🇮🇳 Trying $0.25 Spicy Tibetan Laping Noodles | India Food Vlog

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tashi delek from yeah exactly we speak Tibetan in Tibetan colony I'm gonna try some traditional Tibetan food which is called laughing laughing laughing like ha ha ha no no no no laughing okay we're gonna try some laughing yeah this is how we make you it's like pasta dish or something this is what people eat in Tibet okay traditional Tibetan food I like that you wear gloves it's very clean they're not like you for hard guns everyone's coming for laughing save not just Tibetan people we have Indian people here for laughing everyone Indian person Tibetan person English person I'm excited I'm excited to try lapping did you notice how when she gave money she touched her arm by here in the middle when you give or receive something in some culture especially Buddhist culture you should be very polite and in touch your arm as you're taking it the sign of respect as you do all right let's how I'm gonna try love being with you yes so first you made like some kind of pasta penguin then some salt what's this stuff Tibetan masala it's white yeah okay interesting so a bean sorry bean okay spicy hey I can take spicy don't worry about me English people like spicy sometimes it looks very spicy soy bean yeah marker yes big dependent yeah very good Tibetan Tashi Delek only Tashi Delek you don't need anything else somebody once told me how to say I love you in Tibetan but I forgot how is it what is I love you in Tibetan not on goggle exactly exactly thank you very much thank you okay I'm gonna try this laughing - better nothing with chopsticks here we go oh good we're spicy - oh yeah I can feel the spice really well but it's good it's good he's like cold noodle but better than Burmese cold noodles this one's was got a kick oh wow it's really spicy I don't know how to describe it it's like wow it's the spiciest thing I've eaten for a long time in India so basically as you can see here is like cold pasta wraps around into a row and then we spice in the middle and soybean good good so this one little bit different this one's like soup nothing sue let me see it okay and this is laughing soup also spicy some people prefer soup look at this laughing this is the best laughing in India I heard subsets are laughing Hindustan then maybe maybe everyone's coming here from all over Delhi for the laughing poor Brits are spicy in a beginning it wasn't so spicy no I'm okay water I'm gonna take it like a man I'm gonna be okay but it's really spicy is Tibetan food spicy usually it's spicy Tibetan food no just laughing I see have a look at this how clean this is the lady wears gloves and then she takes the gloves off to touch the money and then she puts the gloves back on it's the first time I've seen Sam I so clean in India with the arm no stomach problems from this place that's 100% guarantee exactly because I really got going here nothing is only possible here that's why you're the best laughing in India in Delhi because there's no competition only you so lapping so of course she's the best okay well anyway that was Tibetan napping a food that comes from Tibet and at now the people who have moved to Delhi from Tibet because the political situation they've moved here and they continue their food traditions and people come from all over Delhi to come and try some Tibetan food as I've just done there's all the Empty Bowls that says the food was delicious there's no food in there all right I'm gonna pay and I'm gonna get out of here let's do it anybody change Nietzsche thank you very much for your laughing bad water thank you thank you for SME feel nice to meet you ah let me put the ball down you must be I can do it it's okay you must be polite when you eat you're laughing and put the bowl down there all right that was laughing from the tibetan colony Tashi Delek geology
Channel: bald and bankrupt
Views: 421,646
Rating: 4.9298372 out of 5
Keywords: Laping noodles, laphing noodles, tibetan food, indian food, india
Id: vI2kzE-WTXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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