🇨🇦Riding the Canada's Greatest Sleeper Train || The Canadian (Vancouver→Winnipeg)
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Channel: Kuga's Travel
Views: 2,057,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, USA, yt:cc=on, canada, vancouver, winnipeg, The canadian, sleeper, train, totonto, snow, jasper, rocky mountain, カナダ, バンクーバー, 寝台列車, カナディアン号, kugaくが, Kuga's travel, solosolo, スーツ, 西園寺, ウィニペグ, トロント, transcontinental, 大陸横断, 列車, 鉄道, 雪, ロッキー山脈
Id: JUT-ikLAdG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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