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foreign [Music] hey welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to tackle a question I've been getting a lot recently on this channel and that is why is my fire stick not performing like it used to my remote's not working an app is jammed I can't switch between screens it's in another language I've gotten so many crazy questions recently about the fire stick especially since the latest update and I always ask the same question when's the last time you restarted Your Fire TV stick and almost every time you guys answer back well I turn my TV off every day well that's great you should turn your TV off every day but you should also turn your fire stick off and turning your TV off does not turn your fire stick off and that's why there's a separate power cord from your fire stick that goes to an outlet this port right here is an HDMI port it does not power your fire stick so turning your TV off does nothing to your fire stick so let's get in the habit of restarting our Fire TV stick on a regular basis I do it at least two or three times a week and every day I put it to sleep so we're going to talk about those in today's video so the first thing you're going to want to do now let's just assume you're fire stick is not working like it used to maybe it's a little slow but you still have access to your remote control so what we're going to do is we're going to use your remote control we're going to pull up a quick little shortcut menu so what you do hold down that home button on your remote it's right there it looks like a little home just hold it down for a few seconds and this screen will pop up now once this screen pops up you're going to see a few different options one of them is sleep putting your fire stick to sleep when you're done using it every time is a great idea it's not using resources it's not jamming up all the processes on your fire stick even when your TV's off if you put it to sleep first now we're going to go all the way over to settings because I'm going to show you how to restart it or reboot it now this is going to really improve the performance Your Fire TV stick so click on the settings go all the way down to my Fire TV and then go down to restart don't reset it reset the factory is completely different process you're going to click restart now that's going to restart your Fire TV stick now again why would you want to do that well restarting your fire stick kind of clears up everything it's the same with your phone or your computer you just have to turn them off once in a while you get better performance it fixes a lot of little issues you could be having on your Fire TV stick you want it to perform good you want it to last I mean people it's harder money you spend on this and you want it to work so that's how you get best performance out of your fire stick you just restart it once in a while while really simple hopefully I helped you do that now really quickly let's just say for example you have a Fire TV stick that is completely jammed up so bad and Frozen you can't use your remote a lot of people will say well why don't you just use the Fire TV app well if your remote control isn't working there's a good chance the Fire TV app isn't going to work either so I know this sounds silly but the easiest way to solve this is very simple just unplug this from your TV take the power cord power cord looks like this right here just this little guy right here so this actually is what powers Your Fire TV stick just unplug it all right now that's going to restart your fire stick literally just leave it leave it there for about I don't know 60 seconds just to be safe probably don't even need that but why not just leave it for 60 seconds go have a sandwich come back plug it back into the power then plug it back into your TV guys guess what it's a good chance that's going to fix a lot of your problems that's what's considered a hard reboot and it does not harm your fire stick in fact if anything it's a good idea to do once in a while the only circumstance to which that would not be good for your fire stick is if your fire stick is updating at the time that you unplug it so make sure you look at your screen and make sure it's not saying updating because if it is you're going to have more problems you're gonna have to factory reset it which you can certainly do but you lose all your settings but that's what you need to do guys restarting your Fire Sticks a great idea and if I know this is kind of a beginner's video on a lot of you guys probably already know how to do this but some of your family and friends might be new to the Fire TV stick and you didn't know you had to restart the fire stick or how to restart the fire stick save this video share it with them throw it on your Facebook make sure everybody knows about this because I want to make sure everybody that is using the Fire TV stick is having a really good experience and hopefully this video helped you guys out if you're new to my Channel please do subscribe and if you're already a subscriber and returning to watch my videos I really do appreciate it make sure you hit that thumbs up right down below this video as well it does help this video and I thank you for watching our videos thanks again everybody bye
Channel: Curiosity Cafe
Views: 34,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon fire tv stick, fire tv stick, fire stick, firestick, curiositycafe, curiosity cafe, help with firestick, restart firestick, reboot firestick, firestick stopped working, firestick remote not working, fix firestick remote, fix firestick, broken firestick, frozen firestick, amazon fire tv stick 4k, fire tv, speed up firestick, #firestick, #firetv, #curiositycafe
Id: 7_-P7HHGnEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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