한국 워터파크 접수한 영국 쌍둥이!! 역대급 하이텐션🤟🤩(+초초초대형 먹방?!!)

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[Music] Wow oh my goodness that's really hard to tell you guys apart way I'm really crazy bless you hey Ian Charles time to go see a walk oh yes amazing beautiful ocean world my only film from this point on so see you on the other side you guys ready I'm gonna go people to baptize today [Music] ISAC Lord oh my gosh [Music] Oh suddenly right now well [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah baby Charles and I are competitive we wanted to find a racing slide and we did [Music] then after that I mean classic Charles and I we saw these three guys on this bridge doing the swinging thing and we were like we can take you that we did quite well I mean people were falling off after like three or four seconds we're on for a wire these guys were doing [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think the last person to touch the realtor with me I don't think that's true we have we have we right but even if you like it so it shows who I only fell in because of your mouth coordination I'm not sure so I was really excited to take Charles to do weights you know we've gotta set it up a lot a part is fun it's awesome yeah but they're weapons which in every way a machine is that mean but Korea is like you like you're a little bit worried about your kind of well-being [Music] we went to this other pool and you guys started swimming and I just thought I'd walk across the water as my lord does it's one of the things we Christians can do we just walk on water not really there was it there was a bridge there was a bridge that's a good little surprise I have actually don't yeah yeah water pilot it has the rapture will we go up oh I actually got a little surprise for you I thought it would be fun to invite anyone who's here yeah to come and eat with us so we've said that we're gonna buy chicken for anyone who comes eat altogether do I'm not bound with you know however many people are here so we walk up the steps and sun-young was like oh my gosh I thought my soldiers greet me every day yeah we're you're some food ready oh my Wow this is oval chicken and duck mochi that is why easy let's start serving up shall yes grab a tray ch Olli this is mental there's so many big I love it I love it that was that was great I was really nice to put kind of the comments and to a person and you just see like hundred people were like [Applause] sometimes people get a little bit oh I'm like war on earth I'm like a vicar from West London her eyes she dares dead you say up must eat dead you sale must eat dead you say oh my Ted you stay off the biggest bang ever this is a feeling of the five thousand we're having lots of fish I say grace of everyone yeah Zoey Shimon Amy okey-dokey on Dale lord thank you for everyone here bless his spirit bless this time together and maybe we'll have fun I'm in I'm in let's sit down and eat that's so funny it's just so cool you didn't see this guy what is this stuff we've been service people I've been asking them you have literally no other ideas on boys now at least it's a fish cake take yourself a dick Wow actually that's already noise that's really tasted now this is double deep okay knock cookie oh hey mail feature oh that's dangerous now that texture I don't know if you would have ever had anything that texture before this it's like an intense anytime just give you mood yeah girl be careful it's spicy yeah yeah Molly's favorite combination yet is the chicken in the top puppy sauce don't get okay a little bit of chibok key is what he calls it she bought keep me at she became I just get stuck in my kiss nothing enjoying the food yeah I'm doing the food but I'm loving the fact I'm not cold either yeah like we've been swimming in the water yeah and went outside and it's warm and lush yeah it's like a really lovely temperature Holly Josh thank you second time what sparked with me to win first time for me I I saw the previous one I was like that needs to happen with me talking to my main country we will come through other time up we now all know you're going on there right the edges are there [Applause] [Applause] and then we were all packing up really going we've got on the card and then you were like just one more thing you took us up this mountain we are not this gondola really high and as you're going up you start seeing more of the landscape which is just phenomenally beautiful like mountains covered in green trees and rolling hills and it was really stunning and then we get up there they have these swings these huge swings that swing off the edge into like this kind of cliff face and you're just in front of this beautiful scene like if I take rose we get pretty bold yeah you've got you got a bit bolder kids Yeah right we do youdo the finger parents probably don't have to push I'll give a little bit seriously if they're sort of guy next to me with his kid I'm going higher you don't think that you're gonna have that no adult doing that to you right yeah but these guys they were jumping yeah you've got our bladder yeah Jones off sister so you got the most epic push you're ever having a life from another human being yeah you I just went high I mean I went really high I think I went higher than Charles [Music] you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 5,561,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 댄, 단, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: 63CT2Ttd3RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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