🍊 JULY 2024 Plan With Me // Bullet Journal Monthly Setup

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[Music] hi everyone my name is Anna and today we're going to set up my new bullet journal for July if you want to see how I set up the beginning pages and talked more about the journal itself you can check out my last video but today we're going to focus on this bright oranges and summary colors Inspire theme we're going to use G paints today and start from the cover spread as per usual and first let's walk through this fairly simple orange painting which is going to be much easier than it looks when we take it step by step I used this random piece of watercolor paper and taped it to this cutting board with washi tape we'll need white some bright blue green and orange tones for this painting and we'll start from the light blue background I mix a good amount of white with these sky blue Shades to get the color I was looking for I would recommend going with something pretty light so that the oranges will stand out against it but not too light so that the white flowers won't completely PL into the background I use this flat brush that makes applying the color all over the paper fast and easy and once we're done with the background layer we'll let it completely dry so that the next colors won't Blend or smudge the background so the next step will be painting all the main shapes of the elements with we want so I started with the oranges and I mixed some deep yellow and this very bright reddish orange shade to get the color I wanted later we'll mix slightly lighter and darker shades of orange to add shadows and highlights so for now our goal is just to get these different color plops to the paper I switched to a size four round brush here and try to keep the colors pretty opaque which is not super difficult since the background color is also very light I'm not showing myself dipping my brush to water because I can't fit my water jar in the footage but just not that I'm mixing a bit of water with all the paints a little bit less than when working with watercolors but the colors should Glide pretty effortlessly to the paper whenever your brush starts to get too dry you see that the paint Strokes look dry as well which you can see happening to me here every once in a while so that's usually a good indication to add a bit more water but after these round orange blobs are on the paper next we'll start painting initial shapes for the leaves I wanted to have two main Leaf colors so we'll start with the darker ones which will mostly Focus under the other leaves so these are kind of the leaves that are more in the shadow it might be a little bit tricky to work around the orange shape so you could even do this step first I just thought to avoid painting over these dark green shapes as much as possible because it requires a little bit heavier layer from the other lighter colors you can also always add more leaves later and polish or hide any shapes you're not happy with so now I just switch to a lighter green and we're going to do the exact same thing with this one at this point the painting might not look like much but it will all change once we add more details and finishing touches so now before starting to work on a second detail layer I thought we could first paint the white flowers the flowers are nothing special I painted these five or four pedal pretty regular flower shapes and we're going to also darken the outlines later so even though they don't stand out too much for now that's totally fine I tried to create a few of these flower CPS in different spots of the painting to balance the white color pretty evenly and to fill in any empty looking spots after the white shapes are done I try to blend a slightly grayish green shade by mixing white green and yellow ochre adding black or brown would be much faster but I didn't have it in my palette and I was too lazy to add it so this will do I switched to a smaller brush and just added a few dark darker lines towards the center of the flowers just to add a slightly more Dimension to them and then we are also adding some orange dots to the middle which I think ties everything together with the oranges pretty well but now that we are done with the flowers it's time to start the detailing phase where we add shadows and highlights to all the shapes we now have on the paper I decided to work with the oranges again first and started to add this darker Dot to the lower parts of the circles and later we'll add some lighter dots to the top Parts I was first trying to just creade Shadows with the dots but I think you'll need a round tool to keep them even to make that look pretty with a brush it's kind of difficult to create even Circle shapes so instead I started to PL in the color more traditionally and just added the dots looser here and there to indicate the sh areas you could blend in colors even more if you want a smoother finish but I was trying to leave some texture here so I didn't completely plant in all the tapping shapes [Music] after that I started to also add some details and fixes to the leaves I added a few more here and there where things still looked a little bit empty especially around the flowers and then I started to add some darker details to the lighter leaves and lighter details to the darker leaves I wanted to keep the leaves pretty simple and in general I wanted the whole look of this painting to be more on the graphic side so this is not realistic by any means especially when we add the black outlines it makes the whole look of the painting almost cartoon like or digital painted which was a style I was trying to experiment with this time [Music] it might be a little bit tricky to thrw over a gouache painting especially if you use a thick layer of paint while working with these outlines I found that if the paints were even a tiny bit wet or there was a thicker layer somewhere the black pen started to skip and get clocked so I needed to use white paper to get the pen to work again and then finish drawing any of those lines by repeating those steps something like the unipa actic markers would be much better for this purpose but they are quite thick and I wanted to give the lines as thin as possible so I just tried to push through any difficulties here [Music] but when this orange painting was finally done we can rip out the Washi tapes and attach the painting to the journal I decided to trim the white edges because the color was slightly different than my notebook paper and it was bothering me but after that will write the July title under the painting I was going for this almost poster look with how I placed the title and also wrote this small 2024 title to the top of the painting I don't know if it really worked I was also trying to find a muted red orange shade from my pen collection to write the titles with but I couldn't find the exact color I was looking for so instead I just went with black and used this pretty standard font Where The Down Strokes of the letters are slightly thicker all in all I think this very simplistic page lets the painting and colors in it shine and we can add a little bit more interest by using colored paper on the left side for the monthly calendar you can download and print all the colors and papers that I'm showing here for free from the freebie section of my shop I'll leave a link down below but before that I wanted to paint just one more Flower Branch here in the left corner because I was worried that the page would look a little bit too empty and this might also help to balance out the colors a little bit more so I just used all the same colors and paints I still had on my painting palette and painted these quick leaves following the same steps we did on the painting I had marked the calendar placement for myself so I mainly focused on the areas of outside of it and make sure that some of these flowers and different tones of leaves would still be visible and then I finish things off by drawing black outlines to the flowers again [Music] so after this quick flower painting was done I cuded this orange calendar background to the page drew the calendar itself and finish things off with some alphabet stickers to save a little bit of time my favorite type of monthly calendar is one where the days are next to each other so I can use arrows to indicate if something last for more than one day which is why I often find myself keeping these monthly calendars pretty similar sometimes I change it up for purely visual purposes but I think this Orange Box went pretty well with the rest of the page this time this cover spread ended up being quite minimal I think adding a little bit more color to the painting side with the titles would have probably helped but oh well I still like the colors and painting itself so now it's time to move on next we're going to set up a planning and reflection combination spread and we'll start by cutting this small Dutch door thing out of this middle page and then use a light blue paper to create a border around the whole Outer spread I think the light blue and bright or looks so pretty together I've used this combination before in a summer layout but I just liked it so much that we're going to repeat it also if you prefer lemons to oranges I think this theme would also work if you just change all the orange colors to yellows but I have done a lemon theme in the past which is why we're going with oranges this time please excuse my hair being all over the camera here by the way I was trying to film writing this title in a very uncomfortable position and looks like I was half in front of the camera but anyway once the titles are done I thought we could add some orange paintings also on this page so we'll now jump over here in the bottom corner I used all the same paint colors as earlier and the good thing about Gorge is that it's usually pigmented enough to cover any background colors so we can paint directly over the blue stripe I keep these oranges slight more simple than in the cover page painting so we're going to start with two different tones of green again for the leaves and then I painted the oranges as the Second Step this time I also wanted to add this cut in half orange so we'll need to change the colors for that slightly I needed a much lighter yellowy orange shade for the inner parts of the fruit and I also wanted to add some color variation to to indicate the separate slices so we're switching between slightly lighter and darker orange tones here but otherwise I'm not adding the tap shading to these oranges as we did in the first painting so it will just look a little bit more simple [Music] after finishing with the orange tones I added a few flowers here too and finished things off with a few quick details to the leaves I decided to outline the flowers this time as well which I think was very beneficial since the flowers don't really stand out against the notebook paper that much but now that this first decoration is done I jumped back to the planning page and used this light peachy toned Tombo brush pen that went perfectly with the orange paper I had printed out and I'm so annoyed that I messed up the lines here there was nothing really I could do so I just had to go with it but it definitely bothers me when I look at this page oh well anyway I'm following my pretty standard monthly planning setup here so I use the focus section to write out an overall plan for the month what I want to achieve or spend most of my energy on and then I added these three colored boxes to the bottom that will be my July habit trackers to be honest I haven't been super inspired to use these Pages recently but I didn't really know how else to set them up either I don't know I've been in a little bit of a motivation slump towards my bu Journal these past few months so we'll see anyway I continue to the next page here where I list some important tasks but I also wanted to paint another Orange in this upper corner to even out the decorations this one will be even quicker than the previous one so I'm going to Speed it through here in the video I just added a few leaves and one basic round orange to bring that color here and then we can move on to this flip door thingy I'm going to use the inside of this Dutch door for my short monthly reflection and something I had in mind for this theme was some sort of blue summery tile pattern I didn't fully plan or sketch this out so I was kind of winging it here I used one of these etra laap colored pens I have from a set I really use them because they are a bit bright for the colors I often go for but this was the perfect mid blue shade I was looking for so I started by drawing these bigger dots that will mark the corners of these Diamond Square shapes then I started to draw these foursided flower shapes inside each of the squares I was trying to keep them as even as possible while still working pretty fast so some of them are not that perfect however I feel like whenever you draw a pattern like this small mistakes and irregularities will blend in with the rest then after all the flower shaves I took out a ruler and through these diagonal lines through all the dots and then finished all the squares with some additional dots around the flowers you could keep adding small details to each Square to fill up the space even more and to make the pattern more intricate but I didn't want to use too much time for this so it was good enough for me then I took out a stripe of this orange colored paper and use this for the reflection title that we're going to write with the same alphabet stickers I used earlier I don't know why but after adding the title the whole pattern started to remind me of the Louis Vuitton pattern and I suddenly regretted not planning it out a bit further beforehand but it wasn't anything that bothered me to the extent of changing the whole pattern so I went with it and started to work on the inner section instead first I thought it would look nice if we added this orange paper also to the inside of the Dutch door to kind of clearly mark this area however I forgot to round the corners of this orange piece so the square edges now Peak under the round pattern edges but luckily it's not too noticeable then I went ahead and wrote out a super simple monthly reflection here I use pretty much the same things every month and started with this on my mind section which is just a very open title to write about anything that stood out to me or I've been thinking or feeling about lately then I used the orange side to list a few things I'm proud of and a few things I need to improve moving forward so nothing special keeping the reflection really short this month and after all that we're done with this planning spread and can flip over to the last spread of this monthly setup which are the weekly pages I actually wanted to do something a little bit different with the week this time but we are again starting by decorating this whole page I wanted to use the blue paper again on the edges so we're going to create another Dutch door here and I will need four pages for it in the middle so I started by cutting these and I usually like to cut two pages at a time sometimes the dots in these notebooks are not completely lined up so I don't like to trust them most of the time and instead just follow the cuts I made to the first p page I then rounded all the corners which creates a super polished look to these pages in my opinion and then used these pages to Mark the area on this blue paper that we'll need to cut out there probably could be an easier way to do this and you could just use the blue for something else as well but I didn't need this extra space here this time which is why I wanted to start the weeklys straight from this first page I did the same thing to the final Edge page but before cutting the center piece off I wanted to create one last orange painting here in the corner I decided to paint another one of these sliced oranges because I think it looked really nice on the previous spread so I took out the gouache paints once again and painted a very similar Orange Leaf and flower combination we've already done a few times I kep things extra simple here as well so I didn't bother with much texture or lights or Shadows I feel like every painting in this setup ended up being lazier than the previous one which is why I often don't like to draw or paint the same thing over and over however I really liked the look of these oranges and it also didn't take much time to paint them so it was the perfect decoration here in the final spread [Music] [Music] but when the painting was done we can finally cut out the blue paper and clue to the page I also wrote out a July week's Title Here on the left side before we can finally start setting up the weekly pages in the middle so I actually wanted to have more room for each day this month because I've been really inspired to get back to time pling and being more detailed about my daily plans in general I found myself using the notes section of my weeklys last month because I didn't have enough room to write my daily tasks so we're fixing it this time I used these two sets of calendar stickers so on the first week I used some weekly title and number stickers from ikai papier and on the second one we're going to use the clear journaling stickers from my own summer launch so I'm using one spread for each week here and wrote out the hours of the day on the left side so I can write the tasks more accurately throughout the day I also divided the days by marking out the lunch time which is around 12: and dinner time which is around 6 for us because in my mind those are the times that divide my work day from morning to afternoon to evening tasks I usually like to do some easier tasks in the morning is often some shop related things like stocking stickers or packing orders then afternoons are for the most demanding tasks that require deeper focus and then in the evenings I like to focus on some easier tasks that I can do on a computer like drawing editing videos or writing voiceover scripts for example I set the next spread in the exact same way and I'm interested to see how this will work out then we're going to skip the last two weeks because I probably do something very similar so we can flip over to this final spread of the Dutch store if you've been a longtime viewer you might remember that July is always a month where I write a letter to myself in one year from now this is a fun tradition that I've been doing for quite a few years now and it's just an opportunity for me to record my current thoughts write about what's currently been going on in my life and what I'm planning or hoping for the future and then in one year I'll read this letter and have always completely forgotten what I wrote so it's just fun to find out the thoughts of my past self so yeah I'll Reserve this whole page for that because I usually end up writing quite a bit and that also finishes up our July theme I love the colors I think they are so pride and fun and I'm especially excited to start using the new detailed weekly pages I will be taking some time off in the June and July TR transition and my shop will also be closed for about 2 weeks for a short summer break starting from June 25th so if there's anything you want to get before that Now's the Time but I think that's all I have for this time thank you so much for watching I hope you're having a lovely day or night wherever you are and I'll see you in my next one bye-bye
Channel: Journal Away
Views: 10,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bullet journal, journal away, bullet journal plan with me, bullet journal 2024, 2024 bullet journal, bullet journal setup 2024, art bullet journal, artistic bullet journal, artistic bullet journal setup, art bujo, bullet journal july 2024, plan with me july, july plan with me, plan with me july 2024, july 2024 bullet journal, bullet journal setup july 2024, july 2024 bullet journal setup, bullet journal july, july bullet journal, bullet journal plan with me july, july bujo
Id: IAlXOlxllzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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