💥 Gabby Petito TRAGEDY - Brian Laundrie Body Cam Footage Body Language Analysis

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[Music] i'm scott rouse i'm a body language expert and analyst and i trained law enforcement in the military in interrogation and body language and i created the number one online body language course body language tactics dot com with greg hartley mark i'm mark bowden i'm an expert in human behavior and body language i help people all over the world to stand out when trust gain credibility every time they communicate including some of the leaders of the g7 chase i have chase hughes i did 20 years in the us military wrote the number one bestselling book on behavior profiling persuasion influence nowadays i teach people how to do those things at an extreme level greg greg hartley i'm a former army interrogator interrogation instructor resistance to interrogation instructor i've written 10 books on body language and behavior put together the number one body language online course at body language tactics dot com with scott rouse and i spend most of my time on wall street or corporate america all right today we're going to talk about gabby potito and she's missing and by now i think most everybody knows the story but we're going to talk about a little bit this is going to be part one of that and we'll do part two in just a couple of days so we got together really quickly to put this together because we've got a lot of requests for it so again we're listening to the panelists and we're jumping in and putting this out as quick as we can greg yeah so this came originally to me the actual video link from somebody on a twitter dm so thank you for the for the video link sandra and we'll go look at just the stop and their initial reaction as as scott said we'll do more later this is brian laundry the boyfriend or fiance of of potato and i think you'll see a lot of interaction chase yeah so during this traffic stop there's some great behaviors here we want to give you some of these key points to look at going further there's some good baseline things in here and there are some things that should maybe shape the way that we're going to look at our future analysis that we're going to be diving into really deep this week mark yes so you might well be new to the behavior panel great to see you here if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and that'll help you get alerted as this case goes forward and others that we're interested in as well so hit the subscribe button hit the alerts and we'll see you again all right you guys ready yeah do it here we go you want to place your vehicle in the park and go ahead and turn it off the park oh it yeah okay turn off your engine go ahead and set your keys on the dash for me all right what's your guys's names yeah i'm brian gabby brian okay what's going on welcome crying i'm sorry we've just been fighting this morning some personal issues it was a long day we were camping yesterday and camping got supplies and stuff i'm sorry i'm sorry i hit the bump there i was distracting him from driving i'm sorry can i get you to step out of the vehicle for me man yeah just hang tight right there um do you mind if i take your keys and just put them on your hood thank you oh no you're fine i'm gonna go ahead and close your hair okay all right uh greg what do you got so just to frame this this police officer saw them speeding at the entrance to arches park in a 15 he was doing 44 and he bumped the curb this is not there's no other reason to stop them it turns out they had an altercation the day before or earlier that day at a place inside moab he didn't have any part of that but he does get witnesses later the big part here to notice is any time you're pulled over this is a great opportunity to see how a person responds in fight or flight and i have good buddies who are highway patrolmen and they'll tell me the most common word they hear is sorry we all say i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't know i'm sorry i'm sorry they just listened through that they really don't care what your excuse is they're just there to give you a warning or ticket but you'll notice that he is showing he's being compliant he's being responsive she is taking the lead and saying look i did this i did that i did this she's not saying we were not fighting when you hear fighting it's going to cue a certain behavior in police officers because domestic violence and they know patterns and they're behaving to patterns so we'll see that come up but pay attention they're compliant they're responding they're doing as they're told they show height and fight or flight which means increased blink rates it means creating exoskeletons it means trying to protect all those internal organs we always talk about fight or flight is your way to escape or defend yourself and i'll leave a lot for the rest of you to talk about and move around that mark what do you got yeah so uh perception management comes to mind around this uh we have uh the female there who is a is a youtuber so so perception as we all well know perception management is an important thing i i think i detect early on in this both of them have their hands up very compliant um uh immediately the female shows turns ahead and shows negative emotion on the face directly towards the officer so he's very clear about showing here is the emotion that i'm i'm displaying to you right now and yet says i'm not crying so interesting difference there between what is clearly being shown to the officer or maybe even happening uh for her emotionally and what she says is happening um grooming of the hair as she comes out so again perception management um then minimizes her body that's to be accepted expected in this situation most likely under stress under pressure i want you to clock the jewelry on the hands that comes up a little bit later in terms of the scratches that the male has on his face and that there's uh potentially been some some striking going on and the jewelry is created potentially the the scratches there um but then she hides those behind her back again could be minimization but often when the hands are hidden there's some sense of anxiety going on there uh the male very compliant very helpful in this situation and yet it then moves to being slightly over familiar the use of the word uh buddy there and i believe though i can't see it happening but because of the distances going on there and the apology i believe he throws the keys to the officer and then and then apologizes for that i think it can't be seen but i'm gonna construed that from the distance that they have and the apology that goes goes on and there's there or there's some frames missing from this body camera as to when the keys go on the dash and when the officer would have to lean in and take those keys um so very compliant male pretty compliant there again good baseline for how he performs under police enquiry uh scott what do you got on this one all right yeah right out of the gate they're really compliant she's got what i call the show face she sticks that face right out there and shows the emotion like you're saying mark the emotion she's going through at the time even though she contradicts that um when the officer comes up and he does a great job at de-escalating what he thinks is going to be a pretty iffy situation there we'll talk about that as we go along as well and as greg said this is a great example of of baselining someone getting an idea of how that person acts when they're under this kind of stress because hopefully later on we'll we'll see this guy in the uh in an interrogation situation um so they're very compliant and then after gabby finishes talking then brian says it was a long day we were camping yesterday and the camping got flies and stuff then in a classic hartley he he chaffs and redirects towards um why they hit the the bump in the road what happened there so he totally gets his his um the attention from what's happening in the car outside the car to what happened before a change of of let's focus on another time in other words um again when she gets out of the car she gets out and as he's leaning forward she's apologizing again she starts all over again and then um these are all behaviors that that indicate stress and ensure that they're they're worried about what's happening and just it's maybe it's just me but this is the behavior you see when somebody's hiding we eat or mushrooms or something when they're really really nice like that but the same time you see it when when like we were talking earlier and greg pointed out that if you're if you've done nothing you'll be just you'll be just as this apologetic and be saying you're sorry all the time and and just full on hey here's what's going on but same time it gives me the feeling they got something in there too chase what do you got hey one note when you say chaff and redirect in this case i don't think it's intentional i think this is brain going oh okay i don't think it's him intentionally doing it yeah okay just just talking yep yeah yeah that was going to be the first thing i said uh when he's talking about the curb he genuinely probably doesn't think the fight or the argument or the camping was has anything to do with why the police officers talking to him i think he may have redirected to what the officer is probably there about what he was most worried about and he nods without an issue to put the keys on the hood and then when the officer asks if he can pull her out of the vehicle if she can step out of the vehicle he nods as well she doesn't look back at him for confirmation or permission so he's nodding as well he's making sure to lean forward so the officer can see his face and this is what we call hyper-compliant behavior we try we train law enforcement when she steps out her hands kind of instinctively go behind her back kind of like she's in trouble and when she's walking with the officer her arms are swinging in a relaxed way uh there's no reservation or any compression to where like the upper part of the arm kind of stays towards the torso and just the bottom parts swing which is what we might expect if there was some fear or or maybe she's worried about her own safety at this point so i think what we're seeing is hyper-compliant people and uh in the next video you're going to see a little bit more of her behavior i think it's pretty interesting yeah and again that apologizing when when the first thing out of her mouth is i'm sorry it's a little heads up there all right we're good yeah you want to place your vehicle in the park and go ahead and turn it off the park oh it isn't perfect okay turn off your engine go ahead and set your keys on the dash for me all right what's your guys's names i'm brian gabby brian okay what's going on welcome you're crying i'm sorry we've just been fighting this morning some personal issues it was a long day we were camping yesterday and camping got the stuff supplies and stuff i'm sorry i'm sorry i hit the bump there i was distracting him from driving i'm sorry can i get you to step out of the vehicle for me man yeah just hang tight right there um do you mind if i take your keys and just put them on your hood i'm so thankful oh no you're fine i'm gonna go ahead and close your hair okay let's move along i'm gonna go ahead and close your hair okay why don't you come over here so2t9 i have the female that was on the best news separated from the mail the keys are on the hood you want to tell me that's fine yeah i don't know really bad ocd and i [Music] before and i was apologizing to him and saying i'm sorry that i'm so mean because sometimes i have ocd and sometimes i just get really frustrated i'm not like me and foreign i guess my vibe is like in a bad mood and i was just saying i'm sorry if i'm in a bad mood i just really stressed i had so much work i was doing on my computer this morning what do you do for a living um well i i just forget about organic juice bar but i just hit my job okay i was a nutritionist that's right that was my daughter i just um to travel across the country and i'm trying to start a blog stuff so i've been building my website so i've just been really stressed but he doesn't really believe that i could do any of it kind of been like uh i don't know he's like i don't know we've he really stresses me out and this is a rough morning well why don't we do this why don't i sit you down in the back seat of my car you're not in any trouble okay i'm not gonna be putting handcuffs on you you obviously don't have any weapons i'm gonna get you into the air conditioning let you take a breath relax a little bit and then i'll come back and talk to you in a few minutes okay okay all right chase what do you got you do that again i'm sorry yeah my mic was way over there chase what do you got there's a genuine sadness here and at first the first time i watched this clip i immediately jumped on this abdominal covering women are more likely to cover their lower abdomen when they're feeling vulnerable threatened or insecure and men will typically cover the groin under the same circumstances but what i started seeing here is the pattern of being self-conscious about the the clothing that she's wearing in the police officer and she got comfortable and really animated when she's talking about the place where she used to work it's and this is a good sign that she doesn't feel that she's in any danger uh in this moment and she does not redirect any other conversation to her safety she explains her situation without couching anything hiding concealing any issues that she's having so she's very straightforward and and very honest about what she's doing trying to start a blog it's nothing's about how cool she is here it's all seems pretty genuine and uh she seems comfortable being small she doesn't have to uh be famous or tell the police officer how many followers she's got on instagram uh she looks back to the van when she's having to go sit in this tahoe which is i think more of a sign of separation anxiety and not fear which is one of the reasons they were having an argument in the first place she's kind of holding her finger there while she's looking back at the van not out of safety not out of like is the boyfriend gonna be mad but i'm gonna have to be separated physically separated from this person uh scott what do you got all right and going back to the part about uh how the difference in women and men chase and i were uh doing jury selection this past week or last whenever it was last week and we saw the perfect example of someone who was afraid insecure and just was had no confidence at all with what they were talking about with of course the other the other side and we both as soon as this happened as soon as this guy goes down and puts his clasped hands like this in front of his groin we both kind of looked at each other like yeah here we go so that was in contrast with the attorney that we were that we were with who was just the the height of confidence it was a great uh comparison there anyway um her hands on her knees and and being bent over like that she's that's this is an emotional stress uh indicator she's she's about worn out so i'm sure this has been going on for a while because he references it started yesterday and i'm sure it's it's been going on for for quite a while uh when she says she has i have really bad ocd and she grabs her chest a lot of times when we'll we people do that when they're talking about something from their heart like that a lot of times we'll see stress when they touch the super sternal notch that little thing right there that little neck dimple but that's not what we're seeing here it's just this now i got to watch uh i've been watching videos of her of her father when he's been on the news and and those situations and somebody asked him about the ocd thing and he said that there was he wasn't aware that she had ocd so i don't know if that's what that situation is about and from observing him he seemed like he he his household may be a bit strict and it may be one of those situations where it is so strict that she may have developed what she sees as ocd trying to control her space wherever she is because she has no control of it at when she when she grew up as as she was a child so when she's gone she's trying to control things she anything she can control to give her some power in the world so that might i think that's important there as we go through this to think about that um and i thought it was interesting that she would be bouncing from laughing to crying as she goes through this and and and explains what's going on again the police officer is doing a fantastic job of de-escalating this and calming her down his voice is just light like there's no problem what's going on you know everything is really cool and he listens to her and by the time this this section this uh part is over she's fairly calm compared the way she was when she got out of the car and all she needed to do was talk so i'm sure she's been so frustrated and and being probably fairly vocal with her boyfriend with with brian laundry that uh and he's not listening but sometimes people just need to be listened to and that changes the game and of course that's what the police officer is doing here in that case it works great when he's when the officer asks so what do you do for a living everything changes here she changes from being this real stressed out thing she goes she's been open anyway but she gets her illustrators a little bit larger and she's very open about talking that's when we see the hand clasping it's not the hand clasping and ringing which we're going to see on him in a little while but it's the hand clasping of this is great this is something i can control that's something i'm i'm proud of and she talks about how she worked at a an organic juice place and she was proud of that and happy for that then she talks about creating a blog and she almost says podcast but maybe she's not sure she's going to do it but that's when we see her hands clasping together and actually her hands come down they they almost slap her leg like that's like that section is finished it's not that big a deal but that's that happens there and you may be wondering what that is um so she's she's clasping her hands when she's talking about things she can control that's something to remember there in comparison with what how we've seen her act so far um yeah i think that's uh that's it for me greg what do you got yeah so a couple of things she does get calm but she gets calm about the emotional issues she's crying she's doing this when she starts to talk about he told me calm down if you really want to pick a fight with a woman tell her to calm down that usually works well if she's already upset you say calm down yeah that's that's a brilliant move or anyone else but most women will not take that well number one number two she talks about these things that are emotional and she gets flat about the emotion about the arguing with a boyfriend about him not having any faith in her those are emotional issues and when she comes up out of that crash those are hot issues chase i agree with you typically women cross and i call that crossing the primary sex organs ovaries versus testicles you put your a woman puts her arm across her torso when she's feeling stressed where a man puts him in front of him and we traditionally call that the fig leaf it's been what it's been called forever what you're going to notice here though is there's a lot of behavior where she starts to she feels guilty for something and she tries to make up for it or she feels like what she said is not enough and she does try to make up for it i worked in an organic juice bar i was a nutritionist okay those might be related they might not but there's emotion in her here and it didn't start yesterday i have a feeling scott you take volatile personalities who feed on each other which i have a feeling we're seeing here and you put them in a small vehicle and drive them across country it's probably been going on for days if not longer and if you can't see that there's volatility here her saying i've got ocd he tracked dirt in the vehicle i'm trying to clean it up he gets irritated he already started the story before they're giving us facts there were bugs and then there was dirt and then she's talking about bugs and dirt so we're seeing something was a trigger moment for them and we'll hear more of that and we get into the full video but you can see here volatility i was a platoon sergeant in the army i've seen this many many many times people who feed on each other's whatever you want to call this guy calls it anxiety where there's insecurity and the other person's feeding it they're causing a problem and you get spun up doesn't mean anything about what happened after this we just know this is about a specific incident she's open she moves her body language chase i agree with you that if this were about her and violence and that kind of thing she likely would be turning away and paying attention to what he's saying the anxiety i see about her looking is what is he going to say because we've been fighting that's what i see mark what do you got uh yeah so um look i took a look at a baseline here uh she put out a a video of their trip it's called van life um and you see the immaculate nature of inside uh the van beautifully set up lifestyle kind of vlog fantastic um take a look at her feet her toenails are painted perfectly right now that's got to be pretty hard to do when you're in van life so there is a personality here that likes things in a particular manner she's a youtuber and so that's actually you know particularly important as well at the same time that perception management so it's interesting we see her before she starts talking about being a nutritionist we see her flick the hair back in a grooming gesture but actually opens up these vulnerable areas of of the body so there is that that sense of grooming and vulnerability at the same time i totally agree chase we see the the waistband being moved in order to cover up uh the belly area so so there's there's an interesting difference between those two elements you know at the same time um hands to heart before the confession of of uh ocd and we do see her hands go to her knees as she tries to control her breathing absolutely right that's because she's been going through a heightened emotion most people can't deliver a heightened emotion for more than about 10 minutes the body just can't take that breathing pattern okay so she's she's trying to regroup her breathing and yet if it's accurate that this has been going on for several days you've got an emotion which can last for about 10 minutes you've got a mood which can go for hours but when something sustains over many days will often go well that might be an effective disorder okay and and it's interesting that we're getting this information that the father is is knowing nothing of ocd so are there other uh disorders going on here you know talking to what what greg's suggesting there is we may have some personalities jammed in a pressure cooker uh together and that is not usually a good thing the male as we'll hear about later has a tactic for that he has a way of dealing with that that he believes works really well with so keep that in mind um uh he told me i needed to calm down and i want you to look at her knee and see how it goes up and down up and down up and down so there is some uh anger or or some anxiety around that i don't know which one but usually that that knee jiggle that leg jiggle signals a lot of agitation around the idea there i think that's uh that's all i've got for you on that one all right great catch on that name mark great thanks i'm going to add one thing to the to the grooming gestures with a hair mark a lot of times people do that to get that heat from them get get off them you'll see people women will do that when they have a lot of hair they'll do that flip their hair back get some air back to help them calm down she's gotten out of that car she's been fussing and i think that's that's part of that as well and there's moab um uh in the van life as well you see a lot of a lot of grooming in the van life stuff as well yeah oh listen one last thing i want to say about the bass line you just reminded me in van life listen to her voice way lower way more considered uh there is a moment in van life where she complains about the rainstorm that's coming you'll hear a very naive childish voice come out at that point under stress and pressure there's a it seems to me there's some you know slight regression a naivety and uh um yeah that's probably the juvenile is a better word a more juvenile nature comes out and i think we're seeing that more juvenile nature come out here under stress and pressure of the police and the emotions going on which is you know not not unusual and and again fits in with her baseline even for our youtube work sorry that's all i got on that one excellent i wish i'd seen that i'm gonna go ahead and close your hair okay so2t9 i had the female that was on the masters separated from the mail keys are on the hood you want to tell me yeah i don't know really bad i just i was just cleaning and creating a bag of them before and i was apologizing to him and saying i'm sorry that i'm so mean because sometimes i have ocd and sometimes i just get really frustrated i'm not like mean foreign and i was just saying i'm sorry if i'm in a bad mood i'm just really stressed i had so much work i was doing on my computer this morning what do you do for a living um well i i hate forgetting an organic juice bar but i just hit my dog okay i was a nutritionist that's right that was my dad i just um travel across the country and i'm trying to start a blog so i've been building my website so i've just been really stressed and he doesn't really believe that i could do any of it kind of been like uh i don't know he's like why don't we do this why don't i sit you down in the back seat of my car you're not in any trouble okay i'm not gonna be putting handcuffs on you you obviously don't have any weapons i'm gonna get you into the air conditioning let you take a breath relax a little bit and then i'll come back and talk to you in a few minutes okay okay all you're not in any trouble right now so tell me what's going on we see this gets worked up sometimes and i try and really distance myself from her so like i i locked the car and i won't relate to her what happened this morning is that she's trying to start up like his own little website vlog and everything so like every time we really had a nice morning and if anything but um she just got worked up as you're trying to get going and get her day going because you want to go um you want to tell me about those scratches on your face she hit himself on her hand that's why i was pushing her away because i see she wanted me i like the keys so i could walk away i said let's just take a breather and let's not you know go anywhere let's just calm down for a minute and then she had her phone was trying to get the fusion so that way i was just trying to i know i shouldn't push it i was just trying to push her away to go let's let's just take a minute step back and breathe and let's see if she got moved here can i see your hand oh you got a mark right here oh that's from a wire that's on a wire yeah you want to tell me about hitting that curve hitting the curve was her grabbing the wheel did she grab the wheel yeah she said i can't leave again pulled over here what about the speed you should take over the you know i don't have the pedal on you if i was going fast i'm sorry i know it's probably just the moment i'm still shaking now you generally seen the light splashing up and then gripping the wheel and so if i sped up i'm sorry about that what if i was feeding beforehand i'm sorry about that yeah quite a bit to catch up to you yeah i'm sorry about that we're just going into the park again to get water because you have a 6 gallon water container to fill up so we're just careful wonderful okay and we're just i was trying to keep everything calm and quiet because they're playing still to go for a hike i'm do sorry a favor you want to go ahead and just take a seat right over here on the curb for me and i'm sorry you don't have anything in my pocket or anything like that nope just the wallet all right and then do you mind lifting your shirt so i can check your waistband i got to turn around i just i just want to make sure that's all man go ahead do me a favor take a seat all right all right greg what do you got yeah i'm going to just run down a list of things i'm going to tell you something that studies have indicated at least and some people disagree with it i guarantee you that ring to index finger is a good indicator of testosterone exposure in the womb and affects how your brain functions and all those kinds of things i whether it works or not i will tell you i've paid attention to that when i'm going to altercation in a business meeting or something with someone to look and see where testosterone's power is pattern the brain people who have high testosterone levels or a lot of exposure have higher risk profiles that's usually the only real advantage to it or disadvantage so they're more liable to take that altercation a little bit further and that kind of thing just take that for what it is i'll leave that part it there what he does is he's open now he does have fight or flight you can't miss it he's his eyes are a little wider his breathing's a little increased but he doesn't create an exoskeleton he's not afraid enough to do that he does illustrate with his hands and there's some hemispheric i'll leave to you chase but he does use his hands when he's talking about positive with one and negative with the other he's open he responds to every question he responds appropriately he gives more information which is pretty typical and if you don't believe that when you get pulled over by a police officer and they say can i have your license and registration what do you typically say it's not here they go it's well i was doing this or i was doing that and yeah and they all know that that's bs you're just trying to give information trying to make it friendly because our nature is either to attack or to take away that fight or flight and that's what you see him doing here as well i'm not going to cover a whole lot here but i want you to pay attention to his demeanor and him being helpful and him talking about her grabbing the wheel now later when we cover the rest of the story we'll figure out what actually happened but here you're seeing that you're also seeing him here talking about having altercation where he tried to close the door and told her to get away and pushed her off and he told her to calm down so their stories are matching you think that when somebody's trying to hide something their stories wouldn't match now this stop has nothing to do as far as we know with what happened to ms potato what it does have to do is establishing where they were in this relationship at this point in time which is a few weeks back i'll leave it at that and say chase what do you got yeah i think he does start out to be actually dismissive of this blog that she's starting when he says the word little before she's starting a little blog or website uh but his behavior is hyper-compliant and when i'm teaching the intelligence people for interrogation or recruiting operations we have a we have a fight flight freeze response but there's a fourth f that we add in there who's a person who does friend and that's the person who tries to make friends with the animal that's trying to kill it or the potential threat and we're seeing that hyper compliance here and this uh anxiety is likely from the police situation the scratches story when he's talking about the scratches he doesn't try to disparage her at all he says i was trying to dismo distance myself from that he doesn't say her specifically he's saying that which means he's not trying to make her look a certain way at all and when he says uh about the phone he said she had a phone in her hand not she hit me with the phone not she scratched me with the phone none of the actions that she actually took he's just trying to say she had a phone in her hand it was an accident and he's hyper compliant with the police his head and one of the quickest ways to test compliance is to point so when this police officer points back to the curb this guy's head jerks so fast back to where the police officer is pointing before he even gives an instruction to look in that direction so that is a definition of hybrid compliance he's he's wide open and i've said hyper compliance about 72 times uh so far so i'm gonna stop mark what do you got yeah uh so so i will say uh that he is very helpful and and he talks a lot like he's giving a lot of of information and if we just take that as a baseline of how he interacts with a police inquiry which is in right now it's interesting that of today's date it's the uh 18th of uh september i think uh this am i right september i'm terrible with with days months and everything left and right uh so 18th of september as of today um this particular mail has disappeared or is not available and can't be found so and and and will not talk to the police so this that's a very different way to be than he is in this if you take this as his baseline today his baseline is a is one of uh ghosting essentially disappeared gone into the ether so that's kind of kind of interesting um he his illustrators are uh are really good you know lock the car he does the the the graphic illustrator for that um he points his finger on distance myself from her and i believe that pointing of the finger is to say and that's the right thing to do the right thing to do is to distance myself from her i think actually truly that is a very very good tactic on the whole if you are ever in a situation where you feel that um that you could get wound up uh in in other people's emotions or your own you're feeling yourself getting hot you're feeling yourself getting angry upset anxious one of the best things you can do is just walk away move away go somewhere else on the whole it's it's one of the best bets for de-escalation is not being there and so i i agree with his de-escalation around that though it seems like sometimes he moves into isolating himself well that's something very very different you know isolation over time is different from distancing yourself over a short amount of time that's kind of interesting to know yes we see his hand shaking before he said hey my hands are shaking so that's really useful we see him do the push gesture i pushed her away so again good illustrator however looking a little bit into this um the altercation that he's talking about which was witnessed the witness says that he pushed her face or grabbed her face now that's pushing like that is very different from up here okay so but i don't know whether that's true or not you know how accurate that witness is but if that is true there's a big difference between what he's saying and what somebody's saying is is going on and it's always as a general rule pretty bad idea to go and touch other people's faces scott what do you got um we're not seeing any regulators here so he feels free to talk again the police officers are doing a great job at de-escalating this and finding out what's going on the officer's tone is a little a little bit stronger with this guy that is with her because this is a guy and he's you know he's going to be put up a much better fight than she could or if he was gonna start something seeing tons of illustrators a lot of illustrators here and that's cool but they contin when he's finished they go down to his sides again this and greg and i talked about this before as well looks like he may have been involved with somehow with law enforcement before it could be just that he's doing that because you know it looks innocent but he's doing a lot of things that say he's being so nice and he's saying all the right things that sort of tip you off maybe this guy's dealt has been pulled over a lot maybe i guess you'd say in that case um we're seeing hand do it nothing wrong with that oh yeah so uh we're seeing a lot of hand wringing again showing stress trying to get rid of that built up stress and tension that's those are his adapters then he explains explains he doesn't uh realize he was speeding and then again he's maybe guys right maybe he redirects because he's um just talking just wants to talk about something so he starts talking about that six gallon container water container so that's um which is fairly common you're right when somebody's nervous like that they'll they'll end up doing the saying those types of things um what else about god here and in comparison you know he's really calm compared to her you know emotionally he's he's calm whereas mostly she was a little bit out of control over there and uh and with her um mental state after being in a fuss if they were fussing all the way through there like that's understandable now i think he he locked the car because he's afraid she's gonna leave him out there in the desert so i believe that's why he took the key and said let's get up let's go out let's leave everything here and we'll go out and and do the hike or whatever i think that's that's one of the situations we're dealing here because maybe they fuss a lot and when they do maybe she goes hard one direction and it just he's like i can't chance being left out here in the desert like this so that that's a possibility that's what reminds me of anyway i think we're seeing confidence in this guy and taking what everybody what you guys all of you have said into consideration about this i think we're seeing confidence in this guy because he knows this isn't his fault and he didn't do it and he probably loves her you know maybe he loves her and that's why he's being like as chase was saying before he's not disparaging her not saying anything bad and i think his confidence comes from having not started it and trying to i think everything we're hearing them say actually happened i think they're both being honest about what happened i'm not seeing deception here anywhere i don't see anybody trying to hide anything i don't see anybody running from anything so i think we're seeing uh them being honest about the bus they were having and that's obviously why they got pulled over and i don't think this guy's a psychopath we're seeing nothing in there at this point that says that he would be or shows any behavior like that whatsoever so all right we good you're yeah in any trouble right now so tell me what's going on we see this gets worked up sometimes and i try and really distance myself from her so like i i lock the car and i won't relate to her what happened this morning is that she's trying to set up like his own little website vlog and everything so like every time we really had a nice morning and if anything but um she just got worked up as you're trying to get going and get our day going because you want to go um you want to tell me about those scratches on your face she hit herself on her hand that's why i was pushing her away because i see she wanted me i like the keys so i could walk away i said let's just take a breather and let's not you know go anywhere let's just calm down to go let's just take a minute step back and breathe and let's see if she got it can i see your hand oh you got a mark right here oh that's from a wire that's on a wire yeah you want to tell me about hitting that curve hitting the curve with her grabbing the wheel did she grab the wheel yeah she said i can't leave again pulled over here what about the speed you should take over the no i don't have a pedal on you if i was going fast i'm sorry i know it's probably just the moment of i'm still shaking now you generally seen the light splashing up and then gripping the wheel so if i sped up i'm sorry about that or if i was speeding beforehand i'm sorry about that quite a bit to catch up to you yeah i'm sorry about that we're just going into the park again to get water because we have a 6 gallon water container to fill up so we're just grabbing one for the height and we're just i was trying to keep everything calm and quiet because there's plenty still to go for a hike do me a favor you want to go ahead and just take a seat right over here on the curb for me i'm sorry you don't have anything in my pocket or anything like all right and then do you mind lifting your shirt so i can check the waistband i gotta turn around for me real quick perfect nothing i just i just want to make sure that's all man go ahead do me a favor take a seat all right so let's let's throw around and uh very quickly um let's let's uh say what we think's going on we'll go mark chase and greg then back to me mark what do you got yeah so it's a pretty honest exchange going on here the main issue for me is even though all of us would be you know relatively compliant under this situation taking that as a baseline for him of course i wonder just like everybody else why so quiet now why so less visible right now why not just talk to the police with a lawyer right now if there's no issue why not be just as there was no issue back then why if there's no issue right now why not just repeat the behavior that we saw back there because that behavior that we saw back there all looks fine i think we see and we'll explore this more two personalities that that could get themselves into trouble in a pressure cooker of a van absolutely and if there's no issue talk to the police with the lawyer should be no problems with that chase what do you got on this one yeah i totally agree and this this whole i need to get away from this and isolate myself seems to be an mo and a repeating theme and i'm hopeful very hopeful in the next couple of days he'll come forward and at least say something to the effect of this is the last time i saw her and i don't know anything else even if it's just that uh that that would speak volumes i do think and uh you guys would probably agree that in an interrogation room by himself uh he could be led to just about anything in a very quick succession uh so i think if that's the concern he has an attorney for that uh or just call in a tip to the tip line if you don't want to speak to the police uh so hopefully something happens soon uh and it's it's possible that he just left and he knows already that she's just fine so he's not saying anything at all and he's totally confident that she is just fine so we have multiple outcomes here we are going to be digging into this this week and getting back to you uh on this for sure greg yeah remember this is just a traffic stop after an altercation they happen to have had something going on inside the van doesn't mean we know anything what i will tell you is these are relative kids these are 22 23 year olds all of us as we age get better and better ideally at dealing with relationships the most complex relationship in our life is the romantic one whatever it is and it's the only one we don't approach for the contract that says here's my entitlement here's my expectations we have unspoken expectations a person who might expect that everything's really tidy and is living in a van with a person who doesn't see that creates all kinds of things people feed off each other's negative energy and things can get really out of hand and i think you hit you both hit on it dead on it this guy's style may be to back away from any kind of conflict and that's reason he's not responding let's hope it didn't escalate further i've had many many many soldiers who worked for me who had this relationship exactly and i would say get out of that relationship it's not going to end well for you because you just keep feeding on each other now imagine cramming into a very tight space and then going cross country and now you're losing all those other inputs and then when somebody says to you remember i always say you're not who you are you're who other people think you are and if people say to you you're never going to have a blog or you're never going to do this or you're never going to do that then you start to lose that then something else happens lots of bad things can happen especially when there's no spoken entitlement or expectation and so here we are i would just say let's hope for the best i don't expect to see the best coming out of this but then i'm just john distance my nature he is very compliant and chase to your point this guy could be led from an unscrupulous interrogator into a confession like that you can see it because he's so compliant scott what do you got all right there's a something else that's been added to this or it's been brought in is are two people who were together uh two women who've been killed as well out in that area i don't think that's what we're looking at they said it's not not related oh they did say that okay okay i didn't shoot i haven't seen that yet um okay great because i was gonna say i don't believe that's that he's part of that at all so i think that's what we're seeing is two personalities that are button heads and it doesn't seem very dangerous at the time that police officers weren't alarmed about it and then they didn't have the body language that said either one of them was alarmed about it so we'll we'll uh we'll see what happens i guess i'm not i'm not you know like all of us we're not sure what happened but and everybody has their own thing to say about him all right be good yeah oh listen subscribe subscribe subscribe follow what we're doing be great to see you here each week and as this progresses we hope in a really positive way so see you again soon yeah if you like what we're doing be sure and subscribe all right this is good and fellas we'll see you in a couple of days uh [Music] is
Channel: The Behavior Panel
Views: 891,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: body language, bodycam video, breaking news, brian laundrie, brian laundrie florida, gabby, gabby petito, gabby petito body found, gabby petito boyfriend, gabby petito boyfriend lawyer, gabby petito fiance, gabby petito van life, gabrielle petito, long island, missing, missing gabby petito, missing girl, missing person, missing woman, nomadic statik, road trip, the behavior panel, true crime, utah, van life, what happened to gabby petito, where is gabby petito
Id: yxlC7y5wfrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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