🔥15 Things You MUST DO After Installing Zorin OS

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hello everyone welcome to skills build training youtube channel my name is kamran and this channel is all about to show you how to become an id pro really fast in this video we are going to talk about the 15 things you must do after installing zorin operating system so without any further ado let's get started [Music] first of all let's see that what is zorin operating system it is a linux distribution and it is based on ubuntu it is a modern operating system and it is specifically designed to make your computer faster more powerful secure and privacy respecting it comes in four additions ultimate core light and education the ultimate edition of the zorin os is the paid one whereas all other editions are available for free so i have just installed the zorin operating system core edition and now let's talk about the 15 things that you must do after installing the zorin operating system all right so the first important thing to do is select the nearby mirror in the linux space distributions the mirror is the starting point for retrieving the software updates sometimes it happens that the mirror is not closest to your location and you may face unnecessary delay while updating the packages so that is why it is important to select the nearby mirror so in order to select the nearby mirror you have to click on your application menu and here you have to search for update this is the software updater application you simply have to click on it and now you have to click on settings now go to the zorin software and here you can see that we have got an option download from and the server for canada is selected so you simply have to click on this list and go to other all right so in canada we have got multiple servers from where we can download the updates so you can select anyone which is near to your location or you can simply click on this select best server and it will select the best server for you so basically it will run a series of tests that will find the best mirror for your location so it will select the best server so it has selected a one here on my current location but you can select it according to your preference like i'm gonna go with this server so you have to select this and then you have to click on choose server now you have to enter your password and click on authenticate all right so it is done you have selected the nearby mirror and the server to download your updates now let's move on to our next point which is download and install the latest updates by using the latest updates and the latest packages we can protect our system and it increases the performance of our system as well if our packages are updated then our computer system will be away from the bugs and it will shortly increase our performance in order to install the latest updates you simply have to open up your terminal by pressing ctrl alt t and then you have to write on your terminal sudo apt update and hit enter now you have to enter your sudo password here and hit enter all right so the updates are installed and you can see that the all packages are up to date so in order to upgrade your system and existing packages you simply have to write on your terminal sudo apt upgrade and hit enter all right so there are no candidate packages for the upgradation and that's it for this point now let's move on to our next point that is install the multimedia cortex multimedia codecs help us to play the multimedia files like mp3 mp4 and we can play the many other formats as well but some of the formats are restricted that we cannot play on the zorin operating system the multimedia cortex are installed during the installation of the operating system but some of the multimedia contacts are missing in the zorin operating system and they are not installed during the installation of the operating system so in order to install the multimedia cortex to play the restricted formats you simply have to write on your terminal sudo apt install ubuntu hyphen restricted hyphen extras and hit enter so you can see that some of the packages are missing and this command will install some additional packages in order to continue with the installation you simply have to type y on the terminal and then hit enter now you have to go through the end user license agreement for microsoft software then you have to simply select ok and then you have to hit enter in order to install this package you must accept the license terms and you have to select yes and hit enter all right so here you can see that all done no errors and the multimedia codecs are successfully installed now let's move on to our next point which is enable and set up the firewall in simple words if we define the firewall a firewall is a network security system it monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on pre-determined security rules and it basically protects your system in zorin operating system the ufw is the default firewall but it is inactive by default in order to check the status of your firewall you simply have to write on your terminal sudo ufw status and hit enter so here you can see that it is inactive so therefore to protect our system we need to enable the ufw firewall so now in order to enable it you simply have to write on your terminal sudo ufw enable and hit enter so here you can see that the firewall is active and enabled on the system startup so if we check the status of the ufw firewall again so now you can see that the status is active to manage and control the firewall settings through the gui application you can install the gufw tool simply write on your terminal sudo fd install gufw and hit enter if you want to disable your firewall then you have to write on your terminal sudo ufw disable so when you will hit enter the firewall will be disabled if you are just a regular user of the zorin operating system and you use your operating system for the normal things then you can deny the incoming traffic on your operating system so for this purpose you have to write on your terminal sudo ufw default deny incoming all right so the default incoming policy changed to deny and the incoming traffic is now denied to only allow the outgoing traffic you have to write on your terminal sudo ufw default allow outgoing all right so default outgoing policy change to allow and outgoing traffic is only allowed on your sorry operating system now now let's move on to our next point that is check the installed drivers a driver is a software program it controls the hardware devices because the driver control the hardware devices therefore it is important that you check the installed drivers and in case if any one of the driver is missing then you can install it in order to check the install driver simply click on your application menu and now you have to search for update this is the software updater click on it now click on settings and go to the additional drivers tab it is searching for the available drivers all right so these are the install drivers and if you want to continue using a manually installed driver you can click here and you can explore about your drivers and if any of the driver that is important and it is missing then you can install it now let's move on to our next point which is set up the zorin connect zorin connect is a software that connects or integrates your android mobile phone with your zorin operating system pc or laptop your mobile phone and pc should be connected to the same network and to search for the zorin connect application simply open up your application menu and right here connect this is the zorin connect application click on it connect your computer with your mobile device it will sync your phone's notification with your computer you can browse photos from your phone you can send reply to your sms messages you can share files and web links between the devices and you can choose your phone as a remote control for your computer moreover you can also find your phone so in order to connect with the zorin connect application click on next and it will search for all the available devices that are connected to the same network so currently there is no device that is connected to the same network in your case if there is any device that is connected to the same network you will find that device in the list so you have to simply select your device and it will be connected with your zorin operating system now let's move on to our next point which is explore the zorin software center zorin has a software center which comes pre-installed it is basically a very useful utility that help us to install the multiple useful applications on our zorin operating system so this is the zorin software center application you can open it by simply clicking here or you can go to your application menu and you can search for software all right so this is the software center application click on it all right so this is the dashboard secret of your zorin software center application here we have got three tabs the first one is for all the second one is for installed and the third one is for updates if we click on the install tab it will show all the applications that are installed on my zorin operating system so if you want to remove any particular application from your system then you simply have to click on remove you have to enter your password for the authentication and then you have to click on authenticate and the application will be removed from your system and if the updates about any applications are available or the software center needs some updates then the updates will be shown here and you can update your applications if we click on all it shows the categories of the applications for example if you want to install any application that is related to audio and video category then you have to click on audio and video it will list out all the available applications that are related to that particular category so you simply have to select the application and then you have to click on the install button to install it so for example if you want to install this sound application then simply click on it and then you have to click on install and you have to enter your password here then click on authenticate and it will be installed in your system so the zorin software center application is really a helpful utility that you should know about and now let's move on to our next point which is install your favorite web browser in the zorin operating system mozilla firefox is the default web browser which comes pre-installed but you can also install your favorite web browser into your zorin operating system for example if you want to install google chrome then you have to open up the mozilla firefox you have to search for the google chrome debian package you have to download that debian package and then you can install it through the terminal or through the graphical user interface application in the zorin operating system we have the chromium web browser available so you have to click on this search and now you have to search for chromium this is the chromium web browser so let's select it and let's install it because it is one of my favorite browsers so i have clicked on install button now you have to enter your password in the given field and now let's click on authenticate and the installation is in progress all right so once your favorite browser is installed successfully you can easily use it on your zorin operating system now let's move on to our next point which is to install vlc media player vlc is a very popular media player it sport multiple formats like avi mp3 and mp4 it gives you more control to manage the sound and the display on your system and it is not installed by default in your zorin operating system but you can install it through the snap application manager through the apt command and the software center application the default audio player of sorin operating system is rhythm box but it is very important to have vlc media player in your zorin operating system because it supports multiple formats i am going to install the vlc media player through the apt command so i have just opened up my terminal and now in order to install the vlc media player i will simply write on the terminal sudo apt install vlc the vlc media player is included in the standard zorin repositories so once you have written this command hit enter and now you have to enter your sudo password here and hit enter press y here to continue installing the vlc media player and hit enter alright the vlc media player is installed successfully now let's move on to our next point which is improve battery performance the battery consumption is hardware specific thing and tlp is a great command line tool which improves the battery performance of your laptop so this advanced power management tool comes with automated background task that can help you get the most out of your battery it does not comes pre-installed on your zorin operating system so in order to install tlp you simply have to open up your terminal and then you have to write on your terminal sudo apt install dlp tlp hyphen rdw and hit enter press y here and hit enter all right the tlp is successfully installed and now in order to enable it in the background write on your terminal sudo system ctl enable dlp all right so it is enabled and it will improve the battery performance on your system now let's move on to our next point which is customize the appearance of your zorin operating system the default appearance of zorin operating system resembles with the appearance of windows but you can also customize the appearance and you can also create a mac os type look as well so in order to customize the appearance click on your application menu and search for settings this is the settings application open it up now you have to go to the appearance category and you can select the background and the lock screen background from here and for the zorin appearance click on this option and you can see that we have got four tabs here so now we will explore it one by one this is the default layout of my zorin operating system but if you want to create any other type of layout or if you want to have any other type of layout you can select it from here so for example if i click on it and you can see that the style of my panel is totally changed and these icons now appear here but i'm very comfortable with the default layout so i'm gonna select the default layout again and if you want to show the icons on your desktop then you have to ensure that this button is enabled so if i disable it you will not find any icons on the desktop and you can see that the icons now disappear i have selected the home and the trash icon on my desktop but you can also have the mounted volumes and the network servers icons on your desktop by clicking here now let's talk about interface and here we have got the title bar buttons and the enable animations the title bar buttons are on the right side as we have in our windows operating system but if you want to have the mac os type look then you have to select left and you can see that it now appears on the left side the animations are enabled by default but if you want to disable it then you can click here now let's go to theme and you can select the color background and you can select the theme for applications by clicking here you can select the theme for icons and shell theme now let's go to phones and if i click on this list you can see that this is a list of multiple phones so you can select the font according to your choice and in the panel the position of the panel on screen is bottom but if you want to move your panel on the top then you have to click on top and the panel appears on the top now the height of the panel is 48 by default but you can increase or decrease it as well so you can customize the appearance of your zorin operating system from here so you can apply the themes that you want to apply on the applications and icons now let's move on to our next point which is set up the night light the display of computers amid the significant amount of blue light if the blue light is emitting in excessive amount then the long term usage of computer display can affect your eyesight so the blue light is dangerous for your eyes and for your health but the zorin operating system uses the night light to prevent the such effect as it reduces the emission of the blue light you can also schedule the night light for the most important moments of the day moreover you can also control the temperature value alright so in order to enable the night light click on this search icon and now you have to search for night and here you can see that you have got the screen display option click on it and the night light is off here so i'm going to enable the night light by clicking here so now the night light is enabled and you can set the temperature value from here as well so if you want to increase the temperature value you can drag it here and if you want to decrease the temperature value then you can drag this on the left side you can schedule the night light time so by default it is selected sunset to sunrise but if you want to select it manually then you have to select the time from and to so for example i say that it should be enabled at 1 and it should be enabled till 6 pm so this is how you can set up the night light on zorin operating system and it is very important to do because you have to protect your eyes when you are using the computer now let's move on to our next point which is connect to your online accounts in the settings application you can see that we have got an option here that is online accounts if i click on it so you can add an account for google next cloud facebook microsoft flickr pocket and microsoft exchange and foursquare so it is very important to connect to your online account so that you can get the notifications if you have received some emails and if you have some cloud accounts you can get the notifications on your system so for example if you want to connect to your google account you simply have to click here on google you have to enter your email address and then you have to enter your password so once it has authenticated your email address and password and then if you have got some notifications in your email or you have received some emails it will show the notifications on your zorin operating system as well so it is really a very helpful and useful feature in solid operating system now let's move on to our next point which is set the default applications so if you go to details you can see that we have got an option here that is default application so the idea of the default application is that if you double click on any application it will be opened in the default application for example if you have a dot mp3 file if you double click on it it will be opened in rhythm box and if you have any web page and you double click on it it will be opened in mozilla firefox because it is the default web browser so here on the right side you can see that these are the default applications for multiple categories like we have got web category mail calendar music video and photos for the web the default application is firefox for the mail the default application is evolution but if you have thunderbird installed in your system then you can select the thunderbird as well so if i click on music we have got rhythm box as a default application manager but you can see that we have installed plc media player in the previous step so it appears here and if you want to make it the default application then you have to click on vlc media player so now if you will double click on any music file it will be opened in vlc media player by default so you can select the default applications from here now let's move on to our next point which is install genome tweaks tool the genome tweaks tool help us to customize our desktop and it gives us many options although we have got plenty of options in the settings application but the genome tweaks to give us the more control to customize our appearance and other options all right so in order to install the genome tweak tool you simply have to write on your terminal sudo apt install genome hyphen tweak hyphen tool and hit enter if the system prompts for the sudo password then you have to enter the sudo password and then hit enter so if you want to continue the installation type y on the terminal and hit enter it will take couple of minutes to install the genome tweak tool on your zorin operating system all right so the gtom tweak tool is successfully installed now open your application menu and you have to search for tweak this is the tweak tool click on it all right so the genome tweak tool is opened here and here we have got multiple categories like this is the appearance category you can change the theme from here as well but one thing that you can notice in the settings application we have the different tabs for the application theme for the icons and for the cursors right but here we have the options for applications cursor in a one place like if you want to change the theme of your application you simply have to click on this list and you can select the theme from here for your application cursors icons and shell the genome tweak tool give us the more control to change the appearance and to customize the desktop and here we have got the desktop options we have got the extension option you can enable and disable the extensions we have got the phones keyboards and mouse and multiple options are here so you can explore it it is really a useful software application that you should must have in your zorin operating system so that's it for this video if i conclude this video in this video we have discussed the 15 things that you must do after installing the zorin operating system i hope you like this video if you really like this video then give it a thumbs up if you have not subscribed to our channel then please do so by clicking on the subscribe button and hit the bell icon and if you have some feedback to share then please let us know about your feedback in the comment section so that's it for this video thank you so much and see you in the next video
Channel: SkillsBuild Training
Views: 17,465
Rating: 4.8106995 out of 5
Keywords: zorin os, zorin os tutorial, zorin os customization
Id: SuJmFLzB93c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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