5 Reasons you MUST learn REACT in 2021!

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what's going on guys welcome to my channel it's your boy papariak i am back on youtube and now i'm gonna be pushing content from my own channel so it's gonna be exciting i hope you guys are ready i am bringing fire guys i'm gonna be dropping videos over here i'm gonna be dropping everything you've been asking for whether it's react react native typescript redux every tutorial you can think of is going to be on this channel so if you haven't already smash that thumbs up button hit the subscribe and hit that little bell icon so you know when the new video is about to drop now guys i'm going to be talking about the top five reasons why you why as to why you need to start learning react and be ready for 2021 because guys react is here to stay is here to make you a ton of money and i want to be the person that guides you and is your personal mentor now let me see who is in the house let's go ahead and see who's joining this chat right now and uh and we can go ahead and see uh let's go ahead and see so we can see we've got aisha azam in the house we've got tanish nikhil jazdev briyanchu hey we got sachin we got loads of people watching over guys go ahead and share this video so it gets out to as many people as possible and uh yeah it's gonna be pretty exciting guys um anka says yo sunny is back it's been a long time man guys it's been a long time kelvin what's up dude good to see you man i wanna go ahead and see some familiar faces here again and uh what i'm gonna actually do for some reason i can't pin your comments anymore so i'm gonna go ahead and open you guys up on the second screen and that way if there's anyone who wants to get pinned on the screen i can still go ahead and do that i wanted to make this first video interactive right i wanted to make it interactive i wanted to talk to you guys you know connect with you guys again because it has been a while and then we're pretty much going to be dropping some really nice pre-recorded videos because i know a lot of you guys have been requesting that you know some videos where you can pretty much go ahead and you know get a nice smooth tutorial and things like that okay so we got atma what's up diego hey so hit we got 50 people watching already that's amazing welcome back guys and uh yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and load up some of your amazing comments right now and we can go ahead and see so let me go ahead and take a screenshot of the chat right now and i'll show you guys who is in the house today right so guys go ahead and check this out this is awesome i love highlighting whenever you guys come over here um let's go have a look it's fun to be back man this is cool so guys go ahead and check it out if you see your face here then go ahead and have a little shout out so we've got david hey what's up man we've got david back in the house we have aisha azam so hit cezar j diego atma shivraj saheed harpreet's saying hey what's up all right we got bad boy we got uncoast gabriel what's up dude can't do a sleep chat here to make an entrance dang oh damn really oh i don't know why that's that's weird um right so nikhil says interactive video can we also hear some people's own experiences react yes well hell yeah dude go ahead and drop your experiences and i can pretty much go ahead and share them we've got brendan we've got manu we've got harper's happy to see you back appropriate i am back guys and it's going to be a hell of a lot of fun all right so guys who's ready to get started on this video today if you are go ahead and smash the thumbs up button and uh let's let's get pretty serious up in here guys so you can see like i've got everything set up so you know the lights turn on when stuff gets serious and uh without further ado guys let's just jump straight into the video right so today we are going to be talking about like i said the five reasons right why you need to learn react for 2021 now guys i'm not joking when i say this right it's one it's not hard to go ahead and and learn react but um one sec well okay interesting i don't know why that's happening but um okay cool anyway guys uh if you can't donate don't worry man honestly just enjoy the enjoy the content you know uh i'm sure that'll fix later but anyway guys first number reason number one right so one of five it's because it is simply the most loved and wanted programming language on stack overflow now you might be wondering something you're just saying that man but like how do we know you ain't lying about that stuff and i can show you that for an absolute fact okay so on stack overflow they did a really nice survey where they basically went around and asked all the developers like hey what's your favorite framework that you're working on the library and uh you guessed it guess what came in first guys you got it right react js came in first place so here you can see we have the most loved dreaded unwanted web frameworks and sitting at first place guys we have react right and not by a little bit either like react came in hot guys so you can see over here react pretty much came in flying we have uh it's right at the top so it's absolutely crushing it oops i got my wrong texting there we go you can see it's absolutely crushing it at the top over here and then let's just have a look at this list right so loads of people who go to university what do you learn you learn jquery and everyone's just like after you learn a bit of jquery you're like hey like i learned a bit of web dev but uh you you'll quickly come out and you realize that oh that that shit's old man so if i see jquery now i run the opposite direction right so what you want to be looking at is something like react because it's here to stay it's modern it's got a lot of power behind it right now you might have heard of a few others vue angular these are pretty cool don't get me wrong these are pretty powerful frameworks and libraries that you can use but the most bloody powerful library that you can get your hands on right now is this guy over here react okay so that's exactly why proper react is here to go ahead and teach you guys how to grab that thing and just run with it right so looking at the chats right we can see atharva says jquery is uh dude i fill you man um sachin says we want to be a react developer like you then you're in the right place dude if you're if you literally want to become a react developer then let me know right now because i'm going to be letting you guys going ahead and and you know really i want to really like take you guys and just guide you all the way to that finish point right so this is the first thing i want to mention right is the it is the most loved and wanted framework or library right so i don't want to get into that argument over here right some people are getting excited about because spring and things like that are over here ruby on rails flask you know a few others that you might have heard of before so if you've heard of any of these things then that should reassure you even more because then you know that you're of these sort of technologies over here but then you've got the bad boy react up here right so it's coming it's just taken over and it's completely killing it right um somebody goes can anyone else hear a slack notification stand in the background well you know we've got we got some notifications happening here all right so i want to see more react native projects right guys i'm going to highlight this one because i'm actually going to bring this one up right so for everyone who is interested in looking on some react native projects i am going to be building out some react native stuff so just to let you know if you want to know about some react native projects we're going to be building some really awesome apps with react native the imessage clone things like that i'm going to be rebuilding them with react native so that you can literally go ahead and just learn ton of information from it right now if you want to get your hands on those tutorials all you have to do is really simple okay all you have to do is go ahead hit the subscribe button hit the bell notification icon so that way when i drop those videos and tutorials you're the first to get that's it it's as simple as that's all you have to do and if you want to go ahead and also like make sure that you're absolutely never going to miss that stuff and also if you want tips and tricks every week then make sure you also join the papa react newsletter the link is in the description and every week it's completely free just sign up and i'm going to be dropping you weekly emails and it's going to be value-packed right value-packed emails everything that i learned i'm just going to be sharing with you guys whether it's a new technology whether it's some cool react libraries or modules i want you guys to know about i'm going to be sharing it so please please please go ahead and make the most of that link's in the description and it'll be pretty cool because it's also my way of keeping in touch with all of you right so we can see anchor says your royal fan is here we want to see some more react projects you guys are going to see all of those projects um for sure um so bad boy nyaski says this is actually something i also want to bring up so he says don't forget to for don't forget the beginners we want to react to right so this is something i actually do want to talk about so something i noticed previously right that that was a sort of a problem is that a lot of the tutorials the beginners got lost right so i know you a lot of you guys loved it but the tutorials were quite tricky right um it was quite tricky so the problem was is that like you guys would you'd watch about five minutes into it and then you get lost right so i'm gonna make your lives easier and i'm gonna be dropping something which you've all been waiting for something which you've been asking me for like and i've got dms about this all the time i'm going to be dropping react basics and things like that i'm going to be dropping the react sort of basics i'm going to be clearing things up for you guys making beautiful tutorials where you guys are going to be able to learn everything from scratch right so it's going to be really really nice for you and that's going to be really i think that's going to help a lot of you out right so if you're excited for that please let me know and i can see loads of people jumping in the newsletter and i love that guys so first link in the description go ahead and be a part of that right so let's go ahead and see um i can see so many i love your energy guys everyone's like super excited they're coming back this is this is fun guys this is what i want to have fun with you guys and just go ahead and and build out a bunch of stuff right i do have linkedin by the way somebody asked about linkedin so yeah i definitely do have linkedin okay now let's talk about a few different topics right so number one reason for learning react because it's the most wanted and and loved framework uh according to one of the biggest companies out there stack overflow right so we've all heard a stack overflow we've all been there we've all gone into those like you know those those forums where people make you feel this big and nobody likes that but it's a handy place to go ahead and learn from okay so i see tons of people coming that newsletter that's what i want to see guys right now moving on to uh this let's break down that point so why do i think it is the why do i think that's one of the best reasons for you to learn it because it's easy to learn right so let's go ahead and pull out that that's that little screen brush that you guys love and that's the app guys by the way so many people have like and asked me what is that app you use and it's called screen brush okay so it's called screen brush and uh that's that's what i'm using whenever i draw on the screen so if you want to use it go ahead and download this on the mac app store and it's going to help you guys out if you're ever trying to teach or something like that right so react is the most um wanted programming language um not language library on stack overflow right so let's go ahead and break it down a little bit more so you can get a better insight as to what's going on so it's easy to learn right it's easy to learn and this is because it's a library not a framework right now what does that mean it means like angular for example is a framework which means that to go in the learning curve is pretty high right so like when you want to sort of start an app off you have to know quite a lot of angular and the framework and how it works in order to get things up and running with react all you need to do is go ahead and literally use mpmpx create react app and before you know your app's up and running right so it's going to help you out a ton in terms of getting up and running off the ground the learning curve is very very easy okay so that's the first thing that i would recommend which i think is extremely useful now the second thing is that it is it has a component-based design now why is that handy right component-based design some of you might be wondering what the heck is component-based design and simply put all it is is essentially where the heck oh my little drawing tool's gone um oh there we go so i got my nice little drawing tools over here and guys you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna deactivate that little noise that slack makes every time you guys join because it's gonna be uh something which you're gonna hear back afterwards so let me go ahead and deactivate that and this is a debugging little issue when it comes on there we go we all sounds there we go nice so you guys shouldn't hear that little click click every time right so component based design now what does that mean right so imagine we had a we wrote a piece of code for a product right which had a title so imagine this was like the amazon echo and it had a price on it so let's just say it was like 13.99 or something let's just say 49.99 is more realistic right so imagine this was a component that we wrote right in react now what you could do is you don't have to copy and paste the code over and over and over again you just write this in one file for example called product.js right now when you have this all you need to do then is go ahead and and literally go ahead and uh and and reuse the product.js component but you might be wondering wait sonny but how do i how the hell do i go ahead and change the the title and change the the amount over here and that's where props comes in so in react you have something called props and they are extremely powerful and they allow you to reuse components because you can typically go ahead and customize the properties that you're passing to each of those components so it's pretty cool right so that's another reason why we like react okay now a few more benefits it it allows you to boost seo so if many of you who don't know what seo is that's the lovely little thing that pushes your search result on google higher right so it means search engine optimization and what that means essentially is like imagine you had a business or a company all you need and do is use something like react or use something like next js or server side rendering which is also making use of react and you can get a really nice seo score which means that like imagine you're trying to push a brand for example papa we've got the merch coming soon get excited for that that is exciting stuff and i'm going to be dropping that papa much on you guys i can't wait i've got my stuff on its way it got delayed because of the whole coronavirus situation but super super exciting stuff proper much let me know in the comments if you're excited about that um but yeah we're going to pretty much be running with that stuff but yeah you can boost your seo which means that your search results are going to come higher up which is which is exactly what you want when you're running a business right okay now single page apps are fast right and now you heard me say something called single page apps there this is what we build when we use react right so whenever you use react you're basically building a single page application which means that it's like it loads up a bundle and once it's loaded that bundle everything sort of works extremely quick off of that you don't see the refreshing right inside of when you're coding you don't typically when you're sort of using a website we hate it when we have to see a refresh or the page when we click on like my account and it redirects us that sort of refreshing is so annoying and we all as us as customers don't want that you want sort of a seamless user experience where the app just loads really quick and everything sort of works off of it right so that's going to be something that's going to help you out over there um okay now prerequisites to getting started with the react right so a lot of a lot of the questions i typically get is sunny what do i need to know uh oops to start and react all right it's time react yes let's just go ahead and set it up so make it super clear right what do i need to know in order to get started with react.js right and i get this question all the time and guys all you need to know is a basic understanding of html css and javascript i promise you it doesn't get more complicated than that if all you need is a basic understanding of html css and javascript right and what i mean by this is like i know i'm a bit extreme witness when this is said but i think you need to go ahead and uh uh yeah so i think what you need to go ahead and do is is literally go ahead and build a web page and trust me when i say this right this is proper reactions right build a web page literally with a button on make it look a little bit pretty you know add some css and add some flair to it but then go ahead and just get a button working to the point where you click the button and you can console log some stuff out on the page that trust me is the point where i would say just start with react right because the reason why i say that is you're going to learn so much well like i said react as a library it's very lightweight to pick up you will learn so much in the process of just playing around with react your javascript will level up a lot of things will come up with that sort of skill that you're developing and you're just going to achieve so much more than simply going ahead and just doing websites with plain html css and javascript okay i wouldn't recommend doing that um now we see i see some comments over here saying even though somebody's trying is best to educate you read the react docs when you're not practicing the tutorials um so something i would recommend here right this is another reason i will talk about it later but the react docs are amazing they have one the clearest react docs uh like the clearest forms of documentation i've ever used when it comes to any library and things like that and now i was talking to a friend before his call and he mentioned that django has actually really good docs as well so it's comparable to that so if you ever if you've ever looked at django docs and you thought they're pretty good reactors are level up they're really clean docks and they're going to help you sort of boost in that area so i would recommend that you can go ahead and and be sure that if you're jumping into an environment where it was well supported and built by facebook guys so it's built by facebook facebook is here to say i mean do you think facebook's going here anytime soon i definitely don't think facebook is going anywhere all right mark zuckerberg is here to stay guys right and he's killing it and everything like so we've got sumo in the house what's up dude i love that um so oh nice we have a 13 year old he goes tanishq singh and nan says i'm 13 you're my inspiration probably right that's what i love dude keep on doing your thing keep on crushing um and i can see a few things here i'm gonna go ahead and bring something up right now uh so we have a wicked little comment over here so i'm just gonna uh screenshot this one so you guys can see it but we can see um let me go ahead and i'm just multitasking this right now so i'm going to go ahead and show you guys something on the screen so can you see we have a comment over here oh it hasn't come in anyway the comment was can we expect some gatsby and next js tutorials yes i'm going to be dropping gatsby and next year so server side rendering on this channel gatsby on this channel react native on this channel typescript on this channel it's get it's going to be everything on this channel guys i'm going to cover everything okay um so so this is going to be this is going to be crazy like i'm telling you i am excited for this man all right so we have loads of stuff going on now what is possible with react okay so we were talking about it's the most wanted and loved programming language and things like that so something that i want to show you is what can you do with it right so we built some pretty powerful apps right in the past that we that you guys know about and i'm gonna run through some of those apps right now so without further ado let's jump into some apps that you can build with the react okay so you guys can see we have the infamous amazon clone so loads of you guys would be familiar with this if you haven't then you know about this cloner i'm going to bring the music back for this one so this is a clone that we made it's an amazon website right go ahead and smash it smash the thumbs up button if you're excited for this right so you can go ahead on here and it's very responsive you can see like as we restructure the sort of size of the page everything gets bigger and smaller as needed and let's go ahead and add a few items to our basket and you can pretty much go ahead and see that we add two items over here right now this app is really powerful because it has firebase behind it so you can go ahead and even sign in um but i'm going to show you if we add some stuff to our basket you can see that we've got a fully fledged basket over here so it says your shopping basket two items added i can remove an item and then you can go ahead and proceed to checkout now we did build a fully fledged one uh for app with stripe checkout and things like that um so you know that's awesome uh samita sonny how can i donate for your coffee for some reason dude i don't know why it's not it's not coming up but i'm going to go ahead and fix that afterwards all i want right now is everyone to just hit the thumbs up button don't worry about donating don't worry about any of that stuff i appreciate everyone who did want to donate but all i need for right now is sign up to that newsletter so i can start dropping you guys value make sure you are subscribed to the channel hit the little bell icon so every time i drop a video you're here to watch it and as i said guys i just appreciate all of you that you're actually here watching and that's all i want from all of you right so uh bishop sunny made react so much simpler guys my goal my mission is to make react gatsby next js typescript react native to this level of simplicity that is my mission if i can do that i'm leaving a legacy and that's everything that i always wanted to do right so that is literally my goal that's my mission and that's what we want to do david's in the house what's up guys dr mann you might know him i've done some monster bills with him so hill is in the house that's awesome all right so let's go ahead and carry on with the build so we've done the amazon build right that was pretty cool netflix we also built this out now this was a dull build right like if you're interested in this one go ahead and i'm going to link everything inside but you can go ahead and actually check this one out right now um i don't know if you guys can see that at the top it's very small but um you can go ahead and check that out if you want all right we have rishi in the house what's up rishi um running through some of the powerful apps that you can build right now with uh react so we have the netflix tone which is honestly it's just crazy powerful and then we had the imessage clone right so this one is live right now to be fair we can go and actually go ahead and play with this to be honest let's bloody let's do that right now guys i'm going to go ahead and share this in the chat okay so i'm going to share this in the chat right now and check this out joe diaz what's up dude guys i'm sharing this in the chat right and as soon as i share this i'm going to go ahead and create a chat right so i'm going to go ahead and create a chat let's call this one the youtube chat right the youtube chat i'm going to create that and let's see if it jumped in where has it gone uh it just jumped in let's just click this one sunny is the goat thank you dude so i'm going to drop this in there go ahead and join me guys right now join me right now i'll show you this app actually works right now and it's live and we built this right and if you want to see how we built this we can go ahead and show you but go ahead and check this guys so you should be at cnn if i go ahead and message you so who else is here right now if you guys can find this where it says sunny's go go ahead and come in and just send a message and let's see who is the first one to drop a message in here right now okay so go ahead and do that and in the meantime oh nice look at that guys we got people coming in this is cool all right let's go ahead and see who else can come in right so look at that oh someone spammed it right yes guys please don't do that i mean i try my best to avoid the bugs in this build you can see like we got c prop reactor is the best you go hello ali thank you guys um and you can see look it even loads your pictures guys so it's pretty pretty powerful build that was a lot of fun building that one i can tell you that was actually a lot of a hell of a lot of fun um and that was a pretty awesome right so guys another thing we built we got the tick tock clone so this one had nearly half a million views right and you can see me and my beautiful girl from melbourne over here and we're just like slaying on tick tock and uh um this is a build that we did over at clever program and and pretty much went ahead and showed you how to do it so we can build powerful website tick tock we also built the instagram clone so we went ahead built instagram and everything on there based on it and then i'm gonna be showing you guys how you can break it down and all that sort of stuff on this channel so make sure as i said before you're subscribed and that's all i ask of you okay so we talked about the first major point of one of five right we talked about the first of five points and that is why it is the most wanted and loved um oh pedro what's up guys i've got students jumping in now this is awesome man we got um saying is it required to sign in yes that use google authentication which is dope man so that one actually had like firebase authentication so as i mentioned before react react native typescript uh gatsby next js all of those things i'm going to be covering on this channel so i mean like if you if you wanted a treat for 2021 this like i hope this made your day right because i'm coming back i'm on full power right now and i'm going to be dropping this like content consistently you can feel the energy because i'm literally like i am pumped to be back right let me know as well guys if you want vlogs right if you want vlogs i'll make some vlogs and that'll be pretty fun to go ahead and do right we nearly have 100 people live so let's keep getting that number up share this video i hope people um and guys remember you guys are going to be here from the beginning so i appreciate each and every single one of you for jumping on today's video okay so let's carry on right now point number two as to why you need to know react in 2021 right what is the reason why you need to know react is because the job opportunities and salaries are ridiculous right now right so the job opportunities and salaries are absolutely insane right i'm talking like you can get six figure jobs you can get all this stuff is feasible now you don't believe me in the chat right now is somebody called sumo sumo and he's got i think his tag is sumit and he is actually somebody i worked with and he landed a six-figure salary and i actually do work with him right now he's one of my students and he's crushing it in boston landed a six-figure salary and guys i have endless stories of people who are absolutely like just destroying it right like it's crazy exciting how many people and mohit says yes we want blogs so i hear you guys i hear you i'm going to be doing this thing my vikram says yeah do your coding fitness vlogs like your old ones you know what i'll even get mad one i'll even get better on this channel we can go ahead and do that so jen meijer says hey there cp rap fan what's up sami there he is six figures guys i'm gonna go ahead and highlight that one right there so samit is no joke guys he actually made a six-figure salary and it's completely there and he showed me and it's real uh yeah so like crushing it amazing stuff um i don't know how i zoom into that there we go so you can see that's one of the comments that came through or some stuff i'll i'll swap the pinning next time so we don't have that issue um so yeah we have loads of things happening over on this side it's crazy right so i was talking about the job opportunities and salaries for a react developer right now if you could learn one skill right in 2021 for me i would suggest you pick up react right now why is that right so it's because honestly the job market is so in demand right now and the first thing that i showed you guys is it's the most loved language right so the first thing i showed you guys and and i'm not joking when i say this right it's completely and this is true my friend jay literally picked up a six-figure salary today we were on the phone earlier and it's lit he literally did it right he picked up a six figure job and i'm gonna be even doing some stuff with helping him out so crazy crazy stuff right uh it is it's just insane right richie says five figures here six figures soon yep so rishi actually landed something as well um i add a submit on on linkedin guys and you pretty much see for yourself right so you guys can go ahead and check that out and uh sumit go ahead and share your linkedin handle and then you can you can go ahead and you know check for yourself linkedin he's actually a six-figure dev which is awesome and i actually climbed the ranks and i'm going to teach you guys how i did that uh how i landed freelancing clients how i learned the gigs how to do all that stuff and what fun stuff so that would be pretty cool to share with you all now let's talk about some of the job opportunities right so firstly remember react is backed by the guys over at facebook so it was actually created by the team over at facebook so it's a completely backed you know it's not something which you can disappear tomorrow so let's go ahead and look at some of the developer markets right so this is actually one of the more better cases when you can actually become a react developer and here look at this guys we're looking at a median this now this is the usa average salary so now usa do pay good salaries but the reason why i'm showing you this is because this is why it's amazing to learn something like react right because well guys i don't think you understand like we're blessed do you know why we're blessed because it is literally a case that you can go ahead and get like for the first time in history you can tap into a us market even if you're not in us i'm in london guys and i can get that salary over here right like if you're in india if you're in sri lanka if you're anywhere in the world you can still go ahead and tap into that market right that's it it's as simple as that you can go ahead and tap into the market so over here you can see the low end 68k i mean i don't know about you but like if you're starting off as a developer that's not bad at all guys i mean i can't complain if you had a you know a 6 68k salary to start off with you see just got real cause we're talking about some money stuff so i'm going to go ahead and get everything a bit more you know intense um but you got median of 121k and then a high salary of 171. now i know people who are on 200 300k salaries it's no joke uh i know i've got a friend who works in netflix i've got another friend who actually works in paypal uh crazy crazy stuff and uh and all this stuff actually happened so you can hear that breakdown missouri 146k new york 146k 135k guys let me know um let me know in the comments right now what what what starting salary would you want right drop a number in the comment right now and let me know what kind of starting salary would you want as a junior developer right and then if if i hear enough of them i'll tell you what my starting salary was and i'll tell you how i went ahead and jumped up right um let's jump onto our next one indeed.com right so let's look at this indeed.com is somewhere where you can pretty much go ahead and land a job right so it shows you ton of different jobs openings on the market so you've got a mid front level developer front-end developer javascript react junior front-end developer react developer react developer contract 400 a week all right ibm offering react jobs for junior react developer guys look it just goes on like i'm it is crazy like this just goes on and on and on and these all london jobs are near me like newbury you've got this one here remote uk based all of them are like loads of them are remote right now why do i also love react because it's also like a very fr obviously it's a front-end library which means that you're building out front-end apps but i'm going to touch the one i'm going to touch on a really strong point next because every time you learn a bit more with react you're upgrading your javascript knowledge which means that technically you can go ahead and transfer that over to the back end becomes really powerful we're going to talk about that in a sec right but jumping back over you can see there's tons of jobs right now let's go back to the top here and you can see it says page 1 of 2809 jobs now i don't know about you guys but that's a pretty decent amount of jobs right now i'm just going to go ahead and check out some of the okay so we can see we can see let's check out the comments we can see uh vikram says 3k nice uh pratik says 120k dixon quasi says 150k all right let's go ahead and check this out i'm gonna go ahead and drop this uh live chat screenshot and you guys can see this for yourself right because i you know i'm not lying when i say this right let's go ahead and make this a bit bigger there we go so we've got 30k we've got 120k 150k uh cena says 50k will be okay i guess yeah we can get 50k uh michael says 75k siemens says 66k rishi says starting salary should be equal to knowledge right now this is actually a very good point i would actually agree then i'll say starting side doesn't actually matter guys because i can tell you if you focus on the positioning yourself around or in a team where you're going to grow as a developer that's where the real money comes in because you're getting like free training and you're like gonna you're gonna shoot past all the other junior devs all the other mid and honestly you can start flying past senior devs in in the quick time trust me when i say this because i was someone who was in a position where my first salary i think was 22k 22 000 pounds right and in three years so no no in two and a half years two and a half years i crossed the six figure mark so i was a six figure dev by 23 and i was making over a hundred thousand pound by age 23 and it's no joke all right you can do this stuff and this is why i'm here because i want to just teach you guys everything all my tips and tricks and you know get you guys up to a point where we can just yeah we can change your life and absolutely crush it right so it's exciting stuff and make sure you are sharing this with as many people as you can because try and help someone else out and it will bring you some you know some good luck for the new year and that's what we want guys want a positive community all right um so cesar says firebase is coming right sonny yes so we also i'm actually going to be dropping tons of firebase content many of you that you have used have been following the channel know that i'm a huge fan of firebase i actually would love to partner with them so i'm going to try and get in contact with them see if we can go ahead and do something and see if we can start a conversation there that would be pretty cool right um so a lot of people say does a website work in india i mean yeah if you deploy a website with five it's gonna work anyway guys 100k 150k 96k steven what's up hey dude let's see here tasha says should i learn typescript in 2021 hell yeah dude that's good and i'm going to cover it for you right so that's going to be cool all right now carrying on to point two right so we talked about a couple of job openings here and let's look at the last one here we have pay scale right so the average salary for the skill react yes so that's that's what that's the way i want to kind of put this the skill react.js right so pick up the new skill react all right pick you up today and it's going to help you out right um guys we're almost at 100 viewers let's go this is what i'm talking about guys first video back i'm already a hundred people watching this and it's crazy because it's a new channel this is a whole new like this is a whole new push it's a whole new start we're going to get everything up and running guys can we hear over yes there we go we just pumped over a hundred people watching right now guys just just thank you like seriously thank you i i don't know what to say like i want him to come back as papa react and this is like you guys have made my day right logan says hey sunny bryce it's amazing good to see you i'm i'm excited man and the fact that we just hit over 100 viewers concurrently that's what i'm talking about so make sure if you're here all i ask is you smash the thumbs up button uh and then you pretty much go ahead and subscribe and get you get excited for the content we're about to bring because i'm telling you guys it's going to be good and we're gonna be dropping like vlogs and all sorts of stuff and yeah i appreciate each and every single one of you guys i want you to know that thank you because without any of you guys this stuff wouldn't be possible and i just wanna my mission here is to get you guys just get you guys dialed in change every single one of your lives that's my mission right mohit says sonny can we get some firebase stuff oh yeah dude completely coding deep says looking to learn typescript and now it's going to be covered by proper react himself hell yeah dude we're going to be covering all that stuff you know how we do it on the channel right so we have loads of people on this stream right now it's awesome amazing stuff uh you should say you deserve 100 million views guys we'll get to 100 million we'll do it guys this is what we're about we're going to build a huge family over here and we're going to absolutely crush it philip jones says go son yes i'm talking about guys i love the energy right so let's carry on right 91k average salary that is not bad at all right we've got front end devs getting 82k senior software engineers 93k now whenever you see software engineer most likely talk in full stack so just bear that in mind so for web developer 66k whenever you see web developer typically talking front end um senior software developer full stack aek 113k you see what i'm talking about right this is a lot of money and it is crazy amount of stuff that we can do right and it's really really awesome as to like the possibilities i see those are people actually asking for discord i will create a discord if you guys are interested in discord so that would be awesome right some people say will papa react be free hell yeah dude i'm making this stuff accessible to everyone right so this is my mission now to make this stuff accessible to everyone as much people as possible right so uh yeah that's awesome and guys i would really appreciate right before we carry on if you're watching this right now right and you support the channel you appreciate everything one just go ahead and pull out your smartphone right now and you can see the little tag over on this side right like go ahead and hit me up on instagram right send me a dmr try and get back to as many of you as i possibly can shoot a story and say i was here on sunny's first video back all right repost me and add me and tag me and i'll shout you guys out and we'll all grow together right that would be cool to go ahead and see that right also i did a q a recently i'm going to be dropping a video on q a so that would be awesome to do all right so another reason why um it's amazing and the job opportunity salaries are booming is because it wasn't affected by covid guys like everyone got hit by kovit pretty damn hard right like covert came in pretty much took out jobs took out like economies all sorts right but the one thing that we were lucky about as a software developer is actually increased our sort of our business right because a lot more remote working opportunities came out and as a developer you can work anywhere that you really have an internet connection and even if you don't have an internet connection you carry on working and then when you get back online you can push your code right so it really has got a lot of power behind react web dev that sort of journey that you're gonna take by moving into this career now i did want to talk about three ways that you can make some money as a uh when by by uh by learning it react as a skill and i'm not just talking about uh i'm not just talking about um react in a 9-5 job i'm talking about uh in all aspects right so i'm going to go through those very quickly and we can pretty much go ahead and deep dive so three ways to make some money as a react dev right and this and if you're wondering this was 0.2 by the way of five right so the first point was it's the most wanted and loved programming language second one was job opportunities and salaries right so now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and go through three ways to make money as a react developer so number one is teaching right teaching like literally don't underestimate the power of teaching i do so much coaching is crazy right like i teach so many people have to code on one-to-one sessions i do group coaching anyone's interested you know what to find me on instagram go ahead and send me a link a message guys like if you and and this is the number one question i want to address right now right i always hear this but sunny i'm not experienced enough i don't have the experience i'm not good enough for coaching and things like that right but the one thing that i will mention to you is it really doesn't matter right it doesn't matter if you can get html on a page and you can hook up some css and make the text blue right and have a javascript file imported in now you're already ahead of someone who didn't know how to do that so you can teach them that and then you can value yourself the difference here is we don't know how to market ourselves as a teachable developer and how we can deliver that value and ask for compensation for it that's the problem right and what i would recommend is when we're teaching i want you all to go ahead and buy a book called john sonmez soft skills right so this book changed my life and this is something i'd recommend to every single one of you john sonmez soft skills right and it's a bloody amazing book and if he's watching like honestly dude like crazy stuff and i will break down how i go into sort of landing people to teach and things like that in a future video but that's just something to know that you can do right so number two and we're not going to jump over that so we've got the freelancing route okay so the freelancing route is something that a lot of us are interested in and the reason being is because you can work for yourself right well you can but there are some things that you need to take into consideration right now remember freelancers have more than one boss right they don't have just one boss they have several bosses if you take on three jobs for example but you can land a freelancing gig in a few different places right let's go ahead and list them out you can land a job in upwork so these are all places right now go ahead and sign up to these if you haven't already right upwork freelancer.com yeah uh go ahead and sign up to top tool top tool is another great resource right top tool and we can also go ahead and sign up to something like fiverr right now i'm not a fan of fiverr which is why it's in this in this lane reason being is because i just feel the quality of work is less on that side but these are a few resources that i hope you guys find useful go ahead and create accounts on these and you can pretty much go ahead and get started with it right so that's going to help you out now i also want to shout out a few resources for teaching right so one of them is called yzant right i definitely go ahead and create an account on that one if i was you takelessons.com as well as another great one and guys use your socials right build a social presence and trust me social platforms are gonna be extremely powerful for um pushing yourself as a teacher or someone who can help out someone else right because by showing that you know how to do a certain thing by sharing your experience by sharing your journey people are going to look at you trust you and then they're going to basically go ahead and want to do some lessons with you and that's how you pretty much progress move forward right so number one was teaching number two is freelancing and number three as we all know and guess there as you can imagine is landing a job right so landing a job now this one has the most security right so this one has the most security this is going to provide you with a wage at the end of the end of every month obviously you have to kind of progress your way and you have to sort of persuade someone to take you on full time that takes a lot of different skills right now we always think that oh i need to do a react tutorial i need to do something else guys remember it's not just coding right it's soft skills right it's it's marketing yourself for somebody that actually wants to work with you but it doesn't matter if you're the best developer in the world and you've done 150 million tutorials invested 100 grand in yourself got a degree got a master's degree it doesn't matter about all of that if the person doesn't want to work with you right so make sure you put walk in put a smile on your face bring some bring a good attitude bring a good vibe be somebody that someone else wants to actually work with right because that's where you're actually going to make a difference make a presence and that's where somebody will want to bring you into their company and change the game right so that's going to be really important i see loads of people asking about yeah but we have to learn tutorials first and things like that guys this is a lot more there's a lot more to it than just coding i believe it or not right but on the channel we are going to be covering all that so we talked about these three avenues for making money things like that right now how can you land a few jobs so there are a few places i want to show you i'll actually go ahead and show you the actual websites for them so one of them for as we mentioned before takelessons.com this one is really good for like uh you sign up to it make a profile and people can find you and go ahead and uh and actually um and pretty much book a session with you and things like that now guys we are two likes away from 100 likes so go ahead and we can go ahead and push it and get that like up to your 100 so we're almost there guys and if we can do that we're one like away one like away and we can pretty much go ahead and crush the 100 like mark who is gonna be the 100th like i saw someone deducted right go ahead and hit the thumbs up button and we can go ahead so somebody says 100 likes in the diva video oh yeah dude there we go we just hit 100 likes that's what i'm talking about the energy i wanted on this video this is why i want to do a live stream for you guys because i know how it gets and this is just this is awesome man thank you so much guys so we had takelessons.com we had waizen all right yzan is somewhere where you can pretty much again sign up it's a platform that connects you to someone else and you can pretty much start teaching on platforms like this we have freelancer.com this one again it's all about going ahead and building your profile having reputation having a trustworthy profile just like on ebay right if you buy a product off of ebay you look at the seller and you're like can i trust this dude they got five stars can i do i do i even like them like why is this guy got one star rating 3 000 times i wouldn't work with that guy you know so that those things those things make a different play they are important um so somebody says cesar says sonny which is for you a starting point for landing a job i'm talking about skills and languages as i mentioned guys start with web development start with html css javascript progress to react and then just literally just start on that journey right that would be my honest advice soft skills the book read that combine that all together is enough to kind of progress you forward in that journey um and just keep watching keep watching the channel because i'm going to be dropping so many tutorials so many tips and tricks and the community that you're going to be a part of is constantly pushing forward and growing right so that's the main growth reason as to why we want to you know get this out there now guys i also want to make a quick pause here saying if you're enjoying the video please share the video out to as many people as you possibly can get this video channel shared out not already subscribed i appreciate you go ahead and subscribe if you're enjoying the content that you see right now the next one we're going to talk about is upwork so as i mentioned before upwork is an awesome site for actually landing high quality paying gigs right so over here we can see up work is where you pretty much go ahead and you can find a bunch of jobs web mobile software dev design jobs writing sales marketing all those different things you can go ahead and get done and they're going to help you out a lot right so uh upwork is a really good place and i've actually done some work on that work before and you get some very you get high quality jobs which is what i like about upwork all right so that's going to be really really awesome for everyone now top tool is another one um so again this is a place where you can pretty much go ahead and and you can it works for the recruiters it works for you but you pretty much go ahead and put yourself out there and people start coming to you and things like that so it's going to be really awesome now for the job right so we talked about a few things over here and one of them was landing the job right so this one over here now i worked with a company called hired.com so so hired uh oops let me go ahead and oops i've got rid of this what happened here yeah so i worked with a company called hired.com right so hired.com is an awesome platform now this is this is an insight into proper react right so just to show you guys i ain't bullshitting but i worked with hired.com all the way from when i was a junior dev and i went all the way up to when i was getting like near 100k salaries right now i'm gonna show you guys and remember bear in mind that i was doing uh nine to five jobs as well as freelancing as well as teaching which is why my my sort of income pushed way over the six-figure mark the nine-to-five job was the bulk of the income and then the freelancing on top and then the teaching on top of that so all those things sort of supplement you and you get over a six-figure mark or you do get chances where you can go over um and it's awesome to see i actually use one of the platforms i'm actually got a job offer for so uh cena sorak says i just got the soft skills book let's go that's amazing let me know how it gets on with the read uh honestly awesome book we have 106 concurrent viewers and 106 likes that's what i'm talking about that is exactly the kind of energy that i love that's cool that's perfection right that's awesome right um okay so you guys ready for this here we go so you can see when someone goes i went for one interview right guys look how many interviews i went for right this is in higher.com so higher.com you set up a profile they come to you so this is the start of my journey right this was the start of my journey and you can see like i started off and i started getting 25 k salaries right so 25k and things like that and i remember i went for an interview for every single one of these right i got a few job offers and things like that um but here we can go ahead and see like this was the first job i ever got a company called birdie right 25k starting salary right 25k exactly i got it from hyde.com and if you don't believe me go ahead and check out my instagram so the tag is over here you can go ahead and check out if you swipe all the way to my highlights you'll see higher.com and they even sent me a bottle of champagne which was like you guys got me the job and you sent me a bottle of don perrian i don't know but it worked for them so it's crazy right um so that was really cool um that was really really awesome stuff and that helped me out so now you guys can see over here you've got a bunch of the jobs and these are all things like as it came as i progressed right so you can see the salary started going up 40k 40k and then when i came back on the market you'll see there's a big jump so i remember here this is where i got my second job tesco so this is why i worked at tesco a company uh which is similar to walmart but for the uk um so i landed my second job over here and now i started off at 40k and then i pushed that salary really up to about 65 i think 60k and then um and what i did is i had and i had job offers from trussel i had job offer from tesco i had a job offer from thoughtworks and i just used them to negotiate with each other and then i pretty much bumped my salary up right now when i went back on the market you can see i took a jump this is it right this was in the space of less than a year and like you can see 80k 75k 60k 85k i had interviews with all these places trussel reached out to me again with a 95k offer right and um loads of people saying when can we expect the proper react courses i'm working on it right now dude right now i'm working on that stuff i'm trying to deliver the value make sure you subscribe make sure you check out my instagram so you can oh when everything's coming out but yeah i'm working on everything i actually have a really a good account with free trade they're actually an awesome trading platform um i completely forgot i had an interview with them so i was actually a developer that could have been there i they did offer me a position but i turned it down for a better job um but yeah you can see pretty much this is crazy right and then you can see these ones like 75 an hour uh 85k and this was not contracting this was full-time positions every single one of these was a uh an actual interview just to just to let you know right so these are all real companies real interviews and it is using hired.com right so you can see the platform is called hired.com so i recommend everyone actually use this platform it's really really good and it's really really powerful okay the next thing we're going to talk about is um okay let me go into the next topic then right so we talked about the three ways that you can make money right so we talked about five points as to why you want to learn react in 2021 the first point was because it's the most wanted and loved programming language i'm not language so the programming library to use with javascript right number two the job opportunities and salaries are mind-blowing right it's crazy i just showed you three ways you can make money broke it down and that is honestly crazy stuff newman says something i just got freelancing work from a wordpress ecommerce site for a local store but my main focus is man stack honestly dude that's incredible do whatever it takes to boost your income on remember any web dev is is web dev right it's going to help you it's all going to come back into the same circle so keep on pushing that's awesome stuff and guys give him a well done in the chat that's really amazing um moving on to point three right so i remember i said five reasons why you need to know react.js in 2021 right so point five that we're going to talk about today is that it's easy to learn it's so damn versatile and by learning react means you learn javascript to a higher level right your javascript is obviously going to get leveled up if it's the language that you're using when you're using the react library right now why is this so important right so i'm going to go ahead and whiteboard this one or blackboard it right so why is this so important right so it's easy to learn so point number three right it's easy to learn right easy to learn and oh man god goddammit it's a freezer there we go pull this back up on the screen for you guys so we go it's easy to learn and it's versatile let me go ahead and share the screen there we go easy to learn and it's versatile yeah point three all right there we go so this is three of five right so we're getting there guys and if you guys have found value in this and smash the thumbs up button i appreciate all of you right so what can you do with this right remember it's a library so react is something that we call a library react is a library and what does the library mean it's lightweight right you only use what you need to use right you don't have to know the entire framework like angular and things like that so you don't actually have to go crazy with your learning curve and like yeah you don't have a lot to kind of jump into you can just go ahead and get started very quickly right so what can you do with it you can pretty much go ahead and do the following you can build a web app right so you can build a pwa we call it a progressive web app so let's just say a web app right and web app's awesome because they work on any device they work on a tablet they work on a phone they were very responsive all that cool sort of cool stuff so you can work on front ends with react right so uh websites like uh facebook websites like tinder all of those things uber all use like so you've got tinder you've got uber you've got facebook they all use react right they're all powerful systems which use react like websites and then you can also work on back end right so if you know react you can use node.js for back-end builds right now i teach a lot of this in previous videos but i'm going to be dropping all this stuff so i'm going to tell you the difference between a front end and a back-end developer but the amazing thing is right the amazing amazing thing is is that like both of these right so both of these two things use you guessed it they use javascript right so if you were coding in java right let's just say you're coding in java right then you could build some amazingly powerful back end apps right but your front end you're not gonna really level up your front end that that much by using java right whereas in javascript node.js on the backend react on the front end like you have a powerhouse a full stack just a set up for an entire absolutely like it's gonna it's gonna take you a far away trust me when i say that right um and guys it goes further than that right so okay at this point you probably sold you're probably wondering oh okay you can do quite a lot with react but guys you can go further and you can build ios and android apps yes i said it if you know react you can go ahead and learn something called react native which most of you are like itching for it right now like you really want to know how to get involved in react native and this allows you to build ios and android apps right so ios and android apps amazing stuff you can pretty much go ahead and i've done this before and as i said before it's plug and play right use plug-and-play you only learn as you need to learn right so one thing that's really cool is that because it's a library you literally go ahead and like say you need rooting in your app or you need different pages inside of a single page app all you need to do is plug and play right you just plug and play things so for example if i need page viewing right so if i need page viewing then what do i turn to i turn to react through right so if i need pagering i go ahead and i just look over at something like this right so now i've got page viewing it works awesome stuff right if i need um to manage my data in the app right so i need to manage data right or like manage the flow of data in app right so imagine like my app gets a little bit more complicated um then you guys can go ahead and and kind of guess go ahead and guess in the comment section what i'm about to say but you can go ahead and do something that redux right so you remind us data flow throughout your app you can know and use something that redux uh only at the point where you need it you have to plug it in you don't need to know anything else right need designs right need some powerful design stuff you can use library like material ui right so google's a material design library amazing stuff amazingly powerful and it's going to be really really helpful for what you're deciding to do right so i'm going to change the music up a little bit i like this little backing track okay so uh design you can use material ui and if you need seo and speed right imagine you need speed like you can go ahead and look at something like gatsby right next js all these things like that even something called pre-act right so some of you may have heard this but pre-act is dope right it's a server-side rendering miniature version of react has everything that pretty much almost everything that react has but it's really really powerful and it's really damn fast and lightweight okay so it's going to be really really powerful and it's going to help you out now the final point i want to mention is that it's so easy to learn right it's versatile you can use it across like react native you can you can build progressive web apps with their front end and back end you do everything with it right now why is this so damn powerful it's because like one you're gonna get so much value from picking up this skill right now again what if you still find it tricky right well they make it so damn easy to get started so there is something called create react app right so create rectap is literally a command line tool all you need to do is actually have node installed so that way you can run mpx and then you literally do mpx create react app and you just put name in and it does everything for you no configuration required nothing else that you need to go ahead and do um really really simple to get started and with that said you can pretty much go ahead and uh and literally just start the project and actually build the app that you care about you don't have to worry about the setup and how do i use this and how do i get everything done so really really powerful stuff i saw so many people pedro tanish they all guessed right they said redux exactly right so loads of stuff happening right and then um yeah really really awesome stuff so that was reason number three right reason number three why you should learn react in 2121 is because it's easy to learn and it's versatile it's going to increase your javascript skills javascript is here to stay jquery was here that was javascript jquery died a while ago but now we've moved on to the next thing react right reacts going to be here for the next five ten years and then after that it's gonna be something else but you can be sure the javascript is here to stay like put your bets on something safe right do you think at any point in the near future we are gonna run out of websites do you think in the near future we're gonna run out of apps not really right so in that case it's a safe down bet to go ahead and get started with it right now point number four right when you have an application when you have an idea you want it to be fast right you want to be extremely fast you want the thing to be up and running i don't want to sit there and kind of focus about setup i don't have to sit there and learn five ten new things just to get started with the process so how can i go ahead and do that right like so react is the answer and one the development time is extremely quick so we just talked about uh create react app right so we talked about create react app and we talked about how you can use it to just go ahead and get an app completely set up extremely fast and easy right so that is really really powerful you don't need to worry about any other stuff you can just focus on the front end focus on the front of the build itself and you can take it a step further right so you can use something called templates so templates are really really powerful and what they allow you to do for example let's say i want typescript in my app i run mpx create react app dash template type script that's it and you're probably wondering like what the hell man like no way like that's crazy is it really that easy yep and if you want redux you just do template redux and i promise you that's it there's even one for redox typescript so yeah they answer everything right and i actually whenever i have a freelancing client whenever i have a big job do you think i start the configuration for myself from the beginning no i literally go ahead and do template uh typescript template redux whatever will help me be the quickest off the ground uh and then it uses all the latest standards and everything they make sure that these packages stay up to date so really really powerful stuff um vishal thank you so much you got sonny you're the best at what you do just love the way you explain things amazing person thank you so much dude i appreciate the love and kind words uh that's really really uh that's really really awesome man thank you so much okay so we talked about it's really really fast right now why is it fast because remember it's a library right angular is a framework which means it's really heavy right which means you have to go ahead and learn a bunch of new things to get it working you need to know the angular way of getting things to work right whereas react like you only need like a little sort of rooting as we mentioned you just plug it in right you need redux you only plug it in when you need it right you see what i mean you don't need to actually add all this in at once just as you need it which also means your apps faster because there's not so much weight to the app in the beginning you only add everything as you need it so that's going to be beneficial to you and that's going to help you out a lot right so tanisha says i'm going to react native i doubt myself and react how can i get confidence and react also so dude you've actually got a problem there not many people have if you're good at react native run with you will run with react just give it a try all i ask you to do is if you go ahead use create react app and just give it a try and see the differences there's minor differences of view against the div things like that but once you go ahead and um once you go ahead and get started with it you'll see there's actually a lot simpler it's a react is a lot simpler than react native in my opinion right so faizan says kindly mention with what technologies you'll be teaching to us like react reactive okay so i'm gonna quickly do a little uh interval here i'm gonna say right so stuff to expect on the channel right so things to expect and we should say reasons to subscribe all right so reasons to subscribe uh so here's some of the tech that i'm gonna be going ahead and teaching you on this channel right and then we're gonna jump into the next point which is the fifth and final point right but before we do that this is your reasons to uh subscribe and this is why what you should expect so i'm going to be teaching you guys react on this channel right from basics to pro i'm talking everything i'm talking crazy bills i'm talking everything i'm making it a mission to make you guys experts with react right the next thing we're going to do is react native right so again i'm going to break react native down to a point where it becomes so simple for you to go ahead and pick up most of you love and know me based on my react tutorials and how i was able to make it very simple my goal is to do that with react native and also all the tech that i'm about to list right another technology i love is typescript right so if you came from a java background like me came from java i had like php i had all that sort of i even done c plus plus at one point believe it or not pop a c plus plus at one point and um so yeah typescript is something that allows you to have a strongly typed language right so things like java where you have to say if a string is a string and you have to say if an integer is an integer in typescript you can go ahead and have those same uh that same power behind it and say that uh a data like a variable should be a string a variable should be a number and things like that so i'm going to teach you guys typescript on this channel right then what else we're going to learn we're going to learn about things like gatsby we're going to learn about things like next js right we're going to learn about things uh any tech that you guys are interested or could be trending i'm going to go ahead and bring that into the channel too and i'm going to do builds i'm going to do lives i'm going to be interacting with you all i'm going to be going ahead and getting everything kind of clean and if i find a tutorial that you guys really enjoy and love i'm going to create a nice condensed version of it so that you can benefit without watching a three-hour livestream right so that's my goal here is to make it as simple as possible for you and you can be damn sure that proper react is coming out with a fire course so if you guys are excited about that then let me know in the comment section all right but i'm going to be dropping so much of this stuff on the on youtube so trust me you're going to land the job way before that right so you've got typescript gatsby react native react we've got loads of this stuff right and also if you guys want to see it vlogs all right i'm going to share an insight into my life sharing insight into what what i did or how puppy react lives how popular react got into everything and all of that stuff all that good stuff so yeah all of this stuff is going to be awesome oh that reminds me another one devops all right i'm going to be diving into devops this is how i was able to take my salary from uh i'm easy sort of like around the 20 20k mark all the way up to marks like 60 to 95k right this is how i did it i introduced devops skills as well and that allowed me guys when i'm talking here i'm talking pounds so pounds is a powerful currency it's insane right so we have loads of this stuff so if you're excited for any of this then you can be damn sure make sure you go ahead and subscribe now because i'm not joking when i say we're bringing this fire right so there's another one that i want to mention that i was actually messing around with in the coaching call github actions things like that you know that whenever you push code it triggers off like a pipeline of stuff i'm going to teach you guys about pipelines ci all of that stuff and also guys things that you don't often see like like how what the heck is agile right what is agile right what is the scrum like what is the scrum you know like all the software dev stuff that you should know i want to make it a case that you don't need a degree right so a little bit of background info into me i did a undergraduate degree and i did a master's degree degree and i got first-class degrees right in both of them i couldn't get a job after right i could not get a job after believe it or not so i started my own company i got fed up i ain't gonna let anyone tell me that i can't you know how am i gonna do this how am i gonna get out of it right so i literally started my own startup company learn react taught myself react and i kind of ran with it in that direction and my mission here is for you guys to save your money i don't want you to spend a ton of money on university and and courses and stuff like that i just want to make it so damn easy for you guys to just learn pick up all these skills and just change your life and you know what i want from you guys is literally send me a dm with a screenshot or something saying that you just got a job from the videos if you do that it blows my mind and the thing is everyone does it because the amount of jobs that we've created and secured right now is mind-blowing and that's all i want from you guys right everything else is secondary right so blackboard design says thank you sonny for everything you do for us man i can't believe other people are in university learning what you're teaching us for free god bless you man you make the code journey better for real that's amazing thank you so much guys um somebody says i'm starting to regret my cs degree so don't regret it guys if you're in a degree right now don't worry just look anything you can do to better yourself do it right pick up the soft skills book right i'm going to be recommending tons more books so uh make sure if you haven't already and you're here right now go into the uh description right now the first link and sign up to the proper react newsletter right because it is going to be so damn good i'm telling you tips and tricks coming every single week i am working with people that are amazing david jonathan says bro you're going to set youtube on fire david is incredible i work with david right and he is in based in nigeria and he is revolutionizing the healthcare system out there and i'm working with him hands-on that means i pick up things that means he picks up things and you know we do we bundle it up right all the good the success that comes from it and we teach it to you for free so that's that's it right this isn't there's no more to be said right like i literally when you guys get a job all i want is a dm send me a dm saying i got a job man i listened to you i got a damn job life changed game over i i mean i blew my mind the other day at 30 no was it yeah 13 year old a 13 year old came to me i'll put on my story right now after this video so go ahead subscribe to my instagram and a 13 year old came to me and literally found um what's it called he started teaching he landed like a 10k freelancing gig and i was like dude i have to see proof because i don't know if it's fake or you're just saying this he sent me proof and i was like what the what did i just read man like it is crazy honestly blew my mind crazy stuff so all you need to do is hit thumbs up button first link in the description as well sign up to the proper react news there so you don't miss out on all this stuff and it's really really crazy right i'm going to be doing front end and back-end build so full stack stuff so don't worry if you think that is what been one sided i'm going to try and balance things out um and just to clear things up any course that i release will be my own course so it's going to be separate from clever program it's going to be my own papa react course and things like that and it's going to be pushing in that direction so yeah feel free to stick around feel free to be a part of the hashtag papa fam if you guys are part of the hashtag papa fam drop it in the comments right now and uh yeah we're just gonna take this to a whole new level and man you guys get me pumped up we got 120 viewers it's only growing guys this is only gonna grow we're gonna have thousands of viewers i know it i'm telling you straight honestly crazy crazy stuff so jumping back right so things to expect reasons to subscribe this wasn't already enough then you know like i don't really have to say anything else at this point like it's honestly i can't like thank you so much felix says much love from ghana um uh and nikhil says definitely wait for it coding deep says this is amazing um yeah honestly crazy all right then guys if you want consistency with the videos i'm going to try my best i am working with a smaller team um so we're going to be trying to output content and my i'm going to be i'm working overtime right now trust me i'm working day in day out to make this stuff happen for you so subscribe to newsletter as well as right all right now that's it we got tanish we got bishesh hashtag papa fam that's what i'm talking about arkhan amar adam dixon hey let's go guys that's what i'm talking about man look at this check this out guys hashtag proper farm let's go this is what i'm saying guys we're gonna create a movement on youtube and we're gonna change the coding game man this is it we're gonna change everything over on this side so i'm excited all right now guys point number five right point number five as to why you need right like as to why you absolutely need man i'm so happy i did a live stream today i got to talk to you guys got to interact with you it's insane man all right point number five why should you know react why do you need to know react because all of these huge companies are using it right now right so this whenever you see a technology come into place right whether it's a new piece of tech or something always look at who's actually using this tech right it might be cool might be awesome for example let's look at 5g networks right 5g networks came into play and wow it's amazing it's super fast right but everyone wasn't using it in the beginning and now everyone is using a 5g network because it's amazing it delivers everything fast to our phones like you can literally pick up your phone and stream an entire movie in seconds right and uh and honestly like it's gonna it's gonna absolutely be crazy like as to what you can do with 5g networks that's a whole different topic but in terms of react right these companies are using it right now we have facebook we have instagram we have netflix we have the new york times we have dropbox we have yahoo we have tesla now if anyone knows elon musk like god damn like tesla right tesla is using it for the react native app when you literally unlock your car and you can pretty much go ahead and control your car i mean like you can even get your car to summon to you by using a react native app like that shows you the power of it right that's exciting i don't know about you guys but that's like damn exciting right so we have tesla we have office 365 right so office 365 um honestly it's just mind-blowing as to how much can happen with a with a react app so office 365 if you're not familiar microsoft word microsoft excel mic so powerpoint has anyone heard of these things like has anyone like i'm pretty sure i'm not spitting jargon here right like this is all stuff and uh this little stuff which is real it's happening walmart tesco two huge e-commerce um well now that you can must i guess because it's online but two huge supermarkets uh which are pretty much uh like digital and tesco i've worked at so obviously you've been at one of these places right wix the online digital platform for creating um websites they use react right so literally a website that creates more websites is using react that's like some re-exception surely right i think we deserve some kind of hashtag for that right but like honestly that the stuff that is happening in the react space right now is crazy like the reactor sphere whatever you want to call it right all i can tell you is that the hashtag papa fam are going hot for react right now right we are pushing we are going hard like i am making it honestly like i'm trying my absolute hardest day in day out to drop this content to you guys i'm trying always every day to pick up new technologies new stuff to learn it to the point where i can like absorb it simplify it and deliver it to you so all i ask is literally all you do is just hit the thumbs up button subscribe to the newsletter and get pumped up and excited right beyond that you can expect everything i'm gonna be working overtime day in day out to make sure that you guys get as much value from these videos as possible hi guys look at this live chat right now it's absolutely going off man like you guys are actually insane i love you all right so check this out we've got david jonathan says uh welcome back he's talking to someone else here we go we've got uh antonio cortez says sunny you changed my life with the live calls and the clones if i can tell people about the way you change people's minds with your teaching i appreciate that dude right now you just showed someone else the effect and that means everything right uh way ill says let's go papa i love the energy dude murad says please i want to see a newspaper website like new york times done consider that done i'll do that that's actually a really good that's a really good idea thank you for that one um nikhil says powerapps i'm not sure what you mean but we can whatever it is we can look into that newman ahmed says sonny's teaching ability more than a university teacher i love that dude and the reason being is i remember one one time at university i took over a class and i started teaching workshops because i just hated the way they taught they make everything way too complicated sometimes in school and university you can just go ahead and make it you know make it a lot simpler and that will actually be able to push you a lot further than simply going ahead and you know wasting time we don't need to waste time right so guys let's reiterate over the five reasons why you need to learn react in 2021 and why it is extremely extremely important for you to take this seriously invest in yourself which means show up when new videos come out show up right like keep part of the community keep pushing yourself right like develop john sonmez that book that i recommended go and read it right like don't just say like oh that's cool man like that's really cool and stuff you know i'll read that tomorrow no don't do that literally go ahead and buy the book it's like nine pounds right or something like that i don't know how much it is why i use audible which is a a lot easier to for me i mean i'm not a person who likes to read much i kind of will cycle on the bike go for a run and i'll put audio book on um so if you're like me then go ahead and get the audio book but guys take action today and just start implementing these things right so we're going to go over the five reasons why you need to not react in 2021 and i'm going to go ahead and you know maybe why i'll blackboard this out so it's a little bit clearer for you all to go ahead and see so point number one right so let's go ahead and type it out here right so the five reasons why you must learn react in 2021 right now the reason why i say 2021 is because this year is almost over so i want you guys to start with the bang oh god damn it i hate that what happened so let's just go ahead and say five reasons you must learn react in 2021 right um so there we go um and make sure before you do guys if you've enjoyed the video so far let me know in the comments because i oh my god i love the energy today it's insane right um and just make sure that you've literally signed up to that newsletter because it's going to be your best way of keeping in touch with everything that's going on and it's going to be my way of keeping in touch with you guys every week and also on socials on my instagram handle in the corner over here make sure you go ahead and sign up all right so number one is because it's the most loved and wanted framework or library they call it a framework but it's not right it's a library currently on stack overflow right so i mean how many of you trust stack overflow i know i know i know i know we don't enjoy stack overflow right because it makes you feel they're small right sometimes they make you feel awful and stuck over there sometimes i'm like working i'm like you know i should am i even a developer because like some people just completely go ahead and like they're just like i ask a simple question i could ask like how to define an integer variable right and someone will give me a 50 line like breakdown as to why i'm stupid for not knowing it right so you could i mean it's crazy right srika's in the house awesome stuff absolutely crazy guy 13 year old who won two react native boot camps right hackathons killed it man honestly crazy whale says for all guys let's build a cool community let's bring more people and help each other exactly this is the hashtag proper fam we're gonna create an absolutely killer like community this are gonna be crazy we're gonna go forward with this right i can see loads of people coming in with the newsletters as well appreciate you guys alright so number two right what is number two job opportunities and salaries right so job opportunities and salaries uh and salaries that we talked about right so we talked about tons of jobs right we talked about loads of different openings um so i'm just going to run through some of those again we had like look at this guys remember 121k a year salaries lows of 68 highs of 171. remember you might be wondering this is a u.s market why is he talking about this so much right like why is he talking about u.s markets when we're not in the u.s but remember you're a web dev which means you can use the web right to push onto the salary you can get these salaries even if you're in india it's like i have a friend right now who's working in dubai i can work with him there's nothing to stop me from working with him in fact we actually are going to do some work together so crazy stuff over there right then we have indeed right we have tons of jobs like over here you see like the list goes on and on and on and this is just my local area 2809 jobs crazy stuff let's check out another final one 91k average salary for react.js skilled developer crazy crazy stuff guys like i'm telling you this is here to stay it's it's offering so much value right now crazy crazy stuff right so um stack over oh by the way guys i wasn't i wasn't hating on stack overflow right they do help you out but i'm telling you like i mean stack overflow has done more damage sometimes than good in that sense um so carrying on guys we're going to go forward with the list so we have two points up above most of them wanted library on stack overflow job opportunities and salaries and then the third one is easy to learn and it's versatile right now easy to learn because literally you can go ahead and use very basic javascript skills start picking this up and you can pretty much as i mentioned before all you need to know is html css and a bit of javascript to pretty much get started on your journey right you don't need to go crazy on it and it will benefit you to know a little bit of es6 like it will make your life a little bit easy right any you don't yes seven whatever they decide to call it off that 2019 what stuff right you can go ahead and learn that um and that's going to help you out a little bit more right but it's easy to learn now and it's also versatile right like i remember we talked about huge companies that using this stuff facebook we have um twitter uber all these places tesla right because remember you can build web apps from it so you can put amazing web apps but then you can also take that skill that you have and just transfer it to start building native apps right so you don't just have front end you have back end you have native apps you have full stack like what other language is that versatile and that simple to sort of like constantly sort of go back and forth and make it so transferable between them you learn react hooks wicked you can use it on react native you can use your own reaction you use it on front end you can use it on the back end no back end sorry react and react native yeah back end you're going to be using javascript only no jess all right or dino all right i'm not going to get into that one but dino is another hot topic okay so a few things like that now number four that we spoke about was the uh development time is extremely fast right the dev time is extremely fast right so what does that mean it means that we can pretty much go ahead and build like if you have an idea you can get the thing up and running extremely extremely quick right that means like you can pretty much just use mpx create react app and go ahead and absolutely push it right gabriel says you should also do react news for uh uh or web dev in general in the email newsletter 100 dude we're going to be dropping loads of news and stuff like that it's going to be a very informative newsletter and i think it's going to help everyone out quite a lot right um so the dev time is extremely fast um and it's literally plug and play right so i mean it's crazy like it's it's plug and play so to the point where you can pretty much go ahead and uh just if you need uh like i said if you need routing inside your app you can go ahead and do a bunch of stuff like that you can go ahead and just pop in react router if you need it and kind of take things further like that right um right so it's plug and play the dev times really fast if you got an idea all you care about is getting out there right and even things like hot reloading like i'm not joking it makes your life so much easier by having simple features like hot reloading when you're building a static website with just html css don't you get fed up of like refreshing i know i do i get like sick and tired of refreshing and it just gets like annoying man like i'm constantly sitting there refresh refresh save refresh and react i just save it it just reloads right really nice and even on react native imagine you're a really complicated journey in your rap it would just do a hot reloading on the styling and that's it i don't have to go all the way through the journey again and get to that point so that would be awesome and it will help you up a lot more right um so more and fifth point that we talked about is it's being used by huge real world companies right real world companies and i'm going to show this on the screen right now right so let me go ahead and find a link i actually had a really good link that i wanted to show everyone and i wasn't actually sharing my screen there so it's being used by huge real world companies right so that's the final thing i was talking about um and what i'm going to go ahead and do is show you a a link right now about where i had a bunch of react apps i had a nice big link that showed you guys uh so here's 16 apps that are absolutely killing it right now and using react native uh right so react native to go ahead and get that app up and running so top apps built with react name in 2020 right so let's go ahead and see what they've got over in this section right now so we'll wait for that to load up i guess the stream's taking a bit of the internet connection in the meantime let me go ahead and see what the comments are saying so we got sometimes your acne goes sicko mode and i need to reload every time yeah i know dude i know i feel your pain man um so we've got c knowledge he goes hi sonny ali from london nice dude i'm in london that's awesome stuff man uh we got a new pum we've got mohit we've got dixon lovely sisters nice uh stephen hey love the energy man uh top abs built with react okay let's go ahead and have a look right this is our fifth and final point so we got rt so you can see you've got a wide range of apps right so rt was an app that revolutionized sort of the online marketplace for art right so people who had art and things like that didn't previously have easy ways of sharing it so they won't manage to go ahead and burn out with rack native you got bite snapped it's a pretty cool app i'm not sure what it does actually i think it just oh nice it tracks your calories by just taking a picture that's cool that's really cool that's nice you got bunch bloomberg um there's a handy app for news and sort of stock market tracking things like that cake right so i'm not sure whether it's cheaper home coinbase pro i don't know about you guys but i am into my crypto and sort of coinbase is a really sort of a handy app so this one you can pretty much go ahead and use and you can trade and things like that and uh yeah that was all built with react native so if you guys recognize any of these apps by the way let me know in the comments because uh it'll be awesome to see that we've got chris we've got delivery.com discord hey look at that guys we've got huge apps like discord right i'm pretty sure everyone in the chat knows what discord is right because i get here enough about i hear loads of things that we should go ahead and you know get everything up and running with discord so i will i've heard you guys i listen to you all you need to do is hit the first link in the description make sure you sign up to the proper react newsletter and i'll let you know when the discord server gets up and running i'll get that set up asap and we can pretty much push forward with that now we've got emma familiar golf helper instagram this is one the kings since 2016 instagram is experimenting with react native to improve their development velocity so this is literally explaining what i just told you guys remember development time is extremely fast instagram is a huge company and they're using it so if instagram are using it then what are you waiting for guys like and then by the way if you haven't already go ahead and follow me on instagram over here you know little plug there and you can keep in touch with me dm me things like that uh remember i get buried with messages so if i don't respond don't take it personally i'm really trying my best to get through to everyone but i love and appreciate every single one of you for being here so that's awesome stuff right so we've got instagram happening uh we've got instagram we've got uh mafi uh that's pretty quiet by the way this one you can pretty much put in an equation and it will literally calculate on the spot so you can see like it doesn't matter what kind of functionality you need we've got clean cloak and says hey sign tuning in from jamaica amazing stuff guys worldwide office 365 we've got cortana microsoft edge and guys not just one app they're using it for the entire suite like i'm just gonna let that i'm gonna let that settle for a sec right the entire microsoft suite is using react native that's crazy all right look how many apps there are that are using it even xbox they actually that's actually a really cool example they actually completely redone their the xbox app recently with the react native skype right we can use things like electron to make really powerful uh applications like slack slack was built using electron right so really really powerful stuff um that is just absolutely killing it right um saffron we've got pinterest so pinterest you might all know salesforce if you guys didn't know hot topic in news right now salesforce just bought slack so they just signed the deal to agree with stack that's why slacks uh stock price went up but salesforce actually just went ahead and acquired a slack and uh yeah so amazing company big company they use it too i don't know what this one is but you got shine and then guys soundcloud amazing stuff the one i'm excited about to show you guys is tesla this app man this app like i'm talking like unlock your car literally do all your stuff literally honk your car start your car valet mode like you can do the sort of all of the crazy stuff that tesla does where you summon like some in your car all of that is from react native so if you've ever had the question of you know thinking about is react native powerful enough for what i need it to do or is it sort of gonna limit me maybe i should do native development by so maybe i should do swift you know maybe i should do objective c then i'm here to like completely like step on that and say no don't do that learn react with react you're going to learn web applications front end back end because your javascript's going to come up which means your node.js skill is going to also go up because you're going to transfer the javascript skills that you've acquired with the react pass that to the back end and just create full stack app and become a full stack developer in no time and you can also go ahead and take that skill that you learn with react over to react native build crazy ios and android apps like i've just shown you right here so amazing amazing powerful stuff from react react native and this is why you absolutely must learn react in 2021 that's why your boy purple react is back that is why i am here to stay all you need to do guys hit the subscribe button hit the thumbs up button if you enjoyed this video i mean guys i'm here to say it's going to be pre-recorded i'm going to edit a bunch of really nice videos drop them on the channel so they're a bit more easier to consume i'm going to be dropping more live streams i'm going to be dropping q a's so i actually do quite a few q and a's if you haven't already followed me on instagram go ahead and check me out on instagram and that's where i usually do the q as i'll tell you things up and as always guys i love and appreciate every single one of you all i'm asking is that you go into the first link in the description sign up to the newsletter if you haven't already i'm actually just gonna check right now how many people we joined joined our newsletter today wow oh my god wow we just got tons of you that came through on the newsletter right now right if anyone actually signed up to the newsletter today go ahead and let me know in the comments right now and i'd love to see that like we have i'm going to shout some of you out right now right we have jugao we have mike knows we have um we have bikram muhammad bikram nikkra nikhil rashana jazdev all right we have binu cedric soheil if joe diaz hey what's up joe we have jonathan freddy we have abhishek we have teja burat aaron what's up guys felix ashraf mario fagan oh my god doris wang chad janez ivetta just karen ranjit miss uh w1 gurav damn guys we got loads of people who joined on the newsletter today that's crazy amanda the lumia what's up we have uh maharsh guys just crazy right christopher possum i says will you do more builds hell yeah dude builds on this channel whatever you want to see whatever you want to go ahead and do as i mentioned before all you need to do is connect on the newsletter and that way when i drop things like a discord um discord server you can go ahead and connect to it and things like that and you can be the first to be in there and give suggestions as to what you want to see what you want to go ahead and do right um ayush says i just joined i'm going to join just now awesome stuff nikhil said you bet i did bushes already signed up uh vishal says i joined super excited mohit said yup i did it on the very first minute appreciate you guys this was an awesome video man this is an awesome video and today we talked about top five reasons why you need to learn react in 2021 with that said guys i love and appreciate every single one of you and guys i'm ready to kill it i hope you guys are gonna bring your a game to each and every one of these videos and uh this is your boy sunny aka papa react and all you need to do is literally like i said newsletter hit the subscribe button below notifications if you don't want to miss a video follow me on instagram if you want to get you know see a bit more of a personal side but otherwise beyond that guys keep on crushing it every day and i look forward to seeing every single one of you in the next video right if you're part of the hashtag papa fam go ahead and comment it right now but i will see all of you guys in the next video peace i appreciate every single one of you guys wow completely amazing amazing energy today i'm gonna let the video go on for a little bit more so i can see the comments that came in but otherwise yeah guys crazy crazy energy so hill says he subscribes see knowledge subscribe clean code subscribe seen ashore at subscribe share brad subscribe guys honestly amazing amazing stuff with that said as i said guys so i'll be answering all any questions that sort of get left over in the next video but yeah your boy papa react i'll see you guys in the next video peace nice you
Channel: Sonny Sangha
Views: 22,494
Rating: 4.9386282 out of 5
Keywords: react, developer, reactjs, html, css, js, javascript, papa, papareact, papa-react
Id: kd-hK5Zmv6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 19sec (5719 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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