πŸ”΄ Removing Silencers From The NFA

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it is just an amazing and exciting time to be alive right now i have been wondering for years why common sense is not applied to gun laws like that's just been this really weird question like for real it's common sense on what exactly a gun law should be like so ridiculously common sense a second grader reading them the second amendment would be able to tell you exactly what type of gun laws are constitutional and what type of gun laws are not constitutional we're not even gonna touch do gun laws actually make a difference because that's a whole another can of worms the science is in no they do not affect criminals at all they do not make us safer in any way shape or form like i said the science is in on that the studies have been done they have been found as a failure so pushing that aside just looking at the constitutional side of things is it constitutional or is it not constitutional to have gun laws finally after years we're starting to see some hard facts that no it is not constitutional for any gun law to exist things have been happening so incredibly rapidly and so frequently i can't even even cover them on a point-to-point basis anymore i'm literally just doing these recap videos and covering a bunch of them at once because always i would have to do multiple videos a day to talk about all the news that's been happening towards the second amendment lately so in today's recap the big one is the state of texas versus the atf if you're not familiar with this let me get you a little bit up to speed so basically we're gonna pretend this is a silencer right here the state of texas is like hey texans you beautiful bastards if you make this silencer in the state of texas it does not leave the state of texas the federal government has no jurisdiction over because it does not fall into interstate commerce you're good to go you can make them as you want you do not have to pay your tax stamp you do not have to worry about the atf the atf needless to say was a little bit butt hurt about this they got pretty upset and like what are you doing you're literally pulling out the linchpin of why we exist if you start talking about the realistic value of the interstate commerce and how it does and does not apply to the federal government we don't have a job anymore so they just went ahead and they wrote together the most threatening letter they could come up with and sent it to texas they're like basically like try it dude just try it see what happens we'll come in there in our little black suvs and we're gonna smash some doors in and we're going to take some people to prison well texas was like okay let's do this then let's fight so they decided to go to court now remember this is before the bruin decision this court case happened so a whole bunch of things have been changed after the bruin decision they go to court and texas has a hell of a case for them they could likely win without any of the stuff i'm about to talk about it's looking solid for them because seriously the federal government only has jurisdiction from state to state transactions in overseas affairs so if something is made and kept in the state the federal government has no jurisdiction we've seen this a lot in marijuana lately a whole bunch of states are legalizing marijuana but it has to be made produced and kept in that state and then the federal government has no jurisdiction and that's been a pretty solid case so why hasn't that that been applied to firearms well it's starting to so then the bruin decision happens and that changes everything because over and over and over and over and over again the supreme court has affirmed that yes the second amendment is all-encompassing you can't touch it however they'll put this little clause in there usually around nfa items or gun laws or something like that and they'll put this clause under public interest well the bruin decision happened and they're like no that is a ridiculous unconstitutional way to interpret the constitution get rid of public interest that's irrelevant the only thing you need to look at is the original idea behind the framework with the original framers of the constitution meant when they wrote it down so did the original framers say we're gonna highlight i mean this is what it looks like right here where maybe it's an invisible ink and i'm just not aware of it but where exactly is the power granted to the government to be able to restrict any firearms whatsoever because it's not there if i were to tell you shall not be infringed what does that mean to you absolutely nothing that's the same thing as thou shall not steal that so i'm not allowed to steal my neighbor's firearm why would they even write that down now however saying this exact same document to the federal government that makes sense what that is saying is these are the restrictions around firearms i'm putting on you this is what you can and can't do with laws concerning firearms here you go because it doesn't make any sense coming to a citizen it only makes sense as a restriction on government it's not for you it's for the government so in the brewing decision they're like okay so we are only going to look at exactly how the framers have written things down when we're talking about the constitutionality of the second amendment that's not 1934 that's not 1968 that's not 19 1986. the only date that concerns you is 1791. what exactly was their intent when they written down the second amendment and that is a huge problem for the atf because that literally destroys every law they have on books it's just a matter of time as they get weeded out unless some other supreme court decision comes out that says no gun laws are protected by the constitution which they're not but unless that happens we will see an ultimate erosion of all gun laws so how does the atf reply to texas so they did we're suing the atf for this the atf's like no dismiss this case and then they did their little back and forth brewing decision happened so then texas added on there look at the brewing decision what they're trying to do is unconstitutional it needs to be stopped the atf replies their replies were suppressors are not protected by the second amendment so even though there has been multiple supreme court cases affirming yes even if it's not a gun it is still protected by the second amendment all it has to do to meet that criteria is be an aid for self-defense because you can screw a silencer on a firearm that is an aid for self-defense if you can put a magazine in a firearm that is an aid for self-defense a laser sight also protected by the second amendment that can be put on a firearm that is an aid for self-defense so they say no suppressors are not protected by the second amendment and then they go on to quote in the same motion the atf includes the regulatory definition of a firearm and how silencers are included in that definition and that's why these items are regulated by the etf they state for the purposes of the nfa the term firearm includes any silencer if you want the full explanation go check out arm scholar he did a really good job covering this but i'm just going to touch on the highlights so they argue against themselves and they say no it's not protected by the second amendment but yes we need to regulate this because it's basically a firearm which is crazy and then they tried to talk about text history and tradition they go back saying that because it was added to the nfa in 1968 it's got history and tradition i don't know about you but there are still people alive that are older than 1934. they were born before 1934 there are still people alive so any gun law whatsoever only exists in a single lifetime there's been multiple lifetimes in this country only a single lifetime has there been gun laws that's it that's extremely poor but that doesn't even account for that because it's only 1968 when silencers became a regulated item there are several people that were born before 1968 that are still more than alive so less than a full lifetime has there been any sort of restrictions on silencers whatsoever so the bruin decision again said that 1934 don't count 1968 don't count 1986 don't count the only thing that counts is 1971. so they're basically arguing nothing there is no legitimacy to their argument so will the texas case ultimately remove silencers from the nfa list at least if they're made in the state most likely i mean you never know what's going to happen in court but then texas has everything behind them the atf does not no longer have a leg to stand on because of brewing removing public interest because remember that's how they used to get away with they'd be like no we understand that when the constitution was written more specifically the second amendment they didn't want us to restrict everything anything out whatsoever however public interest because this item is scary people don't like it it's an eyesore that gives us the power to be able to regulate it brewing decision took that away so now they can only look at text tradition and history and they no longer have a case whatsoever there is no case they have in any sort of nfa case at all so will texas win probably again you don't know what's going to happen in court but i have a lot of high hopes for that so the next thing we're going to talk about is what's going on in california there's a lot california was the most restricted state to my knowledge in the entire united states most people would leave california and they were just dumbfounded on the lack of restrictions especially around the second amendment so in california currently there may be other ones i'm missing but currently the ones that i know of is the awb that's the assault weapons fan that's where you'll see the california guns without a flash hider on it and they got that goofy fin right there because the difference between an assault weapon and a non-assault weapon is if you can wrap your thumb around the pistol grip makes no sense whatsoever at all and they have a bunch of other crap like the difference between an assault weapon and a non-assault weapon is if the stock can be adjustable like what so that's being attacked will they lose that most likely they're pretty much just doing stall tactics right now to keep the law in effect for as long as possible praying that some other supreme court decision comes down saying okay yeah the second amendment says shall not be infringed we see that but you can just go ahead in a friend infringe so the awb is being attacked handguns roster uh what the handgun roster is is california basically wanted handguns out of their state so they made this roster and they're like okay for a handgun to be acceptable in the state you know it needs to hit this criteria which no firearms at all had the whole point was is it would hit this criteria and we would ultimately just lean handguns right out of california so what they did is they accepted a bunch this way people wouldn't attack it right away because always it would have went to the supreme court and probably would have been found unconstitutional so they designated these makes models and handguns but then they never added any new ones on so as those makes and models get taken out of production slowly over time they can just eliminate all handguns from the state of california so that's being attacked then you got their ccw laws that's being attacked they're magazine capacity laws that's being attacked and likely they will all get shut down again unless some supreme court decision comes down that okay shall not be infringed actually means shallow infringe an invisible ink if you look right there on the comma it actually says in really tiny writing that it does in fact grant the power to the government to put regulations on firearms even though they're protected by the constitution another one that happened is a atf agent two years from retirement quits now if you want the full story on this go check out john crump's channel he covered it in depth but the gist of the story is he said he joined the atf to truly make a difference like that it was a dream you know he was like i'm going to be a government agent i'm going to go in there and i'm going to make a difference i'm going to stop cartels i'm going to stop all like terrorists stuff like that and i'm going to use the power that the atf gives me to truly make a difference well upon working at the atf for several years he realized that one he's literally doing stuff that's unconstitutional on a daily basis he wrote this nasty resignation letter to the atf explaining this i believe that would be called like a diatribe not even sure if that's what it's called but that's what we're going to call it so he writes his diatribe in his regular resignation doing that and then he finds out not only is everything he does unconstitutional the atf is literally a political tool it has been weaponized for politics to be able to go and attack certain people that's all it is they're not stopping criminals they're not making the world a safer place they're literally just going to the whim of certain politicians and using the power granted to the atf by congress to attack these people and i i get it myself i probably would have just wrote out the last two years maybe even a mole on the inside or something like that but he was just like i can't do it anymore for me to sleep at night i cannot work here anymore were there other reasons why he may have resigned and he's using this as a cover-up possibly but it doesn't really matter because whether or not that is the real reason he resigned or not it's the truth the atf is a political weapon designed specifically to attack black people i covered that in this video if you would like to know exactly how and why yeah it evolved from that but that's how it started off at that was the core principle of it that is the text tradition and history of the atf is to be a political tool to attack a certain race of people moving on so how does the government reply to this the fbi came up with an interesting reply to the bruin decision because they can't win in court anymore i mean if they if they win a case in court it's because the judge is ignoring the bruin decision and ruling unconstitutionally the fbi says all historic and modern symbolism of anything including but not limited to the constitution more specifically in the constitution the second amendment or early america makes you a terrorist that's something that happened i don't really like what so basically if you talk about the constitution how the constitution was written the text and tradition text tradition and history around the constitution or that the constitution should be enforced you're a terrorist that's an interesting way of doing that i i gotta say i would have not thought of that but it makes sense because i start throwing around terrorist and courtroom all of a sudden your pre-trial release goes terribly bad and you're locked up for an insane amount of time and you could possibly lose the case when the prosecutors up there in front of the jury talking about domestic terrorism and how these symbols mean your domestic terrorism domestic terrorist so we'll have to see how that plays out i'm expecting some sort of response to this from the government possibly the supreme court because that's just insane to label somebody as a terrorist for what talking about the history of the country that that's pretty bad it's an interesting reply i gotta admit i sure didn't see that coming that that's pretty crazy anywho appreciate you guys following my channel it's like telesupport channel got my patreon right there and also affiliate links in the description down below just by clicking on those links you don't even have to buy what the link is for just clicking on it and then doing the amazon shopping you were already going to do anyway a little kickback for 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Channel: CRS Firearms
Views: 297,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crs, crs firearms, atf crs firearms trip, crs firarms going to jail, atf vs texas, texas suppressor freedom bill, texas suppressor bill, texas suppressor bill update, texas suppressor freedom, texas vs atf suppressor, atf, nfa, texas hb957, texas suppressor bill 2021, hb957, texas, texas made suppressor, california handgun roster, california handgun roster lawsuit update, california handgun roster 2020, handgun roster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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