💥 💥 💥 FULL PACK CASH 7s Scratch Cards LIVE 🤞🤞🤞

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hi everyone hi hope you use it all okay so I just wants to come on and just apologize for being a little bit late I've just been trying to sort out and my internet and stuff and see which is best and but I hope use it all okay it's Friday super excited this so we're gonna get started in a sec hang on Oh God and we're gonna get started in a minute mmm I've got loads of shout outs to do so we're just gonna give a huge huge shout out to all the smiley members whoo send in your lots of love only half cuz yes I've done my hair today it's a bit different um but I wanted to give Millie a huge happy birthday cuz I said ten birthday happy birthday Millie I hope you have a lovely lovely birthday um the next birthday was Becca M and there she is in shock hello happy 21st for the other day Becca I hope you had a lovely lovely birthday I'm so yeah we'll get started I'm just gonna turn this round if there's any issues with tonight's internet I'll just go on remove our data book up to now I'm on Wi-Fi Hey okay right let's turn this round wha hang on hopefully I've got it sorted yes this is all the smiley members whoo so big shout outs he is all just with everyone anything just about right I'm gonna pop the flash on hopefully it won't go off today so big shout out to all the amazing smiley members I love years old and happy Friday whoo still haven't received me nails so unfortunately anyway so everybody who is involved shoutout big super smiley shoutout fears all I'm just gonna check the chat okay I've got it off right let's put the bin there lets me drink there okie dokie look what we've got absolutely buzzin right let me just I forgot to get me background paper there is me 50 pence I've been a lot of only 50 pence for the last hour and it unto me couch what an auntie Oh Dookie oh we've got a new member riyer humbly my lovely welcome welcome welcome off sat on me paper oh dear I'm gone let me sort I'm off for the organised even though I've ads you know good few hours to get sort of like you know what I mean oh I really hope is it all okay this Friday thank God it's Friday will you we've got an absolute behind their fingers crossed fingers crossed we're gonna start off from 59 and go back so happy Friday everyone oh thank you thank you thank you thank you I'm so excited I really are right let's get started I will use me fifty pence now with these M you can win five ten twenty thirty fifty hundred two hundred one thousand five thousand fifty thousand but we want that 1 million we want that 1 million we do we do okay we've got counters we've got moderators we've got lots and lots of things going on let's get started we need red sevens really because they're the doubles and then obviously the black sevens let me just take a quick drink I hope you've all got your snacks and I'm not ignoring the chat I've got the laptop next to me but I'm trying trying to concentrate okey-dokey okay let's get going please if you haven't already smash that like button the thumbs up button oh dear right I'm gonna do a test which is better okay let's get going to Black's no no no oh do you know what I've left me bail over there I'll have to go and get me bail in a minute ring-a-ding-ding does everyone see the card okay and the pictures okay and everything okay come on No so 59 no matches there we're looking for fingers over here let's picture okay Oh God thank you very much Joseph I left a message yeah I'm about that I tried to do a little test on the the Wi-Fi or so the phase called no me Bell ding ding I've missed one already oh jeez what would I do without you I have thank you so much I feel like the focus okay thank you thank you it was a five no win I'm just gonna put them straight in my bin otherwise there's a mess all right let's go with are we 58 right let's try the 50 pence and see if that's any better yeah that's a bit better than a okay not gonna be perfect tonight we don't want to be at all night 7 7 1 seven seven seven widow a nurse girls dinner get in okie-dokie if you have all am a con even speak if you've got a youtube channel please share when I get loads of people watching because hopefully we're gonna find the jackpot seven seven six okay um you've got to down the bottom seven seven two seven seven three or hey come on where's them fingers no nothing there but we've got a winner yes actually put the losers to the left hopefully there's not that many I'm absolutely roast and already but you know wha what how bad is the wind today everyone oh my goodness I spent most of me [ __ ] and picking off everyone's bins and plants unbelievable I closed me Windsors before because the the winds were just terrible come on let's get another winner no no go on oh right just need to move it up a little bit there any problems or anything with the picture just put a bigger mode you're so on loads of emojis so I can see I feel like the screens like a bit misty again where's my camera let me just wipe the screen hang on there we go that's a little bit better oh good okey if anyone's got any questions or anything the moderators will help you out my lovely friends no win on that one and if I miss any which I've already done so far let me know just pop a big a loads of emoji so I can see them from the corner of my eye okie dokie No narrow narrow one of these Falls gotta win come on no no boot although through all the way down I didn't even notice that oh yes she lead I love them emojis I'm so proud honestly I'm not a very technical person but know when they're and I did spend hours doing those new emojis yes we've got a winner winner Scouse dinner over miss one where are my a thank you thank you everyone know it's a loser but we've got a match there still could be a father still could be a father that's not either I did I honestly thought I'd won like what was it 20 quid last time little stinkers okey dokey we're on to card 55 and guess what I can say the number 17 cuz I haven't got me phone seventeen seventeen seventeen Oh the Northey number I've missed seven and a Vista supercharged of I'm so sorry who sent the super chat I'm so sorry I do apologize Kimberly Kiev thank you so much for the super chart mum mum mum mum mah Laura Russell I have only just started my lovely so we're on card 55 of 60 going backwards because I'm saving my 0:01 to the end so fasten your seat belts everyone get your snacks and drinks at the ready oh yes gonna be I reckon an hour easy easy to do this other than our I might even do a records and get it done before right Chris has full puffs over nothing they're not mister knee now right come on fingers got a ring wallet vault so no win on that one oh I've just nearly put it on the wind impale this dust is gonna be everywhere I might zoom in a little bit and gone and then I can just move the cards I've missed another one geez concentrate rice come on then let's see whoever missed I asked oh my goodness what's going on it's a loser aha honestly what's going on I think I'm panicking because I don't want to be too long but guess what we'll just take me time I'm just gonna do this face row fast Oh a shot oh look at that we've got a five day and then we've got a three and a two that could have been a full card right come on let's concentrate seven seven one seven seven seven winner winner Scouse dinner I know I know I want to I enjoy it and take me time but then obviously you know I don't want to be too long you know it's Friday night um I was just gonna say you normally got places to go to but we haven't are free at the moment yes we know we're there the only place to be is here on super smiley scratch cards oh yeah that is three winners so far get in please if you haven't already there's a hundred and nineteen watchin and only 51 thumbs up even please just give us a thumbs up for me bad nails me poor nails man we've got three winners ooh all winners [Laughter] five witness all this is a good one this was a good one get in come on oh no right two more left come on no yes we have six winners that's a good idea MA and I just seen that get in I'm gonna zoom out because if I miss any one two three four five six winners yes in cod 54 if anyone's interested rice give us her fingers down here please come on no it's a staff you can still see you can't you a boat and a ring oh I'm gonna kiss this one winner winner right let me just move that out the way oh that was a good one six winners six times five not bad not bad okay let's hope that there's a full card and this you can win up to 18 times on a ticket 18 times whoo I'd love to get a full card okay no six to seven but the wrong color okay wrong color Guan Quan ah dang seven seven three down the bottom we've got five seven one three nine nine so nothing there come on fingers no no no it's a loser ooh losers in the bin losers to the left and concentrate concentrate concentrate Kyle but I'm so excited Oh daddy me alright let's see what this first row has photos bit wobbly there okey-dokey top three come on no no no the bottom come on I'm so sorry I'm not ignoring chat I'm just concentrating but I want to say a big gonna ride on that hello to everybody and happy Friday right nothing there fingers yes winner winner Scouse dinner come on let this is a good park okie dokie card 52 is a VIN yeah baby you know what I did the usual you know before I do a live when I know I'm gonna be you know a good hour maybe and got myself a drink got me lip balm next to me and being the toilet but I already need the toilet I think it's cuz I'm so excited okay seven seven five seven eight seven nine seven seven eight seven four seven one seven seven six to down the bottom 7 6 7 7 boo just checking out of it mr. Lee fingers fingers are you there baby no loser in the bin next one card number fifty okay where are we it Martin will you do me a favor and remind me to take a screenshot of that one word 6m wins on please cuz that's a good idea that could be me thumbnail that could be my thumbnail right unless we get a full card that would be lovely thank you very much seven seven one seven seven six seven seven nope yes do you play woohoo do you play winner winner winner scouts dinner winner winner scows dinner ha ha fingers no but we have a red yeah baby face won hmm okay 49 let's go baby if you are new why not subscribe we do fun things like this all the time um Shelly is going to be doing the next full pack oh yeah SHhhh which will be coming very soon to a cinema near you seven seven eight no no I'd like to see a few more Reds please if you don't mind these three will be lovely jubbly come on no no no no okay I'd love to find the fingers down on the bottom on that one that would be a good one but this is a loser oh do it again losers to the left losers to the left right taeho ah I thought that might have in all seven then okay just about our know there's a couple more at the bottom you I've gotta move it'll fall I'm concentrating I'm not talking I'm concentrating seven seven no no no mm hobbies all beanie is all okay you all managing okay okie dokie Kel I've just seen that Thank You lovely I will double check it I've got them all in the bin and that all in order so don't worry I will double check all of the cards and that when I say in the bin that it's just a little wicker bin next to me and it's empty so there's nothing in there but these cards so don't worry I will double-check them when I finished but I hope use it all managing okay what'd they say lockdown bit of a nightmare like a ripple we've got to do what we've got to do a gotta do everyone needs to stay safe no oh Danny do you got new phone whoo-hee break you know the one though oh no he had insurance nothin there Oh Sharleen Lynch thank you so much for the super chat mum um um um um um wha no win on that one thank you so much healing I've left me other to aim kisi one over there the nice thing sorry yeah yes Lauren : we were I mean honestly I can only apologise because I've had the post-op since I think Saturday last week and I was wanting to do it midweek but unfortunately a few things popped off and and then I was waiting for a few people to get back in touch I did say Mundi would be the cutoff for honestly but Shelley's gonna do the next one but if you keep your eye out on Facebook on our SNC Scratchy's page will be updated on their what Shelley's doing next and obviously Shelley I'll post it on a channel as well so if you want to get involved in the next one we do that's what you gotta do oh no fell out the car Oh God on to you me fingers oh yes please let that be a hundreds quitter come on please that would be absolutely amazing if that's wondrous it couldn t it could still be a fiver though could still be a fire because that's how sneaky they are but at least we've got a winner I said I wanted one down there getting all Lauren Glen did you get a fireman on that as well it's terrible in it the first time I scratched these I got I think it was the middle one oh no nice been the top one and I thought I'd won 20 quid and then when I scratched it it's had a fiver I was a oh you cheeky monkies naughty that prepare naughty definitely not see that okay come on let's find some more winners winner winners where are you who read come on [Music] yes we're not winner Scouse dinner get in no no fingers but we got a winner do it do it this can take me forever actually it's taking me longer than I thought I might say change it a little bit I'm gone if I can write this fall that might be a bit quick I might in it righty-ho let scratchy scratchy well our tables and annoying me right well if we go up one two three four five hey-oh not one and not one seven okay fingers no it's a loser loses to the last card we on 43 we are on come on I'm gonna have to run to the toilette the ladies room at card forty Oh miss one there okay one chance they know all right we've got a few ear not that one no just check I haven't missed any more No okie dokie fingers fingers are you hiding no losers to the left I have to keep saying it otherwise I'll forget which piles put them on I love miss love this one my god hang on Oh either good I have right there thank you so much I love yours still a loser Oh such a I won't say that plunk I sometimes okey-dokey let's get some more come on come on oh gosh that was harsh no yeah go on this red one oh wow are you hiding oh yeah no next one is 41 come on baby let's get another I would love to find a full card that would be epic how much for the full car be 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 so it'd be unjust wouldn't it it'd be a hundred minimum if I can find minimum minimum inman if I could find I'm a full card minimum over Andhra quid I want to be lush no come on no three at the bottom two chances come on come on come on wah are they good thank you so much Cal I just seen the emojis out the corner to me I lovely um yeah they're they're good they're doing all right a monkey is with dad at the moment so he's having fun with dad and me and pans are chilling and getting loads of stuff done around the house I'm not been feeling too well the last couple of days but I managed to do a pet a bit of painting in the back garden so if painted me fences green I'll have to send the picture on the whatsapp group when I finished I'm nearly finished come on but yeah so I scrub the nail honestly seriously my nails has literally green paint all over them it took me forever to scrub it off I thought I can't go live with green nails although these are all doing fantastic this Friday loser hi Melanie Warner Newcastle tune tune black Umayyad army hey for all them Newcastle funds and fuzzy fans have been reading about the new owner I'm Newcastle of souls that haven't the Mike Ashley is on his way ucch about time any tune fans in telling ya Oh cliff Butler hello and I used to love and I've still got my stickers cuz I was a bit of a tomboy and I used to collect the panini football stickers oh and I've still got some of me like Alan Shearer and Gary Speed bless her soul a loads of the eighties players I've still got them letting me loft and me memories box no nothing there they were the best teams live Phil as well yes we've got another whoo get in look at that baby all I know that's another under Quinn quid con speak when awareness girls dinner okay well I'm 38 come on or so do i lifestyle adventures with Ben so do I my lovely I'm gonna have to get a toilet after this oh I don't know there's a couple at the bottom dang that that's what we like to see seven seven gentlemen I'm sorry for that their table I must invest in a new table soon grace where are we oh my goodness Robert Ohio Ohio tickets with Robert thank you so much for the super chat bought menu Robert my friend support man you that's the man you I still love you alone Robert well thank you so much for the super chat I'm just hoping I'm praying that left pool got this title I'm telling you now hey it would be epic Sharleen you've got em nothing on this one now let me just double check now losers to the left oh I'm gone if I miss one to read sevens to read sevens to Reds I have thank you very much my lovelies it's a for right one more and then I'm gonna have to pop to the ladies room I'll only be like two minutes I promise and I was a good girl you know why when you get on a bus journey also and I thought that was loads of 7/3 I went before as well one I said I think I'm just excited I'm excited water plunk and I am Oh Deary me rice are we ready red quad quad gone whoa all right got to there no just say to at the bottom Guan 100 I can't believe we found two M two fingers in this box all gods Oh God right losers to the left right I will okay maybe not two minutes David I will be four minutes because I'm gonna wash me and so you might even hear me singing [Laughter] guess who's back back again dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee right two seconds okay let's go where we off to where do we up to Oh Kimberly Keough thank you so much our Callum family Laura P faster I'm falling asleep I'm so sorry haha thank you so much for the super choc Kimberly and you Danny one one run the memra I haven't got em hearted me I haven't got my kissy sound effects it's over the other side of the room so you'll have to make do with my air kisses let me just get rid of this aimed austere cuz it's doing my head in off you go thank you kindly reg da here we go got two at the top no right we've got a few ear no no Oh George I don't know if you can hear them be neighbors coughing oh God he's normally sneezin but he's been coffin I'm hoping he's okay my meat nothing on cards 36 that's gone queer honey that's gone down quick we were our 51 the other couple of minutes ago the fastest scratch yeah not anyway the fastest scratch it is the fastest scratcher on YouTube is Shelly this is Shirley Shirley so happy you are back my lovely we've missed you so much I cannot wait and Shelley's gonna be doing the next full pack so if anyone is interested who isn't involved in this one and wants to or missed it missed out um then just get back in touch with us on Facebook on our page and Shelley will let you know that information oh yes right fingers no no and no no when I'm just double-checking but I don't really need to because you will all help me out won't ya keep me right everyone now it's starting to get a little bit darker now but I've got my blinds wide open if anyone looks through and sees that a the torch of me favoring that we think what an end is she doing right one there come on no down on the bottom where are we no go on go on go on who are you why I order okey-dokey no loser to the left okay I do apologize if anyone's new I do normally chat a little bit more in the chat bolt because I'm concentrating on this card I'm not ignoring anyone so anyone if anyone comes in and says hello I'm so sorry I'm not an ignore I'm gonna pop me teeth in not ignoring you just gotta concentrate on these oh yes okay where are we up to down yeah nah gwaan go on oh yeah sinker start the tough now called Russia tree that was true tea tree if anyone's interested 33 was a Luthor right went on to 32 right we've got one there call a okay go on go on mmm-hmm go on then I love you instead no oh I don't like I'm missing out on the chat I'm so sorry wonder what everyone's talking about seven no look Godot key come on whoo not good what was the last win and card 39 I'm what on card 31 come on oh thank you so much Lee Miller for the first ever super chat my lovely whoo-hoo well I don't know if you've been on my channel long but when he sends a super chart you get entered into the end of the month draw it's called super smiley now it's called super superstar super something club I can't remember but your name will be wrote down it will be placed in a fishbowl and if chosen out you will win the prize so stay tuned because it's coming up very soon to a cinema near you so thank you very much Lee your first ever super chat with you and don't forget all the members oh yes you get your extra names wrote down for any giveaways it's a loser or any common eads another winner now nem giveaways the super chats and the games nice you got your extra names as part of the membership oh yeah come on red seven now I feel like we've got another big win come on opportun no three here whoo go on go on yes when awareness girls dinner oh yes double whammy winner winner I said I feel like a big Winkle they could be fifty quid each come on come on yes get in we knew three wins still ain't beatin the six yet gwaan oh okay if anyone's just tuned in we've got a card with six wins on and remember these are five-pound cards so the minimum on one line is five quid sorry I'm getting excited oh gosh it's so cool it's so much fun who needs to go out who needs to go out when you could stay in and watch me scratch some cats listen I've just checked the chat eighty thumbs up 81 thumbs up and a hundred and seventy four people in chat that is amazing thank you all so so much and I hope that you having a little bit of fun meeting some new friends having a chitchat on this fantastic Friday night if I'm just having a drink and if you've got a youtube channel please share it on your channel get some of your friends to come over make some new friends maybe oh yes all right let me have a drink but this is the best community the best people and the best friends on this channel they're all absolutely amazing super duper lovely lovely people you own me it's a nice a bunch of people that's why I love everyone so much because she's just all fun justic he's all fun dubby doozy and use it all like me we all have a laugh we all have a chitchat that's it flutter by get the bees in the chat hey hello Keith where you being my lovely man Geo you might have been in for a while I haven't seen yet I do sorry I apologize I am sorry I can't see the chat watch because I'm scratching these try not to miss any more I've missed a few that's a big aces are they never realized that before okay nothing there right oh I can see blue scratch cards with Louise hello and thank you so much for this super chat my lovely number this is not for you this is for the card it's a loser just checking yeah thank you so much scratch cards with Louise no no no you have some entries as well hello Michaela loves sons Jones how are you is that Christopher is that Christopher if it is big shout-out to Chris so far okie dokie Keith this is a full pack and it's not just mine neither buddy-buddies as few was involved I wish that I could afford to do a full pack of myself but I can't so that's why we love doing these fall packs we get lots of people involved who alejos and would love to be a part of a full pack but can't afford to go out and spend three under quid on scratch cards so that's why I love doing them because it brings us all together at least you can say you've been part of a fantastic fantastic hello Andrea Stefan how are you I can see if someone pops emojis in I can see it comes off the corner of my eye oh haha oh my gosh we've gone up to 95 clothes off that is amazing what our record can remember was it over hundreds that would be amazing if we can have another record breaker because we got a record break out on a live ones where there was I think there was over 200 people in life there was over a hundred thumbs up and we had a hundred pound winner as a giveaway it was unbelievable I nearly cried and it was just before Christmas if he's remember I'm right that was a loser does anyone remember that a lovely a hundred pound winner before Christmas for me and that laughs I can't remember their name damn oh it's a hot didn't eight oh my goodness we do these can all of the bail for that thank you so much that is amazing thank you thank you love years old honestly if you're enjoying it why not oh haha just a few nori numbers to spoil it hi Ken Randall she lives there I love you star Shailene that means that share liens being a member for a month so she's got the next one which is a little star I made the other night oh yes again like I said earlier I'm awfully good with technical stuff but I'm just about managed to make some emojis no and badges is Yorkshire scratcher in I'm waiting for them to email me back no and no I'm yeah if if Yorkshire scratches in that would be a far because I'm tell him Tory off an email me back right there's nothing on that one not missed any losses to the left oh my gosh is just Nathan Thompson hello James Parker thank you so much for the super chat and someone said he's new ally made well hello my friend how are you happy Friday or was he uh nearly early ah nobody's I laughter descends Minh of the email elite welcome to super smelly scratchcards I hope you well this Friday if you're not scratch subscribe because we've got a good couple of em games and giveaways coming up very soon it's nearly the end of the month and we have such a lovely laughs a lovely laughs it is it your lovely laughs right come on I wanna run on another red I want another table do bleh well not on this card no nothing there okay let's see let's see let's see Oh No Olli made well am i near Paul's mouth no I'm not from Paul's mouth are you taking the Mickey are you taking the Mickey lads calm down calm down Oh Deary me what was the last number when hang on 30 and we are on 25 yes from Liverpool I am oh I've just got a bit dizzy I think it's because I'm getting too excited now I need some Pepsi oh I'm glad I'm having a head spin moments I need to stop just for a second sorry uno momento but furball I'm just having a quick drink of me Pepsi I mean oh my gosh my head right once there and you know what it is I think it's me eyes are going funny I think it's me eyes going funny with the aim the light and all these sevens literally had a head spin a moment then it's not good I'll be end up like that scratching the card Avery yeah Oh No Oh dearie me come on let's get some more winners down the bottom was that on camera yeah okay I will be seeing seven in me sleep you are exactly right it was a cheerleader Shirley Shirley Biddle comb or Combe sorry sorry lovely oh dear I will I'll go to bed seeing these red cards okay 25 is a Musa right oh the moderators will help you out with any questions you've got just cuz I'm concentrating on these cards so I'm missing some of the chats well I'm missing most of it actually to be honest with ya but normally I do have a chitchat about fizzy drink and putting the cards the wrong sides and putting that there okay and so if you've got any questions yet my moderators will help you out they're the ones with the blue spanners oh yes come on we need another big win oh I thought we were gonna get one then dang no okay two at the bottom come on come on Guan Quan yes we know winners girls dinner oh I am seriously good enough to have a little break in a minute oh my goodness we've got a hundred and sixteen thumbs up and we've got a hundred and ninety-four oh my gosh we only need six more to get into 200 come on get you in and everyone get Sharon Shelley I forgot to ask you did you share this on our Facebook page that would have been lovely right we've got a win whooh oh-lee and the moderators will help you out I've just seen a mask again sorry oh right are we ready where are we hang on day when I'm called 23 I walk on a bit wonky on that line me I think I was funny there again Oh Deary me right come on I want lots of winners oh yes I'm telling you now I don't want to jinx myself for sometimes one when I've said I want lots of winners I can a win on the cards oh my gosh we've got 199 in one more person someone grab the knee grab someone off the street and tell them to yeah lucky and what's in that excuse me mate can you just log in to this YouTube for a second Katie thrifty hauls thank you so much for the super chat my lovely London ah that would be hilarious though wouldn't it right did we get a winner forgot yeah we've got the red one oh right fingers fingers come on come on no but we've got to win we've got a double eye we gotta do bleh yes we've got to I don't want people eat oh my goodness that is amazing thank you all so much these are the best this is amazing our absolutely loved use all this is just so cool hello hello Marcos ISA hello my lovely I would love to pronounce your second name because honestly I love like like awkward names and I always get them wrong I've zoomed in to watch my god I always get them wrong but I hope that's okay Margot Zita I've got a friend called our Connie remember it's a tongue twister Shelley scratchcards thank you so much for the super chat number hi JB I just seen you there right I want to get a full card could this be a full card we've got five we've got six come on we've got seven could this be a full card everyone oh I thought that was gonna be Oh God Oh David devastated oh oh what a shame dang I would love to get one I know I said that I'm just getting overly excited now sorry I think we've got a good little a good little party yeah I really do right come on let's get another read all right got three there ones around a bottom no and this one no so nothing over that side right fingers right I'm gonna start at the bottom with the fingers because it seemed to wait before and then I changed it and we have another one over there for a while huh oh my goodness Catherine monk comedy thank you so much for the super chat my lovely honestly your name as well this takes so long to raise you know what cuz I already wrote some of the names down for the super chance and your name takes forever to write I was literally my hand seriously was akin the other day after that wrote your name a few times already both thank you so much for the super chat my Catherine mum mum mum mah and I was just gonna write em but I thought no her name's Catherine Montgomery so her name's getting wrote down as Catherine Montgomery come on write one more to bottom Guang Guang hmm right fingers oh oh we've got it anyway when awareness girls dinner oh la entertainment thank you so much for the super chart mama mama we got a win it could be 20 though it could be 20 doesn't have to be five could be ten copy 15 who knows but we will find out very soon come on right I think I'm gonna have to have a break in a minute though because my eyes are starting to hit again righty-ho oh go on go on soon let me just see let me just see ya oh okay that could be one two three four five six seven eight nine one of these ten ooh it does look good man I knew you'd appreciate that right come on we won't read oh yeah poo poo poo that looks so good yes we've got a winner winner do Blaine dinner get in come on come on make it any more we want more we want more chests stack tree another do you bleh whoo-hoo I think that three do blaze is it right I'll do this last one nineteen and I'm just gonna have to take two minutes in the kitchen just cause me eyes come on I know she should have put my glasses on right where are we laughs no now now go on go on no how about this one no right Oh nearly missed you at the bottom your little stinker nearly nearly right we're starting at the bottom oh yeah I know it doesn't mean it's a hundred quid and it still could be a fiver but that is three we have found three at the bottom that could be a hundred pounds on each one that would be our money back boom fun at a stick get in a cry fair or five as though I will cry if they had all fibers telling you now right I hope you don't mind but I just need to go and take two minutes and so have a little chitchat with your friends with everyone in chat everyone thank you so much I'll be back honestly in two minutes I just need to rest my eyes for a minute because they go in funny I'm going dizzy I promise I'm not gonna lose you again haki dokie I'm cool try not to dock the tripod right nice drink okie dokie let's carry on where we off to card 18 get in come on let's find some winners hope these are all okay ah that's six they look at that six man it wasn't a very good day well there's a couple okay let's see we've got walk three no no what's that seven seven three no Guang Guang Guang Wu nearly no not fair okay fingers come on no that's a loser losers to the left right let me just write this down Oh Jennifer Marsden hello how are you and glad you're staying safe in your flat my friends hang on me fell out the way she leaned how are you my lovely Jade Neil hello Keith hello Oh Keith said did I scratch the game on the left on the last card yes lovely you must have blinked your eyes I was that quick oh dear ha right um hi J James have just nearly called you James Harden James Harden's Oh Harden's James I've just nearly called you're James Harden's Oh isn't it funny the way the brain works and you look at something or you say something the wrong way round like the other day I was speaking to me nae bear and he was like what you look to today and I said oh well I'm just gonna I'm gonna fence me paint and he just couldn't stop laughing I was like I mean paint me fence but isn't that way though it just comes out like literally late you don't think to say oh I'm gonna fence me paint it's just crazy I love little things like that though baffles me brain Oh [Laughter] Sharleen you having a drink yes it is Friday yeah baby hi Shelly Oh Yorkshire scratcher there you are no I am on the fizzy pop my friends thank you all um yorkshare have you emailed me back yet because I was talking before about the emojis and the badges I've got when I wear their scales dinner whoo-hoo um and I said and I said ah as you're actually X I want them to email me back Charlie it's your birthday soon isn't it my friend excited oh hello King go see that's okay don't worry I'm Shelly's gonna be doing the next one so if he's interested um excuse me the fizzy pop hmm it's fizzy I'm King go see ya Shelly you'll be doing with another one if you keep an eye out on our Facebook page SNC scratchies if anyone wants to pop the link in who's got that that would be fantastic Shelly if you can I don't know him pop the link into our Facebook thing Facebook page we've got me and Shelly and we do we do for pucks every now and then what Shelly's gonna be doing the next one oh yes baby so if you want to get involved you can my friend King go see you've been on my channel for a long time time right no matches they're just double-checking oh sorry I missed the bottom there I do apologize oh my goodness me 210 people in that is absolutely amazing thank you all so much and thank you to all the lovely lovely people this is not for you that's for the cards who have a YouTube accounts that have shared them you're absolutely amazed and thank you so much yes super stars Mandy hello-o who fought who feels ill Michael is that you see is that you Christopher and share him who's just asked that I'm gone Nicola pony if you just wait until we've sorted this one out and then we'll do what we used to do you know where me and Shelly hand it over etc so wait until I've sorted this one out and for everybody that's involved it probably won't be tonight because obviously I'll have to go to the shop and which I'll do tomorrow because I need to go and get me neighbors paper so I'll do that then I'll cash them in and then we'll get there winning sent over like hey super excited to see what we've got okay come on let's find some more winners we want more we're greedy come on there's actually loads of us so involved so we need loads [Laughter] 15 is a loser just trekking no okay we've not got many left but I'm card 14 everyone let's get going where's that gone there come on baby right we've got one there now Oh mr. shott one now wani yeah come on come on no no narrow to the bottom gwon gwaan Oh fingers fingers are you hiding no they're not oh right next one is card 15 this would be good to fit the full cards oh it's not Oh looking for some but I ain't afraid I know 13 right let's see what we've got have we got a winner come on go on go on yes winner winner Scouse dinner oh my gosh there's two to two people watching two two two it should be seven seven seven yes in we got another winner right can we find any more down the bottom woo you could possibly get a three sevens black and three Reds could Nia cause that could be double to a tenner and then that could be a tenner mind you I don't think you can win fifteen know five ten twenty eleven cibrex I've missed seven we we ever missed one I have thank you was that Jonathan thank you very much it's an eight okay no fingers sport we've got our black 7 I forgot then we've got another winner we're Shailene Lynch thank you so much for the super chat lovely one baba wawa and it we should have brought me other thing over I mean noisemaker although you don't really need to nose maker when I'm around I can be the human noisemaker a pain in the butt but I know use everyone right red seven no you need it together top one go on go on mmm go on go on ooh Oh Danny we go on with the one right nothing there fingers are you there yes winner winner Scouse dinner oh it would be nice to see three wouldn't it it would be nice to see three oh my goodness I think we've got a record tonight you know there's 233 people watching this listen everyone just well does that so many of us in the air thank you all so much absolutely love it I hope these are making new friends I hope these are all staying safe please remember to look after each other look after your neighbors check that everyone's okay in this awkward time that went in at the moment well thank you all so much it's absolutely fantastic with you right let's get scratchin well I'm card I'll LaVon brights got a few good ones down the bottom down the buffers nothing there no right all of these go on okay no yes no no oh good okay that's okay fingers are you hiding again no ooh 11 is a loser it's just double check there we go no losers to the left okay who reckons that my zero ones gonna win I do I've got a feeling I've got a feeling that zero one's gonna be the million you've got to think positive you've got to think positive in life in scratchcards in everything positivity gets results I'm telling you now and I think zero one is definitely gonna be a million please dear Lord let it be a wind let it be a million what would be good I've messed up a little bit there on the second row sorry right come on no no no no no I got a bit oily there dreaming of winning a million oh oh yes we got more fingers get in oh baby oh baby get in 50 quid that'll be easy peasy lemon squeezy right we are on called zero nine there is not many left now everyone not many left it's not been too bad actually let's see how long we've been live 72 is me thinking I could do it in an hour I'm not Shelly I'm not the fastest scratch it on YouTube come on come on no write three there on the bottom go on no oh really insurgent hello my lovely how are you thank you so much for the super chat number maja I haven't seen you before em for ages how are you doing oh really and I hope I've pronounced that right are alien fingers are you hidin go on go on Wow near oh dear okay losers to the left we are on card number eight Joby Shelley is rapid scratching rapid scratching she is the fastest gotcha I have ever seen and yeah on YouTube I'm telling you now and I've seen alive as well cuz when we went to when I went to nothing going to meet Shelly we did the live together and I've seen a scratch live and the smoke comes off that coin or that little squirt whatever she's scratching with I'm telling you now she's the fastest scratcher a new tube in YouTube on YouTube exactly Keith sparks fly Oh Shelly do you remember that live when you would do her name watching the soccer watching the soccer thank you I miss that a Lucy Phillips sorry sorry lovely I Lucy McDonald Darrell I missed it I got it though it was a loser come on fingers now zero eight nothing fair just ruble checks can no okay okay we are on to 0-7 we are on to double-oh-seven come on seven you should win this one you should win definitely Whitby in number seven you should win you should have the million on the airport let's see if we can find you alright - there go on go on whoo stinker no and bottom one oh no yeah tinker right fingers fingers wallet silver and chest 0-7 you are a loser so you're off to the bin okie-dokie zero six we're nearly there we're nearly there right I'm gonna have to move a bit quicker okay no miss that one come on let's get some more no no and no fingers fingers start at the top silver wallet and a ring yeah ladies are just through all that dust all over me okay zero five come on zero five I think this is gonna win because fives my lucky number and it's got a five in Oh whoo one two three four go on be all black sevens Oh No right we've got to Guan Guan ah yes stinker all right next one then I'll just oh that all the way down we go it's a bit easier right one chance they know go on Reds go on ah okay fingers top one oh yeah oh me Cara Wilson hello how are you welcome to super smelly scratchcards we are on cards zero for welcome welcome welcome if you are not already or if you haven't already please give us a thumbs up I mean there's a hundred and forty five thumbs up that is amazing and then we've definitely got a record 238 people that is absolutely amazing thank you all I hope you so having fun on this Friday evening and I hope using meeting some new friends and yeah enjoy and watching me scratch away on the scratch cards we whoo come on let's find the jackpot red red oh okay nothing there what about this one fingers Guan hua no win on zero four okay we have literally got four cards left and then we've got to scratch all the prizes because you know what I'm like I can't scratch as we go along unfortunately no I cannot do that it's too exciting it's not often I get the chance to do a full pack so I want to do it I'm as excited as way as I can if you get what I mean right come on we need to find another couple of good winners though before we finish now - at the bottom hopefully you can see ya know nothing cons zero three fingers come on no right zero - I'm gonna wait because 0 2 is another lucky card for me so this is called zero this is the very fast card or should be the very first card depending on what way the shopkeeper puts it in the machine but this should be the very first card out I like zero I like saying a 1 and 0 - okay come on come on mmm no no no are we there No narrow right - at the bottom come on go on red oh dang okay fingers no zero is out right let's do zero to next and then I'm gonna take a drink before the two zero one because I think I'll need it cuz I'm gonna scream oh my gosh this is definitely a record 243 people in absolutely amazing I hope that while everyone's here I hope use it all well I hope all your family are well I hope everybody staying safe and getting through this lockdown together and if that means coming and sitting on YouTube watching me scratch some scratch cards and it gives you a little bit of smile on your face then ya come back cuz we do these all the time come on come on but yeah take care everyone look after everyone Oh daddy b02 okay what onto the last card of the nice million pounds I'm just gonna have a little drink so that I can get my voice box ready to scream when we win the massive 1 million I'm telling you now it's there I can feel it in me waters imagine if my battery went now right okay I need to calm down sorry that was a bit loud that laugh I'm so sorry Oh daddy wait are we ready this is the last card of the night come on let's get a good win I'm sad that we haven't had a full card I haven't seen a full card on these yet okay come on let's concentrate one Guan Yu Guan oh don't let me down please say they won I'll cry yeah that's the million that's the million right there a bet yeah any money it's not gonna be a father it's gonna be a million but what did I say everyone everyone who knows me on my channel zero one is my lucky card it may only be one win but it's a winner who get in fingers no oh we got a two double winner oh my goodness unbelievable unbelievable we have totally hit records tonight 253 people in chat oh my goodness a hundred forty a thumbs up 255 now this is amazing simply yes Keith I have my little yellow smiley Bell exactly Lee Miller zero one didn't let me down even I mean actually generally don't think it's a million now because you can't win two million so you know that's not gonna be a million unfortunately but let's go oh my gosh I'm so excited to scratch these oh dear me right what are the guess is everyone what are your guesses while I get myself prepared for the million pound winners are gonna get scratched now so get cheated oh yes we've got 181 that ever just for anyone who doesn't know a full pack is 300 pounds with you gone 300 quid it cost does anyone think we're gonna get a profit I've got a feeling that we're gonna look at that that's quite good that one go let me count right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 where's the 7 on there I was fingers 16 that's the good one I'm tape each other 17 18 19 20 hey that's not bad 20 winners 20 winners all right we got a profit ah right are we ready we need some counters please moderators and anyone else that wants to join in let's get started woohoo I should probably do them in a little bit just so you can see a bit better right be with me cuz I need to check that I'm not missing any fingers on this side right let's go twenty win twenty win twenty cards to scratch and we're starting off with five quid oh I tell you all it's tense where's the win on this one ah whatever done it's not it's not there's no win on this one love I hope I haven't messed them off it's nineteen winners cuz there's no win on this one sugar lumps of boughs that up that's definitely a loser I'll have to check the bid I haven't put any winners in no Aaron's right and the win on this one is the fingers when I'm five so nineteen winners Oh baby 20 quid woohoo yeah I think I've just put on the wrong pile sorry everyone all right we've got a win here and let's just double-check yep okay so but on 25 Guam be another 20 Wow stinkers five-pound oh right we've got a doob lay down here which is a double the amount so we want it to be loads ok tenedor do tenner will do get in come on um we've got a wind down the bottom well please be a hundred please be a hundred are you stinky absolute nightmare I thought we were gonna get like 300 quid off them it's a father better than note right where's the winner Nia they're black seven I thought it was gonna be a hundred ah oh ten pounds with you I'm just carefully checking I'm not missing anymore on here we've got another one which is gonna be it's gonna be $115 yeah they're right this is gonna be minimum of fair 2010 five and five yeah five and five 20 quid boom okay next one is down the bottom yeah Turner it's come on we want a Big Mac oh my goodness 265 people unbelievable thank you all for joining I hope everybody is fantastic this Friday we've got a double area 5x so that's ten okay next one is the fingers at the top five at next one is where are we red is it that one yeah red one get Ian come on five so that's another tenner I'm good super excited Oh God right I just need a quick drink what's the total up to now excuse me oh she needs a quick drink there and what's the total all the way up to 115 come on we need more always Mikoyan right I mean like Queen right where are we on this one okay down the bottom this is the last one down the bottom come on we've got another hundred come on Sherlock I'm gonna kiss haha all three a little bit of fiver that is absolute no that is a P taken I'm telling you now come win up to a hundred quid we put a fiver there naughty naughty very naughty another fiver just check I'm not missed any over there okay where's the wind that one the shop up the top come on we need more 10 pound temple not bad no bars happy with that happy with that over to the middle section oh my goodness 156 thumbs up thank you all so much 270 unbelief a lot has a brand new record oh my god I thought that said 110 pound no but no but happy with that come on come on we need a big win big win another five another 500 got two on this one we've got block 7z and the fingers come on five and five another ten woohoo this is the big one what we've got on here is it six let me just quickly take a picture on six wins let's get started come on five ten fifteen twenty got two more gone 25 and go on go on thirty quid boom fifty quid it's better than nothing so what is our grand total please counters we've got nineteen winners out of a pack of 60 cards I honestly think that that is the best odds I've ever done when I've done a full pass so our total is 190 that is amazing I am happy with that is everyone else happy I think that is absolutely fantastic whoo 190 pounds out of 300 that is amazing I'm I'll look Martin I'll have a look in there the live chat when it uploads and I'll see who guessed one hundred and ninety-first and if they're subscribed they'll get a prize yay listen before you go girl I just want to say thank you all so much for joining I hope is about fun wait you know met some new people and thank you so much to everybody that is involved there's too many names to mention but you know who you are I'll be in touch either tonight or tomorrow thank you all and stay safe everyone look after each other and I love youse all thank you all for the super chats for the thumbs up and for just being here it's absolutely fantastic and I'm really happy 180 quid out of 300 is fantastic thank you all I'm Aly we won 190 190 my friend and where are we hang on I've just seen someone say hello from New York good night thank you all and have a fantastic Friday and I might do a quick live on me or the channel we shall see I will be in touch Oh Danny I'll carve you just come in now Oh lovely you'll have to rewatch it it it was really really good and we had so much fun um take care everyone I must to get a drink [Laughter] jelly or chalean if you got the link for the other channel if you could possibly pop that off for anyone that wants to come and join us thank you all so so much I'll just leave it up for a second aim she leaned might a bit I'm sure she leaned on it last time can you remember are you done it cherlene or la entertainment was it you who popped it up but yeah we've I've got another channel where we just have a yes that's it Martin is there any link that you could maybe pull off for everyone and then you can just a click on that it's that no no that's denver's that's not mine thank you so much to be there we go la entertainment if anyone wants to join us and which is we just have a little bit of a chitchat and we all come on camera it's their Black Country sketches if you go up la entertainment as pop the Lincoln and we just have a little chitchat but we come on camera and we just have a little bit of a laugh normally I watch my soaps but unfortunately at them in here I haven't had time so I've got a lot of catching up to do with my TV because we're out of routine and everything do you know what I mean I have another chance to yeah stop watching that Oliver you know why because I had about 23 mm I had 23 episodes to watch and I couldn't I couldn't catch up so I've stopped watching that please no other links apart from mine unfortunately in for any other channels got to be careful right okay well if he's live we'll go over and say hello and then we'll do my live in a little bit I need a little brief to be honest with you just for like all for now I don't mean right aim let's yeah okay I'm just reading the chat sorry oh thank you so much oh hello how are you I'm seeing you for a while Charles bookcases good night my lovely yeah I just need a little break shell because my eyes are going funny um but yeah we'll go over to Dems and say hello Oh take care Joseph Neal Sharleen I'll see you soon my lovely get your day get your drink ready rice everyone I'm gonna go I literally can't thank yous and off yet you know what it is Oliver I've got all this honestly all this day saw me hands I need to go and wash me hands properly those cards way into bags actually they wait too bad in for scratching because you can do them quite quick well yeah if you wanna join us later on name your the channel then just click on the link and they will be live soon I love yous all take care everyone please stay safe ma luv yards Thank You LA thank you to all my moderators honestly you have been fantastic tonight with so many people end users superstars love years right and off bye
Channel: Super Smiley Scratch Cards
Views: 4,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scratch cards, super smiley, uk scratch cards, fun, laughs
Id: 5I4eQfilNwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 13sec (5773 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.