Potbelly Pig Cooked 7 Ways - Traditional cooking with Red Dao Family in Ta Phin Village, Vietnam!

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it's a special day today we are eating this pork and it's something your family hasn't had for almost a year yes yes very special day and let's also cheers to that [Music] best ever food review show is back with another food series this time covering northern Vietnam courtesy of one trip tours and these next four weeks are gonna be magical Viet Nam's northern mountains are populated by many ethnic minorities and during this journey we'll get a closer look at how many of them live and how they eat in this series I get adopted by a red Yao family when we get done with Hoover happy yeah ok we'll make some human soup well I feel like I'm gonna giant a hot pod right now we'll get lost in one of the most colorful markets in the world banana Li the original throwaway plate and we'll try some rare mountain delicacies oh my god I've never been so happy to have a bee suit on he just told me to hold this don't smush any bees and don't drop it or else they'll all freak out so check back each week because we're doing all this and more today we're in Tov in village home of the red Yao people and before we eat I'm getting an exclusive house to work with my tour guide may we are at the house of our local guide today so you grew up here yes your whole life yes how old are you no I'm not you yeah though what we're gonna do next is we're gonna check out your house yes which is very exciting for me see how other people live let's go check it out okay my first thought when I walked into here was that your house seems huge but you said this is not a big house yeah that's not so breaker not so big okay it's a lot bigger than my apartment over here this is like a year's worth of rice yes why do you have so much rice in here we're just printing one time for one year when the India Tube Co so other places in Vietnam they can plant rice two or three times a year and just grow continuously but here in the mountains yes you just have one chance that's for the kitchen oh is this your grandma yes see my grandmother okay we are at the is this you'd call this a kitchen yes one family we have a kitchen Wow three kitchens I want three kitchens the smell just goes up and oh yeah that way yes no I'll be here to get there everything you're using it to cook but it's also drawing the other food I like it look at these like wooden stairs here yeah I can do you want me to hold it for you thank you oh god is this kind of careful uh yeah no this seems like a good idea oh it's good okay it's dirty it's nice and sturdy camera guy here next the first kitchen we saw the fire from there actually your grandma's building the fire right so the smoke is coming up and so now I know what that rice feels like okay so the rice usually you put here to drive yeah there's no rice here now is there yeah oh this is all right rice yeah you never come up here to drink yeah okay got smoked they don't care if you drink rice wine yeah oh you got cool parents my parents are lame oh yeah and your father helped build this yeah there boy the men in here about it you know they know how to move in the house all right here you got these giant wood you said this is for a leaf bath with you the local Medicine Show at Cobo broth well we wouldn't feel we feel red tired we have a Baba dance we feel real bad and then there's one more kitchen over here yes let's look at that one so right here is your third kitchen this is the drying technique right here the corn now this we just give them anymore I'm gonna pick and a chicken right here we have the fire pit this one is for the winter yes for the winter you actually get winter and snow here can you like make a snowman no we're gonna make this work okay can you make it do like a snowball fight yes okay yeah look we got snowball fights thank you for showing me your house can you tell me what's for lunch yes now we go to the forage to fry the stomach pick to make the foot lunch yeah we're going to the forest to find a pig all right pig time let's go [Music] won't you tell me how you feel right now what we're doing is called our trekking it's a fancy word for walking up a hill we're having pig today how often do you have pig we in here which is it miss for the special day maybe we have for time for one years Wow this could have almost been a vegan video that's so special we get to have a pig together today we're having a lot of fun trekking and your mom is up here oh she okay alright she's getting some fruit yes there's food all along the way oh well look at that yes I've never seen a fruit like this so this is like a berry is there a seed inside yeah you just might just buy okay you ready one two three oh oh I did the whole thing was that a I do too much sour I took a skinny grape have you had grapes have you ever had McDonald's yeah oh my god I wish I would have brought you a Big Mac everybody watching this video I hate to be now so you've never had a taco what about a taco no I don't have that can I eat the seed no no oh she's like man this guy's such a noob look I don't know what I'm doing that's why you're here let's keep going that was good I really really I just wanted to take a break from all this walking I mean yeah let's keep going I'm not tired at all [Music] good tell your mom I can talk to my cognac availa yeah no he said going I like your bail my guest here we're gonna catch a pig or is the pig cut already we have to catch the piggy we have to catch it ourselves I'm really good at catching chickens Gabby stuff it's on when I never tried to catch a pig there's a pig right over here it looks like a wild boar up here oh I hear pig noises [Music] two kilometers trekking through the truce on the terrain and now here we are I hear some pigs let's go let's go say hi is your is your mom saying hi what is this son my mum on the picture and they still come even though we're gonna eat them yeah I don't know what I'm doing do pigs bite hey why can't I pet you feeling rejected I guess there are young pigs I think we're having a young pig today I don't know how much of this we can show you know the rules for YouTube are it doesn't matter if it's a real culture and what they actually do it just matters if someone you know in New York has their feelings hurt by it this is a very new experience for me we climb two kilometers were at the top of a mountain what what are we doing now we go to the cut the peak do they have like a handle mm-hmm we're gonna catch the pig put it in a basket and walk it back two kilometres to your house yeah and then from there no wouldn't know it's what happens but it turns into food let's go catch a pig I've done this before maybe a bit something half okay if I catch of this paint right here what will you give me I get to eat it for free yes okay yes but I think you cannot pass for this big for this run very fast Oh what the heck a like-new it was on camera okay it's all right there we see the pig the pig suspects nothing it does not know that there is a crazy hunter oh I took one step this way and it ran away I wasn't even close to it I think it oh do you see it you see okay Oh No why is it so shy oh there's one right there I'm gonna go forward [Music] oh I was so close did you see me yeah like I grabbed it by the foot and then it like kicked me and it called me a bad name oh my gosh I was so close it looks like they somebody caught some already this might be better it's time to get some vegetables to round out our meal and the garden is oh are the vegetables here yes oh this is the vegetable section right here the produce section [Music] right now we're picking vegetables for our meal okay I should say they're picking vegetables I'm more just kind of hanging out but look you need me to catch a pig I can do that you need me to catch a vegetable I've never done that before but they're good at it [Music] you did a wonderful job with your mother picking all these vegetables and now we're we're gonna prepare them and we're gonna eat that yes no you didn't know no okay coke be patient I have a question about your outfit is this like a traditional elephant yes is there something that you actually wear like normally for the special day when I go to the Red Wing nuria I wear for this costume oh I go to the outside my village I also wear the costume you're 19 you said that your your old yes in my village everyone think I'm a very old lady because many people in my village they get nervous where they're only nineteen nineteen fourteen or fifteen year though they all ready to get married and not yet you know they already are already to have one or two kids oh my gosh what was I doing I couldn't even drive a car in my culture if I want to get nervous my parents are coz Phi has will help me but I don't like that I don't want to get married not oddly maybe in the future I can find another guy or if you find somebody if you will your parents be okay with that yes maybe that's the only way okay so when their parents set you up with another guy what do they look for what kind of qualities he know how to look no right Theo and Cole feel he know how to fly the wood to building the house that's my parent thing oh you have a good boy that he does it feels so different but then so many familiar things too I mean there's people still using cell phones you're on Facebook but then at the same time everyone here is still living very traditionally yes there's still people having arranged marriages and the qualities are looking for in a partner are like can you build a house and grow some rice but if you're looking for a guy do you care about if he can build a house what do you what do you care about That's not me oh I think if I can fight the guys and I love him I can get mirus with him maybe I want to channel it a bit for my culture yes so maybe just find a nice guy yes when you really like yeah maybe he he don't know how to fight the wood to be the house but that's okay he says as long as you like each other [Music] your mom here is hard at work the peg we got today it's not here standard like an industry farm-raised what's special about that meatball would five not stick on the forest and then we have to keep them so those are wild pigs but you just feed them yes and then get them comfortable with you yes and then once in a while you eat one and they kind of forgive you yes yeah as long as you keep eating them right here we have our boiling pork leaving stuff for the pup but not the pie fried and then this is being barbecue it's is that the skin yet for the skin yeah oh yeah it looks good are you excited are you hungry dinner is almost ready but we can't have dinner without a place setting and there's some growing on this tree over here are we getting some banana leaves so yeah cut for this tree okay this is a mean machine right here look at that so I just hit it hard yeah okay oh no it's dirty I wasted a whole plate oh come here come here come here oh nice and clean before we don't have the bowl with you this little Bowl to eat to eat something I'll just eat right off of that look at this this is our place man for dinner that's awesome you know you better you better take this from me cuz I'm gonna hurt somebody alright thank you [Music] we're here the food is done it looks amazing and you are raring to go with its rice wine so you do not have to wait any longer my friend let's do it rice wine time oh yeah buddy first I want to say thank you so much for bringing us together to make this incredible meal and I can't wait to try it how do you say thank you in your language Dottie touching okay that Jane nutty so how do you say cheers just so-so Cheers I mean I can't believe how much came from that kind of a smaller-sized pig there's so much food here can we talk about what some of this is hot yes a boiled pork pork meat shall vamoose intestine what is the black part though Oh with my stool oh this is yet is barbecue that looks really nice you ever try mixing that with Diet Mountain Dew actually in my culture when we were doing rice why was it a book one person who can drink about three or four bowl before they die nice when we get down we can go to sleep oh oh my god there's more food how all of this is from that one ah the fried one so we've also added the fried pork right here so this is the pork intestine yes okay and who clean this my father okay I trust you I trust you with my intestine so I saw him in there all right let's try it oh yeah it's really excellent mmm that's really tremendous it was very salty it's a little bit chewy it is not gamey no strong like animal smell it doesn't smell like the locker room of a bunch of pigs after they played basketball you know it just it smells good as we eat I wanted to ask you a couple other questions one of the kind of defining features of the red Yao people is what we see with the shaving of the eyebrows in that era where does that come from ah that's in my culture hmm if we get nervous we have to check for the hair in your umbrella it will save the hair hair that's make me lucky you'll be lucky yes you know a lot of people comment on my videos they say they can't see my eyebrows do you think that's kind of lucky I didn't yeah I think so okay I'm gonna think about it check this out your dad's just doing it took down know your dad knows how to party look at this guy he's like rice wine pork towplow he is in heaven right now oh that was a monster head bro do you ever do the triple r for the main enemy oh yeah oh that seems kind of sexist I feel like women should smoke too he loaded up another one a double hitter wait is he going for the triple hit is he going for the turkey Oh Oh God I don't want to be impolite I'm just gonna do it a little bit I mean are you sure you don't want to try I think it would be a step forward for equality if the women also tried oh I'm dizzy you have to eat for the Sun forty with this one yeah I like green food more why yeah yo you guys know how to party do you want to do the boat you're doing wrestling no I really don't I don't I need to draw a line somewhere maybe if you use do this that's your vein yeah you know you have a lot of stuff related to luck I feel like you're just making stuff up at this point you keep killing it over there we're gonna come back to the food mm-hmm we're gonna come back to the food there you go k we've got this beautiful oh you just hand in the to me I love this guy delicious fried guys look at me I'm a machine I'm buzzing hard off of took Lao and I still keep the food show a rollin let's go was dried up mmm care for the book mmm I just eat the bun that is tremendous oh my gosh who made this rice wine my father seriously it is so impressive you're like a Renaissance man no you're not like a Renaissance man family together you guys can grow your own food build your own house get your own water make rice wine get texts or phone calls yeah all of that together it's amazing this one is the barbecued what are they cute yes all right let's try to where's lemongrass I'm so blown away I look at this table hey hey we're making a food show yeah even the cat is jealous that's how good this meal is that cat is down here like yo yeah yeah can you give me a foot or something at least I'm starting to understand no matter where I am in this country never doubt Vietnam and never doubt the quality of food and cuisine and kind of passion that goes into making everything you know I love food in Saigon and that's where I've had most of my Vietnamese food but even being way out here this isolated area way up in the mountains of Vietnam the food is absolutely tremendous I can't believe it thank you so much for this experience we're gonna eat the rest of this off camera thank you come on G thank you and thank you so much and for you guys if you're looking for an amazing way to experience the real Vietnam let me tell you about one trip one trip is a company putting on tours all over Vietnam currently in Saigon Danang and high-end from food tours to adventure tours one trip has you covered for more information on one trip check the links in the description down below I will see you next week [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,408,020
Rating: 4.8979635 out of 5
Keywords: ta phin village, red yao people, red dao, red yao minority, vietnam minority, vietnam ethinic minority, potbelly pig, eating potbelly pig, sapa, sapa food, where to eat in sapa, ta phin tour guide, ta phin tour, Sapa tour, vietnamese food, vietnam food, sonny side, best ever food review show, can you eat potbelly pig
Id: 1k4FHNzU1eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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