💰 WINALL + LAST SPOT $URPRISE! $50 TICKET + Winner Winner Chicken Dinner 🔴 TX LOTTERY Scratch Offs

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good morning beat me again hey marmie good morning fixing family i hope you all are having a great day went to three different stores picked up a hundred and eighty dollars in tickets and we're gonna try a big fifty dollar five million dollar fortune it is on ticket number five i saw marmie getting up there i figured he was gonna grow all right so a 30 dollar winner's circle ticket number lucky 13 uh cash celebration ticket not very last on the back to your number 25. i guess he want to get the first word in today uh 20 diamond white sevens ticket number two picked up one 50 times cash word ticket number 47 picked up three winning streak 48 through 50 and oddly enough three emerald greens also 48 through 50. and we're gonna start off with some winner winner chicken dinner starting on my lucky number 123 all the way through 132. all right let's see if we can start the day off the nice big win on winter winter chicken dinner i'm gonna wait down here keep my tickets from blowing away all right mr chicken show us all those eggs all right match win egg double surprise 12. oh there's an egg right off the bat fantastic all right two times hey two bucks to start off with that's great i love finding those symbols back to back three army stopped crowing 14. hey there's a 14 anything else oh half for how much hey another buck 20. i think he just likes the attention sometimes all right so we got back three dollars out of the first five that's great and we found the egg and we've got five more to go so what three dollars all right starting on 128. five eleven two oh there's a two oh another two can we get the win all hey we sure did all right let's see we have all right we've got two three four five six seven eight hey ten dollar winner winner winner that's great chicken dinner that's fantastic it's hard to get that one all right six got a profit on mr chicken all right last one 12. all right and that beautiful went all i'm not sure we've had that one on that maybe or close to it i'm not sure how to go back and look and see all right let's try some emerald green sevens if we can't find the win all on this one starting on 48 match win if you get the seven it's triple double sevens is a win all we found it one time see if we can do it again 34 lucky number one five and 29. and 14 10 43 33 and in 19 second chance entry 49 12 44 24 and 32. all right last row 48 come on sevens 38 28 one and a six all right see if it's on this last one fifty 49 20 45 36. oh let's get in this last row 28 24 15 33 last spot and nothing on our emerald green sevens well let's see if our winning streak do any better also 48 through 50 which i thought was kind of odd all right match and win coins the ottawa stack of cash for double or the money bag for five times surprise 24 26 23 and an 8. and 35 29 17. seven and a four okay 49 26 18 28 8 and a six come on money bag i want to find that money bag one time there's an auto when can we get anything else and last round this one 11 15 49 20 and a two can we see something big under that auto win we've got hey ten dollars very good all right we've got one more to go ticket 50. 13 9 37 24 35 and 50 10 38 come on money bag seven last spot and nothing on the last one 10 out of 15 that's not bad at all let's try 50 times cash word ticket number 47 all right these don't take very long or scratch off all the letters see what we have and don't have you only need two words for breakeven if you do win you have a chance to multiply it if you get matching multiplier symbols let's see if we get some good letters i have an e no we're missing the e all right what do we have a e i o u y s r t n and a c so we're missing the uh we're missing e and an l no e or l we'll go with those two letters so if we see a word that has an e or l we just pass right by it quick way of doing this game all right so sympathy s y no m all right there's an e and an l an e and an l an e an e and an l there's an e how about toe t o no w there's an e and an l paid no p no p uh there's an e and maintain we have no m we have no e apron no p they gotta give us one there's an what an e an e and l so we must have any a n y yep they always give you one see if we can do it game two uh there's a p and an e and an e and an e and an e and an e and an m and an e and an e and an l and sky you have a k no k e and an l let's see critic c r i t i c we have critic just need one more uh there's an e and there's an m there's an e and an l an m an e an l and an e all right down to our last one all right there's an e and an m and an e and ivory i v o r we have ivory and then an e and e and m and e and e no win 50 that had been pretty wouldn't it all right well i hear thunder i think it's a little still ways off so hopefully we don't get rained out diamond white sevens ticket number two pretty fresh pack all right match went on this if you get the seven it's ten times double sevens is a win all the biggest win we found on this is just 50 bucks we found it several times but maybe we can find something bigger today before we get rained out all right 53 69 4 34 11 and 61. let me find the seven it's going to come down to our big tickets oh 34 we got a winner all right and eleven let's get something else it's fantastic need something else i have something nice but we already have something good all right last two rows can we add to it 44 19 and 56 all right 34 and 11 right there in the middle let's see what we got we have got hey 25 and 34 right yeah 25 hey we got the 50 again that's great all right we're at 60. let's try a cash celebration very last one pack ticket number 25 match win five or ten times symbol i'd love to find that multiplier by the multiplier it's minimum of there's no there's there's no thirty dollar prize unless they start at 50 and there's no fake multipliers on this so if you get multiplier you've got a nice big win on your hands 11 25 28 34 40 59 29 55 8 and 47. all right two more rows let's find the multiplier although we've seen some big single matches on this ticket too all right last row 9 38 41 21 and not today on cash celebration all right let's try our 30 winner's circle ticket number lucky 13 match win five or ten times simple all right twenty seven fifteen thirty four seven lucky number one thirteen or a five or ten time symbol let's find that now he's growing think he hears that thunder in the background too all right let's get in on this last row 47 32 2 20 let's get it right here and 23 all right let's see if we can get it down here and the quick and the bonus quick win we need two matching symbols let's do it acorn bell ring safe wallet and a wallet we did last spot save for how much we've got hey fifty dollars all right we're doing well over half back we got one ticket left five million dollar fortune ticket number five mad to win two five ten or 20 times symbol all right doing good 110 not bad not bad at all all right see if 5 million fortune will come through lucky number 23 38 21 41 59 51 13 58 33 27 yeah ain't got to be hang on what kind well go away go away got a honeybee floating flying around me he's trying to watch he's a little too close though well let's see the big multiplier all right we got two more rows to find it army wants to see it so do i all right we need to find this last row 17 18 24 48 can we get it on the very last spot and 53 nothing on a big ticket hey we got 250 uh wins today oh we had more than that because i forgot about winter winter chicken dinner so 50 100 110 and the beautiful win all for 120 121 123 dollars can't beat that guys hope you enjoyed it y'all gonna find some big winners today y'all for great luck the rest of your day and marmalade and i will talk to you [Music] later [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Fixin To Scratch
Views: 15,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: texas lottery, scratch-off, scratch off, lottery
Id: smJ-xiB2eO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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