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turn it off [Music] don't wanna be [Music] unfortunately those same people are struggling getting speeds like this when they really could be getting speeds like this [Music] much and let's see this one is right around 30. [Music] that is a lot of towers hey what's up nick here on the wide open wi-fi tour that's what we decided to call it two reasons one is that we want internet when we're in these wide open spaces but at the same time we want it cranked up to 10 we want it wide open as fast as we possibly could have it so i like the dual meaning of it right we created this wi-fi tour so we could get out and test our very own mobile internet device we're calling it the insti connect and we decided to hit the road and go to sunny arizona because it's the only state that i know that has mountains deserts forests snow and warm all within like a few hours of each other and i thought i would shoot this very first video and explain why we created our device to look like this we want to battle something that many people are struggling with which is congestion quartzite goes from a couple thousand people to many thousand people in the winter and we're way out in the desert and there's a limited amount of bandwidth that's available to us right before we do that we got to explain how the towers work and how they speak to an antenna design like this and what steps that you can take right now to get out of that congestion land to move into the express lane and start getting faster speeds right away so we're going to talk about two ways a tower can be congested okay one way we have no control over and that is if we have a tower and that tower has its internet line or its backbone right here like it's it's uplink let's say we have thousands upon thousands of people connecting to that one tower and they're essentially using up the entire uplink that that tower has but i've only seen this a few times one of the notable times that i've seen this is right after the eclipse happened that's because the cell phone companies never planned for an eclipse like that and if you notice that map that they showed where all of the roads and things were congested they had tons of people in places where they normally weren't and so the cell phone companies just never planned for that the good news is is that a lot of times we don't see this type of congestion even in florida or quartzite because the cell phone companies have been doing a good job now what we do see are people swamping specific bands within the towers so in order to explain i have to tell you a little bit about how a tower works all right so we have our tower right here and for simplicity's sake we're gonna say a tower sends out two types of frequency a low frequency and we're gonna say low and then they also send out some high frequency bands as well hi now i know it's a little backwards that the low ones are are larger than the high ones but i want you to think about it like this think about a low frequency as a pickup truck okay a nice 4x4 pickup truck that can do some off-roading it gets to a gravel road no problem gets to the end of the road no problem it can go off into the woods go into the mountains doesn't really matter those frequencies can really get around okay think of the high frequency ones as like a race car okay that's my race car right there super fast but they won't go off-road whenever it runs into an obstacle it just stops when it's on the road and you're in that race car you got a fast fast speed all right now the problem comes in where we have a majority of the people that are reaching one band but they cannot reach another band now the best way to explain this is if i tell you a little bit about custer state park we were there this summer we parked our camper down by a little creek there was a mountain and everything it was just an amazing campsite right but the problem was when i pulled my phone out i had absolutely no internet down here in the bottom i said no problem i'll just walk up the mountain and see if i can do my work on the top of the mountain so i decided to walk on up and then i got about halfway there and i pulled out my phone and lo and behold i had three bars of lte signal and i thought oh great so i pulled out my speed test ran a speed test and i got absolutely no internet whatsoever and i was like a little bit bummed but i said that's all right i'll go up to the top so i marched all the way up to the top did the same thing this time i had maybe three maybe four bars of signal but when i pulled up a speed test this time i got 30 megabits i was pretty excited long story short i found a tree up there put a device on that tree beamed internet all the way down to my camper we had internet while we were there had a great time it was an amazing spot now the important part of this is that when i was halfway up the mountain i was reaching verizon band 13. if you take a look at this map right here i overlaid this map with a graphic of where band 13 can be picked up around this area in custer state park now this is where i was right here and if i back out of this picture a little bit you can see that this band can actually flow between the mountains pretty well and the reason why i was picking up is because there was a tower way way off into the distance and it was sending those large truck type beams it was actually bouncing off of a mountain way over here boom boom boom and it was hitting me on that side i was getting a decent signal but the problem is if you look at this map right here this actually fills in a great amount of this area in custer state park but anybody that was in this area their cell phone would automatically lock onto that band i've overlaid this picture with what is band 4 band 4 is the one i was able to pick up while i was on top of the mountain this is a higher frequency band that just will not go through trees it's the race car band right when i was at the top here i was reaching band number four for verizon and i was able to get a good speed the difference between band 13 and band 4 it's pretty significant you can see why most people would be able to pick up band 13 and why a small percentage of people would be able to pick up band 4 so essentially the gist of it is the higher frequency bands are harder to pick up but when you can pick them up you get better speed and you get more bandwidth available to you what does that mean what is bandwidth available to you all right so remember i was talking about a truck i want you to picture a truck that's essentially this big all right and it can handle i don't know let's just say that many people okay now i want to throw a little curveball at you and say if your truck is that big this race car is actually this big my race car looks kind of funny but notice the size it can handle many more people you can put a whole bunch of people in that race car and you guys will all be going fast down the road all right so that is kind of the achilles heel of the lte system while we have band 13 for verizon and att has similar low frequency bands it can go out there it can go through trees and bounce around mountains a lot of people can pick it up but it has a limited amount of bandwidth to it but a higher frequency band like band 4 2 and 5 they have much more bandwidth available can accept many more people inside the car and when you're all in there you're traveling fast and you're liking it right this all goes back to how lte towers started when verizon first got out there they put out band 13 essentially right away as it started to become more and more congested they did a good job by adding more bands four to five now they have bands like 66 which is a subset of a couple of the other bands which we're not going to get into all of that here in this video but essentially just know that like you have your low frequency band and in order for them to get more bandwidth they had to go to the higher frequencies which these ones are down here all right so you're probably thinking all right nick how does this relate to rvers campers people on the road alright so just the other day i saw a facebook post in one of my groups of somebody who was going to tto thousand trails of orlando and they were like how can i get a decent sell signal when i'm at tto all right so let me explain it like this we have our tower over here we have our two frequencies we got the low frequency the truck frequency and then we got the high frequency ones as well most people that hit the road especially first timers they get one of these little mifi devices and they place it inside their camper usually in a cabinet somewhere and they turn it on and they're pretty excited because they get you know a pretty decent signal especially when they're in somewhere like orlando but the problem comes from the sheer amount of people who are doing it the exact same way right so we got all these campers we have their myfi devices and we got these signals that are coming and we got the low frequency signals that will go right into a camper pretty decently and reach your myfi device camper here that's locking on to band 13 alright so we got someone over here doing pretty much the same way locking onto 13. before we know it the majority of the people inside orlando have their devices and they're locking on to the band that they can pick up the best which is band 13 the low frequency the truck band because it can blast through your metal camper your fiberglass camper without too much trouble all right now the problem comes when you have thousands upon thousands of people who descend on orlando every single winter and then most of those people want to camp on band 13 and you have a few of these people out here who do internet a little bit differently like the way i explained it in my video a couple years back where i talk about having a mophie inside my camper and running a couple very large wires to the top so that i could have an antenna on the top what makes it a lot easier for the high frequency bands to reach the antenna so my mophie device is able to connect to band 4 to band 5 to band 2 and so on i can tell you that i've been to thousand trails of orlando more than a few times and i have never really had a problem with congestion so the problem really isn't that the tower itself is congested the problem is that one of the bands is serving most people band number 13. these higher frequency bands they're pretty much left open and remember they're they are actually the ones that have more bandwidth available they can handle more people but the problem is that the people actually can't talk to those bands correctly they can't get a good usable signal so they all camp on this one right here essentially saturate it and make the internet not as good alright so you're probably thinking all right dude i think i understand what you're saying what can i do to take care of this all right so the first thing first thing that you need to do is make sure you're not using super old hardware make sure you have something that's newer okay the reason being is because remember the towers they all started with band 13 and then they added additional four five two and so on if you have equipment that's somewhat older it might only work with the old vans you might actually be stuck your hardware can't even see these additional bands so if you have something older you'll want to get something that can latch on to those higher frequency bands and sometimes it's really hard to know whether or not your device will pick up those higher frequency bands i would say if it's older than two or three years i would say it's probably time to look at upgrading your lte modem all right so that's the first one and we'll talk more about that in a little bit the second thing is to make sure you do the best with what you can control and that is your signal okay the single most important thing that you can do to make sure you have a really good internet experience is have the best signal at all times so so when we're talking about your camper don't put your myfi device in the middle of your camper inside a cabinet somewhere try to figure out a spot where it can get the best signal possible try to find a window and put it near the window maybe even put it on the window and then run speed tests when you're there you might even want to try to change what window it's on just in case the tower is facing that direction of your camper next best thing to that is to have a modem that actually has antennas that go up to the top you'll see a lot of youtubers talk about certain modems that they'll have like a little bubble up here and they ran antenna wires down to their router like this and while these systems will work pretty well there's a reason why we don't do that with our nc connect system and the reason is that this wire right here actually introduces some loss when you run into those higher frequency bands like all of these bands right here the little dome is able to pick them up but what happens is by the time it reaches the modem it could lose half or even 75 percent of the signal because the wire size that are being used if you've ever seen my mophie video you'll notice that i put in some giant wires from the mophie to the antenna on the top of my camper actually had to cut a pretty big hole in my roof and a lot of people were like dude are you serious cut a six inch hole in your roof and i had to do that in order to pass these large wires without kinking them because the kink would introduce more loss as well but there's a reason why i chose those wires because those are the ones had the least amount of loss and they could pick up these higher frequency bands easier now what we do with the instaconnect we actually created a modular type of internet system where we have a router inside the camera we actually pass a data cable up where we have the modem on top and they have very very small wires so that we have virtually no loss through these antenna connectors we designed these antennas at a 45 degree angle so they can best pick up these high frequency bands and our tests so far have been super amazing we're really really excited for that as well so all right so let's recap real quick if you have some older equipment it might be time to upgrade if you're interested in what we're doing here with the nc connect system i'd encourage you to head over to instaconnect.com insty connect dot com and you'll see over there a spot for your name and email punch in your name and email address right there and i'll get some information to you i'll let you know how our testing is going we'll communicate over email so you can essentially get on the list for when we start shipping these things out we have a batch of these getting ready to go out really really soon our testing went super super well we're gonna have some really really neat stuff on there like insta express lane technology you can actually select different towers all around you to see which one will perform the best i'm super super excited to start getting these out there and getting these into the hands of people because i think they'll make a huge huge difference and the second part is to make sure you do the best with what you have control over and that is your signal try placing your myfi device near a window and if you have one that has external antennas make sure they're getting up to the roof make sure they're getting on the top of the roof and if you happen to have a setup like this i would encourage you to make sure you check out the video that we're going to do next we're going to talk all about these wires right here why we decided to go with the data cable on our system and how these wires can affect your signal that comes in by as much as 75 which could make a huge difference when you're on the fringe areas of a tower especially with those higher frequency bands we're also going to be talking about boosters and wires that run in what is the booster doing our boosters making sure that you never actually even see the high frequency bands on lte these are some huge things we're going to be talking about in the next video so i encourage you if you're brand new here be sure to subscribe if you have any questions on the stuff that we talked about tonight please feel free to drop them in the comments below love to be able to interact with you if you're looking to get some new equipment and they're excited for what we're doing here with nc connect head over to instaconnect.com put in your name and email and get on the list and we can start talking right away we'll do some behind the scenes wide open wi-fi tour stuff and i'll share with you all about our different experiences with the different providers like visible t-mobile at t and verizon we're doing a lot of cool things since our system is going to be a modular one we're going to be testing the new 5g modules coming out here very very shortly so 5g is something that you've been interested in be sure to head over to ncconnect.com put in your email address there we're going to talk all about 5g as well we're also going to talk about starlink and how nc connect is going to work with starlink as well it's going to be amazing also if you wouldn't mind check that thumbs up for me if you enjoyed the information here if this is something that you didn't like or whatever hit feel free to hit the thumbs down but please drop me a comment uh what you didn't like about it i'd love to be able to speak with you if you got the green light to join the remote workforce drop me a comment below where are you heading to what kind of rig are you getting what have you tried for internet and have what have you reached success with love to be able to hear your story and it's cool to be able to integrate those stories that i hear pretty much everybody we meet on the road is very interested in how to get a really really good internet signal except for this one guy who just totally retired and he's like dude i think what you're doing is great but i'm glad i don't need it so i'm i'm glad for him to uh he's going to be able to explore without even needing to worry about internet but the rest of us need to be connected with the world and i'd love to be able to help you do that thanks so much for watching this video please be sure to subscribe hit that thumbs up this is supposed to be that share button right there if you wouldn't mind share this with somebody who is interested in mobile internet shoot this video to them let them know about nc connect and how we are super excited to help people get the best signal out on the road that they possibly can be sure to tune in next time when we talk about wires boosters and how they are helping and not helping some of the people that we're running into on the wide open wi-fi tour thank you so much hope you're having a wonderful day and i will talk to you soon [Music] anyway if you guys want good wi-fi check out easy connect on the link below me is you
Channel: We Can Explore It
Views: 9,239
Rating: 4.9705882 out of 5
Keywords: rv internet, wecanexploreit, mobile internet, workingfromtheroad, working from the road, rv america, rv family
Id: 3_cgqCOMt4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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