🎨 Make WSL/Ubuntu Terminal Look Better | Oh My Posh Guide

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hey what's up I'm troubleshoot welcome back to another video in this one I'll be showing you how to get oh my Posh setup for WSL and of course Linux if you're running Linux if you choose to run this on Athletics for example pulling up a Powershell you'll see exactly what I'm talking about ignoring the background as that's the windows terminal this up here is the oh my Posh setup essentially it's replacing the original command line here if ICD into app data for example you can see we're navigating folders here or of course changing to a different Drive entirely Etc that's what we're going to be setting up today for Ubuntu WSL like this here and of course if you're running Linux this setup will apply to you as well for example I've gone ahead and fired up a brand new terminal here using the preview version of WSL just to make sure we're back at the default State obviously the wallpaper hymn is from a Windows terminal and if you're following Along on Ubuntu or something like that just make sure you open up a terminal and we're ready to type on the oh my Posh dot Dev website located down below you can click get started here and on the left select Linux under installation to get exactly what we need to do omobash uses ANSI color codes Under the Hood these should work in every terminal but you may have to set the environment variable term to extern 256 color you can just run set dollar sign term equals x term as such that way when you run it you should see response like this anyways to display all icons we recommend using a nerd font simply heading across here gives you fonts and we can use oh my Posh font install to install a specific nerdfund checking nerdfont.com you'll see exactly what they are essentially they're normal fonts but with tons of icons added to them which will make the whole terminal look a ton prettier in my previous video I went through a list of these on a GitHub page we can head across to downloads him to pick a font and download it but of course if you want to preview in the description down below you'll find a link to a GitHub page with a ton of them listed it'll be the the oh my Posh GitHub when you've found one we can simply use this command to install some fonts but we'll get back here later on for now let's install oh my Posh they recommend using Homebrew but you can also do it manually though just note that it assumes that you're on AMD 64 they do have support for arm and arm 64 so you'll need to change the Posh Linux Arch accordingly replacing this Arch such as amd64 with arm or arm 60 form if you don't know your processor run you name tag M and it'll tell you what kind of processor you're using x8664 is amd60 form anyways so let's run the first bit to download and install on my Posh we'll go ahead and paste them in hit enter and just like that they'll be downloaded and installed when it's done we'll head back and download the themes here which you can view on the themes page and we can scroll through it to find something that we like in particular so I'll run this next command to download themes in the background and we'll scroll through some some of these but unfortunately unzip wasn't found Molly to apt install and zip first so sudo apt install unzip Claire let's try running that command once more there we go right now they're installed okay so scrolling through this and finding a theme that you want to use is pretty simple obviously it'll take a bit of time and you can of course customize these later on so just find something that you generally like for example cinnamon or maybe clean detailed clicking it takes us across to a page with all of the GitHub code for it we can customize this later on add to it Etc but all we really need is the name here so what we need to do next is install a font then configure our terminal or Editor to use the installed font and configure your shell to use oh my punch optional configure a theme or custom prompt configuration okay so first of all installing a font if we click that font link we get taken back to here we can run a my Posh font install and when we do some it'll download a list of fonts that we can travel through I'm going to be using fire code I'll then enter and just like that it'll be downloaded and installed do note that the stamp is only required for using Ubuntu as your desktop and messing around with the terminal there for WSL these fonts need to be installed on Windows instead when you've downloaded and installed the fire code font for example which we can get to using nerdfontium then for node fonts to the download section we can search for the fire up there's fire code I'll download it here then all we do is open it up unzip all of these into a separate folder then right click in that folder and choose install but I've already done that so I'll skip over it now that we have a font selected what we need to do now is configure our terminal to use it on Linux obviously these steps will differ for whatever terminal you're using on Windows however click the drop down here in the windows terminal then head to settings inside over here scroll down under profiles until you find what you're currently using I'm using Ubuntu preview style selected and on the right hand side we'll scroll down head to appearance and inside of you we can change the color scheme in the windows terminal and the font face I've got it set to fiery code nfm retina as that's the one that I want to use cool when we're done with that we can save and now heading back here things should look a little bit different now that we have a font downloaded installed and active let's go ahead and activate a theme so clicking the custom prompt configuration down here it'll take us to the customize section on the far left and we'll see how to activate themes here this sound weapon is for Powershell in Windows for Ubuntu harvo you'll need to use Homebrew such as the stand here this over here if we used Brew to install it we'll put in the location of our omaposh installation however if you did a manual installation instead of copying and running this command to him and editing the theme on the far right you can use Alice followed by tilde slash being home dot Posh themes and you can see all of the themes currently installed him for example I wanted to use what was that clear code clean detailed that's what it is I'll copy this and we'll use it just now so the command to activate it is eval oh my Posh init zsh config followed by the path to the actual image so I'll copy all of this however it's currently set up to work with the zsh terminal we're not using zsh here by default we're using bash some I'll just head down a little bit paste in the command and instead of running it we'll edit using the arrow keys to change zsh to just bash and for config we'll replace this Brew prefix oh my Posh with tilde dot my Posh themes and removing the themes folder here now we can change the name or leave it as is and you can see we've activated a theme I didn't want this theme here instead I want clean hyphen detailed enter and there we go now I'd recommend selecting and copying our previous command here as we'll need it just now so if I were to clear things would work perfectly we now have the new theme selected however if I open up a new terminal new tab or anything like that for example here's a separate terminal it's not active we need to run the command again for it to show up however that of course is quite annoying to get this to activate every time we open up a brand new terminal we'll need to run sudo Nano tilde slash dot bash RC if you're using zsh it'll be zsh RC but bash RC is the default so we'll be editing this inside of here we have all of the default parameters for your current terminal and at the very end scrolling down with page down and using the arrow keys to get all the way to the very end of the file now all we need to do is enter the command to activate the skin for example this one here however if you ran into an error or an issue where this isn't working and you installed using Brew you'll need to activate Brew first for that you'll find an extra command in the description down below being this one here however I didn't use Brew so I'll control K to remove that line and with this setup the next time we open up a new terminal things should be activated straight away so so control is to save and Ctrl X to close now if we close our terminal completely and open up a brand new one you should see that as soon as it opens we have our theme Here set up as we are used to it really is that simple should you want to change the theme later on once again sudo nanhome tilde slash dot batter C at the very end of this file we can change the theme that we're using up here so for example jabalab underscore 2021 control SX and running bash to reload there we go we've now got things set up as we hope anyways we're pretty much done here you now know how to install this on WSL and of course on Linux as well should you choose to go that way from here there's tons more that we can customize that I won't go into for example segments for using specific programs and things like that this program gets incredibly in-depth but that's out of the scope of this video for now anyways if you'd like to set this up on Windows and you haven't already seen that video in the description down below you'll find a link to it these two links together quite well anyways that's about it thank you all for watching mine has been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time ciao
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 75,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oh My Posh, Ubuntu, WSL, command line theming, terminal customization, terminal theming, terminal colors, prompt customization, custom prompt, terminal segments, terminal implementation, theme creation, command line design, Oh My Posh tutorial, Ubuntu tutorial, WSL tutorial, terminal tutorial, customizing command line, command line customization, command prompt theming, prompt design, Oh My Posh setup, Ubuntu setup, WSL setup, terminal setup
Id: 2LEnBXH8xV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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