🔴 blender live - making epic scene in blender part 1

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[Music] hello hello hello hello hey guys uh how is everyone doing [Music] yeah today we are looking for something interesting [Music] let's see uh so some of these pieces here uh what uh i want to try and replicate [Music] uh some of these are from doon hey naveed umal there is how are you doing yeah so today we're going to be doing some pieces from dune and maybe a few random pieces i liked other shirts here and maybe we can start with something similar to this because i like how the lighting and the texturing this is by steve bugg uh if you want you can give him a like like and follow on uh our station let me just have this on my second screen so that's uh doesn't get too much in the way let me grab the image just have it somewhere here so i guess you can start right away a pig zang hell hello aikon kazi zade how are you how are you guys doing so i guess we can start with uh doing something like this doesn't i like especially the environment so let's do that i'm just going to start with the plane and uh i'll use my let me subdivide this a few times and scale this up i can go to my quick functions add-on and uh i can show modifiers and add a displacement modifier i'll set up a displacement modifier for me i think i should also make it possible to add other clouds for me as well so let me make sure that i have this enough subluxions here shade smooth i think this angle is good enough let me show camera functions and just change this to a 25 millimeter camera right like that hello it raised a r good to see you do you have instagram account of your artwork yes i do uh it is you can just type in social exclamation marks social is it socials like that or just go to this code i have a discord channel for all my random live stream runners if you want to look at those i think we can also scale up the noise a bit yes something like that uh something like that and uh we can also get another noise make this one even larger and better increase our strength quite significantly and just move it in the back so we have some nice heels like that you can also turn on proportional editing and just push some of these hills yourself so that we have some run some valleys and hips i'm also going to push that down a bit yeah so maybe something like that are we going to use cycles and we want to create at least three projects from this live stream so i'm going to be a bit fast let me make sure i'm using cycles i'll go to my render functions and just make sure that i'm using cycles i change to gpu i don't know he's euphorizing and i can also set up a sun [Music] a sky yes let's try to get the same so the same lighting here so i think uh the rotation the region of the sun is a bit because if you didn't know uh at uh zero degrees of the sun the sun is directly facing you so if we give it a bit of an angle maybe like negative 25 a negative negative 25 should be on the other side maybe just have it somewhere like this now let's block out our let us pause the render for a second let's block out our car here so i think the best way to approach this is because is uh we can use collection instances instead of just modeling everything directly on the surface so i'm just going to add this into a collection called rig for whatever kind of rig this is and just bring just instance reinstance it here now i can rotate it too much other terrain a bit maybe have its pattern like that as well so this is going to be our rig as well so something like that yeah so that's our rig and uh we can come back to other instances here let me first pause this and then maybe let me switch this to my 3d viewer so that i see are the final scene as i'm working on it here okay and even just focus simply on the rig itself so that i see it updating so we can start designing our rig here i'm just going to make a few copies of this and you can see how the instance is updating here kind of proportional editing um now we can design this however we want just going to push this down the i'm going to come in here i'll create a cube like this i just want to use this as a bevel object like that and now if you have the quick functions add-on let me you can grab the object you can select an object like this and then another object and in the modifiers show modifier functions you can use you can use a simple button like that to create a boolean but uh the object you have to select the final object as the active object so that you can use this as a boolean object first make sure that this is set up right here first get rid of this boolean so the first thing i need to do is just create a boolean cut a cutter object any kind of random colors here just uh do this just run off run off these corners a bit so this is where our tire is going to be i can't even just drag them a bit like that maybe bring this face up and let's create a people there now i can grab select this and this and then using the quick functions add-on i can just leave i can just go to show modifiers functions and i use a boolean card and i have a card like that i can apply this boolean again duplicate grab this duplicate it and maybe let's see how did this guy do it we can have us hours looking like this i can as well again select the boolean the cut object and then the boolean wouldn't cut and i'll have that kind of yes so simple way a quick way of making our booleans again i can apply this boolean like that now i don't think we need these anymore so let's get rid of them and i think i can grab these faces here and just push them a little bit in i like that and uh we can use a mirror object again if you're using the quick functions add-on i can you have the add mirror object and mirror option as well therefore you can turn on bisect i think we can we want the mirror to be on this side like that let's make something like these our tires as well oh we can just start with a plane like this just uh grab the edges let me apply this and round them off let us do like this like that so this is some basic hard surface modeling so if you are interested in that i think uh this stream is for you yes insert maybe add a loop i'll grab a few of these edges insert and then push them in like that that's a simple way to bring some detail into this i'm just going to grab this now we can create a chain here are there a few ways to do it we can use uh an array modifier so i guess we can do that so i'm going to grab a face here other thing i'm going to do is uh go to the quick functions and add a mirror modifier on the y turn on clipping just so that i can create that link or chain much easier hello bunning bright how are you doing just just make a quick chain something like that can even grab this face just something that looks interesting can even add in a cylinder here maybe use about 16 buckets i'm great i'm great how's everything hello unison let's add a circle here yeah something like that i'll try i use auto smooth and we can even use a bevel modifier here yes how know most i like that and can i shift maybe have another one like that and now i can add an array yes like that and i'm also going to come in here and just uh maybe add a loop and add another loop here grab these faces and just bring them up a tiny bit and that should give us an extra detail there let's get it let's go this down add an array uh we already have a we already have the array then let me just share smooth outer smooth after this and i can also give it a bevel not necessary this better i think we can add it add bevel add bevel like that i'll call this uh rig desert rig hello um seiden how are you doing yeah so we have our chain here now we just need a loop like this shift d p like that i'll just select this convert it to a curve i'll convert it to a curve now if i'm if you're using the quick functions add-on you can just select the curve and then another object and you will see now we have uh okay i don't think i've added that functionality there but uh it should be there where you just click one button under the intersect that'll be set up for you i think i'll add that later so all i need to do is add a curve select this object just smooth it out to that and we should have our chain right yes have a look at this again so you can see how this looks yes uh and i swear to get some detail like that and i think it looks better if there is an enough gap between these so i'll just make it wider like that with us isolated for a second and come in here and now with these cylinders i can push them like that maybe even extended extend them a bit yes and we don't need as many now so let's connect that and this this uh this part here can be its own collection so i'll just grab this and move it into i'll call this chain chain wheel and our instance this chain will uh rig chain wheel and add it to the rig instance and i think i need to first offset this to the center this entire rig to the center so i need to select everything including the curve now i have an option if you are using the quick functions add-on again i i'm trying to make uh using blender much faster much easier for me so that's why you see that uh i'm adding these functions to at the quick functions add-on so i can just hit move to cursor and this will offset uh the entire selection to the cursor and now i can also now move this this rig here uh so let me first reset the cursor shift c or shift c like that and then grab this uh this entire chain setup including these let me first move it to the chain wheel and then just use the move to casa option i like that and now that will enable me to instance this much easier and you can already see that other chain is being added to our main instance let me turn on ambient occlusion here why do why not add a boolean box to the collection so it can cut other object when you insert it next time why not add a boolean box to the collection oh you mean like uh instead of using a single object uh you want me to use i like a boolean collection yeah that could work what's uh yeah i don't know it's not something i thought of i guess ah let me unpause this for a second and uh i think our rig i mean select our rig this is our egg here has to be a bit up and maybe this here can be a bit big as well and let's set up some materials i'll go to my quick functions library search for sand uh material i don't i guess i don't really have let me go to my texture texture mod and load in some let's see wall some textures this is wood i think i have some sand in here i don't know maybe i don't have it but let me let me go to cc zero textures this this website has a lot of good textures that you can use let me browse sand and see if i can get something yeah something like this uh would be great understand this is pbr i think it's going to work very well for us so i'll just download let me download uh 4k uh trick is okay i took a version and [Music] hey thank you for subscribing uh that is aditya for else thank you thank you uh let me just grab that at this text here i want to paste it into my resources pbr ground and just extract this here i thank you lena kid thank you thank you okay so we have our sign here now all i have to do is just link my pbr folder so pbr uh i think i put it in my ground ground yeah like that link i can search for sun sand [Music] maybe i don't have any signed results [Music] let's grab yeah so this is each here it's going to create a new material and i this can also use the same material [Music] you can see we have some sun now uh but uh the mapping we need to set up mapping so just grab this and just connect this let me see i have a quick function for this i don't i haven't set up a quick function for [Music] setting up this [Music] so [Music] let's bring back our reference image you know i think i like his son more so let me look for sand text here so yes i do i always do live streams almost every every day so just hit that subscribe button and uh turn on notification you'll see me live i'm going to grab that sand maybe let's see what else can we get let's see do we have seamless sunday texture yeah these have this some of these have some logo in them but uh since we're just using them for as reference i'm not too worried about that let's see okay these have a lot of watermarks this is way too low to low res uh this is also quite too low res but let's see if it's usable like this just going to grab it yes just grab it if i suppose paste it in uh would you use displacement for for sun yeah i used some displacement for the sun uh but uh it's just to create those large domes not uh these small ones and i think this texture would work very well here you just have to scale it down quite significantly i'm just going to use objects uh box yeah so so we have some nice sand i don't know why it doesn't look let's see and uh to get more quality we can blend it with another [Music] another texture so this looks like this and we can also i like the scale of this but i also want to get some low frequency detail from this so i can preview scale this down somewhere like that and if you're using the quick functions add-on in the shaders you also if you have two images selected you can blend them using either the blend node or the math node so i can just click on that and now they are both blended have been blended together oh it is my mix node so it's here and uh now okay this should have used the mix rgb can see this is still in progress so i don't know this should be a mixed rgb it's not better let's just continue just blend this with that you can see all right so maybe let me multiply so we can see most of the detail let me just use mix for this and then we add this that i can mix mix like that and then i can finally blend it with uh this here so it gets some nice detail and i'll just have this as color one like that and we end up with [Music] something like this let me first reduce only let's see how a normal map has been fed to the normal here yes so this is our sand a final sun and i'm debating whether to just use a single image or this texture here i think i'm going to stick with simply this and i can just use a vector bump map or to generate a height map from that yeah something like that now our rig seems to be too small so i'm going to scale it up i can also start working on the texturing of this rig so i'll isolate this again let's just unpause this let's change the sun angle again and i can change the composition a bit [Music] just grab this habit in the back as well [Music] i'm going to go to my library search for some metal material let me first link a lot of my libraries a link my libraries here vehicles link okay so this is where we are this is our rig let me search for again metal material let me try using this okay this doesn't seem to be accessible [Music] i can start with that and i can go to this as well you can go to the chain here give it the same material and we have something to work with now use old uh machine texture they have a lot of free details old machine texture yeah i guess this looks way too new but let's just walk on the rig it's off and just detail it a bit i'm going to grab my kid bash i'm going to grab my kit bash collection so let me go to my library setting link resources libraries kit bash i have a kit bash pack that i can i think is going to be very useful here so let me come in here i select this for a second and i just load in my kit brush because clear search objects that i think yeah i like this i can add it somewhere here let me look for metal metamatic material that is going to work better maybe that is much better rusty painted and but this shouldn't use the same material so let's go back here please search and just let us add this back and i think i can add a cut here just use extrude i can use extrude manifold like that to add some extra detail are there to our rig and uh i can look for look through my kit bash i have these shocks so i can add them there maybe others hoping support other rig and you can see how the rig is going to look around here yes add something like that grab an array just adding a details other side we think we could work and get back my reference image here maybe pin it so that it doesn't go away hello dante good to see you is it your first time here because i don't think i've seen you before and uh i can also add something like a cylinder maybe 16 boxes you don't want to be super wasteful so and just just make this look interesting you can do something like this maybe run off these corners i like that yeah maybe something like that i can add an array to this as well so something like that uh then i can select this and this i go to quick functions and i use the boolean card option and uh now we have something like that it's already starting to look i think are quite interesting and i can add a cut here should go all the way like that maybe add an edge loop right around here just making up these things as we go sub divide this maybe this remove that remove this edge now this should be shouldn't be in the wheels collection it should be it should be in the [Music] it should be here in the rig itself so it should be in the rig itself so i need to have it somewhere here and then we can grab these if us also add this into a collection called it call it sand bring back my musical what are your pc specs i just type in exclamation mark specs and that should bring you i get you to the specs okay so this is what we have for our rig just make sure that this actually i can just get rid of this side uh slowly by slowly we can make our rig look good i can duplicate this as well so we can have a few of these yo thank you for subscribing [Music] diddy thank you thank you so i can't pronounce your name but uh thank you okay now we have to repeat these in the back let me see what's going on here because i just hide this for a second look at this properly and it shouldn't be there unhide this you can apply the boolean here get rid of this and you can see that our rig is starting to look fancy i am going to get rid of this top part and uh have you changed how you changed graphics card no i haven't i haven't i see the same graphics card i'm using i'll go back to my library bring in a few other parts that i can use i'll grab this i'll make sure that i'm in the rig collection recollection and just start basically just add things up [Music] yes adding random stuff like this i should make the rig look semi usable or feasible i'm adding feel these nuts can you make a video can you make a video of spaceship i think i have a video about that about a spaceship yeah let's let's see what else yes adding in just some random details that will hopefully make our rig look much better now they should all use are the same material and i think it's starting to look kind of yeah a bit realistic just adding a few extra panels in different areas so and let's see what else can we add [Music] ah we need kind of of diggers like that so if i hide this for that i'm just going to grab a mesh like this just make something like that and just extrude yourself something like that and we can add extra details like this just going to quickly add a spin tool use a spin tool here i want this pin tool to be at a different angle on the y like this so now i can simply just have these like this and i also can even add a sphere or circle in here for extra detail let me add a quick bevel after this as well and we can even just duplicate this scale it down and i just have a few of small ones attached after this larger one like that quick way to add in detail like that use an array but repeat this on the x or in the y whatever the axis that is negative one maybe make this actually much larger like that [Music] [Music] let's see just make sure it's using the same material and is part of the rig so now if i bring back the rig if i switch this off seat the chain off bring back the rig you can see now we are looking at something that looks somewhat detailed i like that now it's about setting up the materials and the sun so i can bring this up again and uh to make this even look more realistic what i can do is just have this moved a bit i guess that's going to be a bit difficult sir unless uh first run a decency and the material for other will should also be now the wolf should also use the same rusty material that everyone is everything else is using i should use other rusty metal a material yes make sure that suv unwrapped correctly let me check this material again just make sure that it's exactly what i expect it to be yeah some rough side surface like this uh this grind map is a bit too low raised so let me just scale it up same with this should be i like that same with the rust can also be scaled up a bit so it looks much more yeah rich like that except uh this here shoot let me look at my uvs for a second here yeah somewhat like that yeah i think that looks good okay should i build a portfolio with my po janus or one uh depends who you're building the portfolio for because uh you you need to have it i think you you need to have a target of the kind of person who you think is going to see are your portfolio let me grab this cube projection i think this should also use the rusty material so let me see this should use i should use the rusted metal material so let me grab that rust yes just make sure that everything is using the rusted material six yeah something uh you can use it's a it's not ipc specs so if you want to check out the specs just use exclamation mark specs yeah so we have our right i think we just have to set up our composition a bit i'm just going to grab this i push it in the back do this again i think i want the scent to look a bit more warm yeah yeah no problem man thank you okay let's see the sand need to be [Music] so add a color mix rgb here changes to color thank you for subscribing eric quinning thank you add a math note here because i think our roughness has to be a bit up uh one thing i'm thinking is uh maybe for the close-up shot here for some of the close-up shots here i can add some displacement reaction displacement so let's see if that would work out if i grab let me see uh if i grab ah displacement as multi-raised modifier i'll subdivide this a few times i then add a displacement modifier let's go and change this to z and uh this time instead of using a cloud image add so just use an image and let me just grab the sand image we are using here just reduce see i think uh that gives us some nice details in the sun are that we really need but one thing i don't want is having all this detail in the back when it's when you're not really going to see it so and uh let me see this is quite a dense mesh if i subdivide it further we get even better results of the sand maybe we can even scale this up yes maybe reduce the strength a bit now i just need to have the sun also be on this direction so let me see 270 rotation of 2 270 should have are the sign from this direction which is great i just have to scale up the rig like that thank you for subscribing i like his shiny box shiny box another thing we could do for our rig is uh let me first push this back a bit we can move the camera a bit down uh one thing i think uh i thank you jonah jonathan noah thank you i think one thing we could do is uh instead of using let me see let me see let me pause this for a second um yeah yeah so one thing i think we could do is let's bring back our let me first hide the everything here all right just bring back the rig and for this i will here i'm going to add a plane i like this uh to be the length of the rig like that and i just in the back under in the front i'm just going to get rid of this here all of these how is my plane okay so my plane is this we can add a few subdivisions just grab this let me first move my cursor there like this grab this parenthetic to this ctrl p and also grab i just make sure that this is using instancing like that and actually we need this to be origin to center and this cassette center like that yeah so something like that and now uh what i need to do is uh just parent this actually i don't need to current parent this so i can uh make sure that that the plane is not part of the rig okay this here i need to be outside the rig collection so in the main collection like that or yeah the main collection like that so that uh let me see let me see if i bring back the this rig here and with us clear rotation grab this grab this uh scale these up i guess so we can reposition the back the way they were like that and now i can parent this to this like that so now if i bring back the sand hello that hello ayel how are you hey seismic bro i have used blender for first and i made something can i show you yeah you can share that in the discord server so the reason why i did all that is uh so that i just select this plane at this plane give it a shrink wrap modifier shrink shrink wrap modifier and just select this surface as the shrink wrap and i just use projection projection so when i move this around are they just follow yes they just follow you just follow the surface so i can rotate this and you can see it tries at least to follow the position of the surface so grab this and i can even just move out up on a move will per wheel basis like that so now it makes it seem like the rig is conforming to the surface i just use exclamation mark this code i just fill it out like discord and i'm just going to make sure that this is not rendered so now yeah like that okay so i'm missing the top parts here uh which i don't know where they went let's see [Music] let's go back to the rig i'm missing that thing i'm missing the digger not sure where maybe i deleted it i don't remember just make sure that i'm saving a backup copy of this [Music] yo thank you for subscribing bye nikki tell yeah for some reason i lost the digger uh which is kind of pity better yeah happens anyway let's recreate the digger again shouldn't be that difficult should just be created i think something like this round it off this corner like that you can also run off this corner a bit hey thank you for subscribing ah that is tom stone thank you thank you bye noel kattel thank you subscribing yeah we are making this uh trying to create a scene like this and we're making a rig from scratch let me go to functions add a bit a quick bible here as well and make sure that it has hidden numbers like that that make me make these walls a bit thicker maybe make this white as well yeah something like that can detail it again just going to use a cylinder here and then i can grab a few of these faces like this use a spin tool to just rotate them now we can just reposition this spin tool as well now to make it more detailed how we can just make a copy of this scale it down so that we make some tiny hands as well at the top here we have that i'm just also going to grab this just use it there [Music] yes just make sure this is part of the rig now this shouldn't be part of the rig anymore bring back the sun now let me bring the elevation to something like 10 [Music] let me play with the [Music] contrast here [Music] and i'm also going to reduce on the bump just a bit uh one of one other thing we could do is just uh grab uh let's see let's see this you know this uh objects let me go to the rig again because i want to add some dust on top of this so let me just isolate one object one piece like this and since they're all using the same material i can grab the geometry is it the geometry i said texture coordinate i was under texture is it texture coordinates input text coordinates yeah because i want to get the objects actually no no the normal and separate the blue channel because i want to get directional dust so i can use uh convert separate x y and now we can create a mask a top down mask like that and now if we add a convert is it under mapping convert mapping a vector mapping like that we can even rotate the dust just a bit so to make it more directional let me just make sure that's it's all going from the top [Music] like that and uh i want to blend it with a noise texture so i'll grab a texture noise texture uh let me just scale this down and i make sure that i'm also using object mapping for the noise like this so this is our noise just add a combat car ramp like this something like that and uh if you're using the you can just use ctrl click and i can use the color is it color button color dodge option at blend let's try color bun it's color bun color bun yeah so that can increase the size of the noise now maybe we can even scale the noise in the z direction a bit yeah so that it makes it seem like dust itself actually this should have been blended with the zed yeah so that's going to be our dust that is collecting all over everything and to do the dust we can just get animate texture and if you're using the shader functions quick function a quick functions add-on you can simply just hit the import button and navigate where you have the images but since i already have that image in here i can just grab it so this is this this let me see yeah i think i want to use this for the dust i'm going to again just use object mapping scale the noise down so how we can add a color mix rgb here just blend the two shaders here actually we need to create a new shader here principal shader let me first grab this a new principle shader for the dust and now we want to blend it with the metal material i'll using the mask we have just created here and yeah you can see but the dust has to be on the other side yeah like it's collecting onto the top of the surface and since they are all using the same material you see we are getting the same effect on top of this better how we can play with the mask so that it's not too powerful now you can see i think you can even unmade this if you wanted just gives you a nice effect okay i'm just going to bring this back a bit let's pause yes maybe grab it so maybe let's go back to the rig for a second well thank you for subscribing seismic content bro update uploaded on you upload a new discord please check our first time i'll check i'll check thank you xqriels for production for subscribing we appreciate that we can even grab a copy of this have another one in the distance back there back in the distance there something like that and i'm also going to grab a character so let me go to my library and search for a character i'll just grab this guy here just having added for scale i'm going to scale him down just to emphasize how large this is and i want him to look like he's moving i'm just going to make him bend a beach how did i add the that month i just used my asset library i saw it's an add-on ah that just just makes my life much easier when working and if you want to get it just use exclamation mark add-ons yeah something like that and i want him to be wearing that closes so i think the best way to do this let me see let me see let me see how can i approach this best way to approach this is let me see let me see let me see let me also duplicate this rig again yes have it at the top i'm also going to add in a few other things let me go to my asset library again and look for a tower because i have a nice power tower or i don't know transmission tower i think that's what they're called wire lines now that i can add in the background there i think they will make are the scene even more interesting and another thing i'm going to do is add but you know still suit for the man he is going to die yeah he might because uh you don't really have uh a seal a seal suit and making one is going to take a while let's see how we doing on time 126. not bad okay another thing we could do is uh let me see let me see what could we do let me go to my kit bash again i saw a jerry can that could be useful here i like could use here i'll go in a decos get this just add it in the sun somewhere okay lena crushed that smoke that's no problem we just reopen it now let me grab get my functions add-on you
Channel: TopChannel1on1
Views: 1,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jPQdDHsjApI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 9sec (5289 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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