BarberShop ASMR(Clipper, Haircut, Shaving) 갑자기 영어하는 바버샵ASMR (이발기, 가위, 면도)

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Thanks the Gods! Another English one by Dana. She is one of the very best ever!!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/j_roos 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Holy crap someone else named Dana

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/danag8285 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hello Hi, I'm Dana. Nice to meet you. I'm going to be taking care of you today. Okay? So, how are you feeling today? Good? Bad? Okay, I'll take that. So, I'm going to put this around you. Okay? Tell me if it's too tight. There we go. How is it? It's okay? Okay, that's good. Not too tight over here? Okay. So, what can I do for you today? Yeah, okay. Of course I could do that. Okay. So, are you going to do shaving also? You're going to shave? Okay. Can I touch it? Okay. Okay. Sure. I don't think it's going to take a lot of time. Okay Then let's get started right away. You're in good hands, don't worry. It's a little cold, okay? Now, let's make sure your hair stays where it's supposed to be There. Okay. Ready? Now, first... whoops. You ok? Okay. First, I'm going to move you a little bit to the side There we go. Good. And we're gonna work with a larger clipper first. Okay, here it goes. Tell me if it feels uncomfortable in any way, okay? Good. Looks good. Now, let's move your chair to the other side. Perfect. Now, I'm going to do the same thing over here. Hold still. Good. Nice, okay. Let's pull your chair back to the middle. How are you holding up? So far so good? Last part of the clippers. I'm going to make a line over here. Can you feel that? Yes, right there. Now, if your skin's a little bit sensitive, you might feel a bit itchy. But it will be over really quick so hang tight there. Okay? Let's see. Here it goes! Done. Not so bad, right? You can go to sleep if you want. A lot of customers go to sleep when I cut their hair. Okay, now let's move you back to the middle. There, let's see. Yeah, everything looks good. Okay, perfect! I'm going to get you some hot towel for shaving. Okay? First, before anything I'm going to put a hot towel on your face Ready? Here it goes. Can you feel the heat? It's actually quite warm, right? Yeah, that's a really nice feeling. I'm going to rub it and give a short massage Nice. And now, I'm gonna cover all your face, okay? Ready? There. Now, I want you to stay like this for about 30 seconds. Okay. Now I'm going to remove it. Gently remove the towel From around your chin a little bit more Okay, okay. Good. Now... I made some shaving cream. I'm gonna apply this on your face, okay? Let's see. oops. Gently around your chin Below there. I'll make sure I cover all your hair Good. And now I'm going to do this one more time. Okay? Nice. And I'm going to count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 And again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Good. Nice. Now, I'm going to use a razor and I want you to stay still cos this is a bit sharp. Okay? Okay, hold still. Good. Make sure I cover all the hair on this side and also over here. Let's make sure I don't leave out any hair. And to the chin Can you close your mouth? Mm, right over there. Yeah, you have hair here too. Let's get that removed Done. I got all of 'em. Maybe a bit over here. Just one more time Okay. There we go. Good. Now, let me wash off the remainders Good. Yeah The scent is kinda strong, right? Yeah, it is. So, that's why we mix it with water. Some of the customers told us that it's kind of strong. It's not that bad though, right? I like this smell. It's an aftershave gel. Just giving you a bit of a massage. Massaging your chin. Good job. Now I'm done with everything so, I'll take you to the shampoo room. Follow me. ;) Okay. Lay down gently, good. And relax. Are you comfortable? Okay, good. Now I'm going to cover your eyes, okay? Gently. Perfect. Good job. Now, I'm going to take your back to your seat okay? I did some styling while I was drying your hair, you can see that I made your hair go this way right. Now I'm going to use some wax to make them fixed, Okay? Like this from front to back, front to back, when you style at home. make sure you go from front to back, like this, okay? Comb it gently. Making sure that it stays its shape. Nice. You look very neat and fancy. Are you planning to go somewhere today? Let me take off your gown, okay. So, I think everything is done. Thank you for visiting today, and I hope to see your again next time. Now I go get your coat, okay? follow me.
Channel: Dana ASMR
Views: 4,353,645
Rating: 4.8734097 out of 5
Keywords: Dana, 데이나, 다나, ASMR, Dana ASMR, 한국 ASMR, Korea ASMR, Korean, Korean ASMR, shaving asmr, shaving, shaving barber, shaving cream asmr, shaving cream, shaving beard, pomade haircut, haircut asmr, asmr haircut experience, barber asmr, barber shop, barber shave, barber shop asmr, barber shop massage, barber shop shaving, barber shop asmr massage, barber shop asmr shaving, barber shop haircut, barber shop binaural, barber shop roleplay, barber shop asmr roleplay, 면도, barber cut, 가위
Id: P0l8LY8z0rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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