🔥Fire safety with Roy | EP 01 -26 | Robocar POLI | Kids animation

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[Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and we're endless oi [Music] to keep us safe and sound [Music] useful but dangerous fire fire is useful but it can be very dangerous so we must always be careful now we will all learn what to do in case of a fire so Johnny Johnny [Music] sorry Cindy class quiet down focus on the lesson Oh mr. pencil tragically struck down guys we have a problem if the results of this survey are right lots of broom stoners haven't been taught fire safety this is some houses don't even know fire extinguishers looks like people just don't know where what causes fires or how to prevent them seems people might not be taking fire safety seriously sounds like a serious problem yes it is and we seriously need to do something about it we must start teaching people fire safety now hmm the bunny and more the doggy which one Johnny let's go to the toy store just hang on Peter I haven't figured out which one do you need some hello hello need help finding something yes I'm just trying to figure out which pencil to get a girl I'm torn between these two well I think she would be happy with either one hmm do you have one with a grill on top a gorilla I think there might be one in the back that would rule huh I'll just go get it I'll be back in a sec great hey thanks a lot Johnny look a super dragon Wow it's awesome oh wow [Music] attention customers a fire has broken out on the third floor all the safe room in the building again Peter look there really must be a fire huh whoa I've never seen a real fire boys you're in danger follow me okay it's dangerous here go somewhere safe uh-huh heli put out the fire on the top floor who knew fire could spread so fast fire is really scary stuff holy amber keep dousing the fire heli and I will go help her gentle [Music] here take my hand Helle please say to the rest did you get injured at all I think I'm fine thanks thank you so much today's topic is scary but useful fire okay right fire is a very powerful and useful element it lights up the darkness making life much more convenient it also heats and cooks food and keeps us warm when the weather's cold but when a fire gets out of control it can become a very scary thing it can burn up not only the stuff we love but the very place we live in so it is very important to be properly educated in both fire safety and fire prevention we must always be alert a fire can break out at any time yes sir Froy what you did before was so awesome oh yeah you Eroica Liam bravely save that trap clerk when you put out the fire it was just a bet [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and where and when [Music] to keep us safe and round there's no [Music] Easter on until [Music] it'd be careful in the kitchen see you later then you seem too happy I'm leaving you better remember everything you promised me get over homework done don't leave messes anywhere and I will not let the children starve please don't give them only junk food all right not gonna happen I'm making something from the book I'll make you whatever you want as long as it's in I've never heard of that that might be cuz I just invented it it rings when children cross into what should be a child free area child free area yeah a child free area is a one-meter zone around things that can cause an accident like a stove or a heater children should be kept from entering that zone walked into the area didn t I am NOT a child just cuz you're big doesn't mean that you're an adult yet [Laughter] [Music] [Music] huh it's mom Shh [Music] hello everybody's fine Peter of course he's doing his homework Lucy oh yeah she's picking up her toys dinner yep almost done it already smells great guess I'll move along no please don't forget to install your new 3-step alarm we'll install it thanks again bye Roy next up is little Peters house right first we chop all the onions up this is how you do it like this come on dad let me sleep you know no knives are dangerous now who wants to sprinkle the salt I do take left pepper [Music] [Laughter] whoa smells great it's almost done huh that that's mom hang tight for a second kids hello hey what's going on Peter what are you doing the meats going to burn it needs to be turned oh oh I just turn other side Lucy why do you keep screaming look just move we'll have dinner any minute now hurry home children huh smokes coming out of Peters house Peter grab onto my hand right sure [Music] just thank goodness that nobody got hurt thank you you saved all our lives I'm sure to make sure that this doesn't happen anymore I've got some safety tips for you when you're cooking never leave the kitchen while the stove is on a fire can break out at any time also put nothing flammable such as towels or paper near the stoves flame because these can easily spread fire and don't let pets or children get near the flames or the hot food they might have an accident and since they won't know how best to deal with it they can be seriously injured yes what's going on here it's wrong I'm home because you said dinner would be ready now why are you well outside well honey you know about the dinner the thing is what are you talking about I just thought we'd go out do you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and where and when [Music] to keep us safe and sound [Music] dangerous short-circuit [Music] oh goodness Scooby are you sick no way I'm alright you guys are making school if you leave it sicker what Scooby are you sick thanks but I'm alright guys you don't need to worry at all see you after a while [Music] Scooby doesn't look good at all he made him feel even worse nice work Scoob we were really worried about you you were Scooby we're sorry for earlier yeah we're sorry I didn't know that you were sick it isn't your fault at all guys I've just got a little cold I just need rest but thank you all for coming by Scooby wait there's more we Rocky's gonna get well stuff huh just call me Oh take good care of you till all better yes we will [Music] Scooby and you please lift your tire up alright Scooby where do you put your garbage just right beside the door they're everywhere well freshen you up Scooby let's go whoa there Scooby how does that feel cool that feels nice leave everything to us today thanks very much you guys are you feel better Scooby goodness I'm really hungry me too yeah good thing I got to bring a whole bunch of awesome snacks guys anybody else smell that Johnny snowing BB hey it's not me [Music] Scooby oh please wake up [Music] children hurry climb aboard now put on your seatbelt and hold on tight all right huh smoke seems to be coming from Scooby's place now please take the children somewhere safe right away [Music] that's what happened it's really good to think of your friends but you must use your electronics with care when you plug in devices don't plug in too many at once that much current flowing can overheat the outlet which can lead to a fire also loose plugs can be dangerous plugs that aren't pushed in all the way can cause sparks to occur which can also start fires lastly make sure the insulation on the wires doesn't peel off and that water never gets in the plug a short-circuit can cause a fire too do you understand yes sorry Scooby I only wanted to help it's fine guys you made me feel so much better I'm not sick anymore you're not that's great huh it looks like you might have come down with Scooby's cold yeah guess it's Cindy's turn right Cindy we're here to help [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and where and when [Music] to keep us safe and sound [Music] never forget to turn off the gas mom what are you doing job is we're making strawberry jam today it's so good on bread yeah strawberries yeah these are fresh strawberry jam come on you've got plenty of them children stop fighting and be good until the jams ready all right yes it's almost done just have to let it simmer down so can I have a little taste what's wrong jam is for eating a bread little traditional Lucy fetch some bread from the living room yes mom Lucy want me to carry the bread no I have to protect it from the bad naughty Dog's huh he probably ate the jam while we're gone relax Lucy the jam is still up on the stove so buddy can't get it children I think I forgot to turn the stove off what happens when you don't turn it off the gym might start to burn and there could be a fire oven Gym laburnum the jam isn't the problem the whole house could burn down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and I didn't remember to turn off the stove let's get there hi what's going on [Applause] it's a good thing Robert turned off the stove or it could have been a real disaster sorry Roy I should have been more careful I'll give you a couple of safety tips for using the stove when the stove is in use never leave it unattended the pot might overheat and start a fire or the ingredients may overflow and cause a gas leak also before using the stove make sure that there's no smell of gas in the air if you start the stove when there is a gas leak explode so please always check also make sure that the fire is fully lit if the knob is turned while the fire is off the gas could leak lastly always remember to turn off the gas valve after using the stove if you're worried you might forget installing a gas timer might be a helpful precaution we will thank you Roy but where is the gym I left it on the table [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when oi [Music] to keep us safe and sound [Music] enjoy fireworks safely hey guys let's go see the super dragon huh nah Peter not now come on it's now or never it's the last day guys coming to my place yeah of course I'll be there what but what about the super dragon it's Cindy's birthday today what for real hmm seems like there's someplace else you'd rather be oh whoa I need to borrow your birthday present it's gonna be the best present you ever got in your whole life yeah well I'm excited then catch you later guys Peter what do you do now there really is no present right not this not this either must be some prison you're somewhere far you and even better Don statuses all right we'll be there I'm telling mom know what huh fireworks yes it's all done butthole hey there Roy what is that gin its Cindy's birthday and this is her present she'll be so surprised when she sees this I'm sure Cindy will love it how about I give it to her on my way to check the hydrants really that's awesome thanks Roy I owe you I this is for me and this is mine hey you like my gift thing that's really cool josh is this the present utopia no it's just something I found in the garage its fireworks leader I like them as promised best present ever mom can we try a few of these out those are some beautiful fireworks it might be fun to give them a try now mom why didn't work well I suppose it could be a duck come on firework do your thing did the fire go out pretty sure I'm almost there yikes what's happening that sounds like is everyone all right yeah yeah I think so [Music] [Music] mónica when you use fireworks always read the safety instructions and check the products dates as well older fireworks can be unreliable with delayed or abnormal explosions ROI I'm sorry I should have been more careful than I was please listen up remember fireworks can be dangerous so please read the safety instructions once the firework is lit you must get at least ten meters away to watch it never hold one in your hand or point one at people never use them inside or near flammable things or where there are a lot of trees only use them outdoors and when it is not windy and if you try to set off too many fireworks at once the explosion could start a fire so never do that and lastly children never touch fireworks without adult supervision you got it sorry Cindy to be honest I forgot about your birthday hmm that was obvious but it was very brave of you to try and save me like that Oh shall we start the party again heater huh your fire - or [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when [Music] to keep a pound there's no beer [Music] our family fire drill have a nice day oh hi Roy afternoon what's that fire evacuation drill Hyup families can all do this program practice fire drills and make a plan so they know just what to do if they pass they get a safety badge too oh that's great haha would you like one huh what's going on what a mess boy they do have a real fire broke out no no wait I have to straighten this mess out honey you came home here look at this huh family fire evacuation Wow what's that seems like a lot of fun shall we do it yeah so everyone agrees how great drow start now huh in one week we'll be participating in this drill program let's do our best to try and stay safe in the event of a fire got it yes so everyone look at this map here who can tell me how many exits our house has what's next don't know I think ah backdoor Lucy okay [Music] don't worry dad will always be there to say okay everyone the test will begin shortly when the fire alarm starts you have three minutes to get out of the house ready there's smoke get down just do what we practice got it leave it to me go to the first excellent front doors on fire no good option to the window the window honey no windows blub - it's all gonna be fine we'll find a way out okay hurry I don't know I think I can make it leave me take care of our children don't be ridiculous I'll never leave you behind [Music] there you go you were able to react quickly with every situation that arose often when there's a real fire people will panic and forget their safety rules it only takes five minutes for a fire to spread to dangerous levels so always remember your evacuation plan make a map for your family that clearly marks all emergency exits everyone should pick a safe place to meet after evacuating twice a year you should have an actual fire drill with your family it's good to try it both during the daytime and at night that way if a real fire broke out you know you'd be able to get everyone out of the house safely [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and we're and oi [Music] to keep us bound there's no [Music] when lightning strikes [Music] that's a purple Emperor and that's a tiger swallowtail wow those are really cool hmm it's not that cool I think butterflies are boring I know beetles are way cooler than butterflies Charles are these your pictures yeah oh yeah I've always said that butterflies are so awesome what did not you said oh that blue one is great what a pretty color and it looks even better in the wild really Cindy I could catch one huh you could you're terrified of Annie bug you catch a butterfly yeah so I bet there's no way you could catch one what I challenge you to catch a blue butterfly before me deal there's no way a loose [Music] you guys problem we're getting a huge thunder and lightning storm later today are you sure Jim it looks sunny outside heli weather is unpredictable sometimes we should start getting ready now so the town doesn't get damaged yeah and we should warn people - great I'll go check the outskirts of town yeah and I'll alert people downtown sounds good let's get to it you got it catching a butterfly is a piece of cake whatever I'll definitely get one before you do hey guys a yellow sulfur Wow I'm sure the blue variety is around here yeah bull what are they up to maybe it's over here just a little closer [Music] you're not quite the same Charles my everything hurts and I'm starving hey you know we can always try again huh it started raining let's go hide under that tree your lightning rod is good to go thanks Roy but when the Lightning starts up you should still take shelter indoors in a safe area and don't stand under a tree why is it dangerous yes trees have a high risk of getting struck so it's best to keep away no it's gonna make me real nervous he'll wait Roy I saw some kids go into the woods a while ago Oh No if this weather gets worse will they be okay they're not safe you guys it's the blue butterfly you kids okay come on let's get you home no that was a close one you could have been hurt listen you have to remember a couple things when it comes to storms never play outside if you hear thunder or see lightning and if you're outside find shelter in a building or inside a car buildings and cars provide much needed protection from lightning stained Juris electricity lightning strikes in higher places too so be sure to stay away from mountains or other high places during storms if you stand near a tree you can get hurt because trees are more likely to be struck by lightning if there are no buildings or cars nearby go to an open area and lay flat and small on the ground finally don't hold any metal objects like umbrellas or butterfly nets these conduct electricity and you could get hit we were under a tree though and not just that we were holding these nets to really dangerous good lesson learned but why are you sad we tried to catch the blue butterfly Wow blue butterflies guys they're everywhere [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and we're and we'll be never [Music] to keep us safe and round there's no [Music] mr. Ahn [Music] fire that can't be quenched Charles looks like I'm all done how about you yeah just about done it's all clean what's with you two this is your fault yeah my bad anyway I'm all done cleaning come in Yahoo hang on one last thing huh finished [Music] tarah all seven episodes of the newest super dragon series huh that's cool but haha it's only the best latest nin friend oh ow beware my super dragon fist huh Wow what's that Charles it's called an oil lamp that looks super old and stuff yeah my grandma used it a long time ago what's this thing a telescope Wow wait what's this my personal favorite a ham radio Elma it's great people use them to communicate all over you can talk to other people with ham radios all around the world and one day I really hope to hear a lian's aliens let's try it now hello aliens do you hear me people boom aliens this is for the rescue squad oh man it's just the rescue squad is that Charles I hear sure is we made a secret Clubhouse at Peters place sounds good we can't turn down an invitation like that of course aliens do you copy hello do you copy aah oh man it's not working huh aliens that was just mean eating food I'm hungry too yeah maybe we should eat my super foods - you lose - hmm [Music] huh where are all the snacks when messing around what humi huh aliens but I turned the radio off you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] hey kids dinner's ready Peter huh is that smoke coming from Peter's house oh I tried to put water on the gas lamp but the fire just got bigger is that so I see don't worry it's great that you're all safe listen if a fire starts from oil you should never pour water on it fire from oil can't be put out with water putting water on burning oil can spread the oil and make it even more dangerous instead for grease fires use a fire extinguisher or sand to put them out safely these type of fires usually start when we're cooking or using indoor heaters so always keep an eye out I understand I'll be careful - Thank You Roy Thanks we'll be careful ah we put so much work into that Clubhouse I lost my porn in friendo my ham radio - whoa [Music] well that's definitely aliens we've totally made contact [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and where and when [Music] there's no [Music] a fire in the forest we almost there just a bit more you said that an hour ago dad did you see it there was a deer over there mom say cheese [Music] [Laughter] [Music] huh look that looks like a forest fire Jen rescue squad Jin problem there's a fire at broom mountain the woods what's up kid there's a fire in broom mountain Peters family is there mobilize all rescue units immediately hmm stay calm and follow my instructions okay one get away from the fire and preferably on lower ground fires are spread by wind so try to get upwind of it if you can thanks Jin now which way does the wind go which way is it blowing Oh dad what are we supposed to do are we in super huge danger don't worry guys dad will lead us to safety and we'll all be fine right honey oh that's right we're fine just trust your pop this way let's go we got this just a little more thought we might give you guys a head luckily we got four awesome hey heli look for Peters family from above Oh Oh No there are two roads gin1 roads been burned by the fire and one looks clear which one do we take right now take the road that looks like it's been burned are you sure that's where we should go if it looks burnt now the fire has already passed through I promise it'll be safer I understand all right this way yes we're all good Jin Jin oh the phone broke Oh hear that [Music] great take them to a safe place let's finish this up [Music] what a relief nobody got hurt thanks to Robert calling and quick most of the forest is still safe oh don't thank me if you see a forest fire call 911 and get as far away from it as you can get to a lower area not a higher one fire will spread with the wind so go in the opposite direction of the wind if you find yourself in a forest fire remember not to panic go to a place that looks already burned or with fewer trees open roads and rocky areas work - but mostly always remember to stay as calm as you can that way you can be rescued [Music] don't worry I'm sure he got away safe and sound whoa over there you see Lucy [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and where and when they [Music] to keep us safe and pound [Music] stop drop and roll you know what to do if your clothes catch on fire right yes Johnny wake up shirts on fire Johnny huh what do you do when your clothes catch on fire Johnny up there first stop don't run then cover your mouth and nose and drop to the floor last roll back and forth got it don't forget okay I won't forget all right everyone Wow Johnny you make a great vampire cool idea and your skeletons awesome now let's get to it all right trick-or-treat oh my Peter and Johnny you guys look really great here you go you two happy Halloween wow thanks a lot happy Halloween [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] he's really scared me can he have some - happy Halloween Pete and Johnny ah thanks Poli heli sorry I just ran out if there are no treats then there's gonna be tricks those costumes you choose trick or treat you judge me how funny are you guys how about a treat Wow hello is anyone here kids you're scary easily why but they have the skills of a ninja don't underestimate me when it comes to candy we're gonna have enough to last till Thanksgiving at this rate Wow where do you know man look at the size of that pop Roy's handing them out down there come on let's go huh Johnny Johnny [Music] first stop and don't run next drop to the ground then roll back and forth that's right stop drop to the ground and roll Johnny Johnny are you all right I'm okay let me check you out just stay still you are very lucky Johnny yeah and really scared also when your clothes are on fire you have to try not to panic if you run or move around and helps the fire to spread cover your face with your hands to protect it cover your nose and mouth to avoid inhaling smoke into your lungs then drop to the floor and roll to put out the flames burnt clothes may stick to your skin so be careful when removing them if that happens ask a grown-up for help all right we got it you think what happens when your clothes catch on fire and then you drop good work here these are for you for doing what you learned Wow [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and we're and [Music] to keep us safe and sound [Music] he's drawn [Music] never move a fire extinguisher what real for real I really can't dance oh I feel so bad we'll lose the dance contest because of me so now what I had no idea you couldn't dance don't feel bad about it I'm happy to help come on Jonny I'm sure Sydney would rather be top of the town's most legendary dance machine ever why if you're the dance machine then I'm the king of Dance are you challenging me bring it on I know you're not bad either hey check this move out what you know I couldn't dance either but then these two totally helped me get better at it they did so he might not come in last place Wow hey no way coming out first in first place [Music] [Music] let's put one here too it's important to have enough fire extinguishers and to know where they are in case you need them alright thanks for taking care of it Roy of course I'm sure it'll be an exciting contest the kids have been working so hard you should come oh I'd love to I can hardly see war huh this is definitely not a good place for this [Applause] I think I might be sick hey Peter we're the next ones to go listen I got us a secret weapon check it out secret weapon and now we have our next team please welcome Cindy and the broomstown boy come on Cindy with these on we gotta win hey you'll be fine [Music] a super awesome teacher he's courageous [Music] what to do something burning we ought to be [Music] [Applause] look out alright everybody get off the stage [Music] this fire extinguisher was there for a reason this could have been so much worse I'm really sorry Roy to think I could have caused a much bigger accident I had no idea we even had one of those I know then everyone listen up fire extinguishers can be just as effective as a fire hose make sure to keep fire extinguishers in sight and within reach always keep them out of direct sunlight and humidity check your extinguisher often for broken parts or corrosion give it a good shake once a month so the chemicals don't harden right Cindy thumbs up on your dancing tonight oh yeah you are great up there you know thank you guys it's weird that we work so hard and now it's all over with I don't know Cindy why don't you turn around [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when we'll be never [Music] to keep us safe and sound there's no [Music] appliance safety gee Jen she left this running with nobody here oh and sweating oh hi Roy gin you let this fan on and it could have overheated and caused a bad fire it's all right I barely left it on for that long how it's hot are you all right it started to overheat you have to turn it off okay Roy no water balloons allowed I knew you are waiting for this book so I came right here I hope you like it [Music] take your shot you can't hide behind someone [Music] [Applause] Peter you just got my brand-new book all wet I am I'm really sorry about that I know we can take it and get it all dried off you do that yeah of course we would uh-huh that's right we'll make sure it's as good as new again give it here you better fix it Johnny how are we supposed to dry this book who knows um maybe the washing machine how the spin cycle Johnny let me think that's it let's do it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well that was a fail maybe the toaster might work it's so hot it'll dry it up you're right Peter you're the smartest kid I know I am aren't I doesn't that smell great all I want in this world right now is toast so what should we do Sydney's gonna be here soon to pick it up [Music] oh the warm air will dry up this book in no time yeah why didn't I think of it first [Music] johnny is a tunnel I think we're almost there what happened all right Peter that's my ice cream cold wait why can't I have some huh is that smoke at Johnny's house hey kids are you all right just stay right there is everybody okay we're okay now all thanks to you boy you guys you can't leave an appliance on and unattended small home appliances can overheat and catch on fire so even if you're just leaving the room make sure that they're off also be sure not to leave flammable items near electric heaters or blankets and lasts only use appliances for their intended purpose okay we get it now hold on Oh whatever happened to my book you better hope it wasn't damaged in the fire come on Cindy you can always trust me to take care of things it's fixed it's not wet here you go to it well a lot of things love to tell you the story sometime [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when [Music] to keep us safe and sound there's no [Music] mr. Ahn and [Music] microwaves safety [Music] why the long face what's going on well dad I feel really bad for my friend there's this girl that he really likes a lot but he's pretty sure that she doesn't like him at all this is about your friend yes of course Johnny just so you know girls like boys who are sweet just like this ice cream mmm delicious hold on Jim oh hi Roy what is it gin you can't put foil in the microwave it'll catch on fire oh how did I forget I use the microwave all the time so I guess I better be more careful Jin are you finished with that huh Helen stop how come if you put that foil in the microwave it could catch on fire hey Kali everybody knows that hey did you pass the quiz yeah I think I did but I guess we'll find out all I kept thinking about is an ice cream sundae huh Johnny I love ice cream it's good right I'm a great sundaes awesome Cindy come with me I'll make you an epic sundae would you rather have chocolate or strawberry chocolate honey to what I never said you guys could come you just said you were making sundaes yeah but not for you come on you guys it's annoying when you always argue and I like strawberry oh great choice come on Sundays for everyone oh hi kids stop it those are for the sundaes huh Charles and I are gonna go play games in call us when they're done come on Charles wait up hmm I'll never get why you can't just get along huh Johnny uh what are you making with that Oh whipped cream to make a good Sunday you need homemade with ah are you alright would it be better if I held on like this here we go dream [Music] Johnny oh there was a fly Johnny controls and I have a snack you can see if there's anything you want in the fridge ah Pizza time do you think we should heat it up yeah and I'll get us some plates wow that looks great oh it belongs in a magazine what's so funny you got a little something right there huh right here no I'll get it for you [Music] [Music] Yami's house everyone stay put I'll handle it [Music] Oh okay all safe thank you you guys I think we need to talk a little about microwave safety the first rule never ever put any kind of metal into the microwave the microwaves can cause fire when they bounce off the metal next you need to puncture or cut slits in your food before microwaving it if the built up steam can't escape the food can literally explode and last loosen the lids on sealed containers to keep them from bursting as well simple right yes our poor Sunday Cindy and I worked so hard on it yeah but we had a lot of fun right we'll just make it again can we oh you're right that would be really great all right just don't forget I like chocolate the best Peter though you're never coming over to my house again oh I see Oh [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and where and when we'll be there [Music] to keep pounds [Music] Peter firefighter for one day [Music] guys watch goof pull the safety pin out point the nozzle in the direction of the fire and give the lever a squeeze give it a try Peter Congrats on being a kit firefighter wow you look like a real firefighter I'm proud of you son I'll find a good place to put the fire extinguisher no you won't mom the safety of our house is in the hands of the firemen he's right let him be the fire expert huh Oh everyone's safe and my real firefighter what Wow Peter that was really awesome Oh easy buddy keep back it's dangerous hmm look safe is that Peter oh man I thought it was a fire goodness I was scared [Music] huh what is that could be I'm here clear out huh Peter there's no fire really girl honey isn't ready yet we're almost there i extinguish the fire Peter this wasn't a dangerous fire a little grease just dropped on the charcoal yeah it happens all the time when you're cooking on a grill mom that is just the kind of unsafe thinking that leads to really dangerous fires and that is the final straw I'm taking this it's gotta be here somewhere Oh buddy why isn't anything happening buddy what is it Peter what's up gin boy get to Peter's house quick as you can there's a fire in his garage on it [Music] is anyone hurt no we're alright I'll see to the fire all of you get to a safe spot Thank You Roy that fire could have burned our house down sorry everyone but the extinguisher wouldn't work at all Peter can I see that extinguisher of course Roy hmm tell me Peter have you been using this I kept thinking there was a fire Peter fire extinguishers can't be used multiple times if a fire extinguisher is used it loses its gas and the pressure drops then nothing will come out you have to check your extinguishers regularly to see if they have enough pressure it's best to put extinguishers near the exit so they're easy to find to use the fire extinguisher pull out the safety pin stand against the wind and put the hose toward the fire then squeeze the handle and put the fire out Peter it was brave to try and use the extinguisher on that fire but evacuate is what you really should have done you're right Roy cheer up Peter you were only trying to keep the family safe yeah that's true now trade me your old extinguisher for this fresh one no excuse to stay new Peter I promise I won't mess it up this time just let me [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when we'll be never [Music] to keep us safe and sound there's no [Music] shouting fire watch closely just kid stuff please says you ready for some real magic real magic check it out spooky is doing a magic show bear spooky it's all done thanks a lot Roy now I feel safe listen one little mistake can result in a really big fire until the show is done you should be very careful well I'll see you later then bye Roy spooky Oh Peter what's happening spooky let me be your assistant you know thanks magic isn't for everyone so spooky just watch what do you think good right hmm just a hint huh I'm begging you spooky I wanna learn your awesome fire trick more than anything else in the world yeah the fire trick is big I'll say it's the best magic trick in the entire town no wait in the entire world all right fine come to think of it it could be really nice having an assistant Thank You spooky this will be great I'm excited Wow gosh I can hardly believe it I can't believe how Betty my friends came live over the moon we practiced really hard for this so let's give her the best show ever hmm everybody will be so surprised to see me on this stage huh ladies and gentlemen welcome to magic show howdy everyone welcome to Spooky's world [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now the trick you've all been waiting for Spooky's incredible magic fire [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] Peter good job since you were smart enough to yell fire we were able to evacuate it was listen here are some tips of what to do if a fire breaks out if there is a fire shout fire to let everyone know of the danger then you should find and pull the fire alarm as quick as you can if you can't find the alarm make loud noises to let people know they're in danger lastly if you are inside throw things out the window or wave clothes so people will know you're there then when people realize that someone's in danger they can take action we practiced really hard for this so let's get all the best show ever spooky I know you're upset it was the biggest magic show of your whole life spooky cheer up I thought the show was awesome he's right so you should try not to be too upset huh guess what BAM it's Spooky's even bigger biggest badging show it's tomorrow tell all your friends what [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when we'll be never [Music] to keep us safe and sound [Music] he's Jerome [Music] never ever play with fire guys over there is the cabbage huh and there's the lettuce and the yummy spinach what are they up to over there and if I do this what's going on you scared me Charles come and check this out Peter's burning stuff with his magnifying glass huh Peter you should never play with fire but it isn't well it's a science experiment about harnessing the sun's and power look it worked whoa isn't that fire too big oh ok students gather up oh right come on Cabaye children come back soon huh huh what's wrong with the light did you hear fire goodness what happened they had to call in the rescue team and everything it was pretty bad do you think we caused the fire at trackies it's weird our little fire was out for sure listen guys we need to be honest and tell the teacher about the fire quiet Charles are you kidding if we tell the teacher then all our families will find out and then they'll tell the rescue team he'll end up in jail or worse oh no jail I can't go to prison so the whole thing about what we did at trackies will be our secret and we'll never tell um but cleany did you hear oh there was a bad fire out of trackies place and tracky got hurt really then was he hurt well he's lying in bed wrapped in bandages huh I'm sorry but I have to confess what we've done what no way you promised you wouldn't tell remember I'm with Johnny track he got hurt and it's all because of us guys please don't tell [Music] and it's settled no one says a word right uh-huh I'm back hi Peter did you hear there was a fire at Rocky's Oh mom I'm tired I'm going to bed I wonder what's bothering him uh Peter you drop this on the floor Oh give it here [Music] Peter I'm so disappointed that you caused the fire Cindy I didn't you so fired [Music] [Music] Johnny child why are you in there Peter how could you have done this to good old tracky look what you did I'm sorry now what are you guys telling us we were playing with fire and we didn't mean it but the fire at trackies was our fault it's our fault Trekkie got hurt we didn't know what was going to happen though we're so sorry so very sorry got some fresh fruit here huh huh tracky are you okay guys the buyer at Rocky's house was caused by a short-circuit and so I just burned my hand a little bit exactly what did you guys do it trackies Grom well children playing with fire is incredibly dangerous you must never do it again you should never play with matches lighters candles or magnifying glasses for fun it could lead to a big fire stuff like plastic paper toilet paper and trees are extremely flammable so be careful because little fires can turn into big fires fast and if a fire does break out always remember don't worry about getting in trouble just call 911 right away I can see you boys are sorry and that's good but you should still be punished so write a 10-page apology letter [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and where and when they [Music] to keep us safe and pound there's no [Music] never hide when there's a fire and it's right next to mine this is awesome you can use this room however you like I'm gonna keep every toy I have in here fine rock-paper-scissors for it sorry I can't listen cuz I'm so busy planning my toy room I'm taking buddy to the vet so please get dinner for the kids and can you please try not to start any fires don't you worry at all this time I'm gonna get everything right well you think awesome right Lucy did you forget this is my room I mean come on did you forget yesterday you cheated open this door right now that's it [Music] Lucy there's another door come on Sally but that's not going to work you have to come out sometime for the rest of my life [Music] Lucy mr. bear open up or the bear gets it hmm and what about this guy now himself mr. bear or else what No I'm begging you don't hurt super dragon and put mr. bear man where you found him I'm doing it now you can do this you can do this Lucy it's your favorite with stuffed crust extra cheese smells good but I'm not hungry my chance lost again huh thanks for the pizza Peter Ruby this is your seat you like my princess room pretty right you're not a princess huh fire Lucy get out of there nice try but I'm not falling for that fires dog sir lies a lot it's not a lie it's the truth you need to get out right come on think Oh Lucy Lucy it's me Ruby Ruby that's right Lucy it's dangerous here so you need to get out let's get out together they're really scared don't worry I'm right here with you take my hand okay Lucy Peter we need to get outside are you hungry guys good dinner's closed I just need to finish grilling the fish huh go everybody get out what's going on someone called and said a fire had broken out I'm really sorry to have alarmed everyone gosh dad I really thought the house was on fire I was so scared that I just ran in hit Lucy remember when there's a fire you should never hide if you hide in a closet under a desk or anywhere else when there's a fire you can get trapped and badly hurt if there is a fire you need to get outside and before you open a door always check and see if the handle is hot if it is that means there's probably fire on the other side open a window instead and yell for help you got it yes to say thank you for saving my life well if Ruby wants to give me a reward then say that room is mine [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and we're and [Music] to keep us safe and pound when the flame there's no [Music] teacher [Music] look again to make sure the fire is out [Music] awesome did you buy another new tent I did the latest model it's the highest priced tent ever instant setup cool in the summer time warm in the winter what is well it's called a hammock you tie it between trees and use it as a bed allow me to demonstrate hi there long time camping camping up here yep the weather's perfect for it how on earth could I stay home look around the world is so wonderful then have a wonderful time camp always do I must remember to check the camping ground tonight just keep waiting fishing is all about patience are you certain there's fish in there Shh the fish will never come near us if they hear you ah dad the floaty thing just moved yeah it's odd feels like a giant one to come on Peter just keep your eyes on your dad and see how a real fisherman does it uh you've said it like a dozen times though it smells great dad I want to eat it right now well it's all cooked try some Wow thanks dad Wow so good you're right it's awesome sure that's cuz I'm the one who caught it [Laughter] [Music] the girl was just walking along and she heard something and then the monster went on that one there is the North Star long ago sailors used that star to navigate and see that one we should call it a night I'll clean up the campsite turned in they're having a great time well looks good no I'll check the other side [Music] Jonny what looks like a fire Johnny wake up here I come ha hmm just thank goodness nobody got hurt this is all my fault I should have made sure the fire was out whenever you have a campfire you have to make sure that it's completely out when the wind blows the remaining embers can spark back into fire and spread when you put out a fire watch until it's completely out or pour water or sand on it when the fire is out stir the ashes and pour more water to be sure the fire is absolutely out and bring a fire extinguisher that way if there's a problem you can handle it I sure will Thank You Roy mm-hmm dad where will we sleep though come on you can share our tent are you sure thank you mr. Robert [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and we're and Roy will be never [Music] to keep us safe and sound there's no [Music] don't make prank calls bye kids hope your school days great Oh Scooby huh yes what's that on your Hummer that's bird poop right what silly the bird poop wasn't real huh what do you mean what that's today here she comes Shh right huh you guys are studying that's unusual yeah it's for the test yeah that huge exam today what exam don't tell me you forgot about it all right Johnny [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] who's the next person we should prank I have an idea the trash cans in town what now trash is flying all over the place that's not all really tires seriously free toys at the toy store max was just walking and then something happened yeah he fell off a tree in ahead how do you climb a tree with tires I mean he drove off the road into the head you mean again no man third time this month man too good a fire at the Harper yeah it's all over the blades now you got to do something we're on it guys it's ruined [Music] [Laughter] Johnny this is a real one this is bad oh geez its Jin how can I help we need help didn't you say the fire was at the Harper oh you see that was a lie what Peter don't you know how dangerous that could be I'm sorry but this one's real there really is a fire Roy the harbor fire was a prank oh but now there's a real fire at the factory you know what to do got it I'm on my way [Music] I'm real sorry about our prank boy we feel really bad kids prank calls are mean at best and dangerous at worst prank calls aren't just illegal you prank call about a fire firefighters will assemble where they're not needed the problem with that is if there's a real fire then they can't get to the real fire in time and it could cause serious damage one prank call can put someone's life in danger must have been why gin was so mad we won't bring call anyone ever again also we won't lie about stuff yeah Peter Johnny you've got some explaining to do [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when we'll be never a pound [Music] how to call 9-1-1 [Music] you guys I heard there was the most amazing shooting star last night I saw it myself yeah there was this crazy bright light everywhere right everywhere yeah that's right I've never seen a new viewer what do you think they look like I heard it's just a rock that falls from space just a rock no way it's gotta be sparkly like a Super Ball the three of us are gonna get to the bottom of this you guys are you ready ready magic dowsing rods to find its energy a jumbo sausage cuz we're now here four hours and I might get hungry alien communicator ham radio wait how are any of those gonna help us find a shooting star Peter you just brought sticks and I'm pretty sure you can't eat those check this out ha let's go super dowsing rods I felt it this way let's go oh is he feeling okay who knows are you sure this is how to get to the star of course it is I totally know the way so this is still the way we'll be there in no time Oh over here so you're still a hundred percent sure yes guys I keep telling you I got this Peter huh what is that it's really dark in here now hmm but I know I saw something Charles is there a light over there right here the shooting star that's gotta be it huh we should call 9-1-1 but I don't have a phone or anything that's right your radio Ling Rescue Squad Jin speaking there's a fire we don't know what to do well where is it where are you guys it's an old cabin in the middle of the woods but I've never been here so I'm not really sure okay remain calm and don't panic describe what's around do you remember how you got there got here well at one point the road forked and we went to the left and later we crossed the river on a log there was a cliff where we fell off and that's how we found this cabin that's on fire okay heads up you guys Waller's gonna fire reported in the woods in a cabin I need you to get there sending location now [Music] Helly i'll head through the forest you tell me where to go huh head left thank you everybody say yeah this could have been a lot worse but thanks to you kids it was contained great so anytime you see a fire use a cell phone payphone or any other phone and call 911 eight as calm as possible and describe exactly where the fire is if the fire is somewhere you're unfamiliar with look around for landmarks landmarks can be big buildings libraries schools big trees intersections roundabouts ponds lakes subway stations or bus stops this is so firefighters can find the fire more easily you understand yeah Roy awesome why are you guys all the way out here anyway Oh the shooting star oh no it would still be inside tada I remember to bring it out we got a shooting star you guys found the meteorite that's awesome everyone's been talking about that well done guys [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when [Music] to keep us safe and sound [Music] a scary earthquake where did my seeds get whoa the brand new limited edition super dragon with windshield wipers it's so awesome I want one I'll be right back okay this guy could totally beat Dino King haha easy an earthquake really it was everything just shocked earthquakes can be a big deal Oh Wow [Music] this way [Music] oh hey are you all right yeah I'm okay you yeah I'm all right but what happened Peter Johnny oh there's somebody over there somebody help us I'm glad you're okay just hang on I'll call the rescue squad [Music] right you're good to go haha thank you so much joy we're glad it wasn't worse ha I'm fine oh right something happened Peter and Johnny are trapped in a toy store get there as soon as you can got it amber can you take care of us I got this bye bye bye just keep trying hey are we gonna be stuck here for the rest of our lives what no way probably huh Johnny check it out super dragon man is protecting us super dragon super dragon save us [Music] you okay earthquakes are natural disasters that happen in certain areas so now let's go over what to do in an earthquake in an earthquake the ground shakes and buildings can get damaged don't try to run outside as fast as possible instead hide under a desk or table if there is no desk or table run to the wall with your back against it and protect your head with cushions or blankets if there's building damage a door might not open open the doors right when the earthquake starts to avoid getting stuck if you're outside stay away from things that could fall over find a more open area all good you guys yeah so earthquakes are really bad the ground moves in everything shaking and stuff and we saw the entire thing earthquake that wasn't funny yeah earthquakes are scary [Laughter] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and where and when we'll be there for you to keep us safe and round [Music] he's Jerome [Music] the school fire drill everyone we have a new friend today someone needs to be in charge of feeding him Oh me I can do it pick me Oh Charles how would you like to take care of him this week me really mmmm hmmm since I know you love animals I'm sure you'll do a good job with our class pet are you up to it you bet I am [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] you're being cruel to him what we're not being cruel I just wanted to play with him that's all that's right come here and give it a try some lizard and gecko species drop their tails when they feel they're being threatened oh that's gross listen their tails hold valuable nutrition so losing them can be really bad I'm taking him home to keep him safe and you can't touch him anymore okay I'm sorry little guy it'll go back soon you need a name huh from now on I think I'll call you in is that better than eat up okay hahaha that good I see your tail grew back that's great Oh your water's empty I'll get you some more everyone this way what's happening there's a fire downstairs single-file line and follow me right [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone all right yes I think we've got all the students outside wait hang on Charles isn't here oh hey Finn now we can go oh we can't go that way [Music] don't worry we'll make it out of here it's Charles Charles Charles Roy he's in there classroom on the second floor great got it [Music] I'm here Roy okay you ready yes here we go the fires all put out now thank goodness no one was hurt thanks for saving me today Charles what you did was incredibly dangerous when a fire breaks out you must leave all your belongings and get out as fast as possible no matter how important it might be don't run off by yourself listen to your teacher and follow their instructions till you get to a safe place hit the fire alarm if you're the first one to see it cover your nose and mouth from smoke duck down and leave quickly if the fire gets so bad you can't escape run to the roof and yell for help got it boy I'll remember sorry for making you guys scared that's alright since you did that you saved our class pets life yeah you saved him oh hey Vince try to say thank you [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and we're and oi [Music] to keep us safe and sound there's no [Music] buddy to the rescue I'm so tired after such a long night at work sweetheart we'll do the shopping you get some rest sweet dreams mommy thank you guys there we go what happened marry Coco's just a kitten don't forget just try and be patient that might be hard but I'll try Coco I'm sorry I got mad is anybody home you have a package oh hey there postie hello Sarah that book you ordered is here oh great I've been waiting for this Thank You postie hmm you've been such a good boy buddy I'm still so tired so we're doing fish tonight for dinner what no way whenever you make it the fish gets all burn dad I don't do that anymore let's just have spaghetti we just had meatballs as weekend we had spaghetti at the same time looks like we're going back to plan a this way to the fish counter you've been pre-qualified to be entered in his music right now in the heart of the Hawaiian all you need I said not right now [Music] [Music] Thank You postie take care see you soon huh right away Jin what is it Roy there's smoke coming from Peter's house please get over there now right on it looks like there's a fire somewhere I hope they're all right they should be careful huh oh no dad there's a smoke it looks like our house is on fire what is it buddy are you two all right right you have to take buddy and get outside now okay [Music] oh my heart saluting what could have started the fire take a look here everyone what what happened to my phone I think it's time we go over some rules to figure this one out pets are naturally curious so store cell phones and wires out of the reach a break in the electrical current can lead to fire or injury to your pet chewing on electrical cords can lead to a nasty shock be sure to store your cell phone out of your pets reach and when you leave the house make sure your charger is unplugged sharp knives in the kitchen can also pose a danger to your pet so can anything cooking on the stove barricading power strips and electrical cords is a smart way to keep pets safe and never try to rescue your pet yourself in case of a fire but instead let the rescue squad take care of that for you so much and thank you buddy for waking me up my life [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and we're and we'll be every year to keep us safe and pound [Music] the visiting hero that was it very smart huh he didn't mean to so who are you anyway I'm a firefighter who also looks out for children who act up firefighter yes and if you pull that stunt again you'll definitely be punished fine huh and there you have it I'll protect you in the hottest temperatures you did an amazing job hey everyone oh oh is this Tommy the visiting fireman I told you about hey there everyone I've been getting to know brooms towns gifted inventor here and she's awesome a gifted inventor her stuffs pretty sweet let me know if you ever need help with a rescue thank you I'll do that I've got all sorts of other stuff in storage wait right here no go get it this is gonna take longer than I thought it would mr. bilder would have been a goner without him he's like a firefighter superhero huh what are you talking about that loser went all crazy almost for no reason at all Peter don't talk about Tommy like that oh I can't believe you're all buying his act you guys should have been there yesterday so there you guys don't think he's so great Peter you shouldn't be playing like that in the first place what I'm a Tommy you're always in trouble it really wasn't like that Johnny please back me up well hmm you shouldn't act like that Peter oh come on Johnny come with me I'm gonna show you that mr. perfect isn't as great as you think [Music] [Music] you're free you saved the day my friend look at him he's just so awesome seriously Peter I have to go home and do my work me too no wait you can't go home yet give me another chance to prove it come on huh look at that can you believe how bad he's tormenting Mary's poor little kitten oh no it's okay you can do it good kitty oh isn't he compassionate what no don't believe him Peter you have lit up I've had it see you later what wait don't go yet what's up there's a fire at the warehouse and there's somebody trapped inside you have to go now on my way you kids could have been hurt you should have known not to go play in there awesome now everyone can see what he's really like listen up you three all that hay is very flammable one spark and that's all [Music] get back Peter Tommy [Music] you again this is the second time this week that you almost got hurt I know I'm sorry did you get burned at all are you alright yes oh that was a close one buddy I'm glad you're okay [Music] well I'm glad to know my stuff works thanks chin thanks Tommy you're the best fireman ever Tommy's our hero that's right kids we should always be thankful for everything that firefighters do to keep us all safe firefighters put themselves in danger in order to put out fires and to rescue people who are in trouble they're also trained to administer first aid to people who've been injured and make sure they get to the hospital they perform inspections to lower the risk of a fire starting and they're there to assist in case of natural disasters and everyday dangers if there's a problem they want to help you see they're pretty cool right thank you sir you saved my life back there you really do rock Peter what was it you said yesterday he said that loser who went all crazy on us for no reason at all I'll see you all next time [Music] see ya [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can and we're and ever [Music] to keep us safe and sound there's no [Music] mr. Ahn [Music] in hot water hey mom can we have more cocoa not now it's almost time to eat Oh mom can't we have just one more Ernie one no guys I want you to still be hungry for this wonderful vegetable stew huh here we are ready to eat Oh what are you doing over there hot water is dangerous Peter there will be no more cocoa for you uh-huh oh why not because you tried to go behind my back I can't stop thinking of cocoa I know we haven't had any in so long it's been long enough Lucy it's plan time plan time we're calling this operation cocoa Lucy and buddy are you ready yeah now our target obviously is the kitchen cabinet our problem is that it's locked and the key is in mom's room when mom leaves the room we move in to secure the key and then litter hopefully post you will have mom's package today while mom's busy with that we move into the kitchen and hello cocoa Wow I'm going to have two cups of it once mom goes downstairs that Koko is mine there's our signal Lu moved okay wait this is where mom usually keeps her keys where's the one of the cabinet here sweet cocoa no not yet hmm what is it Lucy it's um my new sock has a hole oh no buddy must have gotten it again I guess I'll sew it up hi sweetheart how are you it was in my hand Oh Robert posties outside with my package Thank You postie yes switch on [Applause] [Music] Lucy later uh Lucy don't touch that [Applause] [Music] oh did you get hurt at all fine Peter please call a rescue squad all right [Music] there you're all set you did the right thing you'll be better in no time Thank You amber this might be the perfect time to go over some burn treatments first try to cool down the burn with cold water or saline if it's covered be sure to keep the cloth on gently wrap the burn with clean gauze or a bandage do not touch any blisters that form on the skin if the burn is serious immediately seek help from a hospital or clinic but the best burn prevention is to be careful all the time don't play near the stove when it's on be sure your food is cool enough before you take a bite well at least we all learned something how about a little cocoa now yeah oh no it's gone well I guess that's bad we'll just have to have cocoa another time hold on we have to go to the store let go children [Music] [Applause] it's a great big wonderful world but scary things can happen and where and when they we'll be [Music] to keep us safe and pound there's no [Music] Junior firefighters [Music] Wow all of the super dragons ever made I want every muffin ever made come on we're here to get the flowers for parents day that's right and we have to get back so come on excuse me could you tell me where the flower shop is I'm pretty sure it's on the fourth floor you could take the elevator right over there great thank you so much hey there kids huh what can I help you with mister do you sell carnations here ah ha ha I'm guessing you need them for parents day wait right there I'm fine I'm fine that's a rose that's not it fun that one here we go way in the back what that's a fire what a fire on attention shoppers due to a safety concern you need help exiting the building here guys here use this to cover your nose and mouth so you don't breathe a nanny's smoke thanks a lot hold on my bag no Witten don't worry about your bag we have to know now okay go behind you come on we'll take the elevator huh no if we take the elevator and the power goes out we'll all be trapped in there what oh thanks for letting me know about that that smoke down there then we're gonna have to go back and call for some help everyone get somewhere safe Roy some kids were in there I don't know if they got out in time kids just take my hand Cindy okay Johnny right I found the kids they're in the North stairwell good work heli I'm going in [Music] [Music] I'll get you out just step back you did what you were supposed to do you handled that exactly right since you never know when a dangerous situation might happen you should always know where the emergency exits are if a fire does break out cover your nose and mouth stay close to the ground and getaway elevators will not work if the power goes out so use the nearest stairway instead if you're on a lower floor go right outside if you're on an upper floor exit to the roof never lock stairwell doors or store items against them and most importantly stay calm and try not to panic thinking straight will keep you safe oh man I didn't handle that situation well thank you kids for everything no it's all good we've just been through fire safety training is all you're looking at an honorary firefighter right here then the smoke started coming and I let everyone out of the store way to go I'm proud of you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Robocar POLI TV
Views: 5,786,548
Rating: 3.7525237 out of 5
Keywords: kids, ロボカーポリー, 로보카폴리, робокарполи, robocarpoli, for kids, crianças, coche, 무료애니, 애니메이션, animation, carro, robot, niños, fireman, amber, ポリー, helly, robocar poli, police, korea, Fire safety with Roy, kids safety
Id: lm5sviV41n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 12sec (9732 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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