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hey guys welcome back to my channel Energy Sports in today's video we're going to talk about a question I get quite often on this channel and that is how do I unlock the limiter the speed limiter on these e-bikes so in today's video I'm quickly going to share with you why they do that why do they put limiters on these and it is important to know that and then I'm also going to share with you how you can unlock it really easy to do there's two ways to do it and I'll talk about both of those and I'll actually show you one in this video right now so let's get right to it let's go thank you all right so really quickly what is the limiter well limiter is the way for the e-bikes to be able to sell to you without a special license so in the United States and I don't know about other countries but I know in the United States every state has a law where if you have go if you purchase a bike like this and you go a certain speed without pedaling so you're using just throttle you have to have a special license if you go a little bit faster so now like I said before every single stay is a little bit different so one state might be 20 miles an hour another one might be 25 or 28 miles I believe is the fastest State and then other countries might not have a limiter at all so when you're purchasing an e-bike something to consider is is it manufactured or distributed in the United States because if it is they're going to set it more than likely at a max speed out of the box at about 20 miles per hour almost on the dot you could just pretty much guarantee that if you lift the back end crank it all the way on the highest setting it's going to go 20 miles an hour can you go faster on those bikes yes you can go up to just with a little panel and I'm going to show you that you can go up to the max in the state I think it's 25 or 28 don't quote me on that but you can go to that no problem just with the panel now if the e-bike was manufactured and distributed I outside the country for example I've got some bikes coming from the UK from Australia and other countries out there that I've received I can actually with just the panel unlock it completely because there is no Mac so you're not changing states with your pad with your little control panel you're actually just going to the fastest setting and you can go 40 45 miles an hour depending on your motor you could just fly on those e-bikes I love doing that the other way to unlock it if it is manufactured distribute United States is with a magnet and you can just do a little magnet on the side here there's other YouTube videos on how to do that it is it takes a little bit more um work to make that happen but it basically tricks your back wheel from realizing it is going faster because it's the magnet is actually using your pedals so as fast as your pedals are going is how it determines your speed so you could throttle the heck out of it and just take off and not pedal so that's just something to think about if you want to go that route there's lots of YouTube videos and I might do one in the future if you want just comment down below let me know I'd be happy to do it it does take a little bit you'll have to get a strong magnet you'll have to move something that is attached to your bike to a different location so that registers your pedal not the wheel spinning that makes any sense but in today's video I'm going to show you how to really quickly get your bike from 20 miles an hour up to whatever the max is I think 28 miles an hour on today's video and this works for just about any panel even if it looks different than the one I'm sharing with you it's pretty simple to do so we're going to talk about it and share it with you come on over here let's look at the panel all right everybody I got you on a body cam so you can get a close look again there is the new bike and there is the old bike so now this limiter goes both ways so if you got an e-bike for a small child or a teenager and you only want them to go so fast this is a cool trick also because we can lower it so this is the one that is unlocked already let me show you how fast I can get this thing going I think it set for 25 right now is the max on this bike but let's go ahead and do it and take a look as you can see 25 miles an hour you can go on this bike now what I did was I lowered all the settings on this bike because I want to show you we can actually get this thing as low as six miles per hour check it out it is only going see that six miles per hour so what we're going to do now is I'm going to show you how I did that and how I can unlock it to go faster so what you're going to want to do is you're going to go into settings to get into settings you're going to hold both of these down right here and again this is a slightly different maybe on your bike but the process is the same so hold those two down for just a few seconds you'll get into the settings menu which looks just like that and in that settings menu you're going to have all these different settings so what you're going to do to raise it is you're just going to go as high as you can on every setting so see that ember at the bottom there we're going to just bring that all the way up so then you go to the next one you're going to do it with everyone because you don't know what your state code is nobody really knows that so we're just going to raise everything up we'll see if we can get this thing up to 25 miles per hour now this one I tested right when I first got it it actually was regulated at 18 because some states in the United States without a special license you can only go 18 miles an hour so that's what it was set at so I lowered it to six which you can do the same thing just by going down on every one of these settings and it will go as low as six miles per hour so we're just going to raise all of these as high as we can I apologize if I'm a little out of breath it is really cold it's actually snowing outside here right now which is crazy because it's the middle of March but it is really really cold so I'm in the garage where the heater going not helping it's definitely below freezing out so as you can see I'm literally going through every one of these settings and raising it as high as it will go and it does just takes a few seconds here as you can see we're just raising them all but once we do all of this we're going to be able to get this thing going fast this p14 seems to be the one that is the most important for getting it up there so we're going to make sure this one goes all the way up 31.5 39 is the highest on that mile yep now we're going to keep going one is highest on that one again one again and then right back to the beginning make sure that's up to three levels and there we go so what we're going to do now is some of them you have to hold it again to save it and this one you just have to let it time out and it will automatically save it if you turn it off it won't save so keep that in mind so again we're on level three but now we can actually go all the way up to nine as you can see right there okay so now let's test this bike that as you saw I only went six miles an hour before 18 out of the box and now we're gonna go ahead and test it I can feel the wind on the wheel right now while I'm holding this but can you see that okay 25 miles per hour I'll let that go and with some e-bikes you do have to start pedaling before you can accelerate which is what I had to do which is why I'm kind of shaky when I'm doing this but as you can see I was able to unlock it no problem whatsoever it didn't take too long I just wanted to share with you really fast how you can unlock the limiter on these bikes now don't forget on some of those bikes you can go all the way up to 40 45 miles an hour just by changing the panel no magnets needed but if you do want to see the magnet method I do have it on my video it is private if you subscribe to the channel I will send you the link to that so make sure you do subscribe I will be unlocking other bikes and also show you all kinds of tips tricks on e-bikes on this channel not just e-bikes but drones anything fun anything sports related I'll be doing so if you like this kind of content you want to see more make sure you do subscribe thanks everybody bye foreign [Music]
Views: 202,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebike, e-bike, electric bike, how to, speed limiter, unlock speed, unlock limiter, faster ebike, speed up ebike, override ebike, nrg sports, best e bike, fastest ebike, best ebike, ebikes
Id: 2LTnck4To88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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