🌼 Garden Tour ~ Flower Border ~ Y Garden 🌼

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hey guys you lay here so today I'm going to do another garden tour and this time it's the tour of our flower border I hope you guys are not getting tired of the flower tours because there's not really a lot to do in the garden I do have a couple of projects coming up that I'm going to make videos about but right now it's all about the flowers anyway Michael can't help feel me today so I'm going to do it by myself I hope that's okay with you so let's get started okay I will start at this corner where I planted caladiums couple of weeks ago I hope you guys remember the video they are filling in so nicely so the one right here is white wonder these are Candida and this one I do not know the cultivar but it is my favorite it's absolutely beautiful I love the simplicity of those white leaves and as we move right along here the feverfew meadow continues to thrive and we do have this a little walkway here that is sort of a secret path from the sidewalk to the lawn area so we can get to the other beds but someone asked me about their fever views flopping and how come mine don't and mine do flop eventually as they get older and taller they start getting heavier and eventually flop but what you can do to avoid flop it is not to fertilize them a lot they actually do not like a lot of nutrients in their soil and also try not to water overhead and there's the key to join us and also you can do a Chelsea chop on them but there's I just have so many I had no time to do the Chelsea chop on them but they're looking so beautiful and I wanted to show you this very interesting thing right here so you know they're hybridized they seed all over and sometimes seeds are not true to their parents so you can see the difference between the flowers these are a little bit fluffier than the ones on the right and sometimes they come out double and just look like little buttons it's the cutest thing but right here I'm on the fever fuse I have this hydrangea invincible and this is one of the oldest arborescens type hydrangeas it does not have a strong of a stem as the later types the ones that you can buy in the store right now but I still love it it's just such a graceful beautiful plant it opens up with these beautiful pink flowers and they age to chartreuse color and I actually used them in wreaths last year and it was absolutely beautiful right here I'm going to try to swing really slowly I know you guys get dizzy but right there I have a patch of milkweed that is about to bloom and there is more feverfew here and I hope you guys recognize this area I was working on it in the spring I made a couple of videos about it and it filled in enormous ly look at all these plants here so I have Joe Pye weed there's a kinesia starting to bloom the sweet peas that I planted starting to bloom right there look how giant this echinacea is this is about five feet tall I did not know what's going on over here and this plant right here I wanted to talk about this is phlox but I bought at a garage sale last year and I did not know the caller the color of it I did not know the height I just saw potential and look at this beautiful plant I just love it I think this is a dated variety I'm pretty sure it's mildew-resistant just fits in so nicely in this bed oh look the dahlias are starting to bloom right here let me swing over to this devil strip here and this the devil strip is the area that we call between the road and the sidewalk around here and right here I have my bachelors buttons from the winter sowing they're doing really well they are not getting enough Sun here definitely they need as much Sun as you can possibly give them and they probably need a couple of more hours but they still bloom so beautifully this is a blue boy and it's one of the bluest bachelor's buttons out there there's also cosmos from winter sowing starting to bloom right here now here's a look at the B there are huge pollinators the way the thing about winter sowing is that you have to plant the plants out of the bottles not believe them in the bottles for weeks like I have and really the best way to plant them is when they are about 2 to 3 inches tall and I I still had bottles of winter sowing until a couple of weeks ago oh there's another Dahlia right here this is Emery Paul starting to bloom also have a lisam from winter sowing here but what I wanted to show you here is not a plant at all but these really gross looking you fungi they are cold devil's fingers and they have been here all spring lawn I think they're the mulch here is breaking down and it had the spores of these weird mushrooms it's just so girls but also interesting anyway um as we move further there's just more fever fuse and I hope the light is okay today because it's kind of patchy so right here this is one of my old fashioned flocks that a friend gave me a long time ago like a little piece and it's been here for years beautiful color also very fragrant compared to the later of varieties of phlox right here I have a little bluestem grass also a dear friend gave me a patch and this little plant the pink plant is xylene from winter sowing and it's on the way out it doesn't really like hot weather but check out these balloon-like seed pods aren't they're so interesting and the flowers have been just adorable I have a number of patches here this phlox right here I think is amico I bought in Costco as bare root and look how beautifully blooms the Leatrice is about to bloom also super tall this year really really tall and if this area I actually reworked this year because I had yellow irises here and just a bunch of different plants that I was not happy with and that's what you do guys if you don't like something replanted give it to your friends discarded and just plant something that you really enjoy like I did so that Joe Pye weed right there was extending all the way here and IRA planted it more to the back because it is a taller kind of plant this clematis I also bought on sale I think last year or a couple of years ago I don't remember this is Madame a Julia Carvin and I'm probably butchering the name but it has been blooming for weeks and weeks it's just such a great performer I under plant it with jasmine so when people walk on the sidewalk they can smell the beautiful scent of jasmine right next to it is a balloon flower that is another one of those true blue colors and the reason it's called balloon flower obviously is because when they're just about to open they look like balloons and there is a winter sewing bottle right there guilty there's I think this is one of my last ones that I need to plant it's crazy there are dahlias right here these are the smaller types this is Franz Kafka and they're one of those the pom-pom ones there is diamond frosty phobia which I absolutely adore this is one of my most favorite emails if you are not sure what to plant in the garden s for the annuals just plant diamond frost it goes with everything now right here there's another little Dahlia starting to bloom this is Rocco and it came in the same bag as Franz Kafka because they are the same type they're so cute oh and right here I have nepeta cat's pajamas and it is such a great nepeta it's low to the ground and doesn't flop like the walkers low let me swing to the devil strip a little bit and talk about my woes for this year so we had a road work done as you could see the road is dusty and the workers were really nice and they were replacing the pipe so we have healthy water but they did damage a lot of plants on the outer side of the devil strip some of them are completely gone some of them are burned like that iris and a lot of that stuff was from my winter so so like the double-click cosmos right here I have some left and there are absolutely beautiful but there were more and they are they were just burned and died but you know I I can live with that if I have healthy water for the rest of our stay here in the house so anyway also in this patch here I planted echinacea pallida from the winter sowing and the perennials obviously take longer to bloom so we're gonna have to wait for that so I also lost the gray poppies now the gray poppies are one of those like really rare poppies and I tried them this year and they are really beautiful they're kind of small I don't know if it's just me or that's the way they are I had a bunch of them on the other side because they like it a dry and hot and that's what the other side of the devil strip it really is so you know I'll try again next year it's not not a big deal right here I have echinacea that actually are seeded from the echinacea that I showed you before and also these are drumstick alliums and I planted them sort of all over the place because I wanted to see how they look with other plants for pairings and so far they pretty much go with everything so there is my economic of road work but it's still trying to bloom and oh I just wanted to show you this little plant here this is or Alaia right here and this is another one from winter sowing and it's kind of like one of those Queen Anne's lace plants and it is a little bit smaller and I love it's just adorable right here I have a gara the kitty is just so so let's talk about this plant this is stachyose huemul oh and it is in the same family as lamb's ear believe it or not but their leaves are totally like almost glassy they're not fuzzy this is a huge pollinator actually for days I have been looking at this plant and the pollinators fight over the flowers it's just amazing dizzy there will be all kind of different types of bees and they love this plant it is one of the biggest pollinators I have in the garden right now and it's beautiful it's absolutely gorgeous when it gets too hot it kind of stops blooming rather quickly but we've had cooler weather it's been holding on for a couple of weeks just amazing plan I love it and look how beautiful it looks with the drumsticks and drumsticks are about to open so you see how the lowers the lower flowers are green and then they turn this more of a burgundy color again I have some phlox over there let me swing over here and show you this little composition here so again phlox probably david variety there's different David's there's the white there's the lavender but if you want a longer blooming perennial in your garden phlox is it they will bloom for months on end because their flowers here they keep opening up and it's paired with Morphy refuse and of course one of my favorite natives is Joe Pye weed and right here we have HF young clematis that is blooming again a bloom about a month ago and what you can do you can actually cut it in half and it will bloom more dramatically but I didn't have time for it if you don't cut it it will have sporadic flowers here and there there's some buds it's just a beautiful plant and I love how it kind of hugging the drumstick allium right here it's a beautiful paring and here we have penstemon you know guys from the woodland garden how much I love my penstemon the penstemon czar under planted with cleome that I found this year this is senorita Blanca and it is amazing I planted it I think it was over a month ago cleome blooms all summer long it is such a beautiful performer and what I love about cleome is that they can take part shade to full burning Sun so if you want unity in your garden you can weave it through the shady area not really shady but part shade and then out in the Sun and it's just gorgeous there are the elephant ears starting to come out I had a lot of problems with elephant ears this year but that's okay then right here in this shady area I have the wild geranium with some astilbe some more elephant ears and the ornamental grasses are starting to fill in there is the morphe refuse right here and this entire area of the workers dug up all of the plants had to be removed and I mean they tried to plant them back and I appreciate the effort but you know I'm going to have to work on this area a little bit I wanted to show you is our native soil this is unamended soil and it looks pretty much like dust like there's this is if you don't amend your soil or our soil soil is different everywhere that's what our soil looks like so I do amend my soil with compost and well rotted cow manure cow manure is pretty much the way to go for me I I just love it I use a lot of it it has all the nutrients that has the organic matter and then occasionally I would fertilize everything with a low release organic fertilizer but cow manure one application a year kind of does its job for this border and then it's pretty much we're pretty much all the way to the end what I wanted to show you here I'm just gonna swing over here this is another one of the fluxes that I bought at Costco and look at the color it's not beautiful huge flowers for phlox too and this is a jury dome and it looks so pretty together this is AJ radom that I grew from seed and I love that it's one of the taller ones they are almost two feet tall because a geraniums are usually those little puffy ones that are low to the ground but this one is gorgeous so let's just take a quick walk actually I'm going to go on the outside of the road and show you just the layers the layering of different plants and the grasses and just how lush it looks that's the burned iris I have to cut that out but overall is it's looking really good it's going to transform again and again because I have lots of dahlias coming in check out this drumstick Allium with the humorless Turkish Angora in the back it literally changes every single day anyway you guys thank you so much for watching I hope this wasn't too long or boring and if you have any questions let me know and I'll see you next time right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Y Garden
Views: 76,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden tour, perennial garden, flower garden, echinacea, how to grow perennials, how to start a garden, how to grow flowers
Id: W9w_dK_HPN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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