💡QuinLED💡Which board should you get?

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hey guys welcome to a new video I know you were all expecting the 24volt cob LED strip video and that is in the works I've actually already updated the pow sheet you might have to refresh your browser uh with all the new 24 volt strips in there but I think I'm moving that video to next week so this week we're going to take a look at all the dig line up and how it arrives if you order it from oldet and also try to structure it in such a way going from the dig to go which is a very small board and uh meant for mobile and small applications to all the way up to the Dig OCTA which is more meant for uh lots lots bigger and feature Rich installations basically and I'll go over each board and we'll hook it up and I'll tell you its pros and maybe its cons Etc and what each board is best suited [Music] for [Music] so let's uh let's get started with that right away uh so let's go to the desk View and I have this uh this giant bag that I got from net and well um let's unpack that first so here we have a uh dig OCTA brain board okay let's see this is a uh and Quinn LED quad AB okay the Uno AB so AB stands for antenna board but I'll clarify that once we get there we have an ASB 32 AE again I'll clarify that later we have a little uh little data booster here let's see here what's this oh it's an esp32 AB again clarifications later and then the ae+ full option but yeah we'll get through that and here we have a dick go board kit with sk6812 5 m for EU we going we're going to start with that there's one last box which wasn't in the package cuz I already had it and that's an OCTA powerboard 5 but let's start at the beginning and as I mentioned uh there will be jump links in the description uh so that you can actually go to the controller you're interested in or to the section we're starting with small um maybe even mobile projects and then finishing with big and large [Music] Etc so the first thing we're going to start with is this dig to go board kit with sk6812 5 m and this should have everything from the dig too itself the pigtail the LED strip the power adapter and uh the USBC cable Let's uh take a look at that together here is the uh power adapter with indeed the EU plug which I need I can feel it I can feel it oh a okay here is the uh USB a to USBC chord cuz this power adapter is actually USB a but I've fully tested it and this is perfectly capable of the 3 to 3 and2 amps that the dig to go can handle okay so let's move that to the side a little bit up we have the little pigtail wire okay and the box is empty and this is the uh the LED strip it's a 60 LEDs per meter sk6812 so rgbw and oh of course we also have the dig to go and it's in Warm White we only sell the warm White Version cuz we we can't we basically can't stock all of them so it's a a standard you LED strip with an adhesive coating on the back and it's ip65 cuz I generally like using those best so let's uh roll off a little bit here and um let's take out the dig to go now quickly about the dig to go the dig to go is a fully encased product that is powered by USBC and it's intended for limited 5vt applications so up to about 300 LEDs you can run with a dig to go it'll be a little bit power limited but it'll still give you very decent brightness it has uh a little button it has a digital microphone on board it has an IR sensor it has an esp32 inside with a level shifter and there's even a relay circuit inside that cuts off all power to the LED strip when you turn it off in W LED while W LED itself stays online now you can't really integrate these plugs into a case so there's a little pigtail cable that comes with it and it just plugs in like that and then you take your LED strip which then plugs in over here now you can wonder about what why does it have these extra wires if you're running multiple LED strips and we'll look at that with the Dig Uno and dig quad you can use these for power injection but since we're running a dig to go that's not really an option since well this is limited in power by Design because it needs to run off of USBC so we uh we take the uh us C plug plug it in there we take the usba and we plug it in there and now let's put this in the socket turn the socket on and there we go now as you can immediately see these colors aren't orange so this is likely not the way it should be and that is because it's preconfigured for ws2812b but we're running rgbw so not RGB sk6812 but let me quickly go into the settings and change that actually let's do that together I took out a phone and here we go to our Wi-Fi settings and here we should see a w AP W LED AP the default password is w1234 and here we can use the Wi-Fi settings to connect it to our own Wi-Fi network we're not going to do that right now but we're going to go to the controls config LED preferences and here we can see it's set to ws2811 or 281 X fine we're going to change that to sk6812 we indeed have 300 LEDs let's save that and bingo it immediately works now we can we can do some more changes here like okay we have a 3 and 1/2 amp power adapter instead of the 1250 it's default set to and now it you can already see it gets a little bit brighter and if we go back to the controls here and uh do some kind of effect well that immediately Works actually it's a bit too bright isn't it there so that is the dig to go the dig to go is meant for limited projects where you don't want to do any power injection this LED step can get brighter with power injection but the dig to go doesn't provide for that but even with its limited budget of 5vt uh 3 amps or 15 watts it can provide a very good and decent light output up to about 300 LEDs I'd say only 5vt but yeah um it has a little button and well it just is a very tiny form factor you can easily work away You're stash somewhere you want some LEDs and you don't want 10 or 15 M with lots of power injection points or 12vt or 24 volt or something like that a very easy to controller to get started with as we just did in about a minute or 2 minutes or so right I think that's most about the dig to go I might mention prev controllers when I'm doing the next one when I remember certain features and such but let's move on to a dig [Music] Uno the Dig Uno comes in a nice little cardboard box and this is the ab version now you can get three types of versions the ab which stands for antenna board the AE which stands for antenna external and the ab which stands for antenna board ethernet um I make these options available so you can buy what you need if you're not going to do any real-time pixel shows and stuff like that you likely don't need ethernet and Wi-Fi is fine but I want to provide the option or not make you pay for something you don't need so that's why they're modular in that sense comes in a baggie uh oh here it is should have one of those cut lines and this is the Dig Uno now the Dig Uno can handle a lot more instead of only being 5V it can do 5V 12vt or 24v there used to be a jumper where you needed to set the voltage you were running but that's now all auto integrated with some custom circuitry I've done you can remove this top board here there is a little plastic spacer you can either leave that on there take it off it's mostly to protect it during shipping it has two output channels instead of just one here you can see led1 and led2 and those also have a resistor switcher under the orange foil here you can take off that orange foil there and then you can use this switcher to switch between a 249 or a 33 Ohm resistor now that has to do with conditioning the data signal for the type of cable you are going to be using where if the dig to go you're basically not going to use much more cable than the pigtail so the controller is right there with if the Dig Uno and dig quad and dig OCTA you can easily make the data cable 5 m so 16 ft or even 10 m generally works up to 32 ft away and depending on the type of cable you have either two wire with power and then a separate data wire then you need 249 ohm or a three wire cable or two wire where data and ground are running together on the same Cable Bundle basically then you need to flip the switch to 33 ohm which you can easily do just like like so next to being able to handle 12vt and 24v next to 5vt it also handles a lot more current now I'd say the dig to go is good to use up to 10 amp continuous uh but it the board can handle more since I used a lot of copper and planes and stuff like that on there um still in regards to where I position it I'd say that about up to 10 amps is ideal now that means you can run a sk6812 with a front middle and end injection surely have to do more wiring uh at full power output brightness or you can run um for instance 12vt strips and then up to 10 m with ws2815 um or 24 volt with the addressable neon you can also run up to uh 10 m easily running just this single little board you'll have to splice the power on the outputs to do injection but if you really want to do injections and fuse each injection line individually which I would recommend you need a dig quad but we'll we'll get to that in a minute so next to that uh as I mentioned uh it comes with a custom esp32 I've designed myself and next to that there are some other features on the board for instance it has some power conditioning um to smooth out the power uh my custom level shifter with the resistor switches as I mentioned it's fully onboard fuse protected too it can have up to two power inputs if you want to use a relay to turn off your main power supply and keep H the board online so you can use the w w LED on and off function uh with a relay um you can use that using these F that's I keep calling it 5 volt EXT but it's vext function you can feed an extra power here for that from for instance a phone charger there are lots of uh pins on both both sides here which you can use to uh connect extra things like a microphone or uh more switches or sensors or uh a relay things like that and well as I mentioned it comes with three uh esp32 options so here we have the ab so antenna board where the antenna is well integrated onto the board and let's take a look at the uh AE so that's this guy so that is antenna external it comes with the external antenna included like so oh wait didn't take the antenna out like so and basically what you do is you take off the esp32 board you can insert it onto the Dig Uno make sure to line the pins properly generally it's best to look at the back if you receive it from us everything basically fits together um you take that little pigtail antenna pigtail and you put it on there like so so you kind of push it down with your nail this is just a little protective cover and then you can uh screw on the antenna like this and this can be mounted into a box wall for instance or something like that if you want to use an external antenna and have the uh Quin LED dig Uno inside of your box so now we we've converted this board antenna into an external antenna model and generally the external antenna if you need more range or a better signal uh something like that the external antenna can certainly help with that if you had spotty Wi-Fi with this one you'll likely have better or good Wi-Fi with the external antenna there are limits of course but yeah what if those limits are uh you know you can't over windows then there is a third option and that is the esp32 AE and that stands for antenna board with ethernet so let's take that out of the box so this is basically this module but with custom length longer pins with another module stacked on top of there we can remove this protective foam we can take off the an external antenna version oh well sometimes the fuse comes out that's fine and then we can insert this by lining it up correctly again the uh ethernet port faces forward let's put the fuse back there and now we have a version that has an Ean Port all right so that kind of explains the options and how the Dig Uno is different than the dig to go 12vt 24 volt up to two data channels much more power handling up to 10 amps I'd say uh the board can handle more but you'll get into wiring issues and uh better power stabilization Etc ese just basically if you want to run bigger projects and full power that the dig to go doesn't support the Dig Uno does up to a limited amount I'd say generally for 12 and 24 volt you're good for up to 10 m and for 5vt it's between 5 m and 10 m so 16 and 32 ft uh depending on your power requirements let me quickly hook up a strip and then show you what that looks like okay we have the Dig Uno hooked up with a pigtail and this is actually for a ws2815 with a backup data wire now the backup data wire is the blue one and I've hooked it up the ground cuz the first pixel will then generate the backup data and green is our primary data which is hooked up to led1 Let's uh take the um esp32 with ethernet like we said and put it on there like so and you get a nice tight little tiny package which doesn't take up a lot of foot uh foot footprint or space um I have a 12vt WS 2815 strip here to show you that it can support different voltages than well then basically the dig to go uh all dig Uno dig quad and dig OCTA support 5 volt up to 24 volt uh it's just the dig to go that's limited to 5vt okay um right let's power up to power supply there and we can already see that uh the first part of the strip is lit up and that's because there's some preconfiguration of course it comes with W LED flashed onto everything uh out of the box let's join the W LED AP again and go to the controls configuration Let's uh up the power let's turn off the power limiter we don't need it in this setup and we have 144 LEDs attached save okay that worked and I don't know if the right type of yeah okay we have the ethernet type firmware on there because this is the ethernet module so it's basically flashed with the ethernet firmware and it's already set to Quinn LED esp32 which is the correct type for this module so let's see if we plug in an Ethernet k cable if it comes online yep it does awesome and now you can go into your router look up the IP it got or you can use uh the W LED native app for instance to scan for it if it's the same network and you should be able to use this dig Uno with a hardwired ethernet connection instead of having to rely on Wi-Fi okay well um let me quickly look up that IP and show you an effect okay I've connected to that IP so let me show you real quick here is the uh the browser and if we look in the info screen it comes with 13.1 out of the box um newer boards um are shipping out with version 14 already but you can easily update your own boards either OTA or uh using a USB flash and we do recommend the USB flash if you're going from 13 to 14 using install. Quin led. info I'll show you that in second real quick um but just to show you that we're connected using ethernet our signal strength is 100% with zero dbm and uh well we can we can you know change the color or uh do an effect again right and that's running nicely over ethernet so that's a lot of very different options than the dict to go we're now running a 12vt LED strip with ethernet as I mentioned we have a website where we have a lot of pre-compiled settings for wed just like it comes out of the box and sometimes you want to reset your controllers to the default values this goes for the Dig go dig Uno dig quad and dig octave we have all of them on there you can either do that using USB or OTA flash but if you look at that website you basically just go to the board that you have it has some instruction text over here you can select the version you have that won't show up but here I can select select ethernet and then you can just hit install to do it uh over USB or you can find Uh custom compiled binaries uh over here right let's remove that browser again this all works fine so let's turn that off and move on to the Dig quad and see what differences we have [Music] there okay so we have the Dig Uno over here let's take a dig quad there this is a dig quad AB but as I said with you can get them with the AE or AB option uh included out of the box and there that's a dig quad now the Dig quad shares a lot of similarities with the dig Uno again you can take the esp32 board off and this part kind of looks the same you have the socket you have the extra pins for 5 volt 3.3 volt uh and some GPO pins to hook up sensors and buttons and things like that or relays uh you have the resistor switcher here in the middle except now you have four channels instead of just two and that's these four terminals then this board has integrated power distribution and fusing so here you can see two much beefier input terminals where you can connect two large wires from the same power supply so don't connect two wires from two different power supplies that's not supported but you can use more copper between the power supply and the board that's because here I said it's recommended up to 10 maybe 15 amps this board can easily do 30 amps continuous and that means you need much beefier connections basically the amount of copper you have going out you also need going in so on this side we use nice and thick cables um I can actually get some here um for instance these are 2 * 12 gauge and we can connect those to the terminals like so okay there we have it uh negative goes to this side of the board there's a large ground there and positive goes to this side of the board as noted by the symbols over here and then positive goes into these five fuses which are then distributed into these seven output Terminals and on this side you also have uh seven negative output Terminals and as I said in the middle you have your four data connections those are all individually level shifted so there's a level shifter per channel so that ever if one of the level shifters dies for instance the other channels shouldn't be affected it also has the resistor switch or I mentioned before to adapt between what type of cabling you're using and well the main thing is power distribution and power handling this can easily do after 30 amps as I mentioned and especially if you're running 5vt strip for instance and you want to run 10 or 15 M you're going to need three to four injection points and you kind of want to fuse those all individually well that's what you can do with these terminals also for 12 and 24 volt strip depending on the lengths you're running let's say you want to run 20 M of 24 volt strip you still need a front plus end injection or maybe even a front plus middle plus end injection and this board is perfectly suited for that so in the in the gram scen of things as we as we are so far dig to go easy to use setups in setup in in a minute or whatever uh useb C power but because of that it's how limited but running a single strip if you weren't planning on injecting anyway the perfect device 5vt only but integrated microphone things like that then we have the Dig Uno which can then do 12vt and 24 volt also can also handle a lot more power so you can actually do a Power injection or two it has two data channels it has a resistor switcher and AO Auto voltage sensing for the board itself uh etc etc and then if your project becomes even bigger here you have the Dig quad which has integrated power distribution for your power injection lines uh big capacitor again for power smoothing Auto 5 to 24 volt it has bigger vext input terminals if you want to run a relay and a second power supply again and yeah for for medium to larger Siz projects the Dig quad is a very competent and easy to use board now I'm not going to hook up the Dig quad like I did the dig Uno I think the basic principle is clear you have negative you have four data channels and you have positive that way you can also hook up multiple strips either to do power injection as I mentioned or running multiple separate strips that do their own function or their own effect and things like that that's all possible but what I wouldn't like to highlight is another ESP we haven't looked at yet and that is if you want uh either audio so a digital microphone an IR receiver uh an SD card slot or uh three extra output pins on a dig Uno or a dig quad and that is the ae+ so it's basically the same AE base so the external antenna base but it has a extra top board just like the ethernet variant so we don't need this cuz we already have the antenna here let's take it off of this one there uh so if you look here you get the same esp32 board but it has a different top board on it and here we can see the micro SD card slot we can see the IR receiver uh the digital microphone but the microphone hole is actually on the top over here and then it has three extra outputs and the GPO numbers are mentioned over here or in the uh pinout articles which each of the board has on Quin led. info um right so you can get this board in three different variants it's all the ae+ but not everyone needs all the functions some might want a digital microphone and IR receiver but aren't interested in the SD card slot and the three extra channels other way around some might want the three extra channels and the SD card slot but they're using it in a Christmas show running off of the SD card using ESP pixel stick firmware instead of wed then they really don't need the microphone or the IR receiver and some might just want a versatile board with everything on there and that's where this full option comes in but there is also the SD option and the uh IR plus microphone option so you can choose whatever you need uh it it you know it goes onto the boards just like all the other boards it just slots in like this and now we have a dig quad with four plus three channels that we can fully utilize or we can use the digital microphone to uh have it react to real-time audio effect currently this ae+ version is still a separate purchase and can't be bought bundled with the board we are working on that but it's a bit hard in the back end handling all the multiple versions and keeping them in stock and testing them Etc that's because all combinations that we have are pre-tested by allet so nothing leaves allet that hasn't been tested um and adding more variants to that cuz this would mean three extra variants means a lot more that we need to keep in stock cuz if we have to test them before shipping out that takes too long so everything gets tested in one big batch and then pre-configure it in these little boxes um and put on a shelf and then can immediately be shipped out once you order it same goes for Dr Z's by the way he gets the same variants and while there're also already pretested and he just ships them on from us local okay so that's the ae+ variant I wanted to highlight you can buy that as an extra upgrade you'll be left with uh you know an esp32 you might not be using but it's a generic esp32 with a onboard flashing circuit so you can use that in any other project you want maybe you want to connect some sensors all the GP pins are listed here on the back so it can easily be used for that so I hope that explains what the Dig quad is capable of but there is one bigger board in the lineup and that is the Dig OCTA [Music] system and the Dig OCTA system is called a system because it consists of two type of boards first we have the uh the brain board the brain board ESP 328 L as I call it and that is because likely in the future there's going to be different versions you can buy currently there's just this one comes in this nice little box and it of course also includes the external antenna again because it has an external antenna esp32 by default uh but it also comes with a nice little card which explains what all the the connections do and where they are oh and then it comes with a baggie with connectors and a baggie with standoffs and we'll get to that in a minute uh I always need to find the little dimple to be able to tear it [Music] open can't find it today there [Music] so the brain board is about the size of a dig OCTA actually as you can uh as you can see here but it doesn't do anything in regards to power delivery what it does have is basically all of the options of the previous boards except maybe if you wanted to use a digital microphone so it has the esp32 with external antenna but it always comes with ethernet inter integrated it always comes with the SD card integrated and it has up to eight LED output channels now there's a bit of a caveat there the esp32 is limited in amount of power so I'd recommend sticking uh at Max to about 2400 LEDs uh per ESP 32 board but that's where the system part comes in so I'll show you that in a second first what I wanted to show you is um basically this board comes with some convenience upgrades over uh the Dig quad it uses higher quality terminals not so much in power delivery but in usage so instead of using the spring style uh terminals this one uses uh Rising clamp terminals as they're called yeah I can't really show you that they they're already open okay but it makes it a bit easier to insert the wires and the ferals basically um it has a relay circuit like on the other boards but then a dedicated relay output terminal which always outputs 5vt ground and a 5vt trigger signal so even if you're running this board at 24v it still outputs a 5vt signal that means you can just wire the three wires of the relay into here and that makes it a bit easier to use than on the Dig quad or especially the Dig Uno it comes with two dedicated button terminals over here so if you wanted to connect buttons you don't have to mess with Dupont wires and things like that you can just screw them into here and then another unique feature of this board is that it basically has three ways to power it you can power it using these two pin plug terminals again 5 to 24 volt or you can power it using USBC like over here or you can power it using using Q Power post and I'll show you that in a minute a unique feature of this board is you can power it with all three at the same time with different voltages and it just use the highest voltage that's available at that time and if you for instance then switch off one of the power supplies it'll automatically stay online and use the next one so it comes with these standoffs and that is to basically stack this board uh onto a power board so let me let me get those out all right uh let's quickly take a look at a powerboard then cuz we need both to build the complete controller although both products can be used Standalone so you can use a brain board by itself and do everything power related by yourself um generally I would recommend using a stacked configuration so using a brain board plus a powerboard or a combination of the two again this one comes with a nice card where it shows you what all the connections do and you know a little thank you note little thank you note for purchasing it the box with the extra stuff is stuck it comes with an extra little box which has all the accessories in it again it has lots of this is a I didn't even explain that in the Dig OCTA lineup there are uh three types of power boards you can get the power five which is this board that is capable up to 50 amps and has 12 output terminals now these terminals are the pluggable style as you can see here and as you could see on the card they carry positive and negative on each of these terminals they're all individually fused and it also has input fuses because of the high currents involved it has these nice beefy terminals again but now you can hook up up to three wires to actually support 50 amps continuous cuz the more amps you want to run the more copper you need so you can hook it up if 3 * 12 gauge or 10 gauge and then use all these upper terminals to their Max potential up to 50 amps in total now it has 10 amp and 5 amp f uses if you do an edge injection you use up to 4 amps so you use one of those 5 amp fuses and then if you use a middle injection you use these 10 amp fuses because it can go up to 8 amps that's a little little more Theory than to go into here so this is a power five next to a power five we also have a power 7 and I'll show you a picture of that here uh the power 7 has 16 output terminals but it doesn't feature these pluggable terminals that means that if you're stacking multiple on top of each other which is supported um you can't really reach the screw terminals anymore where with the plugable terminals you can so that depends on the choice you want to make there a little bit the terminals are however a bit larger so you can use up to 12 gauge wires with ferals on the power 7 when the power five goes up to about 14 gauge with a wire feral and these terminals have a little bit more voltage drop if you're running close to eight or 10 amps where the power 7 is much better in doing that because it has much beefier terminals basically so it depends on the project you're doing which would be best suited or kind of just like which type of terminal you like best and if you're going to stack multiple or not now as I mentioned these boards are meant for stacking no wait I forgot a board there is also the power 7 HC now the power 7 HC stands for high current and that's basically a power 7 but now it has a much thicker copper planes and a different input stage allowing even thicker wires to be connected and it allows up to 100 amps of continuous current so especially if you're doing a 5vt project with everything nearby not like 10 or 15 meter runs being able to use a lot of current is well a feature of that board now these go to 50 amps which I say is is pretty pretty decent for instance paired with an lrs 600-12 that gives you 50 amps of 12vt that pairs perfectly with these power five and power seven power boards right so stackable what does that mean basically that means we can put this board the brain board like so and build it as a one coherent controller so let me do that real quick [Music] okay and there you go this is a fully stacked and well configured I guess uh dig OCTA system board we have a power five on the bottom with now all the plugs inserted and then a dig OCTA brain board on top and the modularity of the system and you get all the hardware included means you can stack multiple power boards if You' want to and those can actually even run different voltages so 5vt 12vt or 24v and you can stack multiple brain boards if one isn't enough for either the amount of channels you need or for the total amount of LEDs as I said kind of limited to about 2500 LEDs per board if you need more you basically just stack on another brain board and especially if you're running a show using the ethernet connection or the SD card that works pretty seamlessly and you can use multiple controllers to control your props or whatever you're doing now as I mentioned the total amount of LEDs you can drive is basically the same as from a dig quad but this just brings a lot of convenience features so it has much better screw terminals as I mentioned it has better bul capaity on the powerboard it has better power handling on the powerboard it even has a uh per Port capacitor to smooth power as much as possible so that in any situations your LEDs won't be starred for power it has a broken fuse indicator light per Port so if one of these fuses pops you can easily see which one it is and replace it real quick and as you can also see once this is stacked and as a single level you can still access uh these fuses and replace them them pretty easily especially if you take oh these connectors out uh if you stack multiple powerboard that becomes a little bit harder but it is doable with a special tool um but if you're looking for an upgrade or just an easier to use dig quad this certainly fits the bill and if you're looking for a larger system but don't necessarily need to upgrade to one of those few hundred boards you can get multiple power boards or mult multiple brain boards and stack those together right so I just wanted to give you an impression of all the boards that the current Quinn LED dig lineup has wait no wait we forgot a board we forgot a board I need to dig for it hold [Music] on there I found it it's this little guy Let's uh let's take a quick look at that and then let's discuss again what boards are best for what this is a Quinn LED data booster board and I kind of created it when I noticed that you needed uh two different value resistors for different cabling situations so here you can feed in uh oh sorry on this side you can feed in power and data either 5vt 12vt 24 volt or even 48 volt if you're running that but the other boards don't support that and I don't know of any 48 volt strips for instance and well doesn't matter uh it supports that and here you have a resistor switcher which again switches between 249 and 33 ohm now this feature has since been built into the all of the Dig boards except the dig to go because it's not really meant for longer cables so you don't need it for that anymore but you can still use it for Gap bridging for instance so let's say you have an LED strip and you want to bridge a one or two meter Gap so let's say six to 12 feet and uh especially from LED strip those integrated controllers don't send the data signal that far you connect one of these boards at the end and then it'll easily do 5 to 10 meters again just like it would do from one of the Dig controllers and you can adapt the signal to um whatever is needed for the type of cabling you're using it also features power injection so you get the hardware with it to do so uh so two of these Fork style uh crimps and the screws and the Locking nut so you can put those on here ground over here positive over there and that way you can power inject without having to solar by just screwing in the wires of all the strips and doing it that way right so this is a little tiny little board that's useful in some situations um but you know generally with the Dig boards you're going to need less of these unless your layout basically calls for them right so one final Roundup we have the dig to go the dig too is very small 5vt only 15 wat Max so it's kind of power limited but it's powered by USBC which is very convenient because you can use a normal USBC charger USB 8 USBC cable or a power bank so that makes it ideal for mobile applications especially because there's a relay circuit insid which will cut off all power to the LEDs if it's turned off while keeping W LED online that way your battery Lo lasts longer um it has some expandability pins but it's really meant for a single LED strip you don't want to do power injection so up to 300 LEDs I'd say this is a great board it run won't run the LED strip at full potential but for normal usage and gener generic effects this is great and very easy to use if you're trying to get into WL and don't want to mess with Hardware get one of these and you'll be up and running in a minute right so after that we have oh the Dig Uno this now has two data channels it has also the resistor switcher so you can run uh much longer data cables if needed and uh it supports 5vt but also 12vt and 24volt power it has some more power stabilization it supports much more current so instead of the 3 amp we can now easily do 10 to 15 amp and it has multiple options for instance if you wanted to run ethernet you pair it with an esp32 a Ab and now you can run Ethernet or maybe you need some extra channels or a digital microphone although the dig to go also has a digital microphone you can just plop this on top and now your board has an IR receiver a digital microphone an SD card slot and three extra channels or a subset of of those depending on the board you buy and you can also get the um where where is it the AE variant which is the external antenna variant so you can use one of these external antennas if you're mounting this into a box then if you're running a bigger project or need more power you can upgrade to a dig quad and basically this is the most used board at the moment because it has all the same features as the Dig Uno but it has a bit easier to use layout it can accept much be your power wires and then does up to uh 30 amps continuous where the Dig Unos I'd really recommend for about 10 amps and then it has five fuses on board with power distribution and reverse polarity protection and things like that so you can easily do power injection for especially your 5vt and your 12vt projects uh and and it has four channels instead of two right and then if you need something even bigger or just want more convenience you can step up to the Dig OCTA and that has multiple powerboards whatever suits your needs up to 50 amps or even 100 amps continuous easier to use screw terminals it comes with the external antenna Ethernet or external antenna esp32 automatically included and ethernet and the SD card slot and eight output channels easier relay connection multiple power supply support button pins uh even an iqu C temperature sensor iqu C uh terminal so you can connect extra i squ c devices um all in all a much beefier and I guess luxurious version of the Dig quad because they can both handle about the same amount of LEDs but if you need more LEDs you can just stack on a second brain board on top let me show you an example of that hold on right so here's the board I used in the recent 5vt uh cob LED video doesn't like yeah there we go so this is a single power 7 with then two brain boards on top because I needed more total LEDs it's connected to an lrs 6005 can deler 5 volt up to 100 amps now a single powerboard can't handle that but two power boards could and it's connected using nice beefy wires on a custom 3D printed Mount so this way it becomes a nice you know on top of power supply fairly space efficient controller you can put into a box and you know uh use it so the Dig OCTA system very expandable with multiple power boards if you need and or multiple brain boards if you need them for well more advanced setups basically now I probably forgot a lot of things but I hope the unboxing experience like you'll receive them from either allnet or Dr Z's was pretty clear and I showed a little bit of the setup and how the boards differentiate from smaller to easy to set up projects to larger I want to do all of my roof lines and I want to use five or 12vt mixed and lots of data channels and real-time data f from XLS using ethernet you can then use a dig Uno dig quad or especially a dig OCTA if there's any questions about that and what board would be best for your situation leave that question down in the comments or better yet come to the uh the Discord server where there's lots of people next to me available that can look over your plans and work with you together what board would be most suitable for that um work working on those plans I have a dedicated video a dedicated LED strip power injection video which take you takes you through a lot of steps guide step by step with a document and everything to calculate what you need and then with those numbers we can easily say which board would be best suited for now anyway I know this was a long video lots of rambling and lots of options and things like that I still hope it was useful to you and well I hope to see you back in the next video thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] bye-bye
Channel: Intermit.Tech
Views: 34,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quinled, Dig-Uno, Dig-Quad, Dig-Octa, WLED, WLED Controller, USB WLED controller, WLED matrix, WLED setup, dig2go, dig2go.info, diy, led, rgb, govee, govee rgbic led strip lights, diy how to, led lights, wled esp32, ws2812b, wled setup, athom, WiZmote, Wiz remote, WLED guide, WLED how-to, WLED 0.14, WLED-AP, quinled.info, COB LED strip, Addressable COB LED strip, Govee WLED, quinled-dig-uno, quinled-dig-quad, drzzs, ws2811, LED pixel, LED pixel controller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 49sec (3049 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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