a half year goes I don't know and then I saw that the video and I was like holy cow this is gold it was so funny because I was like wow this is amazing like what you what you were saying and that video was like absolutely mind-blowing and I was like okay Wow is there more from that and then I saw that you have a channel and you have then I thought okay I'll monetize or you know you have to buy it and then I found out you have like hundreds of videos that are that I literally I could just recommend to any artist to watch it because this is like really good information in there and and this is how I found out then I was like okay so it was like Chris what is he doing like oh he was blind so I knew some of the work you did with Lion mhm and this was like holy cow this guy's good and then this is how this is how I found out about blind in the future and everything well awesome thank you very much for sharing that story do you remember how long ago you saw that video ad I played I don't know I would have like two years ago maybe maybe less maybe year and a half maybe because we only rent we actually believe it or not so alright we're gonna take a little detour here you guys we're gonna good job on the cotton Jonah good job my guys on it so it's only third time at bat he's gonna hit it out of the park so here's the thing about that our channel was kind of like not growing as fast as I wanted to and I looked at the video like it only had 30,000 views it's about how it's a price creativity logo design is something like that and we talked about $18,000 logos right and yeah I was looking for something to promote because we've never run ads on our own videos to promote it - for people to watch so brainstorming with mark I'm like let me find the video where I'm the least offensive the highest value content I have because people get mad at me all the time because I say bombastic things and I shake things up right and like I think that's a safest video that we can do and let's try it mark some are figures out cuz he used to work at Google he runs a ad campaign for us and we start spending money and I missed there was a miscommunication between mark and I about how much money we should spend to promote that video I thought we're spending a couple hundred bucks and later on mark tells me how much did we spend two grand mm he said oh just mm I'm sorry my good money so we spent two grand to do what to promote a video that teaches you you how to make more money there's no sales pitch there's no link there's no scam there's nothing just to help you make money so the weird thing was that video started circulating is started popping up and I think it caught on to a couple of people who weren't aware of us so it popped on their radar and we got me sure and a couple of blogs on design like creative taxi create a block or design taxi and create a block and then all of a sudden that video started to grow now I believe that video is now the number one watched video on our channel it's it's about to press 1 million views so from a lowly 30,000 we paid 2 grand to attain 970 thousand more people to watch it and it's a great video well thanks great dams so that I'm think thank you for sharing that because it's I always wonder how people find us and yeah there's no scam the Asian bald guys not trying to sell you anything funny it's no snake oil it's just it's hard work but you could do it intelligently and that's that's probably what we're trying to help people with I want to thank Rodrigo Tosca for donating thank you very much man I appreciate it totally not necessary guys don't do it but I do appreciate it ok all right let's see what else do we need to talk about Robert cuz I want you by the next time you and I talked tough started moving this direction and I just need you to remember this we're not getting any younger and someday you you may or may not be able to do what you do for a lot of different reasons burn out you're tired of it clients all doesn't get weird on you or you you fall ill and you still have obligations to take care of your family let's start the you what are the ages of your kids and there'll be three I mean the little one will be three come next week and you're the older one is five just the week ago okay let's start the college fund I don't know education is free in Germany it probably is it's like everything's better than here but let's just start there education fun let's think about it like that because in 13 years or so you're gonna have a big hole burning in your wallet mm-hmm right and let's plan for that we can do this and I want to help you and everybody else that's watching is to start thinking like this because though times are tough right now and that there's a lot of competition and we feel this downward pressure from from third world or developing countries doing work for a lot cheaper and and platforms like Fiverr and upwork and all those places or Elance or 99designs it's also a great time to be alive because platforms like teachable and kajabi exist like web flow so that you can actually build a platform and be have a direct connection to the customer your audience now you aren't reading the comments because you're talking to me but I'm also reading the comments and people seem to be very excited about this idea of you mentoring people to show them how to do what you do you have a gift man share it it's time to share it otherwise that gift dies with you yeah I mean I definitely will I mean it's yeah definitely will okay fantastic so it's just it's just like a lot like it like right now I might just like spinning you know okay I feel like I feel like after max and like all they're all like let's take a step back from there so I mean you you seems like you know what you need to do but Chris like how would you suggest someone like him prioritizes cuz I feel like a lot of guys are having the same the question mark okay you're here mark we don't have a camera in but mark so regular on our show he's he's a regular future person while we do that I want Robert to put on his thinking hat so when we cut back to Robert we can see him as thinking hat okay so how do we prioritize this I didn't realize what I was saying hang on yes you want me to put on my thinking hat okay that's your cue Robert let us coughs loudly when you're ready come back cause I think we'll know actually because Jonah can see you all right so it's just overwhelming for you guys so here's what we do I'm gonna teach you guys a life skill here okay take anything that's complicated I didn't I didn't hear anything for that one with no because we didn't cut okay cut - cut - oh you put it back on Robert okay move around till we know it to you all right well cut away so you can naturally breathe and do all this up okay excellent good job you guys knew it's coming he's putting on the stormtrooper hat awesome okay take a big complex problem and then chop it up into little pieces until becomes manageable there's a phrase this is inch by inch everything is a cinch okay if you wanted to run a marathon let's say that's your goal I want to run a marathon Chris you don't just start running the marathon it doesn't work like that you just go for a brisk walk for a mile and then for five miles and then you increase the pace so it's a little bit faster it's a light jog it becomes a medium jog then you go to ten miles and you keep adding to that and eventually you're able to do it if all of us sit there and think I have to run a marathon tomorrow I have to create a passive income business and capture my knowledge and sell it as a knowledge product oh boy that's hard that's really hard it just so happens this is not totally intentional but I think Ben is actually working on an outline to teach people how to do what we do because Ben runs pretty much all the backend stuff for us to teach you how to build a knowledge product cuz it's it's a very hot topic people want to do this because it's the dream man when you're asleep you make money and you share your gift with the world and you get to help people in real genuine ways I don't mean those scammy webinars that you see you know which ones I'm talking about you guys the webinars where they teach you how to get rich by getting rich themselves like they didn't make their fortune in real estate but they're gonna sell you a program on how to get rich in real estate and rent Lamborghinis in the background yes those are scammy to me oh my god Oh dice que me but I know Roberts the genuine thing he's the real thing because he's taught like just a couple days ago he's lectured he's created a body of work so you know the guy knows what he's talking about and that's why I'm encouraging you to do this so in case some of these watchings like ah it's all scammy stuff guys were so sick and gross yeah I see you guys typing I know who you know you know what I'm talking about Hey some names there that's my Lamborghini okay no for someone like Robert I mean should he break those chunks up in the form of something like okay build the plot build a website no no that's not this I think that's too much it start with micro content is it yeah okay very good question thank you for keeping me honest mark thank you okay so what's your Robert do let's formulate a plan for Robert a lot of ideas were thrown out so here's what we want to do we want to create a graph so take a piece of paper fold it in half and then fold it in half again and open it back up so you have now four squares okay draw a line in the middle of that four squares okay take each of your ideas and measure them based on impact and effort so it's really easy put it to the far right if it's really hard put it to the far left okay so start in the middle really easy move it to the left and then what's the potential of this taking off it's gonna make a lot of impact go up high so if it's easy but low impact just leave it there and ignore it if it's hard if it's hard I'm sorry I heart is on the side whatever I mix up the sides okay if it's really hard and low impact just throw that away what's easy and good impact it's the one you want to focus on first and you want to gradually move from the things that are progressively harder and less impactful so we want highest impact and we slowly work our way backwards so there were a lot of Roberts let's do a quick recap because we're almost out of time here excuse me the quick recap is he can create a PDF a little document a video explaining his process teaching people how to do what he does you can create a template stock models he can create texture packs lighting rigs color correction setup after-effects things whatever presets that's what we want from Robert he can also mentor somebody and to do some kind of master class and break down his key skill sets and teach and give his hero sauce away so now let's figure out what he should do first I think he needs to just identify what direction he wants to move in so go ahead and measure all those parts and ideas and pick the easiest one and build a plan so take the one that you think is easiest and outline it into five steps what are the five things you need to do to achieve that and that's it that's your plan and then you do that if it doesn't work you move on to the next idea and you keep doing that over and over until you find your hit you okay that's what you need to do so what I would do if I were you guys is whatever you decide to do just write a really rough outline don't try to get the grammar right don't try to like be too tricky with your phrasing like coming up with a cool tie because you get stuck on that here's the rule here's my rule cuz I'm not a natural-born writer right I write and I don't try to fix anything if it's miss spelt with the phrasing this bad if I didn't conjugate the verb or whatever it's just the tenses run it don't matter just write work through all of it get it done and step away like whew take a breath and when you ready to go back in and start edit in massage you need the raw materials there and I've been the victim or of the of my own creation here is that I would work on it the first paragraph doesn't sound right don't sound that smart I keep working on the first paragraph and then I just run out of energy I totally run out of energy and I'm gonna share with you guys in real time here or something I'm working on right now for a quick article I wanna write okay let me see if I can find it and then we'll share my screen here I think it's called it's a mental fitness I don't see where it is mm-hmm yeah I guess I can share this let me get my screen set up mark what else do we need to talk about anything else and maybe Robert has additional thoughts or no other pressing questions here okay cool that's good to know cuz we're almost out of time okay I almost don't want to share this with you guys because I feel like I'm gonna give away too much but Matthew suggested it's something he's wondering if mm-hmm we could just do a one pager and send that out as a PDF 100% yeah one represent so here's what you do you could you can create like a one-page or PDF super easy for you to make and you don't sell that but maybe ask them for the email mm-hmm like if you're into marketing it could be a five killer headlines to get people to open up your email it could be something like that and a lot of this could be gained through research now you're selling creativity and know-how so it's gonna sound very different all right I'm gonna share this why not guys let's just do it so let's cut to my screen I'm gonna show you guys in real time so I'm using notion because Matthew loves it he's got a deep relationship with notion but here I'm trying to still figure it out so I've been thinking a lot about how we practice or preach physical fitness not so much mental fitness I've been working on a mental fitness program I've been thinking about this with my son and I keep running little exercises and playing mental games with him to challenge him to shape his world to his point of view that reality is overrated to shape it to control the lens in which you look at everything so we want to be able to take external inputs and reshape them into our mind so we only see what we want to see this is a reality distortion field or something like that so I thought I was going to ask a group of people I'm gonna say a common phrase that you have known that you guys know okay so everybody get ready to do this with me okay let's cut away from my screen I don't want to give away all the answers great you guys ready so I'm gonna say something and don't think just write the answer okay I want you guys to type in what what you think how to finish the sentence if you charge that much the clients will find what's the answer guys write that in there okay guys I need to see the chat window go crazy right now if you charge that much the clients will find okay they're not responding it'll give you a little delay is it a little delay okay I'll do that when I'll do the next one okay we've always done it this way the new wait can't possibly write it mark you can play along okay don't you trigger them there we go now it's starting to god someone cheap now there yes okay you keep going all right so now we see that that's what's happening okay so I've given you guys two quick expressions if you charge that much the clients will find you might write in someone cheaper someone else whatever here's another one we've always done it this way the new way can't possibly work succeed be better be better at write know better okay so that's what we've been trained so I want to retrain your brain so now when I say these expressions I want everybody to change it into a positive statement so I don't want you to disrupt your own pattern of thinking so if you charge that much the clients will find that it's worth it yes I'm sorry I just blew I'm so sorry guys I'm sorry Internet right if you charge that much a clients will find it's worth it if you charge that much the clients will find the money if they value it if you charge that much the clients will find the lower-priced competitor suspicious you see we can do this you guys here's another one we've always done it this way the new way can't possibly we've done it this way the new way can't possibly be faster easier it has to be positive the new way can't possibly cops can't possibly fail you got to retrain your brain you guys and I have a whole this I'm working on this and it's a series of word exercises that we can do in a group and image things and things that we can do I need to retrain your brain so there it is guys buddy actually you really have to like you really have to think how do you think we saw it in your face okay because like of course it's like what okay yeah and then right hang on right right so I play this game with my son all the time i insult him he throws it back at me and we just keep going back and back before and it's awesome we're playing mental ping-pong with each other because he needs the training I need to build strong independent people my children you guys to be able to take on the world cuz the world is gonna drag you down I think it's called like that crab mentality you guys know I'm talking about I learned this from Sean West Afghanistan last name he told me like there's this crab mentality I'm like what is that it's like well in a bucket there's a bunch of crabs and any one of them can climb out but as soon as someone gets close to getting out of the bucket the other crabs drag him back down and that's what's happening so people in your life they mean well they want to they want you to succeed they don't want you to get hurt so they just caution you on every single thing and think about what could go wrong how could this fail somebody's trying to fool you cheat you take advantage of you why would you do that's crazy why would you give up a great job for a new opportunity where it's so unproven so that's what what people do they mean well but they drag you back into the bucket and it hurts it hurts your progress it hurts your ability to try new ideas so I have to retrain people so that's what I'm working I'm working on real time gonna share so maybe this is uh not very good I don't know but that's how you begin you just write some ideas down and this came to me yesterday morning when I was taking a shower and like I gotta get on the computer and just write some of this down and so there you are you uh ideas in the shower guy because that's yes I meant an idea in the shower I'm an idea in the drive and I'm idea when I wake up kind of got it and I love conversation so when I talk to you Robert I don't realize there's a problem or a solution because I just walk around like everything's fine everything works in life and then you tell me something like oh I don't want to do this thing and it just feels Scelzi or I don't have time in that conversation new ideas come up for new products or courses or content or something that's why I read almost every single comment that comes to me through social media oh you do look I do I read and I respond to almost all of them and some at some point I can't do it because if the volume is out of control but that's how I know where the pain is and if I can solve the pain if I can close the gap if I can make the gap a little bit easier to get across the other side then that's what I do right so I'm gonna talk about this real quick and I think we need to wrap up the show and I'm saying install a shower at work question mark yes we already have a shower at work but that's not the key so here's what happens psychologists have figured this thing out when you do something that doesn't require a lot of effort from you you enter into like an autonomic state like you can just do things like driving washing the dishes you've done it a thousand times before right and I think I forgot the term Fabien was telling me this yesterday but there's focus time and there's diffuse time and in the diffuse time where things are a little bit blurrier it's where your creativity comes alive and a different TED talk spoke about this a different speaker said when you're doing these really mundane things when you're in the the bottom part of the boredom like it's so boring for you your mind enters into an autobiographical state it starts to look at your past your present and it plans for the future so the clarity is there so Robert if you're working all the time if you're busy running around chasing your little kids and do all kinds of things you never enter in that state so the I don't know if it's alpha waves or whatever your brain is you never get to activate that part because you're just chasing the dragon you're just trying to get the work done you're making ends meet this is where we need to create space for ourselves right so you have to buy back some of your time it might mean that you make a little less money it might mean that you don't take on that one client that might hurt you financially just for a little bit but for the long term it's good for you okay that State of Mind happens actually on when I travel because I travel quite a lot yes but you know what when you're in a plane and you basically can't you're not online and you can't do this because of that then then you just reminisce about things or when you're alone you in your room or whatever which rarely happens at home obviously but when you travel them this this happens a lot right so we can probably create this I'm the same way when I was on the plane you're right you can't check your phone there's no point you're literally strapped into your seat and then there's this white noise I'm thinking about this Robert if you bought another chair if you face that chair into the corner into a white corner and put on white noise headphones not noise cancelling headphones but white noise and you just sat there and you didn't let yourself get out for one hour see you and you had a notepad and just leave the notepad there I wonder what kind of brilliant things that can come pouring out of your mind mm-hmm and then and then if you mind your own content meaning I pulled this out of my head and I looked at it I put it on the graph I measured it and I take action and produce something you would have an idea Factory mm-hmm and that would be pretty dope that's true yeah okay I like yeah all right good so you know what it's 12 26 here where we're at I think we need to get out of here I don't have a summary for you guys but before I want to say goodbye to Robert Byrne it's key you guys check them out on YouTube and everywhere else I want to say thank you to all of you who are staying in who've made it to the very end and especially to our sustaining members the the credit list is kinda out of control now we have to kind of wrap up the here's Roberts information you go to brunettes key calm the H is silent he's based out of Munich Germany he's a super awesome human being so if you guys see him at a conference come up say hi to him he's old-school influencer you know let's get him into the new school let's get him into the future and he's HR animator on Instagram and HR animation on Twitter I think that's it we got a wrap of the show thank you very much for tuning in you guys Robert thanks for jumping on and and I wanna I want a progress report from you in January alright let's do that let's do that okay let me know what's up and let's see what's going on and we'll do another episode even if you're stuck let me know I didn't get to it here's what happened in life and let's just have this conversation continue on okay guys that's it for our show let's get out of here thank you so much thank you man I have some music I think
Channel: The Futur
Views: 31,263
Rating: 4.955956 out of 5
Keywords: passive income business, robert hranitzky, motion grpahics, motion design, motion designer, freelancer, munich, germany, motion graphics, how to, create income, long game, infinite game, simon sinek, how to build, what steps are needed?, knowledge products, sell your knowledge, content marketing, IP for creatives, Passive Income, How to create passive income?, templates, pdf booklets, video tutorials
Id: Mlmwf7M8aJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 49sec (4849 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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