πŸƒπŸŒΏπŸƒ GARDEN TOUR with Erin, The Impatient Gardener

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everyone my name is erin i have a youtube channel and a blog called the impatient gardener and i'm delighted to be here on linda's channel today showing you around my garden so i live in southeastern wisconsin which is zone 5b we're very close to the shores of lake michigan so we really have a microclimate going on here and the lake dictates most of our weather in terms of temperature at least so we live on an acre and a third about two-thirds of which is sort of cultivated and i'm just going to walk you around my gardens and uh and you'll see what it's all about here so this garden that we're at right now is not normally where i would start a garden tour in fact most of my garden tours that i do on my channel i start in what i consider to be sort of the heart of the garden which is kind of near the house but if you were coming to my house and since many of you are going to be seeing me for the first time i thought why not show you the garden the way you would see if you were coming over to my house for a visit so we're right here at the entrance to our driveway and the garden that we see over here is all new last year and we're going to walk through the middle of this but part of why i designed this was to be kind of an interesting entrance to our property before this was just uh well we used to have many many trees here we've been here for 19 years now and uh and then last year i sort of turned this into a sort of more naturalistic garden okay now we're going to head over to closer to the house and then we'll dig the tour from so this is a garden that i made a few years ago and it's just on the other side of our driveway and the only plants are in it are dwarf alberta spruces pagoda dogwoods in the middle and then this is uh japanese for forest glass grass hacklin cloa macra which is the straight green one and i love it this is where i also had boxwoods in here and those actually had boxwood blight i found out this year that the boxwoods i had here head box would light and so i had to remove those but i have boxwoods elsewhere in my garden and i've been practicing i've been following really good hygiene as far as boxwood goes so i'm hoping that um the rest of the boxwood in my garden can be spared from that all right so now we're gonna head over by the house come on so we garden with with we have two dogs and this is one of them that's odin so this is our front door and these two pots in this part of our driveway actually both have pagoda dogwoods in them for years i grew other things in these pots and then last year i changed them out for these pagoda dogwoods and i couldn't be happier with the change i love the form of pagoda dogwoods that nice tiered branching is so nice i do have a few things left to plant on the on the front porch here but off to the side is what i call the circle garden now i am sort of of the belief that life is too short to just have one gardening style so i am all over the place in terms of my garden style and this is kind of an interesting experiment i did where i sort of mixed a formal shape and form with sort of loose planting uh the hedge you see here is all chives this was made from two bunches of chives that i got and over the years just kept dividing them about as soon as this video is done i'm going to cut them back i cut them back two or three times a year and then they flush back just beautifully they're especially beautiful when they are in flower but they get a little straggly looking so i cut them all back and within within two weeks they're looking great again each segment in this garden uh is a little different i plant three mass plantings of things in here so for instance here i've got one of my absolute favorite flowers this is nicotiana lime green which i grow from seed each segment has a boxwood and a pot in it and here i've got some dahlias growing and then in the front i've got just white profusion zinya's getting going here and then of course i've got this i guess this is a tutor not an obelisk which i've been calling it that which which hosts several different varieties at least three if not four of clemens in here which clemens is one of my very favorite plants so you can't really go wrong with that so my first gardening love was container gardening so i do a lot of containers and i love making containers and this year this is my sort of wild and crazy container because our front door is set up quite high i always feel like i need height here and so this year that's coming in the form of some extremely healthy cup and saucer vine that i started from seed this winter i do grow a lot of annuals from seed and then i filled in with all sorts of things including a tall angelonia some gara helichrysum a little bit of verbena down here some purple heart transcantia uh so it's just sort of uh sometimes i like things to be a little bit looser and a little bit more out there and certainly this one this one fits that bill they have a little clematis i've got clemens all over the place they grow up a variety of structures trees shrubs you name it but this one uh this one is just kind of climbs up the railing there comes around from the other side of the house now this is sort of the main garden and probably if you know my garden at all this is probably the area you're most familiar with so this border right here is where very soon it will be absolutely bursting in color because all planted along the back here are tall dinner plate dahlias and those of course haven't done anything yet but all of this becomes kind of a riot of color once that happens and then i fill in along here with with a variety of annuals again more nicotiana which probably you'll never find my garden without and a variety of other things down at the bottom here all of which sort of come together when those dahlias really really come to life the only perennials in this skinny little bed along the house here are a rose and this rose is um these are just kind of over now but this is um autumn sunset rose and then if you look up there's the beautiful pearl d'azur uh clementis up there it's a very tall growing clemonus which makes it perfect for this trellis here and i love how when you look up you just see those flowers looking right at you i do have a window box here um uh which is starting to come together here you know things are just starting starting to to pull together i grow vines up the up the bamboo poles this year that's purple bellevine going up there but i again like to take some height up it's a very our house is sort of tall and white so i like to to bring height to it where where i'm able to along this side we've got a variety of containers i've got a kumquat here i've got a pepper this is um senecio skyscraper from the southern living plant collection with some really fun little corsican mint as almost like a ground cover to this pot and it's got the tiniest little flowers in it just the most charming little little plant there and then over here we've got a couple of figs this is a chicago hearty fig and this is a miss figgy fig little miss figgy fig and tomatoes which need some steaking and peppers in this little planter here some some sweet peas there and just ignore the fact that there's no railing on our stairs right now we're in the middle of replacing our stair railing so there's no railing there right now but normally there is as you sort of circle around here this area was just redone a few years ago and you'll notice poppies all over the garden most of them have self sewn i've sewn some i sew them right on the snow in winter and it works great here i think that the that this that the seed pods are maybe prettier even than the flowers so i do leave many of them stand as long as i can just because i think those little pods are so pretty so this is where i plant most of the rest of my dailies that aren't against the house i think this year i grew maybe some maybe between 70 and 80 dahlias last year i did 100 and that was too many so i cut back to 70 or 80. many of them many of them are planted in this garden i try to plant things that don't that don't get quite as tall in this garden so that they can be more a part of the garden sometimes if you stick a six foot tall dahlia in there it gets a little gets a little busy but all kinds of things are packed in this garden the nice little feathery plant in the back that i just love so much is amsonia hubrechtei and in front of that we've got tiny tough stuff hydrangea which we've got very alkaline soil here so naturally would be pink i do treat that to try to make it blue and it doesn't always take uniformly so you actually get this beautiful range of colors from deep blue to lilac to pink to any color in between and then the dahlias in this area are just starting to open so here's maybe my favorite dahlia right here and the very first bloom of it this is creighton honey and all of the dahlias that are planted in this group right here are all creighton honey so they will be this sort of beautiful peachy ball dahlia all along here and then in the front of this bed there's some other there's some other shrubs and perennials of course in in the back here but along the front is all annuals so this is really a very colorful show that changes every year because i always plant something different here although this beauty right here this is called wild magic basil it is a sterile variety so you can't grow it from seed so you have to buy it as a plant but it gets huge and it gets these beautiful uh you know beautiful purple foliage good to eat too but also the flowers are just gorgeous on it so i always grow that at the front of the bed because i i quite love it so this is this is probably the view that you see the most of my garden if you've ever seen it or you follow me on instagram and this is where we sit and this is where we enjoy the garden the most so that's why i like to make this kind of the focal point so as you come down the semi weedy path here we've got you know we sort of continue this bed over here we've got a very by the way we've got a very big limelight right here which has really become a focal point of this part of the garden and over the years it's sort of been limbed up to be almost a tree form i didn't really intend for that to happen but it's it's great that it did happen because it allows me to grow so much else below it uh the corner of this garden is the first tree we planted in this garden which is a service barrier actually i think it's the the species it's quite big and it's been having kind of a rough time the past couple of years it's really suffered with um cedar apple rust um which there's you can kind of try to treat it but there's not a really a good way to do that but um and then we can um we'll pop around and see those hostas in a second but over on this side of the garden i do love this path because there's so much going on on both sides this is a blue globe spruce i do have three of them they're sort of kind of rhythmically placed and i do love that that blue foliage in here in this part of the garden we've got all kinds of things again annuals are going to fill in along this border here um but right now we've got the stand by me clementis in here which is probably stealing the show the most it's just so beautiful i love it it's a bush clematis so it doesn't vine you just have to kind of support it to keep it more or less upright and that's as tall as it'll get right there got a big columbine trying to seed all over the place here but um these are all i think these are blue angel hostas i planted them many many years ago but they just fill up this whole corner um which i i just love the love the look of that again i have a clematis who climbs up and will eventually work its way up this tree so uh it's grave tie beauty so it blooms later in the year and so later in the year i will have flowers blooming on this tree and they are the clemens that's made its way made its way up there back sort of on the path here um if you look at this from this area from overhead basically what we have is a circle of grass over here and then this is a sort of an oval that sits diagonally that the path runs through so if you connect these two sides it creates an oval we've got another blue tree over here which is a blue magoo and right now what's looking best in this bed is well first of all this is lauren's grape poppy which is just just the best this is midnight masquerade penstemon there is a red poppy trying to pop in there this is uh white wands veronica which is just covered in pollinators right now such a beautiful plant and i love it in this application it's a nice height for a plant too for the for the front of the border now even though it's the other side of the same path it's there's less sun over here so this bed is filled with mostly you know sort of part shade type of things uh including this this maple which is um i always forget the name of it it is moon rise so this is acer shirazawa moon rise um pretty young i've only just put this in maybe two years ago and then we've got lots of heucheras down here a few hostas things like that on that side we'll just pause to take a peek at these two these two containers um simple really simple container here just three plants so um this is plectranthus silver shield this is iconia upright salmon begonia and then dichondra silver falls draping out and i think that's a lot of luck for three different types of plants only so this this border faces west so there's not a lot of morning sun here it gets hit with a bit of afternoon sun although it's shielded from some trees we have here so it's always interesting to see what will grow in this area but one of the things that grows really well is the climbing hydrangea here against the against the garage now that's growing on the north side of the garage and it's just starting to cover that wall so beautifully and now it's starting to come around the edge a little bit which i'm fully in favor of if it went over the top of the door and over to the pergola on top of the garage that would be that'd be okay with me okay so now we're on the other side of the circle so this is now i'm looking east right now and uh i've terraced these walls a little bit here i actually built those terraced walls myself about 10 years ago now and so that backs up to our deck where we hang out most of the time and there's all sorts of things in here this year i've sort of made this a little bit of a tropical corner so i put in some cannas in here and i've just changed it up a little bit because once these poppies i won't leave all these poppies to stand so once those leave it can get a little bear in here a couple of notable plants in here one of my absolute favorites clementis right here this is sapphire indigo and it grows from there i just let it drape over the wall both directions and um it will bloom all year for me it's just a it's just a real a real stunner in there then i have another clematis doing the same thing over here the name always escapes me so i will have to look it up but um does the same thing i i love clemens that can just kind of be left to meander around i have some june hostas growing here they're a little getting a little tattered right now from slug damage but not so bad i'm able to grow hostas here in um in more sun than a lot of people would be and certainly like more sun than linda would ever be able to grow hosta because our sun just doesn't get as hot here so as we come around the corner we've got some some sort of crazy perennial geraniums here i think it's johnson's blue and then um we come to the second set of stairs we have for our deck these are incredible hydrangeas which are just starting to bloom now and they will get the flowers on these will get absolutely enormous 17 inches across in diameter is what i've measured some of them at before we've got one on either side flanking it and down here we have a uh atoll violet clematis one of my favorite clematis and one that i recommend to so many people it's sulking a little bit here because like i said we've been putting in new deck railings and i had to take it off the railing and it didn't really go back on in in a great way but it sure is beautiful those flowers are stunning so this is one an example of just a tiny little corner that just came together so nicely for me so this tree is aurelia silver umbrella it is a grafted form of aurelia and it's got variegated leaves on it and it's happy here uh it's been growing really well over on this side and since our deck is raised quite a bit it really helps tie the top of the deck down to here and then i've just got i think this is an autumn fern a nice little salomon seal down here that i picked up at a plant sale at a house and i don't know the variety of but it's really quite pretty and some lamium for ground cover and a couple of really big hostas in there and i don't even know which ones these i think that's elegance maybe and this might be like guacamole or something i'm not even sure which ones they are anymore uh really simple but grounds this corner of the deck and sort of you know makes it all make sense and it's kind of just a nice little moment in the garden so over here we've got these are more poppies that these are ones i just sewed you know poppies come up by the million basically so um i'm enjoying it although some of them will go all we'll keep the best looking seed heads here the nice big fat ones but the rest of them are getting a little floppy so they'll have to get they'll have to get cleaned out a little bit there's always a weed to be pulled around here this is spirea in here this is blue kazoo it's it's a favorite of mine and it's it's finished flowering now so i will cut it back to just shape it lightly but it has this blue foliage but also has some purple on it such a nice such a nice spirea if you don't know that one that's one to look into now as we come this way we're sort of i did some some rearranging in this bed move some hydrangeas around in here and so this is another incredible over here and i have another hydrangea in here that's brand new this year but i'm currently protecting it uh from deer to make sure it gets a good start so i do deal with deer here it's a big problem i spray as long as i can keep up with spraying deer i manage them well it's when i slack off or forget to spray that we end up with problems and so i will uncage this guy shortly uh but that is this is hollow uh hydrangea in here which is a really beautiful one and i hope he gets big and i would add a lot more of him in here if he if he does well but i didn't want to take chances with the with the deer uh over here this is your this is your your basic annabelle hydrangea over here i love annabelle i think she's great she has filled up this whole corner and come around the corner and i'm here for it i love it so this is what i consider my my sort of hot border my garden as you probably noticed has a lot of pinks and blues and chartreuse and white and i wanted a place to put in really hot colors so that's what i do that's what i do over here so this is where i put plants that are red and orange and whatever this clementis right here is neobi who's looking a little bit more purple than usual usually he goes a skews a little bit more uh dark red we've got kind of a mishmash of things in here the big plants you see back here are monks hood which of course will not bloom a hot color those will bloom beautiful steely blue probably the last flower to bloom in the garden and this this little cutie right here is uh this is golden spirit katanas smoke bush growing in a pot completely inspired by linda if you guys have been watching linda for enough years you've probably seen what she had uh this in her garden i believe she lost it this past year and that those horrible storms that they had over winter but uh i do love putting a pot in the middle of a garden i i think it it just adds a dimension to a garden so you will see pots stuck in my garden all over the place so we've got several paths here that lead to the other side because we have a little creek that runs through and this is this is one of them they all lead to the same place which is just the other side of the creek but before we head over there and down my shade border i just want to show you this side over here so uh this is an asian pear that's been espaliered against the fireplace here and i've really edited this bed heavily this year so we've got tough stuff hydrangea growing in front of it we've got some lily that i don't remember being there that's bright orange but more power to it for hanging in there and then this year i i replanted most of this bed to be almost all calamenta nepeta montrose white there are some alliums in here it's called this one is a variety called big beauty which is similar to summer beauty and millennium which will bloom soon and then i've got some uh sango sorba in here as well which has not bloomed yet those are all new this year so this guy this bed got a bit of a bit of renovation in it and back here uh are the only two plants that i believe exist from what were here when we bought the house and those are just two old-fashioned peonies that have bloomed and i've cut them back to be a little bit more presentable there but i believe that's all that remains from the original plants that came with this house so depending on when linda shows you this video you might be seeing a part of the garden that other people have not seen yet um because this year this little bump out right here is new i uh fixed the line of this bed most of this bed has been here for a long time but the line of this bed has always bothered me so i i redesigned it this year to sort of mimic the circle garden so that created this this sort of big swoop here this is a wolf eyes dogwood in the middle here it will get very horizontal branching which is what i want here i don't want it upright it will get to be very horizontal but dog would sort of do that over time and the back of this here is just mostly hostas when i started this bed i was a new gardener i didn't have a big budget for gardening and so i bought hosta plugs and i just plunk them in so most of these were grown from like two inch plugs over time now there are a couple of gems in here uh and this is one of them this is shredded umbrella plant which is about to bloom here but i just love the leaves on it i think it's so so great we've got some toad lilies back here which is a horrible name for a beautiful flower that doesn't look like much now but in fall it will get a little orchid like flowers we've got ferns your basic shade plants in here a variety of ferns and hostas and hellebore a nice big patch of canadian ginger here which is a native here and then this is where we also expanded that border so i still have to sort of figure out this edge a little bit but this is where we enter the what i call the new garden i guess i'll have to come up with a better name for that in a few years this whole area was redone last year um and i'm thrilled with how it's developing considering it's only a year old i finished planting this on july 10th of 2020 and so everything you see here is has been in the ground for basically basically a little over a year um so we if this the sun shade situation is interesting here but this is definitely shadish over here um as the farther you go towards the road the more sun more sun you get into there um through here we've got a stilbies we've got blue this is uh carrick's flakka blue zinger a plant to research before you plant it by the way because it can get a little rambunctious i'm pretty happy with how it's going here these are still bees are just the best unfortunately there's a lot more of them planted but the deer seem to have gotten some of them but the flowers on this sistobe are just just primo this garden features sort of mass plantings of some of the plants that i rely on the most one of them being one of them being geranium macarizum which grows in anything for me from full shade to full sun it is really a miracle plant it has bloomed and so you can see it's spent blooms here i don't mind those at all those will just fall off so i don't even go in and deadhead it and it's evergreen so it's there all year which is pretty great in a zone five um these these big these big guys i don't know can you get this all and you might have to pan up to see that um i would conservatively say let's see is this twice my height so i'm five foot two and we think this is twice my height so we think that's ten feet this is the electrum ellen and along this part of the path is ladies mantel which it has these are the flowers on it's so beautiful i'll cut these back soon but i just love those love those dainty little chartreuse flowers on ladies mantel uh this is one of my must-have can't go wrong easy plants that you don't have to mess around with or do anything with as we walk across the bridge here now we get into even more plants so you saw some of the plants when we first started this tour over there that's where we started now we're kind of weaving through that garden this is a nepeta whose name i can't remember right now along here we've got a sort of all kinds of things here is uh this is sangua sorba lilac squirrel and this is the first bloom on it this year isn't that just the cutest little fuzzy little pom-pom i mean you just can't go wrong with that so this is relies heavily on grasses here so these grasses young grasses take time to um mature there's a lot of a lot of blazing star uh uh liatris in here so early atres however you say that there's a lot of that in here so that's about to take over all of the deer have cut about half of them down for me this side is is the full shade bed underneath an oak tree and a big spruce and i do need to get in here and do a little bit of weeding but the main plant that's growing in here is carrick's pennsylvanica so this whole area will fill in with these carrots at some point so this is will become a beautiful ground cover and suppress all those weeds that i have to keep an eye on right now as we come this way we've got some echinacea paleta which i would say is probably my favorite echinacea um it kind of goes a little dr soucy we've got some caradana salvia in here which is finished blooming and i will cut back here shortly we've got the big plant that you see in the middle is angelica gigas which is a biennial that i grow over by the garage and i brought plants over last year and transplanted them over here because it does seed quite readily and you don't need a lot of them obviously it will get a beautiful purple flower on the top of it that every insect in the world will be lined up to to feed at uh this is more this is more of that um calamintha montrose white this year i've planted amongst it some bottle gentian which looks like nothing right now but we'll get a beautiful blue flower on it so they will bloom at the same time so we'll have the the beautiful frilly white of the kalamintha with the blue of the blue gentian bottle junction in there okay so this is my dream vegetable garden which i got three years ago we built this vegetable garden and i love this spot over here um and i love you know i sort of knew that i was going to get one garden gate in my life and so i got the garden gate in my dreams so i actually had this garden gate built which i love we've just got simple boxwoods outside here so far so good on those with the blight this year you'll notice the beautiful clementis growing over the top we planted those last year and the two containers that flanked the doors here and this is it's called little boss and i love how the nodding bells just come over the top so this vegetable garden is roughly 40 by 50 feet we've got eight four by eight raised beds and four two and a half by five raised beds in the center and i grow all the vegetables that i love to eat in it so in the front here we've got a lot of lettuce and kale mostly most of the lettuce is just about finished here then we go to two beds of tomatoes and as we come in here the center beds the center for small beds are all for cut flowers and the centers of each of those are lovely wonderful delicious smelling sweet peas which which are certainly one of my favorite flowers i grow those from seed every year and they are the flower that got me started growing flowers from seed because it's very hard to find sweet peas growing so you generally if you want to grow them you usually have to start them yourself um and to me there isn't a better scent on the planet than than sweet bees so these are just filled with random flowers i use them theoretically for cut flowers although i'm a little stingy about cutting them even for that and then i've got a squash bed over here this is all garlic over here which will be probably be harvested in a i mean we're just starting to think about harvesting two or three weeks probably would be my guess before that's ready um over here i've got turmeric and ginger peas are finishing up beans are starting over there and this is my herb bed one of the things that i really like to do is to especially since i'm growing in raised beds is to plant in ways that are beautiful so uh i've got patterns in here so we've got these little uh greek greek basils here which will form sort of a basil hedge and then we've got two different kinds of basil that'll form sort of a triangle and the opposite on this side this is crimson king and emerald towers basils here and then in the corners i put in my parsley and my dill and nasturtiums and then at the back i've got cucumbers growing so everything's kind of just kind of coming into its own along this back fence here this is a project that i started last year i am creating what is called a belgian fence which is a for an espalier form out of royal raindrops crab apples so the bamboo the bamboo that you see are sort of the supports as it grows in but it will become this crisscrossing um crisscrossing essentially a fence back here and then i've just plant some sonata cosmos along the bottom to sort of brighten that area up make that look beautiful so of course this is all fenced with a six foot tall fence which allows me to have this without having to worry about the deer uh getting in here which is fabulous but this is my stock tank pond so i've had this since we since we started in here this year i'm just growing uh this is like a water clover and this is a lotus which i hope will be producing a flower one of these days nonetheless i think it's exotic and beautiful the way it comes up and this year for the first time i put fish in this pond i've always resisted doing that but a lot of people told me i was really missing out so i've put in feeder just feeder fish in here but they'd have done the best job of taking care of any mosquito larvae that gets in here keeping it clean and algae free and i do dye the pond water to make it nice and black with a non-toxic dye so that's just kind of a fun thing that i do because i like to i believe that spaces in your garden can be beautiful and productive i don't believe in drawing a line between the food that you want to eat and the flowers that you want to grow i think everything can grow in harmony and i think you can have a garden space that's naturalistic in one area and kind of formal in another and sort of modern cottage uh in yet another i don't think like you have i just don't feel that you have to limit yourself and what you want your garden to be so that's sort of my my gardening philosophy so thanks for coming along on this kind of longer tour of my garden but uh it was really a pleasure to invite you all in and see what i'm doing here and thank you so much linda um for sharing this with with all of your great followers and i hope you guys all have a great day in your garden take care
Channel: Linda Vater
Views: 64,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potagerblog, Linda Vader, garden life, garden designer, garden landscape design, garden design, garden media, gardening, Linda Vater, southern gardening, thrifting, Garden Answer, boxwood, topiary, garden tour, evergreens, favorite plants, garden center, Oklahoma gardening, garden, lifestyle tips, garden lifestyle
Id: sA5W4n1mQmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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