🔴 AMAZON REACT.JS Challenge | The Ultimate Full Stack Developer Roadmap (GRAND FINALE)

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five of five for the amazon challenge this is the grand finale this is the ultimate road map to your six figure developer career get excited guys tell me where you're tuning in from whether it's crowdcast whether it's youtube whether it's over on twitch let me know what you're watching right now if you haven't already make sure you do sign up because it's a massive price for everyone who signs up guys get excited welcome to day five of the amazon challenge let's kick it guys tell me where you're watching from [Music] let's go guys [Music] this is incredible stuff guys wow look at everyone we have so many people over at crowdcast we have so many people over at youtube right now this is awesome we've got tech awesome tuning in from england we've got lebanon michael garges tanoo says crowdcast john what says what's up hey what's up guys nice now guys yesterday was an incredible day and if you're joining for the first time just today do not worry we have a full training for you today okay so this is going to be your training to full stack development and it's going to help you kick start your career as a software developer into the six-figure territory and beyond okay so get excited for this guys let's go ahead and jump into today's session we have the philippines in the house and nepal malaysia this is awesome stuff john says sign up where don't worry dude you're already in crowd class that's incredible stuff don't worry man let's carry on guys so what's going down today well let's have a look we have the amazon full stack road map okay now so amazon day five where we're going to be teaching you the full stack roadmap so it's going to be a hell of an intense session get your coffees get everything you need to get concentrated this will be an incredible powerful session guys here's a breakdown of today's training and what you're going to be learning so we're going to be going through the ultimate full stack road map to bag your dream job okay i reveal my secrets as to how i went ahead aside from a developer who knew nothing i had no understanding of how to code before when i got started i'm going to show you how i went from that zero point all the way to a six figure career and beyond okay so get excited for that we have netherlands in the house morocco in the house this is awesome to see germany what's up nice we have a one-time exclusive surprise for everyone at the end of this session so if you are watching right now then you are incredibly lucky and good on you because we have an incredibly want like it's a one-time exclusive offer i'm not gonna repeat this one after this once it's done it's done it's gone up it's never coming back and guys for everyone who signed up there's a little free gift right there's gonna be a free gift for every single person we already got the donations rolling in thank you so much kumar appreciate you dude north korea what's up jake sue says get your ball already oh yeah dude exactly denise says i'm so close on day four this has been so fun i love that denise welcome to day five and let's keep on going guys remember stay until the end to get the epic surprise for free okay so it's gonna be amazing surprise for everyone and it's just gonna be so much fun jordan girls i just got my beer hell yeah dude let me know what you know what your setup is and this is going to be so much fun guys that's not all remember we're going to be opening the doors to zero to full stack hero so this is going to be an exclusive offer which is only available today and after today it's not going to be available so stay tuned it's directly after the training we have so much planned for you get ready we're going to open the doors to our flagship community guys let's talk about the amazon product the amazon challenge the amazon challenge was huge it was absolutely incredible we actually have some popper fire members in the house what's up yes there island tell me the blade in the house what's up the amazon challenge was absolutely incredible we had over 7 000 visitors now i just checked it 44 000 subscribers because that number will hit 44 in this session and guys over 3 600 people signed up for this challenge alone that is impressive and incredible and wow juliana says day 4 build is making me go crazy day 4 was a challenge guys i told you we were going to step it up this is what we did on day one we built your digital resume now why the hell would you need a digital resume right remember everyone else has boring tvs so you want to stand out from the rest so on day one we went ahead and dropped you a free digital resume now if you're watching on crowdcast it's your first time seeing me then remember you can go ahead and actually get that free resume by following me over following me over on youtube at sunnysanga and uh yeah it's day one of the amazon challenge completely free you're gonna get that resume that looks like this completely responsive good stuff right day two we went ahead and killed it with the front end build this involved next js we had some tailwind in there and we did some fake store api integration this was so fun okay this is so so fun i love this one i can't pronounce the name because guys you are making youtube healthy that's what i love the positivity that's exactly why we are doing it yappy kang so i'm staying till the end chinmay says yo sunny arjun says i survived hell yeah guys we have a thousand people on crowdcast right now one thousand people on crowd class that is incredible we have literally 200 people on youtube wow with so many people getting hyped for today's session day three authentication and checkout we built an amazing google sign-in flow so much fun and we also had the ability to add items to your product okay so guys remember if you want to build applications like this right so if you want to build an app like this so a fully functional amazon clones where you can go ahead and add items to your basket you can go ahead and click it check out your basket you see adam remove items proceed to check out create stripe checkout sessions proceed fully to your payment process the payments then that's what we did in day three and day four is where the payment processing popped in as well so so much power behind this five day challenge it was by far the biggest i've ever done okay so it's gonna be so much fun right day four is where we did strike payments web hook and database now i know a lot of you who did day four is gonna be it's gonna be tough right i know that i set that as a challenge i didn't wanna make it so easy for everyone so that is an incredible challenge i wanna know right now guys let me know where you guys are kind of you know like where you're at in the challenge right if you're just seeing me for the first time today say it this is my day one otherwise if you're on day five right now hell yeah tell me where you're watching from right this is what we learned we learned some firebase some react.js some next.js some redux okay some tailwind css webhooks nextsource.js fakestore api and stripe right incredibly powerful technologies here all learned in the space of one week that's insane we just pushed over 100 likes on youtube that's crazy right this is so much fun guys everyone's saying uh arjuna says day four was so difficult yes but tanu says day four was almost done nice jm ninja actually went ahead and conquered it and i thought he deployed it and same with manwa now guys i didn't expect to get this many homework submissions right but 1500 plus we got throughout this challenge that's so hard to digest i don't think you understand that is huge and all of you absolutely killed it for day four right the ones of you those of you who pushed through and done it incredible incredible work so much love throughout this challenge so if you guys can see all the appreciation that you guys are sending through i always read it thank you so much alex it's the goat thank you so much amazing stuff andy b i see you dude samit what a legend he always tunes in and then we have so many more amazing faces guys here's the prizes for this challenge the 10 000 prize for okay so don't worry if you didn't make it to the end of the challenge you're still in it guys the whole point of this entire challenge was to learn something new now comment right now if you learned something new throughout this challenge and if you are here today for the first time you're about to learn so much information so get ready get your coffees ready and we're gonna keep on killing them first place prize was a free diamond mentorship second place prize was a three winners of a platinum boot camp experience and third place was 10 winners get 50 off the platinum boot camp experience inside of zero to full stack hero now guys we couldn't honestly crunch the numbers in time it's so many people competed with this challenge and i didn't expect that many people to make it to day four but you did right even some of you didn't even post it in facebook which i was amazed about you just humbly posted your homework so guys i want to say we had to extend it we had to extend so that way we could give everyone a fair chance and figure out who actually deserves first second and third place there are 15 winners available so keep an eye on your inboxes because we're going to be shooting you an email calling you i'll be personally calling you jumping on a call with you and then we're going to go ahead and give you these prizes but don't worry because i have a prize for every single person today okay and everyone is going to be a winner inside of this challenge as well as the three the three amazing big prizes that we have to give away so do not worry we're going to keep on going meet your instructor for today guys it's your boy papa react right so if you don't know me my name is sunny sanger i made 250 grand with a react by the age of 23. i built 20 plus clones on youtube and leave a comment if you know who i am okay like if you don't if you don't know who i am then you know that's cool get to know me today it's all good and don't worry nobody is late here right denise says i learned a ton thank you juliana says i was dreaming to learn firebase and stripe and this thing blew my mind jake sue says all this is new to me and i learned a ton jordan says never used any of the technology before a little bit of react natasha says i learned a lot that's what i'm talking about guys that's the kind of positivity we need inside of this place right now now jay's going to be answering your questions inside of crowdcast so feel free to go ahead and ask questions and things like that now guys i'm going to show you how i was able to make 250k in the space of a couple of years as i went from junior all the way up and i'll show you a few secrets so you can do the same thing okay now guys let's go let's talk about the ultimate full stack road map to your six figure dream job how many of you would love to get a developer job comment right now saying me i would love to get a job as a developer right now comment in the comment section let me know and again thank you so much for tuning in everyone i can see all your amazing comments across platforms right now and this is incredible guys thank you so much right so how to make money as a full stack developer well the first thing that you need to do guys is learn react right now trust me when i say this it's not just as simple as learning react i'm going to break it down there are fundamentals behind it which form up to the point of learning react but learning react is going to make you a career that i promise you will be fruitful we have so many people saying yes i want to change my life i want to get a job michael gurges ali alex nisha rahul we have matt larsen manwa we have so many people arjun and it's coming through a little bit delayed on crowdcasters and crazy stuff alonso this is amazing guys this is amazing jordan says hell yeah she goes ahead says i hate working at audi don't worry that's what we do we work hard and we get to this point so where we can keep on pushing look at the response we're getting today guys incredible stuff right anthony says i would love to have a job as a developer right so why am i pushing react on you okay why why why why this the most popular language uh most popular framework okay and it's powered by javascript javascript is the most popular language at the moment right 69 that's not even close okay to the other ones so you can see you've got python java and i always get a question of sonny what should i learn right sarah what's up welcome and it's good to see you in the house guys right right now like it's it's not a question of should i learn python java look at javascript there is a king at the top right now right you want to be learning what is in demand so go for it same thing with the react you can see it's just it's just like crapping on the rest of them you want to learn the thing that's in demand top companies i mean does anyone recognize any of these companies i sure as hell do this is netflix amazon we built those two airbnb cloudflare uber who knows maybe there's an uber clone coming soon okay so this is what we want to be learning react for okay so let's talk about some quick stats okay some quick stats about why we love react firstly why do we love it the components the virtual dom performance simplicity reusability now i know if you're new to react you're probably wondering what the heck is this guy talking about right well i'm gonna simplify it do not worry and like i said guys the stats are like that's proof in the pudding right the community 56 000 used by 8 000 plus industry leaders it's absolutely crushing it it's one of the most highly searched google terms on google so right now highly such google terms but there you go there you can see it right now react is way at the top right absolutely killing him right github stats killing it so what is possible with react what can you build with a react okay like if you have never used it before you're probably wondering i don't know what i can actually do with react so why should i bother investing my time into this new tech that he's preaching about well let me show you okay so this is just an example of what you can do you can build snapchat right you can build a linkedin like application right imessage you can build whatsapp you can build google you can build hulu and of course you can build amazon right all with the power of react and this is no joke because all of these videos are currently available on youtube for absolutely free right so obviously if you haven't already checked out go ahead and check it out because that's going to be a massive win for you guys completely free okay so matt larson says i finished the netflix front end yesterday that's awesome dude giovanni says will you also be teaching about data structures and algorithms we actually had an amazing success coach called inside of xerox full stack hero so yes we do i'm going to explain a little bit more about that in a bit okay guys what does a full stack developer even mean though right so i always throw this word around and we're going to get into this training right now okay so what does it mean to be a full stack let's talk about the front end right so full stack consists of front end and back end so front end first right this is basically the beautiful parts of the application the thing that the user is gonna see so this breaks down into three fundamentals html css and javascript right you're gonna need to nail down on these fundamentals they are crucial if you ever want to go ahead and pick up a react okay so as you can see html css javascript over here then you get these different frameworks that you can use it with so you might have heard of react js angular let me know if you've heard of any of these right testing and debugging is also covered in the front end you can use different testing techniques this is a very highly sought after skill so you can see the average base salary inside the us is 106 k that's actually incredibly high that's that's amazing right now i can promise you i didn't even start at 106k i started on 25 000 pounds as my first developer position but i'm going to show you why today you shouldn't care about that initial salary and why you should just go ahead and get to that job so you can follow a form of mentorship and i'm going to explain all of this very soon but i'm going to show you how you can quickly elevate from that 23 or 25 starting position all the way up to 100 plus and guys i've done it a few times so honestly you can do this as well okay now front developer job opportunities right front end developer so many different jobs right you can check indeed glassdoor you probably have heard about some of these things right so some of these things are massively um they're they're massively popular job recruitment sites so definitely go ahead and check that one out now is anyone hungry right now if you let me know right now and you're watching this because it's midday over in the uk is anyone you know a bit hungry right now because i'm going to explain this in a way that i think will make a lot of sense right welcome to the full stack burger right so think of you know full stack development right as different layers okay so we've got react which is the front end that's the top layer right that's what the user is going to see right so this is the the top of the burger right you've got html right that's the tomato that's what keeps you know the structure of your burger together so that's basically how you lay out you know where does the text go on a web page where does the picture go and so forth the css is the cheese right it's what gives it the flavor it's what makes netflix look like netflix it's what made google look like google it's the you know it's what gives it that little kind of finishing touch you put a little bit of cheese in there and it kind of adds in and then the final bit of meat inside of the application the brains of your application is javascript okay so this burger and then comment right now if that burger's making you hungry it's making me hungry right now okay but that is the meat of the application right and then underneath all of that the thing that supports everything that's the back end that's node.js in our case right so node.js is the back end and as you can see react sits on the top that's the front end and node.js is what not everyone sees it but it does a big important job imagine you're having burgers without that bottom bun everything's gonna fall apart right so hopefully you're not too hungry now but that's an important concept about full stack development redux is like a layer on the top right and it surrounds everything so you can see it overhangs and the perfect thing about redox is it's a global store now we did use redux in this build we used it in the amazon build explanation everyone's saying damn crazy explanation i'm gonna eat now sorry about that if i made you hungry but yeah uh dan astrillo says currently eating a burger from burger king might as well imagine my cheeseburger like that exactly natasha says vegan meat you know whatever is your flavor you can do it here okay so this is another visualization right if that one didn't quite hit the spot imagine you're a restaurant right you're you're looking through the menu that's the user experience right that's the front end right so the user goes on to your application they kind of you know interact with it they're gonna open up uber you know go ahead and try and find a driver and go to their sort of destination right and then what happens once you like you know you say i want to order a cheeseburger i want to get some fries and you give that to who you give that to the waiter the waiter is what we call like an api it's the communication between the front and the back end right this is the guy or girl that goes back and forth from the table to the kitchen and makes things happen now the kitchen is where the cooking happens right this is where the back end sort of you know the magic happens without the kitchen you're not going to get any juicy meals right uber is not going to be able to get get you attached to your rider that's not going to work out well right your users are going to be pissed off and that's the exact same way it works in a restaurant so that's a very nice way of thinking about it right now that middle man can be replaced uh just not you can't it can it might not just be an api you can also use something like graphql and all this other tech but there you go okay jordan says sonny gotta come up to leeds i know a crazy good burger joint uh 100 dude i'm down so guys it's never too late to start learning okay i want to stress this so much we have 300 people already on um youtube and we have a thousand six hundred on crowd cost that's insane right so guys this is what i like to kind of you know illustrate to some of my new students so get used to looking at code as your first starting point right now you're probably wondering what the hell does that mean it means the first time you look at code it's very scary right it's very scary you have no idea what you're even looking at right so keep on getting used to just staring at some code right i know it sounds stupid but you're gonna start to notice patterns you're gonna start to notice oh that's what a variable looks like oh that's what this does and oh that's a function and you're going to start seeing things a bit more right cameron says when will the doors open for the course it will open today at the end of this video stay tuned brother right then i want you to go ahead and pick up some work work on some side projects work on practical applications but i'm going to go ahead and show you how we can do all this in just a sec now guys like i mentioned we teach everything inside of our community so the basics so the html css javascript all the way up the stack so you're gonna learn the entire burger inside of our course right so this is zero to four stack hero and we're opening the doors today just hold on right hold on it's gonna be worth the wait i have an exclusive surprise for everyone that is here today and is the biggest damn exclusive just offer we have ever done and i can't wait to show you guys right full stack devs here's their sort of earning potential 97k you know it varies it can go up it can go down but what i would say is don't worry about you know chasing the full stack straight away go for the front end right get a front end position then kind of move into the back end and move your way around but like i said loads of job opportunities over here too indeed glassdoor respected websites that we trust let's get into some technical great degree right html what the heck is html it's where wait so basically you're going to need to all right it's how you form a web page together right so we have a blank canvas we have a web page on the screen right now where does the text go where does an image go where can i put in a heading and things like that that's html it's the basics the absolute fundamentals don't over complicate this bit right don't try and go into metadata and head tags and start tweaking everything thinking you need to know every little bit don't worry about it just get get a page right put some information on it add a picture move on right and then kind of come back and iterate and get better and better slowly slowly right css this is where you add in the cheese right this is where you make the website sort of you know look look at the part right if without css it would just look like crap it would look like a blank piece of paper right which is white with a bit of text on that's rubbish css is how we make google look like google is how we make netflix look like netflix and the main concepts here are things like flexbox responsive design which we did cover inside the amazon build media queries and things like tail and css right this is where you can crush your css and level up into a new like sort of a new territory right then we've got javascript this is the most probably the most important part okay this is where you just need to master the fundamentals like i said we cover the fundamentals inside zero to four stack hero but this is things like data types functions what the heck is es6 and year 7 right somebody just said css is the makeup that's great that's a great analogy it's a good way of looking at it a very nice way of looking at it dude right dom manipulation scope what is a fetch api what is asynchronous stuff these are all important things that you should learn okay now don't rush to react learn this stuff you know nail it down it's like building a house and the bricks are just soft right it's just gonna crumble if your foundations aren't solid right so let's go ahead and make sure we got all of that down now that's where react comes in once you've got them that like fundamentals nailed in this is where you want to go ahead and learn some react so i'm going to break down react to you a little bit and explain this a bit more right so react it consists of something called components components as you can see on the screen right now it think of a web page and you just break it apart right so if you've got like a profile picture you've got a header banner you've got some products on your page that's what you can think about in terms of react components okay so guys we're almost at 200 likes that's the crazy stuff i see somebody's confused on promises all it takes is practice right so adele says sunny's example game is fire thank you so much dude so like i said component based design this is a website pretty much split up into components you've got a hero you've got two columns a side a main and nav bar at the top the beautiful thing about components is you can reuse them right so why write a product once and copy and paste it several times when i can write a product component once and then i can reuse the product component and change something called the properties of that component so that way it can just be reused and then the best part is if i change the styling of it it changes everywhere that it's used i don't have to go over to some you know hard-coded copy and text value it just works right so as we can see here it can be broken down we've got header image section footer features blog posts and as you guys saw we did this inside the netflix challenge right so we went ahead the amazon challenge sorry we had the header over here we had the products we had the banner all of this good stuff we went ahead and built in those five amazing days right so like we said class-based components and functional now if you are learning some react you're probably gonna run into this at one point so i might as well just address the elephant in the room right what should you learn class-based or functional like and if you don't even know what that means don't worry it's all right it's part of the journey but you're gonna come into two things right you're going to come into this sort of class based component verse functional kind of battle that comes into play right now the thing is you need to know both right class-based components they use an es6 way of learning a basically about how to create a component it's like the longer way of creating a component and it was the first very important it was the first way of creating a component so that's important the second way is functional components this is what we call functional programming it's way it's the way the market is moving towards right now and this is something which i'd definitely recommend that you you pick up because when you're building something new you should be using the functional components now i'm going to show you inside the course inside zero to full stack here how you can go ahead and change class based components into functional that's really important because say you go over to a company you can't just assume them to have the latest and greatest tech right you need to go in and get ready and be prepared to look at some old tech and say to them i can actually upgrade your stack here and make it functional components then you get value added to your sort of proposition you can charge more that's that's going to work out a lot better for you right there's two fundamentals in react called state and props the first one that we're going to talk about is props right now props are something which are read-only making it simpler simple imagine we had a product component that i want to reuse 50 times right i don't i shouldn't have to go ahead and copy and paste it like i said so we can we can change the properties that we pass to a component and that's going to allow us to reuse that component several times an example of this is here where we have the products right so this is the same component i just changed the props and as you can see it renders out a different uh a different uh outcome okay the next one is state state is that like a short-term memory right so every single individual component can have its own kind of short-term memory that's what we refer to as state it's crucial for individual sort of things that you've got you're going to come up in and run up to when you're sort of working and react for example the state of the sort of you know the search bar how can i get the text from the search bar well i can tap into some state and then this search bar now exists inside like that variable exists and i can use it okay so very important stuff that we can do now you probably heard me say what like redux a few times in this challenge now if you don't know what redux is i'm gonna break it down a little bit for you right it's basically a data layer now in apps like amazon where we have at the ability to add to basket if we didn't have something like redux which is basically a global store right so imagine here's our application and around our application we have a global store which we can pull and shoot variables into okay then how like that's going to be extremely useful right if you don't have that how the hell do you keep track of what's a basket what's like how you couldn't you you can do it but you're going to result in something called prop drilling you don't want to do prop drilling because your app will turn into a state like this right it'll be a bit of a headache and um what's it called it'll give you a bit of a headache and you just don't want to get into that position okay so jay's going to go ahead and interact with you guys right now in the chat and answer i can see loads of questions being popping off so i need you him to go ahead and do that right now redux is basically a global sort like i said right it's going to be able to access all those components that we're going to build throughout our application and you can use it so the number one reason to be honest with you why you need to learn redux is because it is essentially something which is used in pretty much every production app so you don't want to skip out on redux it's just very very important honestly i would say you should not kind of consider it something small i'd really take time to go ahead and learn it redux overview here i'm not going to go into this too much but this is basically what we did inside of the amazon challenge you can check out day three of the challenge to go ahead and actually see how a redux works and how we can remove and add items to the basket like so and actually fetch the information from the basket okay so you're gonna need redux because it turns your app into a beast mode application you can do crazy things like a basket functionality and more complicated stuff as you kind of get to know and move on right so this is something which i'd 100 recommend that you do and as i said guys you're gonna be able to learn all of this in one place and that's a zero to four stack hero again we're opening the doors extremely soon okay now let's quickly talk about back end right so i talked about front end but what the hell is back end now right back end salaries obviously they'll be a little bit higher if you're just a solemn back-end developer it's because it tends to be a little bit more logical focus right front end you can see what you're doing you're building a website you're kind of painting out the website and so forth right and then this has again a huge number of jobs you probably recognize some of these languages most of them are back-end languages you've got things like ruby a javascript you've got java python c sharp c plus plus now let me know if anyone knows what any of these are or if you have any experience with any of this stuff right here okay give me one second guys let's carry on and um let's go on to the next page now how do you get started with learning all this stuff youtube okay don't get it twisted i know there's so many like you know places out there where they say you know you have to go to university and this and that you don't have to go to university and do all these additional things you can learn a lot of this on youtube and i teach you guys how to do a lot of this in the builds but you do need a place where you can step up a little bit more and kind of push your skill set okay so i can see natasha saying js javascript express um we've got anthony saying python awesome stuff erica saying java four years i love that j actually coded in python before douglas ruby jm ninja php arjun python and c plus plus amazing stuff this is really cool rasul says js and python love that guys right and again join the community now i don't know if you guys found it useful but i think you definitely did when you got stuck in this challenge how nice was it to have a place to go ahead and share your problems with right so that was the that's the main reason i've i've created the zero to full stack hero community because how much better is it that when you're not alone you're not just sending messages to a stack overflow community and then feeling dumb for it because let's be true we've all been there right like everyone feels stupid when you send a message to stack overflow but you shouldn't right this is why i always push a community fill it's a very important part of you know succeeding as a developer and shortcutting yourself right and again you might end up in a place called tutorial hell and this is something which i recommend how do you beat it right i i recommend you follow tutorials but then what happens if you fall into a place where you just feel like you're copying all the time right well there's one simple answer to that and that is pretty much going ahead and nailing the fundamentals okay so if you start nailing your javascript fundamentals your html your css i promise you this it's going to prevent this you know this kind of headache that you get into where you feel like you're just a copycat right and you feel like you can't actually code anything for yourself the minute you start diving into those fundamentals i promise you you're going to start seeing yourself have a lot more kind of um a lot more kind of you know benefits and push forward okay so let's go ahead and continue on guys but like we talked all about this tech right but how do you make money from it right so obviously we always we all want to live that lifestyle where we can be you know financially free and kind of push ourselves and just you know live the life that we want so how do i make money with all this skill that i've mentioned before the first way is teaching okay so teaching and coaching this is the first thing that i recommend that you should go ahead and absolutely crush it with all right so quick little quick little water break before we carry on but let me know what is your favorite part if you've ever actually taught someone coding let me know right now alonso says i think i'm in tutorial how cybernet says tutorial is worse than hell itself exactly dude um let's check out some of these nice all right let's have a look at this jay uh please moderate the chat as well in um check this out nice let's carry on all right so now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and talk about your stream of income in the for the first one to three months while you are learning javascript okay so make sure you go ahead and and listen and pay attention right now okay so this is only gonna apply if you're a hard worker right it does not matter if you you know like if you've take a hundred courses if you're not working hard or you know you're sitting on youtube writing comments and negative and things like that you can screw yourself right you're not gonna ever get far enough to actually get that six-figure sort of you know six-figure salary okay but if you want to go ahead and push yourselves then cut the negativity out put the work in and stop complaining right the second thing is teaching javascript to students who are one level behind you or learning so there's an important rule called the one-third rule you should spend a third of your time teaching someone else who's on a level below yours you should spend a third of your time on people on your level so like a community kind of fill and a third of your time should be with a mentor who is one level or you know kind of a few steps above you so that way you can go ahead and get the best of all of these different sort of directions okay so a very important stuff right here right but how do you do that okay so let's go ahead and jump into an example so typically if you have a student right and i'm actually going to go ahead and explain this one myself without the slides right if you've got a student i recommend you teach them for free right so join a community start teaching a student and teach them for absolutely free right then imagine you start teaching one student for ten dollars per hour right if you start teaching them once a week even that's forty dollars an hour from one student just for an hour of your time every week just for 10 bucks so it's gonna be cheap for them it's gonna be profitable for you and you can quickly stack this up let's say you just took out one hour of your day and you taught a student every day for ten dollars right that's gonna times everything by five okay so that's going to be a massive kind of you know a push in your in terms of your personal income and loads of people make up excuses they kind of you know they say like you know i don't have the abilities i don't have the facilities to do this stuff everyone can if you need to go ahead and find students to coach facebook groups instagram yzant is a great place take lessons again people per hour craigslist upwork fiverr linkedin and so many more available out there right but i would really recommend linkedin i've had a great success with linkedin and it's definitely a place where i would recommend you can really honestly solidly land a gig and to the point where honestly i've actually sort of mentored a 14 year old inside of our course called pre-entry and he's killing it when it comes to linkedin so that's something that i would recommend right it doesn't matter about your age and things like that okay number two freelancing okay some of the top freelancing sites you can go ahead and sign up to right now just make a website as a make a profile on these websites okay so fiverr up work top tool simply hired people per hour acronym crowded creative group freelancer i bet like tell me right now which one of these you recognize right if you don't recognize any of those you should go ahead and kind of push yourself maybe a bit more right joseph says the problem is that they're all in the us so dude linkedin linkedin is not only in the us it's available worldwide and trust me when i say it works it really works don't cold call that's the problem don't cold call with a copy and paste the message that's what most people do and they try and go send it out to you know 300 people how many of us have got those recruiter messages and we hate it because we know it's sent out to a billion other people right we don't like that stuff so don't do it okay so that's going to be something prashun said he just submitted the ford delay for homework that's awesome man good to see that jm india says fiverr but for not for france i use a moat.fr so if anyone's in france right now you can go ahead and check that out erica says upwork nice this is great jay sayer says upwork arjun says fiverr and freelancer and linkedin nice jake sue says up work see a lot of people get success over that time number three the permanent job okay this isn't gonna be the one that gives you most probably the most stability so if you're looking for stability in your day-to-day career or your day-to-day life then i would there is no harm in getting the job okay and i would say this is actually the place you should probably try and aim for in the beginning because you're going to be surrounded by developers from nine to five right you're gonna have mentorship from nine to five by all your colleagues by your manager this is why i try and push someone to go ahead and put like go further okay so let's go ahead and do this um j i'm not sure what you're talking about there so let's go ahead and this is a sort of illustration i love to show right so when you're starting off this is what we call the modern javascript developer pyramid of wealth right so when you're starting off the first thing i say is just learn don't worry about the money forget the money okay so don't worry about the money learn the technical coding skills to become a javascript developer that's going to be your primary focus okay the next thing you want to do is begin coaching like i said you can pick up all of these people from different groups from linkedin from all these other things and i teach all of our students how to do this to the point where a lot of our students inside the community have their own students that they teach okay so that's incredibly important to learn how to do and again you can start uh doing this within one to three months after you start learning and you can build a solid income of 3k a month right i've done that honestly i've actually done that personally freelancing is where you step it up a little bit more okay so this is where you can go ahead and you land your own clients this is where you can put yourself out there to say i am available to go ahead and build your website for you start with small gigs and then kind of step up a little bit more right whether it's crowdcast or whether it's youtube let me know right now how many of you are where you're from and where you're actually doing freelancing gigs for other people like if you're in the states and you're doing gigs for someone over in the uk if you're doing if you're in india and you're doing it for someone over in um you know like it could be anywhere asia like just let me know right now what you're doing and who you've worked for and i think that can help everyone out the final one is the job okay and now you notice this stacks right this actually stacks on top of each other it's not like exclusive you don't just you can't just it's not just a case if you can teach but you can't have a job no you can stack this up to one point i was coaching i had a freelancing gig and i had a full-time job nine to five and this is pretty much how i was able to get to that point of crushing it with the 250 right so make sure that that is how you can do it you snack this up on top of each other and this you can push your total income potential to 15k a month easily you can do that right i never used to believe this i always kind of used to see it and i would be you know i'd kind of be skeptical as to who was telling me this i would always kind of think like you know i don't know if if this is possible or if this person is telling me and it's crap but now it's become a regular and to the point where i'm like everyone over complicates this way too much right it becomes such a scary thing that we just don't do because we think it's too hard and you don't want to do that right you want to keep on kind of you know believing this system trust me it does work okay um so we've got natasha says most of them awesome stuff that's amazing right so comment in the chat right so what can money making money as a developer help you achieve let me know right now is it financial stability and freedom is it supporting your family what is your why you need to have a why because when you're debugging things get really hard you can't just quit okay is it having more time to spend with your loved ones maybe you don't like a nine to five maybe you want a freelance or is it something else right let me know right now i'm gonna start going ahead and shouting out your whys this is gonna be crucial for your success as a developer because debugging does get hard right and then at those times you pull on your why and your why is what gets you through it so we've got alex says family support kjs says supporting my family michael says everything above we've got kishore says financial stability it's financial stability uh techmaster says is becoming a full stack developer worth it please yes one hundred percent um nancy says supporting my family shahid says financial help yapki kang says freedom i love that one because honestly for me it is freedom as well i just wanted freedom i wanted to do my own thing right over on crowdcast we've got gayatri says um financial independence jsu says financial freedom this is what i'm talking about guys this is amazing i love to see this mono says financial freedom and guys i hope to god like i there's so many of you talented people that did this challenge and i i see your builds and i'm like you don't understand your value yet right the fact that you can build what you built in this challenge is gonna like that should show you that you can push this skill set if there is there is no limit now right that's why i pushed day four to be really hard because i wanted you guys to push your skills i wanted you to you know go ahead and and go and push it to the next level johnny says get rich exactly you know there's nothing wrong with that that's completely cool right and me jordan says i want to be able to work anywhere in the world that's i love that one jm ninja says freedom to work from anywhere where there is an internet connection 100 and before the whole coronavirus situation i actually went ahead and was coding up in on my flight to the caribbean so that's incredible with the guys we had a holiday i took my laptop it's so much fun right you can do all of this stuff so i was going to give you an example of jimmy right so let's do it right let's meet jimmy he has zero coding experience this is how jimmy can make 100k quickly okay so let me know your comments right now as you what you think he can do to help him out but let's imagine right now this from yesterday let's imagine jimmy right now starts from the beginning right so this is his zero point and this is 100k point okay and we're gonna have a timeline here of what jimmy is doing right so i'm gonna go ahead and actually use a nice timeline let's go ahead and put a straight line okay so jimmy starts at the you know at this point and he wants to get to 100k right so what can jimmy do right so he has no javascript experience at this point he's absolutely a newcomer okay and this is not yeah this is this is this is jimmy fallon right here so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and say this is the one month mark okay so this is one month into jimmy's career and let me go ahead and actually make that a nicer color right now it's a horrible color what is that let's go ahead and say this is one month into jimmy's javascript learning career now i would say focus your full effort of time learning here okay so you want to just go ahead and learn at this point spend all of this time learning in one month if you dedicate all of your time to learning no excuses we all have jobs we all have you know things to do you need to focus on the learning so this is going to be your one month mark after that right between the times of between the sort of you know one to three month mark right it's a one to three month then you're going to want to go ahead and start coaching okay so like i said you want to go ahead and start coaching you can even you know hell you can even start freelancing if you want to right and the problem is that people don't do this is they get too scared they always say you know they're always like i don't i'm not good enough yeah or how many times have you heard someone else say yeah i'm just learning i'm not good enough yet you know right so this is something that i want you to go ahead and focus on coaching and freelancing right now jordan says signing up for artwork as we speak amazing stuff see that's what i want action my action from you guys right now so this is the one month one to three month mark and at this point you could be probably making you know if you really really push i'm going to be realistic here but let's just say 5k but you could easily definitely push 5k if you've got coaching and freelancing and you're pushing it to the right where you just need a good mentor right the three to six month mark coaching and freelance is going to give you one hell of a portfolio plus the one we did and plus the clones that you should be building during your learning phase is gonna give you a chance to land a job so and after three months you can easily 100 and i'm saying it with confidence you can land a job at this point okay do not worry about the salary at this point let's say jimmy's on a 26k salary okay so at this point it's 26k and this is the six month mark okay so you're on a 6k salary here you're adding on 5k that's around 30k already okay so you're making about 30k after six months and again you're probably wondering this i'm putting in all this work and i'm not seeing the six figures yet right don't worry keep on pushing because when you're in your job you're gonna have full full-time mentorship okay this is when you have full-time mentorship and you're gonna be pretty much having a manager you can have colleagues they're gonna be teaching you stuff all the time now this is where i would say if you combine that with somewhere like zero to four seconds a community where you can go ahead and have coaching calls lessons pushing your skill set every single day right then it is definitely possible from six years six months to 12 months over here this is a span of six months if you're if you're working super hard for those six months and you're taking freelancing gigs every single month in this gap i kid you not you can kill it guys yeah let's say every single month you made an additional 5k from freelancing okay 5k times by 6 is what that's 30k right so and if i please say i didn't get that wrong right but it's 30k right so you've got 30k and then what you can do is um wait a second i got that wrong i'm when i'm live it's super freaky i know it's take it let's take it we're good all right so it's uh 5k freelancing for every single month is 30k okay so you've got 26k plus 30k so plus another 5k that's already 61khz right if you're taking on freelancing still doing your coaching and you're working okay so this is where you can go ahead and push at this point after 12 months you're at a rough sort of package of around 61k okay at this point you simply just level your skill set up you get more mentorship you can take on the bigger freelancing gigs you can get a promotion and i will teach you inside the course i teach everyone how i'm an aggressive pusher when it comes to pushing for a salary pushing for a higher raise pushing for that good stuff it's not hard then to push from 61 to 100k right so your job salary if this thing simply increased to 45k which for me it did right i pushed in my first job uh from 23 within seven months right which is crazy right so i was on 45k after seven months so at that point you've got 81k or yeah roughly around 81k and then guys it's only the 20k cap gap and then and then and i say only but trust me when you start getting into a freelancing flow this is 100 possible okay and you can push this as far as you want okay don't keep overthinking it just do it right and then you can be like jimmy and like that's there's probably a real smile behind that right but he's making a hundred grand and the thing is once you get good enough your skill set goes up you charge more for it because you become more of a talent more value you can be given and you can kind of go into the more deeper territories right now you guys all tell me right now in the comments what value of money would be enough to make you live a happy life because it's not about the six figure right and the whole point is everyone chases the six figure but really the question is is what is the golden number to give you a happy life let me know in the comments right now and that's going to be something which is super important that will kind of take you that long way right guys it's time though for your your free surprise okay so this is the one if you've registered to this webinar and you're excited then this is the free prize for you that i promised you that we're gonna go ahead and give away right now okay so give it a second i'm going to go ahead and get this so if you notice this off there we go let's go ahead and get the music up a bit more okay so what is your free surprise guys if anyone went ahead and you know joined this challenge was coding along with me you know that it can get boring when you're coding right it can get super boring but what makes it not boring is the vibe that you have behind you right the vibe you have behind you the sort of focus the concentration there's something in the background that's getting you hyped up to keep on going forward right even right now everyone's kind of getting pumped up i can see all the money figures coming in by the way so 100k someone's after 200k you've got to put the music in and then you can put that work in and then you can do it right jm ninja says a burger 100 love that right so guys the free prize i want to give everyone the free surprise to everyone is after this webinar ends i'm going to be emailing everyone a link to the updated pop-up fam playlist so all the tunes that you guys are listening to throughout the builds you're going to get a link to the playlist and it's going to be a completely free playlist you can go ahead and jump in use it as you want go ahead and mess around with it you know and it's going to be this is my personal playlist whenever i'm building my clones or doing anything that is going to be completely available for you to have right it's a completely free updated proper fam playlist right so this is all the tunes that you hear when we're live all that good stuff so i hope you guys love that as a free surprise for anyone who has gone ahead and registered for this right now okay but that's not all guys okay that is not all we're doing for you today right who thinks it's time to open the doors to the flagship product right who wants to open the doors to zero to full stack hero now why the hell should you join this right is it another udemy course is it another you know course that's being sold to me no it's not it's not just a normal typical course that you're seeing it's completely different and we're actually going to be speaking to some of the members today and anyone who joins today i'm going to be bringing them live on a call and speaking to them as well but this is why you should join the papa fam and straight after that i'm going to be announcing a massive surprise and then we're going to go ahead and open the doors okay so get ready if you want to learn any of this tech right you want to learn javascript react redux node.js firebase typescript express mongodb graphql you know all this good stuff if you want to learn this then you need a lifetime membership somewhere where you know you're going to get this consistently delivered to you okay like because we've all been there right we've all bought a course and we just kind of you know left it right how many udemy courses do we i have tons i've just never gone gone past the first you know a few sessions and just kind of forgotten about it you need someone where you can have full stack training right so this is mentorship all the time like i said being in a job is great because you get that full-time mentorship but if you're not in the job and you're still at that learning phase how can you push yourself a bit further up you know how can you go ahead and go ahead still have a mentor like if your guys are sitting here watching this right now but how can you get a mentor right how can you get somebody that you can go ahead and mentor because it's not easy when you don't have a job to find a mentor everyone says it but it's kind of tough to go ahead and do it right we have a weekly coaching course every week i deliver a single week in on wednesdays i deliver a coaching call and for the diamond members every fortnight is going to be two coaching calls right so that's incredible stuff and we go through everything we go through all sorts of new tech all sorts of old tech the redux stuff we go through all the hot like really difficult stuff we go through interview prep we go through all of this stuff and we celebrate our wins together as a community and on top of that the success coaches are now in there which is incredible i'm going to explain what success coaches are in just a second but we have an exclusive slack community discord and everything that you're going to need to know to go from zero to making your first pound dollar rupee whatever you want to do as a full stack developer okay and yes it is lifetime access once you join okay these are all the content backs that are inside of zero to full stack hero immediately when you jump in we've got react basics available web dev essentials we are popping in every single week straight after this challenge we've already got the first week available and then every single course you see right here is part of the offer that we're going to be giving today okay so if you join today you're going to be able to get lifetime access so the minute i release this the extra sort of content inside this course you'll get that for life right you get the community access you get the modules you get everything for life right it's not going to go anywhere so this is different stuff right and then again like i said we have the weekly coaching this in itself guys i charge quite high amounts for one-on-one coaching but what this is crazy value because we do guess how long these coaching calls are they are not simply they are not simply just you know like 45 minutes an hour no we go hard for three four hours every single week three to four hours every week i'm directly answer asking uh answering your questions on the zoom call it's a group it's incredibly honestly it's huge and we've already got 50 hours of content everything that was we've already done has been recorded and added to the course okay and like i said success coaches are now running calls on every friday we have a student area so you as a student can even upload your own content and we like i said diamond members are gonna get every fortnight an additional call samuel says guys diamond membership is one of the best things you can invest in your life see it as a life investment i can i couldn't agree more with you dude and i'm going to be bringing on loads of our members very shortly okay uh if you add six uh success coaches call them six day okay yeah 100 now check this out guys let's hear from some of the papa fam themselves okay so this is just egg singh this is one of my students who literally got into the proper film i think it was during the netflix challenge he landed a 50 000 year job right there's a 50 000 a year contract absolutely crushed it and then during a coaching call i talked about freelancing and how you can push your freelancing portfolio and guys he took it even further and landed another 50k contract in a freelancing world so that he reached that six figure mark so absolute massive props off to you um just tech and he's actually on the website right now you can see him for yourself if he's available today i'm going to get him on the call but 100 guys and this is sylvester this sylvester joined after the previous challenge and it was completely awesome like he said the normal course is just recorded content when i joined it there were people welcoming me i got lots of groups that's the difference that's next level right this is a community it's irreplaceable right now you guys saw when you get stuck it doesn't matter if you've got you know oh just egg is actually calling me right now let me go ahead and answer this right now wow you know what just tech hold the line i'm going to call you right after in just a second wow just take it literally he's watching this right now he's hyped up just like i'm going to call you back in just a second once we go ahead and open the doors that's cool man i'm i'm you're going to be my first caller okay and luke joined the papa fam right after the netflix challenge he says the way you teach the support you give the community that the pub farm is now it's really fantastic such a great flat platform to take my developments goes to the next level and land myself a job luke i think is available actually as well today so that's going to be awesome as well guys so this is really incredible stuff and if you're on the fence this is ben ben is one of our favorite members inside the papa firm amazing dude right he landed a 35 hour 35 an hour contract and guys guess what its position was a team leader right this is not fake this is actual messages from our slack community our slack community is awesome these are real people this is real results and you can see what you're what you're looking at right we don't it doesn't need to be said any more than that but this is jonathan says my english is bad can i learn 100 this is fully international we break it down and we explain it no matter who is you know with us we get results guys carl jacob sam everyone goes ahead and messages me you know when they go crazy whether it's instagram whether it's slack this is amazing stuff guys jordan says i need to clear my own business don't worry dude you're going to want to hold on to that thought and check what we have today okay just see what we have today and then it's going to go ahead and pop off right and guys like i said we also introduced right we also introduced success coaches in the papa fam now yes brandon said a good point he goes you can upgrade once you're in yes if you join as a platinum member and you want you know you really like it you want to go ahead and upgrade to diamond 100 you can do that right and we go ahead and just transfer your membership over so don't worry okay now check this one out the success coaches they're ready to help any community members when they're stuck we have about 25 success coaches right now they do weekly coaching calls on the fridays as well so it's not just me coaching you it's these other you know success amazing success coaches data structure and algorithms covered everything inside of those calls have they have their own dedicated success coach now so if you want to be a success coach and you have what it takes you can go ahead and become a member of a success coach too okay so this is some of their amazing work so you can see whenever the community gets stuck we can see that for example here's kevin giving some feedback gave advice and encouragement to a member of the papa fam you see he they reached out to kevin the success coach he was able to help them out and get them past the issue that they were stuck on this is what we're talking about guys mom says do you get this kind of price from transferring platinum to diamond don't worry you can definitely go ahead and upgrade and we'll just carry over the cost so don't worry dude nice blender master says really getting excited for the project hell yeah that's what we're talking about guys the puppet fam community is fire it's dedicated slacking discord channels daily tech news right so on the tech channel i personally post daily news i have rss feeds which pull in every single day so you don't even need to kind of you know check the news for coding anymore we give it to you inside of a slack channel automated everything works weekly newsletters every single wednesday success coaches are always going to willing to help you and me you can slack me directly if you're gonna chat to me you can chat to me inside this course and most importantly guys we have a meme channel we have a meme channel right it's a it's a big part of keeping sane while you're you know while you're coding it keeps you happy javier says holla what's up man good to see you here that's awesome stuff guys since the last netflix challenge we have had over 100 new members we currently have 300 plus members inside of zero xerox full stack hero so it's incredible we're growing at such a fast rate it the papa 5 is getting bigger and bigger every single day okay guys are you ready for this amazing exclusive surprise okay now guys i've actually made this one incredibly fun and interesting now wait for this one okay now this is really crazy guys dean says money is not a problem i was burned because i bought into the hype dean there is no hype here it's just pure results that's why i'm doing my own thing now that's why i'm doing the papa fam i purely focus on results and actually caring about every single person who joins so if you join i have your back right i promise you i have your back success coaches have your back everyone is gonna be with you through your journey to landing that six-figure salary okay so do not worry and look michael gurges is one of our solid members trust me when i say everyone just see it for yourself right we're gonna be speaking to a lot of the members today okay guys so when i open the doors to this community okay keep the home page loaded right so go to www.pupperreact.com forward slash course and there will be a link at the bottom of the page that will pop up when i change and i activate the discount okay so i'm going to be revealing 100 limited time coupon codes now these are not normal coupon codes they expire right and there's only few of each and they give you huge discounts so when i open the doors it's already gonna be a massive sale i've already slashed off hundreds in terms of pricing so it's the cheapest the course has ever been because i'm listening to you guys i'm gonna help you guys out it's the cheapest it has ever been okay and on top of the discount on top of the sale you have a chance of redeeming one of these limited uh coupon codes okay so the first coupon code is only for the first 10 people and it's papa 75 off remember you can't use this yet until the doors are open the doors will be open and then you will see at the top of the paperreact.com website you will see a banner saying the webinar sale is now live so get ready okay load this up check it out jay check out the website see if it's working let me know if it's if it's you know going to be live soon and this is where we get the party started okay guys the second so once this coupon code expires we have the 50 pounds of coupon code papa 50 or you're gonna get 50 pounds off okay then we have the next one which is 25 fans off and this is for the only for the first 30 people so it's going to be a race okay it's going to be a crazy race and the final one is papa 15 and this is only for the first 40 people okay so just a reminder here are all your limited coupon codes and these are the ones that you want to go ahead and keep ahold of okay guys so remember what i said www.pupperreact.com load up the page get ready to hit refresh because when that page comes onto the screen it's going to go off i'm telling you guys it is going to go absolutely insane okay guys go ahead and get ready for this one jay let me know when we are ready to open on up the doors i just got the go ahead guys we are now live for zero to full stack hero go ahead and check it out guys on the on the screen right now i'm gonna go ahead and show you that button click that button right now if you're watching on crowdcast there is a button that has just dropped at the bottom of your screen saying the webinar sale is now live go ahead and check it out if you're on youtube then you know what to do guys papa react.com forward slash course i'm gonna get jay to upgrade uh to update the description and he can go ahead and check it out now guys go go go check it out okay the doors are open this is your coupon codes i'm gonna go ahead and call them out when people jump in okay this is literally going to be crazy it's going to be first come first served and as those coupon con coupon codes get expired they're not going to work anymore okay so papa 75 to go ahead and get the first coupon code redeemed okay go ahead and check it out guys let's check this out this description has been upgraded so if you're watching on youtube it's the first link in the description and it's gonna go ahead and check it out all right let's see who jumps in first guys oh we just had a payment somebody is trying to jump in right now let me check this out we have what is their name i can check it oh i can't see it oops there we go i can't see it guys it the doors are open right now proper react.com in the meantime i'm going to go ahead and bring people on to speak right now okay so like i said you're gonna get these discount codes up and live check it out guys let me know who is jumping in right now so sarah just dropped the link there we go amazing stuff guys all right now let me know if anyone's having any issue loading the page or anything like that but we are now live path patil says great music awesome stuff dude like i said guys let me go ahead and run through the page right now so it's over at proper react dot com forward slash course and check this out guys we have the course the exclusive cell is now live okay let me go ahead and actually get my music there we are just takes giving me a call right now let me go ahead and answer this right now right this is one of our members right now just tag sing let me go ahead and get him up let me see if he's just egg i can't see you dude just a sec let me connect my camera let's see this yappy king said my payment canceled dude hurry you're gonna miss that discount let's go ahead and hear from one of our students rabbit says if i am sure that i will learn 100 program language is it worth to pay double price i believe that you have really to the best hell yeah dude jump in and join us for sure we just got remember whoa patrick just joined in with papa diamond welcome patrick oh it's amazing here and we also have atlantis so i'm going to go and see oh that is patrick awesome stuff welcome to papa diamond brand new papa diamond member that is incredible right now denise just says i just did it and now scared cause my ears denise let me see if it comes through welcome denise i want to get you guys on a call if possible okay so check this out denise welcome i just saw you join in papa platinum amazing to see you there um majestic how are we looking for the camera brandon hey brandon we just joined papa platinum welcome dude that's it everyone's rolling in uh i can hear an echo dude frank what's up man i could see frank in the chat oh okay we've lost just egg he will be joining in again but like we said guys the exclusive sale is now up right so make sure you redeem check out the coupon codes anastasia she says diamond anastasia are you gonna get that coupon code let's see i hope you do i really do hope you do samuel says welcome anastasia let me see it hasn't come through yet all right let me see oh this is exciting guys this is so exciting to see shubham says dude you're a legend brandon what's up man and let's see okay jay let's start getting people on calls right now let's hear from some of our members right now we've got just egg waiting david says the coupon is not working make sure you're using proper 75 off um in fact they um jay can actually go ahead and share it right now in the in the crowdcast j share the magic link in crowdcast what's up just hey what's up man i'm good i'm good dude this is awesome it's a crazy challenge going on dude it's so good to speak to you again i can hear a little echo but i'm not sure if that's on your end or is that echo where is that um should be fine now is it is it okay let me see let me see okay i can hear a little bit but that's all right joe kent just joined in welcome dude awesome to have you good to have you i can hear my echo dude jay share the special link with the discount code oh no i can hear have you got a headphone chest egg yeah i'm just going to put them on just one quick second okay awesome so papa 75 off right now and guys remember save yourself the money if you can alright so i can see some people joining make sure you check out jace share the magic link that will give them access to directly to the basket that will help them out a bit right samuel it hasn't already expired we still have the papa 75 right let's go ahead and see why jay just dropped a magic link that you can go ahead and check worthy only says invalid coupon so go ahead and check this one out and in the meantime i'll get jay to check out what is exactly happening there but let's go ahead and carry on guys so i'm going to drop it out on myself in the live chat as well let's go ahead and pop that in the chat so guys you can feel free to use that link as well in the chat and you can go ahead and see if that will work for you whoa we just got yappy kang what's up dude just joined the family as well nice joe ken just jumped into papa diamond what's up dude welcome to the family amazing to have you here and guys we're going to slowly start bringing people on right now so just tech is back now yup yukang is now in should be good now awesome stuff let's go ahead and pull you on just egg let me go ahead and chuck you on there we go oh let's go i don't want to share my screen oh nice what's up just egg crazy challenge honey congratulations on the success it's like crazy build i haven't built it yet but i'm just gonna like i can't wait to i'm just super excited dude honestly it was what i i have to admit this was one of the most intense challenges we've done so netflix you know netflix was cool to get you in there but but the this one was uh especially day four guys i think everyone can speak for me when i say day four was intense dave was really intense when we did the uh web hook and stripe checkout integration but just tech let everyone know your background how you joined and where you're at now because your story is awesome dude yeah and i everything i like that uh i would just like to credit to you your course everything that i've learned to you just because uh so my background was i just graduated last year september in the midst of covet and when that happened my confidence was super high just because you graduate with that entitlement right that like oh you have a computer science design degree i deserve a hundred thousand dollar job right and when that didn't happen i i thought that first of all something's wrong with me and then i was like the system's like messed up you know yeah uh but then i've figured out like what i need to do which is simply just to put my head down get a mentor start learning what the industry actually needs not what you know the university tells you to exactly and uh i just started building your clones and very honestly i was putting react on a pedestal uh which i think a lot of people my age and like the starting people do yeah at the entry level but i was just very intimidated but then i just started building your clones this was before i got your program yeah uh but then when i saw the value right uh i heard you talk about a little bit about personal development in the videos too and that's what got me on i was like okay i need this yeah and uh you know at that time i'm not gonna lie i was kind of on the broke side uh broke university student yep and if you remember i like talk to you i'm like great i'm gonna break down my payments and stuff just because i couldn't afford it but i went for it uh and then um after the course it just changed the last netflix challenge that i had um i did um i pretty much got my first job back then nice uh my first uh job i think i told you yeah so uh that was 50 000 uh which was a huge deal for me at that time because yeah fresh student making that uh was good enough for me dude that's crazy i got 25k when i came out of uni so that's awesome that's double i had inflation huh but uh yeah and um so uh that was the last challenge and then um as you know like of course we have the weekly coaching call side yeah what happened to me was like it was funny like i couldn't sleep this one night i knew the weekly coaching calls i missed one of them right yeah and at 2am i just put it on kind of like went to sleep and then i heard you talk about you were talking about uh freelancing yeah and you were talking about your journey when you went from 25 50 and all the way to 75 but then you started freelancing uh almost 25k when you reached 100k total right yeah um and that's when i thought that okay like he's been doing that he you actually inspired me to do that yeah so the very next day i kind of applied for like new jobs with my current resume and i ended up getting a contract the very next day just because i polished my uh portfolio as you've been teaching us yeah all like my projects were on the react side but also ui ux side so the contract that i got was for another uh 50 000 fortunately i'm very thankful for that dude you literally crashed man you literally went from a student to a 50k starting job 250k on top for the freelancing that's incredible man it's something that i still can't digest right now and i would just like to thank that to the community because if it wasn't for you if i didn't get that extra push yeah and also the push in the right direction not something like crazy right which is not doable yeah i wouldn't be able to do that right now so that was good and the thing is that i got my ui ux job yeah but then the lead designer was really uh you know inspired or not impressed by the react projects that i had on the side so the power of the act is just like amazing dude thank you so much for sharing this story i think everyone will appreciate your effort man and and i think justice journey is incredible because i saw jestech when he was just like you know at the student level he joined in and this is it's not just justice i've seen so many students now kind of come in as a beginner of coding land their first job land their first freelancing gig speak to them learn and obviously that teaches me as a mentor what to improve on what to do better so then i know how to you know go ahead and level up and improve and how i can deliver more value to you guys so that's incredible just like while i have you here let's go ahead and say welcome to a few new members we've got patrick tunis we have denise we have brandon joe yap yikang udip and michael and uh yeah that means uh i think we have i think we literally have one more because i'm reading for this jay we have one more for papa 75 and then we are going to cut the papa 75 members uh the coupon code papa 75 off right so make sure you use it we have one more slot for that and then we're cutting it and then it goes to papa 50 off um which is awesome dude but just take i want to say thank you so much for jumping on and uh yeah that's awesome to speak to you thank you so much for inspiring me dude i love it man thank you so much and i will speak to you soon peace bro see ya peace right guys just tech is an awesome student of ours absolutely crushed it now we have a few more students that i'd love to bring on and speak right now okay so remember guys we can share all of the um sort of you know people that have joined and so forth in just a second but i've got three people lined up to speak right now first person i'm gonna bring on is frank okay so frank let me see if he's available right now uh let me go ahead and ask him if he's free and guys remember what i can say is the exclusive sale is now alive the coupon codes are active we have one more spot for papa 75 um sam i'm gonna go ahead oh you know what okay sam will do you first right is a diamond member inside this inside the course sam what's up dude hello hey dude how is it going oh it's going amazing trust me amazing awesome exciting nice dude so sam what was it that made you jump into zero to full stack hero uh there were many two main aspects one of them was that i've known you for more than a year so i already have my trust built between us so i said i can trust sonny so i said i can jump in i can jump on it the second thing was this course will take me from literally zero to a full stack hero like it's not just a text it's what it actually does because it teaches you so many stuff and the people helping you now they also are the cyclists coaches the weekly coaching calls we do the the registered videos literally the content is so amazing so i couldn't say you know i don't want to participate or join in it's it's just amazing and thanks to that i think i have to give um a good 95 to you nice i don't know how to thank you enough because right now they just gave me the um the news oh yeah i'm team leader oh team leader that's what i'm talking about dude and when did you start coding i started out 14. that's awesome man that is amazing so now you are a team leader that's incredible man dude sam i'm so happy for you i swear to god i've spoken to sam for ages now he's actually been a part of a few challenges and uh now he's a diamond member sam that is crazy man and um just while that happened we've got a miss chan and abdul welcome to the papa fam um they just jumped in jay that means papa 75 is now cut all right cut papa 75 off and we only have poppa 50 off right now okay so papa 50 off is the next um coupon guy that you can use but guys let's carry on with our boy sam sam okay amazing news break this one down for me right so you are team leader now right yeah and what are you teaching like what are you what team are you leading is it in react what is it it's basically just a mixed it's a mixed programming team basically there are like two or three people which are only taking part of back-end programming and you know logic and all the stuff they do then i have two and three people also that take part of uh front-end okay and then there's me who coordinates all of them we actually use um a mythology for structuring all the team and coordinates us which is a scrum or um agile okay this is what we use because it's one of the best but mainly now we have a project which is hopefully uh due to july i think yeah and it's an e-commerce based on full react and now we just have to figure it out we need to figure this out sorry awesome stuff dude and um so so explain one thing to me dude so when you were learning right like when you were kind of you know jumping into your react career what was like if you had to kind of put something on a pedestal or put something up there what would be the top so let's this kind of narrow it down to three things what would be the three things that you would recommend someone else do to go ahead and boost their career so that they can land up like a team leader like yourself well the first thing is just put yourself in it if you really want to get where you want to be not where i'm at because i'm nobody actually i'm i value i'm a valued zero but if you want to get to where you want to be first thing first you need to put yourself into it right get grab one month of your life and just dedicate that month to just learning and you're practicing and you'll get to wherever you want second thing is just don't mix languages let's say because every developer thinks so i'm going to learn php and i'm going to learn html when you start becoming language java and that stuff no just focus on one language master it and then you can move on another one if you want to learn react first master javascript and then it would be so easy to then react it's actually so easy dude i love that advice that's actually solid advice because you know i get that question all the time where someone's like you know i'm learning a bit of javascript and a bit of python and i'm like no just focus on you know focus on like the javascript route and then because you have to layer on react and once you lay on react there's redux and it becomes like a tower of learning and if you're trying to chuck in python as well and getting a bit confused it's just going to throw you way back in terms of progression and guys this is not even me speaking this is sam as team leader dude congrats again because that's awesome how does it feel how does it feel to be a team leader uh it feels weird i didn't even realize it yet but i think when i get to the office and you see people telling to me what they have to do i'm like bro i'm 17. what the hell oh and he's 17 by the way guys 17. crazy crazy stuff awesome man sam thank you so much for jumping in and um thank you for sharing your story i think that helps everyone out quite a huge amount and uh we're gonna go ahead and bring on the next student but dude i will speak to you in the next coaching call the diamond coaching call what's your thing awesome stuff dude peace bro bye sam is incredible guys such a good-hearted person as well and um i actually went ahead and completely deserved that completely completely deserved that and uh yeah guys we are now on papa 50 right so which means oh where's my presentation gone which means that purpose 75 is now gone it's now finished okay we got the next caller i don't know who that is let me double check i'm not too sure who that is guys let me call you guys otherwise it's gonna get a bit messy okay so i'm not sure oh that's sarah sorry sarah so we have sarah next sarah is an awesome student inside of our community i just declined i didn't realize who it was but let me go ahead and bring on sarah now [Music] which means that papa 75 is now gone it's now oh i can hear myself hey sarah hi sonny can you hear me okay i can i can see myself though oh um uh i think your camera is disabled give me one more match there we go awesome what's up sarah how you doing sonny thank you so much for having me here no it's awesome to have you i think the main thing for me is just to show everyone joining what it is like to be a student because i i even forget sometimes what the beginning of my journey was like so sarah explain to everyone where did you start coding how's your journey so far and where are you basically at right now and how has zero to four stack hero helped you kind of you know at least push in that direction sure so um just in the beginning of say like september i started dabbling with coding i had like no experience whatsoever did you know so it's brand new to me and i managed to get into this really cool like non-profit free program for coding which went really well but um there was still a lot of things that i was you know there was a lot of gaps in in my learning and i came across your clone on linkedin right and at that point like right before i came across that i thought i don't think i can do this and so i dived into your clone and i started just coding along with you i didn't copy paste anything i came up against my own debugging issues which i managed to get through which was awesome nice and that that moment like that clone gave me the confidence and just the reassurance that i can do this awesome and so the more that i started to dive into your videos and just something you know what you're doing i i noticed that you came up with this uh zero2hero full stack um you know course and i was intrigued uh i trusted your work already and just all the comments and you know everything that just the testimonials that people would share yeah um so i i took the diet by like i you know um that you know you had a a promotion going and um decided to join and to be honest sunny like it's been really cool to connect with the community it's been really awesome to connect with you as well you guys have been incredibly helpful instilling confidence in me for some who just came from like i said no experience whatsoever and today i've um connected with one of your success coaches who's amazing and you're building a website together he's teaching me and guiding me through data structures and algorithms and that's awesome it's just a fantastic journey and i i didn't have that kind of invaluable experience anywhere else so thank you for that that's awesome sarah it's so nice to hear that you're actually you know like connecting with even the success coaches pushing yourself in that sort of area um how what are the so for anyone who's kind of you know you know that has no idea about zero to full stack hero could you just give a quick summary as to what a coaching call basically is to you as a new member what was it to you was it like a shock when you first kind of came into your first coaching call um i think i was kind of used to them just because my previous coding camp boot camp but um coaching calls with you have been also eye-opening in that it's a tight-knit family everybody helps each other out you know um it's just a very collaborative space where people can learn and um you know maybe someone on the call doesn't understand how someone else explains how a specific code works and so we help each other break things down on a very like just baby step levels and so it's been really beneficial to jump into those and like you said they're not just 45 minutes they're like full-blown yeah you're you're invested and it really there's an accountability to that and i appreciate that you need this as you're learning how to code yeah and honestly that was the main thing for me i wish when i was learning there was just somewhere where i could have you know that full commitment from a mentor for that long every week whereas when you're at work you get like you know 15 minutes of someone's time or you just feel like you're bothering someone all the time whereas in this case i just say to you guys scream at me all your questions everything that you need to ask me uh you can slack obviously sarah's even slacked me before and asked me for help and it's been it's been really helpful for her as others for me in terms of improving how i can provide support so that's really awesome sarah now what would you say to someone who's on the fence it you know they're not they you they're new to this kind of thing they've never been in a boot camp because you've been in a boot camp as well right so what would you say to someone who's kind of sitting on that fence right now so first of all i think it would i mean it's an invaluable like priceless community right um and to be honest is if you're determined to go this route and to become a developer full stack you need to make sure that you're there you need to make that commitment to yourself because when you do pay for this you're you're paying for a lifetime membership with the fam you know the um with the papa fam community that will pay for itself anyway yeah exactly it's really awesome to have again a community that keeps you accountable but you have to be willing to meet you know put in that work as well yeah i love that i think i need to kind of talk about that a bit more the accountability aspect that's really awesome because yeah i think when you're learning it's like if you go to a gym without a personal trainer right and you start lifting a few weights and it's kind of like you know you get a bit kind of tired after a few reps and you're like i'm going to go home now whereas if you've got a mentor who is sitting there saying no we're going to carry on just like a personal trainer it keeps pushing you past your comfort zone then you start to see results you never thought about right you start to see this whole new side of confidence encoding and all this sort of you know like it's really nice to see that and then that's where we start to see the actual results but thank you so much sarah for jumping on it was awesome of you to actually uh yeah take the call and um sorry for declining no no ways yeah perfect thank you so much sarah appreciate it bye-bye sarah is an awesome member guys inside the community you can see it's not only for girls it's guys and girls so it's amazing to see you know everyone jumping in we've got soho actually waiting there right now that's amazing jake sue i'm gonna go give ahead and give a welcome to some of the new members right now um we have akil who just joined as a papa platinum and we have mark mune who just jumped in as papa platinum as well amazing to see you guys in there um so that's incredible guys so we've got a few more calls actually i think we've got a few more people we're going to go ahead and just keep running with it so we've got frank aldo rashid and samuel right um so let's go ahead and jump through them let's see oh samuel's already jumped on the call sorry my bad um so let's go ahead and maybe bring on aldo right so we'll go ahead and talk to aldo ardo is an amazing student i love chatting with him and then we have soho afterwards who we can go ahead and bring on so i'm going to go ahead and give audo one of our cool members let's go ahead and see if he picks up guys remember we only have a few spots for papa 50 off left so make sure you get that coupon code and save yourself a bit of money okay so we have space for papa 50 off right now okay hello what's up ardo [Music] there we go hi it's honey how are you today i'm good dude i think your camera is off auto okay let me see if i can now nice what's up man how's it going uh great thank you thank you so much for having me here in this call dude i love having aldo even in the coaching course out of energy every time every time i'm explaining something i always see ardo in the corner he's just like yes that is a good point yes i'm listening to that one that's what i love man yeah go on you're about to say something yeah yeah and let me tell you that i was uh searching for space like four months ago when i just get into the papa fam the awesome papa fam and i was looking for a place where to practice my english and learn more about this new thing called react yes and having the support because i'm a teacher and i want to bring something new to my students so right now i'm teaching react i'm i'm like oh my god and your clones are helping me a lot because well the students get pumped just because seeing someone else coding real time uh your clones and well i'm adding new stuff in the in in my own class yeah yes uh and this is space that you you're building that we're building together it's awesome nice dude and that's uh just to kind of clear this up guys aldo actually is a teacher and you can see even kevin is in the chat michael they all know how though um they're all members of the papa farm um yeah aldo is actually a teacher guys uh i know so yeah you are a teacher right yeah and then i remember we had a coaching call and um he messaged me on slack and he was gonna you know go ahead and i think he was giving me the feedback for how he went ahead and you know he taught a bunch of his students some of the stuff we went over in a coaching call now auto how did that experience go well it was amazing because well i used to teach networking but with this and these times i i was saying you know one thing i need to change my plans and i want to get into javascript and react and the way that you teach this stuff is it's giving me the confidence with the success coaching calls and the coaching calls that we we got with you it's it's amazing and you know one thing sometimes you have this thing that thinking uh how do i do this how do how do i do that and then in a coaching call you can have the opportunity to get the one-on-one with you and just shoot the question and get the answer and that's a powerful thing at least for me and uh and i think that um uh i'm benefiting benefiting my students to get this value of the react value right now nice dude 100 i think that's the main thing for me when i was you know learning as well is having you know having those questions that you just feel that you can't get an answer for right like on the imagine this eliminate the community out of the question for it for a second if we don't have the community then we need to go to somewhere like stack overflow now we've all been there when we have to ask a question in stack overflow firstly you're waiting quite a while before you get any kind of response yeah and then and then during that time you're sitting there banging your head against the keyboard you know trying to not break a laptop which is close to the end of its life for because of how much headache is giving you and uh but when you have a community like this it's not just in a coaching call it's in slack it's in the success coach course it's through the q a section of the course it's incredible and it's so powerful to see that like it resonates from me to aldo to aldo to his students right that's incredible yeah yeah i'm i'm really glad and and you know one thing you are getting uh this thing that you are having an impact here in mexico right thanks to your uh success coach calling programs and the papa fam and i'm thankful thank you so much for for all this value that you bring in the youtube channel and and in the zoom calls and the first thing that i want to say is that in the coaching calls you get a a a new taste from another programmers and that's really cool because i'm hearing you but i'm hearing a lot of other programmers and and and that's amazing for me so thank you dude i love that thank you so much honestly it makes my job so easy when i have people like you inside those coaching calls because sometimes i'm like you know obviously everyone's focused they're very you know like solid work faces on and sometimes i'll be let's say and then i just see out those positive vibes in the corner and it makes me get so hyped up because i'm like yes sorry you know what i just taught something which was worth it and i love that outer and honestly it's because of people like you and all the amazing people inside the course that it pushes me to go outside of my comfort zone to learn new things like next js react native push in that area so that way i can then deliver it to you guys so it's a it's a it's a full two-way street here so thank you aldo amazing student inside the course and uh everything everyone appreciates you coming on to this call today so thank you so much dude thank you thank you everyone and we keep you seeing each other in the zoom coaching halls exactly thank you so much otto bye-bye dude guys audo is incredible so during that call with aldo we had two and like amazing members we had giovanni who just joined papa diamond so i'd love to speak to you giovanni um uh after we speak to you frank so frank's gonna be the next caller um and then we have a roycey who just joined papa platinum so welcome guys incredible stuff amazing to see you inside the papa fam right and i'd love to chat to you if you are available to chat either through slack or through youtube speak to jay and i can go ahead and bring you on the call okay so guys so anyone who does want to join remember we still do have coupon codes active at the moment okay so you can feel free to go over to puppyreact.comcourse and use the coupon code 50 off okay so i'm going to go ahead and actually change that right now to get rid of that so we're going to go ahead and change this so we don't have the proper 75 anymore so that is now finished we only have the um papa 50 off for the next 20 people okay so i think we have about eight more spots before we're gonna close that one because we've had quite a few people sign up with these links already okay guys so here are the coupon codes available and i'm gonna go ahead and present that one one more time and then we're gonna bring on a caller okay so amazing so far guys we've got the limited coupon codes proper 50 off for the next 20 people okay so i think there's eight more spots okay awesome to see everyone jumping in and it's amazing we see the family grow so much every time at the end of a challenge so i'm going to go ahead and bring on our next caller frank let's see if you're available dude let's go ahead and uh pick up on frank okay so i'm gonna give frank a call right now wrangle says hey from qatar just subscribe the papa diamond excited to start dude i'd love to get you on a call um oh what's up frank i can't hear you i think your mic might be muted oh in the meantime guys we do have like i said still about eight coupon codes i think jay let me know he's going to go ahead and push it to me and also guys if you do want to get the monthly payment we have also introduced papa 10 off the monthly payment plan so if you do want to get papa 10 uh 10 off your payment plan you can use papa 10 and feel free to jump in that way too okay i think we're having some tech issues with frank frank's a badass developer as well so it just goes to show that skype can sometimes be us hopefully let's uh frank maybe i can try and call you again in a second yeah okay cool we're gonna go ahead and try and bring frank on back in a second frank is an amazing stu uh member guys he's actually a friend of mine plus he joined the course um a crazy awesome dude guys so we've got ratchet next i think retchit is a new member right i'm not sure of the name but let me go ahead and uh we can check let me see if jay i just want to vet that one quickly and see if he joined okay let's have a see what's happening yappie kang says hey sonny i'm watching the course tutorials now amazing stuff yup you can can i bring you on the call please i would love to bring you on a phone call right now go ahead and speak to jay and we can bring you up right let's go ahead and check this one out the discord group is uh you can join the the free discord group but the main one i would want you to join is the papa firm discord group and we can go ahead and check that out now guys remember if you do want to get the um papa sort of uh monthly plans we do offer payment plans so if you go down here you can split into three monthly payment plans of 150 or down here into 260 and you can use um papa 10 to get 10 off of those plans as well okay so definitely something i want you to go ahead and get the best from so you can go ahead and use that one to save yourself a bit of money i saw kevin in the house let me go ahead and see if kevin uh we have alex i think alex oh we have soho okay soho's ready let's go ahead and speak to so as an awesome member inside of the community okay let's go ahead and speak to soil look at that two sunnies whoa [Music] let's see if he picks up what's up soho hey dude i think your camera's off give me a second right let's double check and anyone knew who by the way who has joined feel free to message jay inside of slack and we can get you on a call right now i would be awesome i really do want to speak to um uh some of our members right let's see i think we've got a few tech issues but let's go ahead and see um what we can do about that all right guys let's check this one out okay reconnecting right i think we lost so hell guys okay now i'm gonna ask jay so kevin says uh he says kevin is gonna call so you've got two members and these are diamond members kevin and alex i'm just waiting for them to add me on skype and i'm going to go ahead and speak to them amazing members inside of the papa fam right now so i'm going to go ahead and check them out jay make sure they add me on skype otherwise it won't work okay boom let's go ahead and carry on guys so like i said let me go ahead and show you what you're going to get by jumping into the course today okay so you're going to get full stack training weekly coaching course exclusive slack community and remember it's got a you're going to have a discord server you know you've got amazing sort of channels emojis if you are i don't remember and you're going to get a support from the papa success coach team right these guys do amazing calls every friday as well okay we have soho on the line let's speak to soho if his camera comes up hey so hell your camera is still not coming up dude give me a second okay now we have soho what's up dude ah oh kevin's calling us uh let me give kevin a call back in just a second okay uh i'll give kevin a call back in a second give me uh uh kevin if you're watching this i'll give you a call straight afterwards what's up sahel how's it going all right it's really nice yeah nice dude to see you after a while good to see you honestly it's uh it's been amazing so so how have you did you partake in the challenge uh no not really actually um i was kind of busy i've just started a job nice last month so i'm kind of you know much occupied in that stuff so i've i've been following you and then i knew that the challenge is going on but uh i was busy so i was actually unable to participate in the channel nice enough to do that yeah no nice and and so you actually landed a job didn't you yeah right and that was after joining zero to full stack here yes actually i joined zero to full stack hero in back in february when we had the netflix challenge yeah and i participated and it was great to do homework and it was quite intense and yeah during this time i learned it all but i knew you before and because i actually did a full stack software development uh diploma from a coding bootcamp nice uh but with the passage of time i realized uh that i must learn a front-end framework and then i've been trying to figure out which one i should go for view react or angular right i did quite a bit research and then i actually saw one of your video on youtube right and i would say i fell in love yeah the way you teach uh and before that i actually bought a course from udemy and then i've been learning rec from there but i was quite struggling the way it's been taught because you know they've been thought it was more like traditional way of teaching they've been actually doing this [Music] oh concept i mean they've been teaching the another way you teach and it was more not functional based they were like very complicated and then things like that i was very struggling and then i've been trying to find out how i can learn react and then i landed on a video where you've been teaching and then at that point i knew it this guy is making react way too easy compared to other people and i start following you and then i did one uh i think one of your clone nice and then we had this netflix challenge i did that and then at that time i decided i should join the papa fam family because i knew if you surround yourself with the people who knew the industry because i didn't have any coding experience beforehand and then i had like full faith in you i would say yeah you gave me uh like made me able to trust you and your skills and the people you are surrounded so i thought i should also be part of this family i never regret it and since the day i i was not uh involved a lot because i joined in february and then at that time i've been having some interviews and then i landed on a job yeah in april so but i would say everybody watching out it's worth investing in yourself the money if they invest it's it's nothing i mean they could have spent this much money uh in if you would take another way maybe if they eat a sandwich every day or every second day yeah you know that then they're gonna spend this money in a year but when they join papa fam then they're gonna have a valuable asset behind them and then okay are we back it says michael says hey we have a few people okay cool not a problem we are still live guys do not worry uh i think we just had a little bit of a glitch right as an internet kind of went a bit haywire um i think we lost soheil like sir guys amazing student so sorry so hell it cut off um i think safari i'm not so sorry uh skype just gave up on me um but we're gonna go ahead and take our next caller but guys you heard it yourself from soho it's an investment worth taking um the internet just kind of died on me so i was so sorry about that um but we have a few nice we have three people lined up guys we have alex yap and uh yup yukang and kevin okay so i'm gonna go ahead and actually bring on a new student oh okay there we go nice let's bring on kevin kevin is our diamond member guys what's up kevin what's up sonny hey good to see you man thanks for having me no don't worry man awesome to have you here so kevin is our diamond member inside the papa farm and kevin what was it that made you join in the first place and when did you join i mean yeah so the first time i met you was when you were part of the cp team and basically that's when i first you know interacted with you saw some of your coaching sessions yeah and then when i saw that you're making your own course uh you know i immediately wanted to also join join that one because i really like your teaching style and you know the the community you're putting together so basically yeah i just wanted to be you know part of that energy and part of that community that's awesome man i love that and um what would you say kevin what was it what okay if you had to pick like a few favorite things out of a four zero to four sakura that makes it different from like a typical udemy course what would you pick i mean yeah definitely the live coaching calls and the fact that you know we get to fully interact with you you know ask questions if we're stuck on us some topic and even if it's more of like soft skills kind of thing you know we had one of the diamond coaching calls where we talked about you know freelancing and how to land clients and and more of the soft skills that you also need to to be a successful developer yeah so definitely not just the hard skills but also the whole package basically yeah yeah and definitely in diamond we actually go that kind of step further we kind of talk about you know even investing at times like you know it's one thing to make your money but how do you then go ahead and grow that money and you know invest it in the correct way um so yeah it's awesome to have kevin's actually a great success coach as well and he's actually ran his own um success coach call on a friday uh kevin what was that experience like yeah so that was you know it's new to me so it was good to be outside my comfort zone yeah basically yeah i taught um command line uh argument or command line you know things like git and bash and other linux commands and it was good um to you know be on that side of also teaching and giving the knowledge to you know the students um so it's definitely exciting and yeah i look forward to doing more of those i love that dude yeah there's you guys have been killing it you've got a robert delivered data structure and algorithms kevin delivered on the terminal uh sort of tips and tricks um and yeah like i learn a bunch when i learn these videos as well so it's like the whole point of the community is to you know go ahead and just everyone chuck in something into that community and we all just push ourselves to be the best developers kevin man it's been amazing um what would you say to someone who is on the fence right now you know they're tempted to jump in um we've got a pretty amazing sale right now and everyone seems to love it right now so we've got literally just got worthy sin janna jumped in papa platinum thank you and um yeah so what would you say to someone who's on the fence yeah so so someone's who who's on the fence i would definitely say you know take the leap um this is an investment and you'll be part of a really good community basically you know we support each other you could ask you know any of the success coaches you can reach out to me and anyone and we basically have your back so and it's good to have the other accountability um that you know you talk to other people and you know you kind of push each other to you know to become a better developer so it's definitely you know like uh it's a unique experience so definitely exactly i love that kevin thank you so much dude and uh i appreciate you taking time out to jump on the core man awesome yeah yeah thanks uh appreciate being here so thank you so much kevin we're gonna speak to you alex i think next so it'll be awesome to have one all right see you soon i'll talk to you later see you man right guys kevin's awesome kevin is a diamond member absolutely crushing it and uh you're gonna see that like if whoever joins in you're just gonna see the people you surround yourself with like i always say you know you should go ahead and push yourself to go uh to work now i'm not sure if crowdcast is actually still running jay just let me know if crowdcast is still pretty good um because our stream had a little bit of a hiccup um i think it's pretty i think it's back now but if it's not then do not worry jump over to youtube and we're carrying on over on youtube okay now jonathan says for the course do i need a special computer absolutely not you can use anything absolutely anything at all frank is now available he said he fixed his mic we're gonna bring on frank and remember guys before we bring on frank you can use the code papa 50 off to get um uh 50 pounds off of platinum and diamond okay and if you want 10 off your monthly plan pop a 10. okay so we've got a bunch of stuff and guys i just want to say natasha says i switched to youtube okay awesome um okay so everything seems to be pretty good now natasha says she switched to youtube and uh natasha it'd be amazing to have you on as well so uh jm says are you uh manohar says are you a diamond member yeah i'm wondering jm are you i don't remember let's see but i'm going to go ahead and bring on um frank right now let me go ahead and bring on frank yo what's up frank can you hear me now yes i can hear you now how are you doing dude good good it's like you know we got all these fancy microphones you know frank welcome to the stream man um go ahead and introduce yourself who are you and why should everyone care frank's an awesome developer guys i'll vouch for that so go ahead and introduce yourself who who am i i'm just some guy i'm just some guy that programs [Laughter] no um but i i i just wanted to jump on and you know just really show support because you know the pop of fam is growing it's strong i've been there since literally before day one yeah frank actually helped me set up the domain yeah yeah before anyone else got it so um yeah i've been a long time developer um i was more in the in the app space i used to make apps for a living like uh native apps and then i kind of switched over to react and react native and it's been going awesome and you know sunny kind of you know all of the free tutorials he's done it's it's these are things i use every day now uh literally like working on different apps working on different client apps and you know there's some big apps too it's not small stuff it's you know we talked about the sonos app and now i have a new uh new app coming up that's uh a little bit a little bit uh you know on the qt but you know we gotta um we're able to do things that you can't do on a native uh project right because we're doing everything simultaneously we're doing web we're doing android we're doing ios all simultaneously all using react all using the same stuff that you guys are learning and it's it's amazing that's awesome dude frank actually went ahead and took i think it was the spotify clone and then landed uh the sonos gig right so frank didn't explain what that story was about and how like i remember the first time i heard it i was like holy crap i couldn't believe you crushed it yeah yeah it was crazy it's um you know you guys you guys are sitting here having fun making a little you know spotify clone and not realizing that i put that on my resume as part of my portfolio and i was able to talk to the guys that run the sonos like they they run like the the speaker company and i made the app for them it was the only it was the only product they launched in 2020. so imagine how important that is yeah and it was it was amazing it's it's what put it over the top because they thought they thought that i worked at spotify and they said well you didn't put that on your resume i was like but it's not i don't work at spotify i made a clone that's all they were just like their mind was blown they're like how did you even do that that's so crazy it just goes to show you guys yeah it just goes to show you these little portfolios like they're serious like you have to really kind of work on it and and do like the interview skills to make it work but they look real it looks amazing and people really like it yeah i think people get blown away when they see such a near clone i think i've tricked a few people before and i'm like oh look so here's amazon and then i'll change it and i'll be like oh i never changed it this is our amazon you know and they're like what you built that it's crazy and it's it's so cool honestly um so frank what would you say makes this course different from any other kind of udemy course that you can go ahead and buy and it's got like hundreds of hours of content and yeah it's it's hundreds of hours that you'll never do because you don't have any motivation right so working with other people as part of the papa community it's it's huge it's a big help i never had that when i was learning how to code in the beginning so you kind of feel that that that dread of like i i want to do something but it's like it's not i have a question stack overflow sucks the people suck there and it's like you you feel stuck and it's like i feel that that's a really huge barrier to a lot of people getting into programming but the way you teach how to do things it's like hey guys we're going to build amazon i'm going to walk you through it and if you have questions join the community right like that's invaluable like it doesn't matter how many udemy courses you've taken this is so much better because you have a community of people you can ask or if everyone can't figure it out at least you know that someone can figure it out like together right and so that's invaluable and you just can't get that anywhere you just honestly can't i love that dude that's so true and honestly i remember when i was first learning to code and you're sitting there by yourself in front of your laptop you get stuck and at that point you just hit a wall you can't really climb it it just kills all the fun out of this what's supposed to be an enjoyable thing that you do and have a passion for but when you're in a community and somebody else comes in and fixes a little bit of a problem you carry on you start building out this app and like you said from the beginning if you start with purpose like you don't just say we're going to learn arrays right you do but instead it's like we're going to build amazon you start with a vision of what you want to build and then you slowly piece it together that's where the fun comes in and the community spirit just ties it all together so you never really get stuck i love that dude i love that and uh frank what would you say to someone who's on you know they're on the fence they don't know whether to join in and uh and and you have to give them one bit of advice what would you say yeah the one bit of advice is you're not you're not just getting a course you're getting a community and like i said that's that's worth that's worth like more than triple what a course is worth because again what good is a course that you bought if you never finish it if you're never encouraged to like keep working on it it's it's very demanding to learn programming and being part of a community of people getting on the coaching calls being able to ask questions you know with senior people like sunny like me if you guys are ever on one of my calls it's it fast forwards what you need to do it gets you right to the job that's what we want to do we want to create jobs we want people to learn things not just for fun but hey guys like make this part of your portfolio make it work we want to see people getting contracts we want to see people getting these amazing like leadership roles it's like we love the family growing that's literally what this is all about exactly and that's why we called it a papa fam in the first place like it was about the results for us are not oh we've got six new members we don't really care about the people coming in the price is there to stop the the spam is to stop people from coming in who don't want to take action right that's why there's a there's a sort of gate into the community and then once we're in the results for us are like frank said when we see a contract landed when we see a like somebody landed a job when we start seeing lives changed that is a result for us and that's what we structure everything around the coaching cause the content everything is structured around getting them to that result but that's uh that's awesome frank man it was amazing to bring you on honestly thank you so much dude yeah like i said anyone that's on the fence it's like it's the community is invaluable like we're gonna we're gonna help each other to succeed there's no course that does that i'm just being honest like it doesn't exist so yeah just join come come join us like we'd be more than happy to work with you like we love doing this you see i'm happy like it's a sunday and i'm happy i'm doing my thing i love doing this stuff exactly it's so much fun dude and uh yeah amazing stuff you just convinced someone to jump in um we have a rohit welcome amazing stuff dude thank you so much frank all right take care guys take care dude peace i love i love the good bipart it's always like this it's kind of like a you know this awkward kind of like tired sort of state um right guys let's carry on they're going strong um jay go ahead and um and and just moderate the chat please um so anyone who's dropping anything negative ban you know i'm not sure what the comments are coming through right now but ban it right so um okay so now we've got yappy kang so yappy kang has joined in uh just a second ago and then alex i promise you i will get to you dude um but anyone remember like we have by the way guys there are five more five more positions for that papa ten okay momma said the goodbye was so awkward i don't know why it was frank's awesome dude we speak all the time um but yeah papa 50 off we have just five more slots and then it's done i'm turning it off after that okay five more slots and then it's done um so i'm going to go ahead and bring on yapi kang and let's see why he joined the course right so let's go ahead and check it out uh where did he go let me go ahead and accept him okay give me one sec all right yup ye okay let's check it out yo dude you know i was i was looking at your video just now and i heard that you said you wanna uh you want to bring me into the call and i i was so nervous oh man i've been wanting to bring you into the call for a while i saw you kind of running through the challenge and i was like hell yeah man i have to bring in yappy kang how are you dude and why did you join what made you take the leap yeah yeah i'm fine so uh first of all uh i actually know you since uh last two years and uh actually saw you doing some contents and uh you know i'm living in malaysia and we are actually uh have more and more coronal virus case and uh i have a lot of financial problems at first so i actually uh joined a lot of courses uh but i eventually i i quitted it because i don't have the money but uh when i saw this challenge coming up uh i said i told i told me that i don't i don't want to give up right so i want to give you a last try right yeah and uh i saw i saw your course and you know i'm just i have faith in you so uh i just bought the course yeah i love that i love that dude that's what honestly a lot of people do actually go ahead and say the similar thing it's about trust um and that's what i try to deliver back from remember when somebody joins a course it's not a one-way street it's two ways i have to deliver to you guys as well so my promise to you is the coaching delivering content delivering you know the value that you guys have jumped into um and yeah i love the fact you're in there dude because i saw you throughout the facebook group throughout the challenge you were popping off man it was all this positivity i saw you on instagram i loved it and i was like dude i have to chat to this guy on the final day 100 um so i love that man and yeah so what was the best thing for you in terms of when you were looking at zero to full stack hero why did you think it would be different to any other sort of you know udemy course or anything out there all right so actually the main key why i joined the courses because of the challenge the fact that i'm actually a beginner in react i actually don't know anything about react but i am able to follow your challenge right in these five days and i actually deployed my app right so um the fact that i'm a beginner but i'm able to understand what you thought this just makes me uh so confident in you right i believe that you are the man that can guide me right you are the one that can change my life right i love so yeah that's the reason i joined the uh papa fan that's awesome man that makes my day when i hear that right so like and and then you said you deployed did you make it to day four yes you did no way that's awesome because guys if you didn't know day four was the hard challenging day right that was the stripe checkout that's what that's the web hook that's where you have to you know get everything configured in the correct way otherwise it would break that's awesome man you actually got a fully functional app and dude that's gonna slap on your profile that's gonna look amazing on your resume and uh yeah i can't wait for that so what's your next steps now so obviously you're inside the community you're gonna go ahead and learn with us push yourselves to that limit honestly dude that's what i try and pro that's my sort of pride effort like i try and push our students to that limit in coaching course whether it's new tech going over roads or fundamentals but it's always going to be pretty much trying to push you to your limit so what's your goal now so um because actually uh when i when i joined the challenge and actually i learned a lot i actually feel that you know there are actually a lot more people that like you say are on the fence on joining the course right so actually uh i think uh other than learning more and of course uh gaining more knowledge in uh the full stack development yeah i think what's more important is that because actually i'm a teacher here in malaysia yeah i teach yeah i teach i have students also my goal is actually to yeah yes yeah yeah so actually my goal is uh to actually um you know to make people feel uh guided uh whenever what for whatever they want to do and of course i i'm actually open to anyone ask me questions about you know react uh because actually there are some people that actually ask me in facebook and stuff so my next goal of course to learn react but of course also to bring more people into the family right bring more people into the community and we'll grow it stronger and of course yeah we'll create more job opportunities for people that's it man and you know what when i first started my goal was to help i remember saying like to my friend i remember even saying to jay jay's like a core member team he's one of my best mates he helps run everything i said to him i was like dude as long as we can help one person get like you know change their life that's what that's all it started from it was just one person i just want to help change someone's life with the kind of skill that i have and then we kind of grew and then excited to explode and now youtube's growing through an incredible rate and then we've got amazing members like yourself who want to do the same thing and it can it's contagious right it's positivity it's contagious and so are results the results are the same thing right like you could once you start getting those results you're surrounding yourself with people and obviously in a world where it's like a pandemic and we can't really go out much how else can you network with people who are on your level trying to push themselves so this is where this fills that gap you know we're a community like you said it's a family and we're all trying to push each other and there's a lot of like big quotes that talk about how you should surround yourself with the right the people you aspire to be like right and uh in my case yes exactly the amazing part is i can honestly say even being your mentor and everyone in the community being the mentor i can say i'm inspired by my own students which is incredible right that's a that's an incredible relationship to have the fact that i can mentor and teach a skill and also be inspired in the other direction when they get a result so that's incredible to see that yeah and uh dude that's it it's awesome to have you man yes uh thank you for having me also yeah thank you so much yap and i will see you in the coaching call next week sure yeah i will see you too awesome thank you thank you so much take care peace yup you can guys amazing student of ours um wow we have so many people who want to jump on right now um so guys we are actually selling so we have two more people left in that sale right now because he's literally getting munched through at the moment so that means literally we've already had 30 new members of the papa fam well near enough like i'm just checking it through so we've got papa 50 off we've got two more slots for papa 50 off right so jump in guys jump in and that's going to be gone after today we have our deal next um one second i don't i think jay is lined up a student who's actually just joined in so i'm gonna go ahead and speak to a student first and uh and then we can go ahead and uh chat so let me go ahead and see who this is and then i will call you back either let me see it just says h um it says harry collins let me double check okay let's check this out okay [Music] all right give it a second guys let's see what's up hey i think it's just lagging on my end oh nice oh no no problem no problem is that are you in the uk dude yeah oh nice this is awesome i'm used to speaking to everyone in the states and stuff so it's nice to see someone from home to her yeah yeah from london so nice harry i think your camera's off dude yeah it's lagging a lot oh no all right that's um so where about okay there we go nice there we are harry's in so guys this is harry collins one of our students harry when did you join into the community uh about a week ago something like that now not been long i joined the course so i'd seen your content before when you were working with other people and um yeah i've sort of uh really liked overreact stuff and relatively new to react i know some javascript but uh yeah it's really like the content so um joined in been going through it at the moment um unfortunately i didn't get to do the challenge because i've been just really busy with other work stuff at the moment but uh we've been really enjoying the content so far learning a lot just find you you explain you explain stuff in a really easy way because uh i ten identifying with tech it's um really easy to get overwhelmed because there's so much of it it's like where do you begin and obviously you you know that there's a certain path you should follow in terms of like learn html first css so on but then it's like okay but now where do i go there's like so many frameworks so many bits and pieces it just gets so confusing so yeah i think it's good to have like a bit of guidance 100 dude that's awesome so when you before you kind of came in to the community what coding experience did you have yeah so it has a coding experience uh not much web-based i do basic html basic css and i knew some javascript like i i knew about arrow functions in es6 and vague and stuff but uh that's about it really my most of my programming knowledge is more kind of uh machine learning type stuff so in python and c plus plus okay um my background's in like mathematics and finance that kind of stuff so uh kind of know it more from that end but obviously i think uh web tech is only going to get bigger and bigger and it's a good skill to learn and obviously it's uh good for careers and stuff like that so i think it should try and learn it nice dude i think this is going to be a great question for you actually so you said you come from a background of mathematics right so for somebody who wants to get into web dev right whether it's front and back and wherever it is do you would you say mathematics because it's a question i get all the time right would you say maths is a requirement to get signed no as long as you can add and subtract and you know do very very basic math you don't need you don't need like a a level mathematics or a university degree it's you're not doing that kind of stuff it's it's uh you just need to be able to do basic kind of addition if you want to work out okay the margins this or whatever but even then with the frameworks you've got now you don't even really need that it's it's i think i think having a math background can help because you tend to pick up the concepts a bit easier yeah um but you don't need it really as long as you can as long as you put the work in you'll pick it up kind of thing it's not it's not a super mathematical area of course there's probably some bits which are but yeah i haven't done those bits yet yeah i mean i mean the fact that you actually came from a machine learning background as well and you said that i think it would put a lot of people at ease because i get the question time in you know time out that so many people ask me like i'm not good at maths i can't do web like web development i'm like it's a very different different field you know like if you maybe if you're going to machine learning trying to do the models themselves then maybe you're going to go into something different yeah yeah exactly like if you're if you're trying to develop models and things like that of course you're going to need some kind of mathematics and depending on what kind of stuff you're trying to build then you might need some more maps than in other bits but for a lot of things you don't you don't really need very advanced maths i'd say yeah um like for example one cool project idea i want to try and build in react at some point is uh a kind of mini so i like so i come from a mass background and work in finance and stuff like that yeah and uh so one thing i want to try and build is like a kind of stock platform thing so you can so i can try and you know translate my current stocks and things like that just in a kind of react type of app i think it'd be quite a cool project to try and do nice that would be awesome yeah and i'm assuming you'd probably be good at the sort of the back end work there would be mainly learning the front end and that sort of element yeah i think so um so i've not really done much back end in terms of uh deploying and stuff like that right i've just written a lot of kind of performance code in like c plus for things and uh you know a lot of the low level memory management stuff but uh it's it's probably not too dissimilar i'd imagine yeah that's awesome yeah great to hear so um what was your goal when you joined uh and the reason i ask is because if somebody was on the fence of joining and like i'm curious to know what made you jump right what made you kind of take the leap between just kind of you know looking at it as a different you know as any other kind of udemy course or something which stood out what was it for you that made you take that jump yeah that's a good question i think um the main thing for me was that uh you know i'd seen some of your other work before and i really like the style of instruction and it's very it's very clear and you don't it's not like a lot of these other courses uh which i'm sure people have done whereby you start them and then it's like oh yeah lesson one we're gonna do loops or you know some fairly basic structure and then suddenly you're doing like polymorphism on lesson two and you've just skipped like a bunch of steps yeah uh it's it's very it's it's very methodical and it's uh you know you even if you even if you don't have all the javascript basics which you should probably have to begin react you can still up to a point get away with that anyway uh because of the way it's explained and stuff anyway so um yeah i liked i liked it for that point nice plus plus i think as well just just having a community as well of uh other people when you're starting out doing anything new it's always easier to do about things if you've got other people doing similar types of goals to you and uh you know you can partner up into little teams and whatever yeah because it can be extremely lonely when you're starting out as well if you get stuck or anything like that it can be super kind of you know demotivating you might want to carry on so uh i think that's a very good point but thank you so much harry for jumping in i think everyone would appreciate uh your input here especially being a new member into the proper fam but awesome to have you and i'll see you in the coaching call next yeah no worries catch you later thank you thank you thank you so much appreciate it awesome stuff guys that was harry collins just jumped in about a week ago into the papa fam had a mass background and actually told us that we don't need maths encoding which i 100 agree on right it's not that you don't need it in coding totally but you do not need to be a maps pro at all to go ahead and get started right so it you definitely can go ahead and dis uh sort of get rid of that myth right now guys before i bring on alex alex is our next caller i want to go ahead and share with you guys again this is the course page we have got the sale up and running right now um i can see so many people are kind of like you know on the fence and maybe joining but the main thing is guys we have two more spots and i want you to kind of you know get that saving because after this webinar ends all the coupon codes are most likely gonna die okay so i'm gonna go ahead and probably cut these at the end so this one is only available for about you know 10 more minutes while we do a few more calls and then i'm going to end the coupon codes right there okay and then these ones may last over to the people who registered and so forth okay so guys i'm gonna bring on alex next alex is a diamond member incredible member of the papa fam and i'm gonna go ahead and see if he picks up right now [Music] okay what's up alex yo can you oh i think your camera's off my camera's off okay i'm on the web version here and let's see if i can start this camera no device found hang on a minute no worries dude we can always um if you need a minute to maybe get the uh the normal version or whatever you need to do just let me know and we could we've got yeah yeah yeah call me back let's see if we can figure out it says no device found for my camera so i'll try and sort that cool dude we'll bring on robert next and then um or michael and then i can come back to you awesome stuff right so we'll be speaking to alex in just a sec we've got michael gerges and michael gurgis is an awesome student inside our community crazy energy completely love and appreciate this guy and he came in i think it was during the netflix challenge the previous challenge so let's get his experience since that challenge to now and like i said guys remember you only have a few moments left to get this last 50 pound off your order so you can go ahead and check that one out so let's go ahead and give michael a call now [Music] what's up michael hey what's up papa fam hey how's it going dude good to speak to you michael michael's energy is awesome i'm joining from the phone because i do not have skype on the computer dude the phone's great quality it's amazing it's perfect thank you so how's it going sonny it's good dude it's been incredible we have had a such a fun five days for the amazon challenge did you participate in the challenge uh honestly no i i i couldn't commit because i uh i had some other stuff to do because uh some uh i was overwhelmed by this uh the stuff in the university i'm in my third and last year i i have i've got to study and some things no worries dude i just ate a burger you ate the full stack burger right nice yes that's incredible dude so uh so i want to tell the guys that uh make sure to submit the homeworks even if they did not complete it because uh in order to get the points they have to submit their homework yeah exactly and dude let me ask you a question quickly so you you joined it was the last challenge wasn't it it was netflix challenge i'm sure yes yeah the netflix challenge yes nice and what was it that made you jump in like what was it that you so you saw some of us saw me on the screen and then what was it that made you take that leap of faith and join xerox full stack hero okay first uh i i was following you from the first tutorial that you did that was the duty application when when he was on the cp team yeah and uh i was on the fence to jump into react but when i saw you teaching react i was like uh why not to start trying to learn something new yeah and i did so and then i have attend many many challenges before netflix but i couldn't complete them at all but the netflix challenge i said i i want to commit and i and uh did really paid off and i was so excited about it that's awesome man and i uh thanks for this great opportunity dude that is completely welcome in fact i don't know who the call is right now i'm not sure let's decline it just for now um yeah but dude that you're absolutely welcome and i wanted to say so i always see michael kind of popping up all over the place great energy great person and uh what would you say has been like since you've been so you've obviously been in the community since the netflix challenge so what's been your favorite parts about zero to full stack hero the community like itself what if you had to tell someone three of your favorite things inside this community what would they be yes first uh it's great to join the community because uh i was never experienced something before to work with people from around the world uh things that include coding and something else i did not attend my i did not make my first coaching goal yet because i i still do not have some topics to speak about but i will search for one yeah and the community is awesome we have really great vibes and all the students are helping each other and the the and the success coaching goals are really packed with those awesome values thanks to you sonny yeah that was an awesome little improvement that we actually did so when uh mike was getting the latest news yeah exactly getting the latest news when michael first joined we didn't have the success coaches actually up and running and then since that time we got them up and running so we're always trying to improve the community and as he said the the coaching calls from those guys are incredible even i'm learning when i'm watching those calls so it's awesome to see that um and dude what would you say um what's your goal right now so where are you at in your developer career and how much experience did you have before you came into zero to full stack era okay so before i came to zero for stack hero uh i just have a little knowledge about html css and some javascript right uh and now uh i have like a a red belt and react nice i like that i'm stepping up to reach the black belt but step by step yes and you really made redux a simple pattern to really understand understandable i really like it nice yeah and redux is definitely going to be one of the most valuable things you can learn and put on your resume when you're learning react to get that production sort of you know commercial first job because it's pretty much used everywhere so that's awesome man michael it's always a pleasure to have you on cause uh and thank you so much for joining in on today's call i think everyone appreciates it and i will see you in the next coaching call dude appreciate you see you later see you later peace thank you guys that was michael another amazing member inside our community guys like this just goes to show you that this is like i said like it's a lifetime family a community um i'm not sure let me go ahead and i'm just gonna check guys the reason why i'm not gonna answer is because i'm not sure if it's somebody on youtube or if it's actually someone in the course um i don't recognize the name so jay just double check if that's all good i'm not sure who that is right now jay double check let me go ahead and just double check so let's see what's happening we've got robert parson next as well okay so we've got robot parsons we're gonna go ahead and call okay dude again if you do that i'm just gonna go ahead and i'm gonna have to you know block i don't wanna block but we're gonna go ahead and we can't do that because it could be anyone right now so i can't do it like that so let's go ahead and speak to robert right now and then our deal i'm gonna be bringing you in next okay let's go ahead and speak to you and then we've got alex sorry alex what's up sonny how's it going oh it's going good dude i can hear a little echo i don't know if your chrome is open or can you hear me now is this better yeah i can hear you perfectly but i think you've got a tab open with uh with the video running maybe in the background there we go yeah i paused that nice even sarah said hey what's up robert nice so robert is an awesome student inside our community i actually coached robert a little bit beforehand uh before he joined in and then when i launched her to full stack hero robert kind of came along into diamond community absolutely crushing it now he's a success coach inside the community so robert introduce yourself what was your background before you joined or even met me and where are you at right now yeah absolutely um so i did the whole coding boot camp thing i came from a non-technical background in college i was a creative writer i joined a boot camp i did a career switcheroo and i found that it was kind of lacking the curriculum was great and everything but uh man it was tough and the yeah i didn't find that i had really good support there at that at that coding boot camp anyways flash forward um that was like in 20 the beginning of 2020 when i graduated so flash forward like to the end of the year i was practicing code uh got introduced to sonny's videos and everything and his clones and stuff reached out to sonny uh to get mentored by you and then uh yeah absolutely i was there for this course in the very beginning i i signed up enrolled in the course and became a success coach in the process um i myself am also a a grader for the coding boot camp i once attended and everything so yeah nice robert and i remember when i first met robert it was uh i think we met i think it might have been linkedin when we first started or touch base it was linkedin yeah and then we kind of you know so like i said even in today's session i was talking about how you can actually go ahead and reach out to people reach out to other developers and you know and that's how me and robert met the first time and um like he said he was searching for a mentor right and that's what i find will accelerate you the most right and robert i don't know what's your take on this do you think what's been your quickest progression has it been from courses or has it been from finding the correct mentor and always been a combination of the both yeah okay um i have something to say to that actually it's definitely the mentorship okay that i give the most weight not to say that like uh you know uh udemy courses and everything they're great but they're supplementary okay they're like i give them like 10 weight that's a good like introduction to topics and everything but the the problem with like udemy courses in my experience is they give you this false sense of i'm learning but really you're not learning you're just kind of like coding along and everything that's not that's not how to learn and retain material and stuff yeah so i'd say like it's a great introduction to topics whereas this community of people uh where you have me and the 24 other success coaches like we're here to like help you out answer your questions and just like tutor you along in like even if you're a complete beginner in javascript even if you're just at the most basic rudimentary level of what is console.log like we're here to help you and everything yeah um and answer your questions and everything i think that's where the learning kind of happens is whenever you actually dive into it and everything and you have a community to like help you learn that mentorship right yeah and um not only that all the members have access to you sonny i mean that's amazing that's kind of what sold me on it yeah i remember because i remember as soon as i opened the course the first time in member i think it was one of the first ones i saw was robert and i was like yes let's go and uh and obviously when we have the diamond mentorship calls um it's always kind of obviously we have the weekly coaching call which is everyone in platinum uh and then they're gonna pretty much that's awesome the energy is insane we have so many students in there and we kind of you know riff off each other and help each other out but um when we have the diamond core it's a very intense it's like a very close-knit set of just friends coding together and they say we can touch on new topics we touch on graphql we touch on like uh some typescript and we sort of go into that stuff even sort of down to investments and what you can kind of how you can handle your money or your time management so we do a lot of things around that area so uh i love that dude i love the fact he just leaped in jumped in trusted me and uh what would you say to someone robert if they're on the fence they don't actually know whether this is for them um or not what would you say to that person yeah absolutely do it do it because um again like what makes this really special is the whole community behind it right we have you have sunny you have access to you like that in itself is like that's amazing right yeah and then not only that but you have access to like me and the other success coaches we're here to like help you again at any level like even if you're a complete beginner and you want to go into web development and you want to learn react which is like basically the hottest technology right now it's the most cutting edge technology and not only that if you want to learn the most cutting edge technologies in javascript this is it because this course will keep you up to date with the most cutting edge javascript technologies that is you know not just react and redux right but like server side rendering with next js tailwind css and everything and um the good practices behind it so not just like teaching you the bare bones but like hey this is actually a really good practice if you implement it this way and design it this way because this will take a load off the server or whatever what have you so anyways really good practices that you can learn through this course and um yeah do it do it you you won't regret it i love that dude because it's true we do touch on new topics all the time but it is mainly the practices and ironing out those bad habits early on right so that way you don't go ahead and learn new bit of tech but then you're kind of attached to all these bad habits and when you go to a production environment they're going to sting you for it um so it's good to iron out those things now and kind of you know grow in a good kind of you know like a very positive kind of way but that's awesome to see you uh to see you feel that way dude and uh thank you so much for jumping in i think it's always handy and and just amazing to get your sort of experience from the beginning all the way to now so that way anyone who comes in knows what to expect and uh yeah thank you so much robert yeah absolutely sunny yeah nice chatting with you nice chat with you and i'll see you in the next chord dude peace thank you yeah yeah guys robert is is priceless guys honestly like this is what i mean like you don't just join a community you have so many friends that you make along the way and it's just honestly so much fun like i remember when i first started coding it was very kind of like you know dull and boring until i saw a result right like if i saw a bit of a web page that i built or i built some program in java or something like that it would be that it's only till i finally got to that point but now i'm trying to flip it on its head so you can just make friends jump into a community you know really kind of push that positive side of things and then you can go ahead and you know be a part of something a bit bigger than just a udemy course but guys we have alex left and um i think it's alex and ardell and then i'm wrapping up okay so which means that we have like i said we've just got one more space for this papa 50 right literally it's just it's still there one more space for papa 50 and then it's gone okay so there's one more space for papa 50 and then we are closing the doors on that and i can see some of you are trying to buy at the moment so i can see you're at the checkout just go for it once you've seen it for yourself and uh we've got two more calls and then i'm ending this webinar which means those coupon codes will no longer work all right the sale is over after this ends okay so make sure you dive in now and let's go ahead and cody says it's an investment in yourself today honestly 100 dude i couldn't agree more let's go ahead and grab in alex alex is a diamond member guys a diamond member [Music] there we go what's up alex good to see you man good to see you too how are you doing i'm doing good dude how are you go ahead and introduce yourself and where are you working from i think that's a really uh sort of cool point that i think everyone's gonna love yeah i can back it up to because i'm a little bit sunburned here i work from thailand alex diamond member um been a part of the community since a weekend to the start i guess yeah i think i used i used to be if you're watching this and you're looking at us current members i used to be you i uh just i remember watching frank talk about where you're about to launch and then uh i joined a few days later and i was really like on the fence for a few days i was like should i do it should i do it and then i did and everything changed for me i was able to land my first react job which i'm currently working at so um yeah that's amazing dude i remember when alex joined it it was it was right in the beginning just when we launched it um and it was so much we've progressed so much since then we've got the success coaches all this other stuff but alex the main point that i really love about you is you work in thailand which is awesome because i get so many questions about can i work wherever i want in the world how does that work so jonah explain your journey as to because like like so your company is it based in thailand or is it based abroad it's based in thailand um but i'm friends with two other guys who just work for america companies and um an english company and they just live in work here um because why not you know and um a lot of digital nomads here i mean this is the career for you if you'd like to sort of freedom to i but it's also i mean i work in an office job we work from home right now because of covet obviously but uh it's also nice to have that sort of field experience to have it on your resume so that's what i'm trying to trying to gather now yeah then i like the sort of freedom to do whatever i want with my laptop so that's what i that's my goal for the future and i have that cindy already to uh brag about yeah yeah dude i think you're actually an awesome developer i think when we're in the diamond coaching course it's never like uh you're behind or you're not understanding what's going on it's always you know top point you're always to you're kind of coming with new stuff all the time um and i think it was actually during a call that you i remember you actually landed your job and then you were talking about in one of the calls um i think it was part of every basically guys before we start a success coach call or not any course or any coaching call we always start with wins and one of those wins one day was alex all right so alex was actually one of the wins when he actually landed that job alex how much experience did you have before you joined so yeah i had a boot camp uh behind me there was a ruby on rails boot camp yeah um but i'll say i'll say this like what i used to think and i did all the tutorials i did all the javascript all the fundamentals all that and i really thought that i had to be like the smartest best developer that's like the main point i'll say about the coaching calls we will we see you go through the same same things we go through and you how you handle them and then we bring up new stuff all the time that you've never worked with and we just tackle them live and we get to see how you do it and it's not ever what i thought it was i just saw it i just thought from watching your clones that you must be really smart and really smart programmer and you know all this yeah but you don't you just like break it down to small little chunks problems make these complex problems do a little small chunk tackle it one at a time and that's what i learned the most about so i used to feel like oh man i don't know how to fix this i suck you know what i mean now i'm more like i see an error message oh interesting what is it you know so yeah exactly and i think that's golden i think i i didn't even think of it like that and i remember when i was learning my main thing was like i was like i do am i am i like not cut out for this is it am i not smart enough for this because i used to always get stuck all the time i get stuck at everything all right and then and then i wanted it to become apparent that the more senior i got i was like hang on everyone's getting stuck at this level right it doesn't matter who it is at what level every single person's getting stuck so i wanted to make a big part of like the course and how i teach to kind of come back and be like it's okay you know it's okay we all get stuck and i want to show you my actual real experience the clones are very prepared right but i love to show you the raw like experience like you said yeah like be kind to yourself when you're coding everybody goes so you have 10 years of experience and i see you get stuck and you're like i don't really know quite why this is that and then just you know i it was never what i thought it would be i used to think that it's not okay to like reuse code to just pull something in and use it again it's totally okay guys that's what we do that's how we work i just the other day at work i did this little thing i pulled it off of the um netflix clone yeah and i used that in my in my day job you know what i mean so yeah that's incredible dude honestly thank you so much for jumping in i think it's always uh it's always a pleasure talking to you dude and uh i will see you in the next uh diamond coaching call yeah see you then man awesome dude peace bro bye guys alex is awesome honestly such an incredible dude um i think what we're going to do now is oh wow we got so many more students that want to go ahead and and jump in so i'm going to go and speak to adele because i've been saying to him i will for a while but guys that last space has gone right so papa 50 has now gone right which means i have to go ahead and get rid of it that is now out and it's going to go ahead and get removed from the coupon code list so now we have popper 25 for the first 30 right so you're going to get 25 pounds off if you use papa 25 and already we are on a discount already for the webinar right so there's actually sale so that's on top of the sale so save yourself some money and grab it while it's on and then we're going to pretty much lock the doors up and sort of tighten the community up again so we can improve the quality once more okay so let's go ahead and check out we've got um where did he go audio let me go ahead and see ardell there we go i'm gonna bring him in now there we go [Music] yo what's up adil what's up sunny how are you i'm doing good dude how are you doing i'm doing great uh can you hear me properly yes crystal clear dude perfect yeah great so what's up sunny i i actually didn't uh you know continue for the five days but i was hopping inside i was having some work with my internship so i was like creating the pages and i was looking at the video i didn't quote along obviously but i will uh in like say three days yeah and i would say that's a good point to anyone else who hasn't kind of done it you can still do it afterwards right and even like adil said you know make sure you do do it right so like because obviously some people do have commitments i do have an assignment it's okay right remember it's up on youtube for that reason so that way you guys can feel free take your time go for it ideal great student of ours he is a success coach who absolutely dived at the chance to do his uh first success coach coaching call i think you were the first right ado yep and what did you teach during your success coach coaching call um i actually paired up with one of my friend and then we made an api and we taught them how to deploy the api pull it into your react project combining everything you teach and uh building a front-end for it that's awesome man i remember i was watching it with jay because it was the first success coach coach and i was like this is so cool i was like because it makes a change because i'm not the only one teaching then we get additional you know students giving their insights success coaches giving their insight it's an amazing way of getting you know because a lot of people might react to me well right but then someone out there will react to you better than they were to me right and then as you can sort of get progressed they'll probably you know they could they could like you way better than they're like me all right you could lead the papa all right so we could go ahead and move in that direction but that's awesome man what was the idea that made you take a leap of faith and join zero to force accuracy so the thing is i was um watching your netflix challenge like i was coding along with the netflix challenge and i had two sleepless nights because i had i had no idea about react and literally nothing about javascript i had a bit of experience with html css and all that but then uh nothing in react and a very little exposure to javascript right right but i pulled it off i created the netflix challenge like i just finished uh completed the challenge i got the build ready i deployed it with my name yeah and then uh i got like i just came with the uh you know papa fam and then uh after the results came out i i was the third place in the challenge so i really knew that so i just you know what i did was uh once i came into papa fam i waited for like a week right and then i went to the course i was like okay fine let's do this i don't know what i'm to do but let's try this i watched one of your video and then i was literally binge watching your entire you know the series of react basics yeah and then i completed it i was it was like a dive for me right i was not really clear to uh like what to do next and all even the clones i was not really sure whether i'll be able to do or not so what i told was okay uh let me take a break let me build some of my own projects like say creating a dashboard yeah or say uh creating a pop-up ads or something like that yeah right so i made them and then i felt really confident like uh the way you explain things the thing is like uh class-based components and uh you know functional components comparing side by side and teaching is not an easy job you make me read documentations without pictures so that's a huge deal for me because i can't read uh you know two to three pages without any image yeah so that's me and that's a really great thing for me uh yeah that's awesome man so how do you feel um like because i think i've seen you progress i've actually seen you just progress as you've been in the course and like now like i remember what i love to see right is when i see a student come in and in the first coaching call they're a little bit kind of like shy you know like hey i'm new here and and then they kind of grow right and and are there's a perfect example of this they grow and then i what my goal was to provide a platform for you guys as well with the success coach program and then adult took a jump at that and then it was it went he went from like you know this kind of guy he's like yeah i'm kind of new here to running a coaching call himself right with confidence which means that you are coming through like with that sort of coding knowledge and it comes through as confidence right now think about when you get in front of an employer or a freelancing client that confidence comes through again and it comes through like over and over and that's going to lead to results right that's going to keep on leading to results fiddle said um jay go ahead and answer fiddle's question but um yeah i do that's incredible man what would you say to someone out there that's on the fence you know they they're they don't know whether or not it's for them or they may be better off with the udemy course what would you say to someone like that okay uh so there are two types of people over here one who are like into web development already they know some previous technologies or something like that and they want to jump into course they're standing over there right and there's another person who's completely new me and then uh so they're standing over there and both of them want to jump inside right i'd say both of them to give it a try and jump inside like i did because once you get inside right generally people don't like reading huge text right even react documentation you're having a lot of text you can't read the complete thing correct so uh sunny what he does is he makes you read that without you knowing so that is the amount of value you have inside the course right and this is just a pinch of whatever is there inside the course then you have me and other 24 other success coaches uh giving you a coaching call every week alongside sunny's coaching call uh that will be on friday and then so you know it's a really uh good thing to do as well as uh sunny provides resources uh from you know like a like a huge number of pages and all of that so you can read them as well which is really valuable and uh yeah you can interact with sunny that is really a plus point not a plus point it's a huge thing actually so yeah that's awesome man you know it's always weird for me i remember when i first started out i was super shy you know i didn't do public speaking and things like that and then now to hear that it's cool for you guys to speak to me it's really like a nice thing and my goal is to make you guys have that level of confidence as well and you know just crush it you know like take it to that next level although i have no doubt that you're gonna kill it man keep on doing what you're doing your energy is contagious because honestly i've had messages from people in the community that i will send you about you know like our deal session was crazy it was awesome and that was the remember that was the first session i was showing it to jay i was like wow i did not expect this level of response uh so well done dude and this is what makes up the papa fam people like you and uh yeah i really appreciate you coming on today dude thank you sonny it was really great talking to you yeah thank you so much and i will see you in the next code dude thank you so much peace that is our deal guys really awesome student honestly um next we have um a william and then we have uh avnish okay and i am gonna wrap up very soon because i say it's so much fun you know everyone wants to kind of you know jump on and kind of get involved um but yeah we're going to go ahead and bring on william and avnish and then i think i'm going to wrap it there guys so jay i think we're going to be done after that and uh we're gonna come to an end okay but guys um it's been so much fun okay i'm gonna go ahead and bring on william william is an awesome student right he's actually such a good guy and uh he just messaged me saying i am william so i'm gonna go ahead and bring on william right now let's give him a call guys and see if he picks up [Music] yo what's up william hey how's it going happy moments hey what's up man good to see you dude how are you doing yeah i'm being so great i'm happy to see you too sonny oh awesome man william did you partake in the challenge or are you going to partake in it yes i did but the before was so intense so i have to take my time and just go through but it was awesome actually i was in the process of even building my own e-commerce site so when you're on camera that speed up everything for me and uh uh yes that responsive uh carousel or something like that that was amazing that was amazing funny thank you so much for bringing this to us and uh i'm so happy for that that's awesome yeah the responsive carousel was a very cool feature all right and uh you're right i struggled myself with this thing for the past one week trying to run my head around it but when it came i said whoa so it's so easy yeah that was it for me you're welcome dude you're welcome and this is the energy i thrive off dude you're like forcing a smile onto my face now so that's awesome um day four was definitely an intense day dude so i tell you what i might actually go ahead and bring that to the next coaching call um because that was uh that was really that was something which was definitely it was a challenge i remember when i was doing even joshua chris just commented saying this is so cool yeah honestly it's amazing to see you know students from outside inside the community all coming together to better themselves but william it's amazing to have you on i want to go ahead and firstly say let's go ahead and introduce yourself where are you from how much experience did you have before you got into the papa fam yes okay so i'm from ghana but i'm currently in nigeria working for one company in the uk all right so my background i have before i used to do a development with a wordpress so i was like kind of how to have the feel of the thing all right so during most of your videos that i used to watch from youtube i said no this is it i think i need to follow this guy so after the netflix uh challenge i said no i have no option than to join uh perform after i joined first time you told us that okay when we lay react we should be able to do um applications for windows for ios and for android so i was like no no no no then this is it if i'm able to do all this thing with real huh then i need to jump into it so i look for money and jump to it and trust me funny i have um two reactivities up and it's working yes play store and if you go to amazon i have one on amazon now i have students that i'm teaching basic uh html javascript and css as well yeah this is growing i have my own official website i deploy my own official what's up with him shortest possible time dude this i love this this is crazy yeah this is crazy dude the energy yeah exactly and you can't even ask adventists i've nice wanted to come through one day to just talk to my students for just five minutes but uh they tell me was wrong so i'm just looking forward for him to come one day and talk to my students yeah and dixon as well is part of my team now yeah that's awesome so much funny you're absolutely welcome dude thank you for having such positive energy because i remember when i first started this off i remember i was like i want to get people together who have a positive mindset want to grow have that drive and passion to get past those points of debugging now william you know for a fact i remember i see it in the coaching course as well i know for a fact that whenever you get to those points where you know you're debugging and you're stuck and then we finally break past it or or i mentioned a sort of thing you know a scenario that we get caught and i see your face and you're like i've been there i know how that i know how yeah and that's the main thing right it's about perseverance pushing through so william what would you say um is what would you say is your favorite part about zero to full stack hero yes that's the thing the thing is the coaching part trust me if i have a mentor before when i used to do this web development then i used to run my head around youtube okay and sometimes you need questions but you don't have anybody to get to right so the coaching call is awesome i have standing with me and i have the community to in support so i'm not afraid of any code anymore no not anymore like before because i know when i get stuck i will get to the community the community has my back they will support me so i see the whole process like uh value for money i used to tell most of my colleagues actually get money and come to this course trust me i can take you through the basics but i want you to be part of the proper farm how to feel of it so we can work together exactly dude and this is the thing right like oh man i love your energy william it's so contagious we just got a question from somebody called adil khan now he says are his courses worth it so he's on the fence right now he's debating on whether or not to jump in what would you say to him trust me there's nowhere to go like to join topper farm all right just jump into it please i did the same thing i was just doing the uh uh let me do it and here i am shortest possible time i'm telling you shortest possible time i have my own uh play store and amazon can you imagine this is amazing i just want you to just jump on it and just try and you will never never regret this trust me it's an amazing being with papa phone i love that dude i love that so much and literally sarah just commented saying sonny's way of teaching his unparalleled it makes sense when he explains code would you agree with that exactly one hundred percent nice dude nice and i 100 i just saw a comment saying if you're determined to put in the time yes i agree with that 100 so remember any course community or everything like that is great even the papa farm but it's down to if you're willing to put in the effort as well right so we have amazing students like william who are literally going ahead and you know pushing their boundaries putting in that effort waking up every day with the determination to kind of push you know and kind of go further and react the sort of tech stack and go ahead and you know build like for example in the course it doesn't say anywhere to go and build an app and put it on the play store but william did that with the skills he learned right so that's what it's about it's about getting so much passion and motivation from a community that it just takes you to these places where you get results where you can push yourself dude i love that so much and thank you so much for jumping on william honestly really love you lovely thank you for you appreciate you dude someone thank you so much dude catch you in the next coaching call bye-bye nice all right william guys such an amazing student honestly such an awesome guy uh very down to earth and and it's just oh god like that's what we're about at the public farm honestly really really awesome audio says i have built multiple full stack apps i'm looking for advanced stuff okay if you're looking for advanced stuff then diamond is a hundred percent the way we're literally doing graphql we're doing loads of stuff around that side next.js is where i first introduced it into the diamond community that's where we pretty much go ahead and just like push your limits quite massively um so avnish you're going to be coming on next um let's see if rosen says hey did the winner's been announced i'm going to get i'm going to be in touch with every single winner very soon me and jay have to crunch the numbers there are so many people who submitted it's crazy okay and uh joshua says wow from ghana presenting my country yes there you go dude we're international in the papa fam uh it's so much fun dude so let's go ahead and see okay let's see what avnish has to say what's up avnish hello hey dude avnish first question how old are you 30 13 years old guys 13 years old and he is a let me just say this before avnish introduces himself avnish is one of those developers who blew me away in terms of skill and passion like he took i remember he we had a i saw we had a coaching call and abney said to me he goes i think i can make an app which is you know it's going to do something pretty great in the coaching course and he made a q a application i know was it amnesia was it presumed either way you both were questioning it i was presumed but either either way abner yeah that's it yeah but he jumped in as well you know helped him out but yeah loads of people saying he's going to be awesome when he's older especially for a 13 year old so i've niche i've done too much talking you introduce yourself and uh how much skill did you have before you came into the papa fam before i jumped in i i knew a bit of html and css i did not know javascript perfectly but now when i'm inside i can build my own apps without watching any tutorials so that escape that's awesome man that's amazing and uh avnish what would you say is your favorite part about the puppet fam and zero to full stack hero it is mostly about interacting like if i have a question i can just shout out like i have this question can you answer it and many of many people will just answer that question for me exactly awesome and then if you did the same thing in stack overflow most of the time we'll be sitting there waiting right we'll be sitting there waiting for ages and it just you know we wouldn't get an answer loads of people asking what is the papa fam this is the community that we've created it's called zero to full stack hero it is a link in the description if you're watching on youtube or if you're watching on crowdcast there is a button on the screen and you can feel free to jump in we have a massive sale one right now avnish what would you say to someone if they were sort of you know if they have no coding experience at all but they want to start coding like just jump in there are many html basics in the modules you can watch them and later on go to ziad basics and then you can you are ready to build your own websites that will look amazing exactly dude that's it incredible stuff now avnish anything you want to share with your experience at all this is your time to pretty much go ahead and say whatever you want to say about you know whether it's or not like your experience with the papa fam or anything like that let me let go ahead and just speak freely dude yeah these five five-day challenges are just amazing the last one also it was very fun and i got to build many new things and learn and this time also i built an e-commerce site for myself that's awesome man and i saw you did actually um you finished the homework right on day four yeah guys that's that's incredible right i know for a fact this was probably why avnish would you agree when i say this is probably the trickiest challenge we've done yeah the day 4 was very tricky like installing the skype cli and the web part was very kicky yeah exactly but avnish you did it dude which is incredible you crushed it and i'm super proud man i'm super proud that's awesome to see and uh thank you so much for coming on i like honestly it's it's quite a scary thing for you know to come on to your call in front of everyone and speak freely but like here we are you've killed it and uh i do think you would absolutely crush it in success coaching calls um so i'm gonna definitely consider chucking you into that realm of things and we can kind of move on that side so that's awesome dude yeah i would love to i would love to take any success coach as well and thank you for taking me thank you so much avnish i'll see you in the coaching call dude yeah yeah please dude thank you thank you bye-bye crazy stuff guys such a cool honestly it's really awesome to see um okay we got the other youngster in now prashun prashun is even younger than avnish and uh i think he's literally like i can't i can't say no to prashun uh i think prashuna is 11 and then we're gonna wrap up after that guys no more after that okay this would be the absolutely final one um but look at this jm ninja says wow you're so young and already such a good developer keep going man jm what you are about to bring on now as well so uh avnish and prashu are good friends i'm going to go ahead and give prashuna a call crazy developer honestly really awesome developer let's go ahead and check out what's up christian let's see if this is honey is the camera loading just just a second oh what's up now we can see you hey dude good to see you hi sunny how are you doing man i'm doing amazing sunny how are you doing i'm doing good dude so how old are you prashu and let everyone know how old are you and what's your background encoding so uh i am 12 years old and last time in the lockdown i started coding yeah first i started with the basics like uh html css and javascript yeah then i saw your videos the clone videos which were which were there uh so my first clone was the amazon clone which was there so you had done it in the uh cp channel which was there yep and i got a lot of value from it initially to be honest in the first one i didn't understand a lot of things and uh to be honest i i even didn't know javascript during that time so like i directly jumped from html and css to react.js nice then i um learned javascript and then it was much easier for me to understand and then first i used to just see like your videos and then i used to make the clones at that time i used to like be very happy with that but now like uh i i was doing the twitter clone yeah during that time i learned a lot about flexbox uh so my designing skills were okay so i even added some more features which were there i added authentication in that video uh you had not covered it actually so i thought i'll do it on my own nice so yeah that's awesome man i love to see that i see ew just dropped a wicked comment he goes sunny is training the future ceos bro that's what i'm talking about prashun and avnish guys you heard it here first they're gonna be future ceos and this is insane right um but yeah amazing to have you on here person prashun what would you say to someone okay what's your favorite what's your favorite part about the community it's like there are many people which uh you can interact with and they even say that it's not like in the current world which is there it's not just enough to be a great developer you even need the skill of networking so that you can like collaborate with other developers and build uh amazing applications which are there so this community is amazing the papa fam which is there like i whenever i ask questions i get responses i see people helping each other when i ask someone that can we build something uh every time they agree so that's great about the community which is there that's awesome man thank you so much for sharing for jumping in i completely just saw your name and i was like i can't say no to pusheen killer deva developer and guys also i want to mention i i was running a coaching call and we had a problem where we got so we got quite a few questions right so prashun took it out of like he took that problem and he went ahead and developed an app all right which is a q a style app real time q a style app and then he had a i think i even even had a login process and everything and uh and then we used it inside the coaching course right so that's incredible that's so fun and it makes the coaching calls a lot more optimized and sort of efficient and uh yeah it's it's honestly really really proud of you dude and i think you need to keep on keep on going with that energy because you're to take it so far if you carry on at this pace because i mean like 12 years old guys i'm crushing at the moment i don't know what i was doing at 12 i definitely wasn't coding but this is why this is what i love to see thank you sunny thank you thank you so much yeah a lot of things like like you actually gave me the confidence of building uh applications on my own websites on my own with react.js that's amazing man thank you you're absolutely welcome dude thank you for being such an awesome member in the community being so active all the time ask answering questions all the time i see you in sac you know someone comes up with a question prashun's in there see that his little pictures pop up and uh that's what the community is about so amazing stuff dude and i will see you in the next coaching call thank you so much for jumping on dude thank you thank you sunny for having me i appreciate it thank you so much bye guys prashun crazy good coda honestly like it's it's just so like motivating to see that right like when you see i mean i really don't know what i was doing at that age but like i definitely wasn't coding and i just think it's amazing that people can you know they like it's so young and they can crush it and and guys these guys are absolutely not something to be compared against because they're like you know like oh they're not as good developers because they're young guys i'm telling you i'm not even saying i confidently say these youngsters are killing it and they learned like inside the community and they are absolutely like on par with some of the crazy good developers that i have worked with in my adult career so that's insane right let's just go ahead and check this out we've got sith phone says hello would just like to thank you for your tutorials keep up the good work thank you so much dude for checking in and we also have angelino who said nice man greetings from belgium what's up dude good to see you here and he said 12 years old nice yeah i know it's insane honestly really really amazing stuff namisha's i was not aware so many young developers are here yeah we have loads we have honestly all ages inside the community um and honestly it's it's just really really nice to see this now i think we're gonna go ahead and wrap up jay uh says the link is not working so go ahead and check that one out but guys i want to mention that the exclusive sale that is currently running right now is only going to be active for a short few minutes more and then we are going to go ahead and wrap up okay so the coupon codes that we have available left are 25 off and we have papa 15 off for 15 pounds off and 25 pounds off respectively so if you can't um if the link is not working for some reason people are saying it's not working jay just double check but all you need to do is add proper 25 off at checkout to go ahead and get that 25 off or 25 pounds off your order okay so we have platinum we have diamond if you simply go ahead and click join sale price there'll be a coupon code where you can enter it and you can go ahead and pop that in okay so i want to go ahead and give a nice warm welcome to a few new members who have just joined in guys we had brandon joe we have yapi kang who we spoke to earlier udeep michael miss chan abdul mark akhil giovanni roycey temba jana worthy i think it's worthy sunjana patrick tunas what's up dominic um your i think it is um and then we have a few more we have a gideon we have kofi uh yeah just it's just crazy stuff guys and then i have a few more there as well that's just wow like i didn't expect the sort of you know the love and craziness that we have but um here guys if anyone's on the fence right now the sale is live in fact let me go ahead and actually speak to jay right now so jay i think we got a few emails in for people wanting to take advantage of the sale uh but we can't actually you know like go ahead and we weren't going to extend it originally but i think we've got such a high demand for the the sale to even extend it i'm going to go ahead and see what the demand is let me know in the comments right now if it would benefit you by extending this sale for a few more days right so maybe a few more days maybe a week maybe a week we could extend it to but if that helps everyone out then i would definitely go ahead and do that um just to go ahead and help you guys out yep says the content is so fire hell yeah dude um this is this is awesome guys so if you're watching right now there is a chance that it will be extended so check out puppetreact.com to go ahead and get your discount um if we do extend it it's going to be for a week max i think that's what we may do and then we're going to go ahead and see what's happening but guys awesome awesome challenge it's been incredible this has been your boy papa react and in this challenge we did an amazing five-day amazon challenge okay so we literally went ahead and fa jc says sunny extended this for a week dude so i might do that dude i might do it so stay tuned on papa react anyone who turned up today as well i'm gonna go ahead and drop you guys an exclusive little coupon code to help you guys out and yeah guys this has been absolutely incredible this is what we built we had the ability to add items to the basket uh rivan says is any other way to pay other than paypal so you can use paypal you can use a direct card or if you've got crypto we do accept cryptocurrency but you're gonna have to email us um so you can email us at paparreact.team gmail.com okay so go ahead and email us conrad says yes extend for a week aftab says yes extend it okay you guys heard it here first so i guess we're gonna be extending the sale for seven days guys we're gonna extend it for seven days just for you guys so you guys can feel free to jump in leverage those prices and then yeah it's gonna be a lot of fun right we're gonna see where we go and after that i'm locking the doors up because i'm gonna focus on the course itself and deliver the best content i could have ever done for you guys so that way we can absolutely crush it together guys this has been amazing it's your boy proper react signing off right like i said we built this awesome amazon clone it had a full sign-in sign out check functionality ability to pay for things you can go ahead and you know have a full checkout flow and we are going to go ahead and if i haven't already announced it we are going to announce the winners very very soon okay so stay tuned for your inboxes and we'll go ahead and drop a massive newsletter out for the fantastic winners and guys it's been so much fun it's been amazing to have everyone on here right now i'm going to go ahead and i'm actually going to open up my youtube so that way i can see how amazing this stream has been by the time we finish off so i'm going to go ahead and pop this open right now and again if you're watching this on a replay drop a comment hit subscribe if you if you're new to the channel and uh yeah i already got a question of when is the when is the next you know when is the next video uh guys give me a chance okay give me a chance i'm gonna go ahead we just did five intense days so i'm gonna go ahead and see um we need we need to do a lot of wrap-up work to get this wrapped up and then finished we've got um shikhar says man i would love to join my pocket doesn't support don't worry dude just try and grab the you know the the massive discounts we're offering right now and uh razul says amazing day thank you sunny thank you so much angelino says i will watching the replay sunny amazing stuff dude make sure angelina if you are on the fence jump in because this is going to be literally a sale that we won't bring back so um because literally it's just getting bigger and bigger okay mahmoud says you changed my life thanks from syria i love that dude i appreciate you so much and again all you want to do guys if you want to join in we have full snack training weekly coaching calls exclusive slack community you know how we do it incredible incredible stuff guys so yeah i'm gonna be your instructor during this course and uh i will see you guys in the next video okay i'm gonna send out an email for everyone to go ahead and enjoy the proper fan playlist and you guys can feel free remember that was a present to all of you to go ahead and um you know you can code with that right now this is one of the songs from the proper phone playlist i'm gonna end it off with a nice little nice little finish one let's go ahead and do i have a favorite here i actually have this one this one's pretty good yep this one's pretty nice i think oh no this one's pretty good i'm sorry guys i'm getting carried away in the place palmy doesn't want to leave okay okay go ahead and smash this thumbs up button if you're new and um yeah this is going to go ahead and uh comrade says i'm gonna definitely be working on completing the amazon i was busy with another project at the time amazing stuff fog says you changed my life to your brother from zambia that's what i'm talking about marty says thank you for all the hard work you guys put in to deliver this build i've learned so much in the past few days amazing stuff mohib bye sunny appreciate you guys so much your boy popper x signing out and uh yeah i'm gonna end it on a high guys i'll see you in the next video peace [Music] we did it guys
Channel: Sonny Sangha
Views: 56,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, developer, reactjs, html, css, js, javascript, papa, papareact, papa-react, tutorial, frontend, webdev, web-dev, clone, fullstack, backend, motivation, reactnative, react-native, redux, typescript
Id: 3gIBqSKX8bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 28sec (11908 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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