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foreign [Music] [Music] I don't break already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] around me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I won't Shake [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep pushing me [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] if I ever [Music] I was born [Music] [Music] if you raise one dollar if you raise five thousand dollars for if you raise millions of dollars no matter the time the duration when you do it who you are or where you live you are all part of the same team because the competition is not between us the competition is between the people that are suffering money weekly rates [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I haven't clicked in to see what it looks like yet I don't even know what's in there I got to this screen I sat I sat that's it I just sat you ready she she [ __ ] auto sorted it dude [Music] voices in the ground [Music] I just hit you with the Christmas I didn't have anything no one else my [ __ ] culminated plan now dude I know the [ __ ] chicken [Music] I'm gonna test something real quick what oh my God the timing on that was I Loadout when I run Reserve you just shot him in the face [Music] hey Tim how are your legs broken so don't jump over like that that's how you break your legs I shouldn't literally never done this on this map before is where they [Music] speak I'm screaming that it's [ __ ] me yeah I flicked to the left and zap a kid that's crouching on the stairs without even realizing that he was there like it was just like [Music] because I said baby it's gonna be a Twitter clip with father [Music] [Music] [Music] we can rule the world it's really not it's really not that bad like in the grand scheme of things she could have done she could have done way worse Chad wanted to do way worse but she uh she's smart enough to not do way worse uh that's okay it'll only give me minor anxiety it's fine um all right so there's like a new task or whatever what's this locate fences man who went missing on Shoreline okay I don't know what to do there we'll find out dude by the way yes the rumors are true chat I officially am better than Tariq at CS go all right I won we won I I beat it I beat a CS major champion at CS go think about that think about that let that let that let that sink in dude let it [ __ ] sink in God I still cannot believe how well we did with me on a hotel Wi-Fi just [ __ ] big chilling in on a laptop it was nuts it was very very good it was a good time I hope it was enjoyable to watch it um where'd my uh where's my where my stuff at somewhere around here there's a box this one ah [ __ ] it at this point who knows man uh Shoreline uh I got a knee where's the rest of my grenades they're in here hey I'm missing a lot of nades she must have spent a lot because she probably died a [ __ ] load uh I was saving up a whole ton of impacts and looks like she used a lot of those linked to link tight twice if you were inside that Marathon gameplay you have time for that Quest no one has finished the questline so far oh Lumi I thought uh pesley literally already put out a task or a video saying that he finished it so I think that's wrong but whatever I I don't particularly give two flux to be honest with you uh let's see here let's strip the side off of this [ __ ] slap one of these dumb [ __ ] things on there give me that give me that where's my purple box of attachments there we go oh God she really did [ __ ] everything up didn't she uh let's see here no there's more quests coming oh then she's already and he already did the ones uh out that are available right now or whatever yeah it does it it it doesn't matter it's tarkov who gives a [ __ ] uh need a magazonias [Music] uh if you were saying Bungie would you say that is it is a game what Chad oh yeah let me uh you know what guys you're right here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and break NDA right now okay and then and screw over uh my entire future working on a project uh yeah just for you guys because I because I love and respect you so much I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do that just so we're all on the same page no but Dad no no no the fans [ __ ] that no sir all right anyway uh um so [ __ ] hey man there's a lot of like [ __ ] spread around in here how's Seattle though it was dope it was dope it's very good it's a good time uh saw good friends ate good food had very good conversations about things this bug is [ __ ] stupid fix this that's dumb nobody needs to see that [ __ ] I don't need to see that no what nobody needs all that popping up on the [ __ ] screen like that so many things that could be could be better than this um uh do I need to do uh I probably need live food and Wawa you give Wawa now I'm gonna bring two hot rod arenas um cool [ __ ] are my injectors what did this what did this hoe do in here uh no mule didn't re-sj you just [ __ ] left this [ __ ] in shambles didn't she this is the last time I trust her with anything there we go my dog tag case keeping a six and a ten tragic oh that should be fun uh Shoreline what do I have to do for this [ __ ] if I go [ __ ] on somebody just look it up it's a quest called this truck scabbed all right cool got it time to check out Poes two stuff no I was busy I was doing way more important [ __ ] like way more important [ __ ] uh what are your thoughts on Dutch could you beat him in tarkov yeah Hutch is [ __ ] garbage trash L cringe ratio terrible at games Thelma said that I don't care if you didn't see by the way those that are just jumping in make note of this coming up on August 1st from 4 to 8 PM Eastern is the final block the anchor block of the 2023 gcx charity Marathon benefiting St Jude Children's Research Hospital as you know we've been doing this for quite a while we are raising money for Saint Jude that is on the first of August I'm the last block uh I will be playing only up this year with some automated pain from you guys um and we're doing things a little different we'll talk more about that on the day of and leading up to it and whatnot it's doing I have to repeat myself a million times it was a whole bunch of prizes you can win there's a whole bunch of incentives to make me uh give money to Saint Jude in my own pocket as well as put myself through pain with spicy pepper stuff I think we couldn't get a hold of actual Peppers so I think we're doing the spicy bean boozled uh do you have to donate 50 for an entry you got to read the Str that read the screen for an entry uh so everything's on there bud just read all the texts before we start doing all that um yeah re read the screen very easy um coming back to Twitch confirm no [ __ ] that I mean for gcx yeah but [ __ ] purple snakes uh and uh we do a million dollars in four hours I'll do a standard account for next wife and turkey dude I'm new hi new I'm dad welcome yeah literally just read it's very easy what are the goals just read what about the shirts daddy there's no shirts for gcx that I'm in charge of so I don't know what you're talking about I don't do shares for gcx we win the tourney we won't see us go and I got fifth I can't read sorry okay that's fine dad you'll notice that when I got back I just am not gonna put up with your [ __ ] so do your thing all right that was a trip it was good man it was good it's very very good I can't go into specifics about anything I'm 11 and I swear it's gonna be like 13 or some [ __ ] to have a YouTube account and talk to chat Heart guitar tarki people I'm not in charge of that St Jude's in charge of that you got to contact them they should have [Music] how much G6 money for hot tub stream no y'all give me some easy ones today I've said no a lot it's felt really good I want you to know that I want you to know that this is feeling very good I'm feeling in a very good spot I'm hitting the nose back to back to back you don't ever want to say here's the thing for any any here's a parenting tip don't get in the rhythm of just saying yes to your children all the time take note from me and how I treat you get used to saying no it's okay to say no it's okay it's boundaries right no any thoughts on the original Nebraska Omaha Medical Center sorry to ask just want some thoughts from an Insider bro Daniel you think I [ __ ] work there or some [ __ ] I sit I sit in my basement and stream video games you should ask someone that works there not me please for the love of God put me in raid please I'm begging you uh chibi Samurai Fox uh lunch money Shadow King uh middle age rage beatless aphid broke C Dustin and Nico the re-ups appreciate it welcome back what's your favorite two-letter word indicating a negative response no hmm you run moving across Shoreline sure feels like I'm uh running a marathon right it's wild big map holy what the [ __ ] foreign guys so this is two different teams there was a guy with no helmet and then his buddy on top of this dude that I just shot over here oh there's a dead one right wait did I kill that guy I did I killed one that guy right there the other dude was moving towards the squishy house foreign I feel like I feel like somebody's staring at me bro I'm [ __ ] I'm Clairvoyant dog that's crazy it's got to be coming from wide left I don't think it's up on on whether I think he's still down below yeah I think I think he I think he rotated left my left and is trying to swing around he might go up top but it's going to take him a little bit to get out there if he does try and push that I think he's gonna have a scene as his buddy got looted and realized that I probably ran off because there ain't no [ __ ] way I'm sticking around with their eyes don't I just don't know where he is no sense of waste of time trying to engage that either I like to be silly loss I'm about to get disconnected oh um yeah you got to tell me today if uh if if there's any F's any dropouts in connection I did some um did some work with the ISP to see if I could figure out what's going on and hopefully it is uh might eventually be resolved which would be really good so you got to tell me if it happens or not I'm trying to convince my friend to get Remnant two with me is the elephant what's your take on it and uh that will advertise to another DL fan that's worth getting um there are supposedly about 400 hours worth of diverse content to explore within Remnant 2 uh which is why I will be playing it tonight with Amy um assuming that she's home in time I'm playing it tonight no matter what I I wanna I wanna [ __ ] full send in the remnant it was so much fun it's very good um I'm playing more tonight this is really good dude it's a very good game um and yeah they uh uh well remind me to talk about sorcerer Buffs when uh when I'm done with this run because we got to talk about uh Diablo as well between between dude I get there's just a lot that's coming that's coming at me at the same time we got [ __ ] wipers soon I really actually enjoyed playing Cs and getting [ __ ] decent at it that was fun surprisingly it kind of blew my mind a little bit not gonna lie um Diablo Buffs Remnant 2 is [ __ ] great it's crazy I bought after senior spawn stream love it yeah dude it was really it was really [ __ ] good check out Ratchet and Clank I never really played the the any of the other ones man I don't know maybe but I would say for me probably not I'm also focused on kind of on uh Baldur's Gate I I really want to play Ballers gate three that is going to be a um reminiscent of Elden ring streams hey dummy certain video occurs but dude yeah it's I I was I was shocked by how good Remnant 2 is it is exceptional for a scab armored Core as well dude this is it it's the season of 87 000 [ __ ] games to play Man which is good I've heard the goons are at Cottages with Sani 100 spawn rate that real foreign go back 30 seconds in the VOD thanks foreign field s [Applause] are they [ __ ] wiggling dude why are they wiggling what are they wiggling at the gang's all here chat [ __ ] dead they're doing the happy dance or some [ __ ] at me yeah what was that about that was weird I don't know how I feel about that it was weird to me that was weird for me I don't I don't like that a lot of maiap you just took nonchalantly like it didn't matter that's cool laughs yeah geez I'm definitely I'm definitely sending uh 1440 female step number one complete easy test Koopa I'm sure you probably you maybe know that nobody this is your capture card settings you're not showing the full color range on OBS Game Source search Elgato yuv color range Quick Fix check offline later I am not using an Elgato capture card so that is wrong that was first F still still cutting out got it all right take a chat weird don't know why it's still doing it I'll have to [ __ ] call and yell at them some more sick uh um let's see here let me pop that [ __ ] and then we go and we do this we do this complete thanks thank you eliminate the weird scales wait is that those two scabs that were wiggling oh they're [ __ ] high I gotta kill the dudes that are high got it all right that's easy you gotta go back there whatever uh probably need another okay uh sure whatever [ __ ] delete it I don't know where all my heels and [ __ ] are anymore oh let me let me get into the queue and we'll talk about Diablo [Music] oh buy one of those [ __ ] it send it there you go Bud workbenches got a lot of BPS cranking out dude got it gotta run it it's the meta one two three one two three you put FPS count on the screen out of Interest nah it lowers frame rate in game apparently when you run the the FPS counter yeah I get like 100 plus that's all you need to know so it's I get lots it says Lots I could I can Photoshop some text up there if it'll help you make it say lots to the top of my screen yeah apparently running the for the FPS counter and showing that lowers your FPS Neato [Music] I'll do 06 this time coins Loop yes let me pull the let me pull the preliminary it's not like even official passion yeah uh 1.1.1 before patch preview but I saw Paul Tassie put out on Forbes oh my God yo dad [ __ ] this [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] off Jesus [ __ ] Christ that's huge why anyway all right so sorcerer Fireball Fireball Fireball chain lightning chain lightning veers uh s's ferocity um combustion uh tons of skills getting Buffs only Buffs we love that um none of us the things that I use in either of the builds I enjoy playing um I would like to go back to using Arc lash I think I can make that happen um gonna be good I'm probably gonna I I think this might be enough to make me roll a um uh [ __ ] thing uh a sorcerer again um the biggest note in here that I saw yes thank you Mage Lord's aspect veers Mastery keypassive damage reduction is increased by 20 to 30 percent for each close enemy up to 60 to 90 percent damage reduction we will finally survive praise I don't whoever send it that's fine um there was another one that I really liked that made me happy too uh aspect uh recurses flamewalker oh um the [ __ ] uh what's the gravity one that makes the balls float around you that concentration Illuminator no no no no no no no where is it um but it's uh the grab what the [ __ ] is it legendary it's the aspect that gives that gravitational aspect all lightning orbits ran you in deals increased damage not decreased it goes up now that's gonna be [ __ ] nasty this this has potentially made my original build [ __ ] gross you shopping for grills lately yeah and apparently crop tops um I'm glad there's no porn flying up here yeah Barbarian had a bus [ __ ] up to it no one cares uh necro whatever Rogue and all classes uh to meredy Max life increase barrier is now based on Mac's life I think with temerity the uh warmth skill and just the [ __ ] Mage horse aspect dude I think I could become unkillable I am excited as [ __ ] for this respect cost reduced cool leave dungeon sped back up cool yeah whatever that's good uh whisper completion hell cash opening all increased that's great there is a lot of positive there is a lot of positive dude it is wonderful it was mistaken lupus correct it's actually OBS video Source setting probably on default I am currently on color range full here is limited it is darker and more washed out please let streamer do streamer thing I am smart big brain man that know how to job bumpies you must become you must hit membership join button now for two wrongs back to back I am do job very well ugh ugh anyway I am very [ __ ] excited for the Diablo 4 patch I am going to be rolling and leveling a seasonal and sorcerer now my rogue will probably just chill in the 50s I need to get to [ __ ] I need to juice my sorcerer as fast as I can so I need to start working on that that might be a during the day thing off stream tomorrow just start [ __ ] gassing oh [ __ ] I shouldn't go that way I was about to die that was just so scary that would have been really bad I would have gotten [ __ ] zipped in half give The Gooney woons The Cottages then that's a scary time that kind of makes you want to get on just start [ __ ] leveling my sorcerer now dude our Clash is back on the menu baby loving it do it you won't I [ __ ] will do whatever the [ __ ] I want oh um um I guess besides all this stuff the stuff in Seattle that I can't tell you about and gcx event stuff coming up I do have kind of a I got kind of kind of a big life thing um to talk about soon a good life thing um when it's appropriate maybe not yet I gotta figure I gotta figure out the best way to to talk about it no not a child thing no this is a this is a personal just me thing um I guess I I could kind of I could contemplate the seed burnout is super real um it's it's it's real it happens as fast as it catches up uh you know the fly comes out kind of [ __ ] out of nowhere sometimes you know um it's not anything to worry about um but I think my I think soon my hours are probably gonna change a little bit not retiring no no no by no means um firing done ripstream no no no no [Applause] no no no no don't be a little drug addict where's your friend oh that was my Discord Samantha just messaged me and it doesn't have the the sound effects turned off sorry one sec for anybody that's about to check their Discord it's not you it's me that wasn't your Discord [Applause] all right abdulbos n [ __ ] is that you're talking about zaddy crackers gotta got crackers cool yeah you all checked probably all the same time huh [Music] what was he looking at I don't know thank you bro I literally [ __ ] on you and your friend you rat [ __ ] sit down [ __ ] [ __ ] weirdo dude was it a three or four man I [ __ ] I [ __ ] on what two or three of them sit down [ __ ] I'll see oh seven followers not alive tragic I killed three of you sit down [ __ ] oh I literally [ __ ] on three of you and almost got all four shut the [ __ ] up your teammates are ass your boy was looking at a rock he didn't know the [ __ ] I was trash [ __ ] rats dude that's too bad oh [ __ ] they're never alive dude they never are pathetic oh well oh well do it again sit down [ __ ] [Music] silly um yeah this is [ __ ] annoying not having my [ __ ] in the right spot slowing me down uh grab one of those uh what else we need Let's uh Sr maybe I don't know and over the found evidence no I still do it oh I only needed one I stole both of them get [ __ ] nerds between the mysterious laptop at the water treatment plant that son I gotta go light out that's gotta be lighthouse cool all right good lots of loot there hmm definitely gonna use that let's bring these guys Sr it looks it looks fun boom boom boom uh let's unload that what is this labeled for m61 it's this guy m80s don't lie to me um um some candles I need a out of my Tito where's that in here I don't I don't know what box that is now all right sick uh just go in a box who cares um I got all that do I need I bring Maids I should bring some some boom booms sure [Music] watch the fortnite and CS go Champion that's true that is true I still can't believe so I'd still [ __ ] wild to me man ATP this is like not this is chat back up hold up wait a minute but he plays overall fifth I made 20 grand [ __ ] Wild so much Goddamn money yeah I mean 20 I mean twenty thousand dollars I still I still cannot believe that we place as well as we [ __ ] did dude plus the 5K from um uh [ __ ] fortnite MVP so 25k total Plus a lot of people forget this I'm just gonna put this out I'm gonna sprinkle that out there it was also a hashtag ad with 20K for the team no it was 20K for me that's wild dude it was a very very good day it was an excellent day one of the best days some might say well I don't need that I need eight M60 tours where's my I don't even know where the [ __ ] my ammo is in here anymore so this one has this one uh m80s give me a stack m62s as well then we go to lady MC [Music] I've been to Lighthouse in a while is there still a map can't remember make it so you got paid to get paid yeah and I had the best case opening of the entire tourney because it was mid [ __ ] game that was wild and that does technically mean I'm a CS Pro chat it does I got paid as part of a CS tournament I'm a CS Go Pro now I didn't change my keys ah whatever You Bing Bong after this that water treatment bro I'm not going out the island I'm just gonna I'm just gonna chill who won the whole thing Tammy I think he ended up making 110 he got MVP for two different games would you pull mid game uh one of the magenta magenta skin not like a purple but the one above purple but not a red right you are a CS Pro that beat a major winner and MVP that's true you're gonna be joining phase nah Alex I don't want to scam my audience not shots is [ __ ] true is this a true statement it's not it's not an attack it's a thing that happened by phase to rebranded to X not buy and Rebrand to Twitter and I'd stick a giant [ __ ] scaffold put together bird sign on top of my house all right now we're just going down a rabbit hole here dude how much gcx money for that oh wait I already answered that one uh Nico 13 months there oh there has not been an alert in 38 minutes this is awkward okay no big deal fine phases remember to be in talks to be bought out by complexity good and we'll see plus I checked never mind never mind I should just not I should just keep my mouth shut right I shouldn't talk about how Banks and the other sea levels sold themselves out and then got mad that they sold themselves out because the stock price is [ __ ] tanked right I shouldn't talk about that how they did it and then blamed the people they sold it to for it happening that'd be weird unrelated oh the stock price right now I think is at an all-time low yes it is 34 cents a share we should do in a comment I think like 29 uh dcx Spider sides I I do miss doing the the roasts are so much fun because it's so it's so silly and and it's just it's just fun it's just really good we still get to do it anymore I don't really know why I think I know why on twitch's side I have to tell you this so so the roasted in the tamman happened y'all haven't seen that video go watch it it's very good um Everybody did a great job but the next year they wanted to do they wanted to do another one and they they wanted it to be a roast of me and everybody that I wanted to be involved in it all said no I think I ruined it foreign right yeah on the way in Sam and I were sitting side by side um and I just rode them all then on the Fly and it was um they love you too much Jones you know that wasn't it bud that that was that wasn't it I was just the I was the one that understood the assignment it was as simple as that and Tyler has never dyed his hair red since then that's actually I'm pretty sure 100 true oh I gotta go this way I don't blame them to an extent but like they're just they didn't have I don't know it's up to you to decide you know it's not for me to say what was and was not the reason ultimately because I mean it's never been said to me directly I can only make assumptions so I want to instigate but I sure know what it feels like was the reason though Ames could roast you I I love her to death man but I should really surprised I made that jump so this thing is I think all the way in the back right just oh it's at the front gate oh hey this should not be pissed at me right guys not on it they shouldn't be mad at me at all unless I go in the area I guess I'm not a bear I haven't killed him there was just shooting up here a second ago especially becomes where where is this thing that I need to pick up the blood right there too somebody got shot like a set location foreign table uh here it's not inside it's not that it's like there it is that's it foreign probably not foreign man liquid cool to make us here you know see it a little bit too so for us 70 uh 79 50 XD uh yeah thank you there's a dead guy right there I think or it could be a box I guess yeah let's get the quest to get out I can watch and leave dude pocket watch and leave do our thing hey change Zone I would say 13 900k for sure also sponsored by Intel but would still say that even if I wasn't I gotta go kill Sani or a goon he was dashing crazy gonna carry over to the White what what's stash increase but you could buy 73 000 shares of phase with your prize winnings yeah or I could throw them in the trash and light it on fire hi snooty I see you I see you soon foreign oh really oh I don't know what do you tell I have no idea that's actually that would be news to me at that point I say you tell me bud I would bet no that would be silly but did I actually did I get a new oh I gotta turn it in I had to turn the thing in uh who's it to this one here you go Bud uh let's restart those so I can fail them again in half a second let's get uh unload I only shot one round uh fancy stuff okay so I need oh wait I still had Shoreline keys on those are like dog tags missing from some of these girl what did you do back to Shoreline 10. send it I see why no one wants that smoke again ice yeah Jacob it's two bags it was it was quite a bit of fun you guys think anyone will ever create another game with the immersion of of tarkov yeah maybe got some of Pee Wee stuff yesterday uh no I saw a clip that you can roll cool I also saw a screenshot of of them talking about how like big like they don't want to limit people's skill usage other than that I'm just kind of waiting isn't tired supposed to be moving the game engine unreal no hey Jonathan appreciate it man Amy's trying to get me with a Deez Nuts joke in Discord DMS right now and I want you to know that I am not falling for it she said what's that stupid sound turkeys make and I said I can't remember do you know she said starts with a g and I said now ringing a bell I'm not falling for this one said hmm well if you think of it let me know I want to say oh I remember gobble these nuts [ __ ] is what I'm gonna say yeah Kyle yes she's such a little [ __ ] dude oh she said she's got stream up hey Amy I just wanted to get that message across all right she flipped me off back in the description uh hey Amy I see you soon bud little juicy hurt to be good no way dog lubo just flipped off a fan on stream I do love the fans man Amy's one of my biggest too so gotta love the fans gotta love the fans we're gonna go to cottages a week do the game viewfinder somebody asked me about it uh uh Franklin air mentioned it not so long ago I've I've not seen it no y'all keep naming [ __ ] and asking me if I'm gonna play XYZ thing I'm like I don't know yes no maybe probably [ __ ] I just say yes to everything now I I wish I could get flipped off by Dr Pope [ __ ] you Paul foreign foreign wait what did your mom say Sandy and goons are at Cottages but I started opposite side of the map thank you [Applause] I'm hungry oh my God I need to have wifey make me a snack or something foreign well that Tetris is over one mil right now why really why trade for Bitcoins I need Bitcoins for part of the task oh that's dumb I just sold a bunch oh well I'll get him that's why we yell at you oh all right okay foreign foreign thank you I'm already doing that brother I see what did you just remind me to loot guys that I killed like I'm new foreign foreign foreign foreign this is a pretty good raid 33 000 XP hype birdie Knight one guard there's still a guard Left Alive somewhere I made up word by killing PMC so that's pretty good run dude that right right there brother he's a pretty matte fan run there brother it is yes sir yes sir it is yes sir very good pretty good yes sir pretty good good [Music] [Music] uh uh I'll throw that in with the other GL sure oh can't drop that off gotta sell that real quick [Music] okay I don't care don't care don't care don't care don't care I can buy new ones don't care don't care don't care those are all BPS who's this stupid magazine I hate it unload I don't care okay ask a mechanic to decode the laptop hey you [ __ ] ah poopy I don't like it BTS gross because that means we gotta get Bitcoin chat okay there's one map for sure to get a lot of that on that we're gonna go to that'll be easy he's really going with that much my God why would you do that when you just Farm it dude get the [ __ ] off my screen I can't [ __ ] see a thing why go away why I'm good now Chad don't worry uh like literally what is the point of that there's no point it does nothing so stupid [Music] it is literally it's just so stupid um [Music] boom [Music] what's your chest look like Ames well worse because she used my account for gcx and hit [ __ ] Auto sword on it so everything's in a shitty spot now we're gonna just fix that real quick um that's armor and [ __ ] down there uh some of this [ __ ] needs to just be moved out of the way because it belong down here so cases YouTube Money Box money more YouTube money bottom one and then I had that was there and I was there and that was there and then on my dog tag cases that are [ __ ] chilling up here another uh one of these two of these [ __ ] okay um this stuff doesn't matter in the grand schema thing you can just go back in the file uh oh there's more money that I needed to move oops the only downside of this is now it's thrown off a little bit of the the feng shui dude you know okay that's better uh rest is just boxes my backpacks um I had my that one was there we'll do heal time and fancy stuff right there um and then I had my pistol cases were like up the side I think remember right uh what did I have there I don't recall where's how big is that I'm gonna have to fit one slot in um let's see here boom boom boom boom clear that [ __ ] out of the way uh Matt no not yet let's see maybe once he's older he's okay with uh like a car ride that far it's in Bob's box belonged at the bottom actually I think I had like the yeah the thick weapons cases down here first I do need those that's why I said I need these that's why it's labeled that way chat it's real Real and True Real and True it's a little different organization from before but I don't really give a [ __ ] there you go now it takes at least some semblance of sense cool um uh where are we going I forget what we gotta do next who do I have to go kill I go go oh I gotta get I know I gotta get bitties you gotta get Bitties that's right it means we go to uh the fancy place Screech dude we are from the streets I need a little bit of money me a green Flare from dummy guy as well as one of these please thank you it's great who actually you know what we're gonna do we're gonna do a thing that I never do we're gonna do a night screedy Wheaties chat um if that's the case though we're gonna take this this side off and we're gonna run uh what's this oh so RMR I wonder if that would be good on this probably not we're gonna try it anyway [ __ ] it we're gonna do that oh this is a weird thing that I've I don't ever do look at that one Chad that's [ __ ] dumb perfect 100 Mil again chat we're rich saved [ __ ] saved there we go for it [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] er uh that's in the raid it's in Sony's pocket this is somebody's pocket yeah pretty cool your gaming room AC with air I breathe heavily into it all day Path of Exile two-step yeah I've answered that question three different ways today now said no said some of it now I've said yeah I've said it all you play Mario yeah live on General yeah you see Barbie yet no [Music] wait there apparently is a bug right now with presets where sometimes you will get other people's preset names attached to yours but now it's affecting stuff inside the store so some dude has the stop mod 2 M4 selling for mechanic but look at the [ __ ] name of it stock [ __ ] him for hey nice stock [ __ ] M4 bud that's [ __ ] funny [Music] love that [Music] [Music] that's pretty aim there we go Tim's uh wish I could tell you yeah yep you'll know soon enough you'll know when it's time to know you know where where the [ __ ] am I I'm at ruined house oh [ __ ] [Applause] and wipe yes all right Markham no bad spot for it there's one spot in one spot only I don't think I can get through on this side I have to go down the street oh first we check back here no bitty foreign [Applause] foreign tragic that's spot number one oh it's a bitty all right cool there's one actually go check Sky Bridge then we check Iron Gate and then we leave this map dude this map is the one that [ __ ] me the most uh germ shock uh if wmb re-ups apocalypse the two Keith and Doc space the 10 and 20 months appreciate it welcome back all right streets is where it happens the most dude of that other than that oh yeah loving that so you guys are gonna make streets bigger yeah more spots for me to disconnect uh kind of guys you score the 12 months cannot wait to watch your uh we cannot wait for your gcx box it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm excited they're always good though they're always good anytime we can do charity stuff it's always it's always a good time I can't believe that's in like what three days yeah three days I feel like gcx snuck up real quick dude see money to five I guess I'll get man he's a five [Music] all right we celebrate a little blue raspberry Chad thoughts about some Mortal Kombat no foreign who knows hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] um GP coin [Music] [Music] [Applause] wait oh you ain't bad for one run take a look behind that too I'm not really depressed oh how many how many users do I have on Iron Gate oh 36 in my we looked uh hmm 20 hit check guys let me speed ran check two in one run is solid though no biggie foreign foreign [Applause] thank you sounds like he's inside M4 the weird grip on it big sex all right cool thank you cool hey bet a bad little run a Battle Run dude a bad one all right chat here's the deal this evening oh uh which logic headphones you use again these are the pro V2s brother Pro V2 Sigma The Re-Up in the membership uh tonight I will be back on if you are free and you have nothing going on and you would like to watch it'll either be uh Remnant or uh Diablo 4. I need to start leveling my sorcerer soon now that they're buffing I want to bring the r Clash [ __ ] Zippity Do not build back and see if I can make myself a god um but just I'm this is going to be in your face every single stream repeatedly until the actual day of August 1st from 4 to 8 PM Eastern Time on Twitter TV slash GCF gcx event which is where the marathon is going on right now we'll be raising money for the St Jude Children's Research Hospital in which you will be able to obtain many many goodies or good cause uh it is also live on YouTube which is where I'm gonna be uh redirecting you to here in a second uh so I'll send you over there as soon as stream is done but I want to say thanks to 10 a ton for uh watching today I'll be back on this evening take note of everything on the screen we'll get more and more into the details as it gets closer to the day of so expect a lot of yelling from me on Monday okay I love you I appreciate you I will see you tonight all right peace y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is Gladiator [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: DrLupo
Views: 29,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DrLupo, Dr Lupo, Twitch, Twitch Games, Twitch Streamer, Stream, Streamer, Stream Highlights, Game Highlights, donations, charity, Gameplay Highlights, funny moments, reacts, reactions, trolls, toxic, highlights, moments, twitch moments, best of, top 10, roast, fails, Gaming, twitch highlights, Tarkov, EFT, Escape From Tarkov, PMC, Scav, Raid, Raiders, Scav Boss, Marked, Marked Room
Id: z9zlF3hFpms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 11sec (7811 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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