🔥 11U Falcons United vs East Metro Steelers Youth Football
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Capture a Star
Views: 319,627
Rating: 4.8584857 out of 5
Keywords: football, youth football, youth football highlights, youth football highlights running back, youth football highlights 12u, youth football highlights 10u, youth football football games, capture a star, falcons united 10u, kids football, kids football highlights, football highlights, falcons united 11u, youth football highlights 2020, 11u football, capture a star football, falcons united football, falcons united, east metro steelers, east metro steelers 11u, fu 11u football
Id: KKUej8Kuqz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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