๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ–คโ€ผ๏ธ MY 5 GREAT REASONS TO HOARD Black Nursery Pots

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[Music] where in the world is carmen san diego now my friend alex who's here watching a shoot today told me that my jacket reminds her of that she used to watch it when she was little and i kind of was familiar with that reference but not a hundred percent but i am familiar with five reasons why you might want to save if not hoard these heavy plastic nursery buckets because i do partly because i'm thrifty partly because i don't want them to end up in the landfill and most importantly because they are just brilliant in executing their job in the garden so let me tell you some of the reasons why i hoard and hold on to these plastic buckets number one i love to use baskets in the garden like this one and you may recall earlier in the season i had these framing the entrance to the protege and they were filled spilling over with scented geraniums and all sorts of different kinds of plants now i obviously did not plant directly into the basket but i did put a liner in here that then protected the basket and what i love about that is when that season is done with those kind of cascading annuals and seasonal color i can then take this out and then just plop in another one that i have in reserve that's already growing and maturing and looking good so they're really wonderful for that reason here's another example of that i've got one that is just sitting here inside of this basket so that's reason number one they are wonderful to just plop and plant number two i love them because it makes moving things into the greenhouse that much easier these are light they are portable and they can work in a way that looks substantive in the garden but they're also kind of temporary so stuart if you would show see this gorgeous eugenia topiary right here that is not frost hardy and that's gonna have to come in now it looks as if it is planted in this concrete planter but oh no it's not it's just sitting in there and then i've mulched the top with gravel when it starts getting when the temperatures start getting really low and when i am ready to haul all of these plants away to the greenhouse to overwinter all i have to do is just lift this out in its plastic pot and it will then be very easy and very flexible and lightweight to move into the greenhouse so that's another reason i really like to use them the other thing that's brilliant about that is when you just set something like these into whether it's a terracotta pot or an urn or a concrete pot what that does is give it another layer of protection and a way to keep moisture in so your larger terracotta pots are very very porous they wick away moisture very quickly this is a way to kind of hold on to some of that moisture the other thing it does is it protects the planter so i talked in a recent video about ways to protect your terra cotta pots this would be another way use a liner inside the terra cotta pots so that the moisture doesn't really seep into the sides of the terracotta you know where there's there will then be lots of expansion and contract and contraction and it might make the pot crack it might make it flake or whatever so it will also help the durability um and the integrity of your terra cotta pots now another reason i guess i'm on my reason number four is that right alex and my reason number four okay keep me honest i love them because i think they have kind of a really good modern vibe so this is one that i just did a faux finish on and i'll put a link below to the episode where i showed how to do a faux finish but there's a way that you can make them look as if they're not plastic as if they're real and i'm thinking that next year i'm going to do a whole bunch of these that are in the same shape and i think i'm going to do kind of a faux zinc finish on them that will look really modern it will look very sleek and all i will be doing is reusing these plastic pots the other thing i like about these heavy ones versus some that are a little thinner is that they are just sturdier i think and a little bit more formidable yet still lightweight so these are going to be great and you'll notice that this silverado sage here in a topiary form this is four or five years old i think it's in one of these plastic containers and i can just drop it into a basket or whatever the other place i can just drop it in and another reason i love these is because it is drop in instant maturity and instant seasonal vibe so in the back where i have a huge mound of of all sorts of autumnal colors that's actually in a pot you guys that is elevated on a plant stand so if i let's say in my back border it's filled with larkspur and poppies and they're absolutely beautiful and then all of a sudden they're gone their season is over if i have a pot like this waiting in the wings filled with annuals and seasonal color cosmos or zinnias or sunflowers something that's going to fill in the gap after those other early season annuals are finished all i have to do is plop this in and i have immediate color it's what they do a lot at public gardens or even some private gardens that have to look good year round and at half it has to look good immediately without a lot of time to mature and flower and grow in place so it gives you instantaneous drama and then you can just kind of nestle the pot behind an existing shrub so you don't even know it's there and it gives you beautiful layering and maturity in the garden lastly i like them because not only am i saving these pots from the landfill but it's going to help me save some of my current plantings from the landfill or the compost pile as well now many of you have asked what am i going to do with all of those huge white mums that i planted in the front well when they're done i'm going to take them out and i'm going to plant them all in here i can then over winter them in this they will continue to grow in place and next spring when they bloom for the first time it's going to be a huge white mound of mums that i can then plop in place somewhere for lots and lots of drama another reason so this might be the bonus of a bonus reason is i also like to save these because this fall right let's say the week or two weeks before thanksgiving i'm going to be potting up and planting all of my spring bulbs for next year so i really like to use these for container grown bulbs again because they're lightweight i can store them in the garage and when they get ready to bloom i can just plop them into a basket so there you go five reasons to save these black nursery pots
Channel: Linda Vater
Views: 204,373
Rating: 4.9013753 out of 5
Keywords: potagerblog, Linda Vader, garden tour, garden life, garden designer, garden landscape design, flower garden ideas, garden design, topiary, backyard garden design, boxwood, garden media, gardening, influencer, Linda Vater, Garden tips, Garden style
Id: W8-UQTm-I2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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