🔴 blender live - lets model roman building

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uh okay for some reason my internet chose to [Music] go off so let's uh try this again but this time let's uh because i i realized that uh even the seat we were making we we would need a lot of small buildings to populate it so let's make a few of those i think uh for this stream i want to see if i can make all these all these these uh all these images all these buildings small buildings and again i want to make them available to my patreons and what i want to do this time i want to make sure that these are all uh that they're all single mesh buildings so that uh so that they are low poly and are usable in uh are usable can be easily populated without crashing uh your pc or something so let's start by making this uh building here just maximize my prf here yeah so let's start with this structure here so that's going to go in a good thing is it's in a square form you can just insert other building like this and scale the inside just erase remove the middle part like this just bring these walls up let me grab my concrete material [Music] just look for concrete use this then let me just uh turn around colors here about that height and let's make the roof the roof should be easy you can just grab this shift d again i want to make this a single mesh so that uh when it comes to instancing or yeah making instances of it instances of it are for particle system it's much easier than if it was multiple objects let me get some shingles here [Music] let's go to textures.com look for clay roof texture see what we get have this have that [Music] [Music] let's look for seamless and see and go to textures and just look for roof i want to get photo textures yeah i think this could work what else could work [Music] this also could work maybe this let me get some nice music here for beats let me try this do okay i'll put these in my resources i mean just create a new roof category pistols there [Music] come back here and just a link uh the roof category here i can i think i can create a new material [Music] that has the roof and just use object mapping for this so object next something like that another thing we can do is uh make them a bit dirty i think i need okay let's use uv mapping should be much easier let me unwrap these scale this up like that i want this to look a bit darker so i think i can grab a grudge map so let me search for that branch grab this texture here just blend the two also give this the same coordinates like that yes let me call this rom small buildings make this a bit dark like that then now we have some nice detail i can just round off the top a bit maybe it's not necessary but now what i can do is i just add or something like a cube here just a small detail that i think will uh come out looking nicely in when we instance this i think i can round off this a tiny bit like that and now i can duplicate these actually if i do that i need this first to be a bit smaller let me turn on amir occlusion there's a small detail like that think could help hello amx zed mx40 how are you yeah my my stream crashed uh a minute ago that's why you see that uh we almost have no viewers but uh it's okay we're not doing anything special a zigzag glad uh you came back hello burning bright how are you doing my name right someone else has your name i think here oh is that you another thing i want to do is just let me grab an edge like this extrude on the x ctrl l just scale it down oh let's get it up and then push it down a bit i'm great i'm great i'm great yeah so one thing i'm realizing uh because i took up uh almost a week break and i was talking about this and then my internet just broke and uh the stream died maybe because i was talking uh about youtube so they killed my stream i was uh yeah i was i took a break over one week and uh i'm realizing that uh youtube doesn't seem to want that uh they will punish you for those punish punish you for for taking a break as you can see we are not having we don't have as many people in the stream as we used to so if you are a streamer as well i think that's something you have to note you can't take longer breaks anyway so i want this to be wooden so a bit dark so i'll give it a new material let's look at just use cube projection make it maybe a bit darker let me reuse the same material here but make it more darker like that working on a new cyber bite model 3 setting up new materials in a library ah nice nice nice nice did you ever do a final render for for the bike for the ship sorry because i don't think i don't remember seeing it if you did uh can you could you share it and check it out maybe in discord you can check it out on the stream are these intended uh to be game assets kinda yeah yeah that's uh that's why you see i'm trying to keep them locally especially for these uh buildings uh not just for game assets but uh because i want to make fun at some point make us a roam a roman medieval city with them i want to keep him to keep them fairly low police so that i can make a lot of copies of them without incurring too much computation power cost so duplicate this 90 degrees like that and that maybe this should be i don't know actually i should keep it like that now if you want to make this corner piece here uh that's one of the easiest thing to do you just duplicate this p and uh just use a mirror modifier with an object or you don't even need an object so let me first you reset the origin to the center just do mirror and then just rotate these 45 degrees like that so you would have something like this but you see that pieces are going through each other like that so just use the bisect tool to make the the p piece just yeah be like that now i can uh rotate this again 45 degrees and i think for now we can keep everything separated so that's uh it makes it easier for us to use these pieces to reuse these pieces so let me just make sure this shooter a bit like that i bring this up and i want an edge here shift b f to fill it in i like that i saw that and this piece can be can have the concrete material like that maybe even just be yeah something like that so easy peasy i think these have to be a bit wider so like that and maybe this also should extend a bit down so i think i can just extrude i really like some of the models you did with a pc hadoop our pc hardware yeah it's just uh how much time you want to spend on the on the on the asset usually even a shitty pc can do something good if you are willing at putting other time let me see i want to push this in grab this edge push it down grab this edge push it in i think yeah this should be should be something like that i think yeah maybe even wider thank you for subscribing stop subscribing mx40 really appreciate that now i'm going to grab this wall extend it down like that so we have i think i need to scale this on the x x like that so these corners are in these pieces are in every corner so i can just duplicate these shift d rotate 90 degrees have another one there seems this side here is a bit longer so maybe we can extend it as well thank you jonathan rodriguez for subscribing i'm glad to i s i got you to speak speak with you like ah thank you thank you thank you no problem i would love to hire you for a project i am working on on cj he said you trader a good choice yeah it is it is a good choice but so you can send me a direct message via my email mata see you thread oh you can use cg traders no problem yeah so let's see let's see we want this roof here so i'm going to grab this bring it here we can remove now the mirror modifier we don't need it just going to make sure that this doesn't extend that far let me just make sure that this is not selected i like to subscribe to all blender tutorial channels i come by since you never know when you might need them ah thank you thank you thank you okay so let's make uh this piece here going to grab this bring it up i noticed that i'm using objective coordinates so even when i move this the texture just updates itself which is nice [Music] interesting and i think i can also extend this in the y direction like that so a very light uh house like this makes it very much easier to to instance since we don't have a lot of polygons now this can also be used for games as well because we're not using that much polygons as i said i actually think this can be mirrored on the x so i'll add a loop here add a loop here just then grab this side remove it let's make sure that my origin is set to the middle like that origin 3d cursor and just mirror that any geometry that is going through it we can just bisect it okay let's add some windows and those that should be very simple remind me reminds me of geek's castle sorry i really need to attempt that yeah it was a really great tutorial let's make this balcon piece so i'm just going to grab a plane we're going to make these pieces together later so that we only dealing with one single object [Music] but now we can but right now we can just uh use [Music] so this now to make these we have several ways you can do that but i think just using uh a circle with about eight waxes is much easier so let's do that [Music] so i can add a loop here to make that wider outer loop here to make it tighter and add another loop make it wider like that just keeping the polygon count fairly low just like that make sure it's using the same material can come in and just add some small detail here so [Music] if us apply the scale of this [Music] [Music] [Music] again we are aiming for a very low polygon count and just make sure these are joined and now increase my auto smooth angle to 45 like that [Music] grab this piece origin to 3d caster how did you copy those so quickly without using the array i just use shift r so you grab a piece ctrl l shift d to duplicate it on the axis and then shift r to repeat the action so shift r just repeats the action you have just made so since the action was coping it repeated that a few times and that we had duplicates like that now we have a balcony we need a door and a window so i'm going to come in here just do this actually i can split this up even here just select all what says on this side delete those faces apply a mirror like that now let me go and search for a door let me see do i have those so go to my resources link my details search again and i can see we have some nice doors here that i think can be useful here so grab maybe this add a plane and use the quick function add-on to set up the materials for me if i look at this it it is a simple plane i like that which is enough for what we want i can insert this so that i i have so i can i extract some of the details that we have here again i want to keep this fairly low poly i just insert in videos and i just said again push them in and that should be enough for our dough i'm not going to use the normal value here so that should be enough for a low poly door can push that in let me look for window and see if i can so me i don't think medieval rome had any glass so you're not going to use any objects with glass any windows with glass and actually we can get away with uh just reusing the window as this door as the window not sure if this is the best deal there is so let me just insert push this a little bit in now we can reuse this as a window all we need uh is a window cut out [Music] and i think we can also just make this i'll make the those the windows a bit open like that uh to make it really look like uh the windows open i'm just going to create a just going to use a darker material for the interior for the inside and i'm also going to grab this window again just delete the in side parts like this just push this in add a mirror i think this is too wide we don't need the mirror we can just have a window a simple window like that actually to make this even much simpler you can just join these pieces together and uh grab this edge loop here and this here extrude and a loop cut around there and this face we can make it much darker so the door is going to the window is going to look like that and this can be concrete can use the concrete material we have [Music] so when we need a window we just duplicate this and i want the window to be off this side like that so we can duplicate this again and now we can repeat this down here same for the door this guy the entire setup and so this window some of these windows don't really need to be too opened so just actually this piece here should be separated so i can easily rotate this around this edge okay shift are all nice uh for the info no problem man hi bro from giggston central asia you can show the following video how to create traditional or chinese a building i think i have a japanese building when we created the ninja scene i think yeah that was a good demo for that i think we can make this a bit wider or larger and now we can add some columns here so i'll just grab this column here ctrl l shift d make it scale it up i guess let's create a base like that now we can repeat this piece here ctrl shift d there anyway man you are making you're making me get off my ass and make something in blender myself i'm so i'm gonna head out keep it up a nice night no problem okay yeah yeah that feels bad that i can't render my fire simulation in my laptop i have omen 15 there is 70 gpu but most of the time i blender crashes yes simulations do require a lot of computation power so that can be problematic okay uh thank you so much godwin uh for subscribing really appreciate that let's add a door a window on this as well so thank you next after subscribing really appreciate that let's add a window here actually we don't really need these egg loops we can just grab a face like this insert it and then scale it just extrude in i'll give this a dark material as well and then i can just grab this window let me turn on wireframe just snap it there and make it as wide as necessary and now we don't we might not need this to be we don't need this to have first reset the origin so kevin does your pc handle other things better or is it just the simulation because that looks seems like a fairly uh beefy pc if you have a 70 a fatty 70 does it handle anything are the other things much better or does it not so get something like that for the window again and duplicate actually i can just join this here so we have this on the other side another thing i like about this building is this is that they have a different material for the bottom part so i think we can do that we can add that as well so we just add a loop cut here and look for a break material so a brick material like that now we can do the same under here just divide [Music] [Music] [Music] something like that would you add a fire chimney a fire chimney i think we can add that i really love your tutorial on how to create storm scene in blender is it possible for me to create such ah with my pc laptop i think i used um uh a low spec pc than what you're using so i think it's very much possible it should be possible for you to do because my pc was even less powerful the news you you can give it a try and see give it a try and let us know that was so i also want this to be to use the same set up there so let's duplicate these i think i can just use a mirror yeah i think that this looks fairly roman roman-like okay i need this okay we need an interest here as well so let's do that so i think it should be here do around there grab this [Music] and we can use the same dough we created earlier so i'm not sure if i like how this dough is looking let's see what to do about it i think i have a different dough in my resources so let me go back to my textures yeah let's use this instead yes so we have something like that looks much better i think now we're going to have to update the windows as well yeah you know another thing i could do is just go into photoshop let me open this image and see image image image yeah this image here i'm just going to crop off these so just don't need to use photoshop for that group and save and then just reload the image here and everything should start looking good okay uh we want a section of this let me see if i grab this i remove the first the mirrors i need this block remove this mirror remove this mirror yeah are this here hey thank you for subscribing me huh minda grass sorry i can't if i can't pronounce your name if i butchered your name it's going to okay i think i can just extend just now this part here we don't need that we need uh the roof as well so we need uh to bring one of these pieces again removing the mirror modifier so i think we need this to be around here now can get rid of this lower part so we just have the roof and also just get rid of some of these some of these pieces up to there [Music] and i can [Music] just extrude this in now we have these balls so we can reuse them i just grab this hole shift d so and i think that's and this is enough i mean you can just grab one more window let's grab this here have it here a smaller one just like that we don't need these sides yes add a few loop cuts here actually we don't need a loop cut actually we do just add a loop cut here then insert make it fit [Music] [Music] okay that's our single building that's building one i think we are done with that and the great thing is that we are not really it's not too high poly so it can be used in a game engine uh we need to fix some of these here yeah let me see i think i just need to do something like that and i'll be okay and uh the inside also needs to have something in it so i'll just give you the same concrete material [Music] if you want you can add a few other things i'll call it i think i have a ring a circle just to make the compound more a bit more detailed without adding too much detail just add this okay make sure that uh want my choice doesn't use to my polygons yeah like i said we want to keep this fairly low poly so there is no need for all these polygons so i'll go in and just remove okay no no it's just too much work anyway uh and also i want to add in some kind of a statue in the middle [Music] grab this doesn't need a mirror so this is what i have i want it to be in the middle there but uh this looks fairly high poly so just use a decimate modifier again especially on the lines so to do that i just need to create a vertex group for the lions i think that's how low we can get so so if if this is viewed from this side i think it looked nice if we view it from here still looks nice looks decent maybe we can another thing i could do is just come in here add in some windows here and all i have to do with this is just give it at the door material i think so unwrap you can repeat this on here this side so that we also have some sort of window on this side as well so let's see how this looks in cycles just extend this up let's see how this looks in cycles so if i add the sky texture so sky texture here so doesn't look bad [Music] we change the light angle and i'm going to use [Music] yeah again these assets are going to be available to my patreons if you are a patreon you will be able to get this asset and other medieval assets that will be making fairly decent i think let's look at a different piece of this here so i'll just call this uh building building one let's try this we already have most of the setup so i just grabbed this one piece here shift d move it out of that collection [Music] okay so we're starting a new building as you might see the slider in the y like that maybe even a bit wider on the x these edges here i think i need to get rid of this structure do i this needs to be extended you guys are quiet today very very quiet and i need to have some kind of a window on this side as well so somewhere and i think this has to be a bit taller so let's make it taller so these windows are going to be on the second floor up like that so let's see you are here nice nice nice to know kind of feels empty when you guys are not speaking so it's amazing if you do anyway so we have this want to make it like this so all we have to do just make a copy of this without the mirror and this mirror and this mirror rotate these 90 degrees so that this is the middle part hello ahmed yusuf how are you so do we have any new users in the chat that would like to say hello okay so we have this i think i just need now to bring this closer together like that so that others can be joined let me see why are they not matching hello again yes hello lord guys good to see that you guys are still here okay just need to make sure that these pieces origin to 3d casa let's make sure that these pieces are matching like that now to make this look like a separate flow i'm just going to go in here because right now it doesn't really seem so let us make sure that these all of these faces are up on the same level i'm going to grab these edges subdivide so that we have a single edge loop going through like this actually i need to make sure that this extends all the way like that like that have it somewhere there because i want this to show that uh this is a different flow or story so you can add a simple separation like that why did you take a break i just wanted to take a break i didn't want uh i was getting a bit tired of doing the same thing over and over but uh as i said youtube doesn't seem to want that and that's why you see that a lot of streamers never take breaks because if you do uh you lose all your progression okay so we have that and uh for this piece here i think i'm going to need carved windows do i uh actually on this piece here let's do something more radical so i'm going to mirror this ganja from alone here yeah it's been a while since actually i don't think it's been a while just that i haven't streamed in a while so that could be one of the reasons on this i want let me first make sure that this is uh pushed all the way to the side like that so we have something like that and these watches this one can be merged do that give the other material to at separate other thing i think so i don't want to have a lot of materials especially since this is supposed to be low poly okay i'm not sure why this is down here should be there yeah so i wanted to have axe around here so i'm going to come in here create an arc and that is as easy as just having a cube and adding a loop in the middle bring the bring this up then use ctrl b to bevel that and now we should get a fairly decent arc like that yes yeah something like that and we can use this as a boolean cutter so the existing brick okay you mean this line here [Music] hmm not bad yeah so i wanted i was saying i was this music is too loud can you show keyboard shortcuts uh keyboard shortcuts okay that i want this to be wireframe and we want to keep this fairly low poly so i'll just do something i'll just turn this into a single end gun and get rid of uh these here there's eight loops now we can use this as a boolean cutter like that and now this should use this object as let me see we need to push this you should use this object as the mirror now for the y and for the x let's add an empty actually should just use this empty as the mirror for the x and y and this should use this is the mirror for the x like that yeah so we want to have something like this so you can see something like that i think looks more decent and another thing i could do is just make a cut here from here a cut here use extrude manifold and i just get rid of this face so it seems to have doubles in different areas okay something like that and then we can just add some poles let's go back to the outliner here this had some decent poles so i'll just grab that i move it to the new scene can disable this let's add this other nice balcony do we need a mirror i think we do just rotate this 180 degrees [Music] 31 likes 30 people viewing ah meaning we have more people viewing than the likes so let's get those likes up would be amazing can have this i don't know maybe somewhere like that maybe make this a bit uh taller hello anurag dev how are you doing uh we need to be we need this to be extended hmm you can use the same empty as the mirror and i think for these here for the bullions we're going to have to extend them maybe not you can have them there i'm going to grab these ctrl l shift dx and just repeat that yeah so we have something like that we can grab this entire block as well then shift d i rotate it do [Music] actually i think this one doesn't need a mirror oh at least it doesn't need it in the x direction so that uh same here so this piece here can be much shorter i like that can get we can create the same thing here i'll just grab this roof here just the roof hey thank you for subscribing id3 animation i appreciate that hi have you ever played vr chat on the oculus quest i'm very much interested in making a game level that can be uploaded into vr chat have you done anything like that no no no i have not uh played vr chat or made anything for vr chat have not unfortunately anyway i want to grab the roof pieces i should first do this control hide i want the roof just the roof pieces ctrl l shift [Music] let me grab grab the roof shift the peel and hide it just want the roof only without the mirror rotate this 90 degrees and have it have it here and make it longer and extended i like that i have some decent pillars that i can grab so for my library so i'll call this column let me look for an ionic ionic column is it the ionic fairly detailed i like that that's a i don't want to use all that polygon so let me decimate it something like that just give it the same material why have you not your 3d work would be more fun to explore in vr in virtual reality well a more fair answer would be is that uh i i haven't really most of the things i do i try to make sure that i'm doing them because they're monetizable so because creating creating 3d art is uh takes a lot of time so if i'm doing it i need to make sure that uh there is a fair way and is there a way i need a path at monetization so i want to make money out of it because it does take a lot of time and um i just haven't explored via that world to know just have this i don't think we need this base again let me just take a look at this one more time just to make sure okay decent number of polygons can grab this edge loop insert yes drag this down i'll just make sure that this is using a concrete material like that and uh i think we can get away with uh adding in a few extra edge loops here and just just make this fairly detailed i'm just going to insert scale extrude inset extrude just to have some nice some small detail there under here i can grab we can have an array of these [Music] and then what is left is this flow ah you are a machine and we paint the tattoos inside my brain okay okay i'm not sure if that's a compliment but i'll take it i'll take it these i should be the same level as everything else i think [Music] now this should be extended you know burning break i'm not sure if you're still here but i think i do really like how this is coming out uh with this separation material that you suggested so let's let me add it on here yeah that's why i like the nature of live streams is that you guys always suggest things i never would have thought of so make sure that this is also a brick material like that ah nice nice yeah i think uh the separation also adds some level of details uh that would have missed if we if it wasn't there grab these foreign have you tried uploading any models in any kind of game engine before yes i have i i do sometimes use unreal engine just insert these hmm it's going on here ah my keys off ah it's on i think it should be on now let me see it's on yeah fairly decent building can be seen from the from this side to look good this side this side fairly decent let's see another building let's try this one and uh the great thing about working like this so let me make sure that this is in uh cold building uh building two and the good thing about working this like this is that we can easily instance the first building so that's our first building if i bring in the second building you can see just two of these and we have something fair and actually i think we can make entrance ah the entrance binding bright you really have a you have eye you very good at seeing things and for the interest let me first grab this building and hide i think this has a boolean so we can take advantage of that i can just grab this ctrl l just scale this up make a boolean cut yeah thank you for letting me realize we didn't have an entrance okay let's think we only need one entrance don't we maybe two no thank you okay so here i want i don't need this edge loop i can just grab yeah something like that you have the entrance and what else i think i feel we can do something like this extrude i look for a grass material [Music] [Music] no no that's not what i wanted [Music] yeah something like that just added small detail maybe even just grab this [Music] how something like that small detail anyway let's uh continue on to the ah yeah another building we could do instead of creating one from scratch uh we can just duplicate this i'll just duplicate the collection kind of the fast building here and i think i can get rid of the [Music] let me see what can i get rid of this [Music] the y mirror and uh this we can also get rid of the y mirror same for this we can get rid of the y mirror should we actually you can separate the top bits [Music] get rid of the wire mirror and uh i think this time this could be this could use two of these one on the on each side like that [Music] make it fairly wide make sure this is concrete as well and tara we have another building i'm not sure why this is too up there [Music] the thing for this we can also yo thank you for subscribing i say zeldini sorry if i'm butchering your name i think for this we can have a few extra dolls or windows [Music] like that [Music] yeah this yeah this have the same boolean objects [Music] and duplicate this and uh we can bring the others to this here shift d move this to the new collection and i just some cells oh some stairs here duplicate this here so we can stairs we can easily do i think i just need this here now then now we can i just get rid of these i can grab this here this here just do that [Music] now that's going on here i think i need hello inspired in spirit galaxy i'm noob in blender but holy sh this is next level skills oh thank you thank you and this is a fairly uh basic stuff if you're new to blender it takes you about maybe at most maybe if you're doing this on a daily basis it will take you about uh a week to learn what we have done here so it's not too complicated to learn i'm sure the whole building is on high area add steps at empty side i was saying to empty side what empty side let me go back to this to empty side i'm not sure what you mean empty side oh do you mean this side because uh my chat is a bit a few minutes behind okay okay yeah our steps have kinda high like they're really high anyway so i shouldn't be a big problem so i want a step here so let's create our step making sure we maintain a low poly count just going to bring this here actually i should have used an array because it would be much easier to line up these steps actually a much faster way to do to do the steps is just grab an edge a face like this separate it let me isolate it for everything for a second add a few subdivisions like that and those subdivisions can be beverage so we have two bevels levels like this but just make sure that you don't have any separation between them and then all i have to do is just come in select the in video faces like that and i use uh scale individual origins all individual origins on the x did i do this right ah so it seems i didn't bevel are the edges as i wanted to do so ctrl b beveled edges but with nearly no gaps you know actually i think all i have to do is just select let me see all i have to do is yeah do this select the lower edge just bring that forward and we have our steps now i just need to make sure that these are filled in like that there is a bevel profile also yeah i don't want to use a bit of profile for this because that will just increase the polygon count now have a fairly decent step here and okay something like that and we can now mirror this on the one yeah it's already me right so we have that looks fairly decent [Music] now since this is made of blocks we can also just grab this enter a block shift d create a new collection call this building three uh maybe four or something i don't know yeah yes and hide this a collection under this we don't need this mirror not flying i it turned out to be good very good stairs yes it's a nice trick to do stairs very quickly so thank you for the mirror option saves uh so much time yeah it does does especially for objects with symmetry does a fairly good job yeah i think this is a decent single story building again for this i think are we just going to apply a visual to mesh yes that we have one single building block uh that we know is complete just reset the origin as well to 3d cursor and then we have a building block let's see let's make this one here [Music] okay let's start with the flow plane has a slight extrusion here and then another extrusion actually here i think in the x i'll just give this the concrete a material again extrude even offset like that you can also add in that kind of deco i'll just add a loop here actually i don't want any vertices underneath here so we reduce on the polygon count and i just grab i think i need an edge loop here and sit like this these stairs uh uh this says i was talking about ah okay uh so i want to let's do this grab this face this face this face this face p separate and then just uh for the walls we only need i think we need another loop here let me see what's going on here this should be filled so here all we need is to select the boundaries of this extrude up for the wall uh somewhere there and i'm just going to add another loop here just use the brick material for the lower part cube projection like that and then we can use a solidify modifier for the wall thickness thickness like that this is very simple but powerful design ah thank you as well thank you thank you roma again yeah we are making some uh as an asset pack for rom and it's going to be available to my patreon so that's why you see and uh after we make the pack we can always just make our assets for this i want a fairly good number of assets i think i need an edge loop here grab this push it just like that oh we can have it the other way around we can have this going a bit like that add a loop here have something like that add a window here for the window all i have to do is just delete that piece and really start working on the roof we already have a roof let's grab it where's my roof yeah this roof here you can grab that just use it here do have it yep what are these um [Music] so i think this is somewhat like that so [Music] my laptop is running out of juice let me see just rotate this [Music] now i think we can continue on this building later what i want to do i want to test out how this would look in an actual city hello jake studio hello cloud how are you guys doing welcome to the stream so i'm going to just have this in its own collection i'll call this building 4. [Music] and i just need a new collection called building fo like that and i'll save this now what i'm going to do is uh first let me go to my asset just add these buildings these building collections at my asset library [Music] and give this a quick render [Music] let me turn off some of the effects that i have on the calendar management i want to see if we can make a quick city out of the last few seconds that we have so that is the building one go to this one as well quick render [Music] give this a quick friend as well should have this viewport look a bit messy and i have this added as an object oh this building when i'm creating a landscape in blender uh the lagging a lot i'm using an rtx how do i fix it well what i what kind of landscape are you sculpting it what exactly are you doing to make the landscape then yeah our last block here okay let's open back up our rom city and actually if i even do that i need to make sure that i have a backup copy of this project okay now this is uh what we were making before the live stream shut off it's a roman city but uh we we only had large buildings we didn't have any good small buildings and uh yeah so we have made a few of those i will come back uh maybe off upstream and make more smaller buildings let's wait for the preview here [Music] yeah thank you for subscribing hacks bulk okay so this is what we have for now i think i need to make my characters a bit taller [Music] like that and then yeah we need to populate the city with more smaller buildings especially in the back so let me scale this this plane give it a new grid a new geometry now so we're going to use geometry nodes are to populate the city let me first pause this uh let me bring in the buildings we have just created so library you have this bring that in okay if the angle was low uh it you would be would be great yeah i want to have this the same angle as this what i'm going to do is just uh have a lot of buildings going that side that's why you see we created these small buildings let me go back to my collection [Music] okay why did i put the rest of the viewings [Music] i had three buildings i think yeah and that was the three buildings we created so let's use them to populate the rest of the area so i'm going to use let me go back to let me use scout mode just sculpt the the rest of the the landscape and let me first increase this fairly i'm going to use scope mode with diner toppo on [Music] yes r2 because uh the only way this is going to work is if it's going to look great is if we the horizon is full of buildings i like that so let's see now where are our buildings i have these in a collection called small buildings [Music] small buildings and again we want to instance let me first reduce this audio a bit this music a bit which is faster video render for blender other than eevee well i think yeah i think cycles x is much faster now it's getting faster i haven't really tried out many render engines other than cycles thank you for subscribing none i'm sorry i can't pronounce your name so yeah we want to use a points on faces like that uh this will get rid of the original face so what i'm going to do is or you know let me just join the original geometry back i want to use random to do that do we have vertex we have vertex groups here i don't think we do okay so then what i want to do is uh use an another node here instance instances and points and uh we need to use the collection uh let's do we need to bring in the small buildings collection and i use those as instances did that work let me first see yeah so this is what we have uh separate children reset children no we don't reset density can be 20 you can play with a different seed and for the rotation let me see if we use the rotation here it's not going to work out as i want what i want to do is have rotate these a bit differently so i think i can do you can use what expand uh to specify the distribution run a good tutorial can you do it with uh geometry nodes because i'm not sure if there is a vertex group option in uh geometry nodes i haven't really explored geometry nodes a lot so i'm not very sure anyway so i want to rotate these randomly so i'm going to use a set instance rotation rotate instances here and i want to rotate them a few degrees so i'll just use the random random value but change this to vector and i want to rotate these randomly on the z-axis only so you can see we have i think some of them are off are not in these they're being rotated in a funny way let's see point zero zero one that's too small point zero zero five maybe point point zero zero nine yeah something like that and uh yeah again i'm not sure maybe i haven't really tried the proximity option uh actually i think we can do the we can choose where these are going to be because i don't want them inside here by using the proximity option so let me grab a silly um an empty and empty empty empty empty sphere i scale it up where is that and bring it to this let me try out the proximity proximity geometry proximity proximity now the target should be this source position i think this might need to be needs to be a mesh i think so let's use as a cylinder like a circle like this pc specs i just use exclamation mark specs so we can bring this in can bring the ecosphere here and we can compare i think you can compare let me see let me see compare you can bring in a compare compare floats or compare vectors is it let me see vector math does this have a compare value come to a compare attribute actually i can uh imagine proximity and distance let me see i'm trying to see a way to just isolate just make sure that these instances are within this ball here which i will just view other wireframe just so it's much easier i think what i want to do is uh because we have this distance and i want to compare the distance of each point which we can do with uh at the position so vector actually geometry get the position and just search for position if you add a density input and uh and modify it in the tab what is a density input density in a density point let me see density density point um not really sure what you mean anyway we can make our lives much easier or figure out the the the another way to distribute this so what i can do is just come here i'm going to first [Music] duplicate this and hide this and remove the geometry nodes on the first one the the second one we can just do [Music] a mask so i'm going to grab this object and use a mask modifier a mask modifier mask mask mask mask modifier have it above and just select uh the vertices that i want to have just select the vertices that i want what have i done just select what says that i want so simply like that actually a much easier way would would be to go in here arrest everything all the geometry out of plane i'm just looking for a much effic efficient way to do this subdivide this a few times okay i think i also removed the actual object that so this one shouldn't have any geometry geometry nodes i want to create a plane like this give it a decent amount of subdivisions i like that then give it the geometry nodes i can type give this a geometry nodes with the buildings we had let me see let me make sure that yeah apply this kill this is really heavy signing the pc let me undo this yes go to the apps remove this open blender again yeah so what i want to do is use the shrink wrap modifier just so it's much easier for me to control the positioning of the particles let me open the project again so we can get rid of the geometry nodes on this okay now what i want to do is uh add a plane on here just scale it up it doesn't even have to be that big it can be this size and you're going to see the advantage of doing it this way we can add a shrink wrap modifier here just select this as the target and you can see now the object is there now what we can do is create our setup again bring in our small buildings collection use points on faces points on faces distribute points on faces like that we just we need just a few buildings and then add instances on points like that bring this our other instance like that just bring back our geometry with a joint geometry so geometry join geometry like this scale the buildings down like that and uh again the rotation we can set it to be random in the z so vector we just need it to be random in the z so i'll do a vector math you know a random random value i do a combine x y z and a vector combine x y z like so [Music] this in the rotation now we can do a fairly good rotation like that it seems some of these buildings have their origins away from the center which is kind of affecting how the rotation is working so i'm going to go back to actually i think i just need to select the objects see this building here has its origin in the [Music] away from the center so let me see if i can find that uh fix that yeah so you can see this is the project file and you can see that this building is away from the center which is causing issues so i'm just going to bring that move it back to the center just disable it for a second grab this like that yeah so now the file will not upload this project file will not upload immediately so if you can see if i rotate this now the buildings are still rotated what i can do is go to the outliner here and look for uh is its blend files and just reload these blend files hopefully i get the right one so this is yeah now the rotation should be much better so if i rotate this you can see they are rotating within the pivot point i think i might be using the wrong collection so so small buildings this year is the collection i want that for some reason we only have like one type of building yeah so no yeah this is what we want now you could use the particle system uh but uh i i i know that's a pasca but because the particle system doesn't really uh render empties or it doesn't instance empties for some reason so we can't really use that so we have to use geometry nodes and it's hanging quite a lot let me first reopen it again yes this is not it supposed to be this now the positioning is seems to be a bit off
Channel: TopChannel1on1
Views: 1,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HhLZiv_nrPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 14sec (8054 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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