Playing $100 Slots At A Legendary Vegas Casino Before It Closes Forever!

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all right you guys ready to play Big $100 per spin on our favorite the Buffalo link I'm ready for some big hand pays I got my lucky seafoam gray seafoam green Sando hoodie on here just got those in very soft and comfy available at vegas. shop oh what a commercial hey we got to pay for these $100 spins somehow so let's get started the number's at 912 I predict it's going to hit at 1473 and we're going to be up about 20 grand when that happens let's see if I'm right let's go all right here we go $100 per spin first spin Johnson I can feel it oh n maybe Second Spin Johnson you put 50 of those $100 bills in this thing old ones 50 of those old hundreds got to get rid of them somehow no we didn't I've been carrying around three of these forever they're kind of Lucky minor 25,000 Min is 25 Grand wow mini is 5,000 major I get to show is 31,000 and Grand is 52,000 oh look at all those wasted Wilds there the classic eight numbers three balls eight yeah you need eight of the dollar buffalos to trigger the Holden spin bonus and three of the coins to trigger the free spins bonus the winnability is very quiet on this but ability I think this is the machine that has quiet win ability but it's really loud when you hit the jackpot you get a hand pay well let's let's test that out real quick yeah test out the hand pay sound yeah I want to hear that sound real fast oh yes oh yeah that was quick 1,400 200 200 yeah it's good we can test that out real quick see I told you little Front Street action go that didn't take us long the biggest ball is 25,000,000 right there's a $25,000 ball in there right yeah 250X it's easy math at 100 everything's easy at 100 I like that 25,000 minor too you think they'll pay 12 hundreds I hope not tell them we want to get paid in $1 Mirage souvenir Mirage chips come on here we go we got this oh we don't got this we don't got this oh I'm not I'm not upset about that me NE nice start Buffalo it's like almost 5,000 bucks I think were you adding it up I was trying to I just always wait to see it's more than 5,000 well a little more than 5,000 that's beautiful it's great 5400 our favorite address Front Street that didn't take us long we'll be back after these words from our sponsors all right that was good 8380 of 5,000 all right let's do it again points this time you promised up 20,000 when we hit it I know 1474 did you say something like that uh 1476 I I forget what I said now but for in the 14s oh oh a triple noiser I love those Buffalo spins thank you there's just nothing like getting those five rows of Buffalo you never know how much it's going to at least I never know how much it's going to be but it's always a lot yeah this could be good get all of them on 100 what oh yeah like 880,000 something like that yeah if we got 15 Buffalo heads 76 something like that yeah something let's let's see it oh so what we're talking about is those yellow buffalos you can get three of them per column and if you get three in every column that's the max ma Spin and at $100 it would pay something like 76,000 I think that's right let's show them that please it's at $9.99 I you to show them a coin bonus all right I'll show them something since you've predicted that you're going to hit it, 1400 is yeah we might have to uh hurry up and get a wbgs question of the day from the YouTube comments oh I was waiting for one of those just before you know before we run out of time all right so I happen to have one ready so NC Steve 83 asks do you always go to the machine on the bank that has the highest major or do you think the fact that it's high is a sign that it won't hit as often it's a really good question I mean we I I'm superstitious but I try not to be wbg is oh taught me the logic and all of the things being equal if there's two machines and one has a higher major I would take the one with the higher major what about you guys yeah yeah that's kind of like I mean if you're going to let's say it's uh Buffalo link for example if one has a major of 14,000 and one has a major of 21,000 everything else is the exact same you just play the 21,000 yeah I think like Dragon cash is a good good example that if there's a major that's 5,300 and one next to it 7200 play the one that's 7200 because in the machine programming the likelihood of you hitting the major doesn't change based on how high it is so you're equally likely to win 8,000 as you are likely to win 5,000 so you might as well try for the 8,000 I mean it doesn't make it necessarily better no but if you're going to hit one you might as well hit the one that's isn't it like some like microscopic percentage better right it's my yeah exactly but if you're going to hit one you might as well get that extra thousand or two all right well we're that was a violent $5,000 downswing yeah in the wbg question of the day still going though got to continue talking about that till we get a bonus should we just keep answering the same question until we get a bonus and also you know if you're playing on a low denam you're more likely to hit the miners and minis than you are on a high denam you're saying if you're betting the same amount yeah if you're betting the same amount yeah yeah the lower they are relative to the BET size some more often you will hit them yeah I think 10 cents the minor on this game is a oh the minor on 10 cents on this game is 1,000 on this game on this Nom it's 25,000 so like if we were playing 10 cents $100 a spin would' be much much much much much more likely 25 times more likely to hit the minor yeah approximately well I'd like to hit the minor me too 25 5,000 would be a nice little addition to my day be great so what' you say 14 what on the counter for the free 14 something I don't remember 1400 in the 1400 range what do you guys think I think that's a good prediction oh I think that's good I think that's good we got a C Let's see we got a thousand we got a 500 inside school yeah minor major mini anything really oh here's your chance to get that minor I know watch this 25,000 just like that yeah take it they're going to make us come on where's that minor I don't see it in there come on where is it mini I saw how much is mini 5,000 that's not very Min get a swack swack wow I like it keep them coming you don't think any more EJ no we can get more I was just there I think there was one empty hole there Oh I thought you shaking your head I thought oh he's predicting that it's going down not bad not bad back on Front Street you think uh yeah not quite as frsh as we were a little while ago but I'm not going to argue with that oh that's great 48 uh X it's a beautiful thing God I love winning yeah yeah I mean never get tired of it losing I get tired of sometimes all right there we go 4,800 going in all right well I like that let's keep them coming huh yeah please back to back what were we talking about when that hit I don't remember it seems like so long ago now but because of the magic of editing that probably just seemed like 2 seconds right all right well we haven't gotten the coin bonus yet so we can get that oh there's two of them we need oh what about how much would five coins pay 10,000 really five coins would be 10,000 yeah let's do that oh you got to get them all at once though three would have been fine all right there's one oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah we'll take that too we don't really we're in like coach Z says not bad couple thousand couple thousand started off huh a little more 4 7 9 10 11 14 15 2500 so far come on some more bigin I'd like to get that minor or the major I mentioned that before though who do you think you are L Bundy why I don't get it just throw some crickets in there people will get it no one gets your jokes wbg I promise you a lot of people are going to get that one I Al Bundy cuz I said what I want to get the miner no bigin bigin he says bins yeah it's an Al Bundy line come on all right we'll take it I was irritated about that I knocked over the camera well glad we had that thousand in there yeah that was great is this a high water mark uh I like 8,400 yeah I think it is a high water a new high water Mark has been achieved it's bad pointing those out though by the way I don't need to point them out he knows they're well documented in Vegas Matt's brain 98 9800 is 9700 and change let's go back in Action all right then that was faster oh here we go oh here we don't go just needed three in there those two and that would have been a huge so three holding spins zero coin bonuses so far I mean I'll take the Holden spins they've been really good yeah they've been great there you go take them oh man a quadruple noiser and they were all three over park there it is come on man I felt it I felt it oh know with some water yeah can we have three Waters please thank you icelantic yes definitely thank you than what's icelantic I it's just the nice water that they have here like better water yeah I don't know if it's better but it has a like a little mountain shaped bottle it's fancy yeah I'm not even sure if it is fancy I just like it I like Aqua paana me too I like that too it's in the glass bottle oh oh you sure get seven a lot they say glass bottles are better than plastic bottles well because the plastic leeches Vegas mom says micr Plastics oh I when I was really involved with the oceans a long time ago when we were did some stuff with when you were youdon or what are you talking about here well no like when we had the thing in B and we did the stuff with Richard Branson and the save the oceans Foundation or whatever there was so much plastic that would wash up on the beaches and on the islands there it was just terrible and uh so yeah I'm not a big fan of plastic all right oh thank you I got it you got it all right let's go back in Action here we go oh man when they start off like that I just get so excited see it's mountain shap is it from Iceland I've never been to Iceland but I've heard good things about it oh where was that in the bonus who first said where was that in the bonus wbg who did who made that one up me you that's a wbg original it is oh I mean it's seems like one of those things that is universal so I'm quite certain I'm not the only person to have said it first yeah it's tough to come up with an original thought did you just come up with that on your own that idea about original thoughts or yes that's an original thought I think I've had a few can't remember what they are now oh it sure gets seven a lot come on coin bonus yeah I'd like to see a nice big beautiful coin bonus a nice big beautiful coin bonus like like like 50 games 50 yeah well we got one of those earlier today all hat no cattle though they call that it was uh kind of a Sando actually Co oh you got the other bonus oh we got the thing this could be the the free games bonus and it's guaranteed winner 1184 well not yet I don't think how much do you get for the trigger well nothing oh holding spin okay yeah guaranteed winner uhoh out of a small school we need that Miner please come on staying alive where's our minor come on or at least a mini at least a mini for the valuable feature trigger yes Stay Alive new life all these hundreds mini please mini mini mini oh Major's in there is it really it was in that oh min's in there min's in there come on yes oh we're now we're now we're dead you think they can come back 52,500 oh it came back yeah there was one in there a man well we turned a small profit not too bad a couple thousand yeah would have been nice if there were some decent Siz balls in there there but better to poke in the eye with a blunt stick like my dad used to say yeah all right well what are we going to do next all right so this major was 31,000 we just hit the thing but look over here this major is 44,000 should we take a little shot at that let's do it all right right all right 44,000 major $100 a spin still let's get it I'd like to get that 44,000 me too you didn't want to win that $33,000 little major anyway I'd much rather win 44,000 yeah y oh with a live Mini too oh man I thought we had it I think EJ actually thought we did I actually thought we did 7,000 is that how much it was would have been yeah a I mean 5,000 plus whatever else I don't remember but it was or yeah you sure get seven a lot all right come on this one has a little bit more win ability not much I just had them oh you know what I give up I just had the most random thought what what what do you what's your opinion of peppercinis I told you it was random I like pepper chis Vegas Matt any opinion I mean you know on a good uh sub sandwich pepper andini you know never hurts all right major and minor eligible small schools but every once in a while they sneak a they sneak a word in these small schools I've seen it many times [Music] the mini showed up before [Music] so yeah the minis do come on Mini wow all hundreds so far usually when you get the major you have all mini is that true all all small balls we're we're in really good shape then for the major oh we got a 200 how about that come on yes all right two out of the three are going to be live as always very rare you get that dog gone Grand is it two times ever and we play this game a lot believe me what was our high water mark 9700 yeah something like that yeah so how much uh how much you feel like you're losing right now 2500 all right another hand pay break got some good healthy snacks some Wasabi almonds those are the best you like the Wasabi I do yes I was in charge of getting the snacks I feel I did a capable job very capable very capable you got the checks mix the Bold check mix Vegas mom wouldn't be stoked with this there no she probably wouldn't like these either what are those Takaki fuos sometimes you need a little spice though you know I like the Wasabi almonds it's probably cuz I brought up pepperchinis you were had spice on the on the brain all right let's get a coin bonus I don't think we've gotten one yet no between the two machines we've had zero wow where was that in the bonus Kings $540 bill right there let's get a coin bonus yes please oh look at that you know what I love win Buffalo link winning and buffalo link definitely my favorite game winning on Buffalo well if you're winning yeah well I don't like it when I'm losing for sure but boy do I like it when we're winning weird how that is isn't it I just want that big beautiful Buffalo spin the big beautiful Buffalo it's like when it comes out I'm like counting three four one oh yes look at that right on schedule a beautiful coin bonus let's enjoy this oh oh oh oh yes three three three three yes yes how much is that a lot like how much it's not as much as you would hope but it's a lot it's high water mark for sure yes 5600 that's a lot yeah but when you get five of a kind Buffalo like that you're thinking maybe yeah but it wasn't very many of them yeah no that's great very happy with that take yeah we oh oh what happened Ja Jack for the Eagles count too don't they no never mind how about some points how about some points nope oh we'll take it though back to snacking well that was a big beautiful coin bonus and a big beautiful Buffalo bonus inside of it no we didn't get a buffalo bonus inside of it no the Buffalo where like the times two time three the Buffalo is that that's what I'm talking about yeah Buffalo lion pay not a bonus whatever you know what I meant BBL I didn't know what he meant in the beginning oh here we go oh there we don't go double noiser out of the shoot to be fair when he gets two coins he calls it the MEO bonus because it's two out of three right that ain't bad so we use the term bonus liberally here do you think if people met him they would call him like Mr loaf or meat yeah probably if they when they meet him mhm well he he died you know tragically you were saying when people would meet him yes I get it very punny Mr Mr loaf Mr loaf one of the most successful artists of all time as far as like albums sold yeah what was his favorite type of shoe to wear loafer even I got that one low hanging fruit there all right what was that high water mark that we just had 11,000 something did you notice uh yeah it was 11 oh oh that's devastating I would love to get that major it's pretty high isn't it what does it reset at 25 it does I say you get it yeah why not I would I would like that I would like that immensely the first thing you need to do to get it you know what it is uh get eight balls yep in the corner pockets are you any good at pool EJ not really I mean I can play it I'm I'm a Sando at pool never had a pool table in your basement we had a pool table at our house in Lake havu back in the day was it like a bar table no was like a table a real one yeah oh yeah like what they have in the bars you mean yeah I don't know been it's a regular pool table 210 bucks wolves where was that in the bonus those uh mbws right there most valuable wolves mbws come on oh started off strong points no such luck what do you want next uh where' that 11,000 go that we had a minute ago it into the machine it has a habit of doing that come back out in the form of a major oh I can't wait can't wait for that major something tells me we're going to get it oh oh where was that yeah even Kings would have been a lot so about pool tables kids in high school when I went to high school who with the pool tables at home were always really good well yeah that makes sense it's like we had the ping pong table and EJ got really good at pingpong there we go oh I I had a client who was a uh had a vending machine company yeah and I bought a coin operated pool table from him just to have I thought it would be cool to have kind what kind of a client what was your business what was that what you're so secretive like everyone was giving you a hard time about like not saying what your parents' business was well they were right they guessed they guessed right what was it they owned to 7-Eleven no I people were guessing that it was an adult business it was uh no it's just uh uh my dad's still in the same business and I I don't I just for privacy for him you don't want anyone to go freak with his business no it's it's a pretty unique business yeah sounds Shady not shady at all I don't believe it listen I'm just just trying to respect his privacy he doesn't need people showing up hey papa BG I think they should where is it you what what's with this line of questioning I don't know he's just so secretive all the time poker player in him we're getting wrecked $88,000 we've lost in the last like couple minutes oh come on peeps let's go anyway my point was so I had the coin operated pool table uhhuh I never got any good at it and the guy was your client and you were doing what he was a customer m a customer in what business he put He had a vending machine business and he he put vending machines in my parents business so this is when you were working at your parents business that you don't want to talk about what now you're getting mad at me EJ for asking him questions he's just being like all secretive can't let that go on in our with our people it's just us and a few hundred thousand of our closest friends talking here my dad had an insurance agency oh yeah yeah yeah my dad had a YouTube channel in Oakland California what was it called emoro Insurance General agency Surplus lines Inc what are Surplus lines it's like a voids of London broker like high-risk insurance I remember one time like there was this like year of the tiger thing going on in Chinatown in San Francisco because it's off he worked in San Francisco area and he wrote the insurance in case the tiger that they had at the party ate anyone like an actual tiger yeah like they had a live tiger at the party and so he wrote the insurance and I think also in case the tiger peed on the rugs cuz they had these like really expensive rugs that were at this this party it was like a real fancy party so did the tiger either pee on anybody or eat anybody no so my dad pee on any rug I didn't my dad just made the the premium he was really good at that he was one of the best Underwriters in the history of Underwriters a lot of people are saying is that where you learned to to be a risk taker that must must have been okay let me just let me just discuss this we've just lost $10,000 in the last few seconds and that's it's probably because you were giving me a hard time it must have been well if you just answered the damn question we probably would have won I did I said I wanted to keep my parents' privacy well you could like give some kind of a general answer plan they were numismatic s yeah they were they got specialize in coin bonuses well when we get the major that'll make up for it well that was a nice nice knowing you that 11,000 bucks all right so 16,000 will be our high water mark so now we're in 10 do you think we can turn it around here yeah you're never out of it in this game I see you shoot for 15 Buffalo heads come come on 1111 make a wish I wish for the major oh seven what is that thing where you make a wish at 11-11 did you why do you do that you mean yeah I don't know but everybody knows it yeah just seems lucky I don't know there we go oh three shots at it this game is very streaky right now we're on a bad streaky let's get on a good streaky come on where was that in the bonus oh I like that $5,000 ball woles come on what's your prediction for this free feature uh coins this one yeah oh the number I don't know I I always guess in the 1400s $500 trigger that's good don't give up on it yet no got coin here and I won't oh coin no this is going to be a sand oh I was totally wrong I love it I love being wrong when it comes to calling a thing a Sando when it's not yes oh I want to be so wrong call I want to be as wrong as I've ever been in my life right now come on let's get a big beautiful Buffalo pay line pay is that Asus no no almost come on you rascal yeah that's the word I was looking for you rat oh for God's sakes come on oh you idiot coin wow not even a hand pay that's a absolute Sando where was that in the bonus all right back to back oh they tend to start coming though look at that 962 bucks right there the bonus yep now it's heating up I can feel it yes you felt it 2,000 2,000 1,000 I told you that's what happens with this game I've played this game probably more than most people so is it fair to say that you're a buffalo Whisperer I'm the head of the national Buffalo Association NBA NBA yes come on more of those thousands more of them bgins Al Bundy be back come on yeah 5,000 in there let see it let me see it oh 1 th000 see I asked for okay now the major now the major all right now the major or the minor or the mini even for C now sakes ah a well that's a mood changer back on Front Street high water mark 16,000 though to me you always got to go back to the high water mark you think Lake me will ever get back to the high water mark that would I am uneducated wow $8,000 that my friend is better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick back at it let's go this thing's this machine is heating up I can feel it very streaky we are on a bad streak now we're on a good streak oh thought we had it again let's go let's go oh oh hey it's oh yes I knew that was going to happen as soon as the cigar guys left let's go Buffalo come on now there it is there it isn't oh oh come on there yeah oh what what goes tens three how much is that oh look at that not bad eh oh oh oh it's magic pilot you know never believe it's not so anything come in here no hey we'll take it though yeah they're going to make us ready yep plus 3500 I like it so she's still hot I can feel it we're going to get like a probably a $50,000 Buffalo line very modest expectation and the major and the grand the major is almost as much as the grand the Grand's only 52 somebody hit it major 44 so it was in the 70 range right something like that uh yeah it was unfortunately it wasn't us so it hit oh come on yes yes love it oh it's a small school but you know what's in there major you know we're going to get the minor or the major or the mini on this on this spin ready go have you heard about the word I thought that would work for sure I saw mini fly by mini flyby who they're just popping left and right come on Mini rear your beautiful little head come on now oh Staying Alive three out of four I'm guessing yes all right every little bit helps oh oh did you see a 5,000 right before it made the noise too yeah noise changer come on unas no take it getting closer closer to even yeah almost what is 16,000 to be high water high water mark is the definition of even in my book I wonder how many days it would have to rain straight for Lake me to fill up like Noah would probably be getting involved for that to happen all right then well this is fun I think it is I just absolutely love this game the ups and downs are what make it fun it's an emotional roller coaster it's kind of like gambling wait okay okay ah now the counter is at 1252 and you're sticking with your 1400 yeah do you guys do you guys want to make a prediction you want to do like $100 each closest to the pin yes all right I say 1476 I'll say uh 1501 1,600 all right 1476 1501 and 1,600 and it doesn't matter if you go over whoever's closest to the pin are we clear on the rules yeah all right well as long as it hits between now and 148 something uh I'm in good 1485 is I'm in good shape 16 what 1600 1600 I I have a very narrow band of Victory there it is oh do you see it poke little head out of there oh that's a good start bad finish Good Start bad finish bad start and finish Good Start bad finish all right come on now keep up that little momentum streak we had going there all right I want to see a big beautiful Buffalo spin don't you think I think so don't you think we're do yeah oh oh you rascal sure get seven a lot oh oh where was that in the bonus come on Buffalo yeah what do we bet 100 each yep yeah come on oh those Buffalo there we go there we go oh $540 Bill Jack for five bucks do the 15 Buffalo thing just to say we did it oh 300 bucks well the Buffalo seem to be warming up have you noticed that yeah so now's a good time for a coin bonus then what do you think oh that's that's really sound thinking EJ every once in a while you surprise me use that nog in ears oh look at that oh false alarm false alarm let's go oh oh oh that could have been really really really good how it's not bad oh hand pay a sand pay I'll take a small hand pay over no hand pay I guess yeah that was nice we're staying alive just let's just get a big beautiful minor or major to stay on Front Street or coin bonus yeah any anything but just getting wrecked let's go all right ready yes come on there it is there it isn't there we go there we don't go when you see those first buffalos you just think well there could be more oh just a blocker there it is there it isn't oh oh that swack sound is such a joyous sound when it's accompanied by a whole bunch of uh eight balls oh oh remember the wet Flack that was on uh dragon train what there was a wet thwack yeah AJ identified the wet thwack what would he know about that he made the same you made the same joke last time yeah well what would he know about that at least I'm consistent unlike you well you're pretty consistent you put a video out every day for the last two years pry pretty [Music] impressive yeah no yeah no okay here we go I would like to see in a perfect world one really big bonus followed by the free feature shortly thereafter prior to the number that has wbg beat me on the side bet so we need one bonus and then the free feature in the next little bit here I forgot what's your number 4 1576 oh really yeah and you're 1501 at ej600 my number is coming up oh all right here we go ah come on baby don't say maybe man Let's go people so many things I'm rooting for right now this is not as easy as it seems no it just seems like you should get eight of those things and a bunch of Buffalo oh I hate it when that happens okay here we go idiot I'm having all kinds of problem problems now here all of a sudden let's go oh now I'm sweating the free free feature counter yeah I don't know if we've said this but those yellow buffalo that you see there on the screen they're what move that counter so every time you get one of those so that was five so the counter went up five it's getting very close to my 1476 number come on I hope you hit it right here I hope we get a bonus first and then hit it like right after during the bonus that would be that would be sick let's do that get a coin bonus and then the bonus and the bonus no Aces $500 bill oh come on 1460 let's go coin coin coin sucker say sucker you sucker you all right let's go oh oh that's not good for my counter all right wbg ah I think he's like what what's the split the difference between 1476 and 15 what you say 1501 1501 f 25 I think I'm F right now I mean it's still you you would need to trigger it though in the next few spins and where are you 1,600 we're just getting wrecked all of a sudden we are so like 1550 or so and you're fre one all right so you're closer now than I am so I'm out of the I'm out of the running now so now it's between you guys and it's a 15 1551 spread I hate losing side bets also hate losing five grand all right here we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yes yes I told you that was what was going to happen so now now let's get the major if we get it in this bonus you win no I'm saying this is what you predicted yeah but I wanted it when I was going to win but I mean I'm happy for you wbg cuz you get wrecked on side bets a lot I haven't won it yet you have if we get it inside this bonus I mean come on major now major I'm going just a mini all right a Sando is that a hande yeah all right well we got a little of our ammo back we the thing was really hot there for a few minutes you know yeah we got back up there towards our high water mark crazy the swings on this game yeah you're never out of it in this game let's go we're on the home stretch folks the side bet between EJ WG wbg WG I kind of abbreviated your name easy for you to say 1507 1550 and A5 oh look at that a you sure do get seven a lot I've noticed come on buffalos a wbg wins it why what do you mean why did we get it yes how do you know oh we got it you're right wbg wins 100 bucks do you got any cash or you got I don't have cash valuable Apple cash I don't have any sandwiches on me wbg I'm going to give you this old 100 I going to get rid of that I will gladly you deserve this one though because it's been you've been it's been rough going for you on the side bets let's just uh let's just enjoy 2700 on the trigger all right that's that's good for those people who asked how I knew you see this yellow trim it's usually that orange color but it switches to Yellow when you trigger the free feature ah look at you with all your little tips and tricks and the Machine kind of flashes flashes yeah all right let's enjoy this okay here we go let's go major come on oh that would be a nice cherry on top would it yes it would how about anywhere let's just start with any any word okay a thousand is a good word thousand is a good word hundreds are not good words Min is a word mini is a word Minor's a word and Major's a word any word please any word let's go m word let's go come on there I saw the mini come on let's go okay good more spins all right we're live come on one we haven't gotten one word all day we need one word and the word of the day is major not 100 come on baby oh there it is oh we were live all right we got two live ones come on get one here one here all right ah well better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick I think we were on Front Street weend a net winner yeah squarely on Front Street all right not a high water mark but we'll take a win I lost 100 bucks though and I'm never happy about that don't like to lose my walking around money 29 and 27 what's that 36 and 56 5600 and 59 a $1,500 winner boom well I was a little bit off we didn't win 20,000 but we won 16 00 got our 10,000 back but that was a lot of fun I absolutely love this game it's a wild ride it's a roller coaster of emotions thanks for coming along on the ride with us just want to tell you about a couple things real quick seafoam green Sando hoodies are in extraordinarily comfortable you can get them at vegas. shop or at the elcortez if you happen to be in Vegas also we just got a new gray one with the red lettering I I tell you the hoodie line is going crazy we saw so many people today wearing our merch we sure appreciate it and we just love it when you guys are wearing the merch and we see out and about today we must have seen what 100 people it was incredible not wearing the merch but the same a lot of a lot of people are saying we have the best fans uh everybody knows it so uh yeah I don't know for some strange reason you're not subscribed hit subscribe uh that way uh it helps us get towards our goal of a million doesn't cost you anything it's free to subscribe if you're watching us on YouTube if you're watching us anywhere else watch us on YouTube and uh anything else I should add you know you never talk about the alert Bell what's the alert Bell it's a little bell that you can you hit the notification button if you hit the notification button you get notified when we're going uh we have a video come out stuff like that out all right if you're not following us on Twitch we stream live on Twitch so many so many things so many things to discuss funnily enough we've been gambling all day and I feel like gambling but you know what we'll have to wait till tomorrow and we'll see you then
Channel: Vegas Matt
Views: 427,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Las Vegas, Vegas, gamble, handpay, slot machine, winning, losing, slots, gambling, slot, vegas matt, casino, vegasmatt, vegas matt slots, jackpot, slot machine handpay, casinos, buffalo link
Id: zrZulFKMNpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 21sec (3201 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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