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Hello everybody welcome back to this channel if you are new around here welcome my name is Kaye and I review anime figurette and I also explore Akihabara as well and speaking of Akihabara we are going to explore donot today by popular request donot is considered an everything store in Japan they have so many different things so many different items from anime stuff to household stuff as well as clothes just to let you all know donot are found everywhere in every major city in Japan but for today we will be exploring it here so why don't we go take a look right now so let's [Music] [Music] go all right everyone our first part of Don kyote we're going to take a look at if you are a Pokemon lover just like myself they do have Pokémon cards here Japanese Pokémon cards actually these are about 720 Yen so in USD that would be $4.78 so really cheap pricing for these kinds of cards I actually um collected Pokémon cars when I was back in America currently don't collect them now anymore but this is kind of very nostalgic for me so really good item here so let's go take a look at some other stuff as well all right so now we are at the clothing part of donot which they have a lot of different interesting items especially for men and women what really caught my attention was the Dragon Ball boxers here which I think is so cute so we got these green ones where we have Goku we also have the Dragon Ball and the dragons on them as well so for one pair it's about 1,290 Yen which is about $857 but if you actually get two of them they're about 2,000 Yen and 2,000 yen is equivalent to $13.29 actually which I think is a pretty good deal for two boxers um I won't get them but for all of you Dragon Ball fans that would like to get them I would definitely recommend these as well they also have other boxers to for other animes as well so probably on this side let's take a look yes they also have a Disney section too so we have Deadpool boxers we got Mario boxers not Disney but still interesting Baymax boxers Toy Story boxers we also have Looney Tunes boxers too Ah that's so funny we also have minion boxers that's hysterical that's so funny same price as the Dragon Ball one so like I mentioned before one pair is 1,290 y but if you get another pair for two 2,000 Yen so really good price I really think that pretty good deal honestly let's take a look a little bit more as [Music] well [Music] you're back you're back your new behind cling so this definitely caught my attention if we look over here we got two gigantic figurine sets of Evangelion characters we got Asuka and we also got Ray uh two two of the most popular characters from Evangelion and also I think the most expensive one I've seen so far for figurines as well both of them cost $ 24545 yen in American dollar let me tell you how much that is in American dollars that would be about $639 for these two figurines like if you had to choose one you're spending over $100 for that tell me which one would you get the most if you had the money and you could get either one just one who would you get the most would you get Asa or would you get ray um in my opinion I would definitely get Asa but please let me know in the comments section and then we can definitely talk about that too but I think that was just very interesting wanted to show you guys that so let's take a look at the other figurine sets as well too we got definitely many different sections many different animes as well so not categorized by certain animes but just kind of like randomized too now if we look over here actually this is also a very interesting area so we have all these figurines here different animes as well we have ones from Demon Slayer my hero Academia highq chainsaw man as well too if we take a look here there's different pricings for them so if you wanted this figurine set just take it to the counter and then they will give it to you it seems like so I do not have the money to buy this today so I cannot show you well not just the figurines and also all the other uh accessories and also stuff that you can collect but we also have some clothing as well such as the boxers we have these lovely shirts here as well so one of these shirts I think the most popular on so far are these kinds of shirts so these anime shirts this one is from love live I have not seen this anime I haven't seen this one either that one is Naruto over here uh another Naruto one as well and there's also I don't know what this anime is I apologize everyone so from what I can understand these all these shirts cost about 3,500 Yen and an American dollar if you wanted to buy one shirt just one shirt that would be about $23.26 so I think that's a pretty good deal for one of these shirts a little bit pricey but honestly I think this Naruto shuttin shirt I think that looks really nice uh I especially love this one honestly I don't know which one I would pick more I would probably pick this one actually this one's really cool with Sasuke and [Music] Naruto all right everyone so now let's take a look at some Ramen as well also very famous in Japan let's take a look at these prices as well so we have here the first one looks like a Pokémon noodle Ramen so it's like really cute this is1 169 Yen so in US dollar that should be $112 we have big cup of noodles as well also really cheap too so this is $250 9 for just one big cup of noodles so in American dollars that should be about $11.72 so so much cheaper than back in America if I remember correctly yes and this is like really big mostly all the same prices so you got the regular they also come with a curry big noodle Ramen as well another Ramen so we also have bag Ramen so this is probably the most expensive section at the moment this is a pack of ramen here and for a pack of ramen and this is about $599 Yen and in US dollar that should be $398 so for just almost $4 you can just get like a pack of ramen like this what better deal is that you know oh what's this so what I can tell is it looks like eggs in a bag kind of weird honestly I never seen this before but this looks like eggs um where you put inside your Ramen actually this is about 148 yen and in American dollars or American money that is about 98 so I think this is probably the cheapest item we have in this section for ramen let's go explore a little bit more okay okay so now we are back in a more Pokemon section area of Don kyote Pokémon is very popular in Japan let me see if I can find my um favorite one cuz these are all like the plushies Plushies are very popular in Japan um oh there is so Eevee is actually one of my favorite Pokémons so this Eevee so it's 2,200 Yen uh before tax actually I need to mention that some of these prices are giving you is before tax this would be about $462 so $14.62 for this like little little tiny Eevee I don't know if it would be worth my money but it's really cute though so I would probably still spend it so these plushies here are the cheapest ones they are 1,800 Yen and that would be about $146 if I had to think in my head but definitely more cheaper than the other ones so really cute I would actually pay for these not all of them but probably pay for one of them maybe I would pay for the Pikachu I think the Pikachu is the cutest one so far all right I found the most expensive plushie out of all like the Pokémon plushies this one is 8,000 Yen 8,000 Yen for this giant Pikachu for in USD dollar $537 so yep that is definitely the most expensive one in my opinion I understand the price it's very big but I think I would prefer the smaller plushies a little bit more definitely a lot cheaper and cuter and easier to carry too so let's put this one back as well and then let's take a look a little bit more on this [Music] floor [Music] all right so for me this is definitely the most surprising floor of Don kote this is it seems like there's a little Maid theme going on right now so we have some maid costumes as well as some accessories too so the accessories here we have these little headbands so we have puppy headbands we also have bare headbands as well and the pricing of these is 1,290 Y which is about $8 and 57 so pretty good pricing for that if we look also over here we got so many different kinds of made costumes as well so we have many different made costumes all in different colors too so it seems like most of these um especially most of these made costumes come in different prices but from what I could see most of them do cost 5,990 Yen if I had to remember correctly this is about $398 for one of these made costumes um if I had to pick one I would maybe pick you can't go wrong with blue blue is like one of my favorite colors of course but I think the only issue is this looks like it would be made for someone a little bit smaller than me probably a little bit skinnier I'm pretty sure this would not fit me at all I mean I would like to try it on but not today honestly maybe another day definitely all right so that was the mid section area I hope you guys enjoyed that part we have one more floor to go up so let's go check that out all right guys so we are now at our almost our last stop there's two floors of these actually in Don kyot and this is where they have a lot of claw machine games as well so we're going to take a look around I definitely do want to try one of the claw machines as well I don't know which one yet maybe something either anime Pokémon related or if I find something cute then we'll figure it out but let's take a look around here cuz this is also a really cool section okay guys so the one that caught my attention was the Mario one with the mushrooms I think it just looks really cute and I definitely think it'll be maybe a little bit easy to try it's a big plushy it's a big claw machine but let's try it out so to play it's only a about 100 yen 100 yen is the same as 66 cents in America so this is going to be for one try so I'm going to try these maybe a few times and we'll see if I get lucky or not [Music] okay again crazy how time when I wonder if the bath is in the right but I do believe things come okay I'm so sorry well I'm sorry to myself that I couldn't get that plushy I'm so sad I tried three times but if you do try multiple times they do ow you to get it for not free but the staff does help you with trying to win it this time I won't do it but for those who are interested definitely consider that as well so that is it for today everyone thank you so much for joining me on my adventure into donot today please like And subscribe and also please let me know what was your favorite part about our tour of Don kot Which floor was one of your favorites which items which stuff which one was probably the weirdest or cutest thing you've seen so far thank you so much again for visiting and I will see you next time see [Music] [Music] you I got the design nice that was really funny actually really funny
Channel: Geek Out Japan
Views: 3,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: don quijote, don quijote japan, japan haul, akihabara, donki akihabara, japan shopping, akihabara shopping
Id: 0IH6swo00Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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