🍕 George's Perfect Pizza Party | CURIOUS GEORGE

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sweet salty bitter sour umami oh so that's why lemon lime flavors go together they're both sour and umami meats and cheeses make a great pizza and a great cheeseburger bud the most creative recipes happen when you combine different flavors like sweet apples and savory cheese [Music] so have the fun experiment everyone oh play with your food accept you gnocchi so what do we do green onions bacon bits what about baked potatoes on a pizza as a pizza george really wanted to make a pizza everyone would like so this time he got a savory sausage for steve bitter black olives for betsy and sweet mango for george [Music] how about a squeeze of lemon for sour [Music] if we add something salty we'll have all five flavors voila cheeseburger pizza ah bravissimo [Music] we call it the baked potato pizza yummy umami cheddar cheese sour sour cream sweet green onions and bacon bits perfecto but what's salty and goes on pizza peanut butter pretzels wow [Music] anchovies of course um [Music] hmm deliciosa but which one is the deliciosa s yeah yeah well i do like a good cheeseburger and a good baked potato but if i had to pick the most deliciosa pizza i have to say professor monkey pizza we could come up with a better name but giorgio professor your pizza she's a winner [Music] now go ahead try some here you go [Music] cheers everybody i mean i mean cheese cheese [Music]
Channel: Peacock jr
Views: 1,017,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: universal kids, universal kids preschool, unikids, peacock jr, peachicks, curious george, new curious george, curious george episodes, new episodes
Id: tLGbnzjjeUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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