[한국어ASMR] 립제품 소개+발라보기 츄 Lipstick ShowandTell+Application Chu
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Channel: Dana ASMR
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Keywords: asmr, lipstick asmr, lipstick application asmr, 립제품 asmr, 립스틱 asmr, 립글로즈 asmr, lipstick application, lipgloss asmr, application asmr, 립 asmr, 한국어asmr, 립타투asmr, 립타투, chopstick asmr, mouth sounds asmr, lip smacking asmr, dana, 데이나, dana asmr, whisper ear to ear, ear to ear asmr, whisper asmr, zoomh6, 입소리asmr, 데이나asmr, 입소리, 입술소리, 립스틱, 립글로즈, 찹스틱, 클리오, 니베아, 키코립스틱, 페리페라, 라네즈립글로즈, trying on asmr, 발라보기 asmr, 시도asmr, binaural asmr, stereo sound, sleep, 수면, 수면 asmr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 12sec (6792 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2016
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