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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't break open my eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll shake [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] progression now [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was born ready I was born ready [Music] if you raise one dollar if you raise five thousand dollars for if you raise millions of dollars no matter what time the duration when you do it who you are or where you live you are all part of the same team because the competition is not between us the competition is between the people that are suffering money weekly rates [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bringing it loud like a stadium clear [Music] ly I just hit you with the Christmas [Music] [Music] I'm gonna test something real quick what oh my God the timing on that was literally dessert this is literally my Loadout when I run Reserve you just shot him in the face [Music] hey Tim how are your legs broken so don't jump over like that that's how you break your legs I shouldn't literally never done this on this map before which is where they ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with me this time I faith victory [Music] [Music] we can rule the world I'm right there with you don't worry we we got I I believe in Jordan love but I also am a realist so it's going to be a great year to watch the Gators play I think so I'm just gonna lean more into college football this year look you know what yeah bud I I love it oh God this man it's apparently um Trask and uh Mayfield they were throwing intersections like crazy like one of the last training camp days so I'm just like I don't know if that's just because their defense is really good or it's just gonna be one of those years we'll see I'm ready to enter my Dallas Cowboys face I'm ready for 20 years of rebuilding to still be mediocre I'm ready send it dude I'm there not ready for that though like I like I've really been enjoying them the high that has been the Buccaneers so like welcome back to Earth just had it too good for you know a couple years until we get come on down with me all right come back come down to come on down here in the bottom of the barrel okay um I I if if we can if we can lock in a 50 win rate this next season that would be phenomenal in my opinion how do you think the Jets are gonna do see I don't know because it's a new school I mean how how's training going for them you know are they are is there solid Synergy is kovato trying to trying to direct traffic too much what's he what's the mindset over there I don't have no idea we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see that being said I still have the chiefs uh by proximity so that's true that is true that's the rule I don't make the rule that's the rule you are allowed to switch to the closest professional team on the spot if needed go Chiefs uh we just need to survive the one raid Bud oh that's right out here well I'm count on it I'm staring down there nobody's come out the window yet probably have like uh okay I don't know what uh style Abate elevator is I don't know what Pinewood basement is these are new x-fills oh I just got a ledx shut the up wait where show me in this in this med box right here this is a new store cool just got a Letty stick it in your ass and yeah it's in my butt we we 100 they are so much less rare than they were before which I think is fine that's good cool nice that's good what literally that's that was the first loot of the day in it for in raids for me that was the first thing picked up that's a Letty okay let's see here um did you go up yeah I'm up okay so Pinewood basement I would assume is just in Pinewood yeah that's probably the closest hotel that's probably the closest one um I'm betting style of bait elevator a lot of these are going to be far west side into the expanded part because we spawned uh Southeast corner right so I think we just slowly make our way around oh I can go inside in here Tim up top this is all open now oh they opened up the oh yeah they opened up the inside building I'm gonna come inside can you go in in the bottom I'm looking uh no those are still still closed up right through the front door I'm inside upstairs yeah hello oh cool foreign just so I know that the information is getting spread around anybody coming in to chat that's uh and you can propagate the information chat uh doc decided to go solo today I think because there's a couple too many of us around which is fine so his first day and he's just gonna he's gonna run solo and we're trying to set up uh for next week where we're gonna do uh I'll probably do a super long day with him there's more stuff in the back there's a theater back here dude I'm I'm up top and oh really right now the trailer this is big dude oh this would be gnarly just to sit up here sneaky little spot oh the audio is terrible up here though bro I was shooting left the entire time what the was all that he's dead now oh I just missed like 15 shots in a row I'm glad you got that lady because my content right now not not doing it I was a atrocious dude what the what the heck what the heck oh I hit his body armor alive just open the door nope no no no silent scab came inside uh there's another floor you can go up for real bam when I open this door no okay you can go all the way atop the stairwell but you can't open that door I'm gonna come down okay this stairwell is just yeah it's a trap that'll learn the new layouts and sounds for this area and all that I'm gonna see if I can come down to this stairwell oh yeah hey hello [Applause] thank you for not blowing me away of course anything for you door open I also have a tool set too store opens okay this is one of the side doors pops open over here now you want to head forward masks do we need uh I think it's like five or seven yeah I think I have five right now I remember uh let's go towards uh Pinewood down the street over here yes all right let's check both these toolboxes I did yeah very interesting isn't it no that sounds like it's at Pinewood it's contacts are trash [Applause] set don't need to engage with them blow my arm off actually we should get in there yeah we want to get inside I'm gonna clear inside my name's tank as soon as I walked in yeah okay yeah that was a swap so so pistol aim not good alde aim that dude's face disappeared may I take his Mosin oh yeah go over he's got nuts bolts wires your beans oh wait yeah my beans uh vodka more fine we had to build an egg melodnin let's pronounce dude yeah had some good stuff nice uh do you have my beans yet for Kappa uh I actually sold yours for cash this morning oh do you want a fair uh like a set yeah same with a sprats if you need a sprats or Kappa go for it those those items come up so many times in food crates yeah you can look like an easy 30k I was just assumed that like if you might as well just get it early because imagine you if you skip it then three months and then you'd never see it again so are you speaking from personal experience shut up Tim don't hurt me not right now not like this in front of our friends I'm gonna move through I'm assuming he hit this room up here he did yeah the door's open probably where it came from seeing if you missed anything they missed anything how dare you assumed him so sorry how can I believe all right see plug bleach wanna go across the street okay Mark Circle up top it doesn't have anything in it it's open laughs hello I'm checking these rooms over here those are still locked I looked upstairs right too it is very floaty still you're skipping on my screen well I got super powers then I love that oh wow it's bad running across yeah it's streets that doesn't surprise me I'm heavy I don't think any less of you though Tim thanks Bob pistol guy heard that oh there it is no those are crackers too you need a escrow yeah I just want more you do this oh yeah you're starting to teleport to oh wait I'm rubber banding now sick um yeah I'm looking for a syringe also I haven't found one yet I was about to say just grab a syringe that's what I've been looking for um maybe we'll just drop this nose in hey Moses are pretty expensive right now is it we could take our time I don't I don't want you to give up a thing like that we can get it out well then lovely all right it's all good I'm not I'm in no rush great are you doing food and water yeah I'm good uh 88 over 88. apple and juices egg ready [Applause] yep gonna have to go through the front door I'm heavy too fat oh I wasn't sure so I'm a chunker dude it's the shotgun and then all the buckshot oh yeah true I'm gonna get rid of the like a stack of 20. might be a little bit lighter not a lot I also have like a tool set in me too I sit inside nikitas for a second wait for you I'm getting stamina back as I walk so we're good it was just the Buckshot I had to get rid of okay never mind I'm around so pine wood somewhere in the basement which means that box there's a ramp that goes down right over here right there is I think it's the stairwells inside I'm more inclined because that ramp over there doesn't go that's not attached to Pinewood Pine was over here on the right I'm betting it's I'm betting it's that it's that direction but to the right I think it's inside the building is this uh objective or is this a extract this is a um this is an extract and I my objective is literally just to survive one raid here so I was just thinking we'd just get out yeah yeah doors inside are open now compared to before this wipe it's more stuff it's accessible my friends are starting to come back inside that's good yeah like right here this is new oh is this the elevator you say there's a pinewood elevator no it's not Pine which is outside One Direction am I right it was maybe it was a scab spinning you just jump yep I'm betting that it is on the opposite side of the building yeah the front desk kind of thing behind you also did you maybe hit this tree right here because that also sounds like the bush is outside could be Chad saying that Pinewood is um a co-op extract oh wait Pinewood basement Co-op it is they're right um so we can't do that one we have to go away West Cardinal apartment complex um extract the Expo and Stylo bait elevator klimov is on there too but we'll see I think we I think we moved through Pinewood to the Far West oh there's another floor that's open up here dude this is new can we go Paso you can keep going up here going up there keep going up over here I'm gonna oh yeah look at this there's a bar in here this is cool inside the barn okay said oh they turned this into a hospital Wild got a hallway over here that I have not seen before do you need uh Amelia's the Jager test still finish that I'm just looking for the ishkra okay uh would you like a thunderbolt rig I'm good yes Pinewood expansion is weird I need to get used to this new section of the map I found a staircase down the far side over here and Sprout real quick okay more slots uh it can go up in the bar oh there's a balcony up here oh dude oh no you can totally sit in that balcony and shoot everybody as they come over from the Nikita bar I'm not a different front desk this is a different space than I've ever been in I was by the front door is this of sparge I think I crossed up into that building and come back to you I want to be over here [Applause] yeah I understand I'm gonna come back to that uh staircase that we came from the lobby I hear you on that tree yep that's me hello hello it was a toolbox right here oh this is like a bit this yeah this is a signal bar area I bet we have to come here for like new tasks or something did you check this dead guy that guy that guy's dead yeah it's where I got the Thunderbolt rig from oh he's dead Tim Barry yeah they well they tried to bring him back okay that's sad for him because he did oh a syringe let's go nice all right let's start let's start moving yeah I'd like to get out I've got some something we gotta figure out what the we're going to uh we'll go back in the standard apartment section of pinewood over here this down down in the main lobby yep right behind you scab just yelled from over here [Applause] that front right out there somewhere oh hey [Applause] I heard something over here yep scabby boy very well oh he's pissed he just ate that shot there is a there's a dead Mosin scab right here shout from outside oh it was a line of sight from the next building over yep and this is a this is a body not a container it's an actual uh yeah you can see you can see the gun cool I'm gonna crawl under here oh you can go over there oh my God yeah yeah do you need a drill um there's one in here on this Shelf hey yes I do thank you suppose they're all closed there was more upstairs but I don't really want to get to explore you right now were pretty full up I want to keep loading but I also don't want to die bad too oh all that over there has insides in the building now oh hey that guy's dead that was a scab yeah the upstairs doesn't even connect to these stairs I'm down at front desk time 29 I wonder what player scab timers are right now for streets I have no idea we should have grabbed the green flare actually it's probably not even in that spot anymore I don't know where it would be then um cover us for a sec let's see if we can find a map an updated map okay I'm gonna take a little different position anybody's made one yet a lot of people are saying 34 or 35 . but dudes over there we could probably go that way we're not gonna get shot go running across I I don't want to go just saying we probably can I don't want to though because I have no idea we need somebody else to do the testing so I'm not about to throw my body at that but there was gunfire over here earlier so was back where we were before and that wouldn't it be better oh there's another sniper scab oh he's up on top of him [Music] [Applause] another scab yelling from over there that's we're um don't know why did we cross West over here you're running in place for me sick really yeah we're going across right here yeah I'll just take it on the sniper scab because he's in a spot that might be a threat okay I'm going inside the cafe yeah there's over here uh to the north that is unlocked now that wasn't before windows are open so jittery these doors are all open inside that we're not typically open we don't spawn open oh you are vibrating this map is not ready yet nope no it wasn't ready before foreign [Music] ER here good you're tight left I heard that there's a bush or something no I killed him that was my shot he's dead [Applause] okay spawn in here [Applause] now with us spawning Southeast Corner we haven't got it that's got to be this direction and look the gate running right side the gate in front of me is open that's a PMC you're right I don't think he can come they've got to come this way yeah he's gonna he's gonna be square in front of us in a sec they're running even farther away to the right I'm just gonna jiggle this one yeah this is all open now I don't see anybody yeah they're farther to the right they're around that corner to the right I think we just start scooting this way crazy you don't have a backpack on on my screen that's cool I took it off and put it back on does anything happen to Amy yesterday yeah we're checking here for Keystone real quick on that corner nobody already took the key oh sorry it's okay I just want to get my stand back yep there's a hole right here ready to make an adventure it's the new stuff that we've never ah to new stuff [Applause] I went in the window over here oh I just hovered yep yep oh yeah it's bad that was nasty chicken pieces in here I don't like it foreign which is good [Applause] those that scabs almost full uh never mind there's a lot of croutons around not the Amelia ones just the normal you'll probably you'll need some of those uh yeah because just holding on to them there he came from that window where'd you end up going I went down the hallway past you so let's see what else is around here did you check these side rooms uh not all of them some of them can't open up respond in here God your character is moving to both Arts it's really bad it's just weird to watch like good luck PVP in somebody oh that's a long Lane yikes oh this is the records area the dead guy in front of us to dead scaff oh that what can you go to the right is that all opened up now too you can yeah this is really weird there's a lot yeah look at this oh we have no clue where to go this looks like an extra this looks like one of those scab extracts like those vents yeah now you can open this you can go inside here yeah just down these stairs you can go in here you can open this too oh this might be X Phil there's a green player right yeah it's gonna be scab X Phil it's not all right for sure oh yeah it's cool okay that means this is probably not near a PMC Expo bruh what the are we going that guy right here another dead guy right here I'll check this guy okay foreign I bet you were following somebody can't open this is probably like a spawn area yeah probably none of this I assume so like they probably opened up this door scab was there pop pop and then they started pushing towards medical records everything up here is closed okay yeah all right to the left goes to a Long Street that okay gotcha that's I we are in the on the northwest corner of the map right now basically okay looking for a way out this building right here is open and includable I don't really I doubt that this is an x-fill this is all new how much time we got got 19 minutes I think we gotta we gotta focus on moving still I like to move inside the Mountainside flying a wall outside out this window yeah dead scav I'm gonna have to eat and drink again here in a second got a little doctor's office no little Bulls though interesting ew that sounded yummy yuck there's a gym in here these are probably locker rooms yep coat area nice I need that um if I want to take this level three armor out I probably I don't it's probably not worth a lot right what is it again a level three body armor I don't think it's worth the extra weight okay you have the room for it no not really yeah I don't worry about man I'm I'm actually impressed not gonna lie they added a lot yeah once they get can get the stuttering nailed down Jim is a death trap that door doesn't open over there they're like Luke over here in the corner no she seems like a really good starting area oh there's a squirrel nailed to this door oh it's a puppy oh that's super dark what you just said yeah let's keep going on dead together there were a ton of scabs over here got a vehicle I got another dead Scout there in the corner so you can go inside this building here okay keep going this way is this x-fill maybe nope all right we keep on rolling this corner okay we're this is familiar no this is all this is all new oh this isn't the back side of those apartments construction no out it is no because construction's right there you are correct but this area we've never been able to be oh that's right you couldn't get behind here I'm thinking of the next section over the playground in it closed through this garage over here what's inside here oh here we go nothing there window in the kitchen right here this is like the cultist shittery dude that said the symbols it's like a cultist room but it's a bathroom and there's there's cultist all over the place that makes me uncomfy oh gross that's sneaky as uh coming to this yeah hey oh hey I crawled up in three years that other door you can't get through but this Loops you around through to the other side this is a mega sneaky okay reach open this probably goes oh my god the mannequins oh dude this is dark oh my God oh my this is some saw level stuff wow yeah we're in like cultist HQ man want to play a game okay that was don't ever do that again I'm probably end up doing it again at some point I know I hate you for it hanging bodies a lot of yeah it's really dark so we can't get out that way yeah elevator is the store open right here can't do that door uh can I kick it but we still can't get around on that side about this door nope oh how's our time we're at 14 minutes not good is the problem doors open up top up here this one opens more side stuff little rooms with not a lot inside them yeah I'm just gonna keep on if you deal with uh I only know I don't I think I have one right now where are you oh let's go oh I need that fuel commissioner I guess uh right here thank you thank you I think we go back down I don't like I think that we're we're tying ourselves into a building that's going to end up us if we're in here too long I just ameliorize everywhere Sam okay I don't think we can go this way around the corner because that has a stop the stop sign over there I don't think we can get up over there um this is not good we got a double back the way that we came oh boy all right here that scab over the air we were in that building okay right here right yep okay I'm gonna hold for stand again the is actually dude I have to cross into the new area though I I mean all I don't know where stylabate elevator or extract at the Expo or Cardinal apartment complexes if you haven't seen we're gonna go to Courtyard right is that the way that we're going I don't even where the is Courtyard I don't remember that guy's in front of me a lot of them it's a nade down to the left at the PMC that you're right is it I thought Courtyard is out by the the apartments to the right on the other side of uh where we started was was Courtyard uh but we don't we don't don't you need something for that x-fill sir I don't remember now but that guy's over here that PMC in front of Lexus out on the street four yard is by the cinema where you started oh yeah that's the green smoke one if yeah we'll cycle back that way if we need to if it's if we can't find what the we're going over here it seems like all the other ones are across the street the new area two extracts or a cross so we do we need to double back and go northeast then I think that's what people are saying in my chat as well uh what about there's is there one behind Concordia that's right here in front of us can we get behind this building now outside of the right over here just he just rotated sounds like a scab swiveling yep a few scabs right here in front of me too dead what we're gonna go we gotta oh we gotta start book at them to drop this Mosin okay Concordia uh this might be open over here it is this is open now this map is massive holy Chopper over here all right nine minutes I know [Applause] this is this none of this looks like x-fill that must be is I wonder if that's an actual or not just not right now is this cardinal I go in there [Music] what does this mean I think that means bad yeah probably the red x's in the face it probably means death that's probably bad uh you can go in here oh God where the sign is it says bad eight minutes oh I know Tim I'm aware I see the clock too klimov hasn't been hit yet for the the our primorski fromorski might that that might be up we might have to get cash no of course not all our must be across over there which is stupid because we this is like the yeah we probably need to go run all the way across my bud let's go we gotta we gotta just act like jackasses now although Chad's telling me what time is even though it's literally on my screen I can see that guys I don't want you to lose that buttocks because that's what it's not nervous about well we're closest to Courtyard over here where we spawned if Green Smoke is up we can leave right there do you want to go check that because that's a commitment if we're gonna do it I'm I'd rather not because we were there you didn't see Green Smoke did you I didn't really look is the problem although we're gonna be heading that way anyway at this point we're gonna head we're gonna Loop that side maybe it's up we just leave otherwise we're gonna have to turn left hard and go up the street well don't know what that was I I got grenade grenaded cool what was that I guess there's mines there now there were not mines there before so oh well you can still use the um uh the Letty for your hideout so it still has used about all my chats like oh there's obviously my landmines there now like that's a new change I'm surprised you didn't know that what the what not never mind's there before cat uh oh well whatever um who is that I guess there's mines there now there were not mines there before so you still use the um oh well on to the next one there's no way we would have we could have known that I mean I feel like you and I have run down that street plenty of times that's that is 100 new Tim that's not that is not either of our faults for not knowing that there's also like no warning signs or anything like they've had in previous land Mine Fields pretty cool oh well um I.E how much time do I have left on that I got 31 minutes we can still get it done I'm gonna build a kit you don't you don't have to come with me if you don't want to um if you don't want to do the map again but I I want to get it done because it's got the zombie betas otherwise I wouldn't do it um [Music] very interesting come on uh cool [Music] so we just don't go near Lexus now we stay on the opposite side of that street so that that did not happen again yeah that sucks all right that's not your not on you yeah according to at least one dude in chat we we should have known yeah just one dude uh what am I gonna bring your love for me yes always always bring that uh must have been Claymore not a mine because um mine simply don't one shot like that you know yeah you just oh well it is time to run AK now okay um I hurt my face a lot thank you yeah chat was right Nikita didn't like that I was so happy so I see streamer man Darkness 49 have smiled today look he is very sad he crying to hand now very funny good job team excellent deployment of bomb bomb I'm ready little Nikita streets of Tarka we'll do a 5am one just to see you know just send it I bring AK now yeah you were hat you gotta let X that happened I got two letters last night disconnects happened they just know yeah oh wait oh my God I'm a poor oh you broke broke I I am super broke broke make a broke broke broke well I bought a scab junk box today oh well you okay so you're you're rich in items poor in Cash correct yeah I went to go buy something and I went to go insure my gear and said no so I've got a gotta sell some stuff but we'll uh you got 30 minutes if if we you promised that it's gonna be in and out I mean that that one was supposed to be in and out too we just didn't know what the we were yeah yeah that was the hardest part was it was we got only new spawns oh wait you know what before we go in there bring 6 000 rubles leave so um I have 1486 yeah there was a lot of rubles that I found in that wallet that was in my chest rig oops yeah nothing's insured look at you pistol boy nice bread stick thanks Ben chances Baldur's Gate has less Minds it does that is true we got to get a big Baldur's Gate day soon see the subreddit's got so many building the streets map yet endo [Music] oh man yeah we're also rich in Friendship that's true yeah those Minds that's one thing those Minds don't have friendship that's true yep Richard friendship and pain lots of pain yeah yeah this game needs perception checks you're gonna love this I'm scrolling through the subreddit there's a post five hours ago that says undestroitable Claymores are stupid the fact that their Invincible Claymores all around lexos especially at key points like stairs makes them unpassable unless you sacrifice a squad mate it's unacceptable so if I we had looked in here things would have been different oh you can't kill them they're just there for forever yep you literally cannot do anything about them oh that's that's not good so I guess those parts of the map you'll just never go to anymore I I don't see the point of having Claymores that you can't detonate but with gunfire or diffuse at least like if you had like a like a multi-tool with you you could walk up and defuse it yeah or something like that's bad game design yeah and it seems like they are 100 one shot because people just got nuked I'm not super happy about those I that ruins the flow of the gameplay I'm fine with them being there but you've got to be able to take them out but I didn't even see it oh yeah no like it blew up underneath your feet that's why it looked like a land mine oh Jess and they wanted to force all movement to the frontal exos because that's the boss's new compound I totally fine like I said totally fine with the existence of the Claymores once you learn the locations you take care of them um but I should be able to clear them yeah it just makes me not want to play on streets they said we wouldn't be here if I didn't have this stupid daily with John B betas in there plus I think do we both die to the same one back to back like no I watched so I watched you blow up I thought it was a grenade I turned around and ran and I ran the exact same way that we came and then I blew up like literally did a 180 and turn and just ran and I blew up cool cool oh well they haven't learned and then Embrace pain please good spawn all right we got sewer River damage house oh yeah we know those Bud those are easy let's go okay uh although I don't know where the we are I'm checking this jacket he must have spawn in a new area oh it's dark outside pose uh 35 rounds of m995 oh uh you want your here's your money here so that just in case I die was the cash on the ground this next foot it's your foot right here there you go got it I always early now I gotta jump out that window um I know I'm not oh hey what's up right here not a good starting spot for multiple people oh this is that uh oh this is that that corner where we just were remember there's the the face with the surprise yeah okay all right okay so we kind of this is Concordia in front of us then right yep so we got that that's good we need to go sewer River that is that's uh across from us like my 12 on the other side of pinewood yeah but I don't want to go down the right side because we just blew up over there yeah so we're going to want to go left and then wrap to the right like towards that PMC extract that used to be there that's now all opened up this is usually High scab traffic pmc's mm-hmm there's the grocery store to the left a little yeah let's look hard left over here or something check it it's open careful is it usually not I thought I thought that is one closed oh yeah in the doorway you just ran down do you go downstairs either Chase you're gonna leave him no it's AI space get the out of me I didn't know all right let's uh carry on then coming back I'm right next to you dead okay we had a good good muscle on that too man that's a level three body armor for level four that's level four all the way down right side of that oh I see him a little pill box is that nice let's get out of here uh we go this way you want to go if we're gonna cut past construction do you want to loot that side I think that's going to be I think that's gonna be our best bet super on the North okay we're going to go through a lot of stuff but if we if we focus we can get past this I mean we can go middle but we're going to run into a lot not going past Lexus that place I think we can go north safest route is the way that we came originally the last time that same path can you hook left from here is that opened up nope unless this gate opens bigger one no it's not we go through construction next element in the Box I saw that muzzle flash that's down scaven or left Construction not on the turret he's inside the construction area foreign I think I'm good on that I'm looking for the normal matches now just had a lighting flash on my screen like at the same plug the guy in the white Shack my 12. oh yeah running right in front of me good yeah oh he's mad still he's dead pretty close RJ Pinewood I think I need to step inside this part there real quick just to get asked credit I remember right yep and you might actually be able to get your Escrow in here I'm going to look real quick see if we can find one that would be lovely sir nada it was pretty empty and I don't want to be in here too long I'm back out to you still in construction somewhere yep yep I'm the body that I made uh regular matches I got one for you nice I don't remember if I need him or not so I'm gonna give it to you I do [Music] I see you right there hey I'm gonna check the uh your stash right here [Music] did you hit these uh yes I'm putting the matches in this dead guy's pockets check this jacket oh crooked beautiful match between the guys pocket for you so don't forget them little uh food break quick uh Ellen the 210 for St Jude by the way uh now I'm in mommy Majors five Teddy to Five Guys um oh cause you said sex first time it looked like it it didn't go through but it did so I believe it I think it just double dipped in your Super Chat brother I don't want to get the out of here so bad all right ready I'm going across the street to get close to the window so we can shoot me from the side yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh you're stuttering again it's good the lighting is flashing it's popping in now sniper scab down the street the Street's really scary now because there's a lot of angles from the left I just rubber bands yeah I'm watching I'm watching kind of like front left if you want to just keep looking front right I'm looking down something left metal Ricochet left oh yeah in the past the checkpoint down there then at the end there's a guy in the window he's coming on that staircase all the way down at the end very far that's probably 100 150 you see the orange the guy up above I think [Applause] can't tell if that's a guy I'm hitting or not okay come over here and then we can work our way down the road if I see him down there oh he's mad at me okay there's a two I'm gonna grab the key from inside here real quick okay I'm gonna watch this this corner okay oh there's a guy here oh I had a malfunction I see you outside where is he uh down the road to the right it's it's can't tell if it's a normal scab or not how'd I not kill him okay I'm good okay I'm chilling for a sec I'm gonna come back out so we we need to take a right anyway we don't have to go that way we gotta go uh sewer River so if you come back to me maybe okay there is jumping Closer Closer down the street it's gonna be a caddy corner from you he's running [Applause] [Applause] oh yeah hit one in the front there's two one's coming to my left one died okay I heard glass in my left I'm looking I'm watching that as best I can for where I am you can there's still one more in that corner I can't come to you know where he is is it still down the street towards that towards the building to the right where the scab extract that basement extract oh there's a guy there okay because that guy you just killed he had a teammate that's the other guy yeah we can get in there we can get an angle from inside can't come to you right now foreign [Applause] to the left so if you jump up on that dumpster and then get up on top of the red Shack you could look down the road look right here that's all closed off I don't know you jump you jump I don't know if you have the or the strength to do it oh you talk about like right over here and you jump up right he's running he's on the corner oh you are shaking on my screen have time for this um they're coming if we go through here go through the gate take the left yep we'll just circumvent all that yeah because I just remember there's 31 minutes on the task you could be down there yeah yeah he's probably holding that that angle the Mosin guy okay uh let's go inside this corner right here in this door fighting that inside okay a little further down yeah yeah yeah bypassing all that that was hit already go down here and take it right can I see anything across I'm gonna PK my left you hear him yeah yeah he's like moving in it's probably above us running yep I'm gonna PK as well just crossing the road he's dead that's one I got another corner right here in front of me tagged foreign guy right here at the corner yeah you get the sight for it I shot from across I think maybe a scav or something if I definitely killed PMC right there I don't think I'm from the back yeah I think that's that's a distant scab shot at me too yeah from Pinewood side I agree I gotta wait for stem oh I'm dehydrated gonna drink all my aquamari you're running back behind us yep looking at this door I'm looking at this door he's in that hallway yeah you ready to move yeah oh I hear a lot of running in there did you come in that doorway yep he's going back around the outside right a little bit yo I'm looking back by and see if he's peeking a window or something back there I came from my left oh my gosh going in over here okay you can get inside this window we're inside right here okay we're doing good we're doing good uh we're gonna take the courtyard side the window we just jumped in because we know the north side is going to get a shot at we're gonna jump out the window we're taking a left down the lane we're almost out he's running away you jump out yeah I'm outside yeah I went in right here in the store keep moving she's so bad keep moving we're good learn left nothing we're good we're going across right through the bush he can't affect his trash I just every time I use PK now and Chad's like your colors look really washed out I'm like oh that's probably just your monitor just turn your turn the camera up dude it's just like I put Vaseline on and everything's like black and white I don't get it well I honestly prefer that over the uh I don't know the sharpness the sharpness yeah yeah I agree it's just it's not good but it's I they're trying to have some sort of like your high kind of effect right yeah I didn't snort the Vaseline I just supplied it to my cheeks right side running audio is still just trash on this map foreign [Applause] juice I got eight energy there's a max energy right there too you can take it use it thank you thank you thank you it's Vaseline not Vicks that's the out of here dude I'm out and go left towards the uh downward area right here those backside train cars no shot do we just get shot at I don't know okay get the down here let's get out it's empty I'm Max villain GG okay too that uh compensator very good for this early nice now please take us anywhere else anywhere else please sir yes you hear what I just said what did you say I said now please take us anywhere else yes exactly I had a minute left on that task wow I'm glad you got it done you too thank you for that mm-hmm cool what is this m882 Amy wasn't here and then she definitely good all right um could we do a scav run just to kind of just get some get some cash back uh yeah if if you need to I don't have a ton of room but I can make it work yes sir yes sir yes we can yes sir um so we need I need we need the water key don't have one we need the tart we need the torkun director's key don't have that either I need one more ishkra okay I mean everything everything and then I need I need uh two gas analyzers and then pistol kills so that's that's really it so I kind of need keys and I just need to keep running around the pistol um okay you sure you wanna we could just do a customs PMC and go dorms and check yeah that's that's fine for me yeah me unload this stuff and I am close to needing my second lucky scab junk box that's gross that is kind of gross snug it away yep that's me kind of gross no I mean it's only sometimes I've accepted it Tim this is my life that's kind of gross ew oh are y'all out we just got out yeah hey hi what's up you ready to to game uh yeah let me get out of this scab I'm sorry how dare you I thought you were gonna be in there for a while I'd like to never go back there I hate streets I'm we blew up to Claymores and I just don't ever want to see that again oh yeah for now we'll take care of uh of keys on her own stuff we'll be all right we'll get we'll get it done oh tough is a good way to describe it yes yes yes that sucks so we're doing cussy to get some keys yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um I just got into like a a shoreline raid so that's a scam I don't know if y'all want to run the Customs or run a scav y pick uh if she's gonna run a scab and we want to we should squat up I'm just trying to scav okay yes yes yes jackets okay yes I think I would normally just like back out but it's like I got a good time I got like 30 minutes and I got some stuff I need for tasks oh you're good you're good you're good okay did Tim tell you he the first thing that we looted in our first raid together today he got a ledx oh I didn't but you just told her the very first container that he opened that either of us open he got Letty out of yeah first PMC raid I would say that they're a little a little less rare now yeah they should be looked at probably in the same light as like stems it feels like see more lead X's than GPS interesting yeah I think they're definitely taking into consideration that wipes only like four months yeah Mark's First Street he came out with three Bitcoin and a GPU if you're not going to other channels and tell them about my double let X and I don't want to hear about other people's loot although I don't you don't have to do that it's weird 23 minutes Tim ashes coming around the dorms and start checking jackets copy that yeah oh fuel conditioner that's good hey you at the Statue where she's it could be good stuff in those are you in boiler right now no we spawned completely not near each other then because I'm almost I'm already almost to dorms I spawn uh train tracks over here one for Power Tower that's cool yeah I didn't want to play with you either good yeah the game they knew the game new thanks Nikita I got old gas railroad Port railroad yo what's up these same ones because of like the new random loot crates or whatever like there's so many bags in Shoreline in the open rooms like each room had one bag I just got double bags in both rooms nice double bagging on a Friday dude commercial Loop double bag it on a Friday oh my God Shoreline none need a crumb little guy I'm crumbing God I'm gonna crumb was psyga I'm very happy we like that I got 762 BP rounds it's over ooh gross wipes over when's when his next wife Lupo's back next when is wipe Nikita went his wife oh my God there's so much Shoreline is gross cool it was already gross and now it's even more gross in the resort yeah only yes okay just making sure that we are still acknowledging that dude that does make me wonder should I be checking every single room in dorms yeah probably there's reasons to look there now sledgehammer [Music] I need that that's my second one I've seen today these are also extremely rare it doesn't fit this little baby backpack two by five sucks got a lab card you guys want to run Labs no let's do it oh I mean day two lap run how many people you think are gonna even be in there it's not the people it's the Raiders oh wait it's a kind of scary a dorm 220 key it's a task one I remember right it's a rare one at least it was last one wait what's up oh oh never mind that was weird I thought I had walked into 216 and then it was oh okay we're good um I don't know to do this money money money must be funny in a rich man's world you talk about me again a singing Abba never mind oil I don't know what I need it all pick it up you loot Hoover oh come on there's too much I don't have enough space those scabs just scared the out of me let's go I think I just leave double bag in here oh yeah oh yeah Daddy Yankee again combo no shot [Applause] tab man's playing guitar today don't lie to me oh baby there is no way got me an rfbz nice this is about to get some some real show time apparently uh tapman is playing tarkov today with Doc cool Chad tell me what map they're on I want Tim's loot to be free I guess he tweeted it weird good luck have fun oh dude I am rubber banding all over this servers were so good yesterday yeah kind of in the bed now roll that that right there that's free real estate I am working my way towards dorms I'm working on getting out I highly recommend Shoreline scabbing in the future I mean besides getting keys on like customs and stuff that gunfire is not you is it Tim no no no no that was that was way far away for me cool cool Good Times oh my gun bugged yep cool okay Anne's count is busy right now apparently best State Games baby maybe best date it's ever been I'm going to Alta four and reload I can't even drop the gun chat I don't know the bathroom first floor too sorry reload making my way that way making my way downtown walking fast I'm gonna die now and I hate it this game sucks now fix this if you don't he's gonna sub tweet it oh I haven't found a radio script for you by the way oh it is in your best interest keep me alive no I'm I mean I'm making my way to two story dorms faces past and I'm homebound I bet servers struggle because I was about to make a fat joke about Tim that's rude round yeah [Music] foreign should be fine done this plenty of times [Music] are you back I'm loading loot right now are you in the jump in bathroom yes well yeah I'm on the bathroom on first floor two-story yep coming oh I can't I have baby legs I can't jump in I'm coming up metal on second floor okay foreign Scott that's going to go poorly do you run all the did you run up here through all the all two stories hit okay I would if you you either protect me or go to three story no no no I'm coming to protect you there's a couple scabs walking around there but this AI I think you could give them commands to have them drop their stuff for you by the way drop your stuff I think how many child is saying that the the command stuff is more uh robust now more robusty dude [Music] waiting session start for a half hour I heard you just do something I'm back hello welcome back hooray we did it thank you I've I missed you guys while I was gone you know who else said that they miss us and hello hello and misses us yeah is that it where's that is oh yeah hey you need that uh it's right here we go enjoy we're across the three we got 10 minutes left and then we got uh we just run past a road the Porter Road to Tark up hey basement door is open in here were you over here at all nope no I was sitting with you all the jacket doors are open is Anne playing Target at all okay hello this stuff saluted we're just not there it doesn't make me like I said want to check rooms I wouldn't normally check that was scabby Webby checking filing cabinets just in case there's a gas analyzer something yeah um is Anne playing Target today um she said I don't know I'm afraid to go back but I miss you guys oh um and I said I'm down to play whenever okay I don't want to make any assumptions about player counts or anything like that so I'm gonna leave it up to you as to whether or not uh if she does decide to play if you would like to invite her that would put us at fours and I know that's a lot yeah so no big deal either way and chat please don't be weird and parasocial thank you I'm asking nicely oh that was very nice very nice of you very nice indeed all right I'm ready to go I'm checking a couple things up too there's a oh that's a new box oh there's new boxes up here on two yeah all right go hit three of them might as well check them oh that's a good thing I came up here too there's a muzzle for uh uh my AK it's gonna go that's the 762 muzzle that is AI get a little scared I was yelling at AI into proxy chat all right eight minutes I'm checking jackets and then ready to leave 108 not good smoke claw claw the baby all right let's get the out here on the stairs that's me next one first not ice cream we just gotta get across the water RFB is gonna is gonna go nuts because I got m80s and already and I think some m62s and I could throw m993 at dudes and just start shredding basically just a nice time so found an rsh as well at home I've got 12 or 10 ps12b Rounds and that thing counts as a pistol for stirrup oh God somebody is gonna get clapped it's high Noona that is a one tap machine if I hit thorax on this early in the wipe they're gonna blow up especially on Factory everyone's running trash just to get the pistol kills if I can get a helmet with a face shield I will be nigh Unstoppable not vegetables right here I'm getting out because they're ps12as Mike and I really want to use them good one we're out oh that's what I was worried about okay I'll be right back okay only real thing I want off this might be the mount it everything else it doesn't matter scaffold that's weird oh oh I okay so having the Sorting table up seems like it is bugging out the ends with screen and I can't oh this is super buggy I can't get past this that's very buggy Tim has not been deleted yet I was waiting for trios so that Amy and I have an opportunity to carry him out because I owe a TK but he hasn't died yet has he oh no he did he got uh Claymore that's right never mind we're good we're open season hi Luca on time to see dude hey hey I like the sell all button if you don't have any room you can just sell all your stuff right there um mine just bugged out I think you had stepped away for it if you have the Sorting table open when you hit the sell-all button it you up end up having a force quit and reopen oh that's lots of fun oh well [Music] all right I got that ishgrow to turn in right yes p and PP are basically the same ammo all right I'm gonna shoot scabies with a bolts action us is trash from the West need one more dog tag nice guy right here [Music] [Music] those are easy to get later um these are money I can get those easily later doesn't matter right now coins here uh Norm 214 key I have two of those if I Can Vendor that I've seen it I just need to produce cash basically you need TNTs for something at some point for a task I don't remember you do it's for something is it hideout I thought it was Hangout a few bricks [Music] why are you guys left let's have some bricks and um like nevermind oh what's up where are we going I haven't talked about it oh uh I gotta get kills on woods and then we gotta find stuff on Customs so one or the other por favor I'll pick Amy do you have to do pocket watch leaving or anything like that um do we have extortionist keys or Aquarius keys don't have uh either of those yeah wait uh extortionist is unknown keys so we just have to go to the body and get that oh perfect let's do that we need to do that yeah Customs it is I got a I got a Mosin I gotta kill some or unalive some scavs with uh ozanio what about do we have the director's office key nope okay Doc's apparently already raging after one raid love it great game great game um okay put that down there for now I don't need to save those it I can get stuff elsewhere oh that's the okay uh Amy your invite is out there you go all right we're going Cassie you're uh let's see what else can I do while we're here I can bring a bolti I could do scabs while suffering the pain effect what's the easy way to get pain I don't remember from what do the dehydration one with that one I already did dehydration um because that's a good one because it gives you the pain so I just usually dehydrate myself I go in pain and then I go on a rampage oh um do I want to bring that yet I don't I don't know I don't know maybe we bring that just as like a fun little maybe it'll happen kind of situation we'll go from there okay um are there any keys that we want to bring for this that I should grab drag along I feel like it's kind of frivolous right now like I have some dorms keys on me but I don't think we're going to dorms now I mean we might end up there looking for other keys okay then I'll bring mine I think I'll just stay with this Cassie well [Music] let's go oh I don't have extra ammo oops sick sorry I'm dumb oh it's all right bro [Music] um all right there we go now I'm ready oh by the way still owe that TK yeah I know I've been running just trash gear yeah I know okay I was really I was really hoping the the more would have just absolved us of that see tragically no you think that no here we are Tim still still existing in it still living in it together you and I well hopefully I don't have like a a raid item or something that I'll need keep me updated if you find something good maybe something in your backpack that I need too smile can't wait to roll that Baldur's Gate character yeah okay maybe like a factory raid that oh you want to do a fact I'd be down for a factory I feel like that would be a great raid for no reason just just off the top of your head just thinking about it just thinking of all the raids that Tim would definitely enjoy just a nice quick Factory huh yeah I would actually hmm because I'm probably just run in there with a pistol interesting yeah kills oh yeah I actually I brought my rsh to this raid in case there are pmcs nice I'm absolutely gonna on somebody with it I got 10 rounds but I'm gonna make them count rsh counts for pistol kills right better it's a revolver so it's not like a semi-auto pistol I don't know we'll see level 13 we got two left till 15 Chad I hope you're enjoying the stream today if you are uh just jumping in do me a big favor and hit the like button I haven't said that at all today uh and I just I hope you're I hope you're having a good time we're having a good time man I'm enjoying interesting God is informing me that just like everything else the unknown key guy could just not spawn yeah yeah it might just not be there lovely plus I love that oh there's a oh I drank my green teas I didn't realize that therapists had a trade for director's key oh for green teas yeah oh partner and I brought arm I Died For the First Time two days ago and then like some loop on the couch A Bit of Heaven in your arms hey congratulations hope you're doing okay today enjoy get some rest too just do what uh what hoarders do and get every single piece of loot out and then save it all I've been doing that too oh good never mind just in case but there's still stuff at all I know I don't have hmm hey chat is this isn't across the board thing I'm just gonna put it out there like Jody I know I know listen I know mods are trying to keep chat clean I I appreciate that I do but the nature of two very large streamers like Doc and Tim playing tarkov is that they're gonna people are gonna come in a chat and say what other people are doing Just Let It Go just if it's gonna if it bugs you just ignore it um it's fine it's gonna happen it's all good uh if anything um for moderators too especially the more you discourage people from sharing information about other streamers and what they're doing the less inclined they are to come back to my channel and that is gonna hurt the bottom line uh so just just let it go it's all good it's whatever uh it doesn't bother me I I want to hear about doc getting on because it's funny to me [Music] um not a problem all righty do we want to push the unknown key guy TV's over there you're good Charlie it's just it just makes the most sense damn I hope there are you know what I mean scavcom that's somebody up here scav shot at me through the wall did he yeah he's walking on the outside over there ow I have a heavy bleed he shot my arm off is he dead yeah he's dead okay have to put my arm back on gotta get in somewhere yeah I'll go snag the key okay she always got a shot at from across from across yep bro I come from bridge side I think so I'm laying down right here to listen am I going to come out of the shed or should I hold you're okay for now do we get the key yeah no someone already grabbed it he's here that means they probably want Alamo or met but there's that spawn so they probably just spawn walked up picked it up I'll open it which way do you want to go uh maybe start making our way towards the unknown key spot and just kind of chill near it okay go through construction yeah I went through the fence if it's for sure a PMC Amy and you have the option to not kill be dope for Tim and I to get pistol kills but if you have to kill do not hesitate to kill scab in front of us at the oh there's actually two there with the tanker on the far right as well there's a couple scabs here one behind the truck one of the right a blue fence right now okay you guys popping up a storm [Music] nice still don't see anything from Medical this guy's at the blue fence area right here's my skeleton around oh yeah I just heard him come nice shot all right left you got him he stayed by the plugs yes we'll do it everything is fine I panicked I panicked already I'm panicking hitting for XP can you take this guy backpack no you can have it I hate the breadstick that's behind us yeah it was all around that was all around me yeah it's uh it's the audio resonation when uh when it's too far away sounds like it's everywhere I'm looking at the bus I'm in the pit now that's on the hill that's behind that's actually behind two story it is yeah and go smack them if you want to behind us yeah technically do need pistol kills but we can also spam Factory for that if you're not compete I mean the RSA just gonna delete anybody that I hit so I'm moving my way to bus stop right now just Factory like three times Amy did it in one I took my mate Tark off more depressing though hooray wait what the peach okay took an ibuprofen oh you didn't PK and everything's sad and gray now sniper scab IES all right that's either behind or inside two stories I don't think it's behind I'm looking behind it how the was that I don't know I shot the flare out oh lay down for a second I'm up against two story now I'm gonna open the door and look down the hallway there we sent him closing it into the back side again or Hill three friction oh God it's so monochromatic now I hate it yep again so okay hello can we go front door I want to gently swing around the back it might have been what all right you gotta be gentle dude I'm gonna nuzzle it just um because you don't want to hurt it Mr true story could get scared during the bathroom is closed on first your metal is that maybe the trash pile that's weird I can land it I can't land it doors open on the second floor looking in the windows that door's open a lot of doors open in here I'm inside on on second oh maybe they opened water room okay it is open at least it looks like it's open uh that's just it's the the cage doors the watering board just keep an eye down the hall for me in jacket rooms they must have gone down to First oh yeah water room is open yeah let's go let's get an x-ray they're probably on first careful this is a you have to do it in one raid thing remember yep they're probably on first the flashbangers [Applause] yay chicken jackets I'm walking downstairs oh 203 key three-story 203 that's not worth anything right everything down here is open I don't think so these guys have to be across the three story right yeah probably oh you know what yeah he jumped out the front uh window over here and is in three story I guarantee it now the uh does somebody not have the 214 key for three score yet I think I have it already Tim do you think you have it I'm sorry one more question um do you have the 214 for three story I do it's back home but I don't have it [Applause] so uh I was definitely over in three story [Music] [Music] remember there was some gunfire back here yep you two are over there on my right I'm on your left the hole wait we're gonna have to that's inside but why are we gonna have to backtrack almost y'all have factory key I don't know we have zb12 11 answers we have all this stuff like we're gonna have to go past unknown and then because we're on this side of the fence and then oh yes yes okay I thought you can't make the jail track towards right yeah I understand now I had to shoot I had a stupid Wayne moment my bad that's okay I'm a dumb man I get it you need more dedicated I am for your brain not worry me for a sec oh sorry I didn't know that okay I didn't say anything I was hoping I was just gonna kill him okay I know now it's okay wow Amy how dare you I didn't say anything yeah it's on me well bad guess how many half-masts do we need again it's five or seven I can't remember Tim asked that earlier too okay I need help sniper on top he just ripped my leg off and my stomach rolling side thank you God damn son oh hey can you keep it down are you kidding me right now have you seen um oh what movie is it it's the one with Seth Rogen and the woman from Insidious and there's also Zac Efron I think and there's like a pratt house all right I think of the scene when she's like we're just gonna go over there and be like can you keep it down and she gets so awkward Bad Neighbors what are you doing Nate yeah bad neighbors yep can you keep it down dying over here man uh Sniper Tower scav running down um something to my right scroll to my right scab up against the wall oh you guys are Hollow down there y'all left me behind bro Mari hi who's that shooting you know there's another guy to my uh I'm gonna push that scab over on the left why is my Mosin suck just awesome even closer disappeared yeah oh you need the mosa kills yeah I'm gonna sit not ammo Shack over here then we know there's a guy to the right on the other side of the wall all right gonna be like 40 meters away so I mean you can get too close whoa where'd that come from just let me know if you want me to intervene oh is that I mean that guy's dead if you come to me I think I have a good 40 meter shot on this cab oh she's shooting this because if you said that's a BMC yeah maybe I think a PMC might have just killed the Scout I was looking for I'm coming over to you Amy oh that was the staff shooting at you guys yeah so there's one over here that I think Tim could get pretty easily okay oh yeah this guy is is literally right here in front of me staring right at him there's a guy coughing and stuff over here just coming over I don't wear the other scabs when I guess I shot him you're coming around yeah you man are you at the wall yeah you yeah he's dead right on my body that you just made yep I see you I had to shoot a different guy too that shot at me if you come know where I am this dude right here in front of me I don't know this probably is not 40 meters but it's worth a shot I I don't know I mean he could stand back oh he's starting to move it's actually he's going to the right yeah if you come further back down here Tim you can get a 40 meter on that guy I'm gonna check these two scales real quick oh you know him someone inside here that might be a dab I'll get this guy because he's close foreign but there's definitely someone inside all right Scout man where are you oh there you are outdoor inside is closed oh it's a scav army oh you got a little group of them you see them to hold still towards GPU van okay well that's not 40 meters anymore you just blow foreign towards me you're ruining the whole thing ow ten points don't die shot me right into chest I will murder him shot you in your yetis hey it's right in the tatas hey bud good how are you great good why does this sound like one of those conversations where someone is hurt that's the guy he's got this oh can't see through the trees okay I'm gonna go the other way I think that's wise [Music] lead X this is open and on oh nice we could just take that after we checked per whatever unknown where are you guys right now comes to Jaeger stash in the hole I'm in the hole we got a guy right here nice thanks dude from practicing would you say the tea was foreign that's gas oh I need that oh peace candy oh those are that's a scav army right there they're feeding you [Applause] it's like whack-a-mole [Applause] I hope that was 40 meters how many more do you need uh two more nice so some of them were some of them were not funner mother is mothering I don't think it's open I'm gonna go check but I really don't think it's open I feel like they would have left the door open well it's not we just bounced I'm gonna check these scabs close this is so sad chat I'm gonna start making my way to extract but that's cool right here then the line pockets and stuff right oh okay just add a zb13 or whatever that one is yeah yeah yeah you know yeah are you inside here I'm not no I'm outside on the bodies I made cab [Music] s I'm fat oh a nice Adar I'm so fat oh good you good scav couldn't tell shot him one time he backed up inside the double green can't come back out once for the one time try to go over two for the two time but couldn't get it okay I'm running you guys doing it scab you're just gonna look at spawning anything real quick hello has me jumping in front of you I'm very fat so I'm at axel all right coming oh it says m855a1 in it oh nice that's very good very good pickup I take this rear side off the 8r but other than that not too bad I'm going towards extract hello hello Tim and I are leaving oh y'all are both in there yes uh yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] Factory uh for what uh maybe PMC pistol kills okay eliminate scaving tinjong customs foreign how do y'all have tarkov shooter quests I wonder what y'all did that was the ish Amy we're just better okay everybody just buddy me Powell pow me friend just friend me amigo just Amigo me guy I did yes let me eat scabs on Customs very specifically yes I also have learning scabs as a daily for thorax Funtime shots all you got Tim is just straight up ignoring us time to exit customs find it did you find my solid dailies dude no TT need to find it not your PB your teeth go there are we going Factory right uh Factory yeah yes is that what we're doing yeah anybody get a Ricky no sick all right uh give me a second all right all right mate okay uh two or three things to go away I'm at the point of the wipe where I'm pulling all of the uh grips off the guns and mags are going into the rigs you're Batman first Ray apparently found a cottage key oh are you kidding me I just handed loot out to whoever now man it's crazy [Music] Nick humor like I hear this big man's really really good loot let us let us deploy loot into into large streamer man very good little key happy smile time eat his best it is bad you do a very good job it represents brand very well about one Milli almost almost there okay we're going Factory yeah yeah Factory one of the tool sets so it ain't doing that yet nope I lost my tool son just do this [Music] [Music] sorry I'm actually this is gonna be a great time for a bio break yeah go ahead foreign people are gonna go are gonna come in and tell you all sorts of just ignore it y'all gotta just ignore it yeah [Music] don't let it don't let it annoy you it's that already right so it's like let's let it happen it's fine story you should be telling us about my double ledx pickup yesterday thank you okay the the updated streets map I have now for Expo locations nice so if we do end up having to go back there I got all the spots oh God Tim listening to chat Batman oh yeah it's so bad it's so hard to watch let it happen it is what it is let's see here so where did I miss elevator okay damn we were actually yeah all three of the new ones that we we had are across or across klimov on the North side klimov got moved to the around out to the right but um I've I've got the I understand now kind of where we were gotcha cool nice Carry Me Through streets please sir okay it's my favorite map thank you I know that sound here we go you got any pistol kills so I'll try to chill there you go there's only like three or four other people that can spawn right almost right now officers are clear coming up oh yeah they're fighting oh big boys here that's me that's me hello yeah yeah I just oh Tim yeah yeah I'm in first where are you see how we teleported at me I don't know where tequila went I think he ran out dude he zip right at me are you healing right now you teleported out of my face by the way yeah I'm healing I'm healing I'm healing I'm healing I'm coming up the stairs made 484 to him oh you ran into him or what yeah yeah he ran out went left he's hurt oh there goes the rsh I don't want to do that task anymore stupid bmcs are coming in probably just teleported on three he skipped the stairs I should have plenty of time on first PMC is coming in on first I'm on three I'm on three yeah this game sucks ass Ange for one second coming up to third is that you I'm on the other side yeah okay I'm coughing there's a bear on first floor okay I'm on first he died to a scav yeah I'm going into the room with the safe so bad I don't know where to get along yeah that's kind of terrifying I found him he I died he's first floor he was crouched walking into the offices bro look at the speed run was a new death calm and that was terrifying oh look at this Speed Run dude yeah uh he's shooting BT look at this oh look at how fast he fought what is that what the is that oh oh what a joke yeah yeah what a joke oh my God he's terrifying he's got to be weak dude yeah he came in the corner just blew right up everybody dead awesome I sucked Tim all right great time so many parts of this game just blow ass that's stupid I mag dumped into him as and he he I watched watching back he slid he's he like skate slid up the side of the wall to me it's like he cut the corner through the wall and would and manifested in front of me God I'm so tired of that my tummy hurts [Music] all right where are we going now um [Music] sniper I guess trying to pop people in the face bring some dog kid or something else you know that doesn't happen Tim Aldersgate that's true you are correct man yeah we could have thrown in a good you know nice little saving throw with some extra Charisma on top of it and have baller's gate only happens here I'm sorry I'm better sorry I just hate dying stupid boys and we're gonna play some ball education good good feelings are validated yep I just like you know if I'm gonna get I at least want to be taking on a friend like a nice date first instead of that you know it's not a first date kind of guy I don't give a if I'm gonna get down at least like do it in a nice way do it in a way that I can enjoy right right change my mind bringing that all right we're going Customs he said ear yeah cool I'm not ready yet though I need ammo struggle boss right now yeah spit on it first instead of just going just flying in there thank you what's up I'm doing I'm mad guys mentally I am great okay sure yeah yeah no yeah yeah oh yeah can you smile if it sounds like I'm doing very well mentally currently you all better freaking smile right now big smiles miles you better smile I'm good I'm so good we're we're like chilling and you know what I'm saying yeah ass I smell your uh you're throwing down dude you picking up what I'm pooping out exactly oh yeah my point exactly okay [Music] I need one more freaking scrub foreign [Music] the wave Q D suppressor is a pretty it sells for a lot right uh yeah but it's gonna be a while before you can sell it in my mind I'm not a gamer no I'm saying that the rest of the community will not have the money to afford it to buy it from you for a while oh they need to get their together I actually was quite literally complimenting you and saying that the rest of the player base is ready yeah that was cool whatever hey no offense chat 22 incher dude look at that came out wrong I didn't mean yeah [Music] PRS ammo what are you poor all right take two of Hawaii part what are you a poor you know what you're right that one's on me my bad uh you know I just I made a mistake that's not that's not that's not who I am as a person is this this is usually where you go with a twit longer right uh I don't know you would be the one that I would be asking so why me I've never had to write it to a longer yeah but you've been like in the industry longer you said I'm old yes there's an attack on my sovereignty Tim yes anyway let's go let's go to questions yeah yeah starting to circumvent her telling you how old you are you say how old why you hurt my feelings [Laughter] I don't know what voice was that I don't know all right uh stop rushing me dude okay um you said Cassie yeah yeah oh six let's go look at us oh cuties wait would it be an X longer now good point oh wait true kind of hate that I'm doing I'm doing live react Kim the tapman content this is what we do here wait I'm doing the same thing well I gotta switch it so see all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to live react Tim the fat man content is stash basic he ran a scav I think he died I don't know oh he maybe he made it out I didn't see yeah he's not doing anything do something entertain me now Timmy wait you know what I should do I'll do react content like xqc hold on Chad I'll be back in 10 minutes and I'm gonna put on YouTube all right getting into The Hideout good he's not doing anything so I feel whatever I watch to him I see oh this this screen's even different from the last time that he played was like two years ago well I'm gonna I'm gonna text him honestly I want to see if he gets my text shortage all right here we go is he gonna hit accept I I'm telling you right now Timmy he got it let's go PMC raid bro I'm putting stuff on the line of my own inventory and you're in you're stuck in the warehouse again hiding side by side it's just I mean shallowia first aid kids yes you and I have the exact same all right you didn't take the other task you didn't tape destroy some destroy some scavs get some salivas okay there we go we're almost there if you could find an mp1 it's from tarkov territory yep I see now and my reward is a song dude Chad said Lupo texted you okay you're in my channel I get it all right get me in there you're still in queue why isn't this going through yet huh I'm doing I'm doing live react content I'm proud of him he got his he got he grabbed both starter tasks big huge is big for him he's grabbing the whiskey and bringing it into the raid I might take it out damn it I was hoping he almost just got trash and red did you hear him ask doc a question and Doc goes what do I look like Lupo said what am I watching yep well that was really funny I also was watching quickly that I don't think I'm allowed to probably watching Tim's POV because he's playing with it I just can't do audio Yeah so I have it muted are we reading alerts instead of just saying construct it was really funny to me give me it where am I going customs we want 18 o'clock right 18 o'clock yeah no lose it yes that's six o'clock the Tim could be oh my God he's so insane but in this mode pause this and pause there we go all right I'm back here we go hello hey look where we are guys not even remotely close to a known geese spawn let's go I'm excited it's stash time this one over here I Wanna Know damn you there um hello smart Tim that knows how to play tarkov what I called you smart Tim where'd you guys end up going blue okay man's too hard on himself I think he he could figure it out everybody's struggles like no matter how smart you are it's there's so much in this game you don't just pick it up day one let me speak for yourself but yeah you're not wrong okay well not everyone is you so I don't want to run towards the Sun so I vividly remember you sitting in a staircase one of your first days playing and you're like I don't know what this is and I don't know where to go and I'm scared of this guy I TK chat made my birthday yep oh really yep yep did you guys go down the train tracks uh yeah you're stash outside gas station wall oh you're over there both of you over there oh razors oh nice Amy where are you right now running gas okay there let me know okay I'm checking for Mr com key I already have one but if seeing if there's one for you have um you have a kill scabs test him uh yes yeah I need two more uh with bolt action wrinkled okay I gotta kill scabody wabetes here too way it's a scav potty I gotta kill I got a daily to unlock them with fun time shots too say unalive them murder bro chill what the my bus stops [Music] done oh 762 black MDR I'm moving a two-story getting involved nothing October tree from the corner okay you inside Ben yeah I'm on first floor too sorry open doors come out I'm on the back side of tuna [Music] um [Applause] that is me running up close I think we're the first ones here I think so too what if I just go take like a little Gander at three you just run past me yeah uh you should Amy and I'm in the Decker room Tim yeah okay running by me in the bushes yep [Applause] by car I think unless I got y'all's audio but I'm pretty sure I just heard something um maybe it was y'all jackets down here Ben yep I'm gonna go through the my shot as good as out of me uh do we need 303 um I think I have a 303 key but it is a task key for sure there's either multiple pmc's in here or it's rushala you want somebody to come over I'll gladly come over coming over okay I just don't leave my butts alone okay never mind that was a regular scab maybe it's just a lot of scabs okay what's up you just watched that scav spot damn dude [Applause] [Applause] unless you say something I'm assuming you're okay I'm okay it's just it's okay I thought there were gonna be a lot I thought it was gonna be roshala but it's just uh what kind of stuff fluffy yes for sure foreign that guy die oh that's the wrong caliber that's 45 rip I need that okay I am I'm first floor in the bathroom Tim I'm from that easier out here yeah content's the worst to me oh I hate it don't worry if you have the 104 key for here um I didn't bring any keys I'm gonna go unlock that Amy I'm coming over to you okay I'm gonna start loadings is that you on the outside Tim that was you on the outside yeah right I'm on first floor the front door Amy and third down I haven't touched you here he's grabbing the duffel off this guy uh do you need an escrow Amy that was me uh bottom of the stairs there's an escrow on the ground thank you you sound like you're looting inside me even though you're up the floor cool game please don't be inside me right now I'm at work one G's in the chat hey you got a 1G phone here you heard of Chad you better 1G right now bungies in the chat please I'm running across the three okay down here 's my seal on cabinets bro I've found two Machinery keys this right alone I don't even need those dorm 204 key cool I don't do nothing right um 204 is a loot room [Applause] [Applause] that's just very loud [Music] one second out as well we uh I see you hey hello did you find the blue handle tool for no let's see it is the three-story dorm 204 oh nice I hit 214 if you want to hit 204. I think it's might be a storm starting up so I think I just heard thunder like IRL or in-game and Thunder did you hit everything I don't remember Ken do you know what who sings that song I don't remember I want to say it's Imagine Dragons but I could be wrong maybe go ahead maybe go ahead maybe go ahead Amy go ahead he needs to learn imagine dragging these balls on your face oh look that's a good response he told me I can't believe you do that to Tim you're unbelievable thank you it's not metal got it which side uh Ice Cream side it sounded like watch that staircase or did you run across did you run across three yeah we're on third floor I didn't sound like metal oh why does it sound like metal maybe last time you made that joke in this building you died do you remember that yeah you shot me in the face yeah you deserved it it was wild um that was crazy [Music] uh silly you're silly for that these guys are all dead well keep making our way towards unknown key guy yeah all right going out second floor all right this was a duffel that I dropped I wanted to do this because he had an mbss I'm out back yeah I got red laser on my pistols Casino all right I've got the nose now looking for scabby boys I need two more at 40 meters over 40 not less than this lighting's weird yep I am not a fan right now makes me feel like I'm being watched hello Mr scavenger you're dead it's rough some weight can't get it rough rough oh that was a stretch dude everybody loves good stretch tip let's get in front of you yeah I'm sorry oh Oh I thought that was him was that 40 meters that was definitely not 40 meters no it was not 40 meters that's why I didn't feel bad she needed the thorax kill and that wouldn't work anymore oh oh did you get it yeah I got it okay I thought I killed him for a second yeah akm with aim over let's get a side on top ah sorry Amy that was a swear word you just said are we not playing today what is happening you're gonna swear that's my Christian Minecraft stream well this is nice Supreme oh it's weird didn't line up well did it oh grandma if you're watching I'm just kidding oh I want to kill the scab yeah let's kill Scott Tim one more shot for your tummy shot yes ma'am okay Tim just all right Ben just I shot him it's okay it'll be more it was bad timing he shot her while I was asking okay I'm out here just trying to make Tim's life harder because as I do well I mean like yeah I'm waiting to put a TK still like yeah it's just a lot today just trying to push the anxiety too it's working yeah it's a really nice welcome back to tarkov after five month Hiatus yeah it's really good hey Tim I see you were on top of Everest yesterday let's bring you back down to sea level no this is your everything's fine we're fine good day where you guys at why did you just say that like Tim is a dog that's rude okay all right um I'm not in here unknown key is not in there no bruh what I say we reset that you but not need a backtrack here I'm over at elbow coming through Conex coming to you guys okay I'm at the dumpsters in the corner I agree with me at the good reset and try again [Applause] hello and this time I want to take your scav kill that you need that's a daily isn't it it is a daily no I'm extracting it's okay it just popped up I got all day to do it oh there you go to the right somewhere maybe down over here you wonton to me there is a guy that you could probably hunt that dude real quick and so I'm trying to keep it at 40 meters too trying to get like two birds both sometimes is a good idea [Music] I don't know how you can see me sir it's shooting you I don't know from where he's like up against the wall that usually that's a ram speed issue hey Daily's done got it look at that see chat what's that do not that I'm just trying to make a point just for fun oh hello one second these guys they stay in cover while you do things with man body okay let's go squash squash is a valuable in the backpack I can see that you killed take that let's go quick little reset runner back tasking we're tasking hell yeah brother [Music] hooray that was great I need to do oh wait I don't even have a motion oh it can be the VPO right oh I'm stuck in the raid ended your character is in full health screen uh uh I have to alt f4 give it a second there we go yeah you're right give it a second that was so weird that is a stomach drop into floor feeling um anybody down for like Woods would be kind of like crazy I'll just give up on my Customs tasks got it kidding yes what do you need on Woods yes um uh I need sorry I need scav kills uh with no body armor I also have the task with the bolt action over 40 meters and I need yeah lots more just dabs just a ton of scabs on the woods I don't have anything specific for Woods but if you want to go there we go excuse me did you just straight up burp into the yeah I actually did you know what hat's off to you honestly I don't even know what to say other than I'm impressed I'm not even mad yeah yeah we can go wherever dude we do it okay if you say so it is all about you I get it so you know okay no I get it it's fine you guys all right I got my pistol got my Mosin oh I need another CMS kit I don't think I have it's very much good oh so we're going Woods okay I'm gonna take my I've got to take body armor off for that one oh are you doing the same test as she is or we're right up against each other we're doing the same stuff cool okay ekm Eko or tkm FMJ I use the Eko uh [Music] pistol in case there's pmcs Po in case there's teams I don't I need both technically I don't know what do I do it what do I do I don't know holy oh my God labs yeah no if I if I die early I might do a Labs run so just to see if I can get some crazy out of it just don't have a lot of key card so I couldn't even join you if I wanted to okay next question are we are we doing the thing where we like PMC Scott PMC scav or we're just I don't have room in my stash right now for scabbing I know it sucks but I just don't I don't have the space right now I'm a broke ass come should I bring this red flare are you feeling crazy because that sounds crazy I think that's a great idea and you should just send it because like who's gonna stop you you know what I mean yeah who's gonna stop me nobody's gonna stop you someone's gonna stop you you could do whatever you want right now you could do a crime right now and no one's gonna stop you do it still crime just a crime like in real life just do a crime right now in real life let's go go do it did you say I need another junk box yeah I'm I'm ready for my second one already got stuff dude surprise I could probably sell some things you know I hate that I just said that but I can do it so you're these necessary you're probably oh what about hideout commit tax fraud okay James anyone from the IRS in chat if if so that was totally a joke if not what's the best way to commit tax raw chat let's talk oh you have to tell your chat if you're a cop or not I'm ready um I start pranking against that yeah oh the generator has been on this entire time I up oh well well [Music] um water collector requires blood um apparently my chat knows how to commit tax fraud yeah donating art nfts okay there you go perfect you criminals Woods you're criminals silly little crime committers look at you adorable little goofy guys foreign I really need to upgrade my Hideout I'm just missing like the littlest things uh uh how are we doing this yesterday adorable dude wow our pmcs are definitely besties rpmcs huh my shooting range is available oh man but then I will absolutely oh my rest space is available too oh yep I have best friend blackmail what how much money do I have now yeah I have a there's a clip and you're like there's a lot of Sam's and Amy's and Ben's and then you say Tim's wife's name is Amy broman's wife's name is Amy my best friend's name is Amy you said that oh you don't have that I yeah you said that [Music] yeah do I have to hit this button to go into the raid interesting and there hello I oh all right let's check the status over on this side if you want to drop some stuff you can hover over and press delete on your keyboard and also click control to move stuff right click puts it on when you're looting I'll try anti thing for your 25 bro this one guy just gave me 25 he basically yelled at me for not being good where do you want to go Factory oh on a scav run I don't think we're gonna get much all right I think Customs again I kind of know the Customs Arrow like area yeah I feel like Customs we might have some luck there all right I'm going 9am shoddy boys container on my main guy say that again my gamma container on my PMC that does that come back you have one right that's what I mean though because people are telling me to put my Grizzly inside of my gamma container that's an option yeah um so you just do that because people can't touch it basically pretty much you do that and you put like a like a CMS in there too got it and then like extra ammo I usually put extra ammo Lupo they need you that'll be fun they're getting ready going rate let's see apparently uh on the cool school app we have Charlie send me a picture see you here let's uh let's find out what it was better this better be good oh boy I need you I know yeah there we go all right cool [Music] there's the 11th right yep second grade man oh second grade for guys waiting for players it's yeah yeah this is one of those moments in where we could be I'm just you know just throwing out random idea I don't know taking turns in Ballers gay going through combat right now you know yeah but I mean like I feel like the people who just want to see the Baldur's game they miss out on it though I'm kidding like okay good you might get I be silly oh what give me a doctor mp-133 baby living his best life out on custody trying to jump a fence I pulled his knife out because he's thinking it's CS go and you run fast with a knife here we go all right ready there oh I tap back in sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry Daddy sorry Daddy uh do we get mountains no where the are we we're we're behind medical we're like the far medical school oh that's right okay meds in front of us over by the uh is the rdof extract or uh yeah they'll they'll probably be in Med by the time oh I don't need it hello welcome come on hello glad you could join us we're going to medcamp yep all right captain a lot of goodies we gotta pick up there oh scabs I need to shoot Tim Needs to shoot we all need to shoot I don't need to shoot scabs here don't shoot scats then I only need pmcs that is a scab he's still alive he's far he's winning I guess if I'm in pain I can shoot you so you're in pain oh thank you more more pissed off scabs well there's usually a lot over by that building yeah [Applause] in front of us a fat man there shooting my scavengers I came farther to the left scab that spawned up starts walking then super scab I see one of these guys on the outside in front of me there's a tube going inside right now suppliers tag one I'm moving up I'm definitely pushing these guys for the pistol kills y'all I'll see you on the other side that's fun I'm shooting suppressed right now I can shoot if you need to I'm farther left foreign a couple times he's still alive okay I'm rubbing the back so I just kind of have eyes on him there's two guys over here I think shotgun needs help okay coming come on [Music] the guy in The topcon X might still be alive I don't know I'm laying down now I gotta heal my chest inside right side iconic sky are you alive no he's dead I just checked stir up he's toast thank you there was two players though right I got them both yeah nice [Applause] I go nice uh this is a USAC tag up top uh I'll come get it in a second holy tarkov looting curves [Applause] all right it's uh on his body right now [Applause] take the other guy in a sec too I killed a couple I had to kill a couple got it coming in [Music] [Music] yeah oh you can't no you just he went sleepy asleep oh he's very tired sleeping man very good all right then cool I mean three more kills the body armor on okay Valerie morphine for somebody if you need for the test you'll need like three or four to my right on the Shelf it's right here whoa I don't oh it's like I don't know where you're at and go you betcha oh [Music] anybody need sledgehammer and I have a backpack big enough [Music] right here it's pretty high for those North that's for like this first step right it's already freaking heavy ooh a cylinder oh oh that's not the right if you guys haven't done gunsmith part one by the way that shotgun in one of those guys has the um and attachment that you need the hand the uh not the multiple device okay I'm just missing I need the give me the curve handle probably no I need the part that the grip goes on to the oh crap the handguard that's not you guys not dead there's no helmet on hold on I just lost my arm Ben give me a second scab rolled up and shot my arm off okay he's still in there I just have a heavy bleed he started picking up Amy's I didn't realize I gotta put my arm back on is he at the entrance these are the corner I'm on the outside yeah he's healing inside right now I'm on the outside so anybody else in there you kill I'm gonna come in the front in a second here but I'm going to finish healing I'm gonna throw a Nate in there some baby arms dude yeah he's got a helmet on now hey that's me ow he's right here in the corner [Applause] he's dead sorry Amy oh no it's fine it's just one of those unfortunate things where like you don't realize someone walking yeah I hit all my healing says the same holiday so I was like wait a second what is he doing out there okay so I said I'm on the outside he's the one on the inside and then Tim still came around and shot me quick come on man how you doing uh heels and you good yeah I'm fine this is in front of that little ketter talking about family well I'm done with stir up now that's my third one hey biggie you have a good day too man are you outside no I'm inside there might be somebody over this wall where we we just were on the outside of it I can't tell if that's a dude or rain God I mean I don't see anything it could just be the rain then sorry [Applause] that Sledgehammer saw around uh yeah it's on the thing that's right here I was standing right next to the thing as well running back um he was doing your stuffing shirt I can carry some I can carry a little bit out yeah I'm working on the VPO would be nice if not it's okay my wind's back on it's good [Music] covered me for a second here this is best again that's all in there that's in there uh I'll just drink that I can get those I had that same sound where you thought someone was outside yeah it's real Annoying all right Amy I got 100 of you oh we just need to get out okay thank you yeah yeah I'm gonna step inside over here 10 for a sec and double check my entire inventory I'm sure I'm packed up and stuff yep I'll be good to go okay okay Let's Roll [Applause] I'm a chunker now yeah we gotta go to outskirts just do the shoreline do you still looking for scav kills yep okay yeah give me one more at 40 and I need three more with my armor off so I'm just gonna be chucking my armor down and then taking shots so I just need pmcs with a bolti within 25 so that probably won't happen but we'll see if we sneak up on somebody to be dope factory factory factory yep actually is that one of the ones that says excluding Factory because if so that sucks I thought that was just the SVD oh maybe there's a like the dehydration one I don't think you could do on Factory either um a couple of them say that also I am losing spam [Music] I'm a parking Ambush Bush ambush and bushy booze do you have the salt for your hideout yet I think you need one I just got it moving out of the bush moving down oh I put the camera camera still trying to spectate Batman Chad sorry it is foggy and dark it is but at least we have each other Timothy it's very spooky I'm spooked I bet he scab house will have dudes for you that's what I'm hoping for deck ninja it looks like it might be bug that was weird I thought that you were still behind me so I stood up I was like who's this dude right here but it's you Tim it's just me it's always been you Tim oh my god oh I'm 700 man oh pretty far [Music] you know what I'm not gonna do today Amy the points up probably eat lunch why why because Sam's still sick okay I don't mean I'd have to go upstairs yeah it is fueled like air oh methamphetamines oh of course Jim I'm gonna look inside attachment Kevin because they can okay no shot that her abilities too right back okay I'm looking at scav house I think she's mad she's just disappointed I'm used to that it's fine people just leaving their ammo dude dude yeah Cosmic she she got it from uh probably gcx it's too bad I know I hand full of people do uh did it kind of is like the I don't know I almost look at covid like it's uh like it's the Pax pox you know Convent the convention illness that goes around now it's a bit used to just be like a cold or even the flu the old conflue baby and somehow I didn't get it which is wild um because I shook way more hands hugged more people interacted with my own people face to face and she did and I I'm fine uh which I I think I attribute the fact that she got she did end up catching it probably because of lime machines no I'm making my way I'm gonna be I'm on your back right now where no I'm not the direction you're looking not a single scab you test God I have tested multiple times I I'm I am not sick yeah I I uh this weekend immune system is 100 which just just like the first time she had it nope what's up what'd you do I was checking to see if it was a scab that was standing inside the house hmm would you have avoided her four years ago what what does that mean what is that vitality uh by the way I did like 87 surgeries Tim I didn't need it I'm just looking I don't think thanks bud I killed two pmcs I didn't get the dog tags off of oh yeah I didn't touch those bodies just left yeah I got that all right well that ended up with more crap in my inventory which is fine but damn I gotta start I gotta start running some juicy soon well that was that oh that was bad okay yeah getting dummy thick over here Tim and Tim yep same dude notorious Wild it's a lot right now yeah it's a lot it's this there's just a lot going on yeah she'll need she had three mags I'll give her those three mags she had her pistols in here this is mine this is mine that's hers that's hers okay cool hey okay okay hello hey hello what you got in your mouth [Music] actually nothing I just think I just said it was like hello oh okay yeah why are you laughing like that it was just it was just so abrupt she even giggled too it wasn't like I was like hey what that mouth do chill dude no that's not that's not him chill Tim I need you to really giggle them out you sound like you got my bag all right I got them for you bud I got um I got a helmet I got your body armor I got gas welders um I got your pistol and your VPO with the magazonias uh for both uh all stocked up and ready to go um what else what else put that on there um I got your red flare I got a salawa I got your mechanism back pecorino that uh um what do I need yeah I don't know that's what I'm just naming stuff yeah I was stressing me out now I'm just stressed so yeah I'm glad I'm a source of stress for you that's great um I have your calic B I got your more Thanos I don't know just bring some Boomer wheeze I'll do that on purpose Timothy I guess I'm just I'm just homecoming Nikki oh okay uh lucky you need headphones okay uh m32s I think is what you had before I think they ended up staying on the guy's body magically I'm 32. if you could buy them or the good gushes will get it done too Google we're going back to Woods we're going somewhere else down for whatever have a neat thing on the woods to you I don't have anything else I wanted to know Bingo customs we can let's hop back and forth between the two sounds good I like that okay gotta kill one more scab with the uh 40 meter Plus and just a lot of scabs in general can we wait a minute for our Jaeger restock yeah what Maps you say we're going to sorry okay sorry all right sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry every sorry very sorry I need another spunk box well I'm 5 000 short oh that's how you get the umpy dumpy that's right okay those guys oh I do need to kill scabs with a tummy shot for a daily that's the thing this one is yours that's your hmm give you these in there let's find a bunch of ammo um do I want what do I want to run chat what do I want to on somebody with because I got a lot of options for I'll bring the 8r back out 8r was kind of slapping I think we bring the 8r back out y'all I think they I think that I think the 8r comes back out not running an STM don't ever don't ever say that to me ever again how dare you I need a sight for it though I could throw the voodoo on there that'd be disgusting can you invite me when you have a chance oh yeah sorry I am getting a gun together that's very low uh boom there you go I already bought those oh nice snacks I'm assuming um I have uh food and I have a salary and a hot rod in here for you I can throw while water bottle in so you have to worry about a thing okay thank you yeah got you yeah you got extra ammo now this is your VPO so I've dropped the bag for you and you'll be set thank you yes do it with rubles not repair kit oh well I'm gonna need CMS kits oh my God oh I'm gonna do it crap burn through them I was saying yup as you said that song you just said you're an idiot sorry sorry whoa that's all good that's good got that what's up I found a wallet our last Customs raid and it had 85k in it damn nice that's pretty good all right uh boom got it again we're going Customs are we going customs oops I took us to Woods my bad a dude my I'm sorry it's it's my brain today hey we're going hey guys we're gonna go Customs okay okay sounds good I'll change my mind I know you guys wanted to go woods but I think I'd rather go cussy okay you're welcome that was funny shut up laughing at me there's somebody else coughing behind us oh my guys I don't have a stomach bro my stomach's gone I'm dead oh you're gonna get out you have cash for the car cash for the car you guys are speaking a different language to me I drink water wait I don't have my stomach I'm really just gonna let doc die like that dude I'm using a CMS I think he's I don't think he's got do you have food all right so in the tab man a hero of mine I would be honored if you took my life all right I I can't even imagine I don't even know how to get out of here bro he's got no he has no food right here he can eat the condensed milk okay I don't think it's working like guys tab go to your health Tab and drag that to your stomach it it works it doesn't have he needs to eat and then again okay and then heal my stomach yeah how am I living when I don't have a stomach this guy his stomach has eight hit points left watch it rubles you're gonna need a little food stomach my stomach went to one and then went back to zero bro sure as soon as they were like a message my only thing is dark red is my stomach yes I'm gonna need food soon [Applause] something wow okay wait my stomach's better one out of two back to zero this is the one bit CMS [Music] okay where's the food at okay wait I see it holy brain is like overloading kill him but I mean honestly I need to kill him right here no I think I think we might have killed doc but I think we saved him bro you were up here yeah he'll pick up there you go you're my hero okay he's got 72 now but he's gonna be hydrated his stomach is just not getting better I think I'm a dad bro no no way dude CMS doesn't do stomach anymore boys my stomach is one of one green now but all my other shit's bad there we go well it's green now so it's not gonna take out I don't know can you pull my stream up and look at my menu you're good now Doc's telling me I'm good now but I do need water still right just use just use forget it I don't know why they just they should have they should have hit you up what Tim and Doc yeah but we were supposed to play with Doc today and then um yeah he didn't want to do fours so this is what he gets in return usually I hope you learned his lesson all right um you little Miss there you go there you go and I brought my zb14 key because I thought we were running Woods her house I brought my zb14 key doing great right now what was that you just step on a mouse I see that was so tiny he brought me all kinds of stuff yeah there's like a whole Treasure Trove of goodies you basically got like a full loot set up already trying to be nice you know are we going uh Tim where'd you go buddy just look at the hole in the wall oh okay hello Tim I want that guy shout out to the leg yeah it wasn't 40 meters though I tried to slow him down because he was walking towards us who's that suck yes oh what's up I'm gonna need that at some point I got one charge left on here come here just take it down I gotta I brought a 10 out of 15 serve so oh God oh my hero thank you I got you buddy uh do you mind if I take these guys back back go for it if that's anything good now let me know it's got milk and apple and juice good to love a milk you need either let me know Amy we're going back to zb14 Corner to check stashes and hit boiler building I mean sounds perfect where did you end up um okay real quick um I'm coming through the hole in most was it a scab down there Tim that jacket let me just turned I was thinking about tapping at him just piss him off so he'd turn around do I get that Scout I'm nuts yay I you good yeah you're insane are you absolutely cracked and or goated yes blah wow uh you up the train tracks Tim yeah yeah Harbor right now [Applause] oh that sounds really fun that's a lot Pat oh that's a lot is that me sorry foreign ER with me [Music] okie dokie if you say so thank you oh he's not up here I hate him he's below me where he belongs oh yo chill because he's um he's a man because he's a man step on him this is Barbie's World foreign what what I found measuring I'm down bad accelerated so quickly oh yeah I need that [Music] God doesn't sound more OB SKS today than any other weapon okay [Music] it's so spicy thanks for the ice cream yum I love the the tick tock Trend right now is doing a video of I'm never gonna do this but I'm live right now doing it and then like yep they've got like thousands of people that's who's over here I'm inside double green hello to me over here by uh on the grass play with ZB uh uh 11. the middle one don't want the lights on okay it's not Amy I don't think so Amy is this 52 no no no I'm just ice cream oh hello I'm inside hobo I think he's like up against the wall what's that gaming is that just rain God it sounded like someone's slow walking in grass well that's terrifying yeah yeah it is whoa it's overspray foreign [Applause] I don't remember and Amy I'm good give me a face check it no no no okay I'm just gonna look from right here closing the door he can stay in there uh which building are your names I am in streamer okay we are we are past that we're almost to spawn anything yeah there's an M4 that was maybe old gas yeah it's fine everything's open yeah it's atypical usually it's almost closed I'm above on train tracks do you hear anything inside my ear to the wall I don't hear anything okay My Stream crashed Hawaii I closed it hello hello okay sounds like maybe OBS from dead scab at all gas smoke is up I don't see anything else over there yet Ted's cabin down here on the road okay could be underneath we should wait for Amy I don't want to split too far no no no I agree did you actually go in to spawn anything let's go he was shooting me sorry I had to kill him no you're good I wanted to see what he was gonna do I'm gonna go underneath on power I'm gonna check the bags and stuff okay I'm gonna look inside spawn anything foreign there's another Sledgehammer in here a horse I'm sorry I feel I think y'all are waiting on me I'm trying to go quickly here jumping that was me I was coming up the steps I am closing the door I'm gonna be back up on the train tracks here okay see if I can get a scab to spawn dessert did y'all hit band and stuff I got two dead pmc's on me since I spawn anything outside the front of Spawn anything could have been not fighting over here a little bit earlier I believe it was I still know where the guy uh that did The Killing went they're not looted you got a name no dog tags are gone yeah it won't be one's missing a Gun there's not level three body armor this dude I guess they were gently looted they were skimmed over um you're inside one in the front I'm in the front I'm in the front I'm by the hole in the ground buy here on that front yeah that must have been you guys running I'm still inside to spawning I think I heard running outside for a sec yeah I'm on these bodies right now yeah there's you outside my building okay hello I'm right next to you I was checking this guy he had a Mosin pick that up okay I'm gonna diaper helmet on uh fresh salawa but it's not kind of Rage uh yeah this guy's got baby MP5 mags so these are the guys that we heard shooting they ran off the Alamo yep hello hello you guys see if London was open nope imagine power doors open nice pestily mask thank you Squatch right into it hey did one of them have a bigger bag than what I have uh on mbss nothing so you crash right into it let's rock straight into it he's making it right make it up like his video intro I get it out there it is there Tim is there now together y'all went into power let's hold them inside she'd hold me and said will get your ass over here I'll hold you like a little baby swallow you and everything that's adorable and romantic thank you today was arm's day I'll just let these biceps just embrace you stop punch me I want you to hit me it's hard to find the Gob what did she say oh and Sam was like would you do pillow fighting he's like no I would explode you'd one tap me into a pink bloody Mist I know that I I could accept that it doesn't make me any less of a man uh what what's up your life uh we're going to Alamo are we going uh almost gonna be the shortest line to uh unknown key spawn yeah let's do it I'm scared I'm also kind of scared it's a little scary but I have to say the PK effect is made me not want to use PKS as much and maybe use PKS twice in all of our rage that we've run so just counteracted by cranking the gamma on your monitor dudes fine then you play deep fried unless you're a PK well then it's a good reminder that you need to PK you're like God my eyes hurt I should probably pop a PK right now this is the ocular bleeding that is occurring I had to wear my glasses today because yesterday I heard my eyes too much really yeah [Music] you're just getting old for your age so it's not supposed to be there's a dead PMC here he has a day pack the dead guy he has some good stuff another dead PNC so where's oh this guy got the day pack this guy's got the MP5 this is a little baby child little itty bitty baby I'm gonna take that day back here are you that's why I called it out oh thank you wow a good friend look look at us look at us friendship wow gross what Tim sorry I just thought that counteracted just too much thank you all right guys there's a loot everywhere this dead guy right here someone gone on a rampage there's a dead scab there too this guy right here holy really someone popped off an absolute Slaughter Fest this guy real quick Rescue Pine all right that's crazy foreign I'm dropping an M4 I'm taking this MPX you want to look in Alamo we want to move past see if unknown key is there I feel like it's already been hit yeah okay you want to go in there yeah no damn it's early wipe I'm not trying to look for firefights right now dude I'm just trying to trying to exist 33 o'clock what the hell damn it's two o'clock wait that actually did fly by it flew bye dude I didn't realize I think six hours holy crap are you having fun um any ripped right here right here right here got him okay shots you on that that dude Tim yeah mosing into the ground dude nice work dude thank you I got you a silent team oh do not hurt dye my arm up it's the same arm every time it seems to be a stump by that Nanda wife oh wow Stewie mask on I just noticed let's rock straight into it oh that's why you said that earlier oh yeah God I am out of it today it's okay I'll eat I promise I listen to you he's got some stuff we'll finish my hill over here oh unknown key let's go yo he had it all right we're going back let's go let's go back we gotta go back or the X Bill and then and then reset Mega brain your brain is huge nice how do you fit that thing in there dude I was like let's just turn around and go and you're like let's play it smells like I'm just horny I'm just like let's go yeah this is me in my backpack it's fat and it broke the glass okay okay uh there was some stuff in that guy I don't know if you want to say good come on really I don't care a backpack and that was might be because I haven't had lunch today my brain's not working correctly wow your body needs fuel to you know it's probably not that though okay sure wild to me I bet you haven't drank water either yeah are you attacking me let me guess you had your banana and your yogurt and that's it and that's all your body has had you haven't had any water you drain caffeine you had your meds and you need to be drinking water and eating holy dude she just like 100 right wow she just laid it all out there huh man why are you attacking me because if it was the other way around you get so angry at me I've never been I've never done that ever and that is saying that is illegal there's a lot of bubbles in the wall over here by the way with a lot of death oh my God oh my God let me oh yep oh yeah Cocker Ben what he was shooting at us dude what say it yell at me got like 40 meters to me I don't know it was not 40 meters chill you don't get to yell at me when I'm protecting the squad okay besides we're gonna come back anyways it doesn't matter are you out to Amy yeah rain just picked up hooray are you saying that I should get water and food yes I have to yes fine where are we going next I'll put a thank you and I'll go upstairs and get food whatever good jeez thank you where are we going back okay bring the key I'm going back put my zb14 key down oh we didn't Vitality each other frick shoot dang man you know what I'm saying yeah hot dang shoot freaking heck all right there's is tragic now now I'm saying yes sir I know what you're saying you know you pick them up put an amber oh yeah Ali ever I didn't shoot my freaking flare l what's up [Music] foreign [Music] she's out of PK's crazy I have an impact grenade I'm gonna say that when I get front of deer blow somebody's dick off right in the schmeet okay foreign ooh I am very close to that um uh Customs again you got the key I have the key I got my mozanio I got my pistolo I'm gonna ready and then go get water and food good whoa [Music] foreign foreign tenders up to we got three and a half minutes left who's on his way to Expo right now oh is he having the raid doc we could tell you're not enjoying this well it's it's not it's not necessarily I'm not enjoying this it's just first off the Gunplay sucks in this game it always has second off Timmy you know come on give me a break coming in killing me helping you out you're not gonna just like you didn't fight him you're like hey that's the truth it's called Truth doc you go out dehydrated broken leg oh bro please I can't swear anymore I'm bro does the knife out make me run faster I made it this far and I'm gonna die right oh my god oh AK with a glide on it too he made it oh it's waning hello hello where's the jacket we didn't spawn what's up baby why are you yelling we got this bomb which spawned oh for our state waiting I'm going wait I'm going I'm going oh my God cover me I'm covering you cover me to the best of your ability don't let me die I won't you know Ben's looting no I'm not you I'm covering I asked you to cover me no I'm literally I'm out of here Amy stop lying dude get your goddamn letter I mean I can't believe you would lie about me like that I just fast Amy why would you lie like that dude you said I'm covering you and I hear the crate open up and you literally I was covering him I had him dude yeah dorm 104 key neither I'm inclined to trust Amy a lot more than you right now wow Tim as you should I thought we were brothers bro what the oh we're brothers you can't be cockroach I have one it's attached to someone I can't believe you it was so jarring I thought we were brothers bro we're hot Brothers you just and you just you're you know Tim I need to shoot them I need to shoot a scab 40 meters out so okay I am scared hey yeah it's feminist Friday are you yelling at me dude wait you didn't get the memo did you what well they they changed it to white man Friday that doesn't even make sense you don't have to white man again I made a mistake I made a mistake I'm in a great mistake grave mistake grave mistake grave mistake backing up hey you okay little guy uh no what do you need cover I got your cover dim's looting I am not I'm literally behind her with a gun it's a weird Flags Tim you don't call her that dude supposed to just protect her not solar protecting her for sure you guys look underneath and uh power building yes yeah the are you guys outside old guys I got cheese inside old guys I think jumping me I kill the PNC up here are you at the blue man no I'm up top on the bridge that guy blue band yeah he's dead now this is also a BMC it looked like a naked guy are you on the bridge be on the bridge me on the bridge be on the bridge hello hello yeah that's a PMC you guilt you got you this dude was lined up a shot on you thanks for shooting yeah this guy was freaking naked level eight what the oh hell gas inside old gas are you dead no I'm good I'm good you're dead oh he's dead foreign I've got Bridge thank you foreign all right let's get on and get yeah we got a quest at him we need to go okay I already moved uh through the gate back over here yes yeah our tracks now foreign [Applause] yeah we made those oh okay so brave you say so great yes so brave I got an all oh nice the wooden tool do you need one of those uh someone's in front of you whoever's walking towards Alamo oh hey yeah molding no he's right here in front of me on the hill he's dead nice nice I'm pretty sure yep two up top two up top all right soon it was flying the uh yeah stand back on the right seats I love it there's rain on my eyeballs he's laying down he's by the pillar foreign they're on the far back right from our POV what do we want to do here want us to get on by or uh yeah running to my left button I said he heard running the left like you're like you're 12 and not really this one I'm scared we should scoot the other unknown key that was just good though let's go [Applause] [Music] y'all already moved past Porta pies and right yeah I'm watching the lngs okay there's on one of the guys outside but then put a few boys up top it's cold up top yeah it's not a good spot for Louis either no it is not hello hello hi I haven't seen him repeat anywhere so um probably just a skill a scale Widow guys you probably just a scale with a guy little bud we're throwing red tracers it was scary oh there's a jacket in here oh I need all right I have a Machinery key and I'm gonna hold on to it because I'm playing with or we're playing with Anne tomorrow and I know she's gonna need it wowie what a good friend oh so it's not elf bushes I just heard no we're inside crack house where are you oh you're over there okay you're good though yeah okay let me try to get myself I'm on metal oh yeah on the outside yep hello yeah I'm gonna drop it down right next oh you good yeah what's the value uh I'm shooting scabs okay oh something need those hey awesome everybody needs them oh yeah wait yeah everybody I do need scatter too yeah we're on Customs we all need dude airdrop oh oh hello oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to stop anything it wouldn't have been my fault I'm extracting I mean I'm out okay you mean what I didn't know you were directly behind this guy was shooting all right let's go cool let's go yeah I'm done she wants it right nope skier what's on the flash drive oh it's in the Box what's on the front of life it's weird porn oh crap well illegal just weird initially full oh they still make you unbox the ammo before you sell it to somebody uh yeah I think so that's crap a fishing gear great thank you second junk box acquired let's go sheesh that's better where are we headed uh Woods Woods going to Woods got it not anywhere else what's what's she has to go back and forth I'm still looking for the customs big customs twice true it's true it's true not true dude God that is true you are truer well I'm not as broke as I was a few hours ago so like that's cool proud of you thank you I mean we also we got a junk box today too so you know from junk box to you know 204k not bad no I had a soul my guy not bad at all [Music] I can't buy these 30 rounders yet can I know huh weird it's weird they're weird for that I wonder if they're gonna make us craft these flash drives or they're just more out in the world have you seen a flash drive yet no it's a single one neither have I I got two lead x's and no flashbacks yeah right they're weird I got this power filter in my butt get out of there rats I think what are you doing in there man what are you doing in my Ace Woods oh I spent a whole ton of my money by doing that that's okay Customs farming that's all there flash drives hand over usd's nuts which I think I could do from the last part two already um oh yeah PMC operators from less than 25 meters away while using a bolt action you need small wd-40s right yes I think [Music] nice I got my nutrition and I can start building out my baby shrinkage foreign go get ice cream cones here um do I want to bring in the two guns gonna weigh me down I don't know if I'm gonna go probably do the bolt action one on I can be done in Factory right yeah I thought so okay then I think I just need to pop scabies with a thorax or tummy tum shot and that's it for now huh 30. it's flat what's this 46.5 and 53 better recoil but I'm not going on you come off here you go on there okay you go there there we go and there about that okay Woods got that Customs right I do costumes again I'm kidding I'm kidding okay guys come on I just got a bunch of extra in here that I don't want [Music] [Music] it that's a sneeze right there all right why are you apologizing for sneezing it was for open miking my sneeze oh that's into that don't worry man I'm sorry to myself oh oh that sounds like you're growing as a person I'm proud of you wifey just uh that's the negative for covet I think she's good now love that [Music] uh duel your pipe give these earlier appreciate it adding the pen to get her on that one for server quality honestly yeah thank you all right let's see what they're uh what they're up to over here Tim is eating in the middle of a raid I literally only have a fizzle Doc's got his doctor's right body armor on should we just extract I guess it's getting dark right we don't have any sounds like he's at that door right there I think it's a scab no Tim's here capture is super dark running sounded sporadic foreign left where is this guy oh in a bus I think he's over the wall I think Tim heard him over the wall bro he was like right in the last boat only bus I didn't check was the very first one a shot from behind I'm dead sorry dude he was he somehow got to the end near the bathroom that's where he killed us from wait there's like killed you two yeah dude how did he get all the way down there it sounded like he was right there they've got a PMC kill though first one crazy bro yeah audio's a tricky one to figure figure Jim got his first uh PMC kill and then he and Doc got ran over and bust up oh [Music] tough tough day and then doc started talking about how the audio is tricky in this game no that was funny tricky that's tricky audio dude it's non-existent it's there you just gotta know what to listen for come on man oh he means like okay I get what you're saying this game's the best day it's ever been in dude all right he's like not be so negative about it laughs you know what I mean it's like what are you doing true what are you doing wondering what the I'm looking at right now I'll show stream out of this raid okay I was doing a long one today man not a real gamer that's crazy [Music] shame what are you quoting right there I don't recognize that uh Mongrel from oh yeah that's what I thought it was a shirt I'm gonna grab the Athletics well there's not one this time massage get you guys your letties done too would be nice yeah mine went boom I mean like I said you can still use yours which is good still win boom it did however go boom there was much boom fall down foreign what Amy where are you see analytics yeah there's a ledx there you go what the hell is this Amy yeah okay I'm across the next Camp there you go there's one down you both need one more for the important tasks until crisis thanks Chad I just I just looked right past it I guess good I remove YouTube cool what is it what am I looking at what is this what's up man it's the it's the thermal thing for the big fancy shoddy loose yeah crazy looking I gotta get Tim one and then we gotta get you one this is a new site that I've never used before Bang Bang let's see what that looks like because it looks really interesting the Romeo seven Romeo Romeo oh it's just like a Red Dot got a really really bad visual profile oh my you can't see past that like at all so that spawn just not pushing well yeah oh yeah outskirts sick okay skirt my Z be out of here wait what did you get oh the the leading blood I'm see do you see it's been a day man I don't know what's going on today I'm sorry doll it's fine it's okay it's fine yourself okay now I now I feel like now I feel like you're patronizing me and then both of us oh it's you guys okay good we're on a crater I wish you would snap teasing me and just do it annihilate me Tim you just have a pistol yeah hey okay cool hey you know just yeah yeah huh what is that damn what are you talking about work on them Stirrup kills dude yeah no that's a good call that's a good call yeah yep yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that that that yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay I guess that that was my life yeah I guess that three foot drop was too much for me uh how are your legs that's a little hurt I'm not broken oh shall we no dramatic screams today it's crap sorry this is a this is prize don't bring him into this oh that's the shots because you guys didn't have ears that work I guess I just yep content sorry that's the other one got Tim is three [Music] 48 for you actually please you're my house could be you will be soon okay oh yeah hey where'd you go you're too quiet I don't like this I'm behind y'all I see y'all on I just want to go to ZB I did I'm getting shot at from the right I'm gonna die I'm out of Sam come back I'll I die here that sucks I don't know where this guy is back up behind us he's my 12 I don't know where yeah he's running left to right my 12th foreign are you alive Amy uh yeah I'm laying down okay he's dead I smack the out of this guy so many you got him time wait I did yeah I thought I got out that last shot oh can I die just die you need to imagine anything are you good I'm good he's got a little level three armor on him might need like a light blade thing I got you yeah that was close it's you for me yes someone walking towards me I am shut the up just got shot at it just got shot at it okay I'm laying down you still running Tim no I stop I'm laying down here Amy Lee doing surgery yep yep it came to it felt like it came from sniper so towards oh what's this popping off oh I have a car okay okay you're okay then for now I'll get you another heal in a sec grizzly you just don't want to stand up yeah we wait it's fine okay yep I stood up and I'm moving around I'm grabbing my backpacks there you go yeah do you think the shot came from this way Tim can you hit my 12th and towards the sniper Rock moving towards to take care let's go back to ZB so she's got the key we can just extract from there yeah [Music] you want that heal are you good I think I'm okay I I I have a car but we're almost there this cab here disc cab here Bali canister hit I'm gonna stay gently split from y'all on the left other side of the road just in case there's somebody on that side of these problem from the distance do you know if you're streaming tonight because I know Sam's sick I'm gonna usually I'll find out and I'll DM you on Twitter or Discord or something let you know I don't know for sure yet are you intending to be on tonight okay if we are on tonight you think you have the energy to go later or are you gonna this isn't me trying to call you guys trying to plan because I was if I am going to be on I was going to go later tonight [Music] yeah I'll take a break out and take a nap and then I should be good if I do that okay I'm veering towards attachment cabin because I would like to pick up more Loop hey ammo I can't say no to it it's almost a ZB oh a whole scab Army just come on get away it wasn't 40 meters I had armor on a good ammo this time some ASL rounds foreign I have a very important phone call today at four o'clock [Music] a Wheeler spot oh nice that's a very good find is that on a scab you killed him yeah it was on a dead skin there's a scab backside of uh scabhouse for you guys red uh the Olympics jacket on zp okay I'm up at the Rocks there's two scabs over here actually another one walking on the open you good he's about to shoot at me that guy's dead the other guy I'm on the Rocks just so that big rock in front of you he's behind that big rock I see you he's gonna be you'll see him now there you go oh he is toasty now is that not 40 meters is that not 40 that looked like 40. that was how is that not 40. hello that makes me sad well I guess we gotta go again this could be 39.9 for sure dude if it is that the yeah make sure you look I'm Max filling it outskirts right now who me yeah uh Sam tested negative for code but she's gonna go pick up boy that's cool I got another raid-ish in me nice I'm gonna get out of this raid okay all right yep yes no student I have 15. I was 67.6 and it did not count no the other one was a 43.6 meter headshot did you have armor on yeah oh that one was that that one was just just kill a scab over 40 meters with the bolt action oh and I only needed one and both of those were over it and it didn't count I don't understand I'm just using it because the only one that I have honestly that I I like I otherwise I would know is it only on customs oh sure that might be a customs one really that might be a custom one oh hold on I mean look at let me look at the task but I actually might be a customs only one that's uh uh no any location no yeah any location I don't understand those are two over 40 meter headshots [Music] what so cool dude that's like super cool and neat for you wow [Music] what was your ooh for I got a daily to kill roshala [Music] well I'm excited I was I under the impression that everyone was about to hop off for some reason I don't know why my brain went there no no you can't get rid of us that easy suck with me for another hour nerd you literally have to deal with us for that long how's that feel I'm excited yeah good cool where to then yeah right back to Woods towards I know I hear there's letties in them they're Hills Brother [Music] um delicioso yum yum yum yum yum yum yum [Music] delicioso it's delish by the way just totally love the way you say that yeah yep that's how you say it yep right Amy uh-huh wait why'd you write Amy me playing off a joke from you know when let me guess Mexico that guy that guy um all right it's only business got Tim we're Bros dude they were compost do you not realize you didn't know that we were cockroaches did you I the day I learned that's crazy he didn't know Chad is there anything you know somebody they don't know it says with iron sights I'm using iron sights maybe uh if you guys are Bros then it would have counted here we are I'm so sorry cop bro I'm okay he wasn't expecting it nobody ever expects the bro dude Amy how jealous are you that you can't be brothers to somebody I can be Bros yeah you can be whatever you want to be it's 20 23. damn right it is oh my God thank you I hate this first from 25 meters away bolt action PMT killed I'm not gonna do that right now you said ooh I thought you gotta say spicy so good I'm so good gang oh it's ice cream so ice cream ice cream is so good crackers squash that's right uh woods again I I I fooling take my clothes off and shoot scabs dude that is something that you do inside your own home all right you do not don't don't force your fetish on us all right where's my phone uh never mind say it no Sam texted me what'd she text you I'm about coming out oh all right Ben we got to pick a day when we're gonna do more Baldur's Gate okay um you're not on this weekend are you well I was planning on doing a little Saturday stream maybe but I wasn't sure what your plans were but Anne wants to play tarkov and but I think Amy want to do trios yeah that's fine I I was gonna do Baldur's Gate tomorrow if you want to do Baldur's Gate now I'm not inviting myself to the tarkov group I'm just curious when are we gonna pick up our story again I'm okay with not picking it up over the weekend do you want to say Monday cool I just want to make sure people have a clear understanding when we're doing it again okay let me yeah let me uh triple validate because I think doc wanted to play next week too so let me let me check on that and then I'll let you know also that being said I know I know that quads is a lot for some people but quite frankly friendship is better but that's just me I don't mind it's up to Anna two for tomorrow I'm chill if you would like to play tarkov with us tomorrow Tim that would be pretty cool we will figure it out appreciate the invite Tim you're literally quite literally always welcome no matter what I say I could say no and this is your chance I'm telling you right now if I ever say no you'd be like no you said I can say yes all the time so you're always invited thanks I love you I love you no I love you no I love you no I love you oh thanks normalize telling your homies you love them chat I tell everybody I love them all the time all the time all the time all the time it feels good feels good when you when when a buddy says I love you talk Bros normalized kissing your homies good night dude let's go video game oh gargubo is a free use streamer can't say no you've been watching too much porn bud stop cranking them out okay I'm saying almost kissing your homies good night will you lose Amy you still back there all right are you okay yeah oh hmm what's up I think that's that groan didn't sound like nothing brother it's only got buried you got a no I'm gonna foreign nope guy behind us is dead there's a guy inside the camp I'm hunting camp too yeah I gotta fix him Tim and I are both in in a tough spot right now oh dead okay there's still a guy inside any is that your pistol yeah but he's not dying I see him he's behind this yeah he's at the ambulance wait I just killed you oh you're good we're getting shot at from somewhere else guy behind us dead I totally just TK that's first TK the white boys he's still alive in there he's running around sorry I'm still laying down back out of the rocks what the scab shooting at me from Spawn are you outside the wall right yep no we're getting someone coming over from uh jaegerstash uh airplane Jaegers that area for The Rock okay someone's running at me there's a there's a load of people here dude I have to scoot back a little bit and lay down this guy's jumping grenade's coming out of me right now there's another PMC pushing from a different angle back basically he came he came from Jaeger from the airplane crash yeah well then there might be another another guy okay I'm missing an arm and a leg right now I was visiting our legs pulling on I'm doing uh my other leg and then I'll be trying to stand up and help in a sec I can hear the guy from inside just moving around in grass he's far like towards the entrance it sounds like and this other guy is in between you and I I'm laying down up against this this guy's Dead all right I'm standing up this guy's still inside Camp okay I'm backing up I can't run got PK uh it ran out three pack of mags I'm against the Green Conex right now you're still on the outside right are you in you're correct yeah I gotta eat and drink I'm gonna die okay you hear anything inside tell me yep all right foreign [Music] get a wider angle towards Green Smoke side I'm gonna look down from over here because there's scabs all right okay I'm standing up that's you walking left right on the outside right now yep okay okay I'm starting to make my way to you feel safer about this side being cleared up [Music] oh I'm not seeing the right yeah where'd you hear him last uh kind of like Center I'm gonna say hello to Nate might be like in the Connex area now he's outside on the right by the truck it's a white truck I got bleeds I gotta stop foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he made no sound to his Untamed you die yep okay this is Hat eyes me right right away yep yep yeah literally no sound until you get me with oh it was just just a little MP5 yeah I just ran up damn stupid that was crazy I should have died all right I'm uh let's see here we go back to Woods Europe [Music] [Music] oh wheel um [Music] of Life thing we wish they would add is being able to lock things in your stash like in place like locking my junk boxes and then being able to hit Auto sort and they won't move ooh that's actually a good idea it's a very good idea I like that a lot yeah thank you very smart Nikita get on it idiot Jose that's what Amy said not me I'll have a great day he just said you're dumb or uh Amy said you're done though Nikita just want to put that out there she said it not me oh what's up what what's going on Batman's key um [Music] okay got my second junk box or zoom in [Music] um thank you [Music] what do you guys bring on this one MP5 [Music] so we're gonna bring my whatever it's called VPO all right that will be piano yay okay okay yeah MP5 and Amazon yo I'm bringing a pistol in a Mosin foreign I have an FN but you can't buy cheap ammo for it right now I too have an FM and I'm sad about it yeah okay uh back to Woods right right right right bruh that's it at the same time right oh did I grab a I didn't flavor doesn't matter what I need food not ready I'm back got it bringing a nade very good oh God there's no oh yeah there's a rear sight on it I don't have a front side on this mode it'll be fine don't eat it yeah I got the I got these eyeballs I'm good I'm great you're the best I'm good thanks dude holy yeah oh I was gonna show you that thing I forgot to show you uh do you want to see what a fully Juiced PKM looks like you have one no there's a picture of one on the subreddit and it has two pistol grips at the back am I looking at Rick you just like hold like how does that even work I don't know he mounted on something and then you're like you get like Ultra stability from holding onto two pistol grips well so I'm assuming the stock that's on there has a pistol grip slot on it and so you could just put a different pistol grip on it and it gives you the ERG for it because there's no minuses minus the weight this looks so dumb love it all right well while you're looking at that Abomination I'm gonna go use the restroom I'll be right back okay sorry I'm almost ready be sorry idiots oh ready yo this shoots uh 762 by 54R as well so it's like a full auto SVD with a hundred round drum ew all right that's so weird now I want it I want to get it and shoot it at people oh God oh what's up oh it's very sore I'll sound like you're like pooping nope um the new El can Specter Hollow looks nasty looks very good sounds sexy I found one of them foreign [Music] how's your back doing lately unrelated I'm gonna go stretch real quick chat one sec Lupa will you be my real dad if you need to feel like if if you need to feel like I'm your actual father I just tell you I'm disappointed if that's what you need just say the word I got you hello hello Amy doesn't care about us oh true dude what can be terrible wait why I care oh chilly Tim I thought I had the rear sides at least it has no sights whatsoever no it has the it has the the backside I thought oh oh do you want one of mine do you have multiple mosins no I have both the front and I was kidding I have the fry in rear sight we've got none with our powers combined we could all both have half a Mosin true I wonder if the 40 meter Hill will work okay now we got rolled up on from behind over here by somebody in the middle of that fight so where the is that spawn um it might have been the one from the UN the U.N spawn it had to have been and he walked the wall and we came up from over there from the train station that guy probably spawned at medcam or just right outside of it and then the guys from the Jaeger note area from plane crash came over that was crazy it's crazy some would say metal there's somebody in there I think so okay I'm sweeping the forest over here yep is he in there press armor I can get a need over if you don't push him right away oh yeah do what you need to do I'll back out I backed up oh you he's inside yeah he went farther towards the lake oh I that need up never mind he went farther yeah okay towards water I'm gonna be on the at the tall Rock on the back side of the oh yeah he just ran out the camp outside that him shooting at you yeah him shooting okay I'm running out zombies on me can you hear me one time hey nice sandwich dick is Mosin yep they say get one with sidestep I got it all right there should be one of my 25 meter or less I just took both sides off you know he's a naked movie hey [Music] shots fired man I like it it's funny oh green tea goes in no but they do trade for the director's key yep which I'm working on I think all I need is like crackers I'll hold on to this green tea do it oh gas analyzer oh my God no way nice oh wow sound good mine was just released mine's enthusiastic yeah because as you can I haven't seen the gas I haven't seen a single one yet it's kind of lead X before I found a gas analyzer I hate it yep only in tarkov I'm very happy that you found a guess congratulations thank you thanks you happy who's in the grass um where we came in from oh my God hey hi hey okay sorry hey was it Tim grass there was no grass it's giving me grass audio I don't know why hey uh Amy yeah sorry about blowing your brains out oh it's okay I saw two people running around that thing that you were at and I had to make a choice on the spot on which one to kill and I was like they look the same so just shot it's all good and then you were like he got me and I was like oh it was like playing Cup game not gonna lie let's go that's not good m882 bad yeah it looks bad animal it looks really Oh that's oh yeah I made the joke yesterday I said it looks like you what you buy on sale at Walmart yeah probably oh my God I have to DM you a thing that I just thought of that I can one thousand say it don't say it I feel like I know where his head went oh boy oh man I cannot repeat this I'm sending you both at the um okay who's on the Rocks got it tab him back in where rock rock big rock looking over scoping in on us yeah where we came from oh yeah that guy are you shooting at him I did yeah I shot at him I'm gonna get closing that dude yeah it is too I'm over at spine spine Direction dude you just beat that right side hit me once I'm also up on a rock but I'm a little bit closer to his spine oh I see it I'm Sitting on Top of the Rock right now oh that's you on the Rock okay he's still over here somewhere he's gonna kill me no I don't know where my bullets went stupid Timmy's in between us I'm climbing up on the rock where the rounds go right it's Point Blank I'm right there where the do the bullets go dude hit one just don't do anything oh I just got hit got him someone's someone's shooting at me from spine okay I killed one I killed him there's one in a bush I'm throwing a Nate out oh he's on the Rock um he's in the bush in the bush in the bush I killed the guy that was in the bush I think well they're still so dumb why you push with a bolt llama because he's underneath 25 meters wake the up wake up oh yeah there's yeah they're both dead it's literally the task his body too no this isn't Ben huh yeah uh you killed this guy right here in the bush oh wait is this Lupo yeah bad sleep I could have sworn there was two dudes it must have been that guy jumping or something those have hippity hopping around that's the scav en that's kind of close yeah oh I mean put to your right Tim I think yeah yeah I hear him he's on the rocks dead nice kill oh another one yeah coming from the trees okay I need to heal I'm missing so many limbs yeah I don't know where this guy is he's definitely the tree line somewhere oh he's in the Rock on the rock big rock it says suppress bolt action so it wouldn't have counted smile llama you are bad at tarkov you should quit the game and not come back read the task that is back to back I'll take your apology in the form of five gifted or 25 your choice good Lord you are the chat I am the streamer pause later on dude I know and it's really annoying that you thought that and tried to correct me when I'm literally level 15. why would I be on the later one yet stop stop stop you're just digging holes chill bro I thought it was later task sorry no I'm not gonna chill you took an opportunity to take a shot at me like I made a mistake earlier and you're wrong I'm tired of you I got I got bored with you bye I'll move up and just check this guy yeah if you're just gonna be wrong just don't bother trying it's not it's not gonna go well feet are not gonna like it just don't come back to you there you go dude tries to call me out on a mistake and then says chill when I tell him that he is wrong sheesh that's crazy now then uh do we MDR our way into like uh oh I can't I probably can't buy the rail for this yet oh I can uh I can buy the rail what foregrip can I buy that'll actually do anything what's the cheapest one you got that one's sold out seven thousand rubles 28k holy oh you know this all right that was a lot an experience do you guys get out uh no we just finished Amy just put finish putting yourself together we had two more pmcs were all up gotcha okay look foreign all right I'm gonna go check rock guy yep dude that one guy I don't know how we didn't hear him like get right up on us and start spraying I don't know how he didn't kill me yeah I didn't hear him until he was on Top of the Rock uh I hate this FMJ is 33 pan I might die doing this of the three of them the best looting on the Rock oh yeah caressing me out it was 84 33 pen that's enough to probably thorax if possible a lot of stuff Lupo did you insure your stuff um what helmet is like because like your helmet the TC 2002 it's kind of beat up I I assured that in the body armor okay because your body armor is 7.5 out of 47. yeah I'd probably share those too and everything else probably not but it's whatever I I have a rig for you I've got I have a phone call in 15 minutes I won't be able to run back so if you want to hold on to it till tomorrow that's cool if not that's fine too don't matter all good with me I might uh I might bounce out and quickly scav to end my day okay ggs thanks for playing today bye bye it's all good Brad [Music] let you know about my plan for tonight as soon as possible um it depends on what uh Joe and Lynn want to do so I'll let you know okay all right bye bye I'll see we get a scaven before I have to go uh uh if this takes longer than like two minutes to connect my my four o'clock phone call is extremely important today um so yep we did it 15 though as I uh as I wanted to uh sorry Chad could be silly sometimes nice here's the here's the thing about it you got to remember 99.999999 percent of you guys are always super dope just trying to be helpful that kind of thing it's the it's the fraction of a percent it's a random one-offs that I just gotta lay into because they say things that are stupid and then they try and backpedal as if it's not stupid you know what I'm saying there are quite a few people that if that guy had had just apologized and been like oh sorry I was wrong my bad it would have been easy but instead he doubled down and said well you don't have a suppressor so it's not going to count anyways because he is you see I'm saying it's like the need to be right should have just been like you know what you're right never mind my bad just like admit it it made a mistake I'll gladly admit admit a mistake here's one for I'll give you an example I probably shouldn't yell at people when they're stupid I probably shouldn't but I do anyway because it's frustrating and I'm real tired of it I know why I do it I shouldn't do it just like that guy should not have doubled down he should have just admitted he was wrong that would have been real easy you would have checked that box and we could have moved on but instead he he leaned into it right it's like I'm right though I know no you were not so there you go yeah oh oh and then he tripled down and said chill bro yeah you're right so he took many steps in a row he took many steps in a row to be wrong and kept making himself more wrong and I agree with what fat Bubba and Chad said people have a hard time admitting wrongness it is one of the quintessential best ways to grow as a person is learning the skill and it's I firmly believe it's a real skill of being able to admit fault and learn from it I think that's huge if you can if you can admit fall and learn from it what a growth tool yeah this is not gonna go through in time I I don't have uh I got like 10 minutes to this phone call so um yeah yeah ah Joe's adore about dude part of me you're wrong when you're always right see that guy probably wrong probably wrong either way all right um that's gonna be it for me for daystream uh tonight so since Sam is just getting over covid she tested negative now she's good as of today like a couple hours ago um usually Friday nights my brother uh and his wife come over when we play uh we play board games play uh gloomhave and stuff but I don't know if that's gonna happen tonight so either I'll be on playing tarkov this evening um or I might take tonight and play some Ballers with my brothers we have a little party going um or I might just do nothing I don't know I might turn into a slug I'd like to stay up late tonight and play some more tarki I'd like to play Baldur's Gate as well and who knows maybe they maybe my brother and his wife decide that they're fine coming over even though since she's testing negative now and they're good to go we'll see um either way I appreciate you uh if I'm not live tonight I'll be live tomorrow for sure I'll be running tarki with uh at a minimum Anne and Amy I'd like to get Tim in there too so we can all play together uh but thanks enough for watching today I appreciate you any super chats uh don't those gifties uh uh Keller ax the five got a pretty important doctor appointment today with an uh endocrinologist uh good luck Killer X good luck good luck uh don't they never talk bad to Dad cable they don't Brian said can you yell at me yeah you Brian okay hold on ready let me give you a real one Brian with the 23 month level two said can you yell at me Brian you idiot after all this time you've known me this long and you continue to question whether or not a level three is appropriate and you waste my time with a level two what about your what the are you doing dude figure your life out don't eat breakfast for the day give me the money instead what are you doing Brian idiot man I'm just kidding man before anybody who takes out on context I'm just kidding all right y'all get some rest I'll I'll either see you tonight or I'll see you tomorrow please y'all [Applause] let me back gotta [Music] remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh every single day I feel that gold underneath [Music] [Music] accepted this Gladiator Gladiator [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] have you ever shaken hands [Music] Gladiator Gladiator [Music] [Music]
Channel: DrLupo
Views: 55,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DrLupo, Dr Lupo, Twitch, Twitch Games, Twitch Streamer, Stream, Streamer, Stream Highlights, Game Highlights, donations, charity, Gameplay Highlights, funny moments, reacts, reactions, trolls, toxic, highlights, moments, twitch moments, best of, top 10, roast, fails, Gaming, twitch highlights, Tarkov, EFT, Escape From Tarkov, PMC, Scav, Raid, Raiders, Scav Boss, Marked, Marked Room
Id: fIbRTZnFL9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 364min 9sec (21849 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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