๐ŸŽฐ๐Ÿ‘ซ $5250 Group Slot Pull โœฆ HIGH LIMIT at Cosmopolitan Las Vegas โœฆ Slot Machine Pokies w Brian C

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hey everyone its Brian Christopher I'm here at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas I have a group of people we're gonna do some high-limit games for you we picked five different ones for each putting in two hundred and fifty dollars yes that's right and that's over five thousand dollars we're putting in please say hello to your group here they are okay number one we're playing multi spin platinum just outside the island room at Cosmo and are you all ready to go all right we're doing ten dollar denomination times three so hit that sweet for me please and here we go we won we made a profit there let me see if I can turn up any now there's no vine all right go ahead we got three spinners going on for thirty three spins total come on line it up in the line guys line it up we started this machine with 1000 come on oh wow let's pay 200 bucks though guys wow they got my heart going that would have been a hand a foreshore there you go another hunter box you're doing mighty fine let's even get that bonus now I find that spin 40 bucks fine all right all right same number to you 11 spins so everything Atlanta we want to hit hit is time to hero give it a spin you bring that arrow give me the arrow I'm 250 bucks beautiful not a bad first minute huh awesome all right go for it [Music] nice so the three bonus symbols do not have to be on the line they could be anywhere and that would be purchasing free spins behind that bonus again let's do it Oh [Music] Oh rude let's write up there Joe of course it is was your last man all right well done we're still up 50 bucks overall so we're doing well and it's our last last better Andre from the Rudi's yeah represent either/or hi there [Music] find that's been getting 40 bucks you spin I spin we all did for you that looks pretty that was perfect perfect timing joggers all right you guys you guys here is the air [Applause] another 80 bucks how many more spins we got there four more four more spins do it I know three bonuses would be nice too it's alright forty bucks there another 40s is your last bin alright guys we didn't justify we start with a thousand cash me out at 9:20 all right now we're gonna play some crazy money a VIP we're doing the 50 cent denomination and Mac to that which is $25 a spin alright let's do my friend hit the max button first to get us started [Music] [Music] for people spinning right now since business [Music] we define a sky wheel on a real one against five come on [Music] I feel it anyways so we want to try and get a big open guess this up there there we go come on major grin Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] $2,550 here [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sugar [Applause] dollars [Laughter] trigger [Applause] we got our money and we're continuing on you got to go yeah keep it going [Applause] [Music] baby you in the grand hey here comes the grit now it's against gun here custom and again here comes the grid [Applause] we get to multiply it for gonna let's get that wristband shall we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right can we ask for a bonus do it so far we're up thirteen hundred and eighty on a machine and we got two more people coming up for another 20 spins all right you're gonna go here we go you get 10 spins by the way he be like Jim Bob yeah bring more people up so 30 more Oh sometimes it'll go around like ten times I won't even come around alone you never know I know I would love to hit that 500 [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] all right there you go you ready to go here we go we got 9:15 to get 10 spins off you go line it up let's find out the big bill there you go there you go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I tried money but I can more keep going Oh a 250 looks pretty though that was insanity I would say goodbye for the came back is very quick let's get a big one big one big wall without modern maid repair [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I've personally never got hundred or 50 [Applause] [Music] there's no time we'd only pick the good one okay [Music] what are they with that we're at 300 so far please 35 min notice when you did that one you would like waited for it and then you hit the ginn do you know what you're doing all rounder a lot spinner in this game love your insert all right man you got 10 spins [Music] yeah that wasn't into my love you never know [Applause] [Music] the front of big Bill's [Music] [Music] Oh big bill of Victo that's been on the machine put in a thousand red 1290 150 so we're more than moving on it's time for some I limit lightning link gone for a hundred grand now he just added in here they're hoping to get that one of our friends at the major on this one earlier today so maybe we could you let ourselves be though you ready to go yes all right hit that play button to get 10 spins those are wild you want those lined up otherwise your one player come on more bonus or six lanterns six of those for another bonus orchid different that would be awesome - yeah I'll take a random major any day [Music] come on this is a dollar machine I should have mentioned and that we didn't put a thousand bucks into here one marks back up again all right see you already yeah all right Artie's up already our tents minutes they can count my friends know rock and roll bender rock and roll and guy hey good oh they gross actually a little hundred-dollar out there on a bad first man let's see how big oh let's find those lantern [Music] oh the major said hello and we had two more lands or the 5100 what about ours keep on going yeah free after that [Music] that's fun already come on baby city all right who's up next that's Scott all right Scott let's go we gotta find some love in this machine buddy let's do it four spins I mean 100 275 bucks let's try and find a mini or minor a major or $4,000 opening there you go keep it alive keep it alive triple digits that's all right give us a lot now if we're able to fill this whole screen we're getting over on a grand [Music] come on last bed yes that gives us three more spins now luckily come on baby good yeah we'll take those 25 just fill it out there's this progressive hiding come on yeah another three we got three more spots spilling with three spins to get out come on Scott two more spin last bin find it [Music] let the wanna light a lantern round enough guys [Music] well for the first time you see now very well done as well your first in all right you got nine more to go let's speed that up we're at 10:37 sweet 9 more spin [Music] come on bonus well - good - if they line up come on Jim Morris vans oh all right Nikki coming up your Nikki area live spinner here gonna get a camera you don't care come on Nikki's do it let's find that bonus three dragons or six lanterns are a heck of a lot of that guy major to come back around oh my god red [Applause] [Music] alright guys we are cashed out this machine yeah 587 moving on all right we're gonna play pinball next you have 750 dollars in this one we're doing ten dollar denomination so it's $20 to spin you ready to go get the next event let's do it looking for the pinball to land right there line hit up team out for spinners doing nine spins a person I'm not happy [Music] come on I'll hand it up let's go there we go beautiful 50 bucks [Music] Jewish minutes and your last model come on all right who's next coming up Rudy's number balls all right let's do the mom represent the Rudy's let's do it I [Music] haven't seen a pinball you let's find it I know I'm pretty sure instill in their self [Music] Terri's let's get some Double Diamond action there too baby rooty tooty come on readings are representing guys gonna get four shots up top hit the big ball let's see you everything these are all $10 is the right all right spin number two 150 bucks beautiful keep it going another five and you know what else you bought us back up to her thousand dollar investment oh it's right room you're right we put it only 750 on this one we are beautiful [Music] yeah ending for over a thousand now they have a recording here we go let's see your big old nine spins let's find that bonus again Oh at least we know what exists now right I mean we've seen a few times line it up [Music] good you got this you got it last man come on find something there Oh your Bonnie [Music] yeah three double diamonds pay us $16,000 well you're in for that yeah me too [Music] one more bonus would guarantee let me be up when this machine let's find it [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] - machine over here find the digging - water 50 great start go ahead find the dig another 250 we are now up to 650 last bin you tonight are dollar bonus room last bit on the machine we're cashing out up 1398 okay it's time to play stone I live in Buffalo Gold all the machines were full and so one of our friends aaron has a spa channel here in five I was very kind of generous to get off the machine for us all to play it so hopefully bring us some good luck we have fifteen hundred dollars in there ten cents denomination let me just change this if it leads you to understand we're betting $36 days we got a five spinners times eight to forty spins we're gonna hit the thirty-three Sigma Xi Teresa let's hit the from Cleveland be ready their judgement here we go we can always beat up yeah go ahead it's a long time the way for six bucks another six mark we are looking for three gold coins for the bonus or a heck of a lot that's good yeah I'm nicely 980 bucks I was gonna say I give a lot of Buffalo but that works too come on coins get together find your friends let's have a party all right do to it all right thank you the fun all right man you ready to go let's do it man I never saw Hey go for it keep going $40 birthday lucky break I'll say it you can go ahead and stop but if you like speeds it up now let's get that bonus and a bunch of those multipliers delicious hashtag delicious come on 300 and look oh my this is the big one guys it's a huge one hold on let's listen give it a sec $6 one okay now you can hit it let's see over guys 852 good mad well done these that's more speed you got three more whip not a bad line here alright last one do it all right who's up next I think it's [Music] it's nephew Nick yeah good idea [Music] come on line it up it's finders going alright number you all right Martha we're doing eight spins my friend Oh rough day on Cameron sure all right here we go let's do it you can hit that $1 that is incredible [Applause] [Music] how's the snapper keep going looking for those going still I know they're in there somewhere oh that's a big I don't have a very good track record in the Navy is my luggage fans hurry up hates pins number one [Music] couple Jack's number two Eagle might work come on oh darn it 60 bucks now keep going oh my gosh okay I'm burning my keys how many more I got oh my gosh too much man he played this too much all right here's my last man it's the last band for the group 59 over cash net with $2,600 all right so we ended with 2673 it's time to put it in all the rest of our tickets see what we end up with we started a group ball at five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars don't let it eat it oh no after five games of playing I hand paying many great hits we started off with five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars were cashing out with over eight thousand dollars everybody is going home they started with 250 each to go home with three hundred and eighty six dollars congratulations everybody and if you guys want to join another winning group we'll go to Brian Gamble's dot-com sign up for you over there and I'll see you guys next time good night everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 424,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brian christopher slots, slot machine win, casino slot machine, slot machine videos, brain christopher, pokie, 2017, slot machine bonus, brian christopher, briangambles.com, slot machines, rudies, pokies, rude casino, bryan christopher, brian slot, ๐ŸŽฐ๐Ÿ‘ซ $5250 Group Slot Pull โœฆ HIGH LIMIT at Cosmopolitan Las Vegas โœฆ Slot Machine Pokies w Brian C, cosmopolitan las vegas, group pull, group slot pull, slot tournament, las vegas group, high limit slot machines, jackpot handpay
Id: 1g2z8f9UaYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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